From jock stud to jock slut

By Alpha DomTop

Published on Nov 29, 2023


Enjoy the next chapter. Your feedback is appreciated.

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Josh : A week, a fucking week, what shocks me the most is to have counted the number of days since the last cock I took. How could I do this? I myself wonder. Even if it revolted me, I tried to get a few fingers in to calm my hole, which was crying out for a fucking cock, but I never reached orgasm, my brain regained consciousness, me lying on my back, my legs in the air, the hole accessible, I felt vulnerable in this position, like a fucking chick in heat, I am a proud bodybuilder, I must not in any case be vulnerable in this way, however when I see my fag of brother screaming with pleasure at Mike's blows, I just want to tell Mike to remember how much tighter mine is than Oscar, his words not mine.

I mentally slapped myself to erase that kind of thinking, when it all got out of hand? I went from a straight model with a dream muscular built and a completely virgin hole to a straight man who took a dick more than once and loved it. My cock reacted instantly when the flashbacks of me getting fucked came back to me. I preferred not to comment, I thought that the less I spoke aloud the more I could escape this reality. I, who went from woman to woman, the last time I tasted one seems a long way off.

"But that's it!! I exclaimed. It is true that I have a girlfriend but I have to believe that I want more, something new, something forbidden. Even gym wasn't working for me, all the time I would think about my gym buddy showcasing his big bulge and keeping me at the edge of cumming. I wonder how would it be to ride his cock just like Jack? And then I slapped myself to shun such vulgar thoughts.

"I'm going to go female hunting, locking up in this couple has definitely affected my libido." it seemed to me like the idea of the century. I got it into my head to carry out my plan later. I decided to get up and have my breakfast.

"Oh......Mhhhhhh.....Mhhhhhhhhh.....Yeah fuck Gwaaaaaad.....mhhh yeah." it's Oscar's moans coming from his room, again giving me shrills and making me hard. Mike was spending more and more time with us. He has already spent the night with us. It's complicated, he completely ignores me, no smiles , no lustful look but he doesn't bother to show off naked in the house, he has already surprised me with his wobbly cock after arranging my brother's guts. Oscar thought it was odd that I didn't comment on his outfit or should I say his lack of outfit , I wish he knew what was going on with me.

Hearing them makes me want to thrash open the door and cry out loud. I finish my breakfast as quickly as possible and decide to take a quick trip to Sophie's. ******* It's one of the few times I felt uncomfortable going back to Sophie's, after what I did to her, I can't look her in the eye without a feeling of guilt and getting fucked by Jack. The sheer feeling of humiliation was killing me but Sophie was the only way to regain my straight Alpha masculine status.

"So what is the program today? Sophie said excitedly.

"I don't know, isn't your brother likely to come this time?" I uttered this sentence in a bored tone but the truth is that I waited impatiently for the answer.

"Don't worry about that, my brother isn't here, he's traveling with his friends, we have the house to ourselves." Sophie finished her sentence in a sultry tone and I took a relief at knowing about Jack's absence.

A smile on my face but the only thing I thought about was that I wouldn't get cock from Jack, my hole tightened at the desperate thought of taking a cock. It's exactly the kind of thoughts I would like to avoid having, but it's stronger as soon as there's a sexual aspect, however small, I start thinking about cocks instead of pussies.

Sophie straddled me and placed one leg on either side of my chair, she started to kiss me. I kissed her back to show her who's in charge here, I mean I'm the man, It's up to me to take control. I charged wildly giving her hickeys and love bites

"Mhhhh....josh....I want you....Mhhh...let's go to my room" whispered Sophie. I acted like I didn't hear anything, I kept working on Sophie because I wanted my dick to react, my cock should have made a sign by now of life, any alpha would take the opportunity to fuck so why doesn't it work for me.

"Ohhh Goooood.....Ohhhh Mhhhhhh" Sophie didn't seem to realize that my fucking tool remained unmoved. Our current position reminds me of when I was riding Jack in the restroom at the concert, I was acting like a real wild whore, in that moment I was living to make us both cum. He was giving the milk and I was soothing my hole with it.

As I had hoped, my cock reacted instantly, harder than stone. I stopped kissing Sophie, lifted her from me and apologized to her but I couldn't stay, touch her like before. I already know all that."

But Josh what the hell is happening to you, it's been almost a week we haven't done anything" Sophie hoarse her voice from the kitchen.

"Just stress", I lied and left.

I'm a man, not a fucking fag.I started my car and decided to go to a very popular area to fuck. ******* "So honey, where do you want to fuck?", I can't wait to get you up to heaven.",

"Hey you, you're looking for some comfort." I didn't even hear these prostitutes, to tell the truth I even feel sorry for her. I was wandering like a ghost aimlessly in this disreputable neighborhood lamenting my fate, I had pulled out all my arsenal on my prey, seductive phrase, seductive look, puff out my chest, contract my muscles and it worked, she was hot and even ready to be fucked outside, but it was me who had a breakdown. No woman could have refused a hunk like me.

I entered a bar to forget my pain through alcohol. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that it took me a while to see that it was a gay bar. The servers were nicer than each other. A customer approached the bar to order, he was shirtless with shorts that showed off his ass, I couldn't help but detail it.

"Do you like what you see?" He asked. my cheeks turns red, what is he going to think.

"I'm not gay" I justified myself quickly. "Did I say you were?" I could only agree with him, a man can find another handsome man without being gay, just man stuff.

" you're right." I admit.

"Just to get noticed, you're hard, if you ever want to have fun, just follow me." To tell the truth I was intrigued by his offer but I was afraid to find out what he had in store for me, I just stayed there for a while then went home to sleep. ******* 8 days, I can't take it anymore, my hole is itchy, he's hungry, he's hungry. He sends me small discharges of spasms that made me squirm on my bed in all directions. I spat on my fingers and made them go inside me. "Mhhhh....fuck.....calm down shit."I knew it was a waste of time, he only wanted one thing: a cock, even that jel had stopped working now.

I made wriggling movements but I was aggravating my case more than anything else."Mhhhh....more....more.....Mhhhhhh" I moaned in despair.

Of all my entourage only Mike is the only one to provide it to me quickly and discreetly, this hypertrophy will drive me crazy but I have no other choice. Even if Jack was there I wouldn't have asked him as in comparison to him Mike was nicer.

Oscar wasn't there, and honestly I don't know why Mike is downstairs but it's fine with me, just the two of us, he's going to succumb eventually.I went into the living room where I found him slumped on the sofa, staring at his cell phone."Hey what's up dude?" engaging in conversation is hard, we already show a certain inferiority to the person, that it is we who need them and not the other way around. He does not deign to answer and even less to look at me, I admit that I felt humiliated, my hole which reacted reminded me of my condition.

I put my hands behind my head and contracted my big biceps to bring out the results of all my hours of training. I sighed to get his attention but nothing.

I went to get myself a glass of water in the kitchen. "Since when do I fight for someone's attention?"Since you need a dick to calm your hole." replied my inner voice.

I returned to the living room, thinking of another strategy. I was drinking my glass when suddenly one comes to my mind. I let the water run over my body."Fuck" I exclaimed.I took off my top sensually to reveal my torso, the water running down my pecs, my abs caused a dream vision, I took the opportunity to take off my shorts and reveal my underpants which I had carefully chosen, very tight. Who could resist such a vision, such a body, but you have to believe that Mike can.

I was starting to despair, all this cinema is not worthy of me, I left the room passing near him on purpose, rolling my ass and I thought I saw a sign of interest from Mike in my regard, so I continued to swing my butt, I climbed the stairs like a diva by putting my ass in value and when I realized what I was doing I stopped immediately.I am a male so why am I seducing like a female, I am arching my back and exposing my ass. I AM AN ALPHA. It was so humiliating but it was, however, the only attempt that revealed even a little interest in Mike's eyes. A choice had to be made, my pride or my itch? I want my hole to calm down but I can't tell Mike. I want to feel Mike's cock but I can't admit it to myself. I thought being in underwear would be enough for us to fuck but obviously not. I decided to ring the phone in the living room mimicking a fake conversation. I walked slowly past this kid wiggling my ass nicely. I answer the phone putting my back to him so he can watch my muscle ass.

I was so embarrassed about the situation, I pretended to look for something that made me bend over, my ass was within everyone's reach, I sincerely hoped he was watching because there I just wanted to hide in a mouse hole. My condition makes me do things that I would never have done.

I tend my butt well back and my pants began to show my ass crack. I didn't think I could put my pride any lower but I did, I knelt upside down and my ass up. My anus was oozing, he knew I did what it took to get the Mike's cock and getting ready to receive it, what a humiliation. I knew Mike understood, everyone would understand but leave me there voluntarily. I curse myself for showing Mike such a show of despair, The shame, the guilt begin to rise in my throat.

"Hello there"Damn not now, Oscar's voice was coming from the front door and I didn't want him to see me in this position. I straightened up as quickly as possible and went up to my room, but I admit that I gave my brother a bad look. He had just ruined all my efforts and in addition he would have what I wanted.

10 days, my morning itch is getting worse, I couldn't even take a step without my hole reminding me that it's still so inflamed. 2 days have passed where I did everything to seduce this nerd and he ignores me. The idea of going to his house and asking him out loud crossed my mind but that would mean I would have lost.

******* I knocked on his door and he let me in without wasting too much time. I couldn't resist the urge so I surrendered.

"Oh it's you" Mike swayed.

"Yeah that's me" I replied with a forced smile. A blank settled between us then I resumed the conversation.

"Can I come in?" I discovered a certain shyness.

"Why, we have nothing to say to each other it seems to me?", I saw that Mike was smiling, the bastard, he wants me to confess.

"You know very well why I'm here", I began to lose patience.

"no i don't, tell me" He crossed his arms patiently. My hole wanted to take over my brain, he felt Mike's receptivity, it was all up to me. Be strong Josh you can do it.

"I....I", I stammered.

"Bye Josh",

He was about to close the door but I stopped him.

"Okay, win, I.....I want us to fuck" I finished my sentence with little intensity but I knew he had heard. I looked away attentively paying attention to his next words.

"I didn't hear, you can repeat louder"I hate this guy, but I need him, he's the only one who can help me.

"I want us to fuck." it was clear, clean, precise. No doubt is allowed.

"I see, but i don't want to ." Mike teased me.

"What, you're going to tell me that my brother satisfies you, that's it" I react instantly.

"I see someone's jealous, well it's true that yeah I like fucking your fag brother." You would have a chance to get your load too, but there is one certain condition.

" Tell me." the words came out on their own, I wanted, I was salivating, I was shaking, my hole will finally give me peace and I could finally feel Mike.

"You submit to me Josh, you surrender to me and let me handle your body and our fuck session", Mike had a perverted smile on his face.

An evil smile was born on my face. Submit, me, to you? I will never take the place of one of these whores that I could bring back, I SUBMIT, He is completely sick. But then I realized that if I said no I could say goodbye to him but if I said yes I could say goodbye to my alpha status. This status is my whole identity, so why am I thinking about his proposal, since when does Mike occupy a place in my mind.

"I..." My heartbeat quickens, Josh say something. My brain is screaming no, my body is screaming yes, what should I say? Mike is imperturbable I can't decipher the slightest emotion that could influence me on what he wants, it seems like he doesn't care if I accept or not and he's right it's me who needs from him.

"I......" I stumbled again.

"I accept", I finally say, all the tension that has built up in my body disappears. Fully aware that it was myself who was finishing me off.

"Okay, hope in big bro", Unbiased Mike. And I entered with heavy feet. As I walked by him, he took the opportunity to spank me which made me jump.

"Still firm huh, let's go to the living room." He was commenting on my tight ass and I hated it. It reminded me how I used to spank every girl's butt at college.

I did what he told me and waited for his next orders, I didn't let it show but I was scared, I never saw myself as the submissive. He sat on the sofa and I remained standing in front of him. " get on your knees ".

First attack on my pride making me shock. What will I have left in the end? I did as he told me and found myself on my knees in front of him.

"Love to say that it's the same person who thought he was above everyone with the body he has, what is it like to lower your head in front of me big bro? in the end you're just like Oscar " mocked Mike hunting down my body. Second attack and I could already do more I wanted to take the door and run away, but I'm an alpha no, I could overcome that.

"I mean, you were offering your ass, who knows what you would have done if your brother hadn't interrupted you, a neighbor might have surprised you and started a rumor. There's a muscular whore in the neighborhood" he sneered and yelled out the last sentence making me drown in the ocean of my own embarrassment. I have never felt so insulted in my life. I was the one who would do that to others but sitting on the receiving end was unbearable for me.

I stood there staring into space imagining the scene, the disdainful gaze of people as I passed, the obscene remarks... towards me. My hole called me to order and I closed my eyes to better feel this spasm.

"Anyway, take your clothes off", he ordered again and I took off my shoes, top, bottom, underpants, I am totally exposed with my hard cock touching my abdomen pulling a show just for the nerdy bastard.

"Good boy" Mike congratulated me, "all these hours at the gym was to expose you right, you wanted to be glorified big bro. Now it will make me delighted if you could pose for me, swell those muscular arms of yours and those brick size abs that you boast off on Instagram for the girls to see", he chucked with bright eyes and I started showing off my muscles just I do in the gym on a regular basis. But doing this for his pleasure was so weird. I had never done that for the sake of someone's pleasure and my cock started throbbing at this thought.

"Looks like you love doing that big bro", Mike made me realized that my cock was vibrating against my abs.

He stood up, walked towards me and touched my swelled biceps that I did just for him. His hand moved against my skin and then proceeded to my chest.

"I have never touched or even seen such a big chest before, big bro. I always wanted to touch yours. It was my dream and today I feel so happy", he tweaked my nipples making me moan slightly. Weirdly all it did was excited me. I wanted to cum badly.

"What a magnificent body you have big bro", he caressed my eight pack abs feeling them to his will.

"Apple of everyone's eyes, pride of the college, star of the town and every girl's dream man, I'm lucky to have found you". Mike tugged on the belt to bring me closer to him and whispered to me "undress me."

I did as he told me, he then took me by the hair and stuck my head to his crotch.

"yeah that's it breathe, it's the key to your paradise big bro, you know how wonderful it is". The smell was far from unpleasant, actually seductive. I never thought a man musk would be so attractive.

He pressed my head between his legs resuming my work."Mhhhh...yeahh big boy....please me", I was sniffing his musk through his underwear and I was loosing my control. The manly musk was hitting my nostrils and giving unusual sensations to my brain. His hands were forcing my head to inhale every molecule of that fragrance and suddenly I forget I was kneeling between his legs like his personal whore.

"Get on your knees on the couch big bro, I want to see how your hole has been since the last time." after good time inhaling his musk, he ordered me and I complied without telling him that I had taken a dick a week ago. I rested my broad lifted my big thighs up exposing my smooth butt just for him to explore my blossom bud.

"Ohh but it's open, you naughty boy, you played with with your hole when I wasn't there?", he smirked spanking my hole.

"Ahhhhhh", I moaned out louder enjoying it.

"yes daddy" Where does it come from? I was shocked myself on saying such words.

"What did you just say, big bro?", even Mike was surprised looking into my eyes like I was caught.

"Nothing..", I tried to hide my secret. The entire situation realized me about Jack who called me his girl all the time during that concert night so may be it skipped through my tongue.

"Ahhhhh", a tight slap against my hips and I glared at him.

"Answer me", he gave his signature smile.

"I don't ..know Mike...they just automatically came", I didn't tell him that Jack fucked me and made me say those dirty words.

"So...", he paused.

"So, do you want to call me your daddy?", for the first time I saw Mike asking me something. What should I reply? I thought.

"Ohhhh", another spank.

"", I grimaced.

"Ohhh", another spank.

"Fuck ....yes", and I said mechanically again widening my eyes.

"Ok my boy....daddy is gonna take care of you", I cursed myself as it was so degrading. I was Jack's girl and now I was Mike's boy but I have to address both of them as my "daddy".

"Call me", he ordered. I looked confused.

"I said call ME YOUR DADDY", he inserted his middle finger inside my hole and I fuck....hollered at the top of my voice.

"Yes dadddyyyyyy", the moment I was waiting for. My anus started spasming and my sphincters clenched against his finger tightly.

"Ah...such an amazing heat and tightness....don't worry anymore, Dad is here now and will do everything to satisfy his big boy, he deserves thanks right " and he pushed it deep inside me making my wriggle like a snake. I lifted my ass, covered in my jockstrap, up to give him all the access to my dirty spot.

"Thanks Daddy" I was definitely crying. How could I look in the mirror after that. Mike ripped my boxer shorts into a jockstrap, my pink hole exposed and more eager than ever. Mike stroked my cock alongside finger fucking me and it was totally different when I did it myself, I rolled my eyes and let out moans.

"why did you wait so long to ask dad for help huh", he pushed more, inserted second finger and pushed both deeper.

"Mhhhhh....Mhhhh......Ohhhh yeah......Danmmmm.....Yeahhh...More"Mike slapped my ass.

"I decide you take it, the rhythm I impose it",

"Mhhhhhh.....Ohhhhhhh.....Yeahhh....Mhhhh so good." I just moaned like a slut under his control. My thighs were now pressing against my beefy chest and Mike pushed my ass up to give me just a little space cover the couch. Most of the space was empty.

"spread those asscheeks for daddy...Yeahh like this....Your pussy....beautiful" I felt Mike's tongue wet my hole.

"Mhhhhh.......yeahhh......Ohhhhhhh.......Pleease......Pleease..daddyyy....dont stop...please" I started begging. All of my pride and self respect was lost. The only urge was to cum.

"y'all the same, we hit the right spot and you're docile. When I think about it I fuck 2 fag brothers, like it must be genetic, you who impregnated Oscar with all that bullshit, but you're like him, I imagine your father he must like cock too and must surely do the same as his 2 fags sons." Mike sneered at me, but I admit that imagining Oscar and even my dad (for god's sake ) next to me, eaten their ass by by this lil boy made me a little excited.

Mike continued to do a good job at my ass, I pushed myself back on his tongue desperate for more.

"Ohhhhh Yeah.....Mhhhhhh....Yeah daddy....Eat me gooooooddd...ohhhh fuck...that's amazinggggg", I was shivering with pleasure. This is want I was desperate for 10 days. This is what I was running from. This is what no girl could ever provide me.

"My boy wants more" Mike replaced his tongue with his fingers again.

"Mhhhhh....Yeah...Mhhhhh....Please don't stop daddy....please.. i'm loosing it". Mike withdrew his fingers and I felt empty, I wanted so badly to replace them with my own then I felt Mike's erection rubbing against my ass.

A bonfire seized my body. My hole wanted to suck him, he was crying with joy, the object of his desire was separated by a piece of cloth.

"'re going to drive me crazy big bro.....I missed feeling your walls tighten around my member....The warmth of your body so nice.....You want daddy's bone huh.... You came to fetch him of your own free will..." Mike's spankings on my butt ended up leaving their print, but I continued to part my big muscular ass spread, showing a nice hole ready to be filled up.

"This herculean body every girl would dream to be with is under my possession", I waited in this position for a moment before I noticed that he made no movement. Obviously today it is up to face reality. He wanted to break me for sure, I could always deny that I feel pleasure, but I couldn't deny that I begged for it. I bit my lips to keep any words from coming out. He tapped his cock on my butt, miming back and forth movements, touching my hole with his glans but never entering it.

"please Mike... put your cock in my hole." I am pathetic.

"yes I could but you see it's not a hole you have, you have something else, what Oscar has, what women have, and what fags have", he said piercing through my deep blue eyes. My pride is completely shattered, a woman, me, I will have what a fag has.

"please...put your cock in", I say shyly.

"I don't hear what you has to say to me, do you want to stop? No problem." He was starting to pull back. I started feeling empty again.

"Nooooooo....." I made a superhuman effort to say this out loud, "please daddy, put your cock in my pussy", I cried out with teary eyes.

"When you're a good boy you beg, so rephrase your bitch request" Mike demanded with a push giving my ass a jerk.

"Please daddy, fuck my pussy?", I hadn't thought about it, Mike's tone pushed me into a space of submission that I didn't know myself.

"I'm going to teach you to beg you'll see, remember that I'm only emptying myself in you, say thank you to Dad for using you." Mike entered me at the same time he said those words? and it was the explosion of all feeling of well being, I had reached the apocalypse. I feel complete. I feel his cock dismiss my sphincter, he welcomes it because he waited too long.

"Thank you for using my pussy Daddy......Mhhhhhhhhhhh........yeahhhhhh.....OHHHHH.....Yeaaahhhhhh" I cried. Joy or shame I don't know, but it was too good.

"Ohhhhh Yeah're so tight.....Mhhhhh....yeah that's some good pussy...and to think you've been waiting all this time to use it.....What a mess....Ohhhhhh.....yeah fuck I'm gonna fuck you hard.....Mhhhh"

"Mhhhhhhh" I bounced myself on it, his verbal had excited me.

"Ohhhhhh.......Mhhhhhhhhhh......Sooo goooood......Yeahhhhh.....gwadddddd....More...more...more... Pleaaase" I moaned with every thrust he was giving me.

"Who told you to move huh, big bro?" Mike pulled my hands free and grabbed my hips and jerked his hips hard and hard. "I order here, the days of you are over, your dick won't be of any use to you anymore, bend your ass , push that hole out and take it, that's your job slut."

"Ohhhhhhh.....Yeah.....Yeahhh...Yeahhh.....Yeahhh...Mhhhhhhh.....Ohhhh Fuckkk meeeee.....Mhhhhhh.....Yeahhhh....My job....Mhhhh Danmmm....Slut... Me......Fuckk" the drool escaped from my lips, this dick takes me over the moon. Pessure on my head forced me to lower it, Mike covered it with a pillow on top.

"Here, it's your natural position, face down ass up, we shouldn't see your face, just a pussy to fill, just like your fag brother".

My ass bounced with his thrusts and all I could do was receive the fuck and moan like a cheapest whore.

"Mhhhhhhh.....Mhhhhhhhh......Mhhhhhhhh.......Mhhhhhhhh....Mhhhhh.....M hhhhhhhh......Mhhhhhhhh....MHHHHHH" I grabbed the pillow on my head to stifle my moans, I like it too much .

"you're letting out too much juice babe......Mhhhhh.... hypertrophy my ass....You just wanted to get fucked....take this....Mhhhhh.....Your pussy accommodates my dick too well...I'm sure might take 2....a real slut....i will fuck you for hours you would like that", Mike suddenly had become violent and I loved this side of his, calling me names, humiliating me like I was nothing but a piece of meat.

I would have let him, it was the other Josh who took over my body, He wanted to be fucked again and again. Mike pulled on my leash, I opened my mouth in reflex, I look like a dog.

"Answer me, big guy ", what a sheer dominance?

Before my brain turned off for good he told me to say no.

"Ohhhh Yeaaaah.....Fuck me all you want Mike....I want to feel your cock rearrange my insides ......You are doing me so much good ....Keep fucking me.....Ohhhh....Yeahhhhhhhhh ......My pussy is all yours.....Fuuckkkkk meeeee.....yeahhh", he put my face back under a pillow and continued to pound me. We continued in this position until he got tired of it and rolled me onto my back, spread my legs and thrust into them like the most natural thing he could be. He squeezing my chest in his hands like those were tits and his cock slid into my pussy without the slightest resistance.

" are your place...with a man between your legs"

"Ohhhh.....yessssssssssssssssssss.....More.......Moreee daddy Pleaaaase......"each blow sent me to heaven. My pussy opened to let him in and tightened so he wouldn't come out.

"Come on, I want to see you fuck yourself", this was not new to me. I had ridden a cock before. So without any hesitation, no sooner had Mike sat down on the couch than I found myself straddling him riding his cock.

"Mhhhhh....daddy....Your dick is so good...Mhhhh", my beefy chest was bouncing like a breast and my bum jiggled like a whore's ass.

"Good boy, Ride Daddy's dick.....Mhhhhh....why did God give you such a big dick when he gave you such a big pussy.....He should have known you wouldn't know how to use it .....yeah keep it up big bro..Mhhhh", mike's hands were caressing my back like a true alpha encouraging me to stake his cock to hit my prostate, like the slut I had become.

I only felt excitement about him, I continued riding his cock passionately just like he expected from me, when he spanked me to impress me that I am the girl, I hit my own prostate even more harder than ever. The idea didn't bother me anymore, on the contrary.

"that's how much you wanted to spread your thighs for a real male ,muscle slut.....all those muscles were to hide your real organ....that bubble cake....delicious.....Keep bouncing Slut....Make that ass jiggle for me",

"Yeeeessss Daddy.......Mhhhhhhhhh.....Ohhhh feel so good", I had forgotten who I was. I was just a muscle slut who was living for a cock to savour. ******* Oscar: After finishing what I had to do in town, I decided to go to Mike's to say hello and maybe fuck, I wasn't that far from his house. Dropping in unannounced isn't something he likes, but I always find a way to make amends

. I arrived at his house when I heard moans. I admit that it surprised me for a moment but we are talking about Mike. I wanted to turn back but the door was ajar, the moans were quite loud which made me think he was not far from the entrance, I could see who he was fucking and then leave.

I opened the door delicately and there I fell from above, a short circuit occurred in my brain so much I did not believe what I saw, I opened my eyes as much as possible to accept the information that my brain had just to treat.

My brother, My BIG brother, an insufferable macho, was bouncing on Mike's Cock like he was desperate.

"Good boy, let daddy play with your tits"

"Yes Daddy, pull the milk out.....Mhhhhhh.....Yeahhhhhh......MHHHHH.....Ohhhhh Fuckkkkk......So with my tits ....Please fill up my pussy", josh shouted.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.I saw my brother, his arms around Mike's neck, with a cock in his ass, offering him his "tits" and he was eating them, nibbling.

"Mhhhhh......Yeahhh....Daddy......Ohhhhhhh......Mhhhh......Yeahhhh......So fucking good......" My brain still hadn't sent any indication to my body about the next moves to make, I didn't know what to do, I just stood there watching my brother deteriorate.

My own brother, I thought I was dreaming, he who has always acted like a dog with girls because that's what our father taught us. Yet seeing him having fun with Mike made me weird, I felt a little jealousy and betrayal, but what a hypocrite. He reproached me for doing what he himself wanted to do.

"I'm gonna cum Mike....Ohhhhh......Mhhhhhhh.....Yeahhhh.....Mhhhhhhh."

"Big bro wants to release her juices want to cum like a fountain....hold back again let daddy give you some more cock strokes....Mhhh Yeaaaaaah....You will have a loose pussy tomorrow."

"Mhhhhhhhhhh....yeahhhhhhhh.....MHHHHHHHHH" Josh moaned, Looks like beautiful rag doll. "You have permission to cum Slut ....Get your ass juice flowing.


Seeing my brother hold back and cum the moment he was allowed to was one of the most defining and intimate moments I have with him, having experienced it so many times, I felt close to him.

"People like you shouldn't dump their cum, it would be a waste, they should just dump their cum out of their ass."

My brother was like paralyzed, mouth open, the orgasm was too intense and went through his whole body, I realized that Mike had squeezed Josh's penis to let no drop of sperm come out.

"Well go on now I haven't impregnated you yet" Mike said.

I approached while remaining discreet so as not to be seen to see my brother being dominated by Mike, no suggestions during the fuck, he took the spankings and wanted more, bounced on Mike's cock like a Whore, took Mike's cock like a champ just I DO.

The picture I liked the most was of Josh, his face facing the ground held by Mike's foot, ass up spreading his asscheeks exposing his hole, his dick dangling according to Mike's strokes.

All this made me hard because Josh loved this treatment. He ended up taking the sperm that would make him pregnant and was in a state of ecstasy.The image of the Jock Alpha was definitely over.

Author's note: Don't hide in the covers, put all the veils behind, you closeted boys. Come to daddy and explore your real side that you are ashamed to embrace. Aren't you sick off living in delusion? Don't you wanna experience your real muscle sluts?

Next: Chapter 11

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