From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Apr 20, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 15 -- Giles

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After the hard whippings from 2 Masters on the same day, Hugh was determined to behave better and for the next few weeks, Guy was a little disappointed that he had no cause to chastise his almost too-obedient slave. Of course that didn't mean Hugh's arse remained completely neglected. There were still the daily bedtime spankings and maybe a dose of the crop or paddle to "warm him up" for a fucking from Guy.

One Wednesday evening, Guy was out for dinner with his work colleague, Giles and so Hugh had a rare, relaxing evening to himself, eating exactly what he wanted and lying on the sofa, albeit just in his jockstrap, without part of him being on alert in case he had to leap up to serve his Master in some way. At 11pm Hugh received a text: Home in 10, nees.' It took him a moment to work out that the k' was missing from the order and was surprised, as Guy was usually meticulously correct, even in a text.

When Guy arrived 15 minutes later, he took a while to get his key in the door. Hugh was torn. His order was to wait on his knees, not to stand and open the door, but given the fumbling he could hear outside, should he get up and let his Master in? He was about to get up when the key finally turned and Guy lurched in. "Why didn't you let me in, stupid slave?" was Guy's slightly slurred greeting and Hugh realized he was quite drunk after his night out with the hard-drinking Giles. "Come and help me get undressed," added Guy, heading up the stairs. He sat on the edge of the bed while Hugh carefully took off his shoes and socks then rose a little unsteadily to his feet to allow his slave to take off the rest of his clothes. As soon as he was naked, Guy ordered Hugh to fetch the riding crop for his bedtime spanking, `to cure his laziness in the hall.' Hugh felt indignant at this unfair accusation of laziness, as he was only following orders, but knew better to argue, especially as Guy could be unpredictable when he was this drunk. Instead he obediently brought the crop, handed it to his Master with head bowed, then bent himself over the bed, ass raised up for punishment.

Guy wasted no time in bringing the crop down hard across his slave's proffered buttocks and didn't give Hugh any time to compose himself before the next blow came crashing down. Guy's aim was not as precise as usual and several times, as he brought the crop down off-centre, the little leather square curved round painfully on the sides of Hugh's buttocks, causing him to yelp. After 8 or 9 strokes, Guy got bored with the effort, dropped the crop to the floor and climbed into bed. "Come to bed and suck me off" he ordered and Hugh shifted his stinging arse as quickly as he could to obey. After only a few minutes of nursing his Master's semi-hard cock in his mouth, Hugh heard the sounds of snoring from above and realized any further ministrations from his devoted mouth would be wasted.

Although Hugh was kneeling dutifully as usual beside his Master's bed, cup of tea already in place on the night stand when the alarm went off the next morning, Guy woke up in a foul, hung-over mood and ended up giving Hugh another 4 strokes of the crop for laying out the wrong colour socks with his suit. This added to Hugh's sense of indignation from the night before as they were the same socks he always laid out with that suit. He breathed a sigh of relief as Guy left the house, but had no time to relax as his annual check-up for their health insurance was at 10am.

Arriving a little early at the clinic, Hugh browsed through a magazine, still stewing on his Master's unreasonableness and tried to find a comfortable position for his sore behind on the hard waiting room chair. His mood improved considerably, though, when he was called into a consulting room and saw the handsome, muscular Dr Mathews waiting for him. Hugh was used to his own GP, who was nearly 70 and had wispy white hair growing out of his ears and so the 30 something stud in front of him now was a very pleasant surprise.

The handsome Dr Mathews had a deep voice with a trace of an accent that Hugh couldn't quite place and even the mundane questions about exercise, smoking and units of alcohol took on a certain charm for his new patient. Hugh's enjoyment of the consultation was ruined, however, when Dr Mathews asked him to take off his trousers and underpants for a prostate exam. He realized immediately that the marks from last night and this morning's beatings would be clearly visible to the doctor as soon as he stripped. Hugh tried to stall: "They didn't do a prostate exam last year." "Yes, change of policy form the insurance company. We only used to do it for men over 40, but there has been a rise of younger men developing prostate cancer, so we've started examining anyone over 30. Now, trousers and pants down and on the table please Mr Everett," the doctor continued, whilst putting on a blue medical glove. Blushing furiously, Hugh complied. Dr Mathews was very gentle with the rectal exam and the sensation of a gloved finger up his ass and the doctor's other, bare hand placed firmly on the small of his back, would have been a sensual experience if he hadn't been so embarrassed about his whipped buttocks.

Dr Mathews calmly told him to get dressed and come back to the chair by his desk. When Hugh was seated, he looked intently at his patient and said, "Mr Everett, I couldn't help noticing during your prostate examination that your buttocks are marked from a recent beating....from a riding crop, if I'm not mistaken." Those bloody telltale square bruises,' Hugh thought to himself, blushing even harder. "May I ask who did this to you?" the doctor continued. Hugh started to reply, "My Mas," before correcting himself to "My husband." Dr Mathews remained silent, looking concerned, but not shocked, so Hugh found the courage to continue, "We are in a Master/slave relationship and my Master was not satisfied with my service last night or this morning, so beat me with a riding crop. Dr Mathews considered for a moment and then asked, "and is this relationship consensual?" "Yes Sir, I willing signed a Master/slave contract a few months ago." The Sir' had slipped out unconsciously as Hugh went from respected private patient, right back to slave-mode in a few minutes.

Dr Mathews smiled and turned back to his desk to write something, then folded the note into an envelope. He handed this to Hugh with another smile and said, "Give this to your Master. Goodbye Hugh."

Back at home, Hugh examined the envelope Dr Mathew's had handed him. It was simply addressed to `Hugh's Master.' Hugh spent an anxious rest of the day wondering what the contents could be. Blackmail? Notice of an official complaint to Hugh's company? A proposal?

Even when Guy arrived home at 7pm, Hugh's anxious wait was not over as Guy left him kneeling in the hall while he went to get changed. When his Master came back down, already in pajamas, and ordered him to get up and carry on with dinner, Hugh took his chance and handed over the doctor's note before heading into the kitchen. He dared not glance back to see Guy's reaction to the mystery message. As he brought the plates of pasta into the dining room, Guy motioned him to sit. He was smiling enigmatically. "Been spilling the beans about us to complete strangers, have we?" he enquired. Hugh explained about the prostate exam and the crop marks and added "I thought I had better be honest about our relationship Sir and reassure the doctor that it was consensual."

"You did that all right," replied Guy, still smiling, "but you needn't have worried. Turn's out he's a Master too and has had a live-in slave boy for over a year. He wants to meet me to compare notes." Of all the scenarios Hugh had gone through as to the contents of the note, he hadn't thought of that one! Talk about appearances being deceptive -- Dr Mathews seemed so, well, straight - sexually and in his general character. Hugh wanted to ask more, but Guy was not in a talkative mood after his hung-over day at work and silenced Hugh with a raised palm.

The following week, Guy announced that he would be out that night to meet Dr Mathews, or Master Shem as Hugh was now to refer to him. Hugh spent the rest of the day and evening wondering what notes the 2 Masters would compare. He received a text from Guy at about 10pm simply saying On way home.' This threw Hugh, as it contained neither a number of minutes, nor a knees' or door' instruction. He thought he'd better get in position on his knees straight away to be on the safe side. His knees were getting sore half an hour later when Guy finally arrived home. His Master looked down at him briefly and issued the curt order, "Bedroom, NOW." Hugh raced up the stairs and sank back onto his aching knees on the floor at the foot of the bed. Guy followed him up. It seemed his chat with Master Shem had made quite an impact. Without preamble, he launched into the little speech he had rehearsed in the cab on the way home, "Turns out I have been much too easy on you slave boy. Master Shem keeps his slave, Eric, constantly marked and hungry, rations his orgasms and he says you have far too much free time on your hands during the day." Hugh took all this in silently, head bowed. It wasn't at all what he had hoped from the Masters' meeting. Guy's next words shocked him even more: "Now fetch the cane for your bedtime spanking." Hugh couldn't help himself. He looked up pleadingly at his Master. According to Guy's tariffs,' the cane was only for serious offences such as disobeying a direct order. Since the terrible experience with the cane after he was late back from lunch with his friend Gina, Hugh had done nothing remotely bad enough to warrant the use of this scary implement.

Guy ignored Hugh's silent pleading and simply said very slowly and quietly, "Fetch the cane. Now."

Hugh obeyed and brought the cane, bowing his head as he handed it to his Master. Guy ordered him to bend over the back of the bedroom chair and then said, "You will remain absolutely silent during your punishment. You need to learn to take pain stoically for your Master's pleasure. 6 strokes for bedtime spanking, 2 extra for hesitating when I ordered you to fetch the cane and additional strokes for moving, trying to protect yourself or making any noise. Understood?"

"Yes Master," was Hugh's miserable reply. The strokes were not as hard as after the Gina lunch, but still very painful and by the seventh and eighth it was taking all Hugh's willpower to remain silent. He was biting the inside of his cheeks and gripping the padded arms of the chair with all his might. After the eighth stroke, he heard Guy put down the cane and unzip his fly. Hugh then felt Guy's powerful hand grab his hair and twist him round from bending position to kneeling; facing the hard, dripping cock that had been released from his Master's suit trousers. "Open" barked Guy and shoved his whole dick into Hugh's throat as soon as he obeyed. Hugh's deep-throating had improved a lot since he became Guy's slave, but this sudden invasion of his throat didn't give him time to adjust and he was choking and gagging from the start. He eyes were streaming and spit was drooling from his mouth by the time Guy roared and shot a huge load down his slave's throat. Once he had licked clean the spit and residual spunk from his Master's knob, he sank down further to kiss Guy's highly polished shoes in thanks. He followed his Master's order to undress him and his heart sank further when Guy noticed how stained his trousers were from Hugh's drooling during the face fucking. "You've made a fucking mess of your Master's trousers, stupid slave. No breakfast for you."

When Hugh was finally allowed to crawl into bed, silent tears of humiliation soaked into his pillow as Guy contentedly dropped off to sleep.

End of Part 15

Next: Chapter 16

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