From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Oct 18, 2015


"From Foot Fun to Master: Part IV"


As long as we had an Internet connection, our work schedules allowed us to work from the ranch, so Master decided we would stay there for ten days to two weeks. Since his mom's death shortly after we moved to Montana, he was enjoying this time spent with his dad. He kept me busy giving the house a thorough cleaning and also cooking and freezing meals so all his dad would have to do would be to defrost them in the upcoming winter months.

When Master's dad offered to help or suggested that I go with them on their outings away from the ranch, Master told me to tell him I didn't mind doing this because the two of them needed to spend some time together. His dad thanked me for doing these chores for him. He also told me that besides being his son's husband, he always thought of me as another son. Master had also told me that if for any reason his dad ended up helping me, I would be severely punished that night.

At night, we slept in Master's childhood bedroom. The twin beds he grew up with had long ago been replaced with an antique four- poster queen size bed. We followed the same routine we did in Master's home. At night, he enjoyed the luxuries of sleeping in a comfortable bed while I slept on the floor at the front of the bed. With the door shut, we were able to continue our status as Master and slave. In the morning, I woke up Master with a cup of coffee and kneeled before him to kiss his feet, suck his dick, swallow his cum, or drink his piss, just as any other day.

We were beginning the fourth day since our encounter in the abandoned bunkhouse, and it was obvious Master was getting horny to use me, his property, for his sexual pleasure. His dad would be out of the house to attend an all day VFW function. A few minutes after he left, Master told me to put on my boots because we were going horseback riding. As I walked towards the bedroom, I could hear him laughing. I wondered what he had planned.

Dressed in jeans and cowboy boots, which Master had bought for me when we moved here, I then met him in the kitchen. I fixed some sandwiches for a picnic lunch the night before when he told me to do so. He was putting the food into a small ice chest as I walked into the kitchen. Master threw his bag of sex toys at me and said, "Here slave, carry this."

Arriving at the bunkhouse, Master walked inside first. He looked so handsome in his Wrangler jeans, cowboy boots, and cowboy hat. He decided he would let his beard grow, at least for the time being. After nine days of growth, his beard was filling our nicely, and it made him look even sexier. Besides the hooks he had set in place earlier, there was now a narrow table in the center of the room.

I walked in carrying both Master's bag of sex toys and the ice chest with our lunches. Master was sitting in the only chair in the bunkhouse, and since our last visit, an overstuffed pillow was now used as a backing for the chair. He then got up and grabbed the back of my head and bent me over the narrow table. He then said, "Slave, let's begin this fun by letting you feel my boots. He told me to bend down and then used their pointed end to kick me in the ass ten times, with each kick getting harder. He then went to sit down in the only chair in the bunkhouse. Rubbing his crotch, he said, "Slave, I have even more fun planned for us then we had four days ago. He snapped his fingers, and I kneeled in front of him; my butt was already sore.

Master lifted my arms up, inspected them, and said, "Since we now live in Montana and actually live through four seasons; during the fall and winter months, I want you to shave your entire body from your face down to your toes." He then added, "I also want you to keep your same hairstyle, but from now on it will be kept very short year-round. You will now get a hair cut every two weeks.

Looking in his eyes, I asked him, "Is this a punishment, Master?"

This angered Master, and he reached down and slapped my face. Master then said, " Must I remind you that hair is a right of manhood, and you gave up that right five years ago." Master slapped me again and told me to never again forget my status.

"Yes Master, I understand."

Master then said, "Slave, we are going to play a game called Reward or Punishment. Are you ready?"

"Yes Master." As I said this, a nervous feeling came over me.

"Slave, here are the rules of the game. If you can guess if I'm wearing briefs or a Speedo, and the correct color, I will reward you by tying you up to the post and fuck the shit out of you. But, you must guess both correctly. If you guess wrong," he smiled and let out a sadistic laugh, "I'll have my fun administering your punishment. Ready to begin?"

Again, I said, "Yes Master."

"Okay slave, take a guess what your Master has on under his jeans."

Knowing that Master wore his red Speedo four days earlier, I figured he probably wasn't wearing it again, or maybe he was to try and fool me. I was going to again guess his red Speedo since I had hand washed it as I usually do, and it was dry and neatly folded. Quickly changing my mind, I said, "Master is wearing a pair of black silk briefs."

"Okay Slave, let's see if you're right. Start by taking off my boots."

With both boots off, Master rammed his smelly socks up to my nose. They were the same socks he wore four days earlier. Master said, "They probably smell bad, but thank goodness I don't have to smell them." After a few more whiffs, Master told me to take them off his feet. I then walked back towards him and got back on my knees.

Then Master said, "Drumroll please; slave, unbutton my jeans and claim your prize."

Unbuttoning Master's jeans and then unzipping them, I pulled them down to see Master was wearing a brand new black and gray Speedo, which he had never shown me before.

" Yippee, I win the lottery."

Master got up from his chair and stood in front of me. He then said, "Punishment is about to begin." He once again let out his sadistic laugh because this is really what Master wanted all along. I just knew today's punishment would be even more intense than the one four days earlier.

"Slave you do qualify for a consolation prize. Want to know what it is?"

"Please tell me, Master."

" Your consolation prize is knowing that I will take great pleasure in having my way with you, and you'll now receive my piss, which is the result of four cups of coffee, a glass of orange juice, and two large glasses of water. Enjoy your prizes!"

Kneeling in front of Master, I was ready to swallow quite a lot of his piss and was about to open my mouth to receive it. Instead, he lifted his foot on my shoulder and started to push me down closer to the floor. I was still kneeling but was now a few inches lower. Master then walked behind me saying, "It looks golden showers in the forecast day?"

Master walked behind me and began pissing in my hair, in my ears, on my face, and wetting my entire body. He must have peed on me for five minutes because my body was drenched in his piss. Then pulling me up by the leash, he pushed my head to the dusty floor with his foot and said, "Lap up the piss you missed."

Seeing my facial expression when I noticed the dusty floor, Master sternly told me, "You should have opened your mouth to every drop during your golden shower. Holding my leash tightly, he then used his foot to push my face to rub it in the wet spots on the floor. Master then yanked on the leash and told me to get up.

He led me to the narrow table and told me to lie down. Then he went to one of the kitchen cabinets and took out four precut sections of lasso ropes and tied my hands and legs to the legs of the narrow table. Testing to see if they were secure, he untied them and retied them even tighter. With little opportunity to move my hands or legs, Master said, "That's better."

Master then yelled at me for wasting his Master piss by letting it drop to the floor. He told me this was my punishment for disrespecting his superior, Master piss. He then went to another cabinet and pulled out a horse riding crop, penis pump, and a ping- pong paddle. Looking at it closely, it was Mr. Ping Pong Paddle, as Master had me refer to it during my three- months of slave training. Master used it when he would paddle my balls to introduce me to cock and ball torture. Master really liked doing this, and would always hit my balls so hard they would ache for a long time after he finished.

Walking towards me, Master said, "Slave look what I found a few weeks ago in the closet in the guest room." Holding it just an inch or so from my face, Master then said, "It looks like Mr. Ping Pong Paddle wants to have a reunion with your cock and balls."

"Begging, I said, "Please Master, mercy."

"Beg me all you want, slave, but you wasted good piss, piss that you could have tried to swallow or used your body to catch. Remember the name of the game is Punishment."

Seeing the look of terror in my face, Master told me to relax and to remember how much he enjoyed doing this during my slave training. He put the penis pump on my dick and pumped for what seemed like a half hour. Then when my dick was good and hard he rubbed Mr. Ping Pong Paddle on the shaft of my dick and started paddling. Then, holding the paddle about an inch from my face, Master then lowered it to my lips and told me to kiss it. He told me I was expected to hold my ass high enough up in the air so that he could get good whacks at my cock and balls. He told me that if I lowered my buns and made it difficult to hit, he would add five whacks for each warning.

He lifted the paddle from my lips after I gave Mr. Ping Pong Paddle another kiss and inserted a ball gag in my mouth. He then started rubbing its rubber padding up and down my dick. Master told me to relax when he heard my heavy breathing from my nervousness of what was about to begin. He then told me the thirty-five whacks I was about to receive would be over with in a few minutes. He said, "Mr. Riding Crop is lonely over there and wants to help too. I don't think Mr. Ping Pong Paddle would mind waiting a few minutes." He held Mr. Riding Crop securely and used it to give my balls five whacks.

"Slave, you didn't tell Mr. Riding Crop hello, and his feelings are hurt. Five more whacks will make him feel more at home." Each whack was harder than the previous one, and I kept trying to maybe move a little so I could find a comfortable position, but Master had me so tightly bound, there was no moving.

"Bye Mr. Riding Crop, thanks for taking part in our game today. Slave, would you like to thank Mr. Riding Crop?"

I mumbled, "Please Master, please mercy."

Master then patted me on the head and said, "Well you do have some manners in telling Mr. Riding Crop goodbye. I guess that's what you were mumbling; it's hard to understand this new language you're using today." He then grabbed Mr. Ping Pong Paddle.

Master then gently rubbed his fingers across my face and looked me in the eyes while smiling. He then said, "Contestant, oh I mean Scum of the Earth, Slave, the name of the game is Punishment, so let your Master's fun begin."

Taking deep breaths and hoping the thirty-five lashes wouldn't have a second round Master then said my feet were lonely and to be fair each foot should get thirty-five whacks as well. He put Mr. Ping Pong Paddle down and grabbed a flogger. He then used it to give both the tops and bottoms of my feet the thirty-five lashes. Once he finished he said, "Slave now that your feet are nice and red, it's time to continue my fun."

He grabbed Mr. Ping Pong Paddle and raised it way over his head and came down with it on my balls with full force. The first whack felt like a kick in the balls. I jumped so high; I thought I'd land on the floor. Master then said, "That one was for practice." Looking at me and smiling, he chuckled and said, "Maybe I should practice with ten more like that before we begin." Again seeing the look of terror that was hard to hide, Master said, "Relax slave, it's not going to be my dick that will be sore today; you'll still get my cum and piss today."

Struggling with the ropes and mouth gag, Master told me to be still. Master said, "You don't want any deeper rope burns than the ones you'll get today to add to your soon to be aching balls" Master then started lightly tapping the paddle on my cock and balls. I counted ten down, twenty-five to go. On the eleventh whack, Master began hitting harder, number twelve was even harder, and he stopped after number thirteen. I thought thank God, for lucky number thirteen. Master grabbed my balls and squeezed them so hard I let out a loud scream through my mouth gag.

"He then said, "These are looking nice and red, just like I like to see them during CBT torture. Master then said, "Now where was I with the count; was it three or four?" I was begging for mercy; although, with the ball gag in my mouth, my speech was unclear. Master again picked up Mr. Ping Pong Paddle and started counting, "Four, five, six?" With each whack, the paddling got harder and harder."

I was squirming and hoping Master would show me some mercy, but he didn't. Thank God we were soon up to eighteen whacks, over the halfway mark. Whacks twenty to twenty-five were for the sides of my balls and hurt more than the underneath whacks of my balls. He then told me my butt was fine, but to lift it even higher so for the last few whacks he could paddle the underneath of my balls. Finally I heard him say thirty-four thinking it would never get to this point. Then Master stopped and said, "Only one more to go, boy." He then took the paddle and again lifted it high as he could. Watching it come down to my balls at the speed of light, I closed my eyes as if that would ease the pain. He then hit the bottoms of my balls so hard; I again jumped thinking I would go through the roof.

Master then said, "That was fun, maybe I should give you thirty five more." Snickering, he saw me shaking my head sideways saying, "Please no Master, mercy please," through my muffled voice coming through the ball gag in my mouth.

Grabbing my balls and squeezing them so I could squirm some more, Master said, "Don't worry slave, CBT for today is over; I know you've already received over sixty whacks with the practice one and my recounting at four." He then added, "You got almost double the whacks because I'm the Master and felt like doing it."

He then removed the gag from my mouth. With my dick and balls throbbing, sweat dripping all over my body, and my heart racing, I then said, "Water, please Master." He then went to the refrigerator and pulled out a chilled tin cup and then went to the ice chest and unscrewed a plastic bottle. Lifting my head up to drink, he said, "Drink this slowly; you're breathing pretty hard from your nervousness." My mouth was open as Master lifted the tin cup for me to drink. With the first sip down my throat, I realized that Master was giving me a cup of his chilled piss. This time I made sure I swallowed every drop.

Master then said, "Okay slave, I'll give you a little mercy." Here's some real water, and he opened a plastic bottle and held it up to my mouth. He once again inspected my balls and said he was pleased with how red they looked. Looking at my feet he said he'd like to see them a little redder. He then picked up the riding crop again and gave both the tops of my feet another ten lashes and the bottoms of my feet got another ten lashes.

Master then untied my legs and rubbed the deep indentions the ropes had made on them. Then untying my arms, he noticed the same indentions, and commented how nicely they looked on his slave's body. Master then told me to get up from the table and to get ready for round two of his fun.

Now on my knees on the side of my Master, I looked up and noticed he was looking at himself in a tiny, cracked mirror on the wall. He was stroking his growing beard, and he said he was pleased with the way it was turning out. His hand then rubbed his hairy chest and then his crotch. He looked down at me and told me how he's always liked having a hairy chest. Once again admiring his beard and hairy chest, he then looked down at and said, "This chest and crotch is what manhood looks like, boy."

He then pulled me up by my leash and walked me over to the hooks, which were still hanging on the walls. Again, he placed one handcuff around my wrist and attached its partner to the hook. He did this with each wrist. He then walked over to his famous sex toy bag and pulled yet another new toy. He then bent down to my ankles and attached a pair of leg restraints. The mouth gag was reinserted. And as he always likes to do, he then roughly slapped a new butt plug up my ass.

Then once again using the horse-riding crop, he paddled my ass counting twenty whacks on each cheek. After the forty whacks, he stopped to inspect his work and commented on how toasty my buns were already becoming. Feeling the heat from the spanking, Master grabbed my buns, and with his hands, gave each cheek five whacks. He then grabbed his favorite, the wooden paddle with holes and gave me an additional forty whacks. At this point my buns, dick, wrists, and ankles were so sore, but I knew better than to ask for mercy. There would be no mercy today.

Master then went to the kitchen table where I had neatly folded his clothes. Once again, he took the belt off his pants, and he used the belt buckle to give my ass another thirty whacks. Taking a break, he again rubbed my cheeks and enjoying me squirm the rougher his touch became. Master then walked back to the kitchen table and opened up his travel bag to take out his flip-flops. He then walked back towards me, again rubbed my cheeks, and proceeded with my spanking, using his flip-flops on my cheeks this time.

Then releasing my hands from the handcuffs and the leg restraints, Master told me to walk to the old iron framed bed in the corner. Pulling back the old quilt covering it, I noticed that there was a brand new mattress and clean sheets. Master told me to lie down. I then realized that the bunkhouse was so isolated that Master must have come here before and secretly set it up for his "fun" for whenever we stay here.

Master once again took my wrists and reattached the handcuffs. This time my legs were free. He then got in bed on top of me, and his sexy, athletic, naked body was hovering over me. He asked me if I wanted to suck his dick. Of course, I enthusiastically told my Master I would love to. He placed his dick towards my mouth. I reached up to suck in it and it just barely out of my reach with my hands cuffed. Master teasing me like he likes to do in these situations said, "Are these handcuffs preventing my slave from getting my dick?"

He then reached behind me and grabbed a condom. This is a new development, since Master has not fucked me with a condom since our early dating days. Now rubbing his dick across my face, I noticed it getting harder and harder. He then put the rubber on his very hard dick. Now with my legs raised to his chest area, Master's first thrust in my blistered, toasty ass was so hard, I moaned loudly. He then continued fucking me, and with each thrust inside me, he would go deeper and harder. Knowing this would make me even sorer, I took Master's advice he gave me during CBT and relaxed and enjoyed my fucking.

Master then pulled out of my ass and removed the condom from his dick. Tossing it on the side of the bed, he then lowered his beautiful, toned, athletic buns on my face. He then said, "Here, lick my ass." As my tongue was licking inside and kissing his cheeks, Master was stroking his dick.

Master was pumping his dick, and I knew he would soon blow his load. He told me, "Keep licking inside my ass." He was rubbing his ass up and down so I could continue rimming him. He then pulled away for a second and came back to my mouth telling me, "Lick my balls." About thirty seconds later Master then put his dick in my mouth. I sucked his dick and could feel his cum working its way up his cock. He continued pumping my mouth, and a few seconds later; I could feel its salty warmth going down my throat.

Master walked across the room and picked up the leg restraints and reattached them to my feet. He then freed my hands from the handcuffs. Pulling me up from the bed, Master told me to go and get his Speedo and flip-flops. Adjusting to the restraints, I slowly walked to the kitchen table and picked up his new Speedo. I then took a few more steps and went to the narrow table and picked up his flip-flops.

Master was standing up next to the bed. I kneeled and positioned Master's Speedo so he could easily lift his leg so I could dress him. Once it was on, I shifted it so that was worn evenly on his body. With his new beard, hairy chest beautiful body, and new Speedo, Master looked like an Adonis. I then lifted his legs a few inches and placed the flip-flops on the feet I loved to worshiped, which led us into the lifestyle each of us was meant to live: as Master and slave.

Now dressed, Master told me to clean up the bunkhouse while he swam in the pond and lay out in the sun. Master told me when I finished cleaning, I was to come and tell him so I could serve him lunch. A few minutes later I did just that.

Master came back inside and sat at the table. He said, "Slave, open the refrigerator and bring me the food on the tray." I didn't realize Master had put the sandwiches on a tray. Opening up the refrigerator, I noticed Master had placed a salad, some sushi, and a bottle of wine on the tray. I served him his meal and stood behind him while he ate it. Finishing up, Master then said, "Slave you must be hungry." I told him I was.

He told me that he had prepared me a special meal. He told me to go to the ice chest and pull out the bowl inside. I did and noticed that it was a bowl of dry cereal. Looking a little surprised, Master then said, "Oh of course, I'm not going to make you eat dry cereal." He then took the bowl from me, lowered his Speedo and pissed in the bowl.

Handing me the bowl, he then said, "As Julia Child would have said, 'Bon Appetite'."

Arriving back at the ranch, Master said he was tired and going to go and take a nap. I undressed Master by taking his boots, socks, shirt, and jeans off of him. When about to take off his Speedo, he told me to leave it on. He would sleep in it and told me that this swimsuit in particular made him feel really sexy. It was a gift from Randy, one of his regular new fucks. Again, stroking his beard, chest, and crotch, and admiring his swimsuit, Master said he wished he were fucking Randy right now.

I then pulled back the comforter and sheets so Master could rest comfortably, and Master gave me permission to take a nap as well. Reaching under the bed, I pulled out my slave bedding. Master, now sitting up in bed, was watching me.

"Slave, come up in the bed with me." As I was approaching the right side of the bed, Master told me to cover up that side with the comforter so my slave ass would not touch a Master's sheets. He then gave me a kiss on the lips, which he rarely does. It was for being obedient and submissive during CBT. His beard felt so good being rubbed across my face. I thanked Master for kissing me on the lips. He then pushed me out of his bed and said, "Get back on the floor where you belong,"

Kneeling on the side of the bed, Master told me he had forgotten how much he enjoyed doing CBT with the ping- pong paddle, and that he would be using it again on a regular basis because it brings him joy. He looked at my arms and again said how he really liked the indentations from the lasso ropes. He told me to lift my legs up and said he liked them as well. Master also told me my crotch would soon be tattooed with MASTER BRIAN'S SLAVE. I asked Master if getting a tattoo in the crotch area would be painful, and this angered him.

Looking in my eyes, Master told me, "The life of being husbands is history. Master then cleared his throat. "I am your Master, your owner, your dominant, your authoritarian, your sadist." He then added, "You are my lifetime slave, my property, my servant, my inferior, my sex toy, my footstool, my urinal, my masochist and anything else I choose to do to you."

Master then dismissed me. He told me not to ask for permission to speak for the rest of the afternoon and told me to go to either my slave bed area or my slave corner. He then rolled on his side to take a nap.

I went to my slave bed area. Master soon called me because he needed to pee. As he was wiggling his dick in my mouth to get rid of those last few lingering drops of his piss, he told me he would be calling Randy after our nap. Master told me he would be leaving in the morning to go to the city, meet Randy at his condo, and fuck him, which was his right. I would stay at the ranch and wait for his return either in the late afternoon or early evening. He said he would invite Greg, another one of his fucks to the ranch because he'd like to fuck Greg in the other guest room, which is next to his dad's room. Master said, "That'll be fun to see how loud we can get without waking up Dad."

With my face still in his crotch, I said, "Yes Master."

Master then told me to go into the bathroom because my full body shaving would begin now. I did as I was told. After shaving my entire body, I went into the bedroom for Master's inspection, but he had fallen asleep. He was still wearing his new Speedo. I then went to my slave bed and took a nap as well. My body was still aching from Master's fun.

About a half hour later, I awoke to Master standing over me, still in his swimsuit, with his foot on my face telling me to eat his toe jam. My tongue was between each of his toes. He said, "This is how all this began." He then inspected my totally shaved body and told me he liked the idea of a slave with a hairless body. He told me he would decide if I would be shaving my body year-round or just in the fall and winter seasons.

Master said, "Slave, my dad should be home in an hour or so. Get cleaned up and start cooking dinner. Tell Dad that you sampled the food while you were cooking it and are not hungry. You are not to sit your slave ass at the table with us. Secretly bring a plate in here and eat it in your slave corner."

While I was showering and getting dressed in one bathroom, Master was doing the same. He went into the living room while I cooked dinner. About a half hour later, I gave Master a note saying that everything was cooking and would be ready in about an hour. Master gave me permission to sit at his feet and watch TV with him.

About a half hour later his dad walked in the house and said, "Something sure does smell good." Master told his dad I had cooked a meal, but I wasn't hungry. His dad asked us about our day and then told us about his day as well. Walking towards his bedroom to change into everyday clothes, his dad commented, "Brian, you look like you're getting some needed rest and having fun while you're home. I'm glad to see that, Son."

"Dad, I can't begin to tell you how much fun I've been having."

"Good, I hope it continues."

"Believe me Dad, it will."

Next: Chapter 5

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