From Jock Hero to Slave Loser

By Sean Hoke

Published on Mar 8, 2013


Authors Note

Hey guys here is the next chapter, sorry it took so long to get out. I hope that you enjoy it and as always comments are welcomed. I do want to hear back from you. And for those that have sent comments and stuff, thank you. As always don't forget to donate to Nifty, this is a great site and we need to keep it going forever.

Chapter Three

As Todd finished his story, he was breathless, having gotten more and more agitated about the whole situation,, on a side note his face was so red it looked like a tomato, but his cock was giving me another story. It was rock hard. I would have felt bad if not for that. I stood up and walked over to him, Todd just stood there standing as straight as a pole. (No pun intended) I gazed into his pale blue eyes, as I reached out and cupped his hard on through his jeans.

"I see that you must have enjoyed it a little bit." I said.

"No Sir, I um really thought that he was going to you know fuck me." Todd said.

"Still hard though." I pointed out, finally pulling his cock out into the open. Todd tried and failed to blush even harder.

"My cock doesn't go down until I um cum." Todd replied.

"Well you have a long time til then." I said, giving his cock one last stroke before stepping back. I picked up the pad that I had written on and handed it to Todd. "Answer each one as best you can." I said, holding out a pen. "You know how to use this right?" I asked, and saw a flash of anger on his face at yet another dig to his intelligence.

"Yes Sir." Todd replied in clipped tones. He took the pen and started to sit down on the seat across from me, but I just pointed at the spot on the floor besides my stool. With a small sigh Todd moved into place, the stool I sat on was perfect, Todd's head was just about even with my crotch and my foot dangled just above his dick. I pretended to keep working, letting Todd work on the questions that I had given him, but I also allowed my foot to dangle a little bit, this caused the sole of my own hot Nike sneaker to rub across the head of poor Toddy boy's cock. I let this continue for about ten minutes, and he was right even after all that time his cock was still rock hard. A few times he let out a small moan. Finally it seemed that even with all these distractions that Todd was done. "Sir?" He said in a small voice. I glanced down and he offered up the pad he had been writing on.

"Good boy, Toddy, glad to see you can follow instructions." I commented, as I started to read though the list. "Hmm both parents work late, which is good, gives us some time to work and play." I said. "You have a younger brother, I didn't know about that, hopefully he doesn't find out about you being a slave." I joked. A look of total horror crossed Todd's face. "Calm down jock boy, I don't plan to have him find out." I reassured him, wasn't totally sure I meant it, but I did want to seem to care a little bit.

"Please Sir; don't let Hunter know about this." Todd begged me. He was breathing pretty hard, I had a feeling that he would have taken off if he could have. The problem was that he was so deep now that it hardly mattered anymore. I had turned slightly, though keeping my sneakered foot teasing his cock head, but his face was now face to pouch with my crotch. I had the feeling he was holding his breath, not wanting to breathe in my musky smell. I simply waited he would have to breath soon enough. After a minute, maybe two, I felt his breath on my crotch.

"Get use to it boy, you will be here a lot." I whispered, I stopped for a bit, and waited for his breath to return to normal before I continued. "Calm down, slave boy, you said that you pick him up. Where do you pick him up after from?" I asked.

"Hunter says at his friend's house, um mom and dad don't want him to be home alone, so I pick him up after football practice." Todd answered.

"Around what time usually?" I asked him.

"Um, around 5:30 or so, sometimes I stay after practice and um help put the stuff away, or Coach lets me stay in the gym to work out." Todd answered. I glanced at my watch it was already 2:45 pm, I really needed to pick up the pace if I was going to get any real fun today.

"Stand up Toddy boy." I said. Todd stood up still standing where he was kneeling, his cock and balls right by my hands. Reaching into my back pocket I pulled out the laces from his cleats. I quickly tied them end to end and then added a simple slip knot at one end and slipped it over Todd's cock and balls pulling it nice and tight. Todd grunted a little bit but otherwise took it well. I looped it again nice and tight around the base of his cock about four times and then his balls the same number before tying them off. Then just to add more humiliation I took the `rope' and letting it follow the shaft of his cock, I pulled it nice and tight and then tied it off right behind the flared head of his penis. I had left about two feet of the laces still hanging loose. "Think about it as a leash." I said.

"Yes Sir." Todd said.

"Now it is on to step two." I said. "Stand up, feet shoulder width apart, hands clasped behind your back, and keep your eyes on the floor in front of you unless told otherwise." I said, and Todd quickly moved into proper place.

"Like this Sir?" Todd asked once he was in place.

"Yes just like that." I said I got up from my seat and walked over to Todd slowly circling him as I did. "That is the `Rest' position. Learn it well." I said.

"Yes Sir."

"Anytime you hear me say the word `Rest' that means get into that position no matter who or what is around." I commanded.

"Yes Sir." Todd replied looking a little fearful.

"In exchange I promise not to abuse this power and expose you to the vast majority of the student body as being my slave boy."

"Thank you Sir." Todd said relaxing a little. I returned to the table and quickly packed up my things, and put away the microscope and items I was using.

"Grab the bags." I said to Todd. He quickly grabbed his backpack and gym bag, and then picked up my bag as well, unfortunately for Toddy boy, that meant that his hands were full and couldn't cover up his rock hard cock. I grabbed the end of the `leash' and gently but firmly pulled him by his dick out of the classroom into the hallway. Todd's face was a mix of fear and amazement.

Todd's POV

"Could this day get any worse?" I thought to myself as Egghead pulled me out of the Science lab by my own rock hard cock. I was going to have to figure out some way to put my foot down, there was no way I was going to allow him to fuck me, being almost raped in the bathroom was bad enough. Thinking of that I felt my face get even hotter, I should have stood up to him, not acted like such a pussy little bitch. Yet here I was following behind Egghead as he leads me though our high school with my cock sticking out. Was I in some topsy turvy universe? Egghead led me to the lockers and stopped at what I guessed was his locker. I had never noticed that it was so close to mine. Egghead opened the locker and was digging around in there for something.

"What the fuck is going on?" Someone said.

"I am just taking my slave boy for a walk." I thought my heart was going to stop. Egghead said, he never even looked up. I did. Standing about ten feet away was two boys, probably freshmen, both total dorks, and their mouths were hanging open.

"No way, Todd Stevens is your slave boy?" the blonde haired one said, he only came up to my shoulders, and was a little on the chunky side. Finally Egghead looked up, and I swear I saw smile on his face.

"Yeah he is." Egghead bragged. "And you two are?" The guys had moved in closer.

"I am Rob, and he is Kyle." The blonde haired one said, the other guy was around my height, but rail thin with dark hair.

"EJ." Egghead said. "You know Toddy boy already." He added.

"Somehow I always thought his junk would be bigger." Kyle said suddenly. I felt my face get red and I balled my hands into fists. Who were they to judge me?

"Yeah I guess that is what steroids will do to a guy." Rob added. "Could we you know, check him out a little closer?" He asked Egghead.

"Sure, but first some ground rules. Number one, no one finds out about this, if they do, I will give him full permission to pound you both into the ground." I was to stunned to speak, Egghead was pretty much whoring me out, but I was kinda happy that he was trying to protect my rep. I saw the two guys freak a little bit. "Second no cumming, you can get and keep him hard but he is not allowed to cum yet." Egghead added, showing off by grabbing my cock and giving it a few strokes. I tried not to but a slight moan escaped anyway. The two guys laughed at that. "And last but not least..."

"There is still more?" I demanded, and then gasped; I wasn't sure what had happened suddenly I just couldn't control my mouth. Egghead shot me a look that clearly said I had messed up badly.

"I will deal with that later." He said, shit now I was in trouble. "As I was saying, before I was interrupted, the last rule is that we don't have much time." Egghead said. I let myself relax a bit, how much could they do? The two dorks were chest fallen too. "However if you impress me, I am willing to discuss the idea of you playing with him again." Egghead said. I wanted to kick the wall or something, I was totally pissed off. "Oh on a final note, this is off limits." He added, I jumped slightly as he grabbed a handful of my ass. The dorks laughed at that one too. Egghead tossed the rope' to Rob and turned his attention back to the locker. Rob yanked hard on the rope' pulling me a few feet away.

"Let's see what we have here." Rob said. "Kneel down." He commanded, with another hard pull on the `rope'. I couldn't believe that I was doing this shit, as I dropped to my knees for the second time in an hour. Rob had grabbed the bottom of my shirt as I went down, now he pulled it over my head. "Nice, very nice." He said looking at my exposed chest. He reached out and grabbed my right nipple and gave it a twist. I bit my tongue, there was no way I was going to cry out for these dorks.

"I think I see a challenge, let's find out if we can make him cry out of pain or frustration." Kyle said, he stepped up to me and grabbed my other nipple. "Together on three. One. Two. Three." Both of them twisted my nips, it felt like they were trying to rip them off. I grunted in pain but that was all. "Looks like jock boy can really take it." Kyle said, I was pleased by that, but still put off, why did I care what those dorks thought? They continued to work on my nips, and it was causing an odd feeling, it felt like my dick was connected to my nips. My dick was still rock hard, and driving me crazy. I wanted to cum so badly, but I knew Egghead had said that I wasn't going to. Still it stuck out from jeans like a rod, and thanks to the way Egghead had tied it up, the head was pointed down. On my knees my dick head almost touched the floor.

"Too bad we don't have more time; I would have loved to see his lips wrapped around my cock." Rob said, as he stepped closer I felt his shoe slip under my dick. I had noticed that he was wearing penny loafers, and the smooth cool leather slid against my piss slit, causing my cock to jump a bit. God I wanted to cum more than anything. I had been distracted by the needs of my own cock that I had totally missed something rather important because the next thing I knew was having Rob hit me in the face with his own hard dick. He then started to smack his cock into the side of my face, first one side then the other.

Kyle stood there laughing at me. "I think jock boy likes having a cock in his face." He added. After a few more cock hits, Rob moved back, his loafer rubbing my cock again. "Stand up boy." Kyle commanded. I rose to my feet trying not to drop the bags. "Let's see the full package." He said, with that he reached out and unbuttoned my jeans, then pulled them down about my knees. I saw red for a moment as I tried to control my anger; here I was almost naked in school, again. Kyle ran his hands over my abs moving to my pubs. My bush was pretty thick, something that I was pretty proud of. His touch was soft, I could almost close my eyes and pretend that it was a hot babe touching me. My eyes snapped open as the pain raced through me. It took me a moment to realize what happened; Kyle had ripped out some of my pub hair. I balled my hands into fists to try to control myself.

"Dude he totally jumped at that." Rob said.

"Yeah I wonder if he would jump more if I tried his ball hair." Kyle said.

"Why don't you try and find out." Egghead said, all three of us jumped he kinda popped out of nowhere.

"You don't mind?" Kyle said sounding nervous.

"That you are causing him pain, not really, he is slave boy; he needs to get used to it." Egghead explained. Kyle reached out slowly, and I tried to brace myself for it. But it felt like he was ripping off one of my nuts, I think he got some skin too.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" I cried out in pain.

"Good job, you broke him down even if just a little bit." Egghead said, he stepped up to me and whispered. "Good job slave boy." Right before he brought his knee up smashing it into my nuts.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" I cried out again, this time the bags fell as my hands flew forward to protect my ball. I ended up on my knees again.

"While you are down there, you should thank these nice guys for giving you some attention." Egghead said.

I blinked the water that had come to my eyes. "Yes Boss. Um thank you." I muttered automatically. Egghead's hand shot out of nowhere slapping against my face.

"Not like that you idiot." He snapped at me, turning to the two dorks he said. "Guys if you will step forward one at a time and present your..." Egghead paused, I looked up at him and he was looking down at something. I tried to follow his gaze and saw that he was looking at Rob's loafers. Then I realized that one was shinier than the other. "Left foot to the jock boy." Egghead continued. Kyle stepped forward first and I looked down at his left foot. He had on a pair of royal blue Supra sneakers, even I had to admit that they were very nice. "Now kiss the shoe and thank them for playing with you." Egghead said I looked up at him opened mouth. He couldn't be serious? The glaring look in his face told me that he was.

My life was going to the dogs. I finally leaned over and gave the supra a quick kiss, just to get this over with. "Thank you for um playing with me." I repeated. Kyle stepped back and Rob stepped up. I repeated the kiss, but something was different, his loafer had an odd taste or something. "Thank you for um playing with me." I repeated again.

"Now get up and put the stuff by the locker in the bags, it is time to go." Egghead said, I grabbed the bags, ready to leave and never come back. "Good job guys, I will totally be in touch about other sessions, with the jock boy." Egghead said.

Oh God it was never going to end. Egghead picked up the leash and started to drag me away after I repacked the bags again.

Next: Chapter 4

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