From Roommate to Pet

Published on Oct 28, 2022


From Roommate to Pet, part 4

From Roommate to Pet, part 4

By Lyo Fisher <>

Posted at, please donate if you enjoy the story!

This is a fictional story about college boys having sex. If you are under legal age to access pornographic material in your country or don't enjoy that or the themes listed below, just don't read it, for both our sake. Thank you.

Themes: service, cuddling, humiliation, oral, cuffs, light hypnosis, sensory deprivation, training

I can't even remember when I published the last chapter honestly. I'm really sorry I can't write faster than this - This time my excuse come from an actually pretty happy year, which kept me deadly busy. Thank you so much for all the mails I received to encourage me. I know I haven't answered as much as I should, but I read it all, and it's what got me to write again today.

I hope you'll enjoy this part!

"Oh yes, Leo. I'm sure we will have some fun."

Damn, speak of mood swings. A second ago, I was sobbing against his leg, scared that he would kick me out for not being a good enough fit. Now, he was holding me against him, cuddling me, and his hard bulge was poking through his tight red boxers against my stomach, and I was in total disbelief.

I was looking to him with a shy grin, my eyes red, and he smirked to me. "But you gotta promise me you'll do everything I say, alright?" He raised a hand, gently pushing aside some of my hair out of my face. "I'm gonna try to make you fit my expectations, but don't want to waste my time if you're not actually ready to put some effort in this too, right?" He let his hand explore my back, reaching for my left buttcheek, grinning. "Can you promise me you'll be a good boy, Leo?"

I was completely taken aback, the situation feeling completely surrealist to me. I was naked in the arms of a living gay fantasy, and he offering me a really simple deal. And honestly, I wasn't thinking about it at all - I probably would have accepted to sell him my souls and my parents' at this point - but I was just too busy processing it all to actually answer. It took a squeeze of his hand on my ass to get me back to reality as I bit my lower lip to muffle a moan. "So?" He raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer... Which I gave in the form of really excited nods. "I need you to say it, Leo. Please."

I gulped, avoiding his gaze for a second, before nodding again. "I... I'll do everything you say, Ezekiel... I'll... I'll be a good boy, I promise!"

He smiled, and leant forward to kiss me.

Now... you need to remember... I was a virgin. I hadn't even kissed before. That meant that... Well, for once, I was probably awful at trying to kiss back. But most importantly, it felt like heaven to me, and in my head, Ezekiel was the best kisser in the world - only one of the many things he was amazing at.

I honestly heard myself purring by the time he pulled back and grinned to me. If he hadn't owned me before, this would have done the trick... Which made his next request so simple to accept: "You're adorable Leo. But I think you should call me Sir, from now on. Now you can repeat what you just said."

This actually made me chuckle. I mean... This was barely noticeable amongst the daze of incredible things that was happening that night. Sure, of course I can do that, anything if this meant staying in his arms. "I'll do everything you say... Sir. I promise I'll be a good boy, Sir."

It was actually much easier to say now. Ezekiel just kissed me again, and it made it all worth it for me.

"Now I guess I should reward you for being such a good boy..." I frowned, answering: "W-what? N-no you don't... You don't need to... I mean... You kissing me is... is... uhm..." I know I was blushing again, and I tried to avoid his amused gaze. "Such a good boy. But no, I really want to give you something you've been really wanting for a while..." I looked at him curiously and, with a wide smirk from him, his hand moved back to my head, and he pushed me down. I wasn't stupid - I knew what was coming, and I was thankful this lead me to a position where neither my face nor my crotch was visible from my roommate.

In a few seconds, my face was pressed against Ezekiel's crotch. His hand was still on the back of my head, and he started to pet me gently, keeping the pressure against him, as if I would have tried to flee. "I'm sure this is better than a discarded boxer, isn't it, boy?" I only nodded with a little moan, as I took his musk deep into my lungs with each breath, distracted by the feeling of his bulge against my nose, against my cheek, against my lips. It was burning hot, and throbbing... "Of course it is. The real thing." He chuckled, and to my surprised, grabbed my cock, pulling it between my legs, exposing it, hard. "You really like my smell, don't you? Look how hard you are already..." He teased me with a single finger, up and down the shaft.

"Now, Leo... You might be a virgin, but I know you're not stupid." I was honestly too lost in his musk to really react to this. I was red with shame as I realized I was actually grinding my face slowly against his crotch. "Come on, I'm sure you're a lil' slut, deep down." I was a bit shaken at the word, but knew it was probably just sex talk... Right? But that didn't matter for long, as his second hand pulled the band of his boxers, slowly revealing his blond, trimmed pubes, actually releasing more and more of his intoxicating smell... until, with a slap of his flesh against mine, his shaft sprung into freedom.

I actually whimpered, surprised by the pain it caused my cheek. Then again, I soon realized it wasn't that surprising... Ezekiel was hung. I'm sure he had fun teasing my own 8 inches cock, but his was... I'm not sure, actually, it's not that easy to estimate size like this, but I could bet it was around 10 inches long, and much thicker than mine. I pulled myself up on my forearm, staring at it, my mouth agape. "What is it, Leo?" His voice was almost serious. "You're gay, right? Haven't you fantasized on sucking some cock before?"

I blinked at him. "B-but..!" He grabbed by balls, and I gasped. "What is it? You need to actually use words so I can understand you, Leo..." He was grinning, and I understood what he wanted. I bit my lower lip and, trying to avoid his gaze, found myself staring at his huge shaft again, his balls just as impressive, held up by the boxers' band underneath. I gulped. "It's... it's huge, Ez- I mean, Sir." I felt his hand on my head, and he pushed me down toward his crotch again. "I know, boy. Which means there's even more work to do on it... And I'm sure you'll be glad to lick it entirely, won't you?"

I whimpered, both with embarrassement at his words and with excitement. He wasn't wrong... I definitely wanted it. My tongue was already out, and when it made contact with his flesh, I let out a moan so loud it made him chuckle. "Yeah... Go on, Leo, show me how much you want to stay around my flat." His grin could be heard in his voice, but I didn't care. I was already exploring his shaft, from the very base, almost his ballsacks, to the tip, my eyes closed. To my surprise, it didn't taste anything special, despite his musk filtering through my nostrils. But it was so smooth... I was getting lost in my discovery, almost trying to learn every vein and every shapes of this wonderful piece.

But after a while, he interrupted me. "Pull my foreskin back... And put your lips around my head." How could I resist anything said with his voice? I wouldn't have dared look back up to him, but I could imagine his angel face, his lips behind this voice, and I just wanted to please him... And, well, let's admit it, despite the challenge, I really wanted to suck on his cock.

And so I did. I used two shy fingers to pull his foreskin back and his dick away from his amazing abs - gosh, I would definitely lick his pre from there later if I could - finally inserting his dark purple cockhead between my lips. "Ahmmh... Look at me..." Reluctantly, I did, knowing this would made my cheeks turn bright red at the idea that I was seen as a cocksucker - litterally - by this boy I adored. But what I saw made me suddenly much more comfortable: Ezekiel's perfect face, with a gentle smile, as he rubbed the back of my head, slightly pushing me lower as I complied. "You're so cute, Leo... With your lips stretched around me like that." I tried to smile at his praise, and realized how hard it was with a cock already three inches deep in me.

He grinned, and without any warning, pushed down violently on my head. I'm not sure what he expected, knowing my lack of experience, but that made me fight him back vigorously as my gag reflex took control of my throat and my body, to fight against the massive intruder. He let me back away from his cock and chuckled, as I was coughing next to him. "Yet another thing you need training with, boy! But don't worry, I'm willing to help you often with that." I glared at him, panting, and he just smirked back, giving me time to recover. As I did, I wanted to be snappy, fight back... Which came out as a sort of weak: "That hurt bad, dude... Can't you be... gentle?"

Something seemed to snap in him, as he lost his smile. I was instantly worried, and continued: "I m-mean... I'll really try, but... but..." I didn't have time to finish, as he pushed me enough to get up on his feet. He hid his massive cock back into his boxers, bulging obscenely, and he walked away, to his room. I didn't even move, scared of what I just did, of what I just failed and lost. Just as he entered his room, he turned back, and commanded: "When I get back, you'll be on your knees, facing the couch, eyes closed, and with your hands behind your back, still fully hard." He then disappeared.

I was shocked, and it took me a few seconds, but... I knew I had to obey. I never wanted to disappoint him again. Ever. This was an horrible feeling, and not even thinking of his threat of kicking me out, I just didn't want to displease this amazing man, and lose my shot at actually worshipping him like I just had a chance to. I stumbled down the couch, and quickly moved into position. I tried to do the best I could - and I actually forced myself to be fully on display, with my legs wide open, head low in respect, eyes shut down, my right hand holding my left wrist behind me.

I didn't hear anything for a couple of minutes. I was worried: I dared to move my hand to my cock a few times to give it a few jerks, and make sure I was kept as hard as he wanted me, but each time was a risk that I wasn't in the position he wanted me when he got back. And then I heard footstep - quickly moving my hand back to my back, back in position. I don't think he saw me: when I felt him next to me, I hesitated to say something, to apologise, but he didn't say anything, so it didn't felt right for me to open my mouth.

The first thing I felt was a piece of fabric pushed against my eyes. I think I let out a small gasp - I knew he was blindfolding me, but I hadn't expected that. A knot was tied behind my head, and I was blind, even trying to open my eyes for a second. Then, he cuffed my hands behind my back. It felt like some sort of plastic cuffs, maybe toys? I probably would have been able to break them with a bit of effort, but they made it clear that I was not to move my hands, at the very least. I gasped for air in a silent moan as I felt his tongue against my ear, before he talked, his voice still slightly difformed by anger, yet filled with a amused, teasing tone. "You want me to give you time? Then you have time. I'm going to watch TV - and you're going to suck me off all you want. You're not going to talk. You're not going to hear anything. You're just going to focus on my cock. Got it?" I nodded. "Good boy." I felt so proud again... Just as he placed earphones in my ears, making me realize what he meant. They didn't seem to be turned on yet, though, and I feeled him move around, and sit in front of me. Roughly, he pushed my head against his naked cock, and I instantly started to lick and kiss it again, eager to apologize for my earlier mistep.

I kind of frowned when the earphones finally started playing... "music"? I don't know, if this is the sort of stuff Ezekiel had on his smartphone and listened to, I knew that there was at least one subject we'd never agree on. It was some sort of drone or electronic music, maybe with a bit of a 80s style, like in Blade Runner's OST. It wasn't plainly disagreable, but definitely not what I would listen to if I had a choice. Plus the weird whispers in the background kept distracting me, as I tried and failed to understand what they were saying.

In spite of that, or maybe thanks to the lack of any punch in the music that could have waken me up, deprived of sound and sight, smell overwhelmed by his beloved musk, I felt in a bit of a transe, focusing only on the massive shaft and hanging balls in front of me. I bathed them in saliva, I tried to take one of his balls in my mouth a few times and failed, I went up to his cockhead and swirled my tongue around it, played with his piss slit, savouring the large globs of pre-cum he was so generous with. Multiple times, I pushed my lips lower onto his shaft, taking inch after inch of pulsating cock inside of me. I knew I was getting better at this - I mean, I probably didn't even take half of him in me, but I know I fought some of my gag reflex and made his head brush along my throat a few times... But the angle wasn't really good for me to do much more.

I have no idea how long I spent between his legs, worshipping his shaft I had fantasized for what felt like eternity. I was hard the whole time, and I was vaguely aware I had been leaking pre down my shaft, and I assume onto the plushy rug underneath me. It all felt surreal, like I was barely conscious, with nothing else on my mind than my master's pleasure - wait, what I was saying? I meant... Ezekiel's pleasure. His satisfaction. Being a good boy for him. Serving him. Obeying him. Pleasing him. Being eager to be trained by him. Hoping to receive his praise. Being a good pet. Serving master. Obeying master. Pleasing Mast- uh?

The music stopped, and with it, my work. I was suddenly disorriented, mouth left agape, a few inches from him. He pulled the earphones out of my ears, and said with that voice I suddenly realized I had been missing already: "Don't move, and drink it all like the slut you're becoming."

I didn't move. I felt him move, though, and impale my mouth with his cock. I almost gagged, but didn't move for him. It felt like a sword was piercing my throat, but I wasn't even feeling his pubes; I later realized I only took maybe 6 inches of him at that point. I somehow felt his hand move as he jerked himself with two fingers on what was left of him outside of me. I heard his groans, his moans, and suddenly, his shaft throbbed, slightly widdening, and something filled my throat further. He was directly feeding me his semen, and I couldn't even taste it!

It was my first experience, but I was pretty certain he was cumming so much more than I was. I was too busy to count, but I know that at the point he pulled back, I received yet another massive spurt on my tongue, and two smaller ones on my face and chest. I was panting, gasping for air, and didn't know what to do with the load in my mouth. It tasted as good as I had imagined - even sweeter than his pre - but I didn't dare to drink it already.

He removed the cuffs, and the blindfold, and ruffled my hair. "You're gonna be a good pet for me, right, Leo?" I nodded, mouth closed. He chuckled. "You can keep my load as long as you want in your mouth if you want to savour it, boy. Just make sure you also lick up what's on your torso after you've swallowed." He winked to me, and left me there, wishing me good night as he closed his bedroom's door, as if nothing happened.

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