From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Mar 3, 2019


From Husband to slave Part 10 -- Hugh learns a lesson

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Guy left Hugh kneeling in front of him for several minutes, while he assessed the situation. On one hand, he knew he had messed up with the Rich incident. He had reacted on a whim when he received Rich's text and Hugh's first presentation to a friend as a slave should have been carefully planned. He was convinced that the Master/slave relationship would make them both happy in the long run, but he needed to ensure that Hugh didn't get freaked out in these early stages and want to abandon the whole idea.

On the other hand, Hugh had actually sworn at him and this egregious insolence should not be tolerated by any self-respecting Master.

Guy gently motioned his kneeling slave to stand up. "Had enough decompression time?" he asked in a caring tone of voice. "Yes, Master" replied Hugh quietly, head bowed. "Look at your Master" Hugh looked up, big brown eyes full of love, but also trepidation. "I've apologized for that unfortunate incident, but even though I had granted you decompression time, you should NEVER have dared to speak to your Master with such disrespect." Hugh nodded sadly "I know Sir, I am truly sorry." Guy continued, "you should be severely punished for that.....and I MEAN severely. You are very fortunate that you have a forgiving Master, but I will not overlook any example of such behaviour in future. Understood? "Yes Master" replied Hugh solemnly. "And this moment is the end of the `soft opening' period. From now on, the smallest infraction of your duties will be appropriately punished. In line with this new policy, there is something for you in the top drawer of my desk. Go and fetch it now."

Hugh went to the study and returned to Guy with a small pile of lined exercise books. On the front was embossed in very plain, gold lettering PUNISHMENTS' and on the back, the other way up, MASTER'S ORDERS' Guy explained that Hugh was to keep one of these books within reach at all times to note down orders to be carried out later and punishments due at a weekly punishment session on Sundays. Hugh gazed at the books. Guy must have ordered them especially and he was once again impressed about how much thought he had put into this Master business, but he also felt uneasy at the amount of pain these stylish looking books had the potential to contain.

While trying his utmost to follow Guy's rules to the letter for the rest of the weekend, Hugh found himself making several entries into the exercise books: forgetting to kneel on entering the room (even though he was carrying plates to the table); 2 strokes of the belt. Speaking without permission; 4 strokes of the belt. Failing to respond instantly to an order (Hugh had been washing up in the kitchen and paused to dry his hands); 4 strokes of the paddle.

As well as the faithfully recorded corporal punishments, Guy decided that Hugh would not be able to cum for a while. Obviously Hugh was on call for several blow jobs and a lengthy fucking, but under the new stricter rules, he knew better than to even ask for permission to cum himself. Guy made sure to grope Hugh's exposed ass cheeks at every opportunity and enjoyed seeing the almost constant wet patch in the front of his slave's jockstrap.

After Hugh had cleared away the breakfast dishes on Sunday morning, Guy announced that it was weekly punishment time. He ordered his slave to go the bedroom, lay out the paddle and a thick belt on the bed and wait for his Master. 15 minutes later, he sauntered into the bedroom and Hugh dropped to his knees, head bowed. "Fetch the punishment book" barked Guy and Hugh briefly left his kneeling position to retrieve the book from the dressing table. He held it out for Guy to inspect, but his Master had other ideas. "Read out your misdemeanors and the tariffs. Tariffs' was a legal term for the sentence Guy deemed appropriate for each crime' of Hugh's. Over the following months, Hugh came to dread Guy's `tariffs' as, despite the official terminology, they varied according to his Master's mood. Hugh only challenged this variation once, which resulted in a doubling of the tariff in question. After that, his only response was "Yes Master."

On this first punishment Sunday, Hugh did not question anything and read out his misdemeanors and punishments in a respectful tone. Guy ordered him to bend over the back of an armchair in the bedroom and held out the belt for him to kiss. "Count and thank" ordered Guy seconds before applying the first hard stroke to his slave's proffered backside. "1 Sir, thank you Sir" was Hugh's obedient response. By "6 Sir, thank you Sir" Hugh was having trouble getting the words out, but just about managed. Guy admired the reddened arse of his slave before saying in a generous tone, "You may thank me for the first part of your punishment, slave. Hugh raised himself off the chair and crawled to his Master's feet. As he started kissing, Guy said "if you show me you are particularly grateful, I may go lighter on you for the second part of the punishment." Hugh immediately went from kissing the bridge of his Master's foot, to full on toe sucking, which did indeed demonstrate his gratitude to his very content Master.

When Guy had enjoyed enough of the enthusiastic foot worship, he ordered Hugh back over the armchair and held out the paddle for him to kiss. After the belting and foot worship, Guy was hard and dripping pre-cum, so laid on 4 swift strokes of the paddle and immediately grabbed Hugh by the hair to swivel him round from the chair to his waiting dick. Hugh swallowed the whole of his Master's thick hard column in one go, making himself gag. "Wank" ordered Guy and Hugh gratefully obeyed, yanking his leaking cock out of his jockstrap. Seeing his slave so turned on after his punishment made Guy cum and the sudden spurt of his Master's spunk in his mouth set Hugh off, firing several ropes of pent up semen onto his Master's feet. After cleaning up every drop of his Master's spunk from his glistening nob, Hugh went down to clear up his own mess with a willing tongue.

On Monday morning, as Hugh was making the bed after seeing his Master off to work, he received a text -- Your first personal trainer session is at 11am -- report to Jay at the gym.' Hugh's heart sank as he typed in the required Yes Master.'

At 10.58 he was at the gym reception already changed into what Guy laughingly called his `collector's item' gym kit as it (up to now) had been so rarely used. A firm clap on the shoulder surprised Hugh and he turned round to find a very muscly Jay grinning at him. "Mr Everett, I presume" he said, holding out his hand." Hugh was delighted to hear his South African accent -- there was something naturally authoritative about it that really turned Hugh on. Maybe this gym lark wouldn't be too bad after all.

They started the workout and Jay was bantering, but strict with the slightly unfit Hugh. It was half an hour in when Hugh heard Jay say, "come on, 5 more boy." Hugh looked up from his press up position on the floor. "Jay, what exactly did Guy say to you when he booked this session with me?" Jay laughed, "Ha, I knew you'd crack sooner or later." Hugh looked puzzled. "Guy explained your set up to me, but said I wasn't to raise the subject before you did as you're a bit picky about who knows you are his slave." Hugh, already red in the face with the unaccustomed exertion, blushed deeper, looking round to see if anyone else had heard the `s' word. Luckily the gym was pretty quiet at this time of day. He didn't have time to think about his embarrassment as Jay was instructing more press ups, adding the order that Hugh had to kiss his trainers on each one. During the remaining 30 minutes Jay also used his foot rather than his hand to nudge Hugh's body into the various positions he required. Hugh was panting and sweating profusely by the time he heard the magic words, "OK, time's up." As they both headed for the changing room, Hugh felt Jay's meaty paw on his shoulder once again and before he knew it, he was being shoved through a side door into a towel store cupboard. Jay grinned as he pushed Hugh to his knees with the words "Guy said I could give you a treat if you worked hard enough and I think you've deserved this." He pulled out a short but very thick, uncut cock and gestured to Hugh to get to work. Jay casually fucked Hugh's throat for a while then pushed him down to lick his clean, soapy smelling balls before shooting a thick, creamy load over his sweaty face. "Help yourself" said Jay, laughing and pointing to the racks of hundreds of towels. With that, Jay tucked his now flaccid cock neatly back into his tracksuit bottoms and went back out into the gym, leaving Hugh to recover and clean himself up.

End of part 10

Next: Chapter 11

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