From jock stud to jock slut

By Alpha DomTop

Published on Apr 26, 2022


I received few emails of straight and married men telling me about their stories and submitting to me. But it made me mad that how wrong they have the definition of 'submission' in their mind. You don't submit by typing one sentence in an email and send to ME. So next time when you pigs want to surrender yourself, want to submit yourself to me then keep in mind that be an obedient pup, and send your shirtless pic with a face so that I can properly see who is submitting to me and need to be owned by me. Otherwise you cowards can jerk off reading my story and live in your imaginary delusional world.

Comments are welcomed and men like Josh and boys like Oscar are especially welcomed to serve me online as my loyal pups.


Chapter 6

The new semester had started and a long line of newbies was there to get bullied by their seniors. Soon a 6 foot, 18 year old blond male appeared in front of them. He was in a tank top showing off his swimmer's built cladded with tattoos all over his biceps. He had a cocky grin on his face and was accompanied with a beautiful girl and a gang of others who were chirping and gossiping. Mike's eyes were fixated on the handsome blond jock who was smiling with his aesthetic presence.

"You all dummies, being your seniors we are gonna see your capabilities of survival here. I'm gonna give you some tasks that you will do and I ll decide whether you are worthy to stick here or not", he said in a cold tone with a grin. I looked around and students seemed to be scared or intimidated by him and girls were just amazed by how handsome he was. But I had other plans. I knew this guy and I bet he didn't know who he was.

"Btw my name is Oscar and I'm gonna start with you ...", He pointed at the nerd in front who was trembling with fear. The day went by getting bullied by him and his mates. But when it came to me he asked me to pay him respect but I just smiled cockily.

"You jerk what did I say you", he came angrily and picked me up by my collar.

"Why are you hiding your true self Oscar?", I whispered.

"What did you just say?", His clearly got mad.

"Twilight club...remember", I said with an arrogant smile and his confidence came down crashing. His eyes widened and his grip on my shirt loosened. All I could see was his embarrassed state the bell rang and crowd dispersed and he left without even making an eye contact.

I went to gym where I knew I would find him and I was right he was in locker room taking off his shirt. I was mesmerized by his handsome face, curly blond hair and his defined built especially his abs and pecs. His pinky nipples protrude like buttons and I just wanted to chew on them and feel them. He was sitting in his gym shorts and no one was around so I saw the opportunity and went to him.

"So how is my senior, huh?", He didn't expect me and I could see him avoiding the eye contact. But he was an egoistic man and couldn't loose the grip on him in front of a newbie like me.

"What's your problem jerk?", He grabbed the towel and cleared the sweat popping on his face. He knew that I knew his little secret and a jock like him who was the most popular kid in the school, little brother of a national wrestler and a son of a well reputed architecture, had a a stature to hold and if his secret was out, nobody would give the respect that he had now.

"Just cut it off know who you are so why to live in a delusion and denial", I laid my back against the locker and said like I was his mate and not his junior. He was grinding his teeth in anger but he also knew he could do nothing. If he made any wrong move he would be exposed.

"What do you want, huh? How much money do you need to shut your mouth forever? Tell me scumbag?", He looked furious but I thought he looked cute. I knew this was not him. The real him was so compliant and so submisisve and I had a mission to bring that Oscar out.

" are such a fool. If I needed your money I would be blackmailing you. But I dont need any of that.", I said calmly.

"So why are you here?", His attitude was still derogatory knowing that he had been through this tone himself and surprisingly liked it.

"I need accept who you are Oscar", I said directly looking into his eyes and this time he couldn't look away cuz I was right and he knew that. My hands moved towards his pecs and touched the right one.

"What are you afraid of Oscar?", Our eyes were locked to each other and my hand was rubbing his muscular pec. My thumb rubbed against his nipple and I could see his eyes squinting....and then he quickly stood up.

"Shut up...I'm the real me. That night was...just a phase", he looked panicked and his breathing rose high.

"Calm down Oscar", I said politely touching both of his pecks.

"Calm down", I pushed him back slowly and he looked at me.

"Calm down", his breathing stabilised.

"We cannot change who we are....we just need to accept our desires..", I whispered and pinched his nipples. He squirmed feeling the pain. He knew he clearly liked it and turned his face away to hide his shame. He has always acted the strong, powerful alpha at the school. He got his reputation because of his brother who was the best wrestler the school had got and everyone expected nothing less from Oscar. He was supposed to be cocky, confident, and strong just like his brother who was a ladies man, who was the star and who had a place of a city's hero.

"Mike....stop..", Oscar resisted and grabbed his hands.

"Why Oscar?", He asked.

"Someone would come", Oscar couldn't put his alpha reputation at stake despite the fact he was turned on by this new student. His cock was hardening under his shorts. Mike moved his hands down and touched the lining of his shorts.

"You are hard Oscar", he whispered and he was flushed.

"Oscar...nobody is gonna yourself....let me show you the real you", my hand was squeezing his hardening cock that was completely hard like a rock. Oscar's breathing rose again and I could feel him weakening. I escaped my other hand as well and tweaked his nipple and my other hand was jerking his cock through his shorts.

"Yes Oscar...give up to this moment....for a moment show me your real side...the side that I saw that that club", and Oscar's brain went into a flashback.

Oscar had always been attracted to men but he always hid this fact cuz of his big brother and father. His father was a reputed architecture and had designed for many big firms. He was tall, handsome and had wrestled in his college and a ladies man. No woman could resist his masculine charm and attractive smile. He had curly blond hair and a built of a Greek god. His big brother Josh was a complete replica of his father. He had similar curly blond hair, height but he was more muscular than his father was after all he excelled in his passion that his father couldn't. He had not a single time been defeated in his wrestling career and won matches for charities, NGOs before going to college. He was not good in studies unlike his father and Oscar himself but it is a universal fact that muscle heads are not good at thinking. He got the scholarship on basis of his excellent wrestling career and even in college he was unbeatable champion.

So everyone expected Oscar follow their footsteps. He had to become the cocky jock that he never was. He had a really compliant personality unlike his father and big brother. He was well behaved, polite and understanding in real life. But once he arrived at school everyday another personality would take him up.

He was a closeted gay may be bi and he couldn't control his lust during his puberty and started watching gay porn and masturbating to it. He also did some online fun where he had never disclosed his identity. He had explored himself in these two years, he had dominated and instructed his subs to do humiliated tasks, got them fuck themselves and spank themselves. But he didn't know how much it aroused him. Not him giving instructions but he watching them doing all those tasks and one day he started doing all this himself and he realised he liked being told, liked being submisisve, like being instructed and when he would watch his subs jerking their cocks he would be captivated by them. But online fun was not he was looking for. He needed a real deal. So one night, he went to a club named "Twilight". It was a gay club and there he found a glory hole. He went into one and closed the door. There from the hole a huge cock popped in and he was taken aback to see the length and girth. The throbbing meat was inviting him. He was also scared that someone might see this assumingly straight alpha jock in the gay bar on his knees servicing a cock. He though to leave but the voice commanded him to suck him and he felt weak. That masculine voice was so commanding that he couldn't go back and sucked him. It was his first blowjob but he sucked him like a pro.

This is how Oscar started going to that club every weekend. Before going he would make sure that all of his father, brother, friends and girlfriend were away from that area so that he could enjoy without any worry. But he never knew that someone would who he doesn't know from that area would actually transfer to his school and his nightmare would become a reality.

Oscar moaned when Mike's hand lowered his shirt and grabbed his fully erect cock with his cold hands. It gave shivers to his body and he mained and groined louder.

"Yes Oscar....moan out one is gonna come....only you and me", Mike was manipulating him, making the strong jock weak and Oscar wanted that. He wanted to be dominated by him, by someone who was weaker than him and who would be the best candidate than Mike who was not only his junior but also physically weaker than him. Mike started jerking him on faster pace and squeezing his taut nipple harder and faster. He actually pulled it out of his pec shrieking the vulnerable jock. Oscar was lost in pleasure now. He was horny, hard and on heat and he needed a release.

"Oscar, open your mouth", his commanding voice was enchanting to him. He opened his eyes to see the smiling Mike and a little harder squeeze to his nipples made his mouth open.

"Good boy", and Mike pressed his mouth over his kissing and sucking him. All of Oscar's sensitive parts were being assaulted and he became nothing more than a horny bitch on heat.

Mike started kissing the handsome jock passionately, rolling his tongue over his and sucking him deeply. Man he was so handsome. I loved making out with him and he was an expert kisser as well. For an alpha jock like him, Oscar tried to regain control but Mike was something, he knew how to take control and keep Oscar submisisve and no sooner Oscar was taking all the torture like a complete sub. He was natural at this, being told, being instructed and being dominated but he had to keep on the mask of falsity.

Mike was deep throating him with his tongue and Oscar was just heaving and breathing fast with a hard on being controlled by this new junior. He wanted to cum and Mike was more than happy to make his cocky alpha senior cum.

"Now cum for me baby", he whispered in his ear and Oscar like a good pup understood the command.

"Shoot with a loud moan, shoot without any fear, cum for me with full liberty. No one is gonna come here baby", Mike tweaked his nipples really hard making him scream and Oscar shoot his load moaning and groaning like a bitch.

"Oh...urhhhhhh...grhhhhh...fuckkkk...I'm shooting .....fuck....yeahhhhhh", and Oscar shot his lava in Mike's hand. He had literally shot the best load ever.

In aftermath of his orgasm Oscar kissed him back and then he realised why did he do that? He couldn't look at triumph Mike who was smiling proudly that he had conquered the alpha in the school.

The next day, Mike and all the new students were again bullied and were commanded to clean the cafeteria. Mike thought Oscar might at least help him but even after seeing him, he didn't do anything. Mike felt heartbroken that after making out yesterday Oscar still want to carry on with his delusional life. The day went as usual. Mike and Oscar saw each other but Oscar quickly turned his head away. I didnt know why was I expecting something good from this jerk. I also started ignoring him and focused on my studies enduring all the ragging they were doing. Supposedly it was kind of custom their seniors came up with and this ragging was gonna last for an entire month.

Two days later, I bunked a period and thought of making notes in library. I was sitting there in a corner away from everyone writing notes and listening to he music. Someone sat besides me but I was so involved in study that I didn't realise. When I felt someone's hand on my arm I looked up and to my surprise Oscar was siting there. I actually ignored him and gave him a little space to sit. I started writing again. He was clearly annoyed on being ignored and he pulled my headphone out.

"Yes, need anything?", I looked at him annoyed and he just smiled.

"I know you are upset by all the ragging and stuff but it is our culture at here", he shrugged his shoulders and I again ignored him completely.

"Hey, I hate one thing in this world and that is being ignored", he grabbed my arms DM said into my eyes with a stern look.

"Why would you want to even talk to me?", I was confused. He was the first to ignoring me and now he wanted to talk to me. He looked embarrassed as he knew I was right.

"See, I wanted to talk about that...what happened in the gym ....that was ..",

"Yes I know A PHASE", I mocked at him. Look the thing about these closeted dudes is that they want to have all the fun but they also don't want to be exposed. I never understood what striaght guys who were leaning towards other men like Oscar want to live in their delusional life. They end up getting married and have kids but they also cheat on them with another man and they don't care about their wife and kids at all. They are the most pathetic people in this world.

"What's your problem? I actually wanted to have a serious conversation and I thought you would...understand ..", he paused in his sentence. I actually felt for him and put my books and writing material aside.

"Ok....what do you wanna talk about?" I asked sincerely. He looked at me for a minute and lowered his head down.

"I can't fight with this feeling you know...", He started.

"You don't have to", I responded.

"It's easy for you to don't have to live up to everyone's expectations like me. You don't think about making your parents proud", there was pity in his voice.

"What about yourself? What about living up to your expectations? What about making yourself proud?", I asked him and he looked at me with surprise.

"Why do you even want to make everyone proud? Someone said to me that everybody expects and advises others but when it comes to suggesting them something they don't give a shit. So do what you want. I'm not saying you shouldn't be caring about your parents or friends but you have to care about yourself as well Oscar", he just listened to him attentively. He was right, he knew Mike would understand him. He was not like others. He had observed him these 2 days. He was reserved, didn't care about what was going on around him, he was basically a chill guy and a good observer as well.

"You know this ragging culture was invented by my brother and his mates. According to them for a month they can bully their juniors and by the end of the month those who were obedient to them were selected and were taken under their command. They were guided in their studies and other activities. So I never found this ragging bad. In the end students took advantage of this", he explained.

"It's a bullshit. And your brother was a jerk and a narcissist who loved dominating the weak. What is the purpose of helping others after intimidating and bullying them? He just did that to satisfy his ego and not helping the juniors", Oscar smiled at Mike's little lecture.

"What's funny?", He asked.

"If my brother was here he would have killed you", Oscar said jockingly.

"I ain't afraid of none", Mike said with an apparent bravery. Oscar smiled at his cuteness.

"I'm sorry Mike", at last he said it.

"For what?", Mike asked.

"For my terrible attitude", he said.

"Will you apologise to every other student cuz you are terribly rude to everyone", Oscar was silent.

"I had to do can't be helped", he said seriously.

"Then you have decided to continue living in your delusion. Yes, Oscar, you really can't be helped", Oscar looked at him who gave him disappointing look. He felt so vulnerable. He wanted to be free but couldn't.

More days passed and Oscar felt so uncomfortable with all this. He couldn't move on with the thoughts of Mike jerking and making out with him and he was getting frustrated.

"Hey babe, what's up?", His girlfriend Lindsay asked him.

"Nothing", he smiled.

"I know you are upset about the upcoming test. Don't you?", She said but Oscar didn't respond.

"Let me cut down your tension a bit", and he started kissing him. She bit Oscar's lip and suck him deeply.

"Babe....we are at school", Oscar was not feeling it. Another point of his frustration was that he wasn't feeling it with Lindsay or any girl now. At least before he made out with Mike, he was able to get aroused by girls but it felt he lost his ability to get hard when he think about girls. Everything he tried, Mike would replace all the girls in his head.

"Let's go somewhere else", Lindsay said and grabbed him by his muscular arm pulling him to janitor's room.

"I'm gonna make you so happy babe", Lindsay said passionately and started kissing him. Oscar didn't want to loose his erection for women so he willingly participated it. He tried hard and hard and he almost got the erection.

"Babe, suck me...", He pushed Lindsay down and she unbuckled his belt and jerked his a little hard cock. She opened her mouth and continued the blowjob. Oscar was finding it difficult to maintain his boner. He thought about all the sex scenes he had with Lindsay bit in vain, then he thought about the straight porn he watched but again no effect but then he thought about himself giving blowjob and it worked. So he had to surrender and continued fucking Lindsay with his usual way thinking about men. Then when he was closed to shooting, Mike came in his thoughts who was receiving a blowjob from him and then he shot his load in Lindsay's mouth. It was one of the worst orgasms he had in his life.

A week passed and Oscar lost it. He found Mike in hallway and told him he wanted to talk. Mike followed him to a dark and a deserted place.

"So what did you wanna talk about?", He asked him but Oscar continued staring at him like he was struggling to do something.

"Hey, what did you wanna discuss?", Mike asked him again but he didn't respond.

"I'm going...", But then Oscar pulled him by his arm and kissed him. It was not a gentle kiss but a hard, passionate one taking his tongue and dancing with Mike's in his mouth. Mike quickly pushed him away.

"You perv...", He yelled removing the drool from his face.

"I...", Oscar had no words. He was forced out of his lust.

"Why would you kiss me without my permission?", Mike asked frustrated. Oscar was shocked that someone said this to him. Everyone would die for his mouth over theirs.

"I thought you wanted it...", He was confused.

"Not from someone who is not true to himself...get lost Oscar.", He actually left him in his shame. Oscar punched the wall in anger.

Oscar tried online and jerked and squeezed his nipples upon his Dom's directions. But this time the man asked him that he wanted to see him. Oscar said he would wear a mask, he can't show his face, the man agreed. But humiliating thing was that the man himself didn't show. Oscar had no issue with it, he was so horny and desperate to hear his commands that he ignored who he was. Even if there was an underage boy, Oscar wouldn't have minded. The man commanded him to pinch his nipples hard, tortured them and then spanked himself. He also commanded him to jerk but not let him cum. In the end Oscar had to beg him to let him cum and after an hour of edging the man let him. Oscar shot his load on cam that hit his computer screen as well. But he was not satisfied. He disconnected the call. He was still hard and needed a real deal. He needed Mike.

"So, do you agree to accept the real side of yours?", The next day, Oscar went striaght to Mike after school and led him to the gym. He asked him to make out but Mike wanted to make out with real Oscar.

"Yes, Mike", he said surrendering himself.

"What did you agree to?", Mike asked him sternly.

"I agreed that....I'm attracted to men....", He said thinking.

"And?", Mike asked. Oscar looked at him bitting his lip.

"And that I'm ....I' I need you...I need to make out with you Mike", he said all this making Mike smile.

"Now strip senior", Mike wanted to seduce Oscar once and for all. After today, Oscar would not be his usual self anymore. He will reborn, accepting his real self and will be free.

Oscar did as he was told. Mike stared him from head to toe. He has an incredible body, defined pecks and six packs abs, big biceps and a hefty cock. He was an epitome of beauty.

"Now come closer baby, and kiss me", Mike ordered that Oscar complied to eagerly.

"First, take my shirt off", Mike said with a cocky grin and he did.

"Both were so close that their body heats were transfering validating laws of thermodynamics.

"Kiss me", Oscar's cock twitched and it was so humiliating for him to show his hard on to his junior but he obeyed him and slowly opened his mouth and gently placed it on Mike's.

Mike hugged his senior and moved his hands on all over his wide back embracing him like a lover. Oscar was getting shivers up his spine as Mike started feeling his skin. It was so uncomfortable for him but he wanted it. His cock was now throbbing and he couldn't help himself and gave up to Mike's seduction. Mike slowly reached to 2 meaty globes of muscles and squeezed them. Oscar's body convulsed on the erotic touch but didn't stop kissing him. His tongue was battling with Mike's. He thought he might dominate Mike (despite wanting himself to be dominated) may be he didn't want to give up easily because of his alpha reputation. But in his heart he wanted Mike to win, to come as the conqueror like he did first day and Mike did win. His tongue pushed his away and Mike also put pressure on his chest making the muscle jock move backwards. He thrashed on the locker room wall but it was nothing he couldnt bear. He was a strong teenager and can handle much more.

Mike touched his pink nipples and squeezed them gently between his thumb and index finger. His muffled moans could be heard, Mike pulled them and rubbed them harder. He knew how sensitive his tits were and he took advantage of them making the horny jock leaking his precum. After half an hour of kissing and torturing his nipples, Mike parted his mouth from him only a streak of drool joining the horny teens together. There was only lust Mike could see in handsome jock's eyes. Mike pushed him down and he fell on his knees.

"I know what you want Oscar. Open your mouth", Mike said patting his curly hair. Oscar was in a doubt whether to do it but his own throbbing cock and Mike's dancing cock automatically made him open his mouth.

"Good boy... Now suck it you suck in club", Mike did it on purpose to make Oscar think about sucking cocks. He started reminiscing about sucking all the cocks in glory holes hearing the beautiful moans every man made while he served their tools. He felt satisfied when a man would holler in pleasure and in the end compliment him that "he has the best mouth". So he wanted to show Mike as well that he had the best mouth so he started sucking him on a fast pace. By now Oscar had been experienced enough to take a deep throat. He put his hands on Mike's hips and put his head in a to and fro motion. Mike didn't even need to push his head.

Show me how expert of a cock sucker you are Oscar", he said and pushed his cock in Oscar's receiving mouth.

" are so good", Mike hollered as he pushed all of his seven inches cock in his mouth.

"Show me good you are", Mike forced his head on his cock making the jock gulped his cock down his throat.

"You are a damn pro Oscar....I don't know why you are stick to stupid Lindsay when you can please any man in the world? You can be the dream girl of any man Oscar. You have a fucking expert mouth that you can used to take in cocks instead of pussies. You know your cock is leaking when you are deepthroating cocks. You are born to serve cocks babe, you are natural cocksucker. Stop fighting with yourself and be free.", Oscar's words were actually making the jock hornier and on heat. He loved to receive such words form men as their humiliating words turned him on a lot. It was contradicting to his regular self where he was the one who would humiliate others but when it came to sex Oscar must have realised by now that he was not the active player.

Mike's cock started erupting precum in Oscar's mouth and he devoured the taste of his fuckers juice. He had never actually taken a load in his mouth but blowing Mike made him do that. It would be so humiliating for the jock to handle.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum Oscar", as he heard it he pulled his mouth out.

"What the fuckkk?", Mike was annoyed.

"I have never taken a load Mike....I can't", Oscar was embarrassed.

"Oh my my, ...babe..", he pulled him up by his shoulders.

"You need it Oscar I know that and you know that as well. So break your barriers and come out as a free man", Oscar looked at the encouraging Mike and nodded his head. He wanted to be free and Mike might help him.

"I wanna shoot my load into your mouth Oscar but first....I wanna eat your nipples. They look so delicious", Mike said with a grin and laid Oscar on the bench. He came above him and smiled at him. Oscar found it so shameful that he was naked and Mike was in his pants. He moved down and came face to face with his hard nipples.

"They long for a mouth to eat them...don't they Oscar?", Mike touched them and moaned with joy.

"You are a tit man Oscar", he smiled and opened his mouth to eat them out.

"Holy shitttttt.", Oscar moaned as he felt Mike's teeth on his perky nipples.

Mike was expertly eating, nibbling and sucking those nipples like milk would come out of them. Oscar's nipples have never been sucked and eaten like this before so he hollered like a crazy bitch.

" it....", Oscar was clearly into tit play and Mike did an excellent job in playing with those nips.

"Ohhhhh...ahhhhh", Oscar stopped thinking about everything, his humiliation , his reputation everything. His tits were giving him so much pleasure that he pushed his chest up into Mike's mouth so that he can torture them as he wants.

Mike moved his hand above and put his two fingers into Oscar's mouth. Oscar's moans were muffled by Mike's fingers that he was sucking like a baby. He completely lost it. The pinch of integrity he had in him faded away. He was now completely under Mike's control squirming with joy like a horny bitch and slut.

"You love it Oscar... don't you...when your tits are this..", Mike bit them hard.

"Oohhhhhh...hhhh...yesss.....I love it", being vulnerable and under control of someome was so amazing feeling. Oscar couldn't help besides moaning and groaning.

Mike gave a lot time on bitting, and sucking Oscar's nipples making them red and swell. Mike lifted Oscar's strong thighs up and exposed his pucker. He continued sucking his tits and then moved down kissing his navel and crotch giving Oscar shivers of joy.

As he reached his crack he parted the bubble butt and exposed his little pink rosebud which looked virgin. Mike burrows his face in it and inserted his tongue in.

"Ahhhhhhhhh...fuckkkkkk yeahhhhh. Oh my it mike....suck it", feeling a tongue penetrating his anus, Oscar couldn't stop from yelling his emotions out. For the first time in his life, his ass was eaten out.

Mike observed that his crack had the most sensitive region on his body. The nerve endings were sensitive to touch and gave his brain erotic signals and Oscar just entered the realm of pure ecstasy. He didn't even care if someone saw him in this vulnerable state, whether his alpha reputation was on stake, he just needed that pleasure. Mike aye him out, stretching it with his tongue, spitting all the saliva he could ever produce. He had a mission in mind and wanted to make this moment forever for the hungry jock's cunt. No man can enjoy anal play this much if he was not into it. Assuming Oscar's hole to be virgin, Mike swore to devirginize it right now.

He licked his crack like a dog and nibbled his external sphincters. Oscar's thighs jerked in ecstasy and pure bliss.

"Oh fuck....Mike....ahhhhhhhhh....ahhhhhhhh....ugrhghhhhh", Oscar was gone crazy in lust and pleasure. Mike came over his body again taking his one leg up high in air.

"Oscar you are so sexy and so handsome", Oscar opened his eyes in intoxication. Mike sucked his middle finger well while Oscar watched him.

"You are ready Oscar?", He didn't get it for what but nodded his head. Mike hand reached to Oscar's bottom and parted his ass cheeks. As his middle finger entered his hole, Oscar panicked.

"Noooo...wait...", Mike's ignored his pleading and entered his extremely tight hole.

"Fuck....Mike....noooooooi..urhhhhh...please waiitttttt", Oscar tried to move back but mike's hold was firm.

"Fuck you are so tight Oscar", Mike groaned feeling the volcano in his ass.

"Wait ..Mike....please...don' hurtsssss", Mike just paused hearing his groans of pain and painful face.

"What happened baby?", Mike kissed his nipple asking him.

"Mike....I can't take hurts", he spoke.

"But you have a tightest hole which needs to be is also a hungry one baby", Mike sucked his nipple again seductively making Oscar weak. On other hand Mike continued penetrating his middle finger in his tight hole.

"You have a tightness of a woman Oscar....fuck so tight. It is craving for my cock. Just it ..urhhhhh hugs my cock", Mike whispered to him. Oscar felt degraded to be called as a woman but his cock definitely liked it as it erupted precum.

"Mike....wait...don't...ahhhhhhh", he felt excruciating pain.

"What's it Oscar? You love that I can bet my life on it but why are you resisting? I believe you have fingered yourself before", Mike was worried about him.

"It's....I ..have a condition...", Oscar said embarrassingly.

"Huh ..what condition?", Mike asked.

"It's ...muscular hypertrophy....a rare condition...that makes my hole really tight...and when...uhh...I fingered myself the first time I felt so pain that I'm scared now", Oscar told him all about his fear.

"Oh, so haven't you visited any doctor?", Mike's finger was still inside his tight hole and his cock was rock hard with anticipation of fucking Oscar's tight hole whether he had to use force.

"I did....doc told me to some stretching exercise...", He said.

"So do you do that?", Mike stretched his hole a little.

" ...I didn't... Mike.ohhhhh", this time Oscar moaned.

"Lets stretch it now", Mike said stretching his tight hole harder this time.

"No...Mike...wait..please....urhhhhhhh...aohhhhh", he moaned again. Oscar couldn't differentiate whether it was pain making him moan or the pleasure. But Mike knew it was a mix of pain and pleasure and Oscar loved it. He could have three him away but he didn't instead he let Mike molest his tight hole.

"Oscar...", Mike called him looking into his eyes. Oscar say him so close to his face looking into his deep hazel eyes.

"Do you believe in me baby", he asked so romantically that Oscar wanted to blush. He could feel the dominance in Mike's eyes, his authority and control over his body.

"Yes ..", Oscar nodded his head after a long pause. He wanted to say no but somehow a yes came out even Mike stopped stretching his tight hole momentarily in fear that he might chicken out.

"So, let me do what I want Oscar. I promise I won't bring any harm to you or your hole. Do you get it baby?", Mike patted his curly blond hair and Oscar wanted to dive down in Mike's eyes and put all his faith into him.

"Ohhhh....I believe in you Mike", Mike smiled after receiving Oscar's consent and kiss the hunky jock.

"It will hurt a lot Oscar baby, like a lot. But do not loose your faith in me. His has burries the heaven's gate in you and I'm gonna open it for you. Once the door is unlocked you will be thanking me baby", Mike smiled and placed his lips on Oscar's and started stretching his anal walls moving forward. Oscar was feeling shame on his words and felt stinging pain like a snake was wriggling inside his hole. The muscles were tightly hugged to his finger. He tried moaning and groaning but his cries were muffled by the sweet kiss Mike was giving to him.

Mike's finger was wriggling inside stretching the walls and stung them like a rock. Oscar just endured it. Mike continued his penetration until he struck something. A soft mass of tissue that he tried to cross but it gave a lot of resistance. As Mike applied force to push the tissue aside, Oscar let out a shriek but Oscar was kissing him so passionately that the sound disappeared. Mike didn't show any mercy and inserted another finger to stretch his anal walls even more and hit that tissue with the force of two fingers now. Mike knew once this tissue was stretched Oscar would enter the realm of pure ecstasy. He just needed to endure a little more pain.

To Oscar, it was the most painful thing he ever endured in life but the whole process was making him horny and long for cumming. His throbbing cock was leaking gallons of precum and despite the stinging pain, he stood it cuz he believed in Mike that he would bring happiness to him.

Mike along with kissing him continued hitting the tissue and stretched his walls even more. He could feel the stretching was showing result and he took the risk. With one powerful blow, he pushed his fingers in with full force and the tissue moved aside. Oscar's eyes opened wide feeling something tearing inside and tears filled his eyes and he yelled the loudest moan of pain. However, Mike didn't stop stretching and finger fucking him and pushed in further, he was close to hit his pleasure spot but Oscar by now had started pushing his legs and Mike away from him. He thought he was bleeding. Mike penetrated and hit it's prostate stopping Oscar at his place. Mike knew it was his fear that was keeping Oscar away from the real pleasure but once his prostate would be hit, he forget all the pain.

Mike proudly parted his mouth and looked at intoxicated Oscar who was watching his smile confusedly. Mike pushed his pleasure button with his fingers and he made an amazing moan which was music to his ears. The conquest of the alpha jock was completed.

"Ahhhhh...ahhhhhh...yeahhhh", Oscar endured so much pain that now pleasure full waves were hitting him like heaven. He was exhausted now and let Mike do whatever he wanted. At last he was receiving the fruit of his hard work.

"Do you feel better now Mike?", He asked and he nodded his head like he was drunk. At last the pain reduced a bit and the gates of heaven opened for him. He entered another finger and now Oscar was being fucked by three fingers. Oscar felt he was in heaven, the blissful sensation was overwhelming for him.

"Ohhhhh...Mike...yes....fuck me....yes...hit that it harder...fuck me harder.... yeahhhhhh", he moaned and groaned with pleasure. Now this anal tissue obstructing it was aside Oscar could enjoy the fucking like he deserved it.

"Oscar you are such a handsome are mine...say it baby", he kissed his nipples again.

"Oh yeah...I'm yours...completely yours....I'm yours Mike...yes...", He hollered.

"Now you are ready Oscar. I have stretched you well enough so that you can take the real thing.", Mike whispered him wickedly that intoxicated Oscar couldn't understood. Mike pulled his leg far up and align it with his shoulder. Adjusting his slimy cock against his pink virgin hole, Mike pushed it in raw.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh", again Oscar's eyes opened wide with a scream.

"Shhhh baby....calm's just beginning....the pain will soon replaced with pleasure you were receiving before", Mike calmed him down like a baby and pushed his seven inches in.

"Fuck the tightest have got a vagina in your ass are tighter than a are my girl", mike's arm was under his raised leg and he was pushing his cock inside him mercilessly. With other hand he was squeezing his nipple really hard. There was pain, there was pleasure and now Oscar's body started responding pain in a blissful way. He started enjoying taking pain in his hole.

"Fuckk...again the resistance...but I'm.gonna break it bad baby....I'm gonna bring the real slut inside you", Mike fucked him harder with a blow and let Oscar moan louder. Oscar didn't bother to resist this time as he was anxiously waiting for the pleasure that awaited him after this pain.

"Yes.....ohhhhhh fuck.....I have never experienced such amazing thing before....ahhhhhh...such pain....uffffff...such is confusing and over...ahhhhh over whelming...ahhhhhhh", Mike was now completely in as he pulled his cock out he felt like Oscar's skin teared with it as friction was so much. He must have used lube nevertheless, he started fucking him making the jock moan louder with pain and pleasure. But a few minutes of fucking after, Mike's cock hit Oscar's prostate and a weird moan escaped his mouth. Mike smiled as Oscar again felt the sensation. His gate of heaven was knocked at again and Mike took this opportunity to knock his gate continuously. Mike then fucked Oscar really well, he fucked him for his life, he fucked him so that he could remember this fuck forever. And for Oscar he just enjoyed it, loved every inch of Mike's cock. He realised that he was born to get fuck, serve other cocks and please men. He was not the cocky alpha like his big brother but a submisisve bottom slut. Oscar's musical notes were echoing through the entire gym. Thank God there was no one to hear the jock getting fucked relentlessly by his junior.

Mike was on top of the Jock's wide chest who was flushed and breathing hard. He couldn't believe he was fucked by his junior in all the positions, like missionary, cowgirl, etc. And shot about 13 times long streams of cum. He ejaculated so much that he has never done with any girl in his life. He was surprised to see how slutty he was, how much he loved a cock in his ass and how much he loved submitting to Mike. Was there any way returning back to his cocky self? Could he be his old self any more?

Guys like Oscar (if they had no hypertrophy or other issue) usually have a fear of getting fucked. They are afraid of a cock that it will hurt them but believe me they don't know once they are conquered they enter the realm of heaven. The initial pain is nothing in front of the massive pleasure that awaits him and Oscar understood it. He realised he was so wrong, he has been chickening out of a cock for nothing. He must have started with a cucumber to stretch himself and make his hole prepare for a real cock.

Next: Chapter 7

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