From Husband to Slave

By Hugh Everett

Published on Feb 4, 2019


From Husband to Slave Part 1 -- The Proposal

The celebration meal had gone well. Guy didn't usually talk much about work, but his excitement at the promotion to partner at 36 was a good excuse to be a little immodest. Hugh was proud of his ambitious husband and soaked up the corporate details. He was about to call the sommelier over to order 2 celebratory glasses of Armagnac, but Guy held his forearm down on the pristine white linen tablecloth. "Let's have a nightcap at home instead. I have a proposition for you." Hugh was intrigued, so asked for the bill and they were back home within 15 minutes.

Brandies poured, Hugh's curiosity could wait no longer "So, what's this proposition, man of mystery?" Guy paused to take a sip from the crystal glass, his blue eyes twinkling mischievously at the expectant Hugh. "Well, the partnership brings in a substantial salary increase and profit share. It's what you might call life changing, so I thought we could actually change our lives." Hugh looked puzzled, but before he could interrupt, Guy continued, speaking slowly and clearly. "Let me say my whole piece for you respond" Hugh nodded silently. "I know you work hard at your business, but with all your overheads, my new salary will actually be substantially more than you bring in, so I think you should give it up." Hugh opened his mouth to protest, but Guy raised an authoritative palm and continued, "My proposal is that instead of running an outside business, you become my full time house slave" Hugh was grateful that he hadn't taken a sip of brandy as he was sure he would have choked on it. "You're not serious?" "Perfectly serious" replied Guy in the same measured tone. "My new job will involve more stress and longer hours and it would be made a lot easier if I knew that my every need at home was taken care of by the person who knows me best" Guy paused, the twinkle in his eyes hardening a little, then added "without question"

Hugh's mind was racing. His instant reaction was astonishment that this mad idea of his husband's had come out of the blue, but after a few moments he began to remember the role playing that had been a part of their sex life when they were first going out, 10 years before. They had found the Master/slave games a huge turn on, but they always switched roles and those games had mostly petered out over the years. He found himself growing hard at the memories and the ever-observant Guy noticed immediately "I see you're not completely horrified by the idea." The twinkly eyes had returned. Hugh had a hundred questions, but as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, Guy's silencing palm was raised once again. "I'm going to outline the basics of how the new relationship would work. You can think about it over the next few days and then we can discuss it in more detail at the weekend. Hugh nodded, already feeling slightly in awe at the calm authority with which his husband was expressing himself. Guy continued "The fundamental thing about the Master/slave set up is that my word would be law. No arguing, no negotiation. You would follow my rules and any infraction or questioning of them would result in your being punished. I know you are already supportive of me and my career -- it's one of the many reasons I love you -- but this would be on another level. You would devote yourself to my wellbeing and pleasure and I would train you very specifically on all the services I expect. My decision would be final on every aspect of our lives, from where we live, to where we go on holiday, to what clothes you wear."

Hugh was trying to listen intently, but his brain was finding it hard to process the huge changes that Guy was suggesting. For some reason, the clothes thing was the most shocking. His secret Master/slave fantasies were mainly sexual. It hadn't occurred to him that his Master would decide what cut of jeans he could wear. Guy paused, inwardly pleased that Hugh was clearly taking his proposal seriously and thinking about the consequences. As if reading Hugh's mind, he continued "You would be able to see your friends and family, but on my terms and only with my express permission. Your main aim in life would be to please me and any other responsibilities you feel you have would be secondary to that"

The more Guy spoke, the more questions filled Hugh's mind, but he found himself tongue tied. Seeing that Hugh was a little overwhelmed, Guy softened his tone "Anyway, it's late and I have an early meeting, but before we go to bed, I seem to remember you promised me a promotion blow job when we were at the restaurant." Hugh instantly slid off the sofa where he had been sitting next to Guy and knelt between his legs. He carefully undid Guy's black leather belt and slowly began to unbutton his fly. His own erection was straining against the cotton and wool layers of this pants and trousers, but Guy's speech already seemed to have had an effect on his psyche and he decided he needed to concentrate entirely on his husband's pleasure, ignoring his own trapped hard on. He kissed and licked the white cotton of Guy's briefs until he could taste the precum mixed with his own saliva. He looked up into Guy's eyes and waited for the nod to pull the briefs very gently down, revealing the hard and leaking cock he had grown to know so well. Guy lifted himself slightly off the sofa so that Hugh could pull the pants and trousers down to his ankles in one, deft movement. Hugh went down to Guy's large, hairy balls and lapped at them with long, slow sweeps of his tongue. The taste of Guy's balls was something he never tired of and, after a long day in the office, the musk he loved so much was even more intense. Guy moaned in appreciation and Hugh could see the precum oozing down his rock-hard shaft. Glancing up to receive a second nod, Hugh moved from his husband's balls to the head of his cock, slurping the precum and licking around the head to elicit louder moans from Guy. Without warning, he slid his mouth down to the bottom of Guy's shaft, proud of himself that he could now take the whole cock, even if only for a second or 2 before he started to gag. He went slowly back up the shaft for more knob licking before plunging rapidly back down. Again, after a couple of seconds, he began to pull off, but Guy's hands were suddenly on the top of his head, holding him in place. "You have to keep my cock in your throat for 6 seconds" he ordered and began the slow count. By 5, Hugh was gagging violently and is eyes were streaming. On the count of 6, Guy let him up so that only the cockhead was still in his compliant husband's mouth. Guy allowed Hugh's breathing to calm down before calmly giving his next order: "Again, but you do it yourself this time, without me holding you down and you count silently in your head." Hugh obeyed immediately and gagged for the proscribed count before slowly backing off his husband's now soaking cock. 2 more silent counts with Guy's cock buried deep in Hugh's throat was enough to send him into a powerful orgasm. Hugh gratefully swallowed the whole load and gently licked his husband's cockhead clean. Normally after this kind of session, Hugh would have quickly got out his own cock and wanked with the taste of his husband's seed still on his lips, but after tonight's discussions, he felt he needed to ask permission. Guy once again seemed to read his mind "Yes, you can cum, but into your hand, then you have to lick it up and swallow it." Guy knew that Hugh didn't really like eating his own cum, so was surprised at the instant nod from his kneeling partner. Having virtually ripped off his own pants and trousers, it took only a few tugs of Hugh's right hand for him to spurt onto his left. Looking up adoringly at Guy, he licked his left hand clean, swallowing the copious load he had just produced. He smiled, blushing, and silently beckoned Guy to bed

End of Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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