From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on May 7, 2016



"Interviews Must Make Master Horny"

Master, Doug and I left the ranch after breakfast on Sunday morning. We had taken Master's car for the weekend, and of course, I drove to and from the ranch while Master sat back and relaxed. Doug returned with us to visit for a little while before leaving to return his rental car and go to the airport. His flight was at 1:15 that afternoon.

I immediately got undressed once we got back home. While I unpacked our luggage, Master and Doug were talking in the living room. I then walked into the living room, and Master gave me permission to sit on the floor next to him while he of course sat in comfort in his favorite overstuffed chair. Doug wanted to ask a few more questions for his interview and then asked my Master if he could ask me one more question as well. Master gave his approval.

"Rick, you were so honest with me during our interview, and I appreciate that. Let me ask you this one more time. You gave up every freedom and every asset you once had to serve your Master. Are you really happy as a slave? Just how happy are you to have lost all your rights and freedoms?"

"Doug, it wouldn't matter if my Master were here with us or not; my answer would be the same. Ever since the first time I met him, I couldn't believe he would be interested in me, and I am still amazed that he fell in love with me. He is so intelligent, so funny, so charismatic, and so good-looking. And I also think he has a flawless body. To me, he is the perfect man, and no one else can compare to him. I always took pride in pleasing him in my days as a free man and take an even greater pride since I began my life in slavery to him. Every day I serve him, I believe that he becomes more Superior to me, and I become more inferior to him."

" It gives me satisfaction knowing that out of all the men he could have chosen to take ownership of, he chose me to be his personal property and slave. I've always worked hard to please him in taking care of his personal, sexual, and domestic needs. Now I take even greater pleasure ever since I've been given the honor to serve him for the rest of my life. Personally, the privileges I gave up as a free man were minimal compared to the rewards I now have in being able to serve him as my Master.

Doug, I'm sorry my answer to your question is so long-winded. Believe me when I say that seven years ago, I was finally rewarded with my life's purpose, something others search for their whole lives. Servitude brings me a level of much pride and peace and has helped me develop into the slave and inferior I am today, which I always hope pleases him. My greatest reward now is when my Master compliments me by telling me that I have done well in performing my duties to him. This may sound like a strange statement, but I think I've won the lottery because I'm able to live my life in servitude. My payoff here is being able to serve Mr. Brian Carter, the man I'm proud to call my Master. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, being his slave."

"Brian, my little brother, just how happy are you in owing the man you gave our last name to as your husband. Just how much pleasure do you have in owning him and controlling him as you do?"

"Doug, some of what I'm about to say may sound like a repeat from our previous discussions. Yes, I have always, still do, and will always love him as a husband; in fact, I was glad to legally change his last name to Carter a while back."

"What more can I say about how much I enjoy my status as his Master, Dominant, and Superior? Owning him and having him spend his life in slavery to me is my reward. It's fantastic, and I love it. Taking ownership of him and taking away his freedoms was never a problem for either one of us."

"You have to remember that we entered this lifestyle as two consenting adults. He had the option to leave if he wanted to, but he willingly signed his slave contract and surrendered his freedoms and his assets to me. By the way just so you know, he had the most beautiful smile on his face and thanked me as he signed his slave contract, which finally allowed him to begin living his destiny."

"I understand all of this, Brian. I hear you frequently refer to him as your property, but are you really that happy in owning your husband?"

"Doug, believe me when I tell you that I am extremely happy when I call him my property or say that I own him. And let me say once more; I'm equally happy that he's also my husband. As property, he's my most valuable asset, and I have no guilt whatsoever in saying this. The collar he now has around his neck is one more reminder to him that this is now his life and that he is inferior to me."

He bent down, placed is hand under my chin and lifted my head up so we were making eye contact. He was smiling at me, and I smiled back at my Master. "Isn't that right, Slave?"

"Yes, Master."

"Since he's always been naturally obedient and submissive to me, training him for his life in slavery was easy. Having designated parts of his body shaved and getting used to sitting and sleeping on the floor were about his only two new adjustments. Most of his training involved his getting used to his collar, butt plugs, paddling, restraints, and bondage; otherwise, he made his slave training almost too easy for me. He knew this was his opportunity to finally become totally subservient to me."

"At the same time, I've accepted my fate as his Superior, his Master, and his owner. He's settled nicely into his status as human property and a slave. It looks like I'm rather long winded in my answer as well." Master then told me to submit, and he continued talking.

"Again, yes, I am happy, extremely happy, in my role as Master. He's become the obedient slave I wanted, and any Master would be proud to claim him as their property. I'm just glad he's mine."

"He's also a very good servant, valet, chef, chauffeur, masseuse, and yardman. If ever he wanted his freedom back, of course I'd give it to him along with an immediate divorce, because I could never go back to a life with him as an equal partner. Looking at him right now naked, wearing his collar, on the floor submitting to me, is exactly where he should be and where I like to see him. It's where he belongs."

"Wow, Brian; you make some interesting points."

"This afternoon, for example, I plan on getting a little sun on the patio. I just bought a new Speedo, and I want to wear it today since fall will soon be here, and my days of doing this will be limited. While I'm relaxing and enjoying the beautiful day, he'll be cleaning the house and then doing some outdoor projects I'll assign to him. Of course, he'll be working, and I'll enjoy lying in the chaise lounge chair watching him. Doug, think of him as being in the same category as new Speedo. It's my property; I want it to last, so I'll take care of it. Speedo or slave, I'm glad to own both of them."

"So Brian, I'm just being curious here. How often do you have Rick in bondage; is he in bondage when he's punished?"

"Doug, I have this feeling you think I keep him bound and gagged all the time. Actually, I rarely do this. He's been trained to position his body for certain tasks. For example, when I have to punish him, I generally give him a hard spanking and have him stand in the corner with his hands behind his back and his legs spread, similar to a military position. He's stood there from one to ten hours at a time. For sex, I usually have him grip his hands behind his head and hold them there. If he loses the grip or moves his hands before I cum and give him permission to release them, he is then spanked and tied up so I can finish fucking him and punished after."

"So when is he actually tied up?"

"I do have a bondage table, and occasionally he's on it. There are six straps on it to secure his body in place. There are two smaller and separate restraints for his hands and wrists. When he's strapped, he can barely move. Usually, but not always, I insert a mouth gag and then blindfold him as well. Nipple clamps are attached to his pectoral region and clothespins are placed all along his body. His balls are put in a ball stretcher or tied up with twine, which is then attached to a hook on the side of the table. I then have my fun with him. Again, I do this only a few times a year.

"Does he have any say so into what will take place while he's bound and gagged?"

"No he doesn't; you have to remember, he has no rights at all."

"Is being bound and gagged on the bondage table more for your pleasure or as a punishment to Rick?"

"I have to admit, it's more for my fun. I do enjoy seeing him all strapped up and unable to see or speak. He's literally at my mercy and can barely move until I finish having fun with his body. Sometimes, I may leave him strapped for an hour or two after I finish with him as a reminder to him that he is totally under my control in every aspect of his life. When I release him, especially if I keep him there for a few additional hours after I've had my fun with him, he always becomes even more attentive and submissive because he is grateful to finally being able to move again."

"Does he have a safe word or grip if you're hurting him too much?"

"Here's where your thinking is correct; he has both. On the bondage table he is unable to move. His hands are secure in separate restraints on the side of the table. If I'm hurting him too badly, and he does not have his mouth gag in place, his code word is "pain." However, he is usually gagged. Then he lifts up his right thumb. I then reach down and put his hand in mine, and he squeezes my hand. The strength of his grip tells me how much he's hurting. I then ease up on whatever I'm doing to him."

"Does he need to use his code word often?"

"He's only used it a few times over the years."

"So, when is he handcuffed?"

"I use handcuffs on him and then attach them to the hooks on the walls in the playroom more often than I have him on the bondage table. He's extremely ticklish, and I sometimes like to use an electric tickler on him for a laughing torture. He starts to squirm when he sees me grab the tickler from the bed. By the time I walk to him and turn it on, he's pale and sweating like he's been outside all day. I then turn on the tickler and hold it up to his face for him to see it vibrate at its five different speeds. Every time he sees it, he begs me to spank him instead. Of course, I don't since I get pleasure in watching him squirm. The tickling continues until I cum and not a minute sooner."

"What if he would cum first?"

"He would be severely punished because he is not allowed to cum unless I give him permission to do so."

"Is that the only time he's handcuffed?"

"No, it isn't. Sometimes for sex, I handcuff him to the hooks on the wall or handcuff his hands behind his back, bend him over the bondage table and fuck him good and hard, but that too isn't all that often."

"Thanks for answering my question; I always wondered about that. Yes, I'll admit, I thought he would have been bound and gagged more often."

"I'm glad you asked. Actually, after all these years, we've settled into a pretty normal Master-slave routine. He knows his duties and responsibilities, performs them well, and I don't have to punish him that often. Although, he knows if he messes up, there is no leniency, and he will be punished."

"So, anyone who doesn't know of your lifestyle would assume the two of you are an ordinary, professional, gay couple, a handsome gay couple, I might add."

"I'm sure they would. Our lifestyle is private and known only to a few people and of course, other Masters. For some reason this questioning on bondage is making me horny, and I think he'll be on the table sooner than later. The bottom line is he's property to me; I'll take care of him and have my fun with him as I please."

"Thanks, Brian. It's still sometimes hard to think of my kid brother as a Master and of Rick as being a slave to you, but I'm glad that the two of you enjoy your roles in this lifestyle. In fact, never in my mind, would I have thought of you as a Master and your intelligent, fun-loving, independent husband as your slave."

"Doug, thanks for trying to understand our lifestyle without passing judgment. Again, I do love him with all my heart and soul; although, his days of independent thinking and independent actions like you mentioned are now memories, which I didn't mind taking away from him."

Doug left Master's home about 11:00 to go to the airport, return his rental car, and catch his flight to go home. Both Master and I gave him a hug goodbye and told him how much we enjoyed his visit. Master then went to his bedroom to rest, and I cleaned the living room, guest room where Doug slept, and the guest bathroom. Master then handed me the list for the groceries we needed for the upcoming week. I got dressed, went to the grocery store, and came home and fixed a quick lunch.

After serving Master lunch, he went into his office for a few minutes to read. I ironed five dress shirts and shined Master's shoes for the upcoming week. I was about to take Master's shoes and put them in his closet when I heard him calling me. He told me to meet him in his bedroom. I left his shoes in the utility room and immediately walked to Master's bedroom.

"Slave, undress me and put my new swimsuit on me. I want to get as much sun as I can this afternoon. "

At the ranch when I dressed Master, I dressed that perfect physique with a pair of tan shorts, a navy blue polo shirt, navy blue silk briefs, and his slides. I then put on the new solid red Speedo that Master had bought the week before. That bikini looked so good on his body; it looked like Master's body was the model the designers used in creating it. I could see the outline of his beautiful dick and balls in it. My mouth was drooling, and I was thinking about how nice it would be if I was sucking on it or feeling it in my ass. Master saw me and asked me what was on my mind.

"Master, your body is so perfect and you look so sexy in your new swimsuit. I wish I was your swimsuit right now to be that close to your dick and buns."

Master looked down at me, and I wasn't sure how he would react to my statement. I was hoping he didn't think I was being disrespectful to him.

"Please forgive me, Master; I don't mean that as any disrespect to you. Your body is so perfect and superior to mine."

Master then looked down at me and started laughing. "Slave, are you horny for your Master's dick?

"Yes, Master; I love seeing your Superior in your swimsuit."

Master started laughing again. He then told me, "Don't worry; your slave mouth and ass will be receiving a load or two of my cum soon enough."

I then put flip-flops on Master's beautiful tanned feet and got a beach towel out of his bathroom. He went on the patio, and I went to the kitchen to fix a pitcher of ice water for him to drink. When I went to the patio with the ice water and towel, he was already lying down in the chaise lounge chair. He then said, "Slave, take off my flip-flops and then rub my chest and legs with sunscreen." This was an honor to do because I was able to touch and lightly massage that perfect body. He told me to then put on some clothes because I would be moving some potted plants from the patio to the flowerbeds in the front of his home. Moving the potted plants only took a few minutes, and I didn't even sweat in doing this. I then went back to the patio and told Master I had finished moving the plants like he told me to do.

Since the patio is completely private, and none of the neighbors can see inside it, Master told me to go inside, undress, and to report back to him. I had two minutes to do this. When I reported back, Master was now lying on his stomach, and his muscular back and firm buns were in my view. He told me to rub some sunscreen on his back and legs. I so badly wanted to massage his buns, but I didn't dare do this because I was not told to do so.

Master has always maintained his swimmers' build with just the right amount of muscles. His body looks like the sculpture, which artists would create in their artwork as a model of the perfect male physique. I then asked Master if he wanted me to give him a massage; instead he told me to kneel on the cement on the right side of his chair and to keep quiet.

Watching Master sunbathe was one of the many rewards that I was talking about when I mentioned to Doug I had received more rewards as a slave than as a free man. A few minutes later, Master told me to get the towel and wipe the sweat from his body. He stood up, and I wiped his body from his face down to his toes. I thought about how lucky that red Speedo and towel were because they had touched his perfect body and were covered with his masculine scent. After putting flip-flops on his equally beautiful feet, he then told me to crawl to the playroom and submit.

While waiting for Master, I thought about him in his new swimsuit and how before I hand washed it, I would be able to sniff the inside of it where his dick, balls and buns had been for over two hours. I hoped that his crotch hair had been really sweaty so that there would have been more of his Superior and masculine scent to inhale. Since Master never comes in the laundry room when I wash clothes, I thought about how I would be able to lick the inside of his swimsuit where his dick and buns had been. I often do this with his underwear and socks. My dick was now hard thinking about my Master's body and his swimsuit. I realized this is what I was trying to explain to Doug; I don't have any or need any material possessions of my own because my greatest gift is serving my Master.

I could hear the water running from the lavatory in his bathroom, and I figured that Master was washing up and getting ready to use me for his sexual pleasure. A few minutes later, I heard him walk into the playroom. My heart was racing, and I was nervous because I figured after his talk with Doug, he would probably be wearing his leather boots and clothes. I prepared myself for the worse but hoped when I looked up I would see either Master's bare feet or his feet in his slides. About five seconds later, he was now standing in front of me.

With my head to the floor, I lifted it up ever so slightly so I would not anger Master. He was wearing his leather boots. It would be an intense Sunday afternoon for my body. He bent down and attached the leash to my collar and pulled it up. When I started to lift my head up, I then felt the sole of his right boot on the back of my head keeping it on the ground. Master then walked around me to inspect me; he was still holding on to my leash and pulling on it tighter and tighter as he inspected me. Soon, he was once again in the front of me.

His left boot was now directly under my chin, and I all I could notice was how shiny they were from when I polished them for him over two weeks ago. "Lick my boot; use that slave tongue of yours for something useful and make my boots shine even more."

Without being told twice, I was kissing and licking the tops of my Master's boots. For some reason, I was licking it more than I usually do. "Moving my head with a quick jolt, my head was now on the side of his left boot. I was then told, "Now lick from the heel of my boot and all the way to the top of it. My tongue was all over the heel, getting used to its taste when I felt another tug and Master told me to slowly lick the entire side. "Put your slave tongue to some use; make my boots shine."

Each time Master had me lick a different section of his boot; he pulled harder and harder on my leash. I must have licked his left boot for ten to fifteen minutes when he once again tugged on my leash, and I was now giving the same attention to his right boot.

Master then told me to kneel and remove his boots. As I placed them on the side of him, he then told me to kiss his feet, which I absolutely loved. They smelled so masculine and so good: a combination of sweat from his sunbathing and a leather smell for being unsocked in his boots. A few minutes later, I felt the hardest tugging of my chain when Master told me only one word: "Crawl."

Without being told which direction or where to go, I crawled to the bondage table. Master bent down and detached the leash from my collar. He then motioned me with his eyes, and I quickly got on the bondage table, positioning myself in as comfortable position as I could knowing I would probably be there for most of the remaining afternoon.

Master grabbed my right hand and secured it in place in the restraint on the side of the table. He then walked around to the left side of the table and did the same thing to my left hand. Before continuing, he once again grabbed each hand to make sure it was securely in place. He tightened my right hand one hole tighter. My hands were now definitely immovable. He then pulled the six straps from under the table. Beginning at my chest, and going down past my knees, he attached each strap in place. As he fastened each one in place, he pulled on it to see if was attached tight enough for his pleasure.

Opening my mouth, he then inserted a mouth gag and fastened that in place as well. I saw him open a new set of clamps and attach them to the middle of each nipple. They were so tight since they had never been used. Master then started pulling on them. He then took the right clamp and pinched on it as he pulled to bring a greater level of pain.

He then began hitting my balls with his hand before he attached the ball stretcher in place. He was definitely horny-very horny-because today everything was fastened tighter than usual. Hitting my secure balls with his cane brought me to that certain level I have learned to appreciate: pleasure through pain. Pleasure and pain are now one emotion when I am on the bondage table, as it is my duty to accept what is given to me. Master was happy to once again have me in total bondage, and of course, all I could think about was pleasing him.

He then went to the bed and grabbed his bag of clothespins and a blindfold. Starting at the top of my chest, he then placed clothespins up and down my body. With each clothespin he fastened on me, he would then pull on it: up and down and in every direction. A few times after he pulled on a clothespin in one place, he would unfasten it and move it about an inch or two down my body and continue his enjoyment. My sore and bound dick was getting harder and harder because as I looked at my Master's face, I could see how much pleasure he was having, and I felt so grateful that my inferior slave body was offering him this opportunity.

He then stopped pulling on the clothespins and reached for the blindfold. Being blindfolded still makes me nervous. My heart was racing, and I was beginning to sweat from it. Master lifted my head up, looked me in the eyes and told me, "Relax, slave; don't be so nervous. You'll be fine." He then positioned it over my eyes and placed my head back on the table. I was now where Master likes me to be when he has me on the bondage table: completely strapped in place, unable to see or speak, and as always, under his complete control.

He then started pulling on the clothespins, this time even harder than before. He kept removing them from one place and moving them down an inch or two down my body. With each new location came an even harder pull. Moans of pleasure and pain were spoken through muffled sounds from my mouth gag. A few minutes later, he stopped, and I could hear him walk away from the table for a short time. I figured he must have gone to the bed and grabbed another one of his sex toys to use on me. When he returned, he started off by pulling on the chains covering my nipples. That hurt most of all. He then removed the clamps and put them on my chest in an open area between clothespins and started pulling on them in this new location. He stopped for a moment, and I could hear him swinging his cane in the air. I now knew what was my next torture.

I then felt his whipping cane hitting the tops of my feet. Each strike he gave me hurt more than the previous one. As I had finally transitioned this activity from pain to pleasure, Master then started hitting the soles of my feet. A few hits were so hard, I jumped up the inch or so I was able to move, but Master continued rotating his hits from the tops to the soles of my feet. I realized if he released me from his bondage right after he is finished using me, my feet would be red, and I would probably have trouble walking for a little while.

Master then stopped paddling my feet, and once again, I heard him walk away. I could hear him pick up and then put back certain toys. I was once again breathing very hard waiting in anticipation to what was coming up next. At the same time, I was also wondering if I would be able to take everything he had planned for me. I now live to please him and feel like a failure as a slave when I have to use my code word or signal. He was now back at the table, and I heard him put two objects down near my legs. All I could think about is what he had planned for me. I soon found out.

My feet spanking was now being replaced with the ping-pong paddle hitting my balls, which were still secure in the ball stretcher. After a few minutes of this Master then said, "Let me make this easier." I then felt him take off the ball stretcher. My balls were now unbound, at least for the moment.

All of a sudden, I could feel Master's hand behind my head as he was lifting it upward. He momentarily lifted the blindfold up, and I made eye contact with him. He then told me "Slave, I'm going to talk to Peter; I'll be back in a few minutes. I want to see if he's free for dinner tomorrow night."

He then started to put my blindfold back on, and in my muffled voice, I begged him not to. Master then asked me, "What's wrong, slave; do you want me to leave the blindfold off?" I shook my head up and down, and in my muffled speech I said, "Please, Master:" although, I knew he wouldn't be able to understand what I was saying.

Master looked me in the eye and was now smiling at me. "The blindfold goes back on since I like seeing it on you." He then repositioned it once again across my face and then walked out the room. The last thing I heard was the shutting of the door.

My body was sore from the clothespins; my balls were throbbing from the pain during CBT, and my feet were hurting. I opened my eyes, and it didn't matter because all I could see was total blackness. I didn't even know what time it was; all I knew is that is was sometime in mid to late Sunday afternoon. I tried to maybe fall asleep for a few minutes, hoping when I woke up, maybe some of the pain would be gone before Master started Round 2. But then, I wasn't sure how long Master would be talking to Peter. I shut my eyes and tried to control my breathing.

I evidently fell asleep, but I didn't know for how long when I heard the bedroom door open. My body was still sore, but some of the pain had started to go away.

Master was then on the side of the table telling me, "Oh, slave, you're still here," and he started laughing."

He then once again lifted my head up and pulled the blindfold up. "I'm back. Did you miss me, Slave?"

I nodded my head, hoping this would please Master. He then put the blindfold back on me and lowered my head. "I'm not finished with you; I haven't cum yet.. Get ready for some more Sunday afternoon fun."

Master then took off the nipple clamps from my chest and started hitting my chest softly with his hands. Soon the clamps were back on me, securely in place.

His hands then began slapping my balls. This went on for a minute or two until it was replaced with his hands gripping and squeezing them. Master was having his fun at the expense of my body, and it felt like he was not going to stop anytime soon.

All of a sudden I felt his hands on my face. He unfastened the back of mouth gag, and I felt him take it out of my mouth. I opened my mouth for a second and licked my lips. Still blindfolded, I felt Master's body rub against mine as he climbed on top of me on the bondage table. He lowered his buns on my face and just sat there. Every few seconds he would lift up, and I would catch my breath. Then he opened my mouth, and I gladly welcomed his fully erect dick.

He was pumping my mouth hard and deep. On two occasions, he went so deep; I gagged. This still did not stop Master in giving me a good mouth fucking. A few minutes later, I savored every drop of his warm cum, and its warmth going down my throat tasted so good.

Master then got off of me and was now once again standing on the side of me. He finally took the blindfold off of me, and I saw the smile he had on his face when he told me I had pleased him in his torture of me.

I thanked him, and once again he smiled as he patted my head. Those were the only words I said before the mouth gag was once again secured in place. The blindfold was then also back as well.

"Slave, I had a great time, but I'm tired. I'm going shower and then lie down for a while."

Usually when Master leaves me bound after his fun, he doesn't keep the blindfold or mouth gag in place. This was a new development. The blindfold always makes me nervous, but I know I have no say so in this decision. All I could think of regarding this new development is if I had done something to upset Master. Since Master said he was going to lie down for a while, I once again relaxed enough to also fall asleep.

I must have been sleeping really hard because I did not hear the door open or hear Master walking in the room. I did hear him say, "Wake up, slave," and my eyes opened up to once again see the blackness from my blindfolded eyes.

Master then took the blindfold off my eyes. He was looking down at me, but it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light. "It's 6:15, slave, in case you're wondering." I had been on the bondage table for a little over four hours.

Master then removed the mouth gag, and once again I opened my mouth to lick my lips. My mouth was dry, and I asked Master if I could have a drink of water. He went into the bathroom, and I saw him fill a glass with water from the lavatory. He held it to my mouth, and I drank every drop of it.

Master then released my hands from the side straps. Already, it felt so good to move my mouth, my hands, and most of all, to see. Master left the playroom again without saying anything, and once again I wondered if I would have to stay there much longer.

He then walked back in the playroom, and I noticed he had a glass of ice water in his hand. He lifted my head up and said, "Drink this slowly, slave." The coolness of the water tasted so good going down my parched throat.

He set the glass down on the nightstand coaster and then started to release the straps from my body. When the final strap was released, I moved and twisted my body. It felt so good to finally be able to move. Master gave me permission to get off of the table.

When I first stood up, my knees were wobbly, and it took me a few seconds to readjust to standing up. Master then told me to kneel. He lowered his leather jockstrap and rammed his dick in my mouth one more time; this time I swallowed every drop of his piss and licked his crotch hair, where some of his cum had begun to harden..

"Slave, I never did get a chance to shower. I was talking to Peter on the phone for most of the time I was gone. I'm going to shower now. Go to your slave bathroom and do the same. Meet me in my bedroom in ten minutes.

When I met Master in his bedroom, he had set out a pair of cotton, navy blue warm-ups, a pair of navy blue silk briefs, a white polo shirt, and his slides. I dressed him, and of course, he looked so handsome and so sexy. Then to my surprise, he reached on his bed and grabbed his swimsuit. The next thing I saw was a red swimsuit being held up to my nose. Had Master read my mind?

"You still want to be my swimsuit?"

He then turned it inside out and said, "Slave, smell my Superior sweat. Use your slave nose and take a deep breath where your Master's dick and buns were. "

Master didn't have to tell me twice. My nose and mouth were all over the inside of his swimsuit. The area where his crotch had been had such a masculine sweaty smell; I could have kept my nose there all day. I get the same euphoric high when I sneak quick smells of his sweaty socks before putting them in the dirty clothes hamper.

"Enjoying this, slave?"

"Oh, yes, Master. Thank you, Master."

He rubbed the inside of his swimsuit all along my face, and I tried to take as many deep breaths of its inside as was humanly possible.

"That's enough of that even for a slave. Now, go and hand wash my swimsuit. Hang it up to dry, and hurry up with this. Then you can start fixing my dinner."

"Yes Master." Worshiping Master's swimsuit was another one of the many privileges I've received in my life of slavery that I'm not sure Doug completely understands.

After dinner, I was given permission to watch television with Master in the living room. Before I could sit down, he had me stand in front of him. Once again, he grabbed and squeezed my balls, and I fell to the floor. Looking up at Master, I then moved a few inches and was now on the floor sitting to his right side.

A few minutes after 9:00, Master said, "Slave, this has been such a fun day for me; I hate to see it end. Walk to the playroom and get in the corner."

I walked quickly to the playroom, stood in the corner, and waited for Master and started wondering what else he had planned for me. A few minutes later, I found out.

"Grip your hands behind your head. I'm so horny today."

"I did as I was told, and a few seconds later, I felt Master's dick inside my ass. As usual, Master pumped me good and hard, and as always, the longer he fucked me, the harder his dick got inside me. His second load of cum for the day felt so good.

Once our breathing got back to its normal beating, I followed Master into his bathroom and cleaned his dick and crotch area. He peed in the toilet while I let the dogs out to do their business before bedtime. I then went wash up as well.

When I returned to the bedroom, Master was on the loveseat playing with the dogs. I pulled back the comforter and sheets to his bed. Then I pulled the plastic crate from under Master's bed, pulled out my sheet and pillows and made my own bed.

Master got up from the loveseat and patted me on the head before he got in his comfortable bed. As I was about to lie down, both dogs jumped on the bed, and Master played with them for a few more minutes before telling them to go to their own beds. Master then told me to come to the side of his bed. I crawled there, kneeled, and lowered my head.

Master said, "Come up a little." In a half standing, half kneeling position, Master then kissed me on my forehead.

"Master is proud of the job you did today. You worked hard in your domestic chores, and you pleased me on the bondage table and during sex a little while ago. You were the obedient slave I expect you to be."

"Thank you, Master."

Within a few a seconds, I was in my bed space hoping to quickly wind down from the busy day I had. It had been an interesting day: starting off when Master had me cook a big breakfast for everyone at the ranch, spending most of the afternoon on the bondage table, relaxing with Master and massaging his feet while we watched television, and then ending the day by serving his sexual needs. Giving interviews must make my Master horny.

Next: Chapter 22

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