From Immigrant to House Slave

By Yue Shi

Published on May 4, 2019



From Immigrant to House Slave

By Steve S.

[The following story is inspired and (very) loosely based on my own experience. In real life, I did become my Master's slave after coming to the United States as an immigrant, but that was after we were married and Master never used my immigration status against me. Sex trafficking is criminal and many immigrants around the world are trapped in sex slavery in a foreign country - make sure to always report that to authorities. Let me know if you want me to expand on this story. I can be reached at Thank you for reading.]

I came to the United State on a tourist visa. I just turned 18 and knew I was gay. In my country, homosexuality was punishable by death, so I knew I could never go back. However, I couldn't find a way to stay. I wasn't allowed to work on a tourist visa and I had no skills to find a job anyway. My visa was running out and I was getting desperate.

One night, I met Master at a gay bar and he made me an offer I couldn't refuse. He would take me in so that I wouldn't have to go back to my country. In exchange, I would become his slave and serve him as my owner. Master said I could leave anytime I wanted, but if I did I would risk getting caught by ICE and deported back to my country, since I would have overstayed my visa at that point. I knew I wouldn't dare to leave.

Master was 35 at the time and had his own construction business. He's divorced from a woman and had a 15-year-old son named Alex with her. Master lived in a large house he built himself outside the city. The house sat on many acres of land and was too big for him to take care of on his own. Now considering himself gay and dominant, Master had a few different slaves before that lived with him 24/7 and served him, but Master grew tired of them eventually and none were with him anymore. With me being only 18 and had nowhere else to go, Master hoped my servitude to him could be a more permanent arrangement.

So that's how I became Master's slave. As far as being a slave was concerned, it really wasn't too bad. The initial slave training was pretty hard - I was not into BDSM and never considered myself to be especially kinky. But at least I was gay and found Master, 6'5" and muscular, to be very attractive and exactly my type. So training to be his slave was at least bearable. Master had a 10-week long slave training program he developed to train new slaves. The program had 3 phases.

Phase 1 was basically a 3-week-long "break-in" period. During that time, Master subjected me to the harsh reality of the life of a slave in order to adjust my mindset from a free man to an owned slave. I was kept naked and locked for the entire time in the fully equipped dungeon in the basement of the house.

The first thing Master did was locking my dick up in a steel chastity cage, which did not come off for the duration of the 10 weeks. He also locked a heavy slave collar around my neck. My days consisted of being tortured in various way by Master, which were intended to break me down mentally so that I would completely submit to Master's authority over me. The punishments included predicament bondage, whipping, flogging, electro-shocks, nipple torture, cock and ball torture, being hung upside-down, etc. I, of course, did not enjoy any of this and begged Master to have mercy on me and stop hurting me. I offered to serve Master sexually just so that the pain would stop. But Master did not relent and most importantly, did not use me for sex at all during this phase. In fact, he showed no affection for me whatsoever and treated me like a whipping boy who existed to be hurt by him.

When Master had to go to work and at night time, I was locked in a small steel cage that I became very familiar with. I was always tied up in some ways and often gagged as well, and of course my dick was always safely locked away. When Master was feeling especially sadistic, he put me in a strict hogtie before locking me in the cage for the night. I would have a gag in my mouth, a blindfold over my eyes, and a big butt plug in my ass. When that happened, it was basically impossible for me to sleep well and I would be even more tired the next day for the new round of torture I had to endure.

My meals were dry dog food mixed with Master's piss served in a large steel bowl on the floor. It was absolutely disgusting but I was hungry and that was all I got. I was only allowed to eat on my knees with my hands tied behind my back, and only after I kissed Master's feet and thanked him for the food. For water I got cold water in the same bowl and also Master's piss. Because Master did not allow me to touch his cock during this phase, I only drank his piss in the bowl more often already cold. It was a very hard thing to do.

By the end of the 3 weeks I was totally broken. I lost the sense of myself as a man and accepted my status as a slave. Most importantly, I submitted heart and soul to Master and began to see myself as existing merely to serve him. I wanted desperately to be allowed to pleasure him with my body. That's when Phase 2 of my training began.

Phase 2 of my slave training was another 3 weeks where I learned to serve Master sexually. The focus of my world shifted from learning my place as a slave to learning how to please Master with my mouth, my ass, and my body. Master had extremely high standard about the sexual services he deserved, and he was very particular about exactly how he was to be served. Even though Master reduced my punishments overall to make time for sex training, he punished me even harder when I failed to perform a task to his absolute satisfaction.

For example, Master loved receiving head from his slave. But instead of getting off quickly from a blowjob, Master preferred having his cock serviced for hours at a time. His slave was supposed to slowly make love to his cock, licking his balls, licking his piss slit, deep-throating the full length of his cock, all without bringing him to climax. A few times when I accidentally got him off early, I was severely punished for the offense. I generally enjoyed sucking dick before I became Master's slave. But at 6'5, Master's dick was huge, and I had trouble initially deep-throating him without gagging. To train me, Master would tie me up so tightly I could not move a muscle, and then mercilessly fuck my throat with his cock and dildos of various sizes. Soon enough my gag reflex was completely gone and I was able to accommodate the entirety of his dick in my mouth with no problem.

Master also had a strong foot fetish and enjoyed having his giant size 15 feet worshiped. That was not something I enjoyed doing, since I normally found guy's feet to be dirty and smelly. To make matters worse, Master was in the construction business and wore heavy boots to work - his feet were always soaked in sweat at the end of the day when he came down to the dungeon. Needless to say, I did not start out as an enthusiastic foot worshiper. To cure my repulsion by his feet, Master made a point of wearing the same socks over and over again when he went to work. Upon his return, he would put me in a tight hogtie on the floor, and order me to lick his sweaty feet completely clean. The failure to do so would result in swift punishments. Per his specific instructions, I would spend hours licking his feet, sucking his toes, running my tongue between the toes, and generally make love to his feet. At night, I would sleep tied up in the cage, with Master's dirty socks securely taped in my mouth. It did not take long for me to become a good foot slave for Master.

Of course, my ass also belonged to Master and he fucked me whenever he wanted, which was at least once every day. Master had an amazing sex drive and could get off 3-4 times a day easily. Fortunately for me, I actually really liked being fucked. This was also relatively easy for me as I didn't need to do much beyond trying to relax my hole in my bondage and taking Master's monster dick. Master preferred his slaves to be vocal when he fucked them unless they were gagged, so I had to learn how to properly beg him to fuck me harder in a way that turned him on. Overall though, being fucked by Master was one of my favorite things to do during this phase of my training.

At the end of Phase 2 I had become a good sex slave for Master. I learned how his body worked, what turned him on, what made him feel good, and the little things I could do to bring maximum pleasure to Master. This worked out in my favor too because as I became better in serving Master sexually, my punishments became less frequent and my love for Master deepened. I began to realize that Master was not by nature a cruel man - he was intentionally harsh on me initially because it was necessary to prepare me for life as his slave. The faster I submitted to Master's control, the easier slavery would become for me. As long as I pleased Master, I would not have to spend my days in pain and suffering. Now that I learned this lesson, Master decided that I was ready for the final phase of my training.

Phase 3 of my slave training - the final 4 weeks - was learning how to be a house slave for Master in a day-to-day setting. After spending 6 weeks in the dungeon, I was finally allowed to come to the main house in order to be trained to serve Master on a daily basis, which included much more than sex: cooking, cleaning, doing Master's laundry, shining Master's shoes, and basically doing odd chores around the house. It was during this phase where I finally learned the full picture of what being Master's slave entailed.

I now slept in a bigger cage in Master's bedroom. Depending on Master's mood, I might be put in strict bondage for the night, or it could be as simple as having my hands cuffed behind my back and my ankles bound together. I was always gagged, either with Master's dirty socks or a penis gag, and my ass was always plugged. My dick was of course still helplessly locked.

In the morning, Master would get up and release me from the cage. He would un-gag me but otherwise leave my bondage in place, and make me drink his morning piss on my knees. After that, I would give him his first blowjob of the day. Master would untie me after cumming in my mouth and having me suck his dick clean. After that, he would shackle my legs and send me to the kitchen to prepare his breakfast, while he took his morning shower.

In the kitchen, I would serve Master his breakfast and eat mine from the dog food bowl on the floor. On most days I was allowed to prepare some food for myself, but if Master was angry at me for some reason I would only get dry dog food and Master's piss to rinse it down. Many days Master would demand his cock or his feet worshiped while he was eating, in which case I had to eat fast because I had to stop eating whenever Master was finished.

After breakfast, I would help dress Master and send him off to work. Then, left alone in the house, wearing nothing but my slave collar, my chastity cage, and my leg shackles, I would start doing the list of chores Master had assigned for that day. That could include doing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen, vacuuming the floor, doing the laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, ironing Master's clothes, shining his shoes, anything that needed to be done around the house for that day. I was usually allowed to make myself some lunch, but of course I must eat it on my knees on the kitchen floor.

I must finish all the chores before Master came home or risk severe punishments. After I finished all the chores, I was to wait for Master on my knees by the front door. Upon his return, I would greet Master by kissing his boots and offer him my mouth for use. On most days, Master would order me to bring him a beer to the living room while he sat on the sofa to rest, watching all kinds of sports on TV. I would kneel before Master and lick his boots clean, being careful not to miss a spot. After that, with his permission I would remove Master's boots and socks and begin to lick clean Master's bare feet. Once Master was satisfied that his feet were clean, I would move on to Master's cock and give him his second blowjob of the day. After Master cum in my mouth, he usually sent me to make his dinner, which he would eat once again with me at his feet in the kitchen.

After dinner, Master would inspect the chores I did for that day. If I did not meet his high standard, that would immediately lead to a trip to the dungeon for punishments. Master firmly believed that slaves must be punished severely and swiftly for any infractions so that corrective actions could be taken right away. If he was happy with the job I did, however, he would normally reward me by using me for sex in various ways, knowing that I enjoyed pleasing him in bed. This was usually my favorite time of the day, with Master lying in bed in all his naked muscular glory, and me desperately trying to please him with my mouth and my ass. I would spend hours worshiping Master's body: tonguing his armpits, licking his balls, sucking his dick, rimming his ass, licking his feet, and of course, getting fucked, which was my favorite activity in my life as Master's slave. I was often tied up and my own poor dick would attempt in vein to get hard in the cage. I was never allowed to cum. But I had become such a good slave that I was able to focus completely on Master's pleasure rather than my own. Master, being the total stud he was, could usually cum in my mouth and my ass a few times before he was spent and ready for bed, by which time I was put back in the cage, once again bound, gagged, plugged, and finally allowed to sleep.

Such was a day in a house slave's life.

I also learned all the slave protocols Master demanded during this phase of my training. Master believed that enforced protocols helped framing the correct mindset for a slave and cultivating good habits. So I had to learn the proper ways a slave should behave around his superiors.

I was not allowed to wear any clothes inside the house. My standard uniform included my slave collar, my chastity cage, and my leg irons. I was to keep my body completely clean shaven at all times, including my pubic hair. The hair on my head was kept in a high-and-tight style that resembled a military recruit.

I must adopt the standard "slave position" whenever I was in Master's presence and not performing a task: on my knees, with my legs wide open to expose my locked dick, my hands clasped behind the small of my back as if they were bound together, my back straight, my head respectfully bowed and my eyes to the floor in front of me.

I must remain silent at all times unless I was spoken to. When I did speak to Master, I must speak in a respectful manner and use the word "Master" to address him at all times. I must never talk back or contradict Master or risk severe punishments. When Master's son Alex visited, I must address him as "Master Alex" and show him the same respect I did for Master.

I must drop to my knees immediately whenever Master entered a room I was in. I must then greet Master by crawling to him and kiss his feet. I was not to stop kissing his feet until he told me to carry on. Every time I entered a room Master was in, I must greet Master in the same way.

I was not allowed to use any furniture unless given permission to do so by Master. My place was on the floor. I ate and drank from the dog food bowl on the kitchen floor, without any utensils. When I had to use the bathroom, I was not allowed to sit on the toilet seat, and instead must sit on the rim of the toilet.

These were the main rules I was taught during this phase of my training. I was warned that Master would add more rules as we developed our routine together, and that I must obey all the rules to the letter or risk punishments. Initially I would occasionally forget some of the protocols, but after a few sessions in the dungeon they soon became muscle memory to me. I even began to like the protocols, because they offered me a structure to follow in my servitude to Master. At the end of my training, being on my knees before Master gave me a sense of security I had never felt in the 18 years of my life.

I was incredibly proud when I survived Master's 10-week slave training program. On the last day, Master officially offered me a permanent position to be his house slave, which I gratefully accepted. In fact, when I bent down to kiss Master's feet on that day, I cried a few happy tears and Master affectionately held me in his arms for the very first time and kissed me. It was true that I never imagined coming to this country to become another man's slave, but I was happy to stay and eager to start my life with Master.

That night, Master tied me down to his bed and to my great surprise, unlocked my chastity cage for the first time in 10 weeks. Then, Master sat on my face and ordered me to lick his asshole while he began to jerk me off with his big hand. I had the most amazing orgasm I ever experienced in my life. Later that night, with my dick once again safely locked away, I lay in my cage in the darkness listening to Master's soft snores. I was in a tight hogtie, had my ass plugged, my nipples clamped, and my mouth gagged with Master's familiar dirty socks - I know I wouldn't get much sleep that night, and I could not be happier. I was not going anywhere.

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