From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Jun 16, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 17 -- Giles intervenes

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The slave boys quickly parted after Hugh's intense orgasm and continued cleaning up the kitchen. As he dried some crystal wine glasses, Hugh felt something had changed inside him. For the first time, he felt resentment in serving Guy. Standing, naked and bruised in the kitchen while the 2 Masters relaxed over their brandies outside, he felt the anger at their conspiring to trap him rise up once again.

After about half an hour, Master Shem called them back to the dining room as Guy had decided it was time to head home. Hugh was ordered to kiss Master Shem's feet again to thank him for his hospitality and Eric to kiss Guy's to thank him for the privilege of sucking him off.

Hugh was dreading the cab ride home as he feared he couldn't keep the anger and resentment out of his voice if Guy asked him any questions, but oblivious to his slave's mood, Guy remained silent, thinking how much he had enjoyed the evening and what a great cock-sucker Eric was. The contented look on his Master's face enraged Hugh even more. It clearly hadn't even crossed Guy's mind that encouraging a violent attack on him by another Master whilst enjoying the ministrations of his obedient slave would be upsetting for Hugh.

The next morning, Hugh was not kneeling at his Master's bedside as usual when the alarm went off. "What the fuck?" mumbled Guy, shaking Hugh awake. "Sorry Master, I'm ill. I was sick in the night," Hugh lied convincingly. Guy grumpily got up, made his own tea and pulled on his gym kit without help for the first time in months. He was irritated at the inconvenience and it didn't occur to him to check if Hugh was OK as he left the house without a word.

Hugh lay in bed, thinking things through. He was going to ask Guy for decompression time when he came in from work, so he could speak freely about how much he hated this new, harsh regime inspired by Master Shem. It made him nervous to even think about defying Guy now, he was so engrained in the slave role now and it seemed to him that Guy's Master persona had taken over any trace of the affectionate husband he had loved for 8 years before the slave contract. Eventually, he found the strength to get out of bed and begin his chores, but his mind was constantly drawn back to how he could explain his feelings without angering his Master.

At 3 in the afternoon, an unexpected text arrived from Guy, "Knees in 10." This sent Hugh into a panic. He hadn't been expecting Guy until 6.30 at the earliest and his task list was far from complete. He quickly stacked the dishwasher to get at least one job ticked off the list before he took his position kneeling on the hall floor to await his Master's early arrival. Hugh's nervousness increased when he heard voices outside the front door as Guy turned the key. He wasn't alone. The kneeling slave couldn't help look up as he heard the unmistakeable patrician tones of Giles McCorkedale. Hugh blushed beet red as he caught the tall, handsome aristocrat taking in his near naked body with an approving stare. He lowered his eyes back to the floor, cursing Guy for breaking another clause of their contract in telling a friend about his slavery without his consent.

"Get dressed, slave. I've lost a bet with Giles, so you are his for 24 hours. He needs help at his flat," ordered Guy. As soon as he started speaking, Hugh realised his Master had been drinking. He and Giles must have had a long lunch. Hugh was close to tears, with the double blow of having Giles, whom he liked and respected, seeing him in his jockstrap on his knees and having his plans to confront Guy postponed. Pulling himself together, he got up, went to the bedroom to quickly pull on jeans and a sweater and reported back to his Master and Giles who were chatting amiably in the living room. "Remember you are to follow Giles' orders as if they were mine, slave, and if I hear any complaints, it will be the cane for you when you come back," said Guy. "Yes Master," Hugh replied quietly, still trying to fight back the tears. He felt Giles' hand gently pressing the small of his back as he ushered him out towards the waiting Mercedes. He leaned into Hugh's ear and whispered, "let's talk when we get back to mine -- no need for the driver to know all our business." Hugh was grateful for Giles' discretion and nodded his silent agreement.

They arrived at Giles' apartment building in Mayfair 20 minutes later and were greeted warmly by a uniformed porter as he opened the Mercedes door. He then escorted them to the lift and swiped a key card to press the penthouse button as the doors opened. Hugh had met Giles and Camilla at various functions, but had never been to their flat, so was stunned as the lift opened on to a marbled hallway through which he could see into a vast wood panelled drawing room. He paused as the lift door shut behind him. Guy had ordered him to serve Giles as if he were his Master, so should he strip down to his `house uniform' of just a jockstrap? Giles, who had been heading across the marble floor to the drawing room, stopped and turned round when he realised Hugh wasn't following. Hugh plucked up the courage to ask, "should I strip to my jockstrap, Sir? Like I do at home with Master Guy?" Unfazed, Giles replied, "No need. Keep your clothes on for now...and you don't have to call me Sir. Come on in." Hugh followed Giles and took in the room with a slow sweep. While the wood panelled walls, intricate plaster ceiling and carved marble fireplace were all at least a hundred years old, all the furniture was 21st century Italian luxury: sleek, low mohair velvet sofas, bronze and glass tables, a geometric silk rug and what looked like a Damian Hirst over the mantelpiece.

Giles kicked off his handmade Lobbs brogues, laid his suit jacket, purple silk lining uppermost, on a Perspex sofa table and flopped down into one of the 3 enormous sofas surrounding the fireplace. He patted the place next to him, indicating Hugh to sit down. Hugh sat nervously on the edge of the deep sofa, whilst Giles relaxed, spreading one arm behind Hugh on the back cushion. "I'm afraid I cheated on the bet with Guy," Giles began. "We couldn't place the waitress's accent the restaurant, so I asked her when Guy was in the loo and then bet on Bulgarian when he got back. Also, I did rather trick him into spilling the beans about your Master/slave set up by confronting him with my suspicions after I'd encouraged him to drink quite a lot of Chateauneuf du Pape." Hugh laughed. Although Guy really liked Giles, there was some rivalry between them and he would be annoyed that Giles had played him so easily twice over. "So what help do you need with the flat. It looks pretty immaculate to me...and much more modern than I thought it would be," said Hugh, looking around the room again. "The interior design is all Camo's. It's all a bit brand new and minimal for me, but she says Glanders is so chocca with antiques that she needs some comfort and minimalism when we're in London," replied Giles. It took Hugh a moment to figure out that Glanders' was Giles-speak for Glanderstone Castle, seat of the Earl of St Germain and Giles' fiancée Camilla's family home. "As for the help with the flat, I'm afraid that was a little white lie to get you over here to talk to you." Giles paused and stared into Hugh's deep brown eyes before continuing: "I guessed a while ago at that dinner with Sam that you and Guy had entered into some sort of Dominant/submissive relationship, but you seemed happy with it and I just thought damn, that Guy is a lucky bugger.' But last week, I happened to hear him on the phone to some doctor fellow, whispering about how you were going to be beaten for their entertainment. It made me worried for you and I wanted to make sure you are all right."

Giles' tender concern opened the floodgates in Hugh and he began sobbing until Giles sat up and pulled him close, stroking his back gently to calm him down. Hugh then explained the whole story of how he and Guy had come to the agreement and that while very hard to adjust to, he felt content and loved his role in serving his Master until Master Shem had intervened and encouraged Guy to become cold and cruel. He also confessed how worried he was about explaining this to Guy in case Guy threw him out and 8 years of a loving relationship would come to an end.

Giles listened carefully and remained silent for a minute or two after Hugh finished his explanation. Then he began the speech he had been practising for 2 days: "Hugh, as you know, I don't often talk about my emotions -- boarding school at 8 years old and all that -- so forgive me if this doesn't come out right, but I think I'm in love with you." Hugh stared at Giles, not believing his own ears. Giles continued, "I never thought I was gay. Quite a bit of fumbling with other boys at Eton of course, but nothing since then. And I love Camo. It's just that...." he ground to a halt, then searching Hugh's eyes for any sign of approval, began again, "It's just that, well, I've always liked you. Charming, funny, modest, handsome. I always thought Guy was very lucky. Then when I guessed about this Master/slave thing, I couldn't stop thinking how amazing it would be to be your Master." Giles stopped speaking again, seeing the stunned look on Hugh's face. "Are you horrified at the thought of my being your Master? "Not at all," replied Hugh, blushing again. "In fact I have fantasised about it over the years, but I just thought you were a really nice straight bloke and that you would never in a million years fancy me." "Well I do," said Giles quietly, staring down at his own elegant hands resting on his lap. After a few more moments silence, he continued, "I'd better tell you the whole thing, so you can make a decision with all the facts. I couldn't be your full time Master. I love Camilla and I still want to marry her and have children, but I could set you up in a nice flat, give you an allowance, car etc and the deal would be that you were my secret slave whenever I wanted it, but you would only ever have me part time and in secret. I don't know if that's enough for you?" Hugh remained silent for a long time, looking at Giles' chiselled features, scrunched into an anxious frown. At last he replied, "I don't know if it would be enough and despite everything, I still love Guy, but what I do know is that if I don't get your clothes off very soon, I'm going to burst." He stood up, took Giles' hand and pulled him up from the sofa. "Show me where the bedroom is, please.....Master."

A beaming Giles led the way to the fabric lined master bedroom and perched on an elegant, upholstered bench at the end of the bed, while Hugh slowly shucked off first his sweater, then his jeans, revealing his hairy chest and then his smooth, hard uncut cock bouncing out of his jeans as soon as he unzipped the fly. He knelt naked in front of Giles and asked politely, "Would it please my Master if his slave were to use his initiative to pleasure him?" "It would, my dear slave boy," was Giles immediate reply.

Hugh carefully peeled off Giles' silk socks, then stood up to take off his tie and slowly unbutton his blue Turnbull & Asser shirt, revealing a trim torso with a dusting of blond hair. Hugh then politely asked Giles to stand, so that he could kneel back down and begin to loosen his belt and unbutton the fly of Giles' perfectly tailored pinstripe suit trousers. Giles stepped out of the trousers and Hugh neatly folded them on the bench before returning to his knees to take in the superb site of this blond god in just his striped cotton boxer shorts. He kissed Giles' hard on through the fine cotton, then pulled the shorts gently down to the floor.

Hugh led Giles to the bed and motioned him to lie on his stomach. He immediately put his newly learned massage skills into action and quickly released any knots in Giles' shoulders, before working his way down to the smooth, white buttocks and kissing them gently all over. Hugh then carried on down Giles' athletic body, massaging the thigh and calf of each leg in turn. He kissed the soles of each of Giles' long, elegant feet and then asked him to turn over onto his back. Kneeling on the floor at the end of the bed, Hugh then kissed and massaged each foot and reverently sucked each toe until Giles was moaning in ecstasy. Hugh carried on kissing up Giles' legs until he reached his hairless balls and treating them to a long tongue bath. Eventually Giles decided that his hard, leaking cut cock had been ignored long enough and pulled Hugh's head up from his balls and on to his shaft. Hugh licked pre-cum from Giles' perfectly shaped cock-head before swallowing the whole glorious organ right down to its base. Once he came up for air, Hugh asked, "please Master, may I ride your beautiful cock?" Giles was so enveloped in a haze of lust that he couldn't formulate words, so just nodded vigorously to Hugh's request. Hugh sat up and then slowly impaled himself on Giles' rock hard dick and then started moving up and down, squeezing the shaft to give Giles maximum pleasure. After a while, Giles could bear it no longer and started thrusting urgently further up into Hugh's arse and came with roar, flooding his new slave's insides with a massive load of spunk.

Camilla was out of town for a few days, so Giles and Hugh spent a whole, blissful night exploring each other's bodies and it was only when they both turned on their phones the next morning to a string of messages from Guy and Camilla, that reality hit once more.

Once showered and dressed, Hugh braced himself for what he had to say: "Giles, you are a wonderful, sexy man and I very much appreciate the offer you made last night, but I think it would break my heart becoming closer to you, but never having you all to myself, so I'm going to try to make a fresh start with Guy. I hope you understand."

Giles ran his hand through his still-damp mop of blond hair and looked wistfully at Hugh before replying, "I think it would break both our hearts, but I will NEVER forget last night and I will support you in whatever you decide." They hugged for a long time before Giles finally let go and pushed the button to call the lift.

Guy knew as soon as Hugh walked in that something had changed. For a start, he didn't fall to his knees as he entered the room and his whole body language was no longer that of an obedient slave. Hugh came straight to the point: "Guy, the Master/slave experiment is over. I tried so hard to fulfil my side of the bargain; devoted myself to serving you, but you didn't do your part in protecting your slave. In fact you conspired with a virtual stranger to hurt me."

Hugh expected some sort of backlash, maybe even a physical attack, but to his astonishment, Guy looked completely crestfallen and began to cry. He walked slowly over to Hugh and said, "you are right. You were the perfect slave, but I got carried away with the power trip and fucked it all up."

Hugh felt a huge wave of relief. He knew in that moment that their marriage was going to survive this adventure. He wiped away Guy's tears and said, "you can still be Master in the bedroom" Guy smiled and Hugh added, "after a bit of payback, of course" revealing the riding crop he had been holding behind his back. "Yes Sir," replied Guy and meekly allowed himself to be led to the bedroom.

The End

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