From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on May 27, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 16 -- Master Shem

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Following Guy's meeting with Master Shem, Hugh's daily routine became considerably harder. The outwardly charming, but secretly sadistic doctor encouraged Guy to keep his slave on the back foot all the time and to give him lots more chores while his Master was at work during the daytime.

Hugh was sent on a massage course and had to learn how to carry out manicures and pedicures so that his Master's every bodily need could be met `in-house' as Guy liked to joke. Of course, any mistakes Hugh made while practicing his new skills on his demanding Master were severely punished. On his first attempt at buffing finger nails, the emery board slipped, causing Guy a little discomfort and so Guy decided an appropriate punishment for this clumsiness was 2 strokes of the cane on Hugh's outstretched palms, Scottish school style. Dishing out this unusual punishment gave Guy an immediate erection and he then had the fiendish idea of having his slave boy wank him off with his sore hand.

On Master Shem's advice, Guy allowed his slave to cum much less frequently, so that Hugh was constantly horny as well as tired, on edge and sometimes hungry when his Master decided that he didn't deserve to eat a particular meal. Because he knew his slave/husband so well, Guy used the orgasm privilege to his advantage, sensing when Hugh was at the end of his tether with the harsh new regime and saying "you've been a good slave boy today and I'm going to let you cum when we go to bed tonight."

Hugh had to admit, that although it was torture some days not to be allowed to cum, the orgasms were so intense when he was granted them, that he felt immensely grateful to his Master afterwards.

About 10 days after Guy's meeting with Master Shem, he announced to Hugh that they were going over to the doctor's house for dinner that evening. "This is not a social event for you, boy," he added. "You will be in 100% slave mode." "Yes Master," replied Hugh, obediently, as Guy left the house for work.

Hugh spent the rest of the day alternating between anxiety at meeting a Master who had had such a big impact on his life as a slave and horniness at the thought that he might be ordered to serve the sexy doctor in some way.

As Guy hadn't given orders of what Hugh should wear for the visit to Master Shem's, he waited as usual in his jockstrap for Guy to return home. When he arrived in the hall, Guy ordered, "lose the jockstrap. Master Shem prefers his slaves completely naked at home. You can wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey." As he was putting on the stipulated outfit in their bedroom, Hugh noticed Guy was hard in his white Calvin Klein briefs as he changed out of his suit. Hugh smiled to himself -- Guy was clearly just as turned on about the visit to the masterful doctor as his slave was.

Master and slave rode in silence in the cab. Hugh was nervous and felt he needed to concentrate on being the perfect slave to Guy in front of this other, highly demanding Master.

As soon as they arrived at Master Shem's modernist, single story house, they were greeted at the door by a naked young Asian man with a slim, toned body and shining, jet black hair. He bowed his head as he opened the door and said, "Welcome Master Guy. I am Master Shem's slave, Eric." He glanced very briefly at Hugh, but did not address him. "Strip," Guy ordered Hugh as soon as the front door was closed. Hugh obeyed and Eric held out his hands to take the deck shoes, t-shirt and jeans as Hugh removed them. He place the clothes carefully on a hall chair and then beckoned the visitors through to the large, open plan living area where Dr Matthews was waiting for them. "Guy, lovely to have you here," he said, smiling and shaking hands with his fellow Master, then added "Eric, greet our visitor properly." Eric immediately dropped to his hands and knees, crawled across the pale wood floor and kissed each of Guy's shiny loafers. Guy smiled down at the obedient, handsome young slave, then ordered Hugh, "show your gratitude to our host." Hugh followed Eric's example and fell to his hands and knees to crawl over to Master Shem and kiss each of his bare feet. He could not tell if he too had earned an approving smile as he dare not raise his eyes above the hem of the doctor's jeans.

Shem did not verbally acknowledge Hugh's respectful gesture, instead asking Guy what he wanted to drink. Guy asked for white wine and Eric was ordered into the kitchen to fetch this. "Hugh, you can go with Eric and help in the kitchen. You 2 can get to know each other while you work." Both slaves scrambled up from their positions on the floor and Hugh followed Eric into the impressively large kitchen. As the double doors closed behind them, Eric smiled shyly and said in a soft voice, "nice to meet you, Hugh." He stood on tip toe to reach up and give Hugh the briefest peck on the cheek before heading to the fridge for the Masters' wine.

When Eric came back into the kitchen having served the drinks, he pointed to a bar stool and told his fellow slave to take a seat, "you can help me take through the trays when I've finished the canapés, but for the time being, just sit there and chat to me. It's nice to have some company in the kitchen."

Hugh took an immediate liking to Eric and was keen to compare notes. Eric was a good listener and as he prepared the smoked salmon on blinis, Hugh was soon talking about his issues with the new, much harsher, regime Guy was inflicting under Master Shem's guidance. "Is Master Shem that strict with you all the time?" Hugh questioned Eric. "Stricter," was Eric's quiet, one word reply. With his view of Eric's bruised arse as he spread paté on slivers of baguette, Hugh did not doubt that this was true. When Eric had finished the canapés, he asked Hugh, "would you mind taking the tray through to the Masters while I carry on with the main course?" Hugh was delighted to be asked politely to do something, rather than just being ordered around and readily agreed. Eric explained how Hugh was to take the canapés through, kneel in front of the Masters and hold out the tray for them until they had had enough. "Be careful not to tilt the tray as you kneel down. If the presentation isn't perfect, my Master will tip the whole tray onto the floor and rub your face in the mess," was Eric's added warning.

Hugh managed the service faultlessly, although the Masters were busy chatting and took their time over the canapés so that Hugh's arms were aching by the time he was dismissed back to the kitchen. As he came back, Hugh realised how hungry he was and helped himself to one of the blinis the Masters had left. He held out the tray of leftovers to Eric, but he was too busy with a stir fry to accept.

Hugh and Eric worked well together in serving a delicious meal, standing behind their respective Masters' chairs watching intently for a near empty glass or any sign of something needed by Guy or Shem. The two Masters chatted about their jobs and outside interests, but as the wine flowed, the subject turned to their slaves. Shem described how he liked to have Eric working his dick gently for long periods, such as when he was watching a movie. "After a couple of hours of gentle sucking, it's great to cum in a grateful slave mouth." Apart from orders, Shem had not addressed a single word to either slave, but having told this story, he turned to Eric and said, "makes your jaw ache, sucking your Master's big dick for that long, doesn't it slave boy?" "Yes Master," was Eric's uncomplaining reply. "But, you like your reward at the end, don't you boy?" questioned Shem. "Yes Sir, I love to please you and to be rewarded with my Master's spunk at the end," replied Eric, sounding very sincere.

Hugh noticed Guy stroke his crotch under the table and realised that another of Master Shem's ideas would probably be implemented shortly in their own house. He quite liked the idea of sucking Guy for a whole 2 hours and his cock began to harden at the thought. He looked across the room to see Eric's reaction, but the other slaves eyes were lowered back to the floor.

"So what were you boys talking about in the kitchen?" asked Shem. "Slave Hugh was complaining that you are a bad influence on his Master, Sir and he thinks you have made Master Guy more cruel to him," replied Eric quietly.

Hugh's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe that the seemingly sweet fellow slave had betrayed him so callously to their Masters. There was a terrible silence before Master Shem asked Eric, "anything else you need to tell me, slave?" "Yes Master. Slave Hugh stole one of your canapés." At this, Master Shem leapt from his chair, grabbing a leather paddle that Hugh hadn't noticed on a side table and flew towards him, lashing at his chest. Hugh, shocked at the suddenness of the attack, did not try to defend himself. Shem then swiped the paddle viciously against the hapless slave's balls, causing him to double up in agony and giving the angry Master's paddle access to his back and shoulders. Soon Hugh was in a ball on the dining room floor, still being hit with the paddle and occasionally kicked with the doctor's bare foot. In between his own cries of pain, he heard Guy encouraging his fellow Master: "Yeh, that's it Shem. Teach the disrespectful slave a lesson he won't forget."

The attack finished as suddenly as it began, leaving Hugh shaken and bruised on the floor. Shem dropped the paddle and went casually back to his seat at the table. The next thing Hugh heard was Guy's voice. "Hugh, thank Master Shem for taking the time to discipline you." Hugh slowly uncurled from his foetal position and crawled around the table towards Master Shem. On his way past his own Master's chair, he saw Eric was on his knees, his mouth round Guy's hard cock that was sticking out of his unbuttoned jeans. Guy must have been enjoying a blow job whilst watching Hugh take a beating. Some how the double betrayal of his fellow slave and his own Master was worse than the physical pain inflicted on him by Master Shem. Eventually he arrived at Shem's feet and kissed them both in thanks.

"Can I fuck him?" Shem asked Guy as Hugh planted another kiss on the bridge of his manly foot. "Sure," replied Guy, "after all, you've been very generous with the loan of yours," he said, laughing and pointing down to Eric who was still working hard to please his engorged, leaking cock. Shem hauled Hugh off the floor and bent him over the dining table. "I need to borrow Eric back for a minute," he explained to Guy, who let out a disappointed sigh as Eric's warm mouth left his cock. "Get him ready," ordered Shem and Eric crawled round, parted Hugh's bruised buttocks and began licking and spitting on his exposed hole. If Hugh hadn't been so angry at Eric's snitching, it would have been an amazing, sensuous experience, but he was too furious to enjoy it properly. After a couple of minutes, Shem said, "OK. That's enough. Get back to work on Master Guy's dick." Eric crawled back to Guy, leaving Hugh's slicked up hole to Shem's mercy. Shem wasted no time in dropping his jeans, spitting on his hard cock and plunging it painfully into Hugh's beaten arse. He was so turned on from punishing a new slave, who had only weeks ago been his patient and watching his own slave service his new alpha friend that he came quickly, roaring as he emptied a big load of spunk into Hugh. Hearing Shem cum into Hugh's arse sent Guy over the edge and the well-trained slave Eric gratefully swallowed every drop.

Eric was ordered to cleaned up both Masters' dicks with his mouth, leaving Hugh still draped over the table, spunk seeping out of his plundered asshole onto the highly polished wood. Then Master Shem ordered them both back to the kitchen to clean up whilst he and Guy enjoyed some brandy.

As soon as the kitchen doors closed behind them, Eric fell to his knees in front of Hugh. "I'm so sorry, Hugh," he began, close to tears. "My Master made me do it?" Hugh looked down, puzzled. "The Masters planned it all. I heard them on the `phone. My Master wanted a chance to punish you and your Master thought it would be hot to watch, so I was ordered to spy on you to provide an excuse for it. I'm so sorry, but you have no idea how much trouble I would be in if interfered with my Master's plan." Hugh realised immediately that Eric was telling the truth and tried to raise him up from his kneeling position to tell him he was forgiven. Eric, however, stayed where he was and began gently kissing the red paddle marks on Hugh's thighs before moving on to his still sore, low hanging balls. Both slaves knew they would be in a world of trouble if they were caught by either Master, but Hugh's hard cock overrode his fear and soon he was enjoying all the benefits of Eric's expert mouth. He hadn't had a blow job since he signed the slave contract months before and so the sensation was intense and it took all his willpower not to cry out as he came in Eric's mouth.

End of Part 16

Next: Chapter 17

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