From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Oct 30, 2015



Master's law firm chose him to head the defense team for an upcoming and very controversial court case. He's been working in both Washington, D.C., and in their corporate office in Austin, Texas for a little over three weeks. He's flying home today so we can spend tomorrow, Thanksgiving day, with his dad and family. We'll be staying at the ranch through the holiday and leave early on Sunday morning to come home. On Saturday, my father-in-law and several of his friends will be going out of town to attend the funeral of one of their former high school classmates. It's probably a safe bet to make that Master has already made plans for us to then visit the abandoned bunkhouse.

During a flight layover in Denver, he called and told me that I would not have to meet him at the airport. Peter, the office messenger, would be picking him up and driving him home. He told me to have everything packed in my slave van and be prepared to leave this afternoon because icy roads and light snow in the morning could make it difficult to drive on some of the old country roads. He said he was extremely tired, and although he wanted to have fun with me in his playroom, it was better if we got on the road this afternoon so the driving would be easier.

He dictated a list of several errands I was to complete before he got home and told me to stay dressed so we wouldn't have to waste time for me to do this later. Unless I am serving Master dinner or we have company, I am kept naked. I am allowed to leave the house to go to my part-time teaching position at the university, but I must have permission to leave at all other times, unless it is in a case like this when I am given errands to complete. Even though he would call me at least once a day in his absence, I still wanted to be home to greet him when he walked through the door because I missed him so much.

Master hates to drive my slave van but wanted to go to an estate sale over the weekend, and it has more room than the trunk on his BMW. I packed the van and then took his car to run the errands. Every place I went to had longer than usual lines since Thanksgiving was the next day. When I got home, Master was already there.

He was lying in bed and had fallen asleep when I walked into his bedroom. He was still dressed in his navy blue suit pants, light blue shirt, and his tie was lying on the side of him. His shoes were off, but he was still wearing blue nylon socks. He looked so peaceful. How does he get more handsome every day? I wanted to hug him so badly, but I decided to let him sleep. Walking quietly out of the room, I then heard him call, "Slaveboy."

"Master, I'm so glad you're home," as I kneeled on the side of the bed.

"Slaveboy, I'm so glad to see you too. Get up, I want to give you a hug."

He then got up and hugged me so tight I could hear him breathing. It was so warm and tender, and it felt so good to be in his arms. I was moaning with happiness and thought that if God decided to end the world, this is how I would want it to end-in my Master's arms. He pushed me back, stared at me for a moment, and then pulled me back to continue our hug. He is a terrific hugger.

"Slaveboy, I missed you so much. I can't tell you how many times I thought about you over the past three weeks. It's good to be home." He then motioned for me to once again kneel on the side of the bed.

"I missed you too, Master. I'm so glad you're home."

I was now kneeling and looking up to him. He said how it was so good to be home because the corporate apartment where he had been staying was tastefully decorated but had the most uncomfortable furniture. He then looked at me and said, "Slaveboy, you haven't aged a bit since we first met; you're still very handsome."

Before I could say anything, he once again stood up and was now towering over my kneeled body. I then bowed my head in his presence. He told me to stand up, and I did. Once again, he hugged and kissed me, and this time gently caressed my face. He then took my hand, kissed it ever so gently, and walked me towards his bed. Lying across the side of the bed, Master then told me to come and lie next to him.

"Slaveboy, this is highly irregular for a slave to be in a Master's bed, but the glow you now have has seduced me. I should beat the crap out of you for doing this to me."

He pulled me up on the bed and roughly threw me on my back. He then got on top of me and kissed me on the lips. He opened my mouth with his hands, and we French kissed, the first time since signing our contract almost six years ago. I was moaning with ecstasy because everything my Master has ever done to me sexually has always turned me on. It was so tender and passionate for a few minutes. And then he stopped kissing me and again stared in my eyes.

"Slave, I owe you no explanations, but I wanted to let you know that in the three weeks I was gone, I didn't sleep with anyone. I was so horny at times, but worked nonstop the entire time. I jacked off almost every night, and I'm so horny right now I could fuck you so hard my dick would punch a hole in your stomach. I'll allow you to cum tonight since it's been about a month since you did, but believe me, I will fuck you good and hard all night."

"Please fuck me now, Master; please let me cum; please fuck me."

"Tonight, boy. As much as I wished we could cancel going to the ranch, Dad is really excited about us going, and since Mom died, he treasures our visits more. But tonight, when we shut the door to my old room, I'm going to be pounding your ass so hard and so deep that for the next week, you'll be waddling when you walk."

He gave me another tender kiss on my lips. He then grabbed my balls and squeezed them so hard I screamed from the pain. "Get used to it boy; tonight Master has his fun." He then told me to get on the floor and submit. "Take my socks off, slave, and be grateful that I'm letting you worship my feet. What was I thinking earlier? I let a slave try to seduce me. This is where you belong on the floor at my feet. Submit yourself, and kiss my feet."

After kissing his feet and toes for a few minutes, I was then told to kneel at attention and to recite my mission statement. Kneeling at attention means I am on my knees, my hands grasped securely behind my back, and looking straight ahead. I began reciting:

"As the property of Master Brian Clark, I hereby devote every year, every day, every hour, and every second of my life to seeing that all of his personal and sexual needs are met to the best of my ability and thus demonstrate my gratitude to him in choosing to take ownership of me."

"Those are beautiful and inspiring words you wrote, boy. Personally, I never get tired of hearing you recite them. Now go in your slave bathroom and shower. I will do the same and want to be on the road in thirty minutes sharp."

Driving to the ranch was wise because water droplets were already falling. Dinner, or supper, as it is called at the ranch, included my father-in-law, Master's sister Tina, her husband, Kyle, and our two nieces, who are both high school students. Amber and Shelley think it is so cool to have two gay uncles; they are always talking about us to their friends. At dinner that night, Master's dad made the comment, "Finally Rick is sitting down with us to eat. Usually he comes and cleans and cooks the entire time they're here. It's nice to see you eating with your husband, Rick."

Shelley then made the comment, "Grandpa, you mean Uncle Brian's a slave driver. Uncle Rick you need to unionize."

Everyone started laughing and Tina and Kyle took a few jabs at my Master as well. Master then said, "What is this, pick on Brian night? This Slave driver may take his Slave home if this continues."

Finally Master got up from the table and said, "Come on Slave; come with me to the basement and help me pick some wine for tomorrow's meal." Everybody at the table was laughing, and Master and I went into the basement.

Once we got down there, Master said that the conversation was getting too weird, but he liked calling me Slave in front of his family. He then pushed me against a wall, grabbed my wrists, and held them tightly with his strong hands. He reached down and French kissed me again, but this time the passion was gone. Then releasing me, he told me to keep my hands in place as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick. Using his right hand, he grabbed my cheeks and squeezed them with all his strength. Squeezing even harder a second time, he told me, " Kneel and start sucking my dick, but make sure you leave your hands and arms arms in the same place so I can keep you bound.

It was very obvious that Master was not joking when he said he was very horny because in no time at all, I could feel his cum moving up his dick and quickly being pumped into my willing mouth. He then let out a moan of satisfaction as he pumped the last of his superior seed down my throat. He left his dick in my mouth for a few seconds and then looking me in the eye he said, "That felt good for now."

He then went to a sink area in the basement where his mom used to do all her canning, and he washed his dick. Still kneeling with my hands flat against the wall, Master once again walked towards me and held me in place for a few seconds before he told me, "Lick the side of your mouth and get those few drops of my cum; then go to the sink area and rinse your slave face." He then released me. While washing up, Master picked two bottles of wine, and then we went back upstairs.

Tina, Kyle, and the girls left about 9:00 that night. They live about fifteen minutes away and would be coming back to the house in the morning to help prepare Thanksgiving dinner. A few minutes later Master's dad said he was also tired and was going to bed as well. His bedroom is on the other side of the house from my Master's old bedroom. Saying our good nights, we then walked to Master's old bedroom.

Walking my usual step behind him, when we got to the bedroom door, he motioned to me go in; he followed me, and I saw him lock the door. Walking up to me, he then said, "Let the fun begin, or should I say, let my fun begin?"

Still standing but not moving at all, he walked up to me and once again grabbed my cheeks, and started slapping my face. "That's for trying to seduce your Master. Now get naked; don't worry about undressing me; I'll do it myself. Come back to the front of the bed and submit."

Master went into the bathroom, got undressed, and walked to the oversized chair in the corner of the room. I was already waiting for him: head touching the floor, kneeling, and waiting for my next set of instructions. He told me, "Keeping your head towards the floor like it is now and crawl to me." When allowed to walk, the distance from the bed to the chair is about ten steps, but in crawling it seemed about a mile away. I finally reached Master.

"Boy it was in this room and this chair almost six years ago that you began your life of servitude to me. It was a good evening. This afternoon when you were kissing my toes, it made me a little homesick. Get on your back, slave."

I lifted up from the submit position and quickly assumed the position on my back.

"You want these feet on your face, Slave?"

"Please Master."

The next thing I saw was Master lifting his feet and putting both of them on my face. He used his right foot to rub my dick and told me I better not cum, or it would be one more week before I could. He then rubbed the bottom of his foot over my mouth and said, "Lick my foot sweat, boy. Enjoy your Thanksgiving wine."

He then rammed the sole of his foot in my mouth and started mouth fucking me. Then he told me to lick between his toes telling me, "My toe jam is like an exquisite cheese appetizer to you." Soon all five toes from his right foot, which was now off my dick, were in my mouth. The whole time he was stroking his dick. As he pulled his toes out of my mouth he said, "Sucking my toes was always something you did well, Slave. We'll have to do that more, since I think we finally found something you can succeed in."

He then told me to get up and once again to crawl in the same position and meet him at the bed. Once I crawled back to my original position, he said, "Get up."

I stood up and lowered my head in his presence. He reached under my chin and pulled it up to attach a mouth gag and then locked it in place followed by putting two clamps on my pecs and pulling on them as hard as he could. Placing my wrists in handcuffs followed by bondage. Then taking a lasso rope, he placed my handcuffed hands through the rope and tied it to the bedpost at the bottom of the bed, which caused me to remain in a bent over position. He then walked in the bathroom and stayed there for a few minutes, which forces me to anticipate how long it will be before he chooses to begin torturing me.

A few minutes later, he came back in the bedroom. He lubed my butt and a few seconds later, I felt so relaxed as he entered me. It had been almost a month since my Master gave me his seed, and it felt so good to feel him inside me again. The first thrust of his dick was quick and hard, which makes Master the fantastic lover he has always been, Then as usual, his dick got harder and harder the longer he was inside me. He was pounding my ass good and hard. With each thrust he went deeper and harder than he did for the previous one. Whether he is making love and being very gentle or giving me a good, hard fucking, Master knows how to bring fulfillment to his lovemaking.

Master always seems to know what to do to bring me to an orgasm. His cum, whether it is in my mouth or up my butt, is always so warm and always leaves me moaning with a feeling of sexual ecstasy. Soon I could feel his cum filling my inside as he pumped my butt a few more times. He pulled out of me, and I could feel his dick softening on my ass. He was leaning against my bound body; relaxing while his heartbeat went back to beating at its regular pace. He walked around me and kissed me on the forehead before he started to untie me.

Master then led me to the bathroom, and we showered together. We had not done that in over ten years. It felt so good to be doing something so sensual with him. We then went back into the bedroom. He opened the middle drawer in his old chest of drawers and pulled out an old sweatshirt he wore in college and made a comment of how his mom never threw anything away. He then handed it to me and said, "Slave, I don't want you to get sick. This room is so drafty; you have my permission to wear it to bed during the winter months only. Either after Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow or Friday, you and I are going to caulk the hell out these windows since Dad doesn't think they need them. Bullshit on that."

"Thank you, Master; this room is always freezing in the winter."

"Master then said, "I'm freezing my ass off. He went back to the chest of drawers and pulled out an old pair of pajama bottoms and an old t-shirt and handed them to me to dress him. Then he told me to go back to the bathroom and grab a bath towel. He then told me to put it on the seat of the overstuffed chair in the corner. I tucked it in place. Master was now behind me, so I kneeled and lowered his head in my presence. He then sat down in the chair.

"Slaveboy, come on up and sit next to your Master."

My face must have looked shocked to have earned this honor or excited at the thought to be so close to my Master's body.

"What's wrong, Slaveboy, come here with Master."

"Yes Master."

It was like being in Heaven to be sitting next to my Master on such a cold Montana night. Suddenly the freezing weather seemed to disappear with the warmth of our bodies. When he holds me in his arms or gives me a hug, I still get weak in the knees because I still can't believe sometimes that someone as intelligent and handsome as he is would choose me to spend the rest of his life with. He was being so gentle with me, stroking my hair, caressing my face, and rubbing his hands along my lips.

"Are you happy, Slaveboy? Do I still make you happy?"

"Yes, Master, you make me so happy, and I love our life together."

"I'm glad, I make you happy, because I know you have always given me more than I have given you."

"Master," before I could finish he put his index finger on my mouth and said, "Shh."

I stroked his face as he did mine, and he let me. He had a look, and I didn't know if I crossed the line or not. I quickly removed it.

"Why'd you stop, Slaveboy; it felt good."

He then kissed me and lowered my head to his chest and held me there. It was so intimate, so tender, and so romantic. We were two middle- aged men still in love with each other. For those moments, however long he would allow them to be, we were intimate, and it felt so good.

Master then said, "Slaveboy, with this court case coming up, during the last two months, I've been gone from home more than I was there. It looks like this may be our life for another month or two. It's been lonely being away from you for so long, and I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, Master. It's lonely being alone in the house all day without you. Maybe if we still lived in Austin, it wouldn't be. I'm a new Montana citizen, and am learning the area and culture; I don't know if that makes any sense or not. All I know is that I miss you too especially when you're away for so long."

"I was partially sleeping when you walked in the room early this afternoon, and started to walk away when you thought I was sleeping. Slaveboy, when you turned around and looked at me, I fell in love with you all over again."

Master was being so king and so romantic. I was about to get really emotional and start crying, and he sensed it.

"Don't cry boy; I'm not trying to make you sad. What I'm thinking is that maybe in a few weeks you can drive down to Austin with the dogs and stay with me in the corporate apartment for a few weeks. We could also reconnect with some of the old friends."

"Master, I would love that, and Master, I love you."

"I love you too, Slaveboy. Now get on the floor."

I helped him take off the pajama bottoms he had put on a few minutes before, and I forgot he wasn't wearing any underwear. He then bent down and moved my head between his legs. I kissed his balls before he quickly guided my mouth to his now very hard dick.

Next: Chapter 8

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