From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Apr 10, 2016



"Master's Pleasures"

Master was standing in front of me wearing his robe and slides saying, "Slave, get up." Unless we stay up too late or I am given permission, on weekend mornings, I am allowed to sleep no later than 6:30. At that moment, I was nervous thinking I had overslept and would be punished. Seeing the frantic look on my face, he then said, "Relax, slave; I'm getting you up earlier than usual; it's a few minutes before 6:00; you didn't oversleep. Doug is cooking us breakfast before I drive him to pick up his rental car."

My heart then resumed its normal beat after hearing those words. However, I quickly kneeled and started my morning routine by giving Master's feet their usual morning kiss. He then slid his flip-flops off so I could kiss his entire foot. A minute or two later, he untied his robe, lowered his black silk briefs, held my head against his his dick, and released his always delicious piss down my throat.

Master gave me permission to do my required body shave after he and Doug left. He then told me to stand up, and I did. Reaching in his left pocket, he pulled out my collar and secured it around my neck. Then he put the lock on it, which is something he rarely does. Reaching in his other pocket, he pulled out the leash and secured it in place. Master then told me, "Slave, I want you to remain naked while you serve Doug and me breakfast. This will let him get a better glimpse of a Master-slave relationship. And besides, I'm thinking about having you naked all the time anyway from now on. I'll let you know when I decide."

"Master, permission to speak please."

"Go ahead, Slave."

"I mean no disrespect, Master, but what if Doug can't handle seeing me naked?"

I then saw Master's hand come up and slap me across my face. He hit both sides of my face several times.

"I could easily get my flogger and blister that slave ass of yours right now. You are my property, and I will do what I damn well please with you. Don't ever undermine my authority again. Showing my naked property to my brother will bring me great pleasure. Understand?"

"Yes, Master; please forgive me."

Master then grabbed my leash and started walking out of his bedroom to meet Doug in the kitchen. Looking in the antique mirror hanging on the wall in the hallway, I noticed that my face was still red. Doug's face turned white when he first saw me, and I was a little embarrassed at first being exposing my naked body in front of my brother-in- law.

Doug, when you do your face-to-face interviews with the other Masters, their slaves may be naked just like mine is right now. If you weren't here today, he would be naked as he is now and serving me breakfast in bed. Clothes are reserved for free men, and he is no free man."

"I'm getting used to it; it's just in over twenty years, I've never seen Rick naked before."

"I just wanted you to see what day-to-day living in a Master-slave relationship is like. Believe me, he's probably more comfortable in my home right now in his nakedness then he was last night when I allowed him to wear clothes." Master then unhooked my leash for Doug to see how I typically look like when I'm in his home.

While the brothers ate, I stood at attention behind Master refilling their coffee mugs twice. I then cleared their breakfast dishes. While they stayed seated at the kitchen table and talked for a few minutes, Master had me put Doug's suitcases and his packed gym bag in the trunk of his car.

Doug mentioned that the food he had cooked for me would get cold. Master explained by saying, "He always eats after I do, and he won't suffer from eating cold biscuits and eggs."

After breakfast, I dressed Master in a tan polo shirt, black warm ups and matching jacket, black silk briefs, white ankle socks, and his athletic shoes. He then patted me on my head like he always does and told me, "I'll see you later, Slave."

He and Doug left a few minutes before 8:00, which would give him plenty of time to get to the gym for his volleyball game at 9:00. I then ate breakfast, cleaned the dirty dishes, shaved my crotch, pits, and chest, finished my housework, ironed Master's shirts for the upcoming week, and showered. I then ate a small salad because I wasn't sure what time Master would return home. Obeying instructions given to me, I then went into his playroom, submitted myself, and waited.

When I walked into the playroom, it was 12:19. I always like being in my submit position because kneeling with my face to the floor shows Master that I can get no lower than this in showing my complete submission and obedience to him. In this position, even to kiss his feet, I must raise my head, which shows that everything about him, including even his feet, is superior to me.

Master is always so happy after he returns home from playing volleyball with his friends. It's always nice to undress him and be able to smell his manly and superior body sweat. I wasn't sure what time Master returned home when I heard him walking through the kitchen door. A few minutes later, he walked into the playroom.

"Turn around and kneel." I quickly turned around, took a quick glimpse to look at the clock before I once again lowered my head. It was 1:09 P.M.

I could see Master was wearing his athletic shoes. Looking at the hair on his beautifully tanned and muscular legs, I could see he was still wearing his athletic shorts. Master pulled my head to his crotch, and I welcomed a second load of his piss in my willing mouth. There was still a little sweat on Master's dick, and I savored that taste as well. I tried to smell his crotch and feel his crotch hair with my face, but he quickly pulled my head away from his dick. He was still wearing his muscle shirt and warm-ups suit top as well. At that moment, as I always do, I believed I'm the luckiest slave in the world because my Master is so intelligent, so incredibly handsome, and so sexy. Although, I guess every slave thinks the same thing about his Master.

"Get the massage table ready, so you can give me a nice, long massage. Then come and undress me. And, do this quickly."

I went into the walk-in closet in the hallway and pulled out the cushion I place on the table along with a clean sheet. I took them to the playroom and set them on the chair and returned to the closet to get the massage table. I had everything set up within three minutes. Master complimented me on how quickly I had done this. I couldn't wait to start massaging Master's athletic, toned, and superior body.

I then walked up to Master and lowered my head as I began to undress him. He told me to start with his muscle shirt, and I did. I lifted it above his head and took it off. It was still damp with his sweat. He held it up to my nose and rubbed my nose all along the front of it.

Master then told me to take off his shoes and socks. I started by untying his left shoe and then removing his sock. I could feel the dampness in them from his superior body sweating during the game. He held out his hand, and I handed him his sock. He then held it up to my nose saying, "Here's a reward, slave. Inhale the sweaty and stinking sock odor from your Master's superior foot."

I held Master's damp socks up to my face and moaned with a sense of ecstasy from their dampness and smell. I pictured Master jumping up to spike the ball and running on the court during the volleyball game helping his team with the victory they had received today. And, I selfishly wished I had been there to see the sweat on his body when it was nice and fresh. The thought of my Master's body covered in sweat during the game suddenly gave me an instant hard-on.

Master noticed my hard-on. I soon saw his right foot lift from the floor headed to my balls. His foot rose so quickly and hit my balls twice, hitting each ball in the center. It was so hard that I fell to the floor. He then said, "You just as soon lose that pitiful slave erection; you won't be cumming today. Now, finish undressing me, and start my massage."

" Yes, Master."

"May I ask a question, Master?"

"Oh, alright; what is it, Slave?"

"Master, could I please go and watch you play volleyball sometime?"

"We'll have to see about this, Slave. Saturdays are usually the day you clean the house, run errands, and do your weekly ironing, while I enjoy my privilege as a Master and relax and have fun. This would definitely be a reward for you, Slave; I'll have to think about this."

"Thank you, Master."

Master walked the few steps, and his superior body was now honoring the massage table while he rested there during his massage. His naked body looked like a sculptor's creation of the perfect body form compared to my naked slave body. I took a towel and wiped his body down before I started massaging him. I started with his shoulders and then went down to his back. He let out a moan when I was massaging him just below his shoulders. He told me it felt good there and to continue rubbing his back in that location for a few minutes. A few minutes later, I moved down to his buns, his firm buns, which are so perfect on his tall, muscular, swimmers, built body.

Massaging his legs and then going down to the feet of his beautiful, toned body, are two more blessing bestowed upon this superior male. Master then told me to go back up to his shoulders and to once again massage him down to his toes, and I did. Touching his body is such an honor, and whenever I get to massage him, I try to make this privilege last as long as possible.

He then rolled over and was now lying on his back. I repositioned the sheet to make it more comfortable for him. I once again started with his shoulders. Master was enjoying his massage when the house phone rang. He told me to go and get the extension phone, which was on the nightstand. I then handed him the phone. It was Peter, Master's newest bottom. While he talked to Peter, he told me to submit. They spoke for about ten minutes, and Master agreed to meet Peter the next morning at his loft before they went out to lunch. Their conversation ended, and Master dropped the phone next to me, told me to put it back on the receiver, and to then resume his massage.

I once again started at Master's shoulders, since he seems to enjoy this area the most. A few minutes later, my hands were now massaging his chest. Master has just the right amount of chest hair, which adds to his overall sexuality, but does not take away from his muscular abdominals. He complimented me on doing such a good job on his massage. My hands had gone from his lower stomach back towards his pecs when he told me to stop.

"Slave, stop for a minute. Look up because I want to see your eyes."

I was now staring at Master's beautiful blue eyes and handsome face. We stared at each other for a few seconds when he spoke.

"Slave, you're still a handsome man. Through the calisthenics, aerobics, and yoga, I have you doing; you're keeping in good shape as well."

"Thank you, Master; that means a lot to me."

"In shape, so handsome, so intelligent and your purpose in life is to be a lowly, subservient, obedient, inferior slave. "

Master's voice and facial expressions quickly became more forceful. I knew it would only be a matter of minutes, or even a few seconds before Master would be getting off of his massage table and his sex toys lying on the bed a few feet away would be used on my body. Whatever I did or said from that moment on didn't matter because Master was about to have his fun with my body. Although it wouldn't matter in whatever pleasure or pain Master would use me for, I decided to thank Master. I raised my right hand, and he gave me permission to speak.

"Thank you for owning me, Master. I'm grateful to be your slave and spend my live serving you."

Master then responded in that deep authoritarian voice he gets right before he is about to use my body for his pleasure or to punish me. "What else is the purpose of a slave but to serve a Superior man, and yes, my slave, my property recognizes this. Yippee for me! Do I win the prize for owning such an educated slave?"

He then got off the massage table and his Superior naked body was standing in front of mine. He grabbed my head and held it securely in place with his right arm and told me to lick his armpit. My head was held so tightly; I couldn't move it at all. I licked up and down his armpit and tasted the combination from dried sweat and deodorant. He then released me, and with his hand behind my neck, moved me to the left side of his body to do the same thing to his left armpit. Immediately, I once again moved my tongue in every direction to clean his armpits with my tongue.

"Rub your Master's armpit hair across your face. Feel the hair that a free man is allowed to have."

My face was feeling the hair from Master's armpits when he suddenly removed my head from his grip. He lifted my head to make eye contact with him.

"Get in the corner."

I quickly walked to the corner of the playroom, lowered my head, and waited for Master. He met me there about a minute later. He grabbed my face and opened my mouth as wide as I could get it and stuffed one of his sweaty socks inside it. He then put clothespins on my nipples, around my pectorals, and all along stomach.

"You know what to do."

I lifted my hands, gripped them together and placed them behind my head. Master likes having me in this position because it's easier for him to move me around. Sometimes I wish he would handcuff me to the hooks in the wall instead. I've lost my grip like this three times over the years, and each time, Master gave me a very hard spanking for being negligent in my duties to him while he was having his fun with me. Each time I also six hours several hours in Corner Time. Master started using his hands and was lightly slapping my balls. Soon the slaps started getting harder and more frequent. To me the most pain is when Master hits me right between the balls. For some reason, that was his landing spot for almost every hit today.

I was squirming but not too much, again after seven years, the pain received from Master's pleasure does not hurt as much. Master stopped for a few seconds to push his sock a little deeper down my throat. Then I saw him make a fist, and I closed my eyes as if not seeing what was about to hit me would make the pain any less. Within a few seconds his fist then hit the corners of both of my balls. Through my socked mouth, I let out a bloodcurdling scream and started to kneel in a squatting position.

Master bent down and looked me in the eye. "Get up slave, and get up now, or the next hits will be even harder."

Now up, Master used his hands and gave me five more hits mostly on the tip of my penis. His last hit was another punch, and again, I started falling to the floor. However, this time I was able to come up quickly without having Master yell at me.

"That was good, slave. I'm sure you enjoyed that as much as I did."

I nodded my head in agreement to Master. My balls and ball sac were hurting, but I knew Master was not finished with me because he had not yet cum. Except for those hits with his fist, CBT doesn't hurt me like it used to seven years ago. Thanks to Master's intense training of me, for the most part during CBT sessions, pleasure and pain have almost become one emotion. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. Any pain eventually goes away. Because this brings Master pleasure, my purpose is to do whatever it takes to please him and to make sure his needs are satisfied during this activity.

He then put his hand on the top of my head and guided me to the floor. I was now kneeling with my head lowered waiting to receive orders to service his dick. He moved my head so my mouth and nose were touching my Master's dick, which was getting harder each second. Without saying a word, I started licking and sucking his balls. Soon my tongue was licking the shaft of Master's dick, and it continuing to grow and grow until it was standing at attention. My mouth was now open and Master's hand was behind my head pushing my mouth deeper and deeper down his dick until I was about to gag. My mouth was going up and down his dick; it was getting so hard, I thought it would smother me. Master was holding my head down on his dick, so I couldn't come up from air. My mouth was getting fucked good and hard with his dick.

After a few minutes, Master took his dick out of my mouth, pulled me up, and then pushed me until I reached the massage table. Without being told, I leaned over and waited for Master's entry. He spread the cheeks of my ass, and his entry was so deep inside me and so forceful, it pushed me a few inches across the massage table. I was getting a bareback fucking, and Master's dick was not going to get soft anytime soon.

Within a few seconds Master was pumping my ass good and hard. As always the more he pumps my ass, the deeper he goes inside me as I feel his dick getting harder and harder the longer he fucks me. The deeper Master went inside me, the louder my moans became. Sometimes it would feel like he was pulling out of my ass, but he wouldn't pull out all the way. Then his next thrust inside me was harder and deeper than before.

He then started pumping me quicker and quicker, and I was hoping he wasn't about to cum because it felt so good getting a good hard fucking. I turned around for a second to look at Master. His eyes were closed and he had a smile on his face as he was using his property for his sexual pleasure. I then turned around and was once again staring at the sheet on the massage table.

Master then put his hands across my chest to lift me up a few inches. This startled me, and I almost lost the grip of my hands behind my head. I was now in a halfway standing and halfway bent over position. Master continued pumping my ass.

I stayed in this position for a minute or two while Master kept going deeper and deeper inside me. All of a sudden I could now feel Master pulling on the clothespins as he continued pumping my ass. The harder he pulled on the clothespins, the faster he was pumping my ass. In taking care of Master's sexual needs, I was now experiencing pleasure and pain. The harder he'd pull on the clothespins the deeper he was now going inside me. I twisted and turned my body and ass to welcome Master's dick in every possible angle to give him more sexual pleasure.

After a few minutes of experiencing sexual ecstasy in both pleasure and pain given to me by my Master's exceptional lovemaking, he then let our a loud moan. The warmth of his cum felt so good as it was now flowing inside me. Master then pulled his dick out of me. He then pulled my body straight up and was now standing behind me. Our breathing was quickly returning to normal.

Master then put his hand on top of my shoulder and guided me to the corner. He pulled on each clothespin before he removed it and threw it on the floor. Then he took his ankle sock out of my mouth and also threw it on the ground. He then turned me around, and my head was now facing the wall. He then told me, "Slave, that took care of my sexual needs for now; you pleased your Master."

"Thank you, Master."

"Now, we need to address the issue of you undermining my authority this morning."

I raised my hand to get permission to speak, as I must do whenever I am in the corner. Master gave me permission.

"Master, please forgive me. I never meant to undermine your authority. I know my place is to obey your every word. I know I was wrong and did a stupid thing; please forgive me."

"Yes, you did do a stupid thing, and that action cannot go unpunished."

Master then walked away, and I knew he was going to the bed to get one of his spanking toys. A few seconds later, he rubbed it against my back, and I could tell it was his whipping cane.

"Soon, you'll forget about the pain from CBT because your cute little recently fucked ass will be red and blistered."k cheek. He made me count each lash; he gave me

For fifteen more minutes, my butt felt his cane. The only break I got during that time was for a few seconds each time Master stopped to reposition the cane in his hands or to move my body to a different position. Master is a strong man by nature, and he was using all of his strength to hold the cane on my ass and on the back of my knees.

When he finally stopped, my balls were still hurting and so was my ass and the back of my knees. My ass was red and warm from the spanking. It would be red for several days as my reminder to obey my Master and never question anything he assigns me to do.

Master then walked away to put the cane back on the bed with the rest of his sex toys. He then walked back and was standing directly behind me. He gave me permission to release the grip of my hands and rest them on the sides of my body. I could feel his breathing down my neck. I was so nervous with him standing there because I didn't know if my punishment was over or if he had other things planned for me .

"Slave, I'm going take a shower, and then I'll lie down and take a nap. I want you to clean up this area and then go to your slave bathroom and shower as well. Then, I want you to come back here for Corner Time."

"Yes Master."

"When I come to get you, you will fix and serve me dinner. After dinner, you will come back in the corner until I come and get you for bedtime."

I served Corner Time from 3:50 to 6:15 and 7:10 until bedtime at 12:15 A.M. I went to my slave bathroom to brush my teeth and pee. Master had let the dogs out to do their business before he ended my Corner Time, and they were already in his bedroom when I got there. Master was sitting on the loveseat and playing with Justice and Boo Radley.

I pulled back the comforters to Master's bed, fluffed his pillows, and gave his feet their good night kiss. Master was soon resting comfortably his bed. I then pulled out the plastic storage container he allows me to store under his bed to get my sheet and two pillows. My own bed is also very comfortable sleeping on the plush carpeting at the foot of Master's bed. Master then began talking to me.

"Set up your slave bed and then come here, A few seconds later, I was kneeling with my head lowered at the side of Master's bed.

"Slave, you have always been my obedient slave and property. Today you messed up big time, and your Master was disappointed with you."

"I understand Master. Next time you screw up like this, you will be sleeping in the kennel in the basement for a month. You are my property; you do as you are told, and never question my authority. "

"Yes, Master."

"I've decided that we'll leave on Friday evening and spend next weekend with Dad and Doug at the ranch. Doug is leaving to go home next Sunday. Obviously, I won't be playing volleyball next Saturday. I've also decided that in one month, if you continue being my obedient and submissive slave and property, that I trained and avoid any more punishments, I will allow you to come and watch me play volleyball."

"Thank you, Master; I won't mess up again."

"That's what I want to hear."

"Understand; this will be an occasional reward and not a weekly event."

"I understand Master; thank you."

"Now go to bed, Slave; I have a busy day planned for you tomorrow."

"Good night, I love you, Master."

"I love you too, Slave."

Next: Chapter 21

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