From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Nov 25, 2015



After Master sold the book rights to the latest Ted Elliott Doctor Detective series to Livingston Productions, he used some of the money from the sale to buy a fishing camp. He also bought furniture for the inside and the outside of the camp and invested the rest of the money in our retirement funds. His camp is about two hours from his home in Billings, MT. Of course, the title for the property is in his name.

With the big and controversial court case set to start in about one month, Master has been flying to Washington, DC, or Austin every week. Last week he was so tired when he got home, he didn't have his fun with me in his playroom at all. He fucked me twice last week after he got home without even tying me up.

Usually after I clean the dining room and kitchen after dinner, Master lets me join him in the living room or in his office. He often has me sit between his legs, and then he wraps them around me, to use me as his footrest, while we read or watch television. In this position, my back is to him, so that if we watch television, I am usually allowed to watch it as well. Every night last week he had me sit in my slave corner of the living room and read while he rested on the sofa.

Right before he left for this last trip, I trimmed his toenails and then used the emery board to file them, and that's all I did. He often allows me worship his feet or lick the emery board residue off his toes, but he didn't do anything he usually likes to do. After holding each of his feet up for him to inspect my work, he told me I had done a good job and to let him rest. I brought him a pillow and blanket, and I went to my slave corner so I wouldn't disturb him.

I'm just worried about him; how much longer can he go at this fast pace and not get sick? He told me before he left he left his home a few days ago that after this trip, he wouldn't be so busy. I hope he's right.

At 12:15 on Wednesday afternoon, I was just walking in the door from my part-time teaching job at the university. The plan for the afternoon was to spend part of it on a revision to a magazine article and then work on my next novel when the house phone rang. Seeing Brian Clark appear on the caller ID was a nice surprise.

"Hello Master; I'm just walking in the house. I love you and miss you so much."

"I love and miss you too. I wasn't sure if you'd be home yet; I was about to call your cell phone. Slaveboy, I'm in Washington about to board a plane; I'll be home in a few hours, and I want you to meet me at the airport. Now listen carefully to my instructions."

"Yes Master."

" Since last Thursday, I've worked over ninety hours; I am exhausted. I want time to relax, so we'll be going to my fishing camp and will stay until Sunday. Here are your instructions I expect to be completed by the time I get home:

"Pack the van with your work materials; you may work there; I know you have upcoming deadlines. Keep your doctor's appointment you have this afternoon. Go to the store and buy food and snacks for us for five days. Gas up the van and have its oil changed. You have my permission to use the credit card for all of these errands. As always, bring me the receipts. Pack clothes for us: casual and dress, and don't forget to pack our fishing gear. I'll decide when I get home if we'll leave this evening or first thing in the morning."

Doing the errands Master gave me, along with my doctor's appointment left me with just enough time to get to the airport to meet him. I was like a kid at Christmas when I saw his plane descend on the runway. A few minutes later, passengers from his flight started walking through the gate. And then, I saw him.

He sauntered through the gate showing the confidence and refinement of an aristocrat. He was wearing tan slacks, a navy blue, button down shirt, and tan loafers. His leather briefcase was hanging from a strap on his right shoulder, and he was holding a carry on bag in his left hand. His beard was trimmed very short as he usually keeps it, and his smile to me made me weak in my knees.

He hugged me so lovingly and so tightly and smiled at me again. He then told me to follow him to the bathroom, and I walked my required one step behind him. We went in the handicap stall, and he locked the door. He was smiling at me, and then I felt his tongue down my throat. I sighed in ecstasy. All too soon, however, he removed it.

"Go to the conveyor belt, get my suitcase, and let's go home."

When we got home, Master walked inside, and I unloaded the car. He started opening up the mail and going through it. I am not allowed to open the mail unless Master gives me permission to do so, as he did when he was gone from his house for almost a month. The dogs were so glad to see him, and he started playing with them while I was still unloading his car. As I was bringing in his suitcase, he told me, "Take that suitcase to the bedroom; get in your uniform, and meet me in the living room."

In two minutes, I went back to the living room and saw that Master was sitting in his new overstuffed chair. A box that was delivered two days earlier was on the side of him. Now naked, I kneeled in front of him and lowered my head. Master was going through the mail, and without looking up he said, "Submit."

With my body arched and my head at Master's feet, I could feel him moving around, but I couldn't really tell what he was doing. I could then hear him open up the box, which was on his side a few minutes before. He started laughing. His laughter kept getting louder and louder. I couldn't see what was in the box that was making him laugh so hard.

After about a minute, he stopped laughing, and he then told me to take off his shoes and socks. As I was taking off his socks, he started laughing even harder. He rolled to his right side and was laughing so hard; his now unsocked right foot hit me in the mouth by accident. With my head still lowered, I started laughing too because Master's laughing was so contagious. He then asked me, "Why is my slave laughing?"

"I'm sorry, Master. Your laughter is so contagious; it's making me laugh. I just couldn't help myself."

"Oh, Slave, you'll discover the reason I'm laughing soon enough." With that he started laughing again, and so did I. Then he told me to kneel at attention.

Kneeling straight up, with my hands behind my back, and staring straight ahead, he then got up from his chair. I realized the first movement I felt was Master taking off his shirt. He walked around me like he normally does right before he punishes me. I tensed up as he stopped and just stood directly behind me. The whole time he was inspecting me, I was trying to figure out what I had done to upset him enough to be receiving a punishment. Master told me to unzip and remove his slacks, and I did.

"Crawl to the playroom, and submit."

Master walked in the room a few minutes later and took a few of his sex toys off the bed. I still wasn't sure why I was being punished. He then walked in front of me with his feet in my face and stood there for a minute or two. I was so nervous anticipating what my punishment would be and why was I was being punished? I have always tried to make Master proud of me by hopefully becoming a well- trained model slave who he can depend on and not have to punish very often, if at all. Why won't Master tell me why I am being punished; what have I done that is so severe he will not tell me?

Master then said, "Kiss each one of my toes."

I kissed each toe, and then he moved his toes up and down my face. I was hoping he would then let me suck his toes, but instead he moved his feet away from me. He walked out of the room for a few minutes and left me in my submit position. The longer I waited for Master to return, the more anxiety filled my body.

For the life of me, I could not think of what I could have done to upset Master enough to get punished: I ran the errands he told me to do. I went grocery shopping; I took care of the car maintenance, and I was on time at the airport. The only thing I could figure was that I did not ask his permission if I could laugh. Punished for laughter? If Master thinks this incident is worthy enough to punish me, I welcome it as an opportunity to learn from my mistake in my journey to become the slave he wants me to become.

Master walked back into the room, and with my head still on the floor, I could see that he was wearing his flip-flops. Since he wasn't wearing his leather boots, my punishment would not be as severe. Given permission to lift my head up, I could see he was in a pair of his silk underwear, and no leather at all was on his body. I was given some mercy; now, if only he will let me know why I am being punished.

"Get up and walk to the hooks on the wall."

He met me there and put handcuffs on my wrists and then lifted my arms to attach the cuffs to the hooks. His beautiful hairy chest brushed up against my face as he was checking my movability. I basically could not move my hands or arms at all in this position. He then came up to me and asked me if I knew why I was being restrained.

" I laughed without your permission."

"Slaveboy, I would never punish you for laughing; I loved it when you were laughing with me. In fact, this laughter has given me a new energy and finally helped me to relax after this ridiculous work schedule I've had the last few months. Slaveboy, right now you have no idea what I have planned for you, but I promise you, I'll thoroughly enjoy it."

"Please have mercy if I did something to upset you, Master."

" Shut up and stop feeling sad, Slaveboy. You're not being punished; well, you're about to be tortured. But, it's a fun torture; I know I'll enjoy every minute of it" I did not ask for permission to speak in hoping Master would explain what he had planned for me.

"Over the weekend, I bought a new sex toy. Don't worry; I've already added it to your lifelong bill to my playroom account. You're about to make another payment in just a few minutes. I really hope you enjoy this new toy as much as I will. And even if you don't, I'll still have fun watching my slave suffer."

The look of terror on my face must have been very obvious because Master told me this would not hurt me. With that said, he then grabbed my balls with his fists and squeezed them with all his strength. I screamed from the pain. With my scream, he released my balls and squeezed them again even harder. I bent my legs and butt downward from the pain, and he told me to lift up and to stay up. Nipple clamps were then put on my pecs, and he pulled on them as hard as he could. He then used his hands and smacked my balls a few times. He then walked to the bed and grabbed his new toy.

"Slaveboy, over the weekend, I discovered a really unique store that sells sex toys. I saw this and remembered those times when we were first married when I tickled you and how ticklish you are. I remember watching you squirm wherever I tickled you and how horny it would make me. This is a vibrating tickler, and although it won't hurt you, the torture from having your dick and crotch tickled will be amusing, at least to me."

"Please Master, please no tickling," as I let out a regretful laugh knowing he would not change his mind. Master held up the tickler up to my face and showed me all five speeds.

"Should I start on five, the most intense, and go down to one, the mildest? Damn, why am I being so nice to my slave? Okay, I'll be nice. I'll start with one and build up to five."

"Master, please anything but tickling;" he ignored my cry for mercy.

"Where are my slave's manners; aren't you going to thank me for being so nice to you?"

"Thank you, Master, for being so nice to me."

"You're very welcome. My slave has such good manners."

Master was now standing directly in front of me. Once again his beautiful hairy chest was rubbing against my face as he released my right hand from the hook and repositioned it to make it even more secure. His armpit were now directly over my mouth. I was trying to inhale its masculine smell. Master noticed me doing this.

"Slave, you may lick your Master's armpit. Rub your nose and feel my armpit hair, which is reserved for free men. I licked my Master's pits for a few minutes, and then he pulled away and said it was time to begin his fun."

"Master, may I please get spanked instead of tickled?"

"No, that wouldn't be as much fun right for your Master. I can blister your ass afterwards if you are begging me to spank you Do you want a spanking after this?"

"No, Master; just please no tickling."

" Request denied."

Knowing how ticklish I am, Master told me, "Slave, try not to squirm too much. I expect the hooks to remain in the wall when we're finished."

"Please Master, please anything but tickling."

"Stop your begging," and he slapped my face. "I will not tolerate whining from my slave. Apologize to your Master."

"I'm sorry, Master; please forgive me for begging."

"Apology accepted," as he readjusted and tightened the nipple clamps. "Slave; I'm looking forward to watching you struggle the harder and longer I tickle you." His dick was now hard and he pulled on the clamps even harder.

He then moved forward and his body was once again touching mine. Looking me in the eye, he said, "This torture is going to be so damn hilarious. It's going to be fun watching how you'll twist and turn, squirm, and beg me to stop rubbing my new toy across your sorry slave ass body. I love being a Master." And with that said, he clicked the machine on, held my dick in his left hand, and started tickling the head of my dick.

I immediately started laughing. Soon Master held it there for a few seconds, I started laughing and was moving back and forth against the wall as he moved it all along the shaft of my dick. The more he tickled me and the longer he held it on my balls, the more I twisted and turned begging for him to please stop. I tried to close my legs to avoid him and the tickler, but he would then smack my balls and tell me to stand up straight.

Moving my body back and forth to try to resist the tickler didn't help at all. Between laughing and struggling, I asked Master to please stop.

"Shut up, Slave; I'm enjoying this," and he slapped my balls once more for not appreciating his new toy. "Look slave, my dick keeps getting harder the more you squirm."

He moved the vibrator to my underarms, pecs, and neck, and I continued my laugh of torture. Master was laughing and telling me how much he liked seeing me squirming and trying to avoid those electronic hands. He held it against my balls for two minutes without moving it, and I was laughing so hard and again begging Master to please stop.

Master stopped for a minute for me to catch my breath. He said, "This is not a long break.'

"Yes Master, I was trying to catch my breath from laughing so hard."

"Slave, it just dawned on me that you did not thank me for buying you a new toy. You're being rude, and I know I trained my slave to have better manners. My feelings are hurt right now" He then hit my balls five times with the head of the tickler.

"I'm sorry, Master. Thank you for the new toy; I love it."

He then hit my balls five more times with the tickler. "Now your Master feels better. Take a few deep breaths and when you're ready, say, 'Master, please have your fun."

I took about five deep breaths and tried to catch my breath. Master said, "Slave, what are you waiting for?"

I took a few more deep breaths.

"Slave, I've been waiting and getting very impatient here."

"Master, please have your fun."

Master walked back up to me and gave me five whacks to my balls with his hands because I took too long in my request for him to have his fun. Then he turned the machine back on, ran it under my pits and quickly going back down to my balls. He then said, "I wonder if a man who is blessed with a nice hairy crotch would find this ticklish at all?"

He then lowered his underwear and rubbed the machine against his balls. Master is not ticklish at all. He then said, "I guess that's it; a man with a nice hairy crotch would not find this machine effective. Why is your crotch hairless?"

"I'm a slave and do not have hair in areas of manhood."

"That's right; you're a slave."

We were still on the first setting, and he left it there for a few seconds. I was laughing and trying to bend down as if I could avoid it touching me. I was laughing so hard and kept thinking if this is the first setting; five will kill me. My stomach was hurting because of all the laughing I was doing.

Master was enjoying watching me struggle with the cuffs and laughing wherever he place the vibrating monster. The more I would try to close my legs to avoid the tickler, the longer he kept it on me. I was sweating, and my stomach was hurting from laughing so hard from this tickle torture.

"Ok Slave, take another short rest before I continue. Damn this is fun."

Laughing so hard had gotten me thirsty; my heart was racing. I asked Master if I could have a drink of water. He brought a glass up to my mouth and said, "Here, drink this slowly." He then started pulling on the nipple clamps for a little while.

Master then sat down and said, "Slave, get ready, the next round is about to begin."

He then looked at his toy and laughed again because he realized when he was showing the settings to me, he had turned the tickling vibrator on the opposite side. It was on five, the most intense setting instead of on one, the mildest setting. He was now laughing so hard at his mistake that he almost fell out of his chair.

"This is so damn funny. Fifteen more minutes on setting five since you're now used to it and seem to be enjoying it it so much. Then your slave ass is going to get pumped good and hard.

Those fifteen minutes seemed like fifteen hours. Master did not give me any rest. When he finished, I was sweating and my heart was racing. He then came up to me and kissed me on my forehead. He then told me how much fun he had doing this and asked me if I had anything to say. I knew he wanted me to thank him, or I might be facing more severe and intense punishment.

I said, Thank you the tickle torture, Master. I enjoyed it"

"You're welcome, Slave; I'm so glad you had as much fun as I did. Since you're enjoying the fifth setting so much, I'll have to see if there's a more intense tickler so you can keep having fun too."

He then lifted my hands from the hooks on the wall and unlocked the handcuffs. With his hand, he moved me back to the wall and told me to kneel. On my knees he was now towering over me when he said, "That got me so fucking horny."

He then walked up to me and my mouth welcomed his fully erect dick. I licked and sucked on his balls too. He was pumping my mouth so deep and showing me no mercy. "Keep sucking, Slave; suck Master's manhood." A few minutes later, he pulled his dick out of my mouth and said, "Rub your slave face in my crotch. Crotch hair is reserved for slaves like you to worship," and he was rubbing his crotch all across my face."

A few minutes later, he lifted me up and bent me over the side of the bed. Rubbing my butt with K-Y jelly, I then felt him inside me. His first thrust came so quickly and was so rough, my back rose in mid air pushing me deeper across the bed. The more he pumped me, the harder his dick got.

A few minutes later I felt Master's superior dick getting harder the deeper he went inside me. Both of his hands were soon on my pecs. As he continued fucking me, he was also squeezing my pecs; the harder he fucked me, the harder he squeezed my pecs. He was horny and showed no signs of cumming anytime soon. He pumped and pumped my ass, and the longer he was inside me, the harder his dick became. Soon his superior seed was going inside me, and my sore buns welcomed every drop he pumped inside me. It felt so good.

Master then told me to go to my slave bathroom and shower. He would go to the bathroom in his bedroom and shower too. He wanted to leave for the camp as soon as possible. He said we would eat somewhere on the way there, but he wanted to leave soon.

As I was walking out of the playroom, Master said, "Slave, come here."

I turned around, walked back to Master, and was about to kneel. He told me to stand up. He looked me in the eyes and said, "Master had a great time just now." He then squeezed my balls for over a minute. "I can't wait to use the ball stretcher and the tickler at the same time."

Next: Chapter 10

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