From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Feb 22, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 8 -- Working Week

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Hugh's alarm went off at the (to him) ungodly hour of 5.45am. His standing orders were for him to be up 15 minutes before Guy. He dutifully crept in the dark to the kitchen to make tea. By the time his Master's alarm went off, Hugh was already on his knees at Hugh' side of the bed, steaming mug of tea on the bedside table. Guy opened his eyes groggily and smiled at the obedient execution of his orders. He greeted Hugh with "Morning slave" and ordered him back to the kitchen to blend his smoothie for the gym. By the time he came back into the bedroom, Guy was in his gym kit, his muscly, rugby thighs being shown off to perfection. He was about to put his socks on, but seeing Hugh, handed them to him to complete the task. Hugh immediately knelt and placed one brief kiss on each of his Master's feet before putting on each white sock. Guy put on his own trainers and headed to the hall, Hugh following behind and handing him his carefully packed rucksack at the front door. Guy kissed the naked Hugh as he said goodbye, and seeing that his slave's cock was at half mast, smacked it gently with his palm and said "No wanking." "Yes Master" replied Hugh in a disappointed tone.

Hugh couldn't get back to sleep so after tidying the house and making the bed with special care -- he knew Guy would be inspecting it later -- he left for the office and was at his desk by 8am, starting to work on the admin side of winding down his business. He was grateful that he had invested in a top-of-the-range office chair as his ass was still sore from yesterday's beatings and fucking. Gina, his friend since university and office mate of 3 years, raised her eyes dramatically when she arrived, "At the office before 9am? Has your house burnt down and you've come here for shelter?" she enquired with mock concern. "Ha bloody ha and happy Monday to you" replied Hugh laughing.

"Seriously, " continued Gina, "how come you are here so early?" Hugh was certainly not ready to divulge that his new role as house slave required a considerably earlier start than his previous routine. "Well, funny you should mention that. I wanted to have a talk to you before you get started." Gina's expression grew more serious as she waited expectantly for him to get to the point. "Would it be a terrible inconvenience for you to take over the whole lease for this place? I'm planning to wind up my business." Although he felt a bit guilty for lying, Hugh needed an excuse for clients and even his best friend, Gina and had thought up a plausible back story. "I'm stopping the web design to concentrate on an idea I've had for an app, but I can work on that from home."

Gina peered at him knowingly. "An app, you say? What will it do?." "Top secret at the moment, I'm afraid" replied Hugh shiftily. "Bollocks" shouted Gina, never one to mince her words. "You've told me all your secrets for 18 years. I don't believe a word of it." Hugh blushed and attempted a partial confession to put Gina off the scent. "Oh all right, Guy's had a big promotion and he wants me to stop working outside so I have more time to look after him at home"

"Lucky bugger" was Gina's envious reaction. "I wish I had a rich partner to keep me pampered at home" Hugh shifted a bit on his chair, trying to ease the ache in his bum. He didn't think 3 beatings counted as pampering.

After a bit more banter, Gina and Hugh started talking seriously about arrangements. As Gina was also a web designer, they had often helped each other out and Hugh's clients already knew her, so she could easily take over the accounts that required monthly maintenance as well as working on the leads Hugh had for future business. There was even the nice surprise of her insisting she pay him a small commission every month for the accounts he had passed to her.

Later in the afternoon, Hugh was on the phone to his accountant when he saw a delivery guy come in. He spotted the unfortunately large type of the Discipline.Com logo too late and Gina was already signing and shaking the large box like a 6 year old at Christmas. As soon as he wound up the call, Gina was ready to pounce. "Explain please, Mr Everett" Hugh blushing furiously, stammered "Guy must have had a delivery sent here." "I KNEW IT" shouted Gina victoriously. "You're gonna be house boy, not house husband, aren't you?" "Well house slave actually" replied Hugh, blushing an even deeper shade of red. It was pretty hard to shock Gina and today was no exception. After considering the idea for a while, her verdict was that it was a good idea that would suit both of them. Hugh felt a weight lift from him. It was like coming out as gay all over again and he was pleased that there was someone he could confide in now.

Hugh left early, carrying the large package in an awkward way, but one that meant his arm covered the word `discipline.' As soon as he got home, he ripped open the package to find a cane, riding crop, paddle and flogger. He got very hard just touching them, but his bruised arse twitched at the thought of Hugh trying any of them out on his still sore buns tonight. He jumped at the sound of a different ring tone on his phone. Guy had changed it yesterday so that when he called, Hugh would know straight away it was him and answer within 3 rings. Tardy answering would be a punishable offence. "Home early?" enquired Guy's deep voice down the phone. Hugh wondered how Guy could possibly know until he remembered the other addition to his phone -- a tracking app. "Yes Master" replied Hugh. "Good, plenty of time for you to prepare dinner and be waiting on your knees in the hall at 6.45. Jockstrap only" He hung up before Hugh could utter the second "Yes Master"

At 6.43, Hugh was already in place on his knees, head bowed and the new implements neatly arranged on the wooden floor beside him, anxious but excited too. Guy arrived at 7 and was pleased to see Hugh in place and even more delighted to see the punishment implements beside him. "Follow me. Bing those" ordered Guy, heading up the stairs to the bedroom. Hugh followed. Guy was sitting on the bed. "Put them here next to me, then take my shoes and socks off and give me a foot massage" Hugh went to work, risking the odd kiss to his Master's feet in between the firm massaging that Guy preferred. Although he dare not look up without permission, he could hear Guy examining each implement in turn. Suddenly Guy stood up and ordered Hugh to do the same. He turned him round and placed him in position against the mirrored wardrobe doors, arms outstretched with palms flat against the mirrors, feet shoulder width apart and a foot from the base of the wardrobe so that his bruised, hairy arse stuck out nicely. Guy stroked his hand down Hugh's back and gently across his buttocks, sending shivers down his slave's spine. Hugh gazed at his Master's reflection in the mirrors and his cock stirred at the sight of Guy, still in his suit, riding crop in hand.

Guy lent in, kissing Hugh's neck and said quietly, "You're still quite bruised from yesterday, but it would really please your Master to try out this crop on his slave. Do you think you can take a couple of strokes, boy? The now urgent throbbing in Hugh's cock outweighed the ache in his bum "Yes please Master" was his immediate, whispered reply. Guy raised the crop for Hugh to kiss the little rectangular loop of black leather at the end, then held it against his slave's rump. Guy raised his arm as high as he could and brought the crop down full force across both Hugh's cheeks. Hugh yelled out in pain. He had foolishly assumed that trying out the crop' would be a couple of mild strokes, especially as he had agreed so readily to take them for his Master's pleasure. The second, equally ferocious blow landed before Hugh had the chance to process the pain of the first and he yelled out once again. He wasn't sure whether the trying out' of the crop counted as a punishment for which he had to thank his Master in the usual way, but realised Guy was still pinning him to the wardrobe with one hand whilst undoing his fly with the other. Guy fished his rock hard cock out of his pants and shoved in so roughly into Hugh's arse that his slave boy's whole body was soon rammed against the wardrobe doors leaving smears of precum on the mirrored glass. Both Master and slave were lost in the moment of the intense fuck. The pure power over his compliant slave husband made Guy harder than he'd ever been before and for Hugh, despite the pain of his 2 latest welts and relentless pounding of his Master's thick cock, was in bliss at the total submission to Guy. Within minutes, Guy was shooting a huge load deep inside Hugh and this set off an equally intense orgasm in Hugh, his high velocity spunk sandwiched between his hairy stomach and the mirrored doors.

End of part 8

Next: Chapter 9

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