From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Feb 25, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 9 - Rich

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For the next few days Guy was pleased with his slave's progress. Although Hugh was still going into the office, he was up before Guy every morning to make sure everything was ready for his Master's working day and at home ready for Guy's return every evening. Guy tested him by varying his welcome orders. He might text 20 minutes before his arrival or 3 minutes before and he also couldn't decide whether he preferred his slave to be waiting on his knees in the hall or to be at the door, just in a jockstrap, ready to let his Master in. His texts were to the point "Knees in 20" or "Door in 3." Hugh managed to obey each order to the letter, although the 3 minute warning was a bit of a challenge.

The procedure on Guy's arrival also varied according to his mood. He might have Hugh kiss his shoes immediately in the hall and undress him and re dress him in casual clothes or he might leave him on his knees while he went to the bedroom, handling his own change of clothes, but leaving his work gear strewn on the floor for Hugh to pick up later.

On Thursday morning, as the naked Hugh was handing Guy his rucksack at the front door, Guy announced that they were going out for dinner that evening. "Thank you Master" said Hugh, genuinely grateful to have an evening off cooking, serving and washing up. "Wear your blue suit, white shirt, no pants." "Yes Master" replied Hugh, his cock twitching at the thought of seeming like equals at a fancy restaurant, but being a willing slave underneath.

As per instructions, Hugh arrived at Guy's office in the city at 6.30 precisely. Guy's office door was closed, but Alexis, his super-efficient secretary, was still at her desk just outside. "Sorry," she explained "conference call with the US over-running. Normally I'd warn you to be prepared for a bad mood. You know how he hates those evening calls where everyone at the New York end is morning perky and he's knackered after a 10 hour day, but this week he's been a changed man -- much more relaxed. You must be doing something right at home!" Hugh blushed. If she only knew. At that moment, Guy strode out of his office, rucksack in hand and jacket over one shoulder. "Sorry to keep you late Alexis. There are a few notes to be typed up from the call, but it can wait for the morning. Have a good evening." He then turned and gave Hugh an affectionate kiss on the cheek, handing him the rucksack to carry. Hugh's knees did an involuntary bend - he was so used to kneeling every time Guy entered a room, but he stopped himself just in time and was relieved that Alexis was too busy putting her coat on to notice. Guy grinned, delighted with his own training program. He smacked Hugh's arse, partly to check that he had followed the no pants order and partly to demonstrate who was in charge in front of Alexis. Hugh blushed again, but said nothing apart from a polite goodbye to Alexis who was smiling enigmatically at them both.

As they walked through the intimidating double height reception area of the building, Guy leaned into Hugh's ear and said, "protocol for this evening is public at ease.'" Hugh understood that this meant he could speak freely and didn't have to say Sir or Master, but did have to show subtle deference by being respectful to Guy at all times, following 2 steps behind, never interrupting or contradicting in conversation. "Thank you Sir" he said quietly, savouring his last Sir' of the evening.

Guy led the way to the old fashioned, wood panelled wine bar around the corner and as Hugh opened the door for his Master, he was hit by a wall of noise from the braying city bankers celebrating the end of another day of profitable toil. He followed Guy to the crowded bar and was waiting a step behind when he felt a firm clap on his shoulder. He looked round, somewhat startled to see Guy's colleague Giles, in all his 6'4" Savile Row suited glory. "Hugh old boy! How the devil are you?" he boomed, one hand still on Hugh's shoulder and the other running through his impeccably cut floppy blond hair. "Hi Giles, fancy seeing you here. I thought you would be rushing straight home to that gorgeous fiancée of yours these days" teased Hugh. "Camo's in Paris -- fashion week or some such, so I have a pink ticket for 5 whole days," Giles replied, raising his pint of ale in a mock toast. Fortunately Hugh understood most of the boarding school terminology that Giles continued to use in adult life and realised a `pink ticket' was a permission slip to leave school and have a nice time in town. He smiled at Giles' glee, wondering what Camo, aka Lady Camilla Worthington, daughter of the Earl of St Germain, would think of her handsome fiancé's delight in having her away in another country.

Guy turned back from the bar, handing Hugh a gin and tonic as he spotted Giles and his half empty beer glass "Glad someone can be in the bar all day while us troops are at the tele-conference grindstone" he taunted. "Someone's got to oil the wheels with the punters while you're doing the numbers, Hunter" Another of Giles' boarding school quirks was never to address a male friend or colleague by their first name. It was always surname or bizarre nickname." Hugh glanced at Guy, to see whether he would rankle at being dismissed as the numbers man, but Guy just looked at Giles with a wry half smile. "Anyway, I was just explaining to your charming husband that I am free from the future ball and chain until Saturday, so I must excuse myself. Mayfair awaits!" Downing the rest of his beer, he winked at them both and headed off.

After one drink the volume of the bankers' conversations became too much for both Guy and Hugh, so they headed off to Guy's favourite restaurant, `The Laboratory.' The name came both from its all white décor and the fact that the cuisine was experimental, the fusion menu changing completely every month. It wasn't really Hugh's cup of tea, but he was grateful to be out of the house so tried to conceal his dismay as he perused the Peru-meets-Italy menu of the month, not finding any examples of this unlikely combination that sounded palatable. In the end he did not have to decide as Guy ordered for them both and in fact the dishes tasted better than they sounded. Guy also ordered a bottle of Barolo to go with the Italian theme and Hugh relished the chance to chat normally with his husband/Master.

After the gin and tonic and 2 glasses of wine, Hugh was a bit too relaxed and interrupted Guy's work story to point out the famous married actor who had just come in to the restaurant with a glamorous young companion who was definitely not his wife. Instead of the fascinated reaction Hugh expected, his observation was met with an icy stare from Guy. He leaned across the table and said quietly "Public at ease includes not interrupting your Master" "I'm so sorry Master" Hugh replied, kicking himself for marring the evening by forgetting the rules that Guy had made very clear. Guy ordered the bill and they left the restaurant and travelled home in the taxi in silence. Hugh opened the front door and stepped aside for his Master to enter. He followed Guy into the hall and sank immediately to his knees, head bowed.

"I am VERY disappointed, slave. I was pleased with your training progress and I gave you the generous privilege of an `at ease' dinner with your Master. And how do you repay me? With a complete lack of respect!" "I'm truly sorry, Master" replied Hugh, still kneeling, eyes on his Master's highly polished shoes.

"How do you think I should deal with this insolence, slave boy?" demanded Guy. "I think you should punish me, Master," replied Hugh quietly. "I can't hear you, boy -- look up"

Hugh raised his eyes to Guy's and said in louder, clearer tones "I deserve to be punished for my rudeness, Master." Guy looked coldly down on him. "Beg for it." Blushing, but still meeting Guy's cold stare, Hugh said in the same clear voice, "Please Master will you whip your foolish slave boy to punish him for his unacceptable rudeness. Your slave begs you to punish him harshly to make him a better servant for you"

A cruel smile crossed Guy's lips. "Get the paddle out, strip and get on all fours on the bed." Hugh did as he was told and did not have to wait long for Guy to follow him to the bedroom. Guy wasted no time in beginning the beating, raining down blows of the leather paddle on Hugh's naked arse. All the blows were hard and painful, but what Hugh found hardest to bear was when Guy used the paddle repeatedly on one buttock rather than alternating or covering both cheeks at once. The unbalanced strokes seemed to intensify the pain and Hugh was pleading and apologising over and over after a few minutes of this treatment. By the time Guy finished, his slave was crying and snotty. Almost worse than the physical pain was Guy's order at the end not to kiss his feet in thanks. "You don't deserve to be near your Master's feet..or the rest of him for that matter. You're on the floor tonight."

Hugh spent a miserable night on the floor and when the 5.45 alarm went off the next morning, he felt like he'd had no sleep at all.

Nevertheless, he was up, tea made and kneeling by the bed when Guy woke at 6 and although he only spoke to give the briefest of orders, Hugh was relieved to hear a softening of his Master's tone and determined to try even harder to please him.

Lesson learned, all went smoothly until Guy received a text on Saturday lunchtime. Hugh was in the kitchen, just in his jockstrap as usual, tidying out one of the cupboards that Guy had deemed not in good enough order. "That was from Rich, he's got a Christening down the road, so he's popping in to say hi en route."

Rich was an old friend of Guy's from university. Like Guy, he had a very successful career, but still seemed to be a bit envious of him and was very competitive. Rich was always a bit patronising around Hugh, making sarcastic references to the small scale of his web design business and the large gap between his and Guy's salaries. Hugh also suspected that Rich was secretly a bit in love with Guy and resented their happy relationship, although Guy dismissed this theory as a figment of Hugh's imagination.

"Shall I go and get dressed, Sir?" said Hugh, standing up from the kitchen floor. "No" replied Guy firmly, "I want him to know about our new arrangement" Hugh's face fell. He suddenly regretted the clause in the Master/slave about telling their `broadminded' friends about his slavery. He looked pleadingly at his Master, but Guy just said "we have to start somewhere with telling friends about your servitude." Before he could think about pleading some more, the doorbell rang and Guy indicated that Hugh should open it. Feeling like he was blushing from head to toe, he went to the door and opened it for Rich. Rich looked Hugh up and down, lasciviously. "Oh dear, have I interrupted a sex game?" was the extent of his greeting to the near naked Hugh. Guy appeared in the hallway, saying jovially, "hurry up, slave, don't keep our guest on the doorstep"

Normally Hugh was quite turned on when Guy called him slave, but this casual dropping of the s word in front of the dreaded Rich felt like a dagger in his heart.

Rich was grinning from ear to ear as Hugh stood aside to let him into the hall. Guy nonchalantly put his arm over Rich's shoulder, "come in and let me explain the new set up" He glanced back at Hugh "slave, 2 glasses of white wine, now." Hugh's heart was pounding and he wanted the floor to open up and swallow him. The private humiliations Guy had put him through in the last week had been sexy. This public one was most definitely not. He pulled himself together and uncorked a good bottle of white Burgundy and took 2 glasses through to the living room on a silver tray. He knelt first in front of his Master, tray extended, then did the same for the still grinning Rich. Not knowing what else to do, he stood behind Guy's chair, eyes on the floor.

Rich could not contain his delight at the news Guy had just imparted. "About time you took charge, Guy. I mean that tin pot web design business was just a hobby really. The boy might as well use his time serving and pleasing the superior man. Shame little Gianni had to go back to Italy, I could have set up the same sort of situation with him"

Hugh tried to quell his silent rage at Rich by going through the long list of Rich's short term boyfriends, often Italian and always his social and financial inferior. They never lasted long, despite the material benefits Guy dished out. Hugh supposed even Cartier cufflinks couldn't make up for Rich's boring monologues after a while.

"Hmmm" replied Guy, doubtful that there had been the trust required between Rich and Gianni for a Master/slave relationship like his and Hugh's. Rich paid no attention and carried straight on. "I need a bit of slave service actually. Didn't get a chance to polish my shoes before I left." Hugh stayed in position, praying Guy would tell his obnoxious friend to take a hike. Instead his stomach lurched as he heard Guy say, "You heard, slave, fetch the shoe cleaning kit and get to work on Rich's shoes." Hugh obeyed, knelt before Rich and spread out a sheet under his shoes so as not to get polish on the carpet. Rich was really getting into the Master role now and added to Hugh's humiliation by saying, "my dear departed father always used to say spit and polish gave the best shine, so I think you should start off with your tongue, slave, before you add the polish." Hugh paused, waiting for his Master to intervene, but there was to be no rescue. Trying hard to fight back tears of rage and shame, Hugh completed the task to Rich's satisfaction. As he was packing up the brushes and polish, he heard Rich say to Guy, "Fuck, having your boy so subservient at my feet has made me really horny. Shame I have to get off to this christening, otherwise I'd test out your slave's sucking skills. "Maybe next time" said Guy, then added, "Hugh, get back to the kitchen, I'll see our guest out." Hugh left the room straight away, not looking at his Master or Rich.

When Guy came into the kitchen, Hugh did not kneel. "Your slave requests decompression time, Sir" he said, through gritted teeth. The tone of the `Sir' had the same level of contempt as I maître d' refusing a drunk access to a fine restaurant.

"Granted," replied Guy quietly. Hugh immediately launched at him. "You fucking, fucking bastard. I've been trying so hard to please you. I've taken all your punishments and tests and I've been truly penitent when I made mistakes and didn't meet your standards. Then THAT! That utter shit friend of yours revelling in my humiliation and you agreeing to it all including pimping me out as a cocksucker next time." The tears Hugh had been holding back in Rich's presence now started to flow freely. Guy moved round the kitchen island and took Hugh in his arms. "Hugh, it is breaking all the Master rules to admit it, but I am genuinely sorry. I made a big mistake. I thought this would be a good training lesson to ease you in to serving me in front of others. Also, if I'm honest, I wanted to show off in front of Rich -- show him how lucky I am to have you. He took it much too far, but my pride stopped me doing the right thing and putting an end to it. It won't happen again, it least not with Rich, who is no longer welcome in this house."

To Guy's alarm, Hugh started crying even more, but quickly recovered his composure, all his rage suddenly spent. He sank to his knees, kissing Guys hands. "Thank you, Master, I really appreciate your apology and I am the lucky one, to be serving such an amazing man."

End of Part 9

Next: Chapter 10

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