From jock stud to jock slut

By Alpha DomTop

Published on Jan 8, 2024


Here is the other part pups. Enjoy and edge yourself. Don't cum for a week and report to Me by the end of it.

Appreciation is welcomed.

****** I didn't hear anything bitch, to get off my legs you have to ask"

What ? So it's not enough for him to take another guy. He doesn't want to leave any of Josh alive after this fuck session. I didn't want to beg him. For God's sake I'm an alpha jock. Let Me have some dignity left in me. Watching me stare at him with veins popping on muck and chest puffed up, jack snapped me out.

"Please Sir, may I leave my work between your legs"

I was definitely crying inside but the other side felt come alive. THE situation is kinda horny, right?, big dude stooping to younger dudes for their cock and balls. I know you all might be thinking how can a muscle jock like me can stoop so low. I know it is unbelievable, right? But I swear whenever I see a cock, a different josh comes out of me. My mind and body completely denying it, but my cock is swinging to and fro with anticipation.

Jack allowed me with a nod and I didn't even have time to pull back when the leash was caught by someone else. I redo the same work with more involvement, I felt carried away by all this energy.

Moans of satisfaction were heard. He liked my work. His cock was getting hard. The others expressed their impatience and I was dragged around like a rag doll.

"rub yourself well pup", "breathe my scent, you need it", "shake your ass well when you leave", "your bone is under these shorts"....

"Come on it's good, we had fun, now it's up to the slut to show her skills, Slut takes off the bottom of each of us, me the last." Jack said.

Again in a coordinated way they held each other upright, he shrunk the circle down to the size that suited them. I started to unzip a guy's pants, flashbacks came back to me, those of a girl doing exactly the same thing as me towards me.

I did the same thing for another, I had the opportunity to fuck a girl in a group and it was fire, who would have thought that I would take her place. My sphincter gave rhythmic spasm that traveled throughout my bowel giving me shivers of pleasure.

I continued again and again, I felt their cocks swollen in my mouth and my hole contracting and relaxing on faster pace. I moaned out when I felt convulsions raising in my cock as well. My slutty side was overwhelming me again, I wanted to cum bad now. The cock in my mouth was pumping in and out and I tasted their skin and smelled their musk. And I again I thought it was the best taste and smell I had ever in my life. No pussy of any girl came near to the musk of these lads. They were decent sizes and others stood out, like this guy's, I was a little apprehensive about when I should take his anaconda.

A new light source illuminated the top of my head but I was too absorbed by my new status as a muscular dog to pay attention to it, especially since it went out quite early. Plus I was so I to playing my slut role that I didn't care what was happening around my ambience. They pulled their pumping cock fucking my mouth out and I hazily looked at moving cock with awe.

"Fuck he is so into it....mak he is such a slut", a spank shuddered my body but I was so pleasing to get my buns red by these fragile dudes.

"You've seen how beautiful it is, you're going to eat it well", the other said.

"it's going to get you pregnant bitch", my model face was slapped by his cock.

"dad's cock is ready for his daughter", he pushed it through my mouth in one blow without noticing me and pushed me from back of my head tot ake his entire seven inch length down my throat.

"don't be impatient you'll taste it soon enough. I'm gonna explode in your mouth and down your stomach. Take my seed well, bitch slut", muffling sounds emanate my mouth. I wanted to breath air but couldn't and had to adjust my breathing with his pumping action. I had never felt such humiliation in my life, to be used as a sex toy for such worthless lads.

"Here I cummmmmm", he exploded with a loud moan and I felt a wave of hot liquid flooding my mouth. It was so copious that I had my mouth couldn't contain it and I gagged spilling some volume out.

"Bitch, you were supposed to are that...fucking useless slut", the kid audaciously slapped my drooling face and I looked at him with red eyes filled with hatred and anger. This was another level of humiliation, being slapped by this kid mad me clenched my fists.

"Baby girl got angry...hahahahahah", Jack laughed and I realized how helpless I was. My muscular body and strength were of no use in front of these pesky nuisance.

"Come to daddy, bitch", jack ordered and I crawled towards his jerking hands over his 'beautiful' cock. My tongue automatically licked my lip and cock erupted precum. Fuck, why the hell the naked bodies of men are giving me such feelings?

I arrived at Jack's, only the noise of their masturbation was heard. They directed all their gazes between the domination scene between Jack and me, a duel of look, me from his feet and him overhanging me with his look disdainful. I had already lost the battle.

I did mechanically what I did for all the others.

"I'm not going to tell you again what to do next, it has to be spontaneous" Jack said.

Suck ? Me ? I only did it once and again it was more of a face fuck.

"M....May I....May I.... suck .....ur dick ...?", it was out, today I asked for the first time if I could suck a dick. I couldn't rephrase it any other way without collapsing and he knew, I think that's why no reproach came out of his mouth.

Jack grabbed his hard on and placed it in front of my mouth. I feared him as much as I contemplated him. I giggled in horror, opened my mouth and put my lips around the tip like I was kissing. Jack started his face fucking right away. He was harder practically rapping my mouth. I could feel his cock on every corner of my mouth.

"Oh fuck yeah.....Mhhhh treat your man well were hungry...Daddy has to feed his daughter....Ohhhh Yeah Fuckkk...You do that right.. Hey guys you know this bitch has only sucked once before and yet I assure you she was doing it like a pro! »

"She must have already practiced!", "A fag is a fag, she knows what she is good for !" "No wayy!", "Fuck I can't wait to fuck her bitch mouth!" these remarks didn't even reach me anymore, I was trying somehow not to choke, I mean I suck a dick!!

"Mhhh.....Yeah....Come on...Watch out for the teeth bitch.....That's it....Suck well...It's the keys to your paradise.... And you boys...instead of jerking come and start fucking his hole...isn't it hungry, bitch?", jack asked and stopped fucking my mouth to hear my response that I nodded, this time with pleasure. My hole was actually spasming for something to calm down and unfortunately it was a cock.

A pressure behind my head which was totally unexpected made me panic, I made a deep throat, fortunately it was only a short moment but I was not allowed to completely withdraw his cock.

"Ohhhhhh Danmmm....Godddd....You're too good at it" I looked up at the sudden brightness and saw that asshole was recording me, My face was in the foreground with a cock in my mouth and others on sides, he paints me as the baddest bitch in town. My face was only Rage. I was about to pounce on him when other guys pressured me to stay on my knees and I felt something pushing inside my hole making me weak.

"So,my slut like?, she like to be fucked in groups. Mhhh yeah you suck too well bitch....Eat daddy's cock, is it good? Tell it to the camera that you love cocks",

"Mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Only sound I can produce. I was polishing his cock and my drool was starting to rub off on me. One of the other two grabbed my big butt and started fucking my hole like he was gonna die if he didn't do it. I moaned and again I was overwhelmed with urge to cum. I had been edged all this time but I wanted to cum badly now so I ignored my recording and letting the kids dominate me.

The cocks were moving, they also wanted to take a ride in my oral cavity. The other guy grabbed my hands and put it on his boner.

"Jerk us bitch!, you can do several things at the same time. »

"Mhhhh....Yeah.....your mouth....too good.. leave all your drool on my cock whore....Mhhhh....You will learn how to suck perfectly...Go suck your other daddies!" Jack was the gang leader apparently. How did he introduce me to these guys? Doesn't matter.

They pulled my hair to direct me to the new cock to work. He shoved it into me and I thought I was going to vomit. He was going strong without worrying about me. The "glurps" in my throat intensified, water started to come out of my eyes.

"Hey bitch....Mhhh....Damn yeah you're a good sucker....You like cocks...I should make you my girlfriend..." they took me in front of another one, I had minimal time to breathe since he was giving me his dick.

"Yeahhhh....Fucking Slut....Fuckkk....Mhhhhhh..... I'm holding back from fucking your mouth there...go eat daddy's cock.....Ohhhhh God...who knew a guy like you was a such bitch....ohhhh yeahh open your mouth.....gooooooood.....mhhhhhh"

The vulgar words turned me on, I no longer controlled my body, I even forgot that I was being filmed, all that interested me at the moment was sucking theirs cocks and getting pounded by them.

I voluntarily changed dick looking hungry, I was someone else. Jack was right I was starting to like it.

"Ohhh....Fuckkk...Yeahh....Take that dick....Mhhhhh....muscle whore...I can't believe a guy like you is blowing me....Mhhhhh"

I didn't care about the consequences, I wanted to enjoy the moment. My cock is harder than ever and my hypertrophy was itching so much he wanted one of those cocks.

"Ohhh Yeahh.......Take it all....she likes it....Mhhh...She's a natural"

"Hey baby come here......Mhhhhh....choke you my dick......mhhhhh.....You should make it your would be successful...ohhhh damn....Yeahhh...lick my balls....Mhhhh...Dirty whore."

"come back here, a good slut doesn't forget her master" Jack's voice was sure.

I left everything to position myself between his legs and suck him.

"I told you you would like.....Look at me....Mhhhh...Etch this moment in your memory...You on your knees sucking....that's why you exist Josh, pleasing the real ones men....Mhhhhh....Take this...Lub up those cocks well they will all fit in your pussy. »

This sentence made my brain react. I sucked even more if possible, the excitement was too strong for me to act rationally.

I guess I can say I'm getting used to a cock in my mouth, I haven't had a chance to stand with my mouth empty, always a taut cock in my field of vision.

Once all the cocks were in my mouth and enough drool was running down it; I caught a little breath, Drool was running over me. They were impressed with my performance and so was I.

"Get on the couch , and expose your pussy," Jack commanded.

I was running at a speed that made them all laugh. I had no choice but to put my face on the mattress and part my asscheeks to expose my pink hole still opened by Mike.

Jack was filming my pink hole wide open and licking it, I had no idea being exposed like this would turn me so on, the pleasure was there, I was pushing my hole out for more. My hands clenched with shear pleasure and I just moaned there like a filthy slut I realized in my new position that the camera had changed owners, it was easier to eat my pussy, we were filming my action and my moans.

"Say you like it when daddy eats your slutty pussy," the cameraman said.

" good" I moaned out loud affirming to their statements. I didn't want to reduce to that, but I knew it was only a matter of time.

Jack grabbed me by the hair and placed my face in front of the camera.

"Tell daddy to eat his daughter's pussy." the intonation sounded more like an order than a real request.

Decisive moment. The answer only seemed to be mine, but it wasn't.

Jack would have no trouble telling his friends to go away and leave me horny like that. I took a breath and finally gave in.

"Eat my pussy Daddy" I said.

It was humiliating to admit it in front of all these people and especially in front of the camera but that's what made it even more exciting.

He resumed his work for my greatest happiness.

"Mhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....yeahhhhhhhhh.....ohhhhhhhh....Mhhhhhhhhh....Danmmmm....Ohhh h Fuckkk...Lick my hole" I pleaded, pushing myself against his tongue like a desperate whore.

"yeah that's it make her moan",

"I didn't expect him to be such a big slut",

"we want to hear you bitch",

"prepare that pussy well man,a lot of dick coming soon",

"he has one of those ass guys".

"Ohhhhhh yeahhhhhh Jackkkk.........mhhhhhhhh......ohhhh......don't stop...feels too good.... My pussy needs you.....Ohhhhh. " I moaned out loud.

Jack was making an excellent job, I was gesticulating so much that he had to spank me to call me to order. At the feel of his hard cock against my ass, I knew it was time, finally. He had made me wait long enough. The words were coming out of my mouth before I could even realize.

"Please, pound My pussy, it's craving for ur cock" I said mechanically.

My desperation amused the others and I don't think even Jack was ready to beg of my own free will.

"That's a community pussy" He answered. He entered me and the happy face I wore was forever captured by the camera.

So good. My guts clung to his cock as I felt near my rear doors as if it was his reason for my living. I didn't hesitate for a sec and bumped back into his crotch so hard that I jerked like a bounced back. Jack didn't wait and started pounding my pussy hard. He put his hands around my wide chest and grabbed my big, meaty pecks.

"I always wanted to feel these globes of muscle Josh ... The first time I saw you shirtless with my sister I jerked off thinking about playing with your chest. It was so muscular and big, now I'm feeling do you like being played with your boobs josh?", jach squeezed my "bobs", rotating the two knobs tightly which have shivers of pleasure down my spine.

"Fuck...amaz...ING with them", Josh responded affirmatively.

""Flex your boodersized arms for me Josh....I love your body and I wanna play with to my fill", and josh did. He started posing like he used to do j the gym while jack fucked him slowly, fondled his breast and felt his well carved biceps and triceps.

"Just pose for me and I'm gonna pound you Josh. Take it like a woman you are", Jack whispered and I felt doubt on my gender and existence as an Alpha muscke male.

"Mhhhh...Yeahhh Daddy...Mhhhh....Pound that ass...Mooore... Mhhhh...Mhhhh....Dannm Fuck....You fuck me so gooood....My gwaddd" I moaned with pain filled with joy.

"I figured you didn't need me to take it slow seeing how tight pussy was...Who fucked you slut huh ?!" Jack pulled the leash forcing my face up and he is till something in my nostril.

"Inhale fag", and I did whatever it was. The moment I inhaled my head felt dizzy, my muscles relaxed and the tightness in my hole lightened.

"Mhhhh.....Mhhhhhh....Yeahhhh....Morrre...Moreee Daddy.....Beat my pussy....OHHhhh Yeahhh...Mhhhhh.....Mhhhhh....OhhhhhOhhhhhh....Dannnnmmmmm......mhhhhhhhh" I yelled out loudly with pleasure filled and lustful waves.

We were putting on a real show on camera, Jack was going hard and had to grab my hips to stop me from moving.

"Yeah bitch....we're going to fuck you like the whore you are....All those muscles don't do you any good against a dick...You bow right down.."

"Mhhh yeahhh....I bow down.....Mhhhhhh....i love that......Mhhhhh....Yeah....Yeah...Yeahhhh...Yeahhh....Mhhhh...gooood" He tugged on the leash and started screwing my hole.

"OhDanmmm....daddY....Goood....Fuckkk...Yeahhh....Mhhhhh....Mhhh....Harder...Please harder....Mhhhh....I can take it....Yeahhhh....Mhhhh......fuckkkk me....fuckkk meeeeee....yeah like that...." My sphincter was syncing through these attacks. You could hear the clap of these balls against my buttocks. My hard cock was rocking and letting out precum. I would have liked to know this pleasure sooner.

"Mhhhh...Mhhhhh....Yeahhhhh.....Mhhh...Daddy....Nooooooooooo" I felt Jack pull back and I pulled back to put his cock back in my hole.

"We exchange bitch, I'm not the only one to satisfy. I want to cum last in your sperm depot. » One of the guys stood up and ordered me to put on my back.

"spread your legs fagot"he said.

He entered me and I was over the moon again.

"Damn.....Ah yeah her pussy is still so tight....fuck you were right he is not a man...he has a vagina in his hole.....give him another dose of poppers jack....(and they did) ...Mhhhhh Damn she's good guys......I won't be able to live without it....Her pussy is sucking my cock....Mhhhh...Take that bitch.." I felt my hole relaxing a but and took more inches of his cock.

"Ohhhhhhh....;Yeahhhh.....Fuckkk....Me....Ohhhhh....Danmmmm...Yeahhhh....Harder ....beat Me....Mhhhhh....So fucking good."

"Dirty college whore....filthy Mr. like to spread your legs....You will be taken good care of.....Oh fuck yeah....that shit is good....Mhhhhh...take that.."

He told me spat in his face and normally I would have beaten him to death but this would excite me.

"Mhhhhh....yeahhhh....Moreee....Moreeee....Ohhhhh....Yeahhh....ur dick is soo good...Ohhhhh keep pounding me...." I was completely lost. I was so high without even having alcohol.

"I love seeing your boobs move like have a better breast than my ex.....Mhhhhh.....Fuck I'm gonna cum out soon...Mhhhh.. you want want daddy's cum.." I forgot about my breast, I mean chest....they played it like thei were boobs and their touch just took me to heaven. My nipples were swollen red with their repeated twisting and tweaking. I was literally feeling like a girl.

"Mhhhhh.....yeahhhh... I moaned out. Y

"We'll have a beautiful child together slut ......Ohhhhhh ......SHIIIIITTT......FUKKKKKKKKKK......SO GOOOOOOOD"

we both stopped moving while he inseminated me. As soon as he retires another sits on the mattress for me to ride.

"Come on slut, you're going to do the work alone"

I took his cock and sat on it and was surprised how easily my hole took it. I put my arms behind his neck and started bouncing. The fact that he was gripping my ass put a possessive accent on the fucking.

"ohhhhhh......Yeah......fucknn......Your pussy is too good Baby......A beautiful muscular slut, I want one like that....Oh Yeah..your pussy is tightening not to be empty....Ahhhhhh.....Danmmmm.....So fucking tight......Best pussy i've fucked...Ohhhhhh...look at that guys, I introduce you my new girlwhore..Mhhhhh.....yeahhh....ride daddy.....Make Daddy happy.....DAnmmm»

"Mhhhhhh.....Mhhhh....Yeahhh....Daddy......Mhhhhhhh......ur dick......So good.....Want fucking fill me up......ohhhhhh... ...DAnmmm»

he ate my breasts delicately, nibbled, gave kisses on my neck, in short, treated me like his girlfriend and I took pleasure in being one, I offered my body to this nerd and he would dispose of it as he wished.

We mate like animals, male and (fe)male. I rode like this until he comes out.

"Hmm Baby......Daddy's gonna cum.....hell yeah...take that milk....MHHHHHHHHH.....FUCKKKK YEAH....OhHHHHH Danmmmmm.......I'm filling your pussy with cum....OHHHHHHH.....MHHHHHHHHHH...Oh gosh baby girl,ur too hot, I'll give you my number for another time"

He kissed me one last time before giving way to another. Next was the one I dreaded, the one with an anaconda. In a bossy way he put me back in doggy style and entered his cock inside me "Ohhhhhh....Ohhhhh.....Ohhhhhhh....Ohhhhhh....Ohhhhhhhhh...Ohhhhhh....Mhhhhhhh... ..Mhhhh hh......Mhhhhhhhh" I rolled my eyes back, I had never felt that, it's too big, too painful, too good. I thought he would wait a minimum but no.

"Mhhhhh....Ohhhhhhhh..OHHHHHHH......Mhhhhhhhhh.......DanMMMMM......Mhhhhhhhh... .....Yeahhhhhhhh....OHHHHHHHH....Ohhhhhh...Ur too big...Mhhhhh...My hole.... DANMMMM OHH." I hoarse my voice.

he really filled me up like a whore, no chatter just sex.

"Come shut that fag up, u guys." It was dry and brief.

a cock was presented to my face, my mouth was open, he took the opportunity to enter it.

"Mhhhhhh....Mhhhhhhh......Mhhhhhhh......Mhhhh" I can't stop moaning, the anaconda was doing too good to my intestinal walls.

"Hey, the bitch has her 2 holes filled....She's happy...Mhhhh....I will never be able to look at muscular guys the same way again thanks to you...drain that boyslut milk."

Eye contact was created between us I was aware of my inferiority with his cock in my mouth and that's exactly what I liked, feeling weak when I could crush him.

"Mhhhh.....Mhhh....glur...glur..Mhhhhhhhhhh......Mhhhhhh.....Mhhhhhhh...gluuuur. ....Mhhhhhhhhh" love it.

I could feel my fucker's dick moving in my stomach, go in and out and dig further and further. I'm proud that I can take a dick that inch.

Whoever worked my pussy, got loud, held back as long as he could until he burst in my ass.

"MHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..........MHHHHHHHHHHHHH........OHHHHHHHHHHH...FUCKKKKKKKK YEAAAAHHH." I feel the familiar sensation of hot cum in my hole.

At the exit of his dick my hole even made a noise which caused his sperm to be expelled.

"No bitch you have to babysit our babies." A spanking to punish me,(Goddanm I love)he took the semen that was flowing and stuck it in me. He showed me his cock to clean. I swallowed it with enthusiasm.

"Mhhhhh.....It's sensitive, be that....It's good bitch, good job" he congratulated me.

I was turned in almost every way: sideways, back, face down ass up, riding their dicks, these kids managed to carry me and position me like I was on a sling for another come inside me...

Someone was obsessed with ass that jiggles over and over. He kept spanking me until he flushed red while I was sucking him.

No rest was allowed for my anus, always full, but the longer it lasted the more he wanted.

The longer this went on the more I felt like it was turning into a competition, which one of them will smash this bodybuilder's pussy the hardest? Always more hard, always more humiliating,always more exciting, always more enjoyable.

"we said you were going to moan like a whore", "look at him, I still can't realize that you're a slut", "you take it well...Good bitch", "it's even no longer a pussy at this level." I guess the only thing I can do is :moan and take it.

kneeling on the mattress, staring a little into space, drool running over me, my dick pointing skyward, Sperm leaking out of my hole, I had no words to describe myself.

There was only Jack left. He wanted to cum in missionary, he will tell me later that this is his favorite position.

"Come on bitch,look at you you didn't even dare to touch your dick, you're turning into a real fag right guys."

What an asshole, no matter what I did he wouldn't let me touch, it was just another way to hurt me.

he slowly came inside me, still my hypertrophic hole showed a little resistance. He fucked me really slow piercing looking straight through my eyes with intimidating me. He wanted to make me beg for ,this stupid.

"Ohhhh Jackkk...Pleasee.....faster....Mhhhhh" Honestly I liked how slow he was going, I could feel all the waves of pleasure through my body, however I wanted him to fuck me fast.

He slapped me and positioned his hands to strangle me.

"Shut the fuck up big guy...Mhhhh....the only sounds that should come out of your handsome mouth are moans.....your job is to spread your thighs, push that hole out and take dicks.....OHHH.... DAMMM GODDDDD.... .the rest are the real men who manage."

"Yeahhh..fuckk.....Mhhhhh......Mhhhhhh....THERRREEE..Ohhhhhhhh....FUCKKKK" Mhhhhh.....Yahhhhh.....I LOVEEE URRRR fills me up so good.....OHHHHh.....MOREEEE.... YEAHHH.....AGAINNN.....FUCKKK MEEE"

"Dirty bitch, you were being difficult but in the end, you took all our cocks....Mhhhhhh....your pussy is owned.....You like it....what does it feel like to be like all those girls you fucked..... feels good....being a fag for a teen gang......Hmmmmmm.....I'm going to break your pussy for good that you won't even be able to hold back all that cum anymore...... Mhhhhhhh.....Yeahhh....spread your thighs wide bitch....."

Who would have thought that taking a dick would bring so much pleasure, now I understand why my little brother loves it so bad. A Dick brings well-being, it's more addictive than drugs. I could no longer do without it.

"YEAHHHH....DANMMM I LOVE IT....Pound my pussy Sir....Ohhhh...OHHHHH.....BEST SEX OF MY FUCKING LIIIFE.....Mhhhhh......Fuckkkk......Danmmmm.....So Gooooooooooood... ..Morreeeee...More Siirrrr...Ohhhh yeahhhh....I'm gonna cummm....I'M GONNNA CUMMM SIRR."

"I'm gonna cum too much cum in that pussy....hope to be the father of your kids.......Take care of our baby muscle whore ..MhhhhHHH.... OHHHHHH.......I'M gonna cum....beg daddy"

"Pleasse Dadyy....Breeeeed meeee....I want ur cum in my pussy......get me pregnant....Ohhhhhh...yeahhh......Dannmmmm.SOOOO FUCKING GOOOOD....FUCKKK ME PLEAAASEE." My mouth was spouting bullshit my brain was so disconnected from reality.


I knew Jack had pressured my cock to keep my cum from coming out. It was his implicit agreement for me to come and I regretted having understood.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........MHHHHHHHHHHHHH....THANKS..... MHHHHHHH..............DANMMMMMM" I released all that libido that they maintained all along.

He withdrew from me and presented me with his cock to clean which I did without asking any questions. A little of the liquid ended up on my face.

"Be careful bitch, yeah", Jack was out of breath.

Once i was done, all eyes were on me and i realized what i had done. Damn what did I do! I must be a real whore in their eyes, this other Josh is too dangerous, he destroys everything I have built.

"Face down ass up. We're gonna show that pussy on camera. After the post-orgasmic waves I came to the real world and I hesitantly did what jack told me.

The camera recorded a nice sperm bank, I was embarrassed.

the smiles, the laughter hurt me more than a revolver. Damn you Josh.


After Josh left limping,we chatted for a while about his performance, we all concluded and arguably it was the best shot of our lives to date. To tell the truth, I knew that he needed a boost to release all pressure, but here he exceeded my expectations. He hadn't lost himself in a character, he really was. The conditions were met to show us the real Josh and I am proud to have been the organizer.

Facing the computer, I was still watching this video to convince myself that it was real. The recording angles were perfect, it's even more exciting on video. Muscular older guy getting chain fucked by kiddos if that's not the ultimate fantasy. Seeing Josh in such a state is beautiful, it's pure art.

I edited the video and blurred his face so that the world couldn't know his identity. I did it for both to protect his identity and to claim him just for our fun. I posted the video on pornhub for other men to see and jerk.

******* See you horny person, this is how good muscle men like Josh live, embracing their real side and proud of who they are. Whether they are 38 year old married guys with two sons or daughters, leading an authoritative status in their normal lives but deep down they know they need a cock up their ass. So don't be unjust to yourself pup, and submit to your daddy.

Come and serve Me like my loyal pups.

Next: Chapter 14

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