From Jock Hero to Slave Loser

By Sean Hoke

Published on May 11, 2013


Authors Note

Hey guys here is the next chapter, sorry it took so long to get out. Life just seemed to get in the way. I hope that you enjoy it and as always comments are welcomed. I do want to hear back from you. And for those that have sent comments and stuff, thank you. As always don't forget to donate to Nifty, this is a great site and we need to keep it going forever.

I am working on a few other projects too, so hopefully I will be updating both this story and others soon.

Sean H *****

Chapter Four

I dragged my poor jock boy down the hall and headed for the student parking lot. We had lost a little bit of time, but I felt it was justifiable. Todd followed behind me, weighed down like a pack mule; I think he might have been in a state of shock. He had been in such a rush to get away from Kyle and Rob that he had forgotten to fix his cloth, so he was hobbling a long trying to keep up with me. As we neared the double glass doors that led to the parking lot, Todd seemed to refocus on the here and now. He pulled back on the `rope'.

"Please Sir; I can't go out there like um this." Todd said, referring to his current disheveled state.

"I doubt that anyone would see you, the lot looks totally empty." I said.

"Please Sir you can't be serious. I could like you know get um arrested or something." Todd said in a voice that was trying to hide the panic. I thought about it and decided that he was correct; technically he would be facing public exposure.

"Very well, place the bags down and pull your jeans up. I doubt anyone will say anything about your chest so your shirt can stay where it is." I said. "Leave your cock and balls out." I added.

"But Sir." Todd protested. I pulled the jockstrap out of my back pocket and knelt down and tapped the top of his left sneaker. Todd picked up his foot and I slipped the jockstrap on, then I repeated with the other foot. As he placed his foot back down a small part of my brain told me that this was how it was supposed to be, and I did long to wrap my lips around his cock, but I knew that if it happened it would lose the hold I had over him and I refused to allow the balance of power to shift in his favor. I quickly pulled the jockstrap up and let it snap into place. It stood out against the dark wash of his blue jeans, but covered all the important parts. Granted Todd was still sporting major wood, but it was at least acceptable now.

Grasping the `rope' again I said to him. "Stay close to me. The leash will pull your cock out if you are too far way."

"Yes Sir." Todd said.

"I am assuming that you have a car right? I would hate for you to have to walk home in your current situation." I said, knowing that he did in fact have one; this was a minor test to see if he would continue to be honest will me.

"Yes Sir I do." He responded. Good he passed.

"Lead the way boy." I commanded. It was kinda humorous to walk to his car, every noise caused Todd's head to whirl around, petrified that someone would see him in this humiliating state. However just as I had predicted the lot was totally empty, the only person in sight was some skater boy and he was fixed on trying to master his latest trick or something. We eventually reached his car, a cobalt blue convertible mustang, a truly gorgeous car. "See boy no one in sight." I said.

"Yes Sir." Todd replied, he quickly placed the bags in the backseat and we both climbed in.

"Put the top down." I commanded, it was truly a perfect September day, the weather was still warm enough to be running around in shorts or in the case of Todd, topless but the leaves were just starting to turn so cooler weather was on the horizon. "Head to your house Toddy boy." I ordered. Todd grimaced but turned on the car and headed towards his house. I reached out my left hand and placed it on his jockstrap covered package. The car swerved as Todd jumped. "Easy boy, focus on the road." I said, thankful that I had tried this while still in the school parking lot, cause if not Todd would have probably killed the both of us. I lightly massaged his package, noting that the pouch was getting damp. Now that I had thought about it his cock had been steadily leaking since I had gotten him hard, I also noticed that the jockstrap was very well used. "So this jock is pretty beat up isn't it boy?" I asked. "Do you have any typical masculine rituals regarding your athletic supporter or anything?" I asked conversationally, we had finally got out of the parking lot and Todd seemed to be able to ignore my hand.

"Um, was that even English?" Todd asked, I suppressed the desire to roll my eyes and reworded the question.

"Like I read somewhere that some jocks believe that if they don't wash their jocks that is brings good luck? Do you believe that?" I finally got out; Lord it was hard to speak stupid when it is not your native tongue.

"Well um, yeah I guess I do. Most of us guys have a game jock that we don't wash. And um I have a practice one that I have thought about washing, but haven't really yet." Todd admitted.

"So is this the practice or the game jock?" I asked.

"Um the game jock Sir." Todd said, I continued to work over his cock; it was steadily leaking precum at this point.

"So you are filling up your lucky jock with precum." I pointed out. "Wonder what the rest of the team would think." I pondered.

"Oh God, they um can't find out." Todd whimpered. I knew that there was a drug store coming up so I ordered Todd to pull in and park as close to the door as possible. Then I ordered him to place both hands on the wheel and not to remove them till I returned. And as a final test I had him lift his ass off the seat by flexing his arm muscles and I `barrowed' his wallet. I then ran into the store.

Todd POV

I relaxed my arms and let my ass hit the seat again. `Damn I can't believe that bastard Egghead took my wallet.' Does he really think he can just help himself to my stuff? My dick gave a jerk, man I couldn't remember the last time I had held off a cum. It felt like my dick was never going to go down again. Damn him. Why am I doing this, is it really worth all this humiliation? Sad part is that it is, Dad would kill me if I didn't play sports and stuff.

"What the hell could he be doing in there? I have like drinks and stuff at the house." I said to myself. I heard the `whoosh' of the automatic door as it opened to let someone come in or out, Egghead had made me park my car backwards so I was facing the parking lot not the building. The sound of feet told me that it was someone leaving, and that reminded me of how ridiculous I looked sitting here like this dressed up like this. "God I hope no one sees me like this." I muttered.

"That would be pretty funny wouldn't it Toddy boy," Egghead said. I hate to say it but I jumped at the sound of his voice. "Eyes forward, keep those hands on the wheel." He ordered. I kept my eyes forward, but tried to listen to what he was doing. It sounded like he was stuffing something into one of the bags. Finally he got back into the car. "Head for home Toddy boy." Egghead said, I was starting to hate that name, but didn't know what to do about it.

"Your home or mine Sir?" I asked.

"Yours of course." He replied, I put the car in gear and headed home. As we got out onto the road again, Egghead started to feel up my cock and balls again. God I had leaked almost clean through my jock, I needed to cum so badly. The drive to my house was quick and easy, thankfully. I pulled up and into my usual spot and got out after opening the garage. I grabbed the bags and headed into the garage, following Egghead. I glanced back at my car, and Egghead saw me. "What is the hold up?" He asked.

"Can I put the cover on the car? I don't want anything to mess it up." I said.

"Sure, I wouldn't want anything to happen to MY car." Egghead said, stressing the `my' part. I tried not to groan as I grabbed the car cover and started to cover the car. "You really hate that don't you? That I can claim your stuff as my own now." He asked me. I stood there trying to figure out how much I wanted to say, and how much trouble I would be in for. "By all means speak freely; I really do want to hear what you have to say."

"Yes Sir, I really do hate this, um well this stuff is mine, like I know that you own me and whatever, but my stuff should still be like mine." I said. "Not that it really matters or will change anything. I um guess." I added.

"Not really." Egghead said, I finished with the car cover. "Into the garage boy." He commanded. I quickly trotted over there; he had me stop near the center of the garage. Egghead was by the door to the house. "Rest position." He barked at me. "Face the street." He added. I got into place as soon as I could, facing the street meant that my backside was pointed to Egghead. I could feel his eyes on me. "Almost right boy but not quite."

"But Sir, this is exactly how you had me um stand in the school." I countered.

"True, but just as you say 'Sir' and 'Boss' there is a difference in public and private rest position." Egghead explained. I dreaded the differences but had to know. "What are the differences Sir?" I asked.

"I am so glad that you asked, the difference is that in private, you should be naked." He answered. I felt a shutter when he said the word naked. "Strip now." He commanded. I really had no choice, but with the open street in front of me I hesitated to obey. "Now what is the problem?" Egghead's voice growled from right behind me. "Need I remind you that your will is gone, your only job is to do whatever I want when I want it." He hissed. "Unless of course you want me to leave? And you can kiss that A you need good bye."

"No Sir, please don't go." I begged, god I was turning in to such a loser.

"Then get naked now." He commanded. I pulled off my baseball hat. I grasped my tee shirt and pulled it off, it actually felt better than when it was bunched up around my shoulders. I kicked off my hot Nike shox. "Put the sneakers back on after you get the jockstrap and jeans off." He added. I pulled down the jock and stepped out of it. My hands went to the belt of my jeans and stopped, I wasn't sure if this humiliation was worth it. "Hurry up boy; I am not a patient man." Egghead insisted. He then brought his hand down and slapped my ass. I was stunned that he was so bold, and also by the force of the smack. I quickly unbuckled the belt and unbuttoned and pulled down the jeans and stepped out of them. After pulling on the sneakers I was mostly naked facing the street my house was on. God what if someone walks by or something? What would my parents say? "Good boy, next time it shouldn't take so long." Egghead said.

"Yes Sir." I said. I felt his hand again, this time caressing the same ass cheek he had just slapped. I so wanted to turn around and punch him in the face, but I couldn't. He had me over a barrel and he knew it. I felt his fingers travel up and down my ass crack, I couldn't take it anymore. "Please sir anything else just not my butt hole." I whimpered.

"I see that I have to keep reminding you of our deal," Egghead said. "I will do whatever I want and the only way to stop me is to give up and lose everything. The choice is yours." He added. As he talked his fingers dug more into my ass crack. "Besides little boys have butt holes, men have ass holes, but you are a slave boy and they have pussies." Egghead continued to poke at my hole. "So let's try this again, what is this?" He asked. Just then I felt the tip of his finger press against my butt hole I thought I was going to jump out of my skin.

"My pussy." I whispered feeling the heat on my face.


"My pussy." I barked out.

"And what do we do with a pussy?" Egghead asked.

"Um fuck it."

"Very good, and on the first try. And I will, it is only a matter of time." Egghead said to me. His ran his hand across my ass as he moved to stand in front of me again. "Now here is what is going to happen next, you are going to take me on a tour of your lovely home, not leaving out a single room. I will have my finger shoved up your tight boy pussy; if it slips out I will beat your ass with this belt." Egghead added, holding up my own belt from my jeans. I gulped as he said this, when I am done beating you, I will put two fingers up there, each time I slip out I will add another finger if you make it to your room with less than three fingers in your pussy, I won't fuck you today. "Egghead added." understand all that? He asked.

"Yes Sir, more than three fingers and you will fuck my pussy." I barked out, god how humiliating, this couldn't be happening. Egghead slung the belt over one arm and stepped behind me again, I tried to relax my body, but I was just too worried. "Ahhhh." I let out a gasp as something icy cold invaded my ass.


As my index finger sunk into Todd's ass, I knew that he was mine. He was standing on his tip toes trying to keep me out but the cool blob of lube let me slide in, after a few seconds Todd finally had to put his feet flat and that just forced my finger even farther into his ass. "Alright boy let's start the tour, I am tired of seeing the garage." I said, Todd in his hurry to get this over with, did exactly what I had planned for him to do. Todd took three large steps and grasped the door knob, and on the second step my finger slid out of his ass. "Hmm, lost my finger already, not off to a good start are we toddy boy?" his head dropped and I saw a shiver run down his spine.

"I am sorry Sir." Todd mumbled.

"Alright, time for your first whipping, step back from the door, keep facing forward, feet shoulder width apart, I want you to place your hands flat on the ground," I instructed, when Todd was in place he looked like two sides of a triangle, with his perfect ass up in the air, I slipped off the belt, folded it in half, grasping the buckle and loose end, I brought it down full force onto Todd's upturned ass.

"CRACK!" The sound was louder than I had expected, though the next sound almost caused me to drop the belt.

"One sir, may I have another?" Todd barked out, I raised the belt again and brought it down across the other butt cheek. "Two Sir, may I have another?" Todd barked out again. I quickly fired off five more hits that Todd dutifully counted off. I was surprised, I was swinging the belt as hard as I could, yet he never moved an inch. His hands never twitched, and he never wavered to count them off at the top of his voice no less. I would have to find out more about this, was he a marine in another life? But right now I had pressing things to attend to. I continued to rain down blows alternating ass cheeks; Todd's rear end was definitely changing from pale white to rosy pink quickly.

"Twenty Sir, may I have another one?" Todd shouted. I let the belt drop and hang loose towards the ground.

"Stand up." I barked at him. As Todd stood up I stepped closer, rubbing my hands against his ass. I could feel the heat coming off of them. Todd flinched slightly but I tried to be a little soothing, after a moment or two I moved around to his front. As always his dick stuck out, it was rock hard and almost purple; it was so full of blood. I was slightly worried about the lack of blood to the brain, but dismissed that after all this was Todd Stevens I was thinking about, I was more worried that his cock was going to explode, he was just so hard. As my eyes moved to Todd face, he was a little red, but there was no sign of any tears or anything. I was slightly impressed thought I would have to fix that at some point. He stood ridged like a pole.

"Where did you learn to take a beating like that? Some previous master?" I asked.

"No Sir, I have never had a master before, but that is how my father has been known to give whippings and that was um what you say or it gets worse." Todd explained.

"How often have you gotten whippings from your dad?" I asked.

He smirked a little bit, "Too often." he answered.

"When was the last one?"

"Um, about six months ago." He replied.

"Tell me about it." I ordered.

"Oh geeze do I really gotta?" he asked.

"Or I could go back to beating your ass again." I pointed out.

"Um, not that please," he whispered. "Okay, my father was pissed because he told me I couldn't take my car and go out, so I um snuck out and got caught."

"What happened then?"

"Father took me and um bent me over that saw horse over there." Todd said pointing to a saw horse by the work bench. "Then he really laid into my ass,"

"How many times?" I asked, figuring that he had to remember that.

"Forty-five." Todd answered. "And then some with his bare hand too, but the worst was what happened after the whipping."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well um while he was whipping me I was acting kinda bratty, so he told me since I was acting like a little kid, that I would be treated like one too, he um had some cartoon underwear that he forced me to wear for a week. I hated it, though not many people saw it." Todd explained.

"Do you still have the cartoon underwear?" I asked.

"Yeah Dad won't let me get rid of them. Said that I might need them again."

"He might be right." I said with a smile. Todd just sighed. I moved around him again until I was facing his fine ass again. "Just to show you that I can be a nice guy, I am only going to stick one finger up your pussy again. Think of this as your one free shot." I explained as I rammed my finger up there.

"Thank you Sir." He said, still standing on his toes as my finger invaded his ass.

"Now let's try this again, show me around, I am tired of looking at the garage." I said. Todd grasped the door knob, as I reached out with my free hand and closed the garage door. He showed me all around the ground floor of the house, showing me the kitchen, living room and stuff, finally ending up in the family room. I gazed up at a family portrait, showing Todd his parents and his brother. The picture had been taken probably in the last two or three years I would guess. "How old is your little brother? What was his name again?" I asked.

"My brother, his name is Hunter Sir, and he is fifteen." Todd replied.

`I can't wait to meet him' I thought to myself.

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