From Tragedy a Romance

By Mark Searles

Published on Jan 17, 2011


I was still so confused. Was he just a straight guy that needed a good jerk off? Could he really be that clueless as not to know how I felt about him? Did he know and was he so cruel to torture me that way? Or, did he feel exactly the way I felt about him?

The next evening I was sitting at my desk studying. My phone rang, it was Brad. "Stop what you're doing and come over here."

I got my coat and rushed out the door. When I arrived at Brad's the house looked dark. I knocked on the door. Brad opened it. He wore black pants, a white shirt and a black tie. He'd gotten a hair cut that day; his sandy brown hair shined and yet still seemed light and moved effortlessly with him. All in all he looked stunning. Without saying a word he took me by the hand, pulled me towards him and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Then, like an excited kid, he said, "Come with me."

He led me by the hand to the dining room. Besides Brad, what I saw was pure elegance. The lights were off except for two candles on the table that flickered and illuminated the room. White dishes and linens shone among the black table cloth back drop. Suddenly I felt quite underdressed in my t-shirt and jeans. Brad said, "I've got something to tell you. I got some great news today; the doctor gave me a clean bill of health. I couldn't think of anyone else that I wanted to celebrate the news with. I have the house to myself tonight, so I set this up as a way to repay you for all that you've done for me. I hope you are surprised and that you enjoy it."

For the first time in a very long time, I was speechless. That didn't matter to Brad; he pulled out a chair for me, and motioned for me to sit down. Then he presented me with the most chic plate of food. He sat down across from me. I didn't want to eat, I couldn't, and all I could do was pick at it and stare into his eyes from across the table. He asked, "Is everything OK?"

I answered, "Everything's great, you've really outdone yourself. I guess I'm just still a little shocked. This was so unexpected, and such a surprise. It all happened so fast. I'm really, really happy for you, and I can tell you are thrilled. I knew you were doing great. You know I didn't expect to be repaid by anything other than your friendship. This is too much."

"This is just the beginning. But I do have a few more confessions to make. I know you were really surprised when I called you from the hospital that night. But you know I chose you for a reason. I've had my eye on you for a very long time. My gaydar went off almost as soon as we met for the first time. I asked around about you, I knew more about you than you knew. Most of all, I knew you would be compassionate and loyal. I was so worried that maybe I was asking too much of you and how you would respond. But I really hoped that the experience would draw us closer together. It would give us the opportunity to get to know one another. Also, you know all those times you crashed on my bed, I usually didn't sleep, I usually sat there looking at you, longing for you, and sometimes even stroked your hair. I'm really sorry that I led you on like that. You know for a very long time I was in no condition to do anything; then when I started to feel better I started planning this evening. Yesterday should never have happened. It wasn't part of my plan at all. I wanted to take my time and really make this evening special." He reached across the table; he took my hand, "think of this as our first date."

Tears welled up in my eyes; I couldn't believe what he was saying. Without letting go, he stood up. He said, "Come with me." Holding hands, he led me back to his bedroom. We stood next to his bed and faced each other. He let go of my hand, reached up and took me into his embrace. He leaned in and his lips touched mine. Our mouths parted, his tongue entering my mouth and finding my tongue. We kissed, exploring one another's mouth. As if in control of themselves, our hands began exploring one another's body. My hands explored the muscles and ridges in his back. Then they moved down to pull his dress shirt from the waistband of his pants. I put my hands beneath his shirt and felt his firm skin. Brad grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt, we released our embrace, and he pulled my shirt up over my head. We stared reveled in one another's gaze. He took great pleasure in running his fingers from my waist and through the hair on my chest. He worked his hands up repeatedly over my chest and across my nipples, up to my shoulders and ever so softly down my arms. I leaned in and we kissed again. My hands reached for the top of his shirt and began unbuttoning it, never parting our lips. I pushed his shirt down over his shoulders. I ran my hands over his smooth chest and pinched his nipples until I felt them get hard in my hand. Our lips parted and I took a step back. It was the first time I'd ever seen him with his shirt off, and he was more beautiful than I could have imagined. I just stared at him, taking it all in for a moment. His chest was hairless with skin as white as cream. His dimed sized brown nipples sat perfectly on well defined pecs. His arms were musculature, but not too much, muscles that I'd never seen hidden beneath his clothes. They were perfect for his body. I could just see the faint outline of abs. Later he told me that he had kept up with working out his upper body, even when he couldn't work his legs. I didn't know. I didn't work out so it was something we didn't share. The only hair on his chest was the light blonde treasure trail that disappeared into the top of his pants.

Slowly Brad got down on his knees. He undid my belt and button flys. He pulled them down exposing my briefs that were barely containing my eight inch cock. There was a spot of precum already on the fly. He licked at it through the fabric. After he got them nice and wet, and had completely driven me wild, he pulled down my briefs. My cock was hard and pointing at his face. He grabbed the base of it. With his tongue he poked at the slit. He licked around the head of my cock, then slowly his lips wrapped around the head and then down to the base. My cock is thick and he had a hard time getting it all the way in; but he kept his mouth working its way up and down the shaft of my cock, pulling back to the head, teasing it with his tongue and finally was able to get me all the way to the back of his throat his nose buried in my pubes. I couldn't help myself; I ran my hands through his hair and held his face there. Brad grabbed my hips and directed my body down onto his bed. I laid back my legs still hanging off the side, my feet on the floor. Brad stood up and removed his pants. He climbed on top of me, his hard cock resting against mine and poking me in the stomach. He kissed me deeply, our tongues once again twisted together in passion. Brad pushed my arms up over my head, he continued his kisses on my chin, my shoulder, then around to my right pit where he buried his face and lapped at the hair. He worked his way down to my nipples biting each until they were hard. I was breathing heavily and could feel a puddle of precum collecting on my stomach. He worked his way down and cleaned it up before taking my cock in his mouth again. He knelt on the floor and spread apart my legs. He licked my inner thigh and then down under my hairy balls before taking the first then the next into his mouth. I'd never felt my cock so hard before, nor did I think I could generate so much precum. Brad licked his way up my balls and took my cock in his mouth all the way to the base. I went wild, and once again grabbed the back of his head, only this time my hips moved in motion with his head and I began fucking his face. My moans got louder and louder and he encouraged me with his own. I could feel my cum as it worked its way up the shaft of my cock and I shot my load. Wave after wave of hot cum flooded Brad's mouth; he tried to swallow, but it was a load so huge that it filled his mouth and dripped out the sides. Not to worry, Brad diligently licked it up and cleaned my cock.

Brad stood up, a drop of his pre-cum dripped from his cock down to my leg. The head of his cock was glistening. I had to taste him. I sat up, his cock in front of my face. I took his tool into my mouth. He tasted salty and wonderful. He threw his head back and moaned. I could tell he was as worked up as I and it wasn't long before he was fucking my face. I gagged when his head hit the back of my throat, having never had any practice in this kind of thing, but I wanted him so bad. I sucked him so hard, I wanted to suck the cum right out of him. I grabbed his balls, I could tell they were tight and full, I knew it wouldn't take long before I was rewarded with his salty treat. I was right; his hot sperm filled my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could. I was in heaven; he pulled out his cock and rubbed it all around my mouth and face. Then he bent down and licked the last few drops of cum from my face before once again sticking his tongue in my mouth, I was so turned on knowing that I was tasting our cum together.

Brad reached over and tapped the pillow. "Lay on your stomach and put your head here, I want to give you a massage." I did what he said. He straddled my legs; I could feel his balls brushing up against me. He oiled up his hands and started giving me the most relaxing massage. He worked my neck, shoulders, and kneaded my back. I was so relaxed I was almost asleep. His hands made their way down to my ass where he worked my glutes. My cock began to come to life again. In fact, I could feel his hardness brushing my body too. He pushed his hand between my legs, and spread them slightly. His hand reached down, rubbed and lubed that area between my balls and my ass. Then reached beneath me, I raised my hips, and he rubbed my cock. When he stopped jerking my cock, he worked his hands down my legs. Surprisingly, I felt something that was new to me. I felt Brad's hot breath on my tense hole, then the tip of Brad's tongue sweeping the hairy crack of my ass. "Oh God," I moaned.

Brad spread my cheeks and licked at my sphincter. I buried my head into the pillow. Instinctively, I pushed my ass back on his tongue. I moaned over and over again as he put his tongue deeper and deeper into me, fucking me with his tongue. I was in ecstasy, I slammed my hand on the mattress, and I screamed with pleasure and bit into the pillow. Then he stopped, lubed up a finger and put it inside my waiting hole. Brad had been a master at completely relaxing me, so his finger entered easily. With his other hand he grabbed my cock, and jerked and finger fucked me at the same time. He put another finger inside me, he told me to relax. He was getting me ready for my first fucking. I wanted to feel him inside me so bad. I begged for him to fuck me. I didn't care how much I had heard it would hurt, I knew that Brad had prepared me well, and was going to be gentle. Soon, I felt him poke my wet, loose hole with the head of his cock. "Fuck me," I pleaded. He eased the head of his cock just past my sphincter. It was a lot bigger than I had expected. I started to push him out, but he told me just to leave it there and relax. Soon he was easing his cock inside me, stopping every now and then for me to relax. Finally, he was all the way inside me. I could feel his pubes up against my cheeks. He leaned down and kissed my neck, checked in on me, "How does that feel."

My insides were burning, but I felt so much desire, I barely noticed. He grabbed my hips and pulled me into him. I had tears in my eyes, but it was from the pure joy of being fucked by the person who I loved the most right then. He started working his cock in and out, at first slowly, and then faster. It wasn't long before I was enjoying being fucked, and I met his thrusts with the thrusts of my hips. I got up on all fours; I was sweating from every pore. We had both already cum once, so now we could both last a lot longer. And a lot longer it lasted. He wanted to see my face, and I his. He turned me over on my back and pushed my legs up over my head. He slid his cock back inside me he fucked me faster and harder. This time it felt like his cock was even further inside. We had become one. "I'm going to cum," he announced. Just then he let out a scream; he forced his cock all the way inside me, I felt his cock pulse six or seven times inside me and pumped a load full of his boy juice deep inside. The feeling of his cock pulsing and the hot cum filling me up was enough for me; my cock spasmed and cum sprayed all over me, shots hit my head and I had a mess all the way down the front of me. Brad stayed inside me and let his cock get soft and fall out. He laid on top of me, my legs still wrapped around him. He used his hand to gently wipe the cum from my face, and mixing my cum and sweat on his own hairless chest. We were spent. We fell on the bed. Before I knew it he was asleep, holding me in his arms.

I couldn't sleep that night, my cock kept me awake. It kept rising and falling every time I thought of the night's events. I think Brad was having the same sweet dreams. His hard cock rubbed against me several times that night too. I wanted to return the favor for Brad. Gently I removed his arms from around me. I eased my way off the bed. He rolled onto his stomach. I positioned my body at the end of the bed. For the first time I saw his healed scars on his legs. With my finger I gently began to trace his scar. At first he pulled away. I knew how self-conscious he felt about them, but I wanted to show him how much they didn't bother me. After a few moments he relaxed and I again gingerly traced his scar with my finger. I was so moved that I bent down and kissed them. Inch by inch I kissed them. When I was done, I felt like I had said all that I needed to say. I worked my way up and kissed that little fold where his ass met his leg. I then worked my way down between his legs, softly running the tip of my tongue across his balls and to the other side of his ass. He spread his legs. I spread his ass. I buried my face into his smooth ass crack and forced my tongue deep inside of him fucking him with my tongue. He moaned. I climbed on top of him, my hard cock resting on his ass crack. I reached for the lube and spread it on my cock. I pushed my cock into his ass crack and lubed his ass with my cock. I pressed my sizeable cockhead into his tight hole. He grunted. I pushed in further. He relaxed his muscle so that I could bury my cock deep inside. He began rocking back and forth on the bed, clearly indicating that he needed a good hard pounding. I in turn matched his rocking and pounded my cock inside of him. Over and over my cock pulled back and plunged deep within his insides. I could feel the cum swelling up my shaft. I screamed, he forced his hips back and I grabbed on to his hips forcing my cock as far as I could inside him. I could feel his sphincter muscle grab my cock and milk it. My cum filled his insides and he shot all over the bed. I pulled out, and he rolled over. Still straddling him, he pulled me close to him. He leaned up, put his face next to my ear, kissed my cheek and whispered "I love you."

If you enjoyed my novella, please let me know how much.

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