From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Feb 11, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 3 -- Friday night / Saturday morning

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After the intense kitchen and dining table experiences, Guy and Hugh were happy to settle back into their usual Friday night routine of wine and TV. The only difference was that Hugh felt the urge to keep touching his husband and so sat at one end of the sofa and massaged Guy's feet while they watched a Netflix drama. Only stopping to go to the kitchen for wine refills. They went to bed early, both tired after the dramatic events of the week, but the hour long foot massage had made Guy horny again and, as soon as they hit the sheets, gently guided Hugh's head down to his hairy balls. Hugh knew exactly how to turn his husband on, so started by soaking his balls with long tongue laps, then slowly licking up the pulsating column of his hard cock, before teasing pre-cum out of his cock-head with circular licking movements. Guy's moans of pleasure increased in volume and encouraged Hugh to repeat the whole performance, whilst wanking his own leaking cock. Guy's hand eventually went to the top of Hugh's head -- a silent signal that he was ready to cum and that Hugh should be in position to swallow. The taste of Guy's second load of the evening sent Hugh over the edge and he tried to catch as much of his own spunk in his palm. Since Guy didn't seem to be in Master mode, Hugh risked using a tissue, rather than his tongue, to clean the jizz from his hand. They both fell into a contented sleep within minutes.

The following morning, Hugh was vaguely aware of Guy getting up and going to the dressing room to put on his gym kit ready for Saturday morning spin, but immediately dozed back off. Fifteen minutes later he was rudely awakened by a furious Guy ripping of the duvet, rolling him roughly on to his stomach and laying into him with the trainer he had whipped off his left foot on entering the bedroom. In his half-asleep daze, this felt to Hugh like a frenzied attack. He started to flail around to avoid the blows, but this only meant that the trainer hit his thighs and back as well as his already tender buttocks. "Guy, stop it. It hurts too much, what are you playing at?" he shouted. Still raining down on him with the trainer, Guy shouted back "No fucking milk for my tea or butter for my toast, you lazy fuck." He stopped lashing out and added in a calmer, but still quite menacing tone, "I had better find a very penitent boy waiting on his knees when I get back at 10.15." He abruptly left the bedroom, paused in the hall to put his trainer back on and left the house with an impressively loud door slam.

Hugh stayed on his stomach, feeling sick from the combination of being woken so suddenly and the pain of the beating, which had re-ignited the ache from last night's belting. He silently fumed at Guy's over-reaction to this slight slip up. It was the `lazy' bit that particularly galled. He'd only forgotten because he was distracted about Guy's Master/slave proposal and he had done all the rest of the shopping and cooking. He gradually calmed down as the pain in his buttocks and back subsided and then was overcome with curiosity about the state of his skin, so slowly got out of bed and went to examine himself in the full length dressing room mirror. His bum and thighs were pink all over, but there were several definite, darker red outlines of the zigzag pattern on Guy's trainer sole. Hugh ran his fingers over the zigzag marks and his cock began to harden at the thought that his husband/Master had left marks on his submissive partner.

All Hugh's resentment at the perceived unfairness of this morning's treatment disappeared and he made for the shower. Gently soaping his tender buttocks under the hot water of the shower made him even hornier, but he resisted the temptation to wank off and instead carefully dried himself, threw on some jeans and a baggy sweater and headed out to the convenience store for the bread and milk. By the time he got back and put the groceries away, it was 10.10. He went to the entrance hall and racked his brain to remember if Guy's order for him to be waiting on his knees had included the word `naked.' After a few moments hesitation, he decided it looked more penitent to be naked, so shucked off the jeans and sweater and knelt on the parquet floor. His knees began to hurt almost immediately and the minutes ticked past very slowly. He had left his phone in the kitchen, so couldn't tell what time it was, but daren't leave his position to fetch it in case Guy strode through the front door just at the wrong moment.

15 minutes later, Guy's key turned in the lock and he came in. Hugh glanced up to see what mood his husband was in and, relieved to see a neutral expression, immediately lowered his eyes to the floor. Guy dropped his gym kit, walked slowly over to Hugh and ruffled his thick brown hair. "Good boy" he praised his nervous husband whilst moving his hand from the top of his head to under his chin, gesturing for Hugh to look up into his twinkling blue eyes. "Kiss my trainers to say sorry and we'll forget all about it" he ordered in a magnanimous tone. Hugh obeyed without hesitation and kissed both trainers lovingly. Caressing the left trainer that had been used to beat him only a couple of hours before brought back a vivid memory of his punishment and made him conscious once again of the ache in his bruised backside. Above him, Guy felt a surge of power and lust as he caught a glimpse of the marks his trainer had made on Hugh's arse. "That's enough" Guy said softly and then added "take care of these" pointing to his dirty gym kit with his foot "and then come to meet me in the bedroom" With that he headed briskly out of the hall. Hugh looked at the sodden kit with dismay. Although he did most of the laundry, he refused to touch Guy's gym kit as the cold sweat from a hard workout repelled him. Usually Guy would put the kit straight into the washer as soon as he came in, knowing Hugh hated it. This last order was clearly a signal that things had changed now and if he were to become a proper slave, he would have to look after all his Master's needs, not just the ones he enjoyed servicing.

He put the kit into the washer and selected Guy's preferred wash/dry setting before heading for the bedroom. The first thing he saw on entering the room was Guy's muscly, bare butt as he was kneeling at the foot of the bed, his torso lying on the duvet. Hugh was confused -- surely Guy didn't want to turn the tables already and be the submissive one, in position for a spanking or fucking? Guy's order dispelled the confusion "Kiss my arse." Hugh sank to his knees onto the deep pile carpet, grateful that this order had been given in the bedroom, not the wood-floored hall. He gently kissed both Guy's hairy globes until he heard the next, curt order "Rim me." He gently parted Guy's buttocks and began to lick at the hole, working hard with his tongue to give maximum pleasure. Guy was still trying to be stern, but, unseen by Hugh, was grinning like a Cheshire cat into the quilt and finding it very difficult to supress his moans under the ministrations of Hugh's tongue. Eventually Guy could bear it no longer and suddenly reached behind to push Hugh's head off his butt and then in one deft move, flipping over onto his back and issuing a third command, "Balls, NOW" Hugh leaned back in and made long sweeps of his husband's large, hairy balls with his tired tongue. Guy had been so turned on by the trainer worship in the hall and the subsequent expert rim job, that he started fisting his hard, leaking cock rapidly as soon as he had rolled over onto his back. Hugh could see that he was very close to cumming and couldn't help feeling disappointed that all his hard tongue work would not be rewarded with the taste of Guy's spunk. As if reading his mind, Guy sat up, grabbed Hugh by the hair with one hand whilst still furiously wanking himself with the other. He aimed his shining knob at Hugh's face and started shooting over him. The last few spurts were saved for Hugh's mouth and he cleaned off Guy's knob hungrily. Guy used his fingers to wipe up the cream he had shot onto Hugh's face and pushed them into his mouth to be cleaned. Hugh found this such a turn-on that his hand automatically went to his own leaking cock, but the eagle-eyed Guy noticed and shook his head. Hugh reluctantly locked his hands behind his back while Guy reached down to scoop up the drool of his husband's precum that was in danger of falling onto the carpet and added this to the spunk cocktail in Hugh's mouth.

"Breakfast time" declared Guy and then added laughingly "you'd better put your jeans on before you start cooking. We don't want you getting THAT burnt with bacon fat" rubbing his foot against Hugh's aching hardon.

End of part 3

Next: Chapter 4

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