From jock stud to jock slut

By Alpha DomTop

Published on Apr 5, 2022


Here is the new chapter of your favourite story that you all emailed me about to post. So enjoy it my pups. Read it and shoot yourself thinking yourself as my property, that your Master is allowing you to shoot otherwise you were worthless, pups.

And if there is a "Josh" among you reading it then surrender to me pup. You know you are meant to be owned and used. You have no goal in life besides serving me, making me happy with your muscles, body and mind. I don't you are a top, Dom or striaght. You know you are a slut in a closet and you can't hide your true self. It's enough living in a delusion. Now it's time to embrace your true self, pup. You want to be used by others, serve them and you know that. So e-mail me your shirtless pic with a submisisve smile and your chest written with "YOUR SLAVE".


Chapter 3:

I lay there half frozen as I watched Mike leave the room. What the hell just happened, I thought, catching a glimpse of Mike's grin as he closed the bedroom door behind him. I could feel the post orgasmic tingle run through my body confusing me even more.

I must have laid there for a good thirty minutes before I was pulled out of my deep thoughts by the sounds of moaning coming from Oscar's room. Mike was clearly ploughing my brother's hole by the sound of the loud moaning and slapping sounds of his pelvis slamming against Oscar's buttcheeks. Hearing the sounds of Mike drilling my brother sent a wave of strange emotion through me, making my cock tingle once more, twitching, rising slowly again.

"What the fuck is wrong with me" I hissed as I kicked the covers off the bed and threw one of my pillows towards the door.

"I'm not fucking gay! Why the hell is this turning me on!?" I said, louder this time as I stood up and glanced at myself in the mirror noting how pumped my body looked. My muscular frame still glistening with sweat from the session Mike had just made me endure, my cock semi hard, sticking out from my body, the sound of fucking echoing through my room.

I couldn't stand listening to Mike plough my brother any longer so I did what I usually did; Pulled on some sweatpants and a tank top, grabbed my gym bag and headed out to the gym.

I could feel myself relaxing as the familiar smell of the gym hit me. The gym was my sanctuary, my place to relax, to clear my mind, to reflect. The sound of iron hitting iron, the loud house music blasting through the speakers, the smell of sweat mixed with deodorant were strangely relaxing to me.

As I turned the treadmill on, with music in my ears, I could feel the relaxation hit me as I picked up the pace and began running. I could feel my calves tense and release as my feet made contact with the belt, I was alone in my own world. However, it wasn't before long that the image of Mike's grin flashed through my mind, the image of my cock slipping into his mouth and down his throat, I could clearly remember the feeling of his throat clenching around my throbbing cockhead as he worked his head down towards my pelvis, his nose nestled in my bush.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a girl staring at me, looking over I saw that her eyes were not fixed on my great physique but instead she was fixated on my crotch. Looking down I noticed that my now extremely hard cock was tenting my shorts, pushing the waistline away from my body, bouncing up and down in sync with my running.

"Fuck." I hissed as I hit the emergency stop button on the treadmill, quickly leaning down pretending to redo my shoelaces whilst trying to rearrange my throbbing erection. I stole a quick glance towards the girl and noticed her giggling with her friend who was undoubtedly also trying to catch a glimpse at my throbbing erection.

I quickly got out of dodge and headed towards one of the freeweight areas, picked up some weights, and found a place in front of the floor to ceiling mirror. I remember thinking how confused I was as I began my bicep curls. First of all, why was I so turned on by Mike sucking me off, and why was it so hot to me listening to Mike pound my brother. He is my brother for fuck sake, I shouldn't be finding this hot. Not to mention the fact that I'm not a faggot!

My eyes scanned the room via the mirror and I noticed the girls still giggling on the treadmills. There were a couple of by the bench presses chatting away and another working on his press. I noticed how his biceps and chest bulged with every thrust, I noticed how his cock was slightly tenting his tight shorts and how the veins in his neck pulsated as he strained against the weights. I started imagining standing behind him, placing my hand on his throat, squeezing it as I would slide my cock down his throat to the base, feeling myself slide into him, listening to him gag as I would feel my cock push out the walls of his throat. I imagined seeing his saliva spew from his mouth, covering his face as I would face fuck him right there on the bench.


All eyes were on me as I had dropped the heavy weights to the floor. My cock pulsing in my shorts, still contained within the waistband after my previous adjustment.

"Hey dude, if you're not able to rack them you're not able to work them" some guy said with a mock grin.

"Sorry" I mumbled as I picked the weights up again and placed them on the rack and rushed to the locker room again.

What the fuck is happening to me.

My day consisted of me moping around town trying to figure out what the hell was happening to me. My mind kept wandering to the morning where Mike had his way with me to the fact that I fantasized about throat fucking a random guy at the gym. I AM NOT GAY I kept saying to myself throughout the day. It was beginning to feel more like a mantra then anything else.

I finally ended up at home but noticed that Mike was still there. Quickly I snuck into my bedroom, hoping that Mike wouldn't hear me, jumped in the shower and got dressed quickly and left the house again. I didn't want to risk Mike wanting to take advantage of my confused state.

I found myself sitting at a familiar bar with a drink in hand, the blaring music soothing my mind as I could focus on little else than my drink and the music. The bar was crowded and most I could see were silhouettes of people dancing and enjoying themselves to the rhythm of the music. One thing I did see though was a young guy leaning against the bar. He looked to be around 18, maybe 19, about the same height as me, slim and very handsome. He had that typical boy next door look about him.

He seemed to be deep in conversation with some girl, I noticed how he frequently ran his hand through his thick black hair, ruffling it up slightly every time, giving him an untamed look. I noticed how full his lips looked as he drank from his glass.

I had probably been staring at him for a good five minutes when I noticed him staring back at me, flashing me a wide smile revealing a set of perfectly white teeth. I quickly looked away in embarrassment.

"What, am I checking out guys now?" I said to myself as I motioned to the bartender for a refill. What the fuck is wrong with me I thouht as I received the drink, not noticing when someone took a seat next to me at the bar.

"Hey, I'm Jack" someone said in a husky voice. I now noticed that the guy from across the bar had taken a seat next to me.

"Uhm, hey... I'm Josh" I responded tentatively.

"Nice to meet you Josh!" Jack said with a wide smile. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Uhm, no... I'm fine thanks, just got one." I responded, not quite sure where this was going. Judging by the fact that Jack had just offered to buy me a drink, I was guessing he was gay, but everything else about him was screaming `straight' at me.

"Well, I'll get you one when you finish this one then" Jack said with a laugh, placing his hand briefly at the small of my back, making me jerk slightly.

Jack didn't seem to notice. If he did, he hid it well. He started talking animatedly about his day, what he did for work and the reason he was out partying on a Sunday. He had just landed a new job in marketing and was pretty excited about it. I just listened to him ramble about his day, hoping that my lack of interest would persuade him to get out of my hair. I had very little fight left in me these days after Mike's onslaught.

After one of Jack's many punchlines he grabbed my bicep laughing and quickly stopping.

"Oh wow, you're built man!" he said, squeezing my bicep again.

"Uhm, thank you" I said

"You hit the gym a lot?" Jack asked, now full on stroking my bicep.

"Yeah, about every day." I responded.

"Awesome! Maybe you can give me some pointers? I think I'm too skinny." He said with a smile.

"Nah, you're fine dude" I said, the alcohol speaking for me as I was getting quite drunk.

"You think so?" Jack said, with a cheeky smile. And I just shrugged my shoulders. "Let's get another drink" Jack finally said as I motioned the bartender over, ordering us another round.

"No, I'm good, I better get going." I said, attempting to stand up from the bar, but was stopped by his hand on my thigh, pushing me back down on the barstool.

"No, stay! I've ordered the drink already." Jack said.

I noticed how he didn't move his hand from my thigh after I resigned to having one more drink with him. For a while he just kept his hand still on my thigh and before long I even forgot it was there. The alcohol took a toll on my faculties and for the first time in a couple of days I felt relaxed. I began to actually participate in the conversation with Jack which seemed to encourage him, as his hand began to move again.

I could feel him stroking up and down my thigh slowly sending shivers through my body as he moved his hand closer to my crotch, where my cock was starting to wake up from its slumber. I hadn't noticed Jack move closer to me, but our thighs were now touching under the bar, his hand moving closer and closer to my cock.

"Uhm, listen Jack, you seem like a nice guy, but I'm not gay" I said diplomatically. As soon as I let go of the sentence, Jack grabbed my now hard cock and squeezed it, resulting in a moan escaping my lips.

"Aha, sure you're not." he said with a grin as he watched me close my eyes as he began massaging my cock through my trousers. I was drunk enough, and horny enough to let it happen.

With my eyes closed, enjoying his hand on my cock I was shocked to feel Jack's lips on mine, instinctively pushing him away from me.

"Dude..." I tried to object but his lips were on mine again. I froze for a moment, but not for long. I could feel his tongue trying to gain entry to my mouth. I parted my lips slightly, allowing him entry, kissing him back, shocking myself once again.

He eventually broke off the kiss, did something on his phone before saying; "Not gay huh?"

"No... I'm not gay" I responded, letting out a moan as he squeezed my cock again. I could feel precum oozing out of my cock.

"You're lucky that you're wearing black trousers" He said. "I can feel the precum oozing through them, straight boy". He laughed at his own quib, emphasizing on the words straight.

I couldn't say much in return as I realised he was right. My precum was practically dripping through my trousers.

"Let's go" He said, grabbing my arm. "Our Uber is here".

"Wait, what?" I said, confused but still standing up with him

"I'm taking you home" he simply said, and in my drunken state I took it as he was sending me on my way alone.

He didn't send me alone in the Uber, but got in with me. Sliding in right next to me, not leaving any space between us. Almost instantly his lips were on mine again, his hand on my crotch, exploring. This time I didn't resist as much, the alcohol still having its effect on me.

It didn't take long for us to get to his place, my mind was laser focused on one thing, getting rid of my need to blow my load, not really thinking, or caring, whom I'd do it with. Jack practically kicked the door of his apartment down and immediately dropped down to his knees as he kicked the door shut.

I could feel his hands fumbling with my belt and before I knew it my trousers were down around my ankles, my cock sticking straight out towards his face. He immediately took it in his mouth and began slurping on my cock passionately. I threw my head back in ecstasy, leaning against the wall enjoying the feeling of his warm mouth around my shaft.

"Mmmhhh fuck." I moaned out as he took my entire cock down his throat and rested his nose briefly on my bush, letting out a gag.

"Let's go" Jack said, standing up and wiping the saliva of his face, pulling his t-shirt off and leading me to the bedroom.

I followed him in a daze, on a mission to blow my load anyway I could, pulling off my own clothes as we entered the bedroom. Both standing there naked, our eyes locked. It was different with Jack, opposed to Mike, he didn't have that vicious glare in his eyes, it was more the look of longing.

He surprised me when he pushed me onto the bed, harder than I would have thought him able to, immediately crawling up between my legs and taking my cock pack in his mouth. His pace was rougher now, his head bobbing rapidly on my cock, his pace thirsty, he was going at my cock like he'd been starving for one.

I threw my head back and let out a moan as my entire body tensed up. His hand stroked over my pumped abs, finally reaching my nipples which he squeezed hard.

"Ahhhhh fuucck" I screamed out as he began to torture my nipples. I tried to push his hands away but he just thwarted my objections effortlessly. I could feel myself relaxing more, despite the attack on my nipples the fact that it was a guy doing this to me was not lost on me, but at this moment in time, I really didn't care.

Once again he surprised me with his strength as he pushed my legs up, adeptly pushing a pillow underneath me, perching my ass in the air and burying his face between my cheeks. I could feel his tongue run over my hole as he lathered it in spit.

"Uhhh fuck that feels amazing" I moaned out, now grabbing my legs and holding them up for him, even surprising myself that I was allowing this to go on. No one had ever rimmed me before, and It felt amazing. I could feel him smile as he spread my cheeks wider giving him better access to my hole.

My entire body was tingling as he flicked his tongue expertly over my hole which was beginning to loosen for him, giving him a chance to dive in even deeper.

"Turn around" Jack said as he pulled away briefly, flipping my legs to the side, prompting me to get on all fours. With no objections, just the desire to blow my load, I turned over, buried my face in the pillow and stuck my ass out in the air.

I heard the sound of the slap before the sting registered. He had spanked me, hard.

"Ahhh fuck!" I screamed out, but my scream of pain quickly changed to moans of pleasure as his tongue started flicking over my hole again. I knew that his spank had left a mark as I could feel the burning sensation where he had slapped me.

"Fuck dude, what are you doing" I suddenly exclaimed as I could feel him slide a finger into me.

"Relax babe" Jack simply said before spitting on my hole and sliding the finger in again, expertly finding my prostate almost immediately. The wave of pleasure that shot through my body was indescribable. My cock twitched and shot out precum in such volume that I thought I was blowing my load.

"Oh fuck, that feels amazing" I moaned out as I grabbed a handful of the sheets

"So you're not gay huh" Jack chuckled as he continued to finger me, loosening up my hole.

"Mhhhh... no... fuck.... I'm straight..." I moaned out

"Right... sure..." Jack whispered as he slid in a third finger making me scream out in both pain and pleasure.

I could feel him pull out of me, leaving me feeling strangely empty, but about a second later I could feel something else against my hole.

"Dude, stop" I said, bucking my hips away. "I' don't take dick, I told you I'm not gay"

Jack's only reply was a really hard slap on my ass cheeks resulting in a loud moan from me. I quickly flipped myself around on my back again, looking straight at him.

"I don't take dick." I said more firmly, seeing a smirk on Jack's face. Jack just reached down to my nipples and squeezed them hard, making me moan yet again.

"Are you sure about that?" He said as he squeezed my nipples. I could feel him run his cock over my vulnerable hole.

"Yes" I said between the moans as he grabbed my dick in his hand. I was oozing precum.

"You're fooling yourself." He said, as he slapped my cock hard, resulting in a moan of mixed pleasure and pain. "I think you're a little bottom bitch in denial, I've never seen an ass beg for cock like yours"

"Fuck off" I said between moans as his hands continued to torture my nipples and cock, continuing to rub his dick against my hole.

"Do you want to cum?" Jack asked as he massaged my dick.

"Uh... Yes" I moaned out as he rubbed my precum over my cockhead.

"Well... You're only going to cum by receiving my dick" He said. I hadn't noticed that he had aligned his cock with my hole until he slammed it balls deep inside me, grabbing my throat as he did and squeezing, holding me in place as he rammed his cock inside of me.

"AAAARGGGG FUCK FUCK" I shouted out in pain. "Dude stop!" I screamed out as he slid inside of me and the pain I felt was soaring. The pain was indescribable, it was not only his size but I felt something in my ass getting popped or pocked by his cock. I hadn't realised how big he was before he split me in half with his meat. I tried to push him off of me but the hold he had on my throat somehow restricted my movements.

"Shut up and take it" he hissed as he began to fuck me deep and hard. "Fuck you are hot as oven and tight as a pussy. Fuckkkk!!!! Why the hell I can't move in completely?", He was mad and with his cock pushing against my resistance I just screamed out. He took lube and quickly emptied it onto his cock and again rammed inside me. He was ploughing is cock deep into my guts. My entire body was on fire as he slammed into me harder and deeper, my ankles almost touching my ears as he twisted me into a position I didn't even know I could reach.

"Just wait ...urhhh...few...more....secs....ahhhh... That's it's in", as he pushed his cock completely in he looked at me and I felt a jolt. A weird jolt that turned into extreme pain and I tried moan out louder but then he locked my lips with his mouth and started hitting me. Tears fell from my eyes but then there it was. The pain stopped and it was replaced by a euphoric sensation. He was driving his cock into my prostate as he ploughed into me. My screams of pain were quickly replaced by moans of pleasure. I could feel my sphincter involuntary clamp down on his cock, hugging it, trying to draw him in deeper. I could stop all that. I was bigger, taller and stronger in every aspect but I didn't. My body didn't let me move a muscle like it wanted it.

As soon as he noticed that I was enjoying it he slowed down. His mission seemed to be complete. There was no need for the punishing rhythm anymore, he knew he had broken me down and made me his cock hungry bitch, and in that moment, he was right. The sensation I was feeling was overwhelming.

He placed my hands between my knees, making me hold my legs up for him as he drove his cock slowly inside of me, pulling it out almost the entire way before pushing into me again. My body remained on fire. He didn't touch my cock, nor did I, but it seemed to have a life of its own as it pulsed with every inward thrust, oozing more and more precum out of it, which was now pooling in my navel.

"You're allowed to cum" Jack suddenly said, making me realise how close to cumming I was, and also realising that I had been subconsciously holding it in, refusing myself the pleasure of blowing my load.

With that he quickened his pace again, driving his cock into my prostate pushing me over the edge. I could feel the build up to my climax as he fucked me at a menacing pace, driving his cock deeper than it had gone before and without further warning I exploded. My cock, still with a life of its own began shooting my load all over me. My load hit my face, chest, pillow behind me and eventually it just began to ooze out, covering my shaft. I could feel how my hole clamped down on his cock with every shot.

I didn't realise until I finished shooting my load that he was cumming as well, deep inside of me, coating my rearranged insides with his load and finally collapsing on top of me, his cock still inside me, panting.

As my post orgasmic bliss began to fade away I couldn't help but feel a surge of humiliation run through me. The effect of the alcohol was starting to wear off, I could feel his cock still inside of me, his cum making its way out of me around his shaft, I could feel it drip down my crack.

Why did I let him do this to me?

Next: Chapter 4

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