From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Feb 15, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 5 -- Training begins

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Negotiations complete, Guy disappeared to the study to make the amendments to the Master/slave contract, leaving Hugh on the sofa to contemplate his future under Guy's total control. It all seemed to have happened so quickly, but he was excited as well as apprehensive. Hugh was still lost in thought when Guy returned with 2 copies of the revised contract and asked Hugh to check he was happy with the altered paragraphs. Like the conscientious businessman he was (or had been up until this life changing decision), Hugh read carefully through the amendments and nodded as he handed his copy back to Guy. He half expected Guy to whip a pen out of his pocket for him to sign away his freedom there and then, so was pleasantly surprised when Guy announced "Let's have a celebratory dinner tonight -- the last one as equals -- and sign this tomorrow. I want you to know that I love you and I'll look after you and I think you are going to be just as content in your role as I will be in mine." "I love you too," replied Hugh and they kissed like teenagers on a first date.

After a lazy afternoon around the house, Hugh asked Guy where they were going for the celebration meal. "Your favourite, `Le Soumis,' replied Guy, grinning at the surprised look on Hugh's face. "But we'll never get in at such short notice -- it's got a Michelin star, remember." "I do remember" replied Guy, that's why I had Alexis make the reservation weeks ago." Not satisfied, Hugh asked "but how did you know there would be something to celebrate?" "Well" continued Guy, still grinning, but somewhat sheepishly now "I've been planning this for quite a while -- ever since Giles gave me the heads up that I was being considered for Partner in the firm. I was fairly sure you would agree, but thought fine French cuisine and a nice bottle of Saint Emilion might be useful in persuading you if you had any doubts." "I don't know whether to be flattered you put so much thought into this or totally manipulated by my Machiavellian husband!" Even though he was teasing Guy, Hugh did feel flattered and was more sure than he had been 5 minutes before that he had made the right decision in submitting completely to his clever, powerful and sexy husband.

The dinner was a great success and Hugh, usually the slightly less extravagant one on these occasions, felt he might as well go for it on the last `equal' meal ordering a glass of Dom Perignon as his aperitif and working his way through the à la carte menu without looking at the prices. Guy didn't mind in the least and was delighted to spoil his husband on this historic night in their relationship. Neither of them spoke about the big signing the next day and the repercussions it would have, instead reminiscing about their past together and people watching the other soigné diners.

As soon as they got back into the house, Hugh couldn't resist pulling Guy towards him for a long kiss. He raised his hands up Guy's chest and shrugged off his jacket, then stroked his husband's impressive pecs through the cotton of his shirt. Before they knew it, there was a trail of formal clothes, cufflinks and cotton briefs on the stairs up to their bedroom and they were naked in bed, groping each other. Hugh fondled Guy's firm, hairy bum and whispered tentatively, "Am I allowed to fuck you? I suppose it will be the last time?" "Yes, you are and no, it won't be the last time -- I don't see why a Master shouldn't take advantage of ALL his slave has to offer" The "ALL" was emphasised by Guy's hand firmly squeezing Hugh's hot, hard dick. "You'll have to be very careful not to get carried away though, it will all be about stimulating me without hurting me." "Yes Master" Hugh said solemnly whilst gently inserting a first lubed finger into his husband's anus. After a long, slow fingering, Hugh lay on his back and Guy slowly lowered himself onto his rock-hard cock. Guy began to wank himself whilst slowly lowering and raising himself on Hugh's large member. Before long he was shooting onto Hugh's hairy chest and then easing himself gingerly off Hugh's pole. Even though he hadn't orgasmed himself, Hugh was content to have fucked the cum out of Guy and having cleaned his dick and chest with some tissues, quickly fell asleep spooning against his husband's cute, freshly fucked arse.

Hugh didn't wake up until 9am the next day, a little fuzzy headed from the Champagne, fine wine and Armagnac of the evening before. As usual, feeling hungover made him feel really horny and he was disappointed when he reached out for Guy, that his husband had already got out of bed. He headed, naked, for the kitchen, his hangover-exacerbated morning wood leading the way. Guy was at the kitchen island, looking a bit the worse for wear, nursing the dregs of a large mug of tea. "FINALLY" was his only greeting as he looked the naked Hugh up and down. "Sign this now" he added as he shoved the Master/slave contact across the worktop to Hugh. "We've wasted enough time." This wasn't the elegant signing ceremony to mark this landmark in their lives together that Hugh had envisaged the night before, but Guy's stony-faced demeanour did not encourage any hesitation and he signed and dated under his printed name. "Now thank me" said Guy, looking down at his bare feet resting on the cross bar of his stool. Hugh knelt on the hard stone of the kitchen floor, kissed both Guy's feet and said "thank you, Master, for allowing me to be your slave." Hugh realised as he spoke, that he was addressing Guy officially as Master for the first time and it made his cock twitch. He did not have time to revel in the sensuous side to servitude however, as Guy was already issuing his next order: "throw some clothes on and get round to the shop for some Paracetamol and the Sunday papers" Still on his knees, Hugh looked up and politely requested "please, Master, may I get myself a glass of juice before I go? I am really dehydrated after last night" Without warning, Guy's recently kissed right foot kicked Hugh on the side of the head, knocking him painfully into the breakfast bar. "No, you may not get a glass of juice and, by the way, you have just doubled the 4 strokes of the belt you were due for not having painkillers in the house by speaking without permission and not reacting instantly to an order. Now GET GOING!" Hugh wasn't sure if a "sorry Master" would count as speaking without permission, so instead concentrated on the `reacting instantly' bit and heaved himself off the floor and back up the stairs as fast as his sore head would allow. On his return from the corner shop he went into the kitchen, knelt back down on the floor and offered up the Sunday Times and packet of Paracetamol up to his waiting Master. Guy took them without a word and started to walk out of the kitchen. Over his shoulder, he barked "glass of water now and then get cracking on breakfast" Hugh raised himself up and swiftly poured a tumbler of water and took it to the dining room. Guy was already reading, the unopened pill packet on the table next to him. Hugh put the glass on a coaster and opened the packet, fumbling a little with nerves when he tried to pop the pills out of their foil. He held out the pills in one hand and picked up the water glass with the other. Guy took them without a word and dismissed Hugh back to the kitchen with a wave of the hand.

When Hugh came back in with juice, cutlery and some mugs looking as if he wanted to say something, Guy saw that there was a flaw in the no speaking without permission' order. He realised at that moment that he had as much learning to do as a Master as Hugh did as a slave. "You may speak to clarify your Master's wishes at any time from now on" "Thank you Master" replied Hugh, sounding genuinely grateful. "Would you like more tea or coffee instead, Sir, and would you like full English or just a bacon sandwich, Sir" "Coffee and bacon sandwich" "Yes Master," replied Hugh, then hesitated. One of the items on the privileges' list was `eating at Master's table.' Having got off to a bad start, he was unsure if he would be allowed that privilege this morning. Guy employed his usual trick of seeming to read Hugh's mind "You may join me to eat breakfast at the table, but hurry up. I'm starving" Hugh beamed, thanked his Master and ran back to the kitchen.

When Guy had finished eating and had Hugh bring him a second cup of coffee, he folded the newspaper and said, matter-of-factly "Right, we'd better get this punishment over with. Go and fetch the belt" Although he had heard sentence of 8 strokes of the belt clearly enough earlier, the announcement that it was going to be carried out right now took Hugh by surprise. Nevertheless he leapt out of his seat and rushed up to the bedroom for the smart black belt Guy had worn the night before. As he came back into the dining room, Guy shook his head. "Not that one, the thick tan coloured one." Hugh turned on his heels and returned with the tan belt, this time Guy nodded and barked "STRIP!" Hugh obeyed, shucking off his jeans and t-shirt in seconds. Guy then gestured his head towards the dining table and Hugh bent over it, belt ready next to him and ass in prime position for Guy to whip. Guy moved Hugh's legs slightly further apart with his bare foot the picked up the belt. He was pleased to see that the trainer marks from yesterday had already gone and there were only one or two faint bruises. This meant he could lay the leather on hard today without doing too much damage to Hugh's sexy arse. His slave did need to remember his first official punishment, after all. He placed the belt back on the table a few inches from Hugh's face. "Kiss" he ordered and Hugh obeyed immediately, the smell of the leather making his cock hard against the hard wood of the dining table. "You will count each stroke and thank me in the usual way afterwards" "Yes Master" replied Hugh, the nerves apparent in his voice.

Guy laid the belt gently on Hugh's buttocks then raised his arm and brought the implement down full force onto his target. Hugh hadn't expected such a heavy blow and leapt a few inches off the table, but only took a moment to catch his breath and whisper "1 Sir" Guy continued with the same force and by 6, Hugh was writhing at each stroke and finding it almost impossible not to put his hands behind him to protect his abused rump. "6 Sir, please...." Hugh trailed off. He wanted to beg for it to stop, but knew that if Guy said 8 strokes, he meant 8 strokes. Guy wielded the last 2 strokes with slightly less force, but the build up of pain meant Hugh hardly registered his Master's small mercy.

As soon as he had counted the 8th stroke and heard Guy drop the belt onto the floor, he slid off the table and planted 8 kisses on each of Guy's bare feet. As he made the final kiss he said, with what sounded to Guy like real gratitude "Thank you, Master, for my punishment" As he uttered the word `Master' Hugh's erection, lost after the first shockingly painful stroke, leapt back into life. Although he dare not look up without permission, from the contented sigh he heard from Guy, he guessed a similar thing was happening in his Master's shorts

End of Part 5

Next: Chapter 6

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