From jock stud to jock slut

By Alpha DomTop

Published on Apr 14, 2022


I have opened my online training session for all muscle sluts married, single, tops, Doms, confused, closeted , etc. You know you need to serve me and can't hold on to your desires for long. So don't be cruel to yourself stud and surrender to me or you will be alone jerking and shooting reading this piece.



Sophie spent the evening getting ready for our date. After her shower and skin-care treatment, she carefully shaving legs and pits and then trimmed her pubes. I never noticed her bush. It was just the top hair to the pussy that my dick wanted into. I would have freaked out if she had no pubes, and I wouldn't have asked her to sculpted down her bush. But she knew guys well-enough to know that a wild mat of hair was not feminine nor turn-on. Some perfumes and hair-styling followed. Then she spent more time choosing her underwear then any straight guy could ever imagine. I didn't understand or appreciate any of this at the time. I arrive after the gym and a quick shower. Sophie looked total hot. She is only 5'7, with slim hips, but she is pretty. And her tits looked great in see-thru shirt-thing. I cupped my hand over her visible bra as I leaned in to kiss her. She grasped my neck to hold on and kiss me back hard. But as her tongue slipped between my lips, I flinched and pulled away. It felt just like Jack when he kissed me the night before. I pushed that image out of my head by grabbing her fine , big ass and saying, "I'm thirsty. Got beer?" I told myself that Sophie kisses nothing like Jack; she is soft and sweet, Jack was rough and pushy.

The thing that was great about Sophie besides her willing body, is that she loved to play video shooters and was super good at them. She could give me a real challenge and make it a fun night. Several beers in and fairly even score on games, Sophie got an elfish twinkle in her eye. "Let's three more games and then the winner takes charge in the bedroom." She leaned over and kissed me. "Either way, I guarantee you'll win." I popped open another beer and said "You're On"

I was playing my hardest, but the fucked-up things that those guys. Mike and Jack, had done to me kept popping into my head. Their lips and their incredible blow-jobs. How could they suck cock like that? Straight down their throats; no gagging. Was it something all fags could do? Or did they have to learn it? I was suddenly picturing all the hundreds of cocks they must have practiced on. That was just too fucked-up. So I chugged down my latest beer and stared at Sophie's chest. Her beautiful tits would burn those faggots out of my mind. After winning the first game, Sophie had stripped off her shirt to get comfortable. So she was sitting there in her bra. Her round, full breasts filled the cups that just came up over her nipples, leaving half her white flesh exposed. When I won, I was going to go straight for a titty-fuck as warm-up. Sophie was only OK with blow-jobs. She would lick my shaft and suck my knob and it felt good, but it wouldn't be the deep-throat mind-blower that Mike had giving me days ago. But a titty-fuck was something no guy give me. I imagined pushing her tits together with my hands as slide my cock back and forth in the soft, fleshy gap between. It made my cock drippy hard. It also made butt twitch in a pleasant way, which was odd. Why would my butt-hole clench and relax like that? I would seriously tweak her nipples too; now that I knew how to do it. Did girls like it as rough and hard as guys did? But starring a girl's tits while drinking your 7th ( 10th?) beer was no way to win a Shooter. She creamed me. She tossed down her game-control and looked at me funny "Were you trying to lose?" she asked. I stammered a blushing NO. She smiled. "I think you did. I think you want me in charge." She grabbed my shirt collar in mock aggression. "Come here, babe, I'm taking you to bed."

My head was a fog of too much beer, horniness, and confusion. Sophie had to help me stagger to her bedroom. I got my shirt off, but Sophie had to help me with my trousers and shoes. It felt so good to just lay naked on her bed and let my head spin. My gf , stripped down to her green bra and panties, straddled my chest. She patted my cheek till I opened my eyes. "Don't go to sleep yet, love. See what I bought." From the nightstand she held up two sets of furry-covered handcuffs. Closing on each of my wrists, stretched up my arms to secure me to the headboard posts. Having her slight, wiry body on my chest felt good. She leaned forward, kissing me and licking my lips and face, exploring my mouth with her tongue. I tried to focus my blurry eyes on her beautify face. But I was starring up at the glaring ceiling light. Between kisses, my painful squints and grimaces were too much for her. So without getting off me, the flexible Sophie bent and stretched down to the floor and snatched up a zebra-print scarf. She tied it around my eyes, blindfolding me. "babe you don't have to see," she giggled.

She spun around and started kissing and licking and fondling my massive hardening dick. I let out a groan of pure pleasure as my cock throbbed in her hand. She licked just under the head as she slowly, very very slow stroked my shaft. She spend a long time toying with me, sucking my knob and fondly my balls. If I bucked my hips trying to push my cock all the way into her warm, wet mouth, she would punish me by suddenly yanking on my nuts.. This wasn't a blow-job. She was just trying to get my drunken, horny dick hard enough to fuck her. I just had to lay there and give up control. It was almost half-hour before I was relaxed and hard enough for her to pull her panty aside and rub her pussy lips on my cockhead. She was rubbing all my cock dribbles into the crinkles of her wet cunt. That is when the doorbell ring and kept on ringing. "God Damn", Sophie screeched as she climbed off the bed and adjusted her panties back into place. She sauntered out toward the front door and left me cuffed to the bed. I heard her open the door and say "What is so ...... FRANK?"

"Sophie" a man exclaimed. There was a brief shuffle or scuffle and then some silence. "No Frank. You shouldn't.... We broke up..." Silence.

"OOOWWW OWW ," she moaned as Frank started kissing her awakening her list for him.

"You broke it off. I never did. I've always loved you", he said in a more muffled voice. She moaned again and he grunted. These moans and grunts of pleasure were taking on a rhythm. It sounded like they were fucking right there at the front door. I laid there in drunken stupor as my cock twitched and throbbed and leaked to the sounds of sex. I don't know when it went totally quiet. Suddenly it seemed like it had been a long time. I tried to focus and listened. I didn't know what to do. If I called out, the guy whoever he was might come in and I was in no position to defend my Alpha stature locked up in cuffs and blind folded with a hard on on display.

Finally I called out a weak "Hey". Nothing. "Hey.... Hey out there." Nothing. Everything was so still and my belly was so warm and comfortable from the beer, I just couldn't worry about things. It was just weirdly nice to lay there with my hands cuffed and my dick out.

The bed creaked. Someone was climbing on top of it with me. I felt a small hand stoke my dick. "OK!" I thought, "Sophie is back." It was the same slow stroke she had used before. My cock sprang back to continue what had been interrupted. But this time the strokes were even better. She was squeezing the strokes as her had slide up my long shaft. And she alternating hard squeezes and soft squeezes on my nuts with her other hand. She was a total Pro.

I wasn't surprised when she slipped my knob in her mouth and kept on stroking. "Atta girl," I moaned in pleasure. Then her strokes got shorter and mouth went deeper. She had never gone down this far on me before. I bucked my hips and she let my dick hammer at the entrance to her throat. She even match my rhythm to maximize the pounding. Then suddenly she tugged my hips down to the bed by pulling on my balls to stop my rocking. The pain should have been dick-shriveling. I was saved because in the same moment, she twisted her position and I felt her throat open like a snake and start to swallow the rest of my shaft. How can one thing hurt and another feel so fucking great at the same time? It was beautiful. I could feel the muscle pulsating the entire length of my shaft. Holding me still and taut by a painful grip on my balls, she started sliding her head and throat and lips up and down on my frantically stiff rod. She had never been this good before. She was almost as good a Jack and Mike had been. Almost as good. Why wasn't it as? What did those fags do better? Had those guys ruined blow-jobs for me? It need something a little more.

"Put..." I spoke hesitantly, "put... your finger in my ass Sophie." I heard a snort of humour. On the next stroke up, there was a pause, where I assumed she was spitting on her finger. A wet finger ran circles around my anus. The finger was stronger than Jack's warm tongue. Pressing harder and harder she massaged the muscles into relaxing quickly. It was an action I seen her do own her own pussy before we fucked. Now she was doing it to me. And as much as I was embarrassed to ask Sophie to do that to me, at least there was a relief that it was not a man doing it. It was Sophie.

On the next down stroke of her mouth, that wet finger plowed straight into my ass. It found a rhythm with the mouth-stokes and was soon deep enough tickle that prostate button inside me. I thought my dick would get twice as hard. But it sparked no electricity thru my body the way it had last time. "Harder, babe.. Damn it", I pleaded. Desperate for the feeling, I ground my ass onto her finger.

I was reward with a second finger. "Ohhhh,,,", the resistance and the pain was so much but I was so loving that pain like I was meant to feel that and endure it.

I started moaning like a bitch and gyrated my ass on her fingers. I bet Sophie must be surprised to see this side of mine even I was shocked that how much I was getting on by anal play. When Mike did that to me I hated it apparently as it was so humiliating for a muscular boxer like me, the alpha and the king of my town but none knew that behind closed doors Mike sparked up something inside me and I started to long for it. The stretching hurt. The extra room got her slim fingers pounding on my buzzer. He inserted the third finger and the excruciating pain made me yelled as I felt something obstructed. The electricity shot out from it, into my stomach, into my brain, and into my dick. "Oh Yeshh," I slurred, "That feels so good babyyyyy."

It felt the wonderful feeling when my balls tightened. "I'm Cumming," I roared. I bucked so hard I was afraid I would break her teeth. Like a Pro, she kept her fingers in my ass and raised head off my dick till just the knob was in her mouth to catch volley after volley of my spunk. I was like a limp rag after that. No strength in me. I just lay on the bed waiting for her to release me. Even with her I have never ever had such a mesmerising orgasm.

The silence was broken by an unfamiliar voice." I think its my turn now." It took a bit for me to realize that that wasn't Sophie's voice. It took my beer-bashed brain even longer to realize that it was a young male voice. He was lifting my legs and parting my butt-cheeks before I fully understood. One determined push slide more that fingers into my stretched but still tight hole. I could feel his pubic hair rubbing against my spent nuts. "What the Fuck?!!,"I gasped loudly feeling a hammer entering my ass. Some stranger's cock was planted deeply in my butt. "Get that thing OUT OF ME," I shouted.

"Relax, Babe," he said,"It will feel even better than my fingers. Such a fine ass."

I squeezed my ass trying to push him out struggling.

"Oh Yeah!", he roared pulling my heavy legs back and slamming his dick harder with my ass. Believe me my entire body jolted with his powerful thrust and I screamed out "ahhhhhhhhhh", what the hell was happening to me. I'm not gay.

,"Squeeze my dick", Then next thing he said was baffling.

"The other night I thought you were a virgin and you have the virginest hole babe. And you know how to please a Man, don't you." He started to try to stroke and thrust against my now resisting hole . And it hurt. But it hurt less than I expected may be because he already had stretched my hole. His cock wasn't thick as Mike had been but sure his was longer. If I had resisted Mike this way, his cock would have torn me up. This sleeker cock was just wearing me down.

Then he started working circles inside me with his dick. Widening circles that stretched and rubbed all around inside me. I let out deep growl of

pure animal passion and pleasure. He rested my muscular calves on his shoulders (that could crush his bones but that scrawny fellow somehow managed to lift them. My heavy weight legs up) and held my bubble hips steady as he started to back and forth fuck me. In and out fuck me. Gentle, long fuck me. It was hypnotic. "See," he crooned, "Just let it go and enjoy it babe. You don't need Sophie, you need a man, you need a cock. Accept that. Only a cock can make you this happy and you know that it's futile running away from your desires. Just feel my dick and enjoy wrestler boy. You are so strong. Just look at your strong muscles and chiseled body. Boys like you are meant to endure pain whatever the kind is. Am I wrong babe?"

My tired, drunk brain didn't want to fight it. Actually his every statement was making me hard and felt right. I needed something inside my hole to feel this pain. It was so different, not a pain from a physical injury but something that would make me happy and anticipated. Just like the pain I endure every day in the gym. Hard and tiring but blissful. So I just lay there beneath and let him fuck me. But there was a weird sensation a feeling like something obstructed my hole.

"Man you are tighter than a woman. What the hell Josh? My cock is only halfway in but is feeling something is blocking its way...... I have a solution babe....and I'm gonna break the obstruction apart in a sec...", And with that he took his entire girth out. I felt empty and humiliated on being compared to a woman. I was so drunk to analyse the situation. My sex drive was on and my mind just needed a relief. I didn't care what was he planning to do next but what he did made my eyes popped and watered with agonising pain.

"Noo...ahhhhhhhhhh...ohhhhhhhh...take it ....OOUUTTTTT...MOTHER FUGER.....", I was struggling to get away from him cuz his plow was so hard and painful and I felt something tearing inside me. But that fucker didn't let me go and held me tightly embracing me and started consoling me.

"No no....don't dot hat will be fine...just endure it. You can do that babe. You are a huge, strong man and strong boys like you can endure a lot more than this...understood?", I literally was incapacitated to understand him but his patting around my head and hugging calmed me a bit and even he stopped moving may be he realise /d he did go over board cuz tears were rolling down so he kissed me.

"Those are nice nipples too. Do they work?" he said. His hands stroked my nipples in the same tempo as his fucking. I could only moan slowly

"Oh Yes!. Pussy and tits. The best bitch boys are all about the pussy and tits."

"I am not urrhhh.....a.... pusshy,....and... not your babbee" I protested feebly slurring. He flicked my nipples painfully and I moaned.

"You are all about the tits and pussy, Josh. Accept that.", he countered. "Lets get the nipples revved up."

He pinched my nipples at the bottom of his fuck stroke. He released them on the up. I grew to expect it . As he picked up the pace and force of his dick thrusts , he increased the twisting and the pulling on my nips. Soon both were a powerful and all consuming assault on my body and on my

mind. And I just lay there and took it. I rattled my handcuffs against the headboard and swore like a motherfucker. But I never thought to stop him or fight. It all felt to terrible and good. He was swearing at me too.

"Take it muscle boy.", "You like this, don't you handsome?",

"Fucking slut".

What just did he call me? I was so high that I didn't even bother to say anything which in real life I would break anyone's face if I was abused this way. I didn't think it should ever stop. I was actually started enjoying it. I rattled the chains in time with his stokes, raised my chest to offer my nipples ,and buck my hips with his thrusts. I rattled the chains to remind myself that feeling this good wasn't my fault. Being fucked in the pussy like a faggot wasn't my fault. Liking it wasn't my fault. Suddenly he froze. Dick full in me, he started to shake. I knew he was cumming. He was cumming inside me, and I was feeling so humiliated and pleased at the same time. For the first time I felt something warm hitting my inside. He was cumming like a horse and I just took it like his mare.

He twisted me nipples super-hard and suddenly I was cumming too. For the second time that night I was cumming and again this surprisingly amazing orgasm that I never had before with any girl was confusing me. I always topped and fucked any girl I laid my eyes on but never ever I unloaded this much and enjoyed this much. Sex with a man was much different and mesmerising that with a woman. Wait, what the hell I'm thinking? I'm straight not gay.

My cum splatter down over me and he collapsed on top of me too. His dick still in me softened and we rested in the after-sex glow. It was several minutes before he raised up on his elbows and pulled the scarf of my eyes. I blinked in the moody light of the bedroom and my bleary eyes took a bit to focus on his smiling face.

He was the young guy from the bar the other night. The night that Jack took me home. And he looked just like Sophie. It made my stomach lurch and I felt sick. Was he Sophie's kid brother she always talked about? I closed my eyes and looked for a way to forgot this whole humiliating experience. "I need drink." but I felt something delicate pressing on my lips and when I opened my eyes Jack was kidding me passionately just like Mike. I tried to move away but again he squeezed my nipples and I had to surrender and let him kiss me.

"Hair of the dog, huh? I can fix that. I'll take care of you, Babe. You had much more fun with me that my sister Josh. I had eyes on you the first time I saw you with my sis. I was so jealous of her and last night in the bar I had the opportunity" he told.

"But I didn't know that the straight alpha wrestler of the city was into men and a bottom", he smirked. I was feeling so tired so didn't pay attention to him.

He was off the bed like a spring, and gone for a moment. I heard the beer can pop as he came back in. He cradled my head as he feed me the beer. The cold brewski warmed my belly and calmed my nerves. Then he leaned down and kissed me again, sucking beer off my tongue. It was a faggy thing to do, but I was drunk and confused; I kissed him back.

He cradled my head in his arm and massaged my nuts with his other hand. I open my eyes and remembered that this was a guy. I was having Gay sex. He ran his hand over the muscles in my thigh and then back up over my obliques and abs. "You have the body if a god, Josh. No, you are a god. I bet your in the gym all the time" He felt up the mound of my bicep.

"Biceps curls, 3-set reps?" he asked. "Yeah.", I responded flattered. He was at least 19, with short, soft brown hair. He was slim, but he was in shape, like a runner maybe. His green eyes were still full of lust and fun. "You have another nut in you?" he asked.

"No," I said strongly. "I think you might.",.he replied. "I know I do. Roll over." "No!" He grabbed my balls and twisted hard. The pain made me scream. "I said Roll Over, Josh. I want to fuck you again."

I was lot bigger and stronger than he was, but my hands still cuffed and I felt weak and surprisingly helpless. I turned over, crossing my cuffed hands, making a pillow my aching drunk head. He pushed my legs up under me, raising my butt in the air. He smacked my butt cheeks a few times with his hands and I winced.

"Don't defy me again muscle boy cuz you know you want it and I take it what I want. I have wanted this ass since last night. You were so cocky but I never knew you liked taking cocks up your ass. You fucked my sister and I always thought you as a top but yesterday was my lucky day, I suppose", He slapped my ass again, and I felt the adrenaline rush. It was like pushing thru that last, terrible mile on the treadmill. I WANTED to endure it as I was a body holder and strong men like me always endure any kind of pain. He spread my ass cheeks and stared at my asshole. "That is a fine ass I had ever seen. I could rim that pussy out proper. Would you like that? " He slapped my ass much harder. "I asked you a question. Would you like my tongue in your ass?"

"Yes", I responded quickly but why?

"But its leaking all my cum. Need someone to clean out that cream-pie. You want me to call one of my mates to come lick this out? They will be jealous that only I'm having fun",

"No, please," I begged panicking. I might have endured the shame and humiliation by him but not by others. At least none knew what he was doing to me.

"Ok babe. I won't. The jizz will make good lube." I bet all the guys are starring at the ass and want it." I imagined the gym. I know all the chicks were checking out my muscles and my dick. I pictured all the guys, grunting and working the weights and machines, Were they all lusting for my ass?

He slide his dick into my butt-hole. It was only semi-hard. I squeezed my ass down to try and feel it. He rubbed his hands over the muscled lats of my back and I felt his cock surge. "This is my second nut this hour. You are going to have to work hard for this one, jock-boy. Let's train those nipples." He wrapped his arms around me as he pressed into my back, and grabbed each of my pecs in his hand, thumbs in my nipples. "When I twist your tits, you relax your hole. When I stop twisting, you squeeze your hole tight. Got it?" He twisted his hands. When I did nothing, he thrummed my nipples painfully with his thumb. I screamed and my ass shut down protectively. My chute muscles gripped his fleshy tubed invader. He thrummed my nipples again. I flinched from the pain and I worked to control my muscles and open my hole for a cock.

"Yeah that's it". He relaxed his hands and I tightened my ass. He dragged his dick forcibly out of the narrowed channel. His dickhead rubbed against my prostate on its deeper, untouched, inner side. I couldn't help but shake my head and groaning in pleasure. "That's my Girl.", he said. "Become the Pussy."

I was not a girl, the sheer shame and humiliation was making me hard more. I am an alpha not anyone's girl but my helplessness was making me horny and on heat. He setup strange patterns of tit twists and penis-thrusts. I couldn't predict it or understand it, I just tried to follow and obey.cuz I was enjoying it. Because he made it feel so good. I was twice his size and half again his weight but I was totally out of control. It was terrible. But it was also comfortable and exciting. I didn't have to think. On that thought, it felt like half my drunken brain shut down and went to sleep. My body automatically started to sway back on the thrusts and pec-massages. I still couldn't predict, just respond. I thought if distracting myself and started imagining about girls. I thought about the gym again, and then ......guys. All I had to do was give up my tits and my ass and guys could make me feel this Good. Dick and Ass in the gym. Mike sucking me on the weights bench. Jack rimming me on the mat floor. This guy tying my hands to the chin-up bar and fucking me standing up. Suddenly I felt my body shaking all over and I was drooling all my hands

I didn't understand what was attempting. My body felt flushed and hot. Wave and wave of this feeling passed through me. It was like floating or leaving my body. As it faded, I came back into my head a little. I could feel him again. Laying on my back. Rubbing his dick in circles deep inside me. Gently and pleasantly pulling my nipples away from my chest.

"I thought you had another nut in you. But you still need to give me my second nut. I don't care if it takes you all night." and then he fucked me all night making me cum five times more. It was the first time in my life that I had came so much and enjoyed every bit of it.

Next: Chapter 5

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