From Roommate to Pet

Published on Jan 6, 2017


From Roommate to Pet, part 1

From Roommate to Pet, part 1

By Lyo Fisher <>

Posted at, please donate if you enjoy the story!

This is a fictional story about college boys having sex. If you are under legal age to access pornographic material in your country or don't enjoy that or the themes listed below, just don't read it, for both our sake. Thank you.

Themes: Introduction, solo jerk off, casual nudity, teasing, foot play

This is the first part of a multiple chapter story, and as an introduction, doesn't involve very sexual scenes. If that's what you're working for, look forward to the following parts!

It was past midnight on a Tuesday, and while I had been studying all evening long for the physics exam we had the next day, I was now taking some well deserved 'me time', hoping that the post-orgasm bliss would help me sleep. I've always had sleeping troubles, and I knew exam anxiety wouldn't help, so I took all the help I could get... Well, that and, jerking off felt good, of course.

My name is Leo (I'll skip on the last name, I don't think it'd be wise to share it here!), I'm barely 18, and I entered a prestigious college last fall. Once again, I'm going to avoid giving a name, but let's say that my family and I were pretty proud of my acceptance there. While not poor, my parents never had much money to put aside, so their first worry of course went to the costs, but I had scored a full scholarship to take care of the tuition too! They manage to arrange to send me enough money each month for the small two-person bedroom I shared on the campus' dorms, as well as to cover all the costs of living, so I don't have to work for a living and could focus on my studies.

Still, for pocket money, I'm doing a couple of art commissions on my free time every month.

While aiming for an engineering major - yes, I'm a geek - I've always had a creative streak, and from doodling, I upgraded to digital art a couple of years ago, and now I'm decent. Nowhere near professional level, but enough for people to ask me to do art for them. And I love it! See, I'm also what they call a furry... or a closeted one, at least. I mean, I like furry art, and maybe a bit of roleplay on the internet too.

Yet, this was all fantasy to me, and I never had done a single remotely sexual... thing before coming to college. Not even kissing! Then again, I was gay, and had fantasies fuelled by the furry community... while living in a small town where everyone knew each other. I had no idea how my parents would have reacted if they heard about me kissing a guy, and I never felt like taking the chance... or had any occasion, really. But, well, as I spent a decent amount of time alone in front of my computer, I don't think it surprised anyone that I never talked about a girlfriend. Clichés die hard.

Anyhow! I don't think you care too much about this. Let's just say I'm a bit small and very thin, but at least I have a flat stomach from the small work out session I took the habit to do every day before taking a shower in the morning. I'm still frustrated that I can't show any abs, but I'm too lazy to extend the session more. There are more interesting things to do than that in life.

I have a fair, really smooth skin. I was lucky enough to go through puberty without any acne, and I liked how my skin looked almost white compared to my raven black, short and impossible to comb hair. Believe me, I tried.

Damn, I still blush when I mention things like this, but I assume it's necessary for this type of story, so here's the just part: I have a nice, almost 8 inches cock, not too wide, but still. But you know what? It's actually rather embarrassing, when your cock only shrinks to like 5 inches when soft. I like swimming, which is how I explain why I kept my body smooth, yes, even down there, but I rarely actually go, because I imagine people staring at my bulge and... And then I turn into a tomato and it's really embarrassing.

So, mhm. Back to the story, shall we, yes?

One of my favourite jerk off material was reading through classifieds on websites like craiglist. And, I mean sexual, gay classifieds, that is. I had never dared answering any, because even though I was finally in College, away from my parents, an adult too... I still couldn't get past my fears of being myself, being gay, and coming out to the few friends I had made. Thankfully, my roommate - that's John - was a history major who spent more time out chasing chicks (and I assumed failing because he never brought them back) than studying, so I didn't really worry about him figuring out what sort of content I jerked off to.

I told you I had done online roleplay and fantasy stuff, right? Well... I had a few ideas of the things I liked, and usually, I searched for keywords like "master" or "submissive", even "pet". I'd read through them, fantasy about answering, and jerk off for a good thirty minutes before cumming in a couple of paper handkerchiefs and fall asleep.

But that night, I was transfixed by an ad from a certain "StudM4ster!" (followed by the zip code of the College area, which once again I'll censor for my sake). Gosh people had so little imagination for names! But what interested me more was the content of that ad...


Title: College Dominant Looking for a Friendly Gamer to Share Flat with. Cheap Rent!

Hey guys!

So, here's the thing. I've decided to move out of the fun dormroom experience this year and rent a nice flat for myself, just out of campus. But it's been a few months now, and I'm getting bored! Believe it or not, I miss having a roommate around.

The flat has a main living room, a separated bedroom and a kitchen. The toilets and bathroom are separated too. I know this isn't really meant to be shared for two people, but I have a convertible in the living room (which is quite large), so it's still two different rooms to sleep in, way better than a single bedroom for two beds, am I right?

I'm also willing to give it out for half the rent of a normal room at the dorms, because I was supposed to pay the full rent alone in the first place anyway. But I get to choose my roommate this time, and the room will only go to someone I think I can really have fun with!

Oh and also, I'm gay, top and dominant. I like to be open about sex and kinks. I'm not necessarily looking for a boyfriend or anything, but if you're prude or can't take me talking about my sex life, don't bother answering. I want someone I can be myself with, play games, and just overall have a good experience.

Anyhow, if you think you could fit the deal, send me a mail and we can meet for a drink first!


I was rock hard even though I had stopped jerking off. I mean, it wasn't that sexual, but the ad had a picture attached, and the guy was -hot-! It was the classical mirror selfie, cut aboye the neck for privacy. He was naked except for tight red boxer briefs with black mesh on the sides, showing the outline of a shaft. He had a slightly tanned skin, and a perfect toned body, with a defined six pack and great pecs. Not too muscular, but I could tell he was at least doing some sort of sports regularly, rather than too much working out.

I imagined meeting such a gay guy, and actually -living- with him. And he wanted to be open about sex and kinks? That day, I came in only a few minutes. I closed the computer, and turned around to try and sleep. Once again, I had not answered the ad.

But it came back to torment me. I fantasied about it in my dreams that night, and daydreamed about the combination of a great flat with an awesome roommate. I shook it out during the exam, but the next day, when I went to jerk off and browse the ads, there it was again. Apparently, he hadn't found someone, yet.

This time I took my time, caressing my long cock slowly at the picture and the idea of answering the ad. I imagined being able to lust after him everyday... Maybe spot him in undies?

But I also rationalized that it wasn't, after all, a real sex ad. Of course, it was posted in the gay section and all, but the guy was looking for a roommate before anything else. And it was a great offer! Plus, I loved - and still do - video games. Any type of game, really. What if I had a chance?

I stopped stroking myself, and started answering the ad. I already had an account, so it was really a matter of writing a... a sort of cover letter, in a way. I was horny, but so fearful, I barely mentioned anything sexual - just that I was gay too, and didn't mind talking about sex at all.

A few minutes later, I was coming, and instantly came the regrets. How did I dare answer an ad online? This was so stupid of me. Well, I had only attached a picture of my chest, and he'd probably never answer anyway, so I could sleep in peace.

As you imagine, though, he did answer. Or there probably wouldn't have much of a story here.

Somehow, having sent that message had freed me of the daydreaming. The following day, while I was at the mall in the afternoon to buy some food, I received the mail on my phone. It simply stated that I was the most interesting answer he had received, and he joined his number, telling me I should text him to set up a date for a meeting.

I stared at the phone for a few seconds, not believing it. Me? The most interesting? That was new and unexpected. Soon, a stupid smile crept on my face. I couldn't help it! I almost dropped my phone as I tried to send the text message.

"Hello! This is Lyo, I answered your ad and you just sent me an e-mail!" Yes, my online name is just a parody of my first name. Shush.

The answer was fast to come. "Hey man. Glad to hear from you! You on campus? Wanna meet tonight for a beer?"

A beer? Uh... I was just 18. "Meet, sure! Beer - well, I'm just 18..."

"No fake ID?"

I was starting to panic. Was he going to reject me for that? "uhm no sorry... Coffee?"

"Nah, come to the flat instead. Here's the address. Meet you at seven?"

"Sure! I can't wait!"

I rushed to finish my shopping and as soon as I was back to my room, I went through all sorts of trouble to ready myself: hair removal, shaving, showering, and even finding a shirt and a pair of sexy boxer briefs. I knew it was just meeting for a flat, but I was so nervous, and the guy was still supposed to be super hot! It was as close as I ever was to an actual date.

The evening went remarkably well. He was as hot as the picture hinted at - I mean, I didn't see much of his body, but his face matched it all, with a surfer look, dirty blond hair, all the deal. Ezekiel was 22, and he did a mix of biology and informatics, telling me about stuff about DNA sequencing machines and what not. He was passionate and that made him so lovely. He was also a swimmer and did wind-surfing when he could drive to the coast. And, cherry on top, seemed to love games. He showed me an actually comprehensive collection of boardgames, telling me that he liked the social experience behind games, and only played multiplayer video games.

To be honest, I barely talked. I mean, I presented myself and all, but I felt boring compared to him. It seemed like he rushed through live at the speed of sound, and I was wondering if he ever had time to sleep. But apparently, he liked the sound of the little I had to say. After a couple of beers, I was unable to refuse his request to play some Wii U games. You know, the sort that were supposed to have you move around a lot, which was starting to get difficult for me. I had barely ever drunk anything before (a sip of wine during dinner at a couple of occasion, nothing more), and he had quality beers with an actually high alcohol level.

After another few beers, as I was sitting on the couch and trying to recover from laughter, he sat next to me and casually laid his naked feet on my lap. We continued playing, this time some Mario Kart. I sucked because of the beer, but at least I didn't risk crashing on the ground.

By midnight, I said I had classes tomorrow and had to go back to my room. He rolled his eyes as he saw me wobble to get my shoes, and with a charming smile, told me that I might as well try the bed. He was so nice.

I woke up a bit too late in the morning, and had to rush outside without taking a shower, not finding Ezekiel home. I arrived in class just a minute late, but it was enough for everyone to turn at me and see me with hair in an even worse shape than usual, a shirt (which was unusual) and overall looking hungover... which I was, slightly. I blushed and ran to my seat, without even any bag or pad to take notes on. This was going to be a long three hours of algebra.

During lunch, I went home and changed, getting my bag too. That's around when I received a message from Ezekiel.

"Hey man! Last night was fantastic. If you want, the place is yours! tell me when you could come, and I'll even help you move if you want."

YES. I was so happy! It had been perfect, and I was going to save so much money on rent while getting a bigger flat! I rushed to the residence's services, and asked when would I be able to stop my rent. As we were at the end of the month, I could keep it till the 31st, on Monday, where they'll come to inspect the room and take the key.

"Is this weekend good? I can give my room back on Monday!"

"Sure. Pack your things tonight and I'll come by with my car afternoon, ok?"

This was going to be a tight schedule, but I agreed nonetheless. It felt like college was finally starting.

By the time we finished moving all my stuff to the flat, I was exhausted. I mean I had only been here for a few months (This was the end of january), but I apparently had accumulated so much already?! We both crashed on the couch, and after a second to gather our breaths, Ezekiel glanced at me with a boyish smile. "You know what, Leo?"

I shook my head, while smiling a bit in return.

"Well, this couch is yours too now." He patted the couch between us.

"OH." I chuckled. "YES! This is so good." It was his turn to laugh. "I mean, you've been in dorms, right? This is so much better! I still can't believe how lucky I am!"

He grinned and winked. "There's no luck in that. You're great, actually better than what I'd hoped for. Shouldn't I consider myself the lucky one?" He got up and went to the fridge, offering some soda. "It's a bit early for beer, but we still have to celebrate your new home, right?"

I was in glee. I grabbed one of the bottles he held out to me, and drank some, sighing. "Gosh... Still have so much to do with unpacking now." I looked despaired at the cardboard boxes.

"Don't worry, you can do it over time. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get comfortable..!" He grinned, and started undressing in the middle of the room, soon resting only in his boxer briefs. He gathered his clothes and put them on an armchair, before sitting next to me, handling me a Wiimote, once again putting his feet on my lap. "I'm giving you another chance to try and beat me at Super Smash, this time without beer in your system!"

He grinned, and started up the console.

I felt slightly uncomfortable with his feet and naked body next to me, now that I lacked alcohol in my blood. Not only because I wasn't used to such proximity at all, but also because in addition to being the hot guy he was, I only then realized he also smelled good. I had no idea how he did it, especially after carrying these boxes through so many flights of stair, but he had a mix of cologne and manly smell that was... Oh, so agreeable to me. How was that uncomfortable, you ask? Well, he had his feet in my lap. I was getting horny. See how that could get embarrassing pretty fast, now?

Thankfully, the game distracted me a bit. I had to shift position more than once, squirming a bit on the couch under his heels. He didn't seem to pay attention to me at all, focused on the screen. I was only half-hard, but without daring to rearrange my package with him so close, it was still rather uncomfortable.

And then, just as I was taunting him about how I was so close to throw him off the platform for good, he turned, lying on his side on the couch. It wouldn't be much if it wasn't for his soles now directed directly at my bulge. Or if in a quick movement - he was getting rather involved while playing, shouting and moving around - he hadn't pushed his sole right onto the length of my cock, and rested it there, as if nothing happened.

I gasped, and of course, he ended up winning that round after that. He wanted to go for another round and I was unable to say no. I mean, apparently he didn't realize what he was doing, and maybe it was better to keep his attention onto the screen while my now fully hard cock was being gently stroked by every shift of his sole, right?

... right?

... This was going to be an interesting flatsharing, wasn't it?

So, mhm, this was the first part of how I was... tamed? Is that a thing?

I hope you enjoyed it. f you have comments, I would love to hear them! Send me an e-mail at <>

They might even inspire Ezekiel - WAIT NO SPOILERS. Just, send me stuff, if you want, ok?

Next: Chapter 2

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