From jock stud to jock slut

By Alpha DomTop

Published on Jun 8, 2022


I know it is too late but I was not feeling motivated enough to write. Recently after talking to someone, I got my motivation back and here is the new chapter.

This chapter again is dedicated to the two straight losers who read this story and e-mailed me but chickened out to accept who they really were and what their real desires were. The irony is they read my story, jerk off and ejaculate but don't want to accept their reality. So boys, go on jerking off and cumming again reading this chapter written for dudes like you.

Comments are welcomed as they motivate me to write otherwise I ll keep on delaying writing it and don't forget to tell me how much you shoot.

Also donate to nifty to enjoy yourself!


Since that day Oscar and I became best friends. We were more like brothers than friends and I would fuck him almost everyday in school but the problem was Oscar was afraid of getting out of the closet. On one hand he was with his girlfriend totally ignoring me and after school he would be thrashed against the wall and get fucked by me. It was like living two lives. I did talk to him and he wanted to get over with all the fake life he was showing to people around. The problem was the reputation he had made and what people expected from him. He was the brother of the national champion and everyone expected him to be his replica. I encouraged him a lot to be his real self but in vain.

But one day something happened that changed him completely. He took me to his house and there I met his brother and parents. His brother who was only in his shorts and listening to music opened the door for me and gave me a disgusted look. First I was surprised to see who his brother was. I was never interested in seeing him but I never knew the model I used to watch on T.V advertising the boxers would be him. I was just in awe to see his amazing body but his attitude, my gosh, it needed adjustment. He was looking down upon me, making cheap remarks about my lean body and sexuality. I was literally pissed off at him. But the thing that made me depressed was his parents who were so perfect. Oscar really had a happy family unlike me. I went home depressed and sad.

Even next day Oscar felt I was off and asked me about it. I was avoiding him but then I told him I was jealous that he had such a perfect family whereas my parents were taking divorce. I then ran to my home without even listening to him. The next day, he came to me and apologizing which I really felt bad about cuz it was me who over reacted yesterday. He cheered me up and we didn't know how things from simple talk to cuddle and then from there lead to kissing.

We didn't realise but his girlfriend saw us kissing and was about to make a huge mess when Oscar said, "I was empathising with him as his parents are gonna take divorce. He then proceeded to kiss me and I was about to push him away when you arrived...", I didn't even want to remember what he said next but my heart was shattered. I thought and believed Oscar to be a different person but he was literally a copy of his jerk brother. That night I cried a lot. On one hand my parents were parting their ways and on other hand Oscar broke my trust.

Oscar tried his failed attempts to apologise and even grabbed my hand but I punched him on the face and left him in the corridor. Fortunate of him there were no students to see this "embarrassing" situation.

A week passed and now even I was feeling pity for him as he left no stone unturned to make amends but I was so hurt for what he said. Instead standing for myself and himself he blamed everything on me.

But next day, it was Tuesday and I could never forget that day, we all were in cafe when Oscar grabbed hold of everyone's attention and after taking a pause he said, "I need your attention. Today I'm gonna share with you guys the deepest and biggest secret of my life. I'm gonna kind of expose myself", he paused. Everyone was so curious to know.

"Guys, I'm....I'm gay", every girl's heart got broken and the gay guys' face lit up. Oscar must be expecting everyone to mock him but surprisingly most of them encouraged him. The sad part was his close friends and his girlfriend left him alone. Even I didn't talk to him despite knowing he did it just for me.

I was feeling bad for him as neither of his friends were talking to him and his rival in rugby team was mocking and making fun of him. He needed my support so I called him and asked him to meet me.

We met and cleared all the differences and became best friends again. Gay dudes in school tried to hit on Oscar but I knew I was the one who could be in his life. Plus we together humiliated Kevin, the jerk mocking him, by exposing how he would cheat on different girls and even leaked his video where he was jerking on the cam talking to a girl. Everyone forgot about Oscar and started making fun of Kevin instead. We were really sorry for him too but he should t have started it.

Then I started going to his home again and one day I saw his arrogant straight big brother eve dropping while I was having sex with Oscar. I was confused why would he stand there but he continued hearing us everyday and then it hit me that big bro Josh was curious about gay sex. That gave me a clever plan to take the jock down and it did work. I never expected such raunchy outcomes of my plan.

Josh had been really mad at whatever was going on with him these days. Mike fucked him, his hole was always spasming whenever he would think about his embarrassing fuck with Mike and Sam. "No Josh, cut it are a striaght alpha man, ladies fucker....don't let these jerks overpower you....fuck", Josh lifted weight on the bench press.

"But why I feel so...err...good....", His hole contracted again giving him spasms and cock twitched on the erotic stimulation.

"Why I always like Josh...cut the shit..", Josh was battling with his newly awakened change that was so humiliating for him. He has the perfect body, perfect looks and fucks a dozens of pussies but feeling like one with Sam and Mike is killing him.

"No, it was alcohol Josh...they both took advantage of your either drunk or drugged state....they were so cowards to hit you in your most vulnerable state", the voice inside told him.

Plus he never understood what made him like that. He was completely straight, never even thought of cocks but his curiosity killed him. And then his hypertrophic condition, the pain mixed with pleasure that he would feel when a cock penetrates his ass was just breathtaking. He was used to handle physical pain in the gym but he never thought that any kind of pain could give such euphoric pleasure. He wondered could straight guys actually like and feel the pleasure from a cock? He was not into this stuff but he was curious to hear their stories.

His biceps swelled and he exhaled a long breath as he lifted the weight and put it on the recliner. The flashes of him getting fucked again hit his mind and his hole started spasming again, his cock started hardening in his gym shorts and he didn't realise that.

"Hey dude, you are hardening", Josh came out of his thoughts when Rob called him.

"What?", He asked him mechanically.

"You're hard...missing your girlfriend?", Rob winked playfully. Josh's face flushed with shame. How the hell he couldn't notice?

"Bro, it's ok.... don't get embarrassed....just bang her ll be relaxed", Rob winked again with his attractive smile.

And now Rob was getting on his mind as well. Why the hell his cock would get hard whenever he would be around. Even now Josh was constantly eyeing the handsome jock out who was doing squats.

"Fuck....I'm gonna end up in a psychiatric ward", Josh slapped his face and jerked his head.

"So how was your day big brother?", Josh entered his room and took off his sweaty tank top and was about to take a shower when the door opened and Mike greeted him.

"I told you I'm not your brother ", he said in his usual condescending tone.

"I thought to fuck you as your hole must be craving this. Fucked Oscar an hour ago and he is sleeping. I'm getting", Josh was kinda shocked that how blatantly this twink just asked to fuck him, the muscle god. He gritted his teeth in frustration. His hole again contracted on recalling how Mike fucked him and how much he enjoyed it.

"Just get lost you manipulating shit. I'm not homo....I'm a straight alpha whom you took advantage in my sleep. I'm not into cocks and never will stop doing this to me", Josh screamed at Mike who was coming close to him. But all Mike did was put a smile.

"Do you really make yourself believe in that shit Josh?", Mike addressing him by his name instead of big brother sounded odd to Josh for some reason. Furthermore, he was also surprised to see instead of feeling intimidated by his above six foot towering stature, Mike was cockily mocking at him.

Josh was taken aback by his question which was directly putting his straight alpha personality in doubt. Nobody could ever ask him such questions.

"I'm not what you imply motherfucker", Josh screamed again angrily.

"You are showing typical attitude of a person who lives in denial and doubt. Look at your impulsive tone and angry expressions. You are frustrated and confused that what's happening to you..", Mike walked closer and closer to Josh who looked bewildered.

"And why it's happening to you, to a ladies man but...", Mike continued and he was so close to Josh and staring deep into his eyes that he couldn't keep the eye contact and turned his face down.

"But you can't get over the fact you like feeling a cock inside you....cuz it gives you a sense of completion", and Josh suddenly looked at the scrawny Mike who was rubbing his abs.

"Stop fighting with your desires Josh, give up and be free, explore yourself and embrace to your deep desires and make yourself happy", Josh was like in kind of a trance and Mike was rubbing the eight pack abs that adorned the Jock's abdomen. Both were so close and staring at each other.

"No....move away from always does that to me....I was just drugged and nothing more.....and when I'm drugged or drunk I don't have control over me. And last time I was under effect of the drug doc prescribed me....stop manipulating me", Josh still wanted to save his integrity.

"Then I challenge you big bro", Mike said smiling.

"What challenge?", Josh asked confused.

"You say that you were either drunk or under effect of drug. so .... Let's have sex with me consciously and willingly without effect of any drug or alcohol and prove your point that it was drugs and not your own will that you liked it. Plus, you are in a doubt yourself big bro.....and what is best opportunity to clear your mind, to prove that you are not into guys than this", Mike was smiling with a grin. Josh was hesitant and thinking whether to do it or not. It can be Mike's another trick but next statement made by Mike quickly made him accept the challenge.

"I won't force you... And I bet a guy like you, who is not a PUSSY, won't mind this little challenge", Mike hit the nail at right spot, on Josh's ego.

"I ll prove it...I'm game you shrimp", Josh said determined.

"So, take off your shorts big bro", Mike said smiling. He had him and he was gonna show this cocky jock who he really was.

Josh furiously took his shorts off showing his herculean built. His 8 inch long cock was hardening like a rod.

"Don't embarrass yourself, we both are men", Mike said with a cocky grin and walked towards the handsome jock.

"Such big arms you have got big bro, I can only imagine to have such a magnificent body. I want you to train me big bro", Mike was feeling the boulder sized arms with flame tattoos Josh had. Josh despite not liking a man's touch was surprisingly didn't mind the complements Mike gave. He actually was used to all such admiring comments by the people around him.

Mike pushed him and he fell on the sofa.

"I'm gonna give you the best pleasure of your life big bro. You will be soon heaven in your conscious state", Mike said with a cunning smile and Josh looked like a deer caught in headlights as he was doubtful about his determination. And when Mike grabbed his giant cock and jerked it a mechanical moan escaped his mouth.

"See, you liked it big brother", Mike said.

"It is common and natural. Nothing weird about it. I have a high libido as well", Josh gave justification. Mike continued jerking the Jock's cock and he laid his head down on the edge of the sofa and started distracting himself.

"Josh, you can do must prove this jerk that you are not homo", Josh's innerself was motivating him but the expert hand movements of Mike were so amazing. He was quickly moving up and down his shaft and continued doing this for some time. Along the way he would squeeze the base of Josh's cock that would give jolts to his huge body and he would just want to scream in ecstasy. Another trick that Mike did made Josh lost control and he almost screamed with pleasure. As his hand moved up, he scratched the mushroom head of his uncut cock.

"Ahhhhhh...fuckkkk", Josh moved forward with the pleasure and opened his eyes to see the grin on Mike's face making him red.

"Fuck...he is skilled than Sophie....wait...why am I complementing him....Josh things shouldn't go out of control....focus", his innerself said again. He closed his eyes again thinking about Sophie.

But then he felt something slimy on his cock and when he opened his eyes his body convulsed as Mike was taking his cock into his mouth, rolling his tongue on it and licking the sensitive tip.

"Fuckkk...", He could t stand the erotic sensations that Mike was providing him. He was better than any girl that gave him blowjob. Mike expertly blew him squeezing his balls by his other hand making jock go wild.

"Ohhhhhh...fuck...arhhhhhhh", Josh's arousal centre in brain was activated and the poor jock's ego was gradually crumbling down. How could he resist such amazing pleasure? It would be difficult for any man as men are naturally weak to their lustful desires and Josh was one of those weak men.

Mike tightly squeezed his balls and this time Josh couldn't stand and shriek with pain. His cock was now hard as steel and started throbbing. "It is so difficult to control my lust", he thought.

Mike took the pace and started sucking me faster and squeezing my balls tighter. It was an amazing combination of torture and pleasure that I couldn't describe. This went on for sometime and I didn't notice when mike's hands moved above and grabbed my sensitive nipples giving my body erotic seizures and low-pitched moans.

"Sophie....", I thought about her.

"Mike....", And then I called him in my mind. I was so confused that whom I wanted. Mike was blowing me off like a pro that Sophie never could and my cock was throbbing like a vibrator in his mouth. My skin could feel every inch of his slimy and wet mouth. I tried pushing my cock deeper in his mouth to fuck it but he stopped my tries and continued to blow me being himself in control giving me no choice of taking control. Fuck I left what him do his work.

Then suddenly he left my mouth as I was throbbing so much in his mouth but he left me disappointed and I showed that disappointment through my face by mistake. The cocky bastard stood up and came over me. We both stared at each other, for unknown reason my heart started pounding faster, I never felt such emotion before, he squeezed my nipples harder this time making me loose slow moans and then he pressed his lips on mine and was kissing me passionately not letting my sensitive nipples go. At that moment to felt like I was Sophie and Mike was me as I also liked squeezing her tits and now I was on the receiving end. He was squeezing my chest like it was breast and calling them melons, tits and other vulgar terms to bear for an alpha like me but weirdly I didn't mind at all instead I started moaning gradually but slowly. Memories of me squeezing Sophie's breasts and kissing her started coming and I almost forgot I was kissing a dude. As the realisation hit me I quickly broke the kiss and embarrassingly look at him.

"Don't be embarrassed big bro....your inner desires crave this", he said and again kissed me but I pushed him away. I wanted to say, "I don't kiss dudes", but couldn't. He grabbed my hands and pulled them over my head reaching for my lips. I parted my lips to say something but words were playing hide and seek and I couldn't seek em. He kissed my parted lips roughly and quickly rolled his tongue inside dancing with mine. Both if our tongues battled and I was looking every inch of it. It felt like I was putting an act to dislike all his provocations but in reality I wanted all of it and he conquered my mouth kissing me passionately. "At least I wasn't participating actively", this was my lame excuse to satisfy myself. I was a straight guy but I was kissing a guy. His hold on my wrists strengthened despite me being thrice greater in size and many many times greater in physical strength, I felt trapped and he continued assaulting my lips. By that point Sophie was replaced by Mike in my head and my cock started oozing precum. I never realised he was preparing me like girls prepare their men for action, Mike was preparing me, taking me to the edge of my lust so that I couldn't turn back.

"And I thought straight guys didn't kiss dudes", Mike said mocking me after assaulting my mouth for ten minutes. I couldn't utter a word in shame.

"Now for the real part big brother....I'm gonna fuck you", as Mike said this Josh quickly looked at the scrawny twink.

"What? This is the main part. Don't you wanna see it is really drugs or alcohol and not your will that you like being fucked?", Mike said but Josh was still having doubts what if he really enjoys it? What if Mike is right? Is he really gay? Does he really enjoy taking cocks up his ass? All these questions were confusing him but there was only one way to find all the answers.

"So wanna do it or act like a pussy?",Mike mocked him which made Josh wild.

"I'm ready and will prove you motherfucker", Josh said and both stood up.

"You are gonna ride my cock big bro. Do you wanna use the gel or wanna do it raw?", He asked him and Josh couldn't decipher that when did Mike get so cocky and confident?

"I suggest you go raw or else you will again say it was drug...", Mike said. Josh was visibly scared as his hypertrophic hole would feel so much pain.

"I will oil my cock big bro....and I won't hurt are gonna do it yourself....take as much time in adjusting as you want...ok?", Mike said with concern and kindness which was odd. Mike went to the drawer and fetched petroleum jelly. He took off his clothes and lubed up his hard cock. Josh just looked at Mike's naked body and his cock oozed more precum. Mike after properly lubricating his tool sat in the sofa and signaled the big jock to come to him. Hesitantly, Josh walked towards Mike who was squeezing his cock smiling. He thought for few minutes bit decided to get away with it. If he succeeds, Mike will stop teasing him for good and he stooped on the sofa with his big bubble butt touching the tip of Mike's cock. He looked at Mike who was smiling but this time it was not a cocky or mocking one but a smile with encouragement and strength to take care of him. Josh's hole started spasming that traveled his entire anal tunnel and as his crack touched mike's cock the spasms converted to convulsions and the desire to take a cock intensified. But he was scared that his tight and hypertrophic hole couldn't take Mike's cock and it will hurt badly without the anesthetic drug but this was the bait for him. He must do it without any drug so that he can prove he is not into cocks.

"Dont panic big bro and slowly come down on my dick. Take.tbe tip first and the really slowly come down on it", Josh adjusted himself by grabbing the edge of sofa and putting his ass crack right above the top of Mike's cock and then after taking a long pause he slowly pushed his bubble butt down on Mike's erect cock.

"Fuckkkkkk", it was not from the pleasure or pain but the curse for his humiliation by scrawny Mike. He pushed himself down on his cock and his ass cheeks parted away s Mike's cock paved his way through his bubble butt. His external sphincter was now directly in contact with his cock tip and Mike slowly pushed up and with baby steps made its entrance. Josh's sphincters were really tight, Mike had lubed him up well but still the resistance was so immense.

"Fuck big are so tight..tight like a are a man whom God has blessed with a vagina big bro", Mike hollered as he pushed more into his tight crack and Josh just whimpered feeling his sphincter tearing apart. It was so painful and the humiliating remarks made by Mike just added insult to injury but he endured. Josh wanted to get over with. His grip on the sofa got tighter and his face was red with pain.

"Oh he's, are tighter than Oscar big bro....his tight ass is nothing in front of your vagina", he said moaning out.

"Stop saying that", Josh couldnt stand him calling his hole a vagina.

"What big bro...uhhhh", he pushed more and Josh literally could hear the tearing sound if friction coming out of his hole. It was so painful but he bit his lip to endure pain. He even ignored Mike's question. But Josh forgot it was only the tip of ice burg.

Josh wanted to moan in pain but he controlled and felt Mike's cock travelling the rough distance in his ass tunnel. Mike took it slowly as he knew it would be painful for Josh and he didn't want that today, he wanted him to accept his pleasure, to surrender to his new self and stop living in the delusional world.

"Fuck are damn so are one blessed man big brother...a man with the tightest chute in the world...why are you afraid of exploring yourself? is like deceiving yourself....why would you do that?", Mike asked him pushing his cock in his tight hole.

Josh dived down on Mike's cock slowly, his anal walls were making way to accommodate the fat cock.

"Just...uhhhh...shut up",Josh whimpered totally ignoring him but he knew that he couldn't escape those words that were echoing in his head.

"Yes, you are almost there.... there is your hypertrophic region...that keeps you so horny and drives you crazy", even Josh opened his eyes when Mike's cock hit the swollen region of his hole.

"Few more thrusts...uhhhh...bro...then you will be in heaven", Mike mocked him and pushed in deeper.

"Ahhhhh", Josh couldn't hold his pain longer and expressed it by a shrill moan.

" always sticks here..but...ahhh...I'm gonna break it againnnnn", and Mike pushed it with force.

"Ahhhhhh....fuck waitttt....nooooo", as he felt Mike penetrating him Josh tried to stop him but Mike tightly grabbed the stud and pushed his cock with a force and it went in popping.

"Noo....ahhhhhh...fuckkkkkk....ahhhh...mother ...fuckerrrrrr", Josh was in excruciating pain and his eyes popped out and face concerted with pain and cunning Mike was just smiling. That was the pint when things started to change. Josh's convulsing hole and his condition that gave him the pain was now converting into pleasure. The more Mike stretched his hole, the more pleasure his body and mind would receive. His cock was throbbing faster and oozed another shot of precum as Mike's cock hit his swollen muscles. Josh was loosing it.

"Fuck...have you got an oven in your hole big bro....cuz is so are so hot...can't believe a muscle god like you have such heat in it....and I ll feel it to my content....", He was saying a lot of things pounding Josh's cunt but the heaven's doors were opened and Josh couldn't resist longer. He was loving it. He started moaning loud now. He wanted to express his pain filled with joy. His hole was on fire and tearing apart but he was loving it. His brain was reaching rush if endorphins and serotonin making him euphoric and ecstatic.

Mike tightly grabbed his big buttocks and pushed his on hips upwards moving past the hypertrophic region. There was more space that Josh's hole can accommodate and naturally, his hole was long enough that even Mike was balls deep there would be still space left so Mike decided to fuck his handsome jock balls deep today.

"Fuck yeah ..", Mike thrust his cock with a blow that made Josh bent over his back and moan out louder.

"Ahhhhhhhh....fuckkkk...ohhhhhh", Josh's pleasure centre was activated and now there was no going back. He wanted that, his hole was contracting and convulsing on faster pace and he wanted that cock to calm his insides down and only a cock could calm his desperate cravings down. Josh parted his ass cheeks non coherently to give Mike more access and as he did that Mike knew he had him completely. He started fucking the muscle god fast. He brought his cock past the swollen region in Josh's ass and then with a roar pounded it moving past it again making the jock release horny and erotic moans. His cock was on vibration mode and balls were churning with cum.

" are so hot big bro so handsome and so godly", Mike grabbed the bulging pecks and fucked his tight pussy with a powerful blow.

"Urhhhhhh...", Josh made such an erotic and seductive moan like he was drunk and intoxicated. His muscles seemed to relax and he seemed to permit Mike do anything he wanted. Mike was now confirmed that his hypertrophic muscles were his surrender button, once it was pressed the poor jock would become submisisve and tamed.

Mike had stretched his ass well by powerful blows but now was the time to move to a more passionate fuck.

Josh was unable to comprehend what was going on with him. He was unable to decipher should he stop? He wanted to stop but his convulsing hole was desperate for Mike's cock. He was not gay.

"I'm not gay...I don't want it", he said to himself.

"But you want want to be fucked", another voice echoed.

"No...", Josh struggled to keep up his defences.

"Yes", but the inner voice was over powering him.

"Do you like it big bro?", Mike asked hitting his tight pussy.

"Say Yes", his inner self answered.

"Answered me big brother....I know you want are a desperate bitch right now. Your cock is screaming to shoot and ....only my cock can give the permit...urhhhhhh...fuckk", Mike said with three consecutive powerful thrusts each hitting the muscles slide past the swollen region and Josh's body jolted and bounced on his hard cock.

"Say yes", the voice echoed again.

"Answer amazingggg", this hit actually hit the deepest region of his hole making the jock squirm at his the highest note of his voice.

"What the hell...ahhhhhhhh...woooohhhh...fuckkkkk...yeahhhh...yeahhh...yesss...yes....I fucking want it....I want it mike...fuck me...fuck me....I want to fucking shoot my load.....yeahhhh", and he accepted his defeat. The last blow was directly at his prostate which is every man's weakness especially for muscle studs like Josh.

"Good boy....", Mike pulled Josh's arms and thrashed him on his back on the sofa. Then he came over him with his cock in his hole. Josh just stared into the eyes of his conqueror.

"So, let me give you the greatest pleasure of your life", and with that Mike pulled his cock out which made a loud pop sound and thrashed his cock right back into the stud's tight hole.

"You have a vagina big bro....which needs to be my seed", Mike fucked his swollen site again and then pulled it out fucking the tight hole again. Josh just took the fuck submissively. He was defeated and he could never resist the pleasure his hole was giving to him. When he would enter his cock Josh's anus would tightly hug it like it was his lover. Mike was playing with Josh's nipples joyfully and fucking him passionately. Josh was registering the pleasuring and also the erotic movements of his fucker. The whole time mike's eyes were opened like he was planning the whole thing but now his eyes were closed and Josh could take him down but there was no resistance left in him as he wanted the pleasure he was missing and battling against. This twink Mike had taken the muscle god like him once again.

Mike despite his light weight somehow managed to push Josh's large legs up in the air and then put his arms under them putting all of his weight over them. I this way all the space on sofa was taken up by Mike as Josh's body was now rolled in half. Josh remained as a statue and just watched Mike pushing his thighs aligning them against his shoulders. He then pressed his hands on back of Josh's thighs assuming a 'push-up' position and then started fucking him passionately like he was doing push ups on my body.

One, two, three, four, five....." gosh ...yes", as he started thrusting my ass started convulsing again and his slimy dick felt so amazing that I can't describe. My heart was racing high and I started jerking my cock.

"Oh yes....fuck me....yes...I wanna cum...oh yes...", I was jerking along with his fucking.

"Nah nah....don't jerk off big bro....when I'm fucking, you can't jerk off", he gently took my hand and placed it above my head staring into my eyes. I would moan looking at him when he would move back and then deep in. I could feel his balls slapping again my bubble butt. We both just stared and then he came down and put his lips against mine and this time I didn't resist and actually participated equally in the gentle kiss he was doing. I stopped him before but I felt so weak to do this time and so horny to comply with him. We both make out with each other like I would do with Sophie. He replaced her in my thoughts and rolled his tongue onto mine sucking my mouth. He was a pro kisser and I could feel that. He also started squeezing my nipples placing the knobs between his thumb and index finger, squeezing them gently and pulling them from the chest. With Sophie I would focus more on the fuck but this twink knew how to keep a guy horny. My cock was oozing gallons of precum and I was on the edge of shooting myself. My hole was on fire, my nipples were on heat and my lips l, they were also burning with joy. All the sensitive parts of my body were getting immense pleasure that Sophie or any girl had never provided me. I was whimpering like the bitches I would fuck.

"So tell me now big bro? Do you like it? Do you like being fucked?", He pushed deep inside my hole hitting my prostate and asked me after kissing me for a long time. But I didn't say anything besides moaning in pleasure.

"Answer me bro", he hit my prostate again.

"Fuck gawddd", I surrendered.

"Do you still believe it is drugs or alcohol that made you love getting fucked?", He asked me again squeezing my nipples torturing them. The weird thing was all the pain was so excruciating but I loved it.

"Answer me big bro", he pounded me harder.

" these questions...just do what you are doing...make your bro happy", I said as I didn't want to humiliate myself by further.

"Now I'm your bro? I'm not gonna stop this until you accept that it was not alcohol or drink was you ho actually liked it", he said continuing fucking me and taking my should away. My cock wanted a release so bad that I did as he said.

"Yes...Mike....I was wrong...ahhhhh...ohhhhh..yeah...", I said breathlessly.

"So you accept your tight pussy wanted it?", He asked insulting me. I just looked at him and then with another blow right to my prostate I shrieked "YeS,...ahhhhhhhhhh fuckk.....let me shoot...make me cum", I screamed with joy.

"You are such a desperate bitch big bro....just look at you...a big wrestling matching taking a twink's dick up his ass like a desperate bitch. You can easily beat me...but your pussy didn't want wants my cock....don't you big bro", he asked fucking me harder stretching my muscles.

"Fuck...yes...yes...Mike..please ...let me cum", my hands mechanically moved to my cock but he quickly slapped them away keeping the jock frustrated and annoyed. He wanted to cum so badly.

"Tell me to fuck you..", he shouted.

"Fuck me...", And desperate he was he abruptly said expecting to have a release.

"Repeat it...again and again...u til I say you to stop", he shouted again fucking me harder.

"Fuck me...Mike...fuck me...fuck me..urhhhhhh...fuck me..", I roared feeling the amazing jabs on my prostate. I could feel my cock bulging, balls churning. I was close.

"Yeah ...fuck your bro...fuck me...fuck me...fuck me....ohhhhhh...fuck me...urhhhhhh...fuck me...fuck meeeeee", I was breathless and heart was beating like drum. I was damn so close and I felt my hole filling with something warm.

"Ahhhhhhhh...fuckkkk...big broo....I'm cummimg. I'm cummimg bro. I'm cummimg inside you. Fuck ....your hole is tightened against my dick....fuck....the best pussy I have fuckkkkeddddddd...yeahhhhhhh", the feeling was heavenly. It drove me crazy. And then in post orgasmic waves he collapsed over my big building chest. He had cum but.....I DIDN'T. my chest was building with every heartbeat and I could see him moving up and down on my body.

"You are so hot bro", he said and brought his cock out again with a loud plot. The convulsions and spasms were fading and as they were disappearing I started coming back to my senses and normal state.

"What the little ..", I stood up furiously and pounced at him grabbing his neck.

"I'm not gay understand. I'm not gay ..", my eyes were almost blurred with tears realising I was fucked senselessly by this scrawny pig.

"You still wanna hide and run away bro....go do it....but keep in mind can't run away for long from your true self...", He smiled and took his clothes slamming the door. And I sat down in bed with a huge guilt and shame.

Next: Chapter 8

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