From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Feb 13, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 4 -- The Contract

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Hugh obediently put on his jeans, stuffing his still hard and leaking cock into the denim as best he could and set off to the kitchen to make breakfast. He washed his hands, but left the few traces of Guy's cum to dry on his face as it turned him on to feel `marked' by his dominant husband as he cooked. They didn't talk much over breakfast, Guy flicking through a magazine and Hugh once again deep in thought about the Master/slave lifestyle that Guy had proposed 2 days before.

Once they had finished eating and Hugh had cleared up in the kitchen, he went back to Guy, who was still at the dining table. Instead of the magazine, he was how perusing a typed document of about 8 pages. Guy looked up and took in the delicious sight of his topless husband, noting with pleasure that a few of his abundant chest hairs were matted with the spunk that had dropped off his chin during their earlier session.

"These" he said, tapping the pages in front of him, "are the details of my proposal for your life as my full time house slave. I want you to read them carefully and tell me if there are any elements you disagree with or don't think you could cope with." Hugh nodded silently, his cock hardening again just at the sight of the title page: `Master/slave Contract for Master Guy and slave hugh'

"One thing it is really important for you to realise, is that this lifestyle is not just about sex" continued Guy, brushing his hand gently over the growing bulge in Hugh's jeans. "Sex is obviously a big part of the Master/slave dynamic, but you would be serving me and looking after my comfort in many ways, some of which you will find harder to carry out than others." Hugh nodded again.

"First though, I think we need to deal with this" said Guy, squeezing Hugh's hardon through the denim. To Hugh's surprise, Guy slid off the dining chair onto his knees and unbuttoned Hugh's fly revealing a large patch of pre-cum on the inside of the fabric. "Make the most of this -- if you sign that document, blow jobs from me will be very rare events" With that he set to work on licking the precum from Hugh's knob. The unexpected pleasure of Guy's tongue swirling around his piss-slit sent Hugh's pre-cum production into overdrive and Guy was happy to keep lapping it up until Hugh suddenly needed more and firmly pushed Guy further down his shaft. Guy usually found it hard to take the whole of Hugh's 8" uncut cock down, but the combination of Hugh's vulnerable demeanour at the breakfast table and his raging erection had made him want to try extra hard today to please his handsome, compliant husband. Guy didn't stop swallowing Hugh's shaft until he felt pubes brushing against his lips. He pulled up again and repeated the process until he felt Hugh's hands on his head, not to push him down, but to steady himself as he was going weak at the knees at the bliss of Guy's loving efforts. The feeling of Guy's hands moving round to squeeze Hugh's bruised buttocks set him off so suddenly that he didn't have a chance to warn Hugh and the first lightning speed jet of spunk into Guy's mouth took them both by surprise. While Guy was coughing and spluttering, Hugh pulled out and 3 further jets of jizz covered his husband's lips and beard. Once he had recovered his composure, Guy wiped the spunk off his face and cleaned the remains of Hugh's knob with his tongue. He got up from his knees and announced, "I'm going for a shower. You'd best get reading."

Hugh pulled his jeans back up and sat down in front of the contract. Guy had certainly done his homework. The contract was separated into various sections: `Master's Responsibilities, slave's Responsibilities, Protocols, Public Behaviour, Finances, Holidays, Privileges, Punishments, Confidentiality & Third Parties'

Hugh read carefully through all the detail, putting question marks against the items he wasn't sure about or that alarmed him a little, like the mention of water sports in the Sexual Services' part of the slave's responsibilities' page.

As he read through, Hugh's emotions changed frequently. He felt mild amusement at the official-sounding legal language Guy had employed for the contract such as:

`Privileges given to the slave at the Master's discretion to include: sharing Master's bed; use of computer, telephone & other electronic devices; alcohol consumption; use of furniture -- chairs, sofas etc; choice of slave's clothing when outside the home; socialising without Master present. Master reserves the right to add to the above list privileges at any time. The slave may earn additional privileges through service deemed outstanding by the Master'

The amusement turned to anxiety mixed with excitement as he read through the lengthy Punishment' section. The Master has the right to punish the slave for any infraction of the rules and protocols listed in this contract or for any failing by the slave in the level of service and obedience required by the Master. Insolence and impertinence will also be punishable offences. Punishments to include, but not limited to: hand spanking, whipping with a riding crop, belting, paddling, caning, corner time, loss of privileges, chastity.

The Master reserves the right to secure the slave in restraints for any of the corporal punishments listed above. No punishment will leave the slave with permanent marks or draw blood. Maintenance bedtime spankings will be administered by the Master daily to ensure continued obedience and respectful attitude from the slave.'

Hugh was relieved to read that, apart from researching, reservations and packing, he would be able to relax on holiday except for the Public Behaviour' rules of being respectful to the Master at all times, opening doors etc. He would also be allowed Decompression Time' at Master's discretion. This meant he could take time out to speak freely with Guy about anything that that concerned him about his slavery. He would also have his birthday off duty and a version of the ancient Roman `Bacchanalia' festival where Masters served their slaves for one day in the year

Hugh eventually reached the final section Confidentiality & Third Parties' and big question marks were firmly added to the items The Master reserves the right to introduce third parties temporarily or permanently into the household' and `The Master has total discretion over who is informed about the nature of his relationship with the slave'

Hugh picked up the contract and walked through to the sitting room where Guy was lying on the sofa reading a book. Guy sat up and put his book on the floor when Hugh entered and patted the seat on the sofa next to him. Hugh sat down, close enough for their thighs to be touching. "Before we start discussing the contract, I want to explain about this morning. I was irritated by your forgetting the milk and butter, but not as furious as I made out. I wanted to demonstrate that if you did become my house slave and you made that kind of mistake, you would be severely punished. The way you answered back and tried to fight me off would have made it an even more serious offence. I want you to really understand the implications if you do sign that contract"

"I understand" replied Hugh quietly, but I do have some issues with the contract. "Fire away" said Guy, eyes twinkling again.

"First under slave's responsibilities' it has this bit slave shall maintain weight and musculature to Master's specification through balanced diet and mandatory gym attendance at least 3 times per week.' My diet is pretty good anyway and you know I hate the gym. Can't I just go out on my bike a bit more?" "Non-negotiable, I'm afraid" was Hugh's firm answer, "As your Master, I would want to have the visual pleasure of a buff slave serving me so I need your stomach to be flatter and your arms a bit more bulked. It adds to my pleasure in dominating to be ordering around a muscled guy." Hugh caved straight away, realising it would be a good thing for him too, then moved on to water sports' "I'm OK (just about) with you pissing on me, but hate the thought of drinking it." Guy paused, then said, "How about this as a compromise? We leave general water sports in the Sexual Services' section and add piss drinking to the punishment list. You never know, if you mess up 2 days running, you might be grateful for the option to drink my piss instead of having a thrashing on your already sore behind" Thinking about it later, Hugh realised that this wasn't really a compromise, but in the moment Guy had made it sound like he was a kindly Master doing his slave a favour and so Hugh had caved again.

Hugh moved to his next point of concern: `The Master reserves the right to introduce third parties temporarily or permanently into the household' "I REALLY don't like the sound of that! You having all the power between us 2 is one thing, but living with another person I have no say over is quite another"

Guy smiled "OK, I got carried away with a little fantasy about having you and another slave permanently at my beck and call, but I can see I was pushing it. Let's delete that, but bear in mind, I'll still be choosing guys for the odd 3some" "Done" agreed Hugh, smiling. "Final point on confidentiality: `The Master has total discretion over who is informed about the nature of his relationship with the slave.' Sorry, but I don't want everyone knowing about this, especially my family and our straight friends." Without hesitation, Guy agreed, with the caveat that he would be allowed to tell some of their more broadminded gay friends "A dinner party for a select few guys with you as naked butler might be fun eh?" How could Hugh refuse?

End of Part 4

Next: Chapter 5

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