From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Mar 4, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 11 -- Hugh pleases and disappoints

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When Guy arrived home that evening, he ordered Hugh up from his usual welcome home kneeling position and grinning, asked "your session with Jay went well then?" "Yes Master," Hugh replied, returning the smile. "Come upstairs and tell me all about it." Hugh went through the events at the gym and as he got to the last part about Jay's `treat' he could see Guy's suit trousers tenting. When he finished his detailed account, Guy said, "I think we need to re-enact that last part. Get down and gimme 20." Hugh obeyed, kissing Guy's highly polished brogues on each press up as he had done earlier with Jay's trainers.

By 18, Guy was already fishing his hard cock out of his suit trousers and after the 20th press up, Hugh wasted no time getting to his knees to lap up the precum from his Master's leaking nob and then using the techniques he had been practicing to give an expert blow job.

Guy intended to cum over Hugh's face as Jay had earlier, but the thought of the sexy, muscled, South African, (mainly) straight trainer putting his personal slave through his paces was too much for him and he shot a big load into Hugh's eager mouth. Guy collapsed back onto the bed in a haze after the intense orgasm.

After a few minutes, he sat up and looked down at the obediently kneeling Hugh, his jockstrap pouch being stretched to the limit by his hardon and a patch of precum on view. He felt his well-behaved slave deserved a reward, so allowed Hugh one of his favourite things. He ordered Hugh to take off his Master's shoes and socks and his own jockstrap, then lie on his back on the floor. Still sitting on the edge of the bed, he put one bare foot under Hugh's aching balls and the other on his hairy chest. "You may wank." Hugh immediately grabbed his leaking uncut cock and his hand was a blur before Guy's eyes. The feeling of both his Master's beautiful feet on his prostrate body made him cum within 30 seconds and the first jet of spunk was so forceful that it flew over Guy's foot and landed on Hugh's face. Guy smiled to himself -- the re-enactment was complete with his boy receiving his second cum facial of the day.

Later that evening, taking advantage of `at ease' mode and his Master's continuing good mood, Hugh politely asked permission to go out for a farewell lunch with Gina on Wednesday to mark the end of their sharing an office together. "Of course" Guy agreed, "as long as you are home by 6 to greet me and prepare dinner."

It was all bound to go wrong when Gina ordered the second martini before they had even eaten anything at the hipster new diner she had chosen for their lunch. A great chat about all the old times at university and the shared office and 2 bottles of wine later, Hugh finally remembered to look at his watch. "Shit, shit, shit, it's 5.40" He grabbed his phone to book an Uber, Gina laughing at his sudden transformation from relaxed drunken to completely panicked. He barely took time to kiss her goodbye before rushing out into the street to find the Uber. He was in the back of the car by 5.50 and thought he might just get away with it. After all, Guy often kept him waiting on his knees for 15 or 20 minutes after his texted arrival time. At 5.55 his stomach lurched as his phone pinged with "Knees in 5."

As Hugh rushed through the front door at 6.10 he heard immediately that Guy was home already, crashing around in the kitchen. Hugh dithered in the hallway. Would it be better to rush straight into the kitchen to apologise or strip first? He decided it would look more contrite if he were naked, so stripped as fast as he could and ventured nervously into the kitchen, kneeling on the hard stone floor as soon as he crossed the threshold. Eyes, still down, Hugh only saw Guy's shoes and the bottom half of his trousers as he walked towards him. There was a long pause before Guy began, "you are THE most ungrateful slave. I give you freedom to go out enjoying yourself with your friends and you can't even be bothered to get back in time to greet your Master. Get the punishment book. NOW" Hugh went to get up to retrieve the dreaded book from the hall table, but Guy barked, "CRAWL!" Hugh obeyed and came back with the book and a pen. Guy started dictating:

"1/ Lateness: 1 stroke of the riding crop for each minute late at tonight's bedtime spanking 2/ Disobeying a direct order: 6 strokes of the cane tomorrow evening, loss of Master's bed privileges, loss of furniture privileges, no cumming until further notice.

Hugh wrote out his fate with a shaky hand. "Now get out of my sight. Pick your clothes up from the hall, tidy my work clothes in the bedroom and kneel outside the living room door until I tell you otherwise." "Yes Master" the abject Hugh replied crawling out of the kitchen. He had been waiting on his knees for about 20 minutes, tears of shame and regret silently rolling down his cheeks when the door bell rang. "That'll be the pizza I ordered while you were out getting pissed" Guy shouted from his sofa. "There are some pound coins on the hall table for the delivery guy's tip."

In porn films Hugh had watched over the years, the pizza delivery boy was always a hot twink who was inevitably invited in and got his kit off within minutes. Sadly this was London on a gloomy March evening and the delivery `boy' was actually a grumpy 40 year old straight guy who hadn't bothered to take off his motorbike helmet. Hugh could see the expression of disgust even through the dirty Perspex visor as the pizza guy took in his jockstrap clad figure. He could barely bring himself to take the coins from Hugh's outstretched hand and muttered something homophobic as he marched back down the path. If he hadn't been so miserable about disappointing Guy, Hugh would have laughed.

The rest of the evening passed slowly for Hugh as, after serving the pizza and a drink, he was forced to kneel on the floor, facing away from the TV, as Guy watched some of his favourite shows. When it was time for bed, Guy sent his slave to wait on all fours, crop by his side, 30 long minutes before he decided to come up himself. Usually Guy went easy on the daily bedtime spanking, giving Hugh 6 firm slaps, just enough to make his arse pleasantly stingy in time for spooning in bed with his Master. Tonight Guy laid on the riding crop with full force, making red lines across his slave's buttocks and little stingy red rectangles at the sides with the leather loop at the end of the crop. Hugh was pleading for mercy after 8 hard strokes, but was ignored and just about managed to keep in position for the final 2, the hardest yet. He wasn't allowed to kiss Guy's feet in thanks and was sent straight onto the floor at the end of the bed to spend a sore and mainly sleepless night. Guy didn't speak to Hugh in the morning, but by this stage in the training, Hugh knew his Master's routine so managed everything without verbal prompting. He was on edge all day, thinking about the harsh punishment to come. Even his guilty pleasure of examining the marks on his backside from last night's cropping in the dressing room mirrors was marred by the thought of how much sorer he would be tonight.

At his large partner's desk, Guy's thoughts also kept turning towards the evening's punishment. He was actually pleased that Hugh had broken the rules so spectacularly as it gave him the perfect excuse to dish out a proper punishment beating, something he had been dreaming about for weeks since Hugh signed the Master/slave contract. His cock was semi hard all day and on the way out of a management meeting where he had presented the latest sales figures, Giles sidled up to him and whispered "I know the numbers were good last month, but I didn't think they were that exciting." Guy smiled, his cheeks colouring a little. "You know me, Giles. Passionate about my work" He marched back to his office, cursing Giles' eagle-eyed observation skills.

He left the office unusually early at 5.30 and sent Hugh a `1 minute, knees' text as he was approaching the house half an hour later. Hugh, who had barely taken the phone out of his hand all day in case he missed a message, was in place as Guy let himself in. "Bedroom. NOW" was his only greeting to his nervous slave. Once in the bedroom, Guy ordered Hugh to fold 2 pillows and place them at the end of the bed. While Hugh was doing this, Guy shucked off his work clothes and retrieved the as yet unused cane from the wardrobe. "I need to practice. Stand outside the bedroom door and make use of this while you are waiting" he ordered Hugh, throwing him a bottle of lube.

After 10 minutes of listening through the door to the repeated swish/thud of the cane whilst lubing himself up with 2 and then 3 fingers, Hugh was in a haze and could really not have explained if it was the terror or the lust which was the uppermost emotion in his mind. Finally Guy called him in and had him position himself over the dented pillows. "Count and thank. If you miss count or move out of position, penalty strokes will be applied." Hugh made the only response allowed: "Yes Master."

Having never been subjected to the cane before, the first stroke came as a very nasty shock to Hugh, especially as his bum was still marked and tender from last night's cropping. The stripe was really biting, worse than any of the other implements Guy had used on him so far. He managed to articulate the "1 Sir, thank you Sir" just in time and Guy made him wait for the second. After the second stroke, Guy was pleased to note that his practice had paid off as the second, angry stripe was perfectly parallel to the first. Then Hugh's audible struggle to express his respectful thanks for the second stroke made Guy's erection ratchet another few degrees towards vertical. Stroke 5 was aimed at the crease between the slave's buttocks and thighs as Hugh was determined to keep the lines neat and parallel. The stroke in this extra-tender area was too much for Hugh and he lifted his hands from the bed to protect his flaming buttocks from further attack. After a pause, Guy said with mock disappointment, "oh dear, what a shame. We were nearly done and then you moved out of position and now I'm going to have to give you a penalty stoke." Hugh really started to beg at this news, "Please Master, I can't take it. It hurts so much. Pleeeeasse Master I'm so sorry. I'll never do it again" Guy was silently stroking himself while he listened to the plaintive appeal of his slave. "I tell you what, I'll help you take the rest like a good boy." He picked the silk tie he had dropped on the floor earlier, gently lifted Hugh's hands from his ass cheeks and tied his wrists together above his head. "Now you'll be able to take the last 2 without moving and earning more" Hugh remained silent until the next, diagonal stroke hit across all 5 of the previous ones. He cried out with the excruciating pain. He was panting so much that by the time he had got to "6 Sir, thank.." Guy had already moved position to give the final, diagonal stroke, completing a neat, red X across the 5 neat parallel stripes. Hugh was sobbing by now and the "7 Sir, thank you Sir" was pretty incoherent. Guy's thoughts were not concerned with diction though, as he aimed his aching cock straight for Hugh's lubed-up hole.

Given the previous order to lube himself, the immediate post-caning fuck should not have been a surprise for poor Hugh, but he was so concentrated on his pain, that the sudden, brutal invasion of Guy's rock hard dick was another painful shock, causing him to cry out again. Each of Guy's violent thrusts caused Hugh more pain, inside and out, but fortunately Guy was so turned on, he only lasted seconds before pulling out and shooting rope after rope of hot semen over his slave's burning arse.

"Corner time until I call you" ordered Guy as soon as he had calmed down enough to speak with a steady voice. He watched, fascinated, as Hugh struggled to get off the bed and into a standing position in the corner, his Master's cooling spunk making its way slowly down to his thighs over the raised ridges of his striped arse.

End of part 11

Next: Chapter 12

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