From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Aug 28, 2023


From Foot Fun to Master: Part 22

"Letter to a Future Slave"

Master had been working in the Chicago office for the past eight days, and I couldn't wait for him to come home later that evening. I missed him so much.

He had approved my dress clothes for the eight days he would be gone: ties and a dress shirt for Monday through Thursday and a dress down day on the two Fridays he would be away. As he oftentimes does in his absence, he attached my collar chain (small link chains from the hardware store) and its lock around my neck. He keeps the key to the lock on his key chain and a duplicate key in his top left desk drawer in his office, which Francine also knows about in case of a medical emergency. She and her husband know and accept our lifestyle.

After my last class ended at 11:50, I was in my office about to leave for the day. I had to go to Master's office to pick up a file he wanted to work on over the weekend, pick up his dry cleaning, pick up a prescription at the drug store, and return home. Master knew I would arrive home past my 12:30 curfew. As usual when I arrived home, I was to do my usual routine: call his cell phone using the house phone, let it ring three times, and then hang up. Usually Master doesn't respond; on a rare occasion, he might. Earlier that morning when Master called me, he told me he expected me home no later than 1:30, an hour later than usual.

I was grabbing my briefcase and water jug when Randy, a thirty-year-old graduate assistant, who was a former banker and now a nursing student, came in my office to say hello. Many gay people on campus are envious of Randy because he is dating Tom Beasley, a chemistry professor and research scientist. Dr. Beasley is in his mid thirties and is the sexiest teacher on campus. Like my Master, he also has Hollywood good looks.

Without being rude, I explained to Randy I didn't have much time. He asked me for advice about a romantic weekend surprise he had in mind. I listened patiently, but was getting nervous because Master had extended my curfew, but I would be cutting it close if I continued much longer with this conversation.

Dropping a tablet on the floor, I absent-mindedly bent down to pick it up without thinking my collar would pop out of my shirt. Hoping Randy hadn't noticed, I quickly put it back inside my shirt. He noticed.

"Rick, with the lock on your chain, is that by any chance a slave collar? I know you and Brian are married, but are you also his slave?"

"Closing my eyes and my face turning red, I said, "Oh shit."

"Oh my God, I never would have imagined you're a slave."

"Randy, my Master and I are professionals and keep our personal life private. I'm going to ask you as a friend to please honor my request to please keep this to yourself. This is our private life, and we are two consenting adults living our life and minding our own business."

"Rick, I'm not judging you in any way; in fact, I'm envious. You were the first person on campus I told about my relationship with Tom. I try to be as submissive to him as possible, and I would give anything if he would agree to be my Master. I fantasize about serving him all the time, but I don't know if he'd be interested in a Master/slave relationship. The only thing he's done towards dominating me is tying me up three times during sex, but that's as far as we've gotten."

"Randy, I can't talk much longer. I have errands to run, and I am expected home no later than 1:30. If I'm late, my Master will probably punish me because he's given me an extended curfew to run these errands. I have to call him by 1:30 to let him know I'm home. Talk this over with Tom and see if this is something he is also interested in."

So Rick, do you really like being his slave? Can we talk about it soon? Please tell me everything you like about your life in slavery? What can I expect as a slave?"

"Randy, I'll talk about this with my Master and see if he'll extend my curfew one day next week so we can talk. I've got to go now; it's already 12:10. Trust me, if this is what you're fantasizing about, it's probably the life for you. We'll talk later, ok?"

I ran the errands as quickly as I could and pulled in the driveway of Master's home at 1:24, pressed the garage door opener, and quickly ran inside the house to call Master. It was 1:26 when I called him. I then walked back to my slave bathroom and undressed.

The cell phone Master allows me to use chimed about thirty seconds later with a text message which read: Work on your time management; you're cutting it too close with this extended curfew."

Had I undressed immediately and hung up Master's suits before calling him, I would have probably been late and definitely been punished. He was obviously upset with me cutting it so close on the time, but at least I was home by the extended time he gave me. While hanging up his suits, I decided I would be honest and explain Randy's conversation, hoping he would understand since a possible new Master would soon be acquiring human property.

Master ate an early dinner in Chicago before flying home. I met him at the airport when his flight landed at 6:23. I drove him home, unpacked his suitcase, undressed him, and gave him a massage. After the massage, Master asked me about my week, and I told him all the details, I then explained to him why I had arrived at his home a few minutes later than I too had expected.

When he learned that my collar had accidentally fallen out of my shirt, the anger in his face arrived instantly. He slapped both sides of my face really hard and then placed his arm around my neck to lead me into the corner. I grasped my hands behind my head, held them securely in place, and waited for Master to return.

He grabbed his paddle with holes and gave me a good hard spanking for what seemed like an hour. The whole time he was spanking me, he told me how negligent I was in my responsibilities for not keeping our private life private. The longer he spanked me, the harder each whack became. Eventually, he stopped and led me to the hooks on the wall. Handcuffs were attached to my hands, and then the handcuffs were attached to the hooks on the wall. Master left the playroom and did not release me until a few minutes after 2:00 in the morning. I had been in that position for almost six hours hours. Without saying a word, I then followed him to his bedroom and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning after serving Master his breakfast, he once again spanked me and then told me to give him a foot massage while he checked my cell phone messages, computer emails, and expense report from my allowance. He would then leave to play in a charity golf tournament that afternoon, which would begin with a great and meet coffee and brunch at 11:00. I would do the weekly grocery shopping, do the laundry, and mow the lawn. Once I completed my chores, I was told to serve Corner Time, which was a continuation of my punishment.

Everything met his approval, and I thanked him. He then questioned me about my conversation with Randy.

"So, naturally you have an inferior friend like yourself, who realizes his destiny?"

"Yes, Master. He recognized my collar (which Master had not yet taken off of me) and told me he had no idea I was a slave."

"I see, and did anything else take place, which allowed you to barely make your extended curfew home?"

"No, Master, that was all. Randy asked me if he could talk soon about what I liked about being a slave, and I told him I would have to first get your permission."

"Does it, your inferior buddy, your little second-rate friend, have a Master in mind, or is it just living in a fantasy world?"

"His boyfriend is Tom Beasley, a professor at the university, but they've never discussed it yet. Master, he is just like I was during my free days because he thinks about his life as a slave all the time. I think he'll enjoy his life in slavery as much as I do."

"It would be nice to have another Master in our group of Superiors, if he'd be interested. The only link we have to the university in our Superiors and slaves group is you, an inferior, who is on the part time faculty."

I continued Master's foot massage while he spoke.

"Slave, although I only allow you computer usage on the weekends if you have a deadline on your work, I will grant you an exception. You have fifteen minutes to write an email to this inferior about his intended life."

Master told me I was to use the personal email account he opened up for me shortly after I became his slave. This is the account used to keep up with my family and friends from Florida. He checks it a few times a week for messages, and I use it only with his permission since he has never told me the password. I thanked him and took my laptop, which was lying next to him on the loveseat.

He looked at the clock on the nightstand and said, "It's 9:19; you have exactly fifteen minutes. Get busy."

I quickly began typing because I new fifteen minutes would go by quickly.


If you're like me, the thought of serving a strong and dominant man has your heart racing and brings you a sense of peace and excitement like you've never experienced before because you realize this is your purpose in life. This is what I constantly thought about once I realized my destiny was to spend it in servitude to my Master. I think you'll make a great slave, Randy, because the enthusiasm and smile you have when you tell of how excited you get when you are being submissive is the same glow I had on my face when I longed to be a slave.

Although you are still a free man, and I hope for not much longer if believe this is your true destiny, let me tell you of some of the possible requirements and expectations your Master may demand. If you are willing to accept these duties, then you will definitely find your life as Dr. Beasley's property and slave to be the most rewarding experience of your life and never want or think of a life as a free man again.

Extreme joy and satisfaction instantly enters your body once you declare your servitude to your Master and your fantasy finally becomes your reality. For me, it happened the moment I kissed my Master's feet in submission before lifting my head to welcome the collar and leash he attached around my neck for the first time. As he held my leash and walked me to the bathroom to shave my body, the first lesson in my slave training had begun. You'll learn, if you already don't know, that hair is a sign of manhood. Soon, you'll find pleasure when your Master rubs his beautiful chest hair or crotch hair along your face and nose for you to sniff. What an honor it is when my Master has me lick the sweat from his armpits after an intense workout. Body hair on our Masters is just one more sign of their Superiority, and it is an honor when we are able to touch it in any way. I do not and have never missed my body hair, by the way.

As slaves, we are inferior; we are property, and we are not entitled to any privileges reserved for free men. A slave willingly gives up those privileges for the honor to devote the rest of his life in servitude to the man he loves. We are the honored ones, Randy, because there are so many men who long for this life of servitude but do not follow their hearts and thus find their own sense of purpose and meaning in life. Whatever achievements or rewards I may achieve in my career is not even measurable to the satisfaction I have gained since I became personal property and a slave. Yes, in relinquishing my freedom those confusing and frustrating times have disappeared because this is the life I was searching and hoping for, and I am so grateful that I am able to live it.

Your Master will have his own plans in how you will relinquish your freedom to him. And I promise you, however that moment takes place, it will be a special bond the two of you will always treasure as you each begin living your intended lives. A feeling of warmth and love still fills my body when I think back to that brief moment, for it was then, I finally achieved the true happiness, which had been missing in my life. And my happiness continues to grow every day because I consider it such an honor for me to call myself a slave.

Nothing brings more pleasure to a slave than knowing and doing everything humanly possible to bring his Master complete joy and pleasure. Existing only for him, considering only his needs, and wanting to please him in every possible way is our purpose. Our existence is only for his pleasure and his happiness; to think otherwise is the thinking shared only for free men. And, if you choose this as your destiny, you will soon discover this is the true meaning of your new life, and another level of your happiness will be unveiled to you like you've never experienced before. Upon that discovery and acceptance, your journey in slavery will be even more pleasurable to you because you will then always want to find new ways to see your Master is achieving the happiness and pleasure he is entitled to as a Superior male.

Of course, after your career, domestic duties will occupy the rest of your time. These duties would be demeaning for a Superior male like a Master to perform, but thankfully they have us to perform them. Cleaning the house, cooking, doing the laundry, doing the yard work, chauffeuring your Master, and any other errands or tasks he will assign to you will keep you very busy. As your Master relaxes at home, in the pool, or goes out to enjoy his time off with friends, you have the satisfaction of knowing these pleasures he is able to benefit from are as a result of your day-to-day duties as a slave. And on Sunday nights as you look up from your bed area on the floor to see your Master resting comfortably in his bed, you'll smile with the satisfaction that your fatigue is the reward for his personal time, relaxation, and enjoyment.

Sexually speaking, you will be required to perform whatever, whenever, and however your Master chooses to use his property's body. Most slaves may not cum without permission, and although this may be difficult for you at first; eventually, you get used to it and welcome the opportunity when your Master allows you this privilege. You'll soon realize it may be two, three, or four weeks since you have been given permission to cum, and you accept this because the honor of swallowing his Superior seed or feeling his Superior seed inside you has now become more rewarding.

The frequency of bondage, CBT, TT, spanking and other activities are solely at the discretion of your Master. Although my Master does not tie me up that much, he does at times. I have been trained to position my hands in a locked position when he wants to fuck me or spank me. I have another required hand lock position he uses when I am punished. I have stood in Corner Time for as much as twelve hours at a time with one brief break to use the bathroom. Your Master will have some similar requirements, I'm sure. And I'm sure you'll be like me and any other slave and get extremely nervous when you are standing in the corner for punishment and your Master stands behind you to observe you. I am expected to move as little as possible during Corner Time, but whenever Master comes into the room to check up on me, I get extremely nervous that I will mess up during this time and have my punishment extended.

Your punishment, hopefully like mine, is not that frequent. However it does come when I am negligent in my duties or Master believes I have been disrespectful to him. I am then given a very, and I mean very, hard spanking. Corner Time depends on the severity of my error. Privileges are sometimes taken away as well, and the length of my punishment depends on the infraction. I value my punishments as something positive because through them I realize Master is doing this only to help me become an even better slave to him. But of course, I also experience feelings of guilt because through my own fault, I know that I have upset Master, and I then think of countless ideas how I can make it up to him and he can once more be proud of me and proud of the property and slave I have become.

Randy, I hope that this letter gives you an idea of

"Slave, thirty seconds. Wrap this up; you have work to get to."

"Yes, Master."

Randy, I hope that this letter gives you an idea of how rewarding your life as a slave will be. I hope this is the life for you.

See you on Monday.


Master then told me to hand him the laptop. He read and approved my letter to Rick and sent it. I then got dressed to go to the store to do the weekly grocery shopping and run other errands he assigned to me. It was almost noon when I arrived back home. I unloaded the groceries from the CRV, got undressed, and began my weekend chores. While folding laundry, I thought about my letter and how happy I am in my life with Master and hoped he was enjoying himself at the brunch and golf tournament. Yes, life as a slave is the life for me.

Next: Chapter 23

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