From MAN To boy

By DJ Farrow

Published on Aug 24, 2004



i stood on the bus holding the railing as I made my way back home from work. Normally i would've sat down, but my ass was on fire. my Master had taken His belt to my back and ass for over thirty minutes the night before and i had been feeling the results of it the entire day. i deserved it, though, for I had been late from work and He got to the house before me. i am always to be home when He arrives from work, naked with just my collar and a cockring on, waiting by the door on my knees to greet my Man properly. So i opened the front door to see Him sitting in his easy chair with His belt in hand, doubled. HE WAS PISSED.

"Get in the bedroom, strip, and lie face down on the bed, arms at your side". i so badly wanted to tell Him that it wasn't my fault, that my boss had kept me after work to scold me for a project i had been late delivering. But my Sir didn't ask, and ultimately, it didn't matter anyway. He was angry and He was gonna take it out on me. And that's the way it should be. i am His slave. It is not my place to question, only to obey.

i quietly and quickly stripped and got in position in the middle of the bed. In a few minutes, I heard Sir approaching the room. He entered and i could hear Him pulling His shirt out of His pants and removing it. And although i couldn't see Him , just the thought of this stud that i have given up everything for standing shirtless, muscles bulging, thick leather belt in hand, made me instantly hard.

i felt the leather as He softly rubbed it across my ass cheeks. Then He raised it and slammed it down full force onto my white (for now) ass. WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!, the belt sounded as He methodically beat my ass. After about five minutes He moved to my back and from the base all the way to the shoulders He gradually turned my flesh into a red, welted mess.

In the thirty or so minutes He devoted to His mission, i must have felt the sting of his anger over 250 times. His endurance always amazes me. But, He keeps Himself in fine shape, with huge arms covered in roped muscle. So, it's no wonder that He's able to hold out as long as He does. Still, after about ten minutes, i could hear his breath getting harder. And at the twenty minute point, He was grunting loudly with every solid slam of his arm. And by now the strokes were coming so hard that with every stroke my face would be pushed harder into the pillow beneath me, smashing my chain and the small lock on it into my Adam's Apple, making me ever more aware of my place. A collared piece of property that willingly gave up the right to be treated as a Man, just so that this tough motherfucker beating the fuck out of me would look at me.

When He finally tossed the belt onto the bed in exhaustion, He was covered in sweat and I was crying loudly into the pillow beneath me. I heard Him taking off his boots, pants and jock. "Flip over, boy". i rolled onto my back, knowing that the contact with the mattress would sting like hell. So did He. As I gasped in pain, he chuckled.


"Yes, Sir."

"Good. That means I'm doing My job right, huh, boy?"

"Yes, Sir"

"Lift your head, boy"

"Yes, Sir"

i lifted my head and He slipped His jock over my head and around my neck. The smell of the pouch as it passed my nose made my dick throb.

He grabbed the lube and worked some around and inside my ass, then started lubing His thick nine-incher. i was in heat.

"Spread `em". i spread my legs and He moved into position between them, placing my feet on His shoulders. Leaning down until O/our faces almost met, He looked into my eyes. "Keep your eyes on mine, baby". And with that He rammed His monster in to the hilt, making me gasp out in pain.

As He began to build a rhythm, He stared deeply into my soul.

"Big, tough man, huh?". He chuckled again. "Swaggering around that gym locker room trying to make all the dudes think you were a pussy hound. Shit, boy, I knew your dirty little secret the first time I saw you practically drooling over My big stick".

I closed my eyes at the memory of that day.

"Open your eyes, baby. Stay right here with me. Focus on what's happening right now. Focus on what you are. Tell Me what you are boy, while you look at Me fucking you."

"i'm your fuck-boy, Sir. You're slave, You're bitch, Your cunt. Please don't ever stop fucking me, Sir".

"That's good, baby. Very good. You are a very good girl, Daddy's good girl".

"Now wrap your legs around My waist and hold on tight and let's see if tonight W/we might just be able to get you fucking pregnant..."

"Yes, SIR". be continued.

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