From Hans to Carlos

By jmidas

Published on Mar 11, 2022


Controls Jeff Midas (AJ) Interracial, True story "From Hans to Carlos"

All the characters and events in this story are based on true events. Names have been changed to protect identities. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional.

The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at

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From Hans to Carlos

This recollection haunts me to this day. It is both arousing to revisit and so disappointing that this adventurous chapter came to an end of my own doing. To save myself, it had to end.

Hans came into my life on that night at Roberts with the collection of buds who adopted me into their world of sex and smoke. I had been reborn. There was no closet to come out of because here is where I found my zone. I discovered my talents, had a purposeful place and lust was the driving force. I had become an object of use that served me well and those I served.

Hans took me beyond that and into a dangerous world of sex, smoke and money.

Hans bred me when I was vulnerable and craving to break self-imposed barriers of body and mind. Smoke had carried me into this world. Sex and money kept me there a while.

After almost being split apart with his huge dick, I learned that it was a good 11 inches long and thick, very thick. Sorry, I can't recall the circumference but my hand around his shaft was insignificant. As hot as that may sound, Hans was challenged to find an ass that could not just take his dick, but fully submit wantonly to sex that could injure a less endowed manhole.

As the old saying goes, birds of a feather stick together. Over endowed black men stick together. When one finds a suitable subject, the word gets out. It almost sounds like the set for a porn movie but this shit was real. Scary real.

Hans insisted I meet him the following week which gave me enough time to recover from the Thursday night onslaught. He made sure during the intervening days that I was good. I had to look back later to realize that I had become his boy.

I had gone from paperboy to fuck boy in less than a year. My own body had matured and developed nicely. Even my own dick matured into a nice dick, almost 8 inches. I rarely thought of fucking an ass though but I loved getting it sucked. Mostly it exploded when I was getting fucked. My objective during sex was to have an over fucked prostate orgasm, an incredible rush of mind and body.

Hans knew me better than I knew myself when it came to sex. He read me like a book. A dick that could press my button and make me explode satisfied his world and completed mine.

Hans liked to brag too and shared the news of his new fuck boy with his friends, his clique of big dicks. Big doesn't cover it though and saying huge is just too cliché.

These men were overly blessed with hormones too, ones that developed muscles, mass and attitude. When around any one of them I could smell the hormonal scent of lust. There was no attitude of measuring up. It was just about sex, satisfying their personal desires and jockeying to be top dog who could make his bitch addicted to him and his powerful dick.

I should have been intimidated, totally scared, but I was drunk on the attention. My head convinced me I was a rock star in their world where a dark dick sliding in and out of a white ass was a trophy.

That first Friday night with Hans started with a meetup at his place, an older house in an older neighborhood a few miles away. I like older houses for sex, just feels good.

Hans met me at the door wearing a tight tee and lounging slacks but didn't speak. Me at 6'2", 175lbs, seemed small compared to him in every dimension. Hans was a muscled mass of a man and stood about 6'4". And that dick, wow.

My ass had had a few days to recover from last week's fuck fest but, now, when presented with the presence of this man and dick again, I became a little nervous. Could I take it again? Would he be as happy with my ass tonight as he was last week?

There was no turning back now I thought. And that commitment made my dick get hard as fuck. The unknown made it hot as fuck to think about.

I followed Hans into the Kitchen where he poured shots of tequila for both of us. Threw those back and he poured another. Then a third.

Hans peeled off his shirt and pulled me in by the back of my neck and kissed me hard. His tongue was powerful and probed my lips and mouth aggressively. His stubble scraped my face and I could taste his salty sweat.

He then moved my mouth to his left nipple that was hard and erect while his hand began to probe my ass cheeks through my jeans. I worked both nipples roughly while making sure that I didn't hurt them. I had jerked a little when I used my teeth a little too aggressively. He didn't say anything but I go the message.

Then he spoke to me for the first time that night.

"Caden is going to enjoy your ass too so you best be up for some major fucking."

I had suspected there'd be someone else here but I had no idea who Caden was. If there was anyone else there or coming there, I didn't ask about. It wasn't my place. My place was to take whatever was presented to me.

"Caden! Come in here, now! You, strip."

In moments I was naked and vulnerable to whatever came my way. Hans untied the drawstring to his loungers and stepped toward me with that huge dick swinging slightly as he moved. It was heavy.

Caden came into the kitchen and was already butt naked with a dick not quite as thick as Hans' dick but just as long. Caden was a beautiful man, shorter than me, handsome, defined and hung, already chubbin' up.

"Hans says you got good ass. You damn well better have good ass cuz' I'm going to fuck you like a bitch. Got it?"

Before I could even muster up an answer, Hans put an arm under each of my arms lifting me off the floor while Caden picked up my feet, then pushed straight up so my hole was in his face where he buried his tongue. He jostled me about a little to get better leverage allowing my legs to rest on each shoulder. Caleb continued to eat my manhole with a passion. I had been served up on a platter so to speak and it was hot as fuck.

"Fuck yeah, this is good man."

I'm not really sure how we traveled from the kitchen to the bedroom where loud music thumped and porn played on the TV, but we did. We came to rest on the bed where Caden continued to pierce my hole with his tongue and drive me crazy.

Hans was allowing this scene to play out in front of him and allow Caden to become fully acquainted with my ass. Hans dangled his huge dick over my head and teased me at first. It dripped onto my face, onto my lips and it was that familiar salty, savory man juice, a prelude to what was to come.

I used my tongue on the slit in his huge dick head and savored the juices. Getting inside his dick through that slit was so fucking hot. Hans liked the attention I was giving him while Caden changed up his position to fuck.

Now that Caden was hard, I could see that it grew in length and width from earlier. Holy fuck! With a slight upward curve, his dick loomed to destroy my manhole.

He pressed his dick head against the hole he had prepped with his tongue and mouth. Thank god he had slathered it up with slick oil to assist with it's entry.

The head pushed against my hole, not entering at all at first because of it's size. He pushed harder and I pushed my hole out. Damn, I pushed even more before I felt the head slip past the outer ring. Damn!

I imagined someone taking a fist and it couldn't be any harder. Caden knew his presence in me was daunting and paused while allowing me to adjust. Hans sprayed something into a cloth and put it to my mouth. Almost immediately I felt faint, a high, and more eager than ever to take more of that dick.

Obviously, I wasn't the first pony to be broken in at this ranch. I felt the head slowly move inward, deeper into my guts. More and more he pushed and the buzz allowed me to soak in the pain as pleasure.

After a few moments of wonder, I felt Caden's pelvis against my groin, pressing down on my dick and balls. My god, he was all the way in.

Caden grinned and then began to rhythmically stoke himself in and out of my ass. Hans put the moist cloth to my mouth again with instructions to breath deep. I took it in, breathing it deeply into my lungs and totally succumbed to taking that big dick.

I seemed to pass out momentarily and awakened not knowing quite where I was or what was happening. My senses adjusted and that dick sliding in and out felt awesome, the fuck of a lifetime to me. In my sudden daze I couldn't even recall how I got like this or who was fucking me.

My eyes adjusted and my senses came back as I watched this god-like man, this tight muscled, flawless caramel skinned sex machine with blue eyes intently pumping his huge dick in and out of my manhole. I had almost forgotten about Hans who hovered behind my head, watching, savoring the sight before him.

"Did I lie? Isn't that some damn good ass he's puttin' out for you?" Hans said in his low, deep voice. "He can take it good."

In that moment Caden leaned in over me more closely, arched his back and picked up the pace. He was on a mission to fill my ass up good. He tensed up, pumped faster and I could feel his dick enlarge within my man slot. The pain was real as he furnished my prostate with a heavy pounding.

Caden uttered sounds only made in times of completion, almost a scream, he said nothing intelligible as he let go inside my guts. I could feel my cavity being hosed down with volleys of cum. Cum was oozing out of my own dick forced out from the prostate pounding it had received.

Caden made an athletic leap up onto the bed landing with his knees on each side of by chest. Clean it up. I want to see you savor my juices.

Hans had moved off the bed and positioned himself for my next assault. "Remember what I told you last week. I like a man pussy good creamy for me to fuck. Your ass should be good and stretched now. It's going to get stretched even more."

A lit pipe was placed in my mouth by Caden. "Inhale deep. You're going to need it."


Caden took it from me, lit up the bowl again and took a deep breath of the smoke. Then he leaned in to lock lips and force his smoke into me. "Suck it in."

As my head began to buzz and fade, my ass tingled, burned. Hans had a finger in my ass and he seemed to shove something up in there. Wow, something was causing me to have incredible feelings and senses.

In that deep voice, Hans explained, "That will help you get through the night here. You won't need sleep. You'll need dick, lots of dick."

"You'll want to cum so fucking bad but only we can make that happen for you by pounding your hole. You're going to beg for it all night."

I had not even noticed yet that Hans had the head of that humongous dick knocking at the door to my ass. He pressed it hard against me. I pressed back, hungry for it, until it slid in past the outer ring. Mother fuck!

How the hell can one hurt like this and want more hurt? I was beggin' for hurt now, beggin' for dick. Having his dark shaft moving in and out of me now was incredible. Hans would pull it all the way out then press inward as he shoved it to the max. Over and over he repeated his tortuous method and I repeated my pleas to continue.

My body was on the verge of cumming with an explosion that never quite got there so I begged for more. The pleasure and pain mixed in my body and mind. "Fuck me! Hurt me! More! Don't stop!"

Somewhere during all of that Caden pressed the freshly soaked cloth into my mouth. I knew to breathe, breathe deep. My mind eased and faded while my body relaxed, gave in to the pounding.

Caden had surely judged Hans perfectly with the setup because Hans' dick enlarged, swelled within my guts.

He exploded.

He stopped in mid stroke as cum gushed into my depths. I could feel the pulses and the thick juice splash in my gut.

Normally, I would have been spent, exhausted. I caught my breath but my ass wanted more and I didn't understand. I had been fucked completely by two extremely talented and sex crazed men with huge dicks, dicks that would injure most men. And I wanted more.

Hans and Caleb knew I wanted more. No, actually, they knew I needed more.

While I caught my breath, Hans snapped one of those modified slings to a hook over the bed. Each ankle was secured in a strap and lifted upward. Each arm received the same treatment. I was fully exposed and secured.

My ass was leaking cum badly when Caleb said, "Let it out. I want to see our cum drain from that hole." He wiped me up with a rag.

"Why am I secured like this? Are you going to fuck me more?", I asked with hope of getting more of those dicks. My body was craving more.

"Maybe later when you're done we will fuck you some more," Hans said in a very deliberate tone. "For sure, you're getting more dick."

"Wait. What? When I'm done?" I stammered and had no idea what I was in store for or was about to endure.

I was then blindfolded and a pipe pressed between my lips. I inhaled. I knew the drill. Another finger made its way into my ass that was returning to normal after being stretched by huge dick. Something else was inserted and I heard, "There, that should keep him hungry for dick all night whether he's conscience or not."

I should have been scared but I was more horny than fearful. I could feel my own dick and balls hanging loosely between my legs, vulnerable, but sensuously resting. My asshole was my focus, itching for more dick. If I could take more dick, I didn't know. It seemed that I had no choice in the matter although I was primed to partake of whatever came my way.

In my daze and state of restraint, it got rather quiet for a moment. Then voices emerged and there was a rumble of man voices, deep voices, powerful voices. My lack of sight while being blindfolded heightened my awareness of sound in anticipation of what might happen.

"Damn, man, that man pussy ready for this? All lubed up? Stretched out some for this man tool? Who gonna' hold that muthafucka' back when I drill him good like he's never been fucked before? Is that you fucker?"

"You gonna like this pussy... that's all I'm sayin' man. You gonna love this fuck boy pussy."

I was less than human there for a moment, the object of abuse for another man's pleasure. Fear began to take hold but I braced for whatever it was that was going into my hole. My ass demanded it, craved it, ached to be hurt again.

The familiar soaked rag suddenly was stuffed into my mouth. I had to breathe it in. Again, I took deep breaths and totally relaxed in a faded state of desire and lust. It made my dick hard again, rigidly hard. I went blank for a moment, not fully conscious while something pressed against my hole.

That couldn't be a dick. It was too big. Holy fuck, someone was trying to fist me!

I felt no fingers though, just the blunt, hard end of...a dick. Then I heard a voice, a low, raspy, manly voice. "Open up, fuck boy. I'm told that you're man enough to take it so, open up. Your boys owe me some money so we worked a deal for me to take it out of your ass. That's about to happen, so, open that fuck hole up, now."

I could not believe what I heard. In my haze, I realized that I had been bartered like a flea market trinket. I couldn't focus on that now because I was about to be split apart.

I wanted to be hurt, to feel a big dick craving my ass and giving me painful pleasure. "Go ahead, show that cock in, man. Shove it the fuck in!"

Suddenly a moist rag was stuffed in my mouth again. I was relieved to know it would help me relax, open up and turn pain into pleasure. After a couple of inhales, I was getting there. I expected the shove but lips locked on mine again. A lung full of smoke was forced into mine.

I still could see nothing but now fully understood what my purpose was this night. I was about to imagine the scene in my mind when I began to push back on the onslaught headed into my ass. I opened and yet it wasn't enough.

Pushing harder, still harder and suddenly the head entered my outer ring with a pop. Fuck!! It hurt but I craved the hurt.

"Fuck yeah!" I screamed. "Give me that monster dick!"

The rhythm started and I succumbed to an incredible fuck. I could feel every vein and pulse of that dick as it snaked in and out of my ass. It should have hurt more but having been stretched already, I adapted. I could feel cum rising in my own dick with each stroke too due to the massive abuse given my prostate. There really was no escape from being so close to exploding. The smoke made it last though and I kept begging for it to not end.

While I couldn't release at will it felt like I was so close, that state where nothing matters but allowing the cum to shoot. I crept closer, so intensely close. Someone finally called his name, "Sage."

"Sage, you gonna kill that man pussy! His head's gonna pop off when you cum like that!" said I voice I did not recognize.

Suddenly I went from pleasure to pain as this already humongous dick tensed, got harder, and edged to an inevitable explosion of cum in my ass. This fuckin' dick hurt like shit! Hard as a brick, it was about to destroy my guts.

My dick had oozed out cum all over my abs and then he hit the high note. God almighty, never had a dick convulsed so hard in my ass. Cum was sliding out with each slowing stroke until he stopped.

There was silence. My immediate universe was consumed with feeling that dick continue to pulse and cum. I lost count of the volleys and lost consciousness for a moment or two. It seemed like it'd never stop twitching.

Did I fall asleep?

Maybe I died because this was like heaven, the end of a journey, a magnificent ending.

How could I want more?

Someone leaned over me and I could feel body heat and sweat. The man scent was strong, seductive, primitive. Lips locked with mine again and once more I was forced to take in a lung full of smoke. Again, a finger pushed something into my ass and a voice said, "There. Give into it. It will take effect quickly."

Surely, I smelled of nothing but sex and cum mixed with sweat, an aroma suited for a slut, a trashy cum whore. And there I was wallowing in the ecstasy of it all.

"Is this the one?" whispered a new voice heard in the darkness of my blindfold.

"Yes, sir. He's prepped. Definitely the man for you tonight." Replied a strangely familiar voice. In my foggy brain, I couldn't pin it down. "He can take it? All of it?"

That was pretty much all I remembered for a while that night as I woke up later on a bed, wrapped in a blanket.

I was spent, totally exhausted and strangely satisfied at the moment.

The blindfold was gone and I could see someone standing in the shadows of the doorway to my bedroom, someone's bedroom.

"You dun good, man. Never seen someone take so much big dick, huge dick. Drink more water, lots of it. You need to hydrate back up. Stay as long as you need, man, sleep it off before heading home. Carlos wants you back again next week and sez that's some damn good ass."

"Who are you? And, Carlos? Who the hell is Carlos?"

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