From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Mar 3, 2016




The last class I teach at the university ends at 11:50. By the time I walk back to my office, gather my materials, and lock the office door, I am usually in my car around 12:10 and back at Master's home by 12:20 to then work at my job as an author and freelance journalist. I am expected home by 12:30, unless an emergency arises. On this particular Tuesday, everything took longer than usual, including traffic lights and traffic itself due to a major wreck on the highway.

I walked inside the house at 12:45, and Master was home. An advance check had arrived from my publisher, which needed my signature. He wanted to deposit it in the bank so Chuck, our financial planner and another Master as well, could invest it.

Master had been home since noon. He was upset that I was delayed and not in his home at my regular time. I was so frustrated with the traffic, I completely forgot to call and tell him I would be delayed, which he would have understood. He grabbed my head, and secured it in place in a headlock position. I knew I was in trouble the minute I walked in the door and saw the look on his face.

He was yelling at me for my negligence for the entire walk from the kitchen to the playroom. He then told me to get in my uniform. Within a few seconds, I was now naked. For making him wait, getting home past my 12:30 curfew, and not calling him that I would be late coming home, I was spanked really hard with his wooden paddle. He then left with the signed check to deposit it on the way back to his office.

That evening after serving Master his dinner, once again we were in his playroom. There I was given an even more intense spanking with his paddle, riding crop, and flogger. My buns were deep red and blistered. I then spent almost four hours in corner time with my hands behind my back.

At 10:30, Master came into the playroom. He put his hand on the top of my head and pushed me down to the ground. Kneeling before him with my head lowered, I saw his unsocked foot rise from the floor and then kick me in the balls. He did this five times, and each kick was harder than the previous one. He then told me to crawl to his bedroom because it was time for bed.

I pulled back the comforter and sheets to his bed, but he did not get into it right away. He pushed me really hard, and I ran across the room, falling a few inches from the corner wall. He then told me to meet him at the foot of his bed where I normally sleep. He told me to lie on my back, and that I could not sleep with my pillows for two weeks. On my back and looking up, Master was like a skyscraper towering over me. I felt even more submissive and inferior looking at my superior, strict and demanding but also kind and loving Master 's face. His right foot was covering my mouth. He then removed it and used it to press down on my dick and balls. The more I squirmed, the harder he pressed down. After a few minutes of this, he then walked away and went in his bed.

My butt was still red and sore from the two paddling's I received but was not hurting as much as my balls were. Kneeling seemed to ease some of the pain. I was staring at Master, who had quickly fallen asleep. He looked so peaceful and so handsome, and once again I felt so honored and privileged to be his slave. More guilt then flowed through my body because I was so negligent in my responsibilities. I decided I would make this stupid error of mine up to Master so he would once again be proud of me. About an hour later, the pain started to go away, and I was able to go to sleep.

The next evening before I could say anything to Master as he walked through the door, he told me. "Slave, get my dinner ready now. I'll change clothes myself, and you can hang them up later. Doug will be calling me in about thirty minutes. You know the routine by now what to do when my brother calls."

Doug had been calling on the house phone a few times a week for the past two weeks. Master would take the calls in his office and send me to the playroom and have me submit to him. After their conversation, he would then come in the playroom where he either used me for his sexual needs or attached the leash to my collar and would have me crawl to the living room, where he would decide if we would spend the night watching television or reading. Master never did tell me what these recent and very frequent phone calls were all about.

Master met a new bottom, a registered nurse named Peter, whom he says shows promise for the relationship to last a little longer. On two of those nights after speaking to Doug, he had me follow him and continue submitting to him in the corner of the living room while he was on the phone talking to Peter. On most of those nights, even though he had been off the phone for a while, he kept me in my submit position until bedtime.

On Monday I served Master his dinner, and then went into the living room to fluff the pillows on the sofa. He then sat down, and I positioned a pillow behind his back so he would be even more comfortable. He then dismissed me so I could clean the dining room, eat my dinner in the kitchen, and wash the dishes. Unless there is company, I am not allowed to use the dishwasher. Master requires that I wash the dishes by hand, dry them, and put them away immediately. He does not want to ever see a dirty dish in the sink or on the kitchen counter, or I will be punished for being negligent in my duties.

I then walked in the living room and kneeled. He was reviewing his opening arguments for his court case, which was set to start at 10:00 A.M. the next day. Without looking up, he told me to take his slides off his feet and then lie on my back. He then used my body as his footrest. A few minutes later he then stood up and told me to kneel so that I could swallow his piss. He then sat down, and I kneeled in front of him.

He told me about his conversations he had been having with his brother. Doug would be coming to his house on Friday night and then leave on Saturday to go to the ranch and spend a few days visiting their dad, who has been getting weaker and weaker with his congestive heart failure. He was planning on writing an article about gay Masters and slaves in the twenty-first century. Master agreed that we would be one of the couples interviewed. Several other couples from around the country would also be interviewed.

Master said that because of family here, we would identified as being from Chicago, since that is where he went to law school. He also told me I was to answer Doug's questions honestly, and he would not punish me for any answers I would give. He then told me to submit, and I remained there until bedtime.

I picked Doug up at the airport on Friday afternoon. It felt funny being in the house fully clothed. My neck also felt naked without my collar, which is removed only when I shower and at bedtime, unless I am told otherwise. Wearing clothes in Master's house for any length of time always seems awkward.

Doug and I were having a really nice conversation, but he kept telling me he felt guilty sitting on the sofa while I sat on the floor. He wanted to call Master at work to see if he would give me permission to sit on the sofa. I finally convinced Doug that my Master would not allow this, and I was very comfortable on the floor. The next thing I knew, he was now sitting on the floor with me.

Master came home at 5:50, and I greeted him at the kitchen door like I always do. He and Doug hugged each other. He handed me his briefcase to take to his office. I then met Master and Doug in the living room. He patted me on the top of my head, sat in his favorite chair, and then told me to kneel while he and Doug talked.

"So, have you two had an enjoyable afternoon?"

"Yes, we did, Brian. I hope you don't mind, but this afternoon I was sitting on the floor with Rick."

While I was removing the loafers from Master's feet, he said, "Why? The furniture is certainly more comfortable. His place is the floor, not yours."

"Brian, please don't get mad at Rick over this. He told me the same thing, but I felt guilty sitting on the sofa and seeing him sit on the floor."

"There's no need to feel guilty, Doug? He's on the floor where he should be. A slave has no business sitting on furniture; I'm pretty sure the other Masters you speak to will tell you the same thing."

"I understand where you're coming from. But, I just wonder how sitting and sleeping on the floor all the time can be comfortable."

"He's never had a problem finding a comfortable spot on the floor; he knows that's where he belongs."

"That's what I'm hoping to learn through these interviews."

Master then lifted his right foot so it was now under my chin and lifted my head to make eye contact with him. He smiled at me, and told Doug, "Right now, he's kneeling on an area rug and not on the wooden floor itself. I shouldn't be spoiling him like this. Besides, as a slave his comfort level is not a matter of consideration; mine is." He then removed his foot from my chin, put it on the top of my head and pushed my head on the floor, so I was now submitting to him.

"I'd hate to think he'd be punished over something I asked him to do."

"He's too obedient to even think of sitting on the furniture because he knows the consequences. Now, let's change conversation topics for just a second. I'm sure you know by now, I'm taking the three of us out to dinner. Then you can conduct your interview with us since you want to leave in the morning to go to the ranch."

At the restaurant, Master asked me what I was going to order. He approved all the choices I made for my meal, and I was given permission to tell them to our waiter. Those were the only words he allowed me to speak until we returned to his home.

We got back to Master's house around 9:00, and Doug started the interview. He sat on the sofa; Master sat in his favorite chair, and I was now kneeling. Master put my collar on me and was holding the leash tightly making it difficult for me to move too much. Doug explained that for the article he would identify us as two professional gay men in their forties who had been married for over twenty years and were in a Master-slave relationship for almost seven years. Master agreed to this description. He said during his past interviews, he had gathered more than information from the slaves' points of view than from their Masters. He wanted to concentrate on the next few interviews on getting more information from the Master's points of view. Master agreed to this.

Doug asked his first question. "When was the first time you ever thought about dominating your husband?"

"When we first met, he told me he had a foot fetish. I never had anyone tell me this before. We tried it, and soon, it became a fun thing to do. The first time he removed my socks, which I bad been wearing for almost fifteen hours, I noticed how turned on he was by their smell. He was so excited to be licking my sweaty feet. I looked down at him getting turned on the longer and harder I rubbed my foot across his face. I suddenly found myself wanting to tie him up. I had dated a guy before we met who had asked me to tie him up and then fuck him, and I found myself wanting to do the same thing and a lot more things to Rick. Seeing him at my feet, thinking of him tied up, and giving up control to me was beginning to seem so natural. I found myself thinking of controlling every aspect of his life like I do now, and I liked the it."

"So, this was early in your relationship; how early? Would you have enslaved him way back then and so early in your relationship"

"The first time I thought of dominating him must have been about five or six weeks after we moved in together. And yes, I would have enslaved him that early in our relationship if we had only communicated about this. That would not have been a problem for me at all. I knew I'd like being a Master, but I figured it would only remain a fantasy, so I never attempted to take action on it back then. "

"Are there other times you remember wanting to dominate your husband?"

"He always liked to do all the housework and yard work. When I'd ask him if he needed help, he always told me he didn't because I worked so hard, and he didn't mind doing these things for me. After a while, I stopped asking, and he did everything, just like he does now. While he was busy tending to the day-to-day household chores, I was usually playing racquetball, tennis, or meeting other guys. Yes, I was unfaithful to him from the very beginning. He'd do all the work; I'd be out having fun. Eventually I stopped feeling guilty and enjoyed this privilege I had been given because I had such a submissive husband. He never once complained about being overworked. We were evidently setting the foundation for the statues we both enjoy today."

"What finally convinced you that you wanted a Master-slave relationship?"

"The longer we were married, the more I liked the way things had worked out by themselves. Without having an official contract, I was the Dominant; he was my totally submissive husband. I found myself wanting to move to that next level: Master and slave. He is such an intelligent and loving man; in so many ways better than I am, but I always liked dominating him. He worked a fulltime job and then came home to his second fulltime job. Meanwhile, I was relaxing and having fun doing my own thing. Looking back, I've been dominating him from the day we moved in together."

"It looks like it was inevitable that you would become a Master."

"I wanted it for long because I knew I'd enjoy my role as a Master. He's always been so submissive to me and early on I found out I liked dominating him. He never questioned me or got angry with me for anything, and I liked that. I figured it wouldn't be hard to have him commit to the next level when I realized this life we were living as equals was becoming a charade; it had to come to an end. I loved him as a husband, but I now wanted him as a slave as well. I was determined to finally make that happen."

"What did you do to make it happen?"

"I started testing him in small ways to see if it was his desire as well; I was pretty confident it was. He passed every test I put him through with flying colors, and I knew it was only a matter of time before I could take ownership of him."

"So, you were testing the waters pretty sure he'd commit to being your slave. Did you ever think he might not be interested in taking that next step?"

"I never really did because he was always so submissive to me. If he questioned anything I did back then, all I ever had to do was raise my voice one level higher. He'd immediately back down and would become even more submissive. That's why I knew I'd enjoy the exact moment he'd kneel at my feet and give up his freedom to me to become my slave for life. And, I loved the moment he did, by the way."

"His final test came during a one- week period when we were both extra busy with our jobs. We both left the house early on Friday morning. I came home about two hours before he did and saw our coffee mugs and two small plates we used to eat biscuits on in the sink, nothing major at all. It would have taken me a few minutes to clean this up, but I left everything as we did that morning. When he walked in the house, I showed this to him and in a really firm voice I questioned him about why he left such a mess in the kitchen. I told him it was embarrassing to walk in the house and see such a mess."

"I'm assuming he passed this test?

"He passed the test just as I had predicted when he immediately started apologizing to me and begging me to please forgive him. He was almost in tears. He kept apologizing to me the rest of the night and was even more attentive and submissive to me that night than usual. I now knew it would be easy to train him in his duties as a slave and in my expectations of him. In bed that night, he had the saddest look on his face. He apologized to me for the umpteenth time, and then when I made eye contact with him the first time since he got home, he started to cry."

"Knowing his life as my slave was about to begin, I decided to cut him some slack. I held him tightly in my arms while caressing his face. I told him I forgave him for being so irresponsible, and his crying soon stopped. A few minutes later, he fell asleep with his head still resting on my chest. "

"That night I woke up and stared at him for a few minutes while he was sleeping. He looked so peaceful and innocent. I'm sure he didn't realize that in exactly two weeks his days of sleeping in a comfortable bed with me would become memories, and the floor would become his permanent bed and furniture."

"It looks like he was always working really hard to please you from the very beginning of your relationship."

"You're right. Another thing he never did was telling me no whenever I wanted to have sex. I knew some nights he was tired, but he never said anything, and I'd have my fun. He always told me he wanted to please me by becoming a good bottom, and he became a great bottom and still is. Looking at him sleep that night and thinking of him soon being my slave, got me horny. I tapped him on his shoulder and then woke him up; he was sleeping really hard that night. While he was still groggy, I straddled him and started rubbing my crotch in his face and then rammed my dick down his mouth so he could suck on it until it got nice and hard. I then fucked the shit out of him."

"The next day while he was cleaning the house, I left for about an hour and opened a post office box. Once I got back home, I placed a rush order for his collar, butt plugs, paddles, leg restraints, riding crops, floggers, nipple clamps, and mouth gags. I knew I'd be busy starting his slave training in a few days, and I wanted to introduce these things to him on his first day of training so he could get used to them."

"Later that afternoon while he was doing yard work, I was 'playing tennis' with a realtor named Todd in the bedroom of his condo about a mile from our house. It was a great day, and Todd was a fantastic fuck. Later that evening, I was lying on the couch while he was cleaning the dinner dishes and remembered I never did take my tennis racket or bag out the foyer closet. My tennis bag and the caps he wore when he worked in the yard were on the same shelf in the foyer closet. He never said a word to me, another example of how easy he'd be to train."

"I was smiling as he kissed my feet in submission, and witnessed his life of freedom was finally being replaced with a life of slavery in a matter of seconds. Securing his collar and leash in place that first time was one of my happiest moments in our relationship because he was now exactly where I wanted him to be for a long time, and of course, so was I."

"I remember literally towering over him his first night on the floor while he was lying down there and finding his comfort zone for his new bed. He had a raging hard on while looking up to me and thanked me for enslaving him. I didn't acknowledge him but instead pressed down on his dick with my foot, which was his introduction to CBT. He was then told he would only cum when I gave him permission. He adjusted to the floor quickly and was sleeping in a few minutes. Six months later, after he was now an obedient slave, I then let him start using a sheet and two pillows to sleep with. That first night with his pillows, he was so restless because he was used to sleeping on the bare floor."

"What's the greatest thing about being a Master? Do you even still think of him as a husband?"

"He'll always be my husband, but I was glad that relationship as equals finally ended. I enjoy being a Master way too much; in fact, I'm probably a better Master than I am a husband. I like the fact that he's my 24/7/365 servant, valet, chauffeur, yardman, and I don't have to do these menial tasks. I also like the fact that he no longer has any assets and must depend on me for everything to survive. At times he is somewhat fearful of me when he thinks he may get punished, which proves to me his desire to serve me and to please me. Being able to use him for my sexual needs at any time has always been a nice benefit, and now, he definitely can't refuse me."

"I know I made the right decision several years ago when I decided that I would finally begin living my life in an open relationship. For me personally, I should have probably always been in one. Now whenever I meet someone I'm interested in, I can date him openly, and I owe him no explanations. I enjoy meeting and sleeping with new bottoms whenever I can. He's still doing all the work while I'm still out having fun. There's so many things I enjoy as a Master, but I'd have to say the greatest thing is having him under my complete control in every aspect of his life."

"Do you ever regret not enslaving him sooner? What would you have done if it would have never happened?"

"Our life as equals was getting harder for me to live in. If he hadn't consented to becoming my slave, I would have told him I wanted an open relationship with an official Dominant and submissive arrangement, or an end to our relationship. We had wasted too much time in not communicating on this issue. The reality is that he was meant to be my slave, and there was no use in denying it any longer because he wanted this too. If we had communicated this with each other right after moving in together, he'd be starting his third decade as my slave. It didn't happen back then, unfortunately. I'm just glad it finally did happen."

"So you're serious when you say you want him to be your slave for life."

"Absolutely! This may sound cold-hearted, and I don't mean it to sound that way, but I have a deeper love for him since he gave up his independence to devote his life serving me. He's a natural submissive, and in serving me, he has found a level of joy and peace in his life. He tells me this quite often."

"Rick, when was the first time you thought about being submissive to your husband before becoming his slave?"

"The first time I thought about being submissive was the first night we were in his bed in his condo. He was and is still so handsome, I wanted to do everything I could to make him happy; I was determined from that night on that I would do everything I could possibly do to be the best bottom I could be to please him. I couldn't believe someone as smart and handsome as he is would be interested in me. Pleasing him seemed so natural to me from that moment on. I never really thought about my own needs because I wanted to do everything I could to make him happy."

"The next time was when I took off his shoes to worship his feet, which was about three days later. I was on the floor; he was sitting comfortably on the sofa. I looked up and we smiled at each other. He had never had his feet worshiped before, and I noticed he had a hard-on. As I began worshiping his feet, eventually sucking his toes, I fantasized about him tying me up to do this, and I then had a hard-on myself."

"So, did you also fantasize about what it would be like to live in this lifestyle with your husband as your Master, and you as his slave?"

"Yes, I did. So many times over the years, I had planned on a certain night, or over the weekend, or over a holiday vacation asking him if I could become his slave. That time would come and go, and I didn't take any action on this. I then wanted to kick myself in my ass for losing my nerve knowing how much I wanted to be his slave. Although, at the same time, I was always so scared because if it was something he wasn't interested in, I was worried he would think it was weird and want to end our marriage."

"Is that why did you never ask your Master to help you do things around the house in your free days, Rick?"

"I never asked him to help me because I used to fantasize about doing these tasks as his slave. I knew he was often meeting and fucking other men while I was cleaning house, cooking, or doing yard work. Doing these household tasks brought me such joy because he didn't have to do them. I wanted to do them so he would be happy, and hopefully, I was pleasing him."

"How hard was it hard giving up your independence and accepting your husband as your Master?"

"I wanted to be his slave for so long, it was never a problem. I gladly gave up all privileges as a free man and have received even greater privileges in becoming a slave. I have been madly in love with him since the day we met. In becoming his slave, both my destiny and true happiness were rewarded to me. I accept this as my fate: to live as an inferior to a strict, demanding, and superior male like my Master. Strong and superior men like my Master are meant to be served, and submissive and inferior men like myself are meant to serve them."

We ended the interview; Doug asked if he thought of other questions, could he call and ask them? Master gave his approval, and we all went to bed.

Master then walked with Doug towards the guest bedroom. I went to his bedroom and undressed. I had been in clothes since I left for work. Master then returned to his bedroom carrying five towels. I now knew where he had gone and knew I would not be going to sleep very soon.

I undressed him and hung up his clothes. Master stood in the center of the room, naked, with his beautiful and superior body exposed to me. I kneeled and kissed his feet in submission. He had been wearing his socks for almost seventeen hours. His sweaty feet smelled so good. He then lifted my head and used his hands to open my mouth so I could welcome his piss.

He walked to the bed; handed me the towels, and without saying a word, I knew what to do with them. I laid them in place and then kneeled on the side of the bed and waited. A minute or so later he returned and was now standing on the side of me. With my head lowered, I could see he was now holding one of his socks along with nipple clamps and a ping-pong paddle. He put all of them on the bed.

He then bent my body over the bed and began spanking my butt. He gave each cheek ten whacks with his hand. He then used the ping- pong paddle and gave each cheek fifteen whacks. He then put the ping-pong paddle on the bed and said, "That was a nice practice session until I get to have my fun tomorrow."

"Get in the bed, and make sure your slave ass doesn't touch my sheets."

I was now lying in Master's bed in the middle of the sheets I had placed there a few minutes before. He took my hands and positioned them so my palms were facing up, and he attached the clamps to my pecs. He then got in bed, straddled over me and held me securely in place by placing his knees inside my palms. Whatever he had planned for me, I wanted to do everything I could do to satisfy his needs.

"Doing that interview got me extremely horny because it gave one more example of just how much pleasure I get have in being your Master. Right now, nothing would give me more pleasure than to see you bound, gagged, and blindfolded in my playroom. But with Doug here tonight, that will have to wait until he leaves in the morning."

"Permission to speak, Master?"

"Make it quick; I want to have my fun."

"I thought the same thing during the interview. Master; being your slave brings me so much pleasure. Please help me; please tell me how I can be a better slave. Please let me serve you tonight on the bondage table. I want to satisfy you and make you proud of me, Master."

"That's what I want to hear from you. You want to be a better slave? Take what I have planned for you tomorrow with pleasure, and that will satisfy me immensely. Believe me when I say I'm going to enjoy every minute we're in that playroom."

He then lifted his knees off my hands and positioned them behind my head in a small space between the headboard and the mattress. "I'm not going to tie you up tonight; you'll experience that soon enough. Move these hands, and I'll paddle that cute slave ass of yours so hard tonight, you'll sleep standing up."

He then straddled me and then just sat on my face. He didn't tell me to suck his balls, suck his dick, or rim him; he just sat on my face and didn't move. This was something new; I liked it, but after a few seconds it was hard to breathe. He stayed there for a few seconds longer and then lifted his butt. I took a few deep breaths and he then sat on my face again. Again, after a few seconds, I again struggled to breathe. He got up for a few seconds and lowered his body there again and just sat there. He continued this for several minutes and then got up and was now standing on the side of his bed. "I hope you like the new little game I just used on you; I thought it was fun."

His grabbed his sock, rolled it up, and put in my mouth. "Swallow all of your Master's sock sweat; savor every drop." He then grabbed the ping-pong paddle and started hitting my balls. His first few hits were very soft, but after the fifth hit, they began to get harder with each hit. He then stopped hitting my balls and was now squeezing them with his hands. He ended CBT by slapping my dick and balls with his hands.

He lifted my legs and I wrapped them around his back getting ready to welcome my Master's superior dick in my ass. He noticed my hard-on. His face sitting was new, and it made me really horny. My dick was standing straight up.

He was stroking my dick. "Look at my slave's little, and I mean little, dick getting hard. It's been hard since I sat on your face in our new little game."

"My slave's inferior little dick is so hard right now; unfortunately, he won't be cumming tonight. But in a few minutes, Master will be cumming in your slave ass, and I'm going to enjoy doing it. I also plan on cumming several more times tomorrow, and my slave won't be cumming tomorrow either."

Master then pushed his hips back for a second and then with his full force rammed his dick in my ass so hard, I thought he would put a hole in my stomach. I let out a moan through my socked mouth. As always, it felt so good as he started pumping my ass with his hard dick.

He was rotating his dick in a counterclockwise position inside me, and I was positioning my body trying to follow his every move inside me. With every thrust of his dick, he went deeper inside me, and I could feel his superior dick getting harder inside me. The pumping got more and more intense, and I was moaning with sexual lust wanting more of his superior manhood through my socked mouth.

He then lifted my legs so they were hanging off his shoulders and continued pumping me even harder and deeper the longer he fucked me. It looked like his dick would not be getting soft anytime soon. With my arched body, he was now able to reach my pecs easier, and he began squeezing them. The deeper he went inside me, the harder he squeezed my nipples. I was in a sexual high experiencing such pleasure and pain at the same time; the whole time I wanted to accept everything my Master would give me so that I could please him.

He lifted me even higher, so I was almost standing up in his bed. It was getting harder and harder keeping my hands secure. He then went even deeper and started to fuck me even harder. My ass was getting a good pounding, and he was squeezing my nipples so hard, I was almost crying.

Finally, I could feel my Master's cum flowing inside me, and its warmth felt so good. As he was pumping me with his superior seed, he then squeezed my pecs so hard, I wasn't sure if my moans were for the pleasure or pain I was experiencing at the same time. Master held his dick inside me for a minute or two before I felt him grab my legs and put them down on the towels. His dick was now out of my ass. Our breathing was still heavy from the hot sex scene we had just had. Master told me to take his sock out of my mouth and to clean up the area.

He then took his hand and caressed my face for just a moment and told me, "Slave, that was good, but tomorrow I plan to have even more fun."

Master told me to go to clean up the mess in his bedroom and then go to my slave bathroom and clean up. He walked into his bathroom to shower. After I took a quick shower and walked back into his bedroom, he was already asleep. I fixed my bed area at the foot of his bed and was asleep in a few minutes.

Next: Chapter 20

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