From Jock Hero to Slave Loser

By Sean Hoke

Published on Jan 16, 2013


From Jock Hero to slave loser By Sean H (

Chapter One

Todd Stevens was the perfect guy; just ask any of the girls that wanted him, or the guys that wanted to be him. He was stunning, and yet so very humble, yeah right. Todd Stevens thought he was a god among mortals. This is the story of his fall from grace.

Todd was perfect in a lot of ways, he was 6'2" tall, had chestnut colored hair that had that look of not really caring about; that guys seam to spend hours fixing, his pail blue eyes were like Windex bottles, his smile was white and perfect. His body was a temple that every girl wanted to worship at. Toned and formed buy not overly done like some muscle heads are.

Todd was also a perfect athlete. Quarterback of the football team, and pitcher / captain of the baseball team. Todd lived sports, nothing else mattered. Not school, not friends, really not even girls, nothing. I truly believe that Todd was expecting a full ride to college or to join the world of professional sports.

Todd Stevens was perfect in one last thing too, he was perfectly dim. I suppose that his brain was too busy memorizing plays and pitches for his precious sports and that left little room for academics. Todd was what he showed the world, a jock boy who had the depth of a puddle. I was sure that his teachers were cutting him some slack, because of his prowess on the sports fields, but I knew for a fact that one wasn't; Mr. Anderson, the science teacher. I knew this because I was his teacher's aide and graded the other class's homework and stuff. I knew that Todd was doing poorly, his grade slipping down to the point where he might lose his sports eligibility, something that would destroy Todd's world. I had actual respect for Mr. Anderson, though I was sure the rest of the school was pretty upset, no one believed the school could win if Todd wasn't able to play. Finally Mr. Anderson capitulated, that is he gave in; Todd would be allowed to retain his sports eligibility, only if he received an A on his science project. Now an A on anything besides sleeping and lunch was pretty much out of bounds for Todd. Whatever was poor Todd going to do?

And that is how I come into the picture. I was a lot things, but I was nowhere near as popular as Todd. I had my circle of friends, but not the hanger oners that Todd and his crew had. I was working on a private project in one of the school's science lab, when a shadow fell on the microscope I was using. School had let out about ten minutes prior, so this part of the school was pretty deserted as such I had the place pretty much to myself.

"Hey, um dude." A male voice said.

"Either take two steps to the left, or three to the right. The choice is yours." I said, knowing that three to the right would put whoever it was back into the hallway. I had a feeling that whoever it was would not want to go back out there, so after a few seconds the shadow moved to the left. I let whoever it was stew for a bit.

"So um dude what are you doing?" The same voice said.

"I am cataloging these cells during their mitosis." I responded.

"Um, what? Was that even English?" He asked I suppressed a groan of frustration; I finally looked up from the microscope. My my what did I see before me, but Todd Stevens in all his glory. I paused for a second, just to drink in the sight of him.

"Mr. Anderson isn't here; he is in the teachers' lounge." I said. Todd looked a bit nervous about something; he was shuffling his feet slightly.

"I um, was kinda looking for you, EJ." Todd said. That was me, EJ, Edward Junior to my parents; school nerd to everyone else.

"Me? What can I do for you Todd?" I asked seeming confused; the truth was that I had a fairly good idea of why he was looking for me. I noticed he was a little sweaty, and was breathing a little heavy. He was also lugging a backpack and a fairly good sized duffle bag, which I guessed held his football stuff. The coach must have let him go early to come find me, and he must have run the whole way, probably worried that he would miss me.

"Well um, that is..." Todd hesitated for a moment.

"Spit it out Todd. I can't read your mind." I said exasperated, and if I could it would be a very short book. Todd took a deep breath and seemed to steady himself.

"I wanted to talk to you about being my partner with the science projects." He said quickly, I was blown away, not by the request but because he hadn't uttered a single `um' in the whole thing. However I wasn't going to let him off that easy.

"That would be almost impossible since we have science at different times." I said.

"Well, um, the thing is that I talked it over with Mr. Anderson and um he said it was okay so long as it was okay with you." Todd said. So much for that, two `um's, guess he had to make up for missing one.

"I figured you would have partnered with one of your football cronies or something." I said.

"Cronies?" Todd repeated a perplexed expression on his face. I suppressed the desire to roll my eyes.

"Buddies, friends, etc." I replied.

"Oh, um well yeah, I normally would have but um I like totally need a good grade on this project." Todd said. I knew that already, Mr. Anderson had talked about how Todd would want me to be his partner not long after he had given our young stuff his ultimatum.

"How badly do you need to get a good grade on this project?" I asked.

"Dude, um if I don't get like an A on this project my life is like totally over." Todd said, a bit overly dramatic, but I still got the point.

"What would you do to get me to agree to help you like this?" I asked, this was it, the moment I had been waiting on all day. How far was Todd willing to go?

"Um, anything I guess." Todd said, he was laying it all on the line.

"Really, anything?" I asked with a practiced arch oh the eyebrow. I held my breath as I waited for the answer, this was a huge gamble. Part of me wondered if I wasn't about to get the crap beat out of me.

"Um, yeah...I guess I do mean anything." Todd answered after a moment or two. Success, I now had Todd right where I wanted him. "I got to have you, um no matter the price." He added dejectedly.

"Okay here is the deal; I will agree but only if you live up to your part too." I said. "From this moment on I own you, you will do what I say when I say it." I said.

"For how long?" Todd asked, worried.

"The project is due in two months, so that long. Every day that I have to remind you of this deal, will be a day lost. Too many days and you won't get that A you need to badly." I said.

"Um...okay, I guess I don't really have a choice do I?" He said.

"I suppose you don't." I said as I pulled out my cell phone, a few quick taps and it was ready. "Now Todd I want you to say it, formally, I will record you saying it and keep it." I said holding up the phone I pointed it him and pushed the record button.

"Um...okay, so like I, Todd Stevens agree to do anything that you EJ tell me to do, when you say to do it, I will totally do it." He said. I held up a pad that I had jotted a quick note down on so he could read it. "I, Todd will be you slave boy." He repeated it automatically. I pushed the stop button, and quickly saved and send a copy to my email account. As I looked up at him again he had a funny look on his face. "A slave boy?" He said.

Next: Chapter 2

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