From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Feb 28, 2016



"Cancelled Date"

It was a chilly Saturday morning for the first week of November. I was trimming Master's toenails while he was checking and deleting messages on my cell phone and email accounts. Master's toenails are trimmed every two weeks on a Saturday. On the day before his toenails are trimmed, I always get my required two- week haircut.

While trimming his toenails, he'll rest his foot on my crotch, so I can trim them easier. I put the cuttings on a napkin on my left hand side and dispose of them when I'm finished. After trimming the fifth toe on each foot, I lift it up for him to inspect my work. After getting his approval, I then proceed with his next foot. I then file his toenails from both of his beautiful and sexy feet nice and smooth with an emery board.

I was excited when he rewarded me with the honor to lick the emery board residue off of his toenails and was then allowed me to suck his toes. Then, I washed and massaged his feet. Rubbing moisturizing lotion on the tops and bottom of his feet is pure joy because I am then able to touch his entire foot. I finished this pleasurable task by putting on his ankle socks and running shoes on those extremely sexy feet.

Master complimented me on keeping up with the incoming and outgoing emails on my business account. During the workday, I am allowed to use this account as needed to send and receive emails. He opened up two new folders he would now require to use to store regular correspondence from editors until I received payment from them.

Three years ago, Master opened up a personal email account for me to keep in touch with my family and friends from Florida; however, unlike my business email account, I must get permission before I can use it. He must approve all incoming emails before I read them and any outgoing emails before I send them. He opened up a letter from my godmother, who is my birth dad's oldest sister. After he read it, he gave me permission to read it. He then approved my response to my Aunt Jenny and allowed me to send it to her.

It had been busy workweek between teaching, writing, completing my household duties, and proofreading an article Master is writing for a legal magazine along with a speech he will present at a conference next week. Normally I am not behind on my household duties, but I am this week. He gave me a harsh lecture on how I should organize my time better in situations like these. He didn't punish me as long as I finished my chores by mid afternoon today. I thanked him for his leniency in this situation because I thought for sure I would be punished.

An hour later, Master was reading the morning paper on the sofa in the living room. I had just finished cleaning his bathroom and was bringing the cleaning materials back into the kitchen. It was already mid morning, and I still had to vacuum the bedrooms, dust the furniture in his office and the living room, iron his dress shirts for the week ahead, shine his shoes, and do the grocery shopping. While walking to the kitchen, I heard him call me. "Slave, come here."

"Yes, Master."

"Slave, bring me another cup of coffee, and bring me the book I'm reading. It's on the nightstand in my bedroom."

I walked so fast to his bedroom; it was almost like a slow run. Master was still upset with me, and I didn't want to anything from this point on for him to change his mind and punish me. I put the coffee mug on the coaster on the end table and handed him his book.

"Lose the sad look on your face. You can't come and watch me play volleyball today because you're behind on your chores. Tomorrow you and I will be driving to the ranch to take Dad out to lunch for his birthday, of course weather permitting."

"I understand, Master." He didn't acknowledge me at all.

"Slave, here is the menu for next week's meals. You may write a check at the grocery store. I have plans tonight, so I laid out two shirts for you to iron since I'm not sure which one I will wear until then. Add these shirts to your ironing as you iron my dress shirts for next week. I also laid out an extra pairs of shoes for you to shine. Remember, I expect all of your chores completed by 3:00 this afternoon when I return home. I will not accept another excuse for being late in completing your household duties."

"Yes, Master."

"Also Slave, go and vacuum the inside of my car. I'll be picking up Tom and Chuck, who are two of my teammates. I want the inside of my car to look spotless. Polish the dashboard as well. I'm planning on leaving in thirty minutes."

"Yes Master."

"Now run along. It's already 9:05, and you have a lot to do by the time I return home. This afternoon, you'll be able to give me a nice, long massage before I shower and leave for my date tonight."

Vacuuming the car and polishing the dashboard, along with his steering wheel took about twenty minutes. Master inspected my work and said I did a good job. We then went back inside the house for a few minutes. I brought Master's athletic bag to his car and then met him back in the living room.

"Slave, I'll be leaving a few minutes earlier than planned, but first things first."

He grabbed the top of my head and pushed me down really hard on the ground. I then pulled down his sweat pants and his underwear a few inches, opened my mouth, and enjoyed every drop of his superior piss.

Pulling his underwear back up and retying his sweats, Master then petted me on the head and said, "Good slave; savor the taste of my piss since I won't be home for a few hours. I'm going have some fun today. You better get busy and complete your chores or you won't be able to sit down until next weekend." He then left.

Not wanting to get punished, I quickly vacuumed the bedrooms and even re-dusted the furniture in them. Dusting the furniture in the living room and in Master's office took about another half hour. Master had pulled out six pairs of dress shoes. I put polish on all of them, and let the polish settle in for a while. I then ironed the two shirts Master talked about wearing on his date tonight. I hung them in his closet. I then polished his shoes twice hoping that this will meet Master's approval. Then I ironed five white dress shirts. Master will be in court next week, and when he is in court, he likes to wear white dress shirts. I looked at the clock, and it was 12:45; Master would be home in a little over two hours. I quickly washed up and went to the grocery store, all the while hoping that the checkout lines would not be longer than usual. The grocery store is about ten minutes from Master's home.

At 2:25, I pulled in the garage. I unloaded the groceries and quickly let the dogs out to do their business. I again shaved my body quickly to hopefully please Master and then showered. When I got out of the bathroom, I looked at the clock, and it was 2:52; I knew Master would be home soon.

I quickly went in every room of the house and reexamined my work to make sure I had cleaned everything in case he chose to inspect my work. Since Master did not tell me what to do after I finished my housework, I grabbed a book and went read in my slave corner in the living room. I was so nervous because I hoped he was no longer mad at me.

At 3:17, I saw Master's car pull in the driveway. I ran into the kitchen and stood at attention by the door leading to the garage and waited for him. He then walked in the door with his athletic bag in his left hand and car keys in his right hand.

"Here, Slave," as he handed me his car keys and athletic bag.

"Welcome home, Master; how did your team do today?"

"We won two of the three games, but more important, we all had fun."

"I'm glad you had fun, Master. I finished all of my chores, Master." He didn't acknowledge me.

He picked up the mail, skimmed through it for a few seconds, and put it back on the kitchen counter. Then he told me, "Crawl and follow me to my playroom."

I was in the playroom in less than a minute. Master was waiting for me. He was in the middle of the room and was holding his flogger in his right hand. He didn't look happy. I kneeled in his presence. "Slave, I'll be home tonight. Jeff, a mutual friend of one of Master Matt's bottoms called and cancelled our date. He's looking for a monogamous one-on-one relationship. I don't blame him, but I am so horny. Jeff is really cute. He has a nice bubble butt I was looking forward to fucking tonight."

"I'm sorry it didn't work out, Master."

"Get your sorry slave ass up."

Master then put his hand behind my head and pushed me in the corner. He then walked towards me while taking off his shirt. He was still sweaty from his game.

"I'll be having fun with my slave this afternoon and this evening."

He grabbed my neck and put my head under his left armpit. His right hand was forcing my head deeper in his pit. "Our game ended just a few minutes ago, and I sweated a lot today. Lick my pits clean. Put your slave tongue to some good use."

Master had such a tight grip around my head and neck; I could only lick a small portion of his pit. I was lapping up his salty tasting sweat and enjoying it. He then pushed my head deeper in his armpit and said, "Lick deeper in my pit. Slave; lick through my superior hairy pit down to my skin." My tongue was going deeper in his armpit hair when he slapped me in the back of my head to go even deeper.

"Use that tongue and lick my entire armpit. This is your Master's sweat you're being allowed to swallow."

He then released my head and this time his right hand was in the back of my head and neck. His left hand was now pushing my head deep into his pit hair. This time, my tongue went so deep into Master's armpit hair, I licked away all of his sweat.

"Better job on this armpit; now keep licking."

He then took off his shorts. I was surprised Master hadn't changed back into his sweats since the temperature was in the single digits. He took them off and threw them across the room. He then took off his underwear and did the same thing. He then pushed me on the ground and used his shoes to go upward and kick my balls. The position he hit was so painful; I wanted to fall to the floor. Master then turned around.

"Lick the sweat off my ass."

My tongue went up and down Master's firm, athletic buns. I started with his left cheek, licked the sweat from it and then moved to his right cheek. Master then used his hands, opened his cheeks and said, "Here, lick my ass."

Master spread the cheeks of his ass for me, and my tongue was soon inside him. He was pushing back in my face so my tongue would go deeper. And it did. Master then said, "That's it; lick my ass."

He then told me to lie on the floor, and I did. Master then went from standing directly above my flat body lying on the floor showing his gigantic height and superiority to quickly descending on my face. He was now literally sitting on my face. "Use your tongue, slave, and go deep inside my ass." I licked inside as deep as I could get as Master was almost smothering me from sitting on my face. A few minutes later, he said, "That's good," and stood up.

He then walked away and was not sitting in the chair near the window adjacent to the bed. "Crawl here slave."

Once there Master told me to untie his left shoe. I did as I was told. He then took it from me and held it up to my nose. Pushing it firmly he told me to take deep whiffs of the sweaty insides of his athletic shoes. He then told me to take off his sock, and I did.

He held it up to my nose to smell. He rubbed the entire sock up and down my face, holding it up to my nose for a minute or so. He then asked me, "You like my damp, smelly sweaty sock, slave?"

"Yes Master; I love its smell."

"It smells good enough for a slave; a free man would find the smell repulsive."

He then rolled it up and put it in my mouth and said, "Suck all of the sweat out of your Master's sweaty sock. Swallow my superior sock sweat."

With his sock in my mouth, Master then took his sneaker and held the inside up to my nose for me to inhale it. Before I knew it, he tied it to the back of my head. "Suck and smell my sweaty shoe and sock, and enjoy the smell made by a superior man's body sweat.

Master then got up and walked towards the bed where he keeps his sex toys. A few seconds later, my wrists were now secure in a pair of handcuffs. He then attached my leash to my collar and then sat down. "Smell good, slave?"

I nodded my head.

Master then said, "Slave, untie my right shoe. Oh, that's right you can't do it now, can you? Tell you what; I'll do it."

He then untied his shoe from my face and removed it. He then untied his right shoe and took off his sock. Soon, I was doing the same thing times two. Master yanked my chain twice so hard I fell to the ground. "What's wrong; had an accident? Get up."

Struggling to get up, Master then used his foot to help push me up. He then pushed his shoe even harder and deeper in my face. Soon he untied the shoe from my face and took the sock out of my mouth.

"Like my sock sweat, Slaveboy?"

"Yes, Master; thank you, Master."

He then held his right foot up to my face. "Lick the sweat from the soles of my feet."

My tongue was going up and down the soles of his feet. I didn't miss a drop of his foot sweat from the heels of his foot to the underneath of his toes. He then put the heel of his foot in my mouth and started fucking my mouth. My dick was so hard, and Master saw this.

He placed his left foot up to my balls and started pushing down on them. I let out a moan as he pushed down even harder. He then started rubbing my dick with his foot. "Don't you dare cum today. If your inferior slave cum touches this superior foot, the kennel will be home for you until the summer," and he continued teasing my dick with his foot.

"Eat my toe jam. Use your slave tongue and swallow any other gunk I may have accumulated between my sweaty toes. My tongue was licking away every inch of sweat between Master's toes. Master was now playing with his dick, and it was really hard.

He then moved his left foot to my mouth. "My left foot was getting jealous. You know what to do?"

My tongue was now going up and down Master's foot again from the heel of his foot to the underneath of his toes. "Lefty was getting jealous that he might not get the same attention."

Master was once again fucking my mouth with the heel of his foot and rubbing the sole of his foot across my face. He then placed his toes up to my mouth. "You know what to do."

My tongue was making a meal of Master's toe sweat, toe jam, and tiny specks of dirt he had picked up while playing volleyball. It all tasted so good.

While licking between Master's big toe, I suddenly felt him pull his feet away from my mouth. A few seconds later, both of Master's big toes were now in my mouth. He was pumping my mouth good and hard with his toes, and they tasted so good. Master then put his whole left foot in my mouth and was fucking my mouth hard and deep. Each toe tasted better than the one next to it. Master kept rotating his feet and fucking my mouth.

After a mouth fucking of toes that went on for almost a half hour, Master pulled his toes out of my mouth. He yanked on my chain, and I crawled closer to him. He opened my mouth and rammed his dick inside. He then started pumping my mouth for a few minutes when I felt his warm and salty cum filling my mouth and warming my mouth as I swallowed every drop.

Master then pulled me up and told me to walk to the wall with him. He released me from the handcuffs and told me to move my arms to get the blood flowing. I did as he told me. About a minute later, I felt his hand take my wrist and attach the handcuff back on my left arm. Its partner was attached to a hook on the wall. A second set of handcuffs was then used on my right wrist. Master then grabbed one of his socks and put it back in my mouth. He then attached the clamps to my pecs and started pulling on them for a few minutes.

"Slave, since I can't fuck a potential new bottom tonight, I'm going to fuck the shit out of you tonight and have my fun with you. Prepare for a meeting later on the bondage table."

He then inserted a butt plug in my ass and used the ping-pong paddle to paddle my cheeks and the butt plug as well.

"Slave, I'm going to leave for a few minutes, and when I return, I'm going to fuck you so hard and so long, and I'll take great pleasure in doing it."

Before leaving Master grabbed the ping-pong paddle and used it to whack my balls five times. He then spanked me for a few minutes, set it back on the bed and walked out of the room. I was handcuffed to the hooks on the wall, my pecs tightly secured with clamps, and my mouth stuffed and still sucking on his athletic sock. I tired to look at the time, but when I twisted my body to look at the clock on the nightstand, I was positioned so I could not read it. I didn't know how long Master had been out of the room.

Master then walked back into the room. He took the clips off my pecs and squeezed them with his fingers. He pulled on them, twisted them, and put his fingers on the nipples of my pecs and squeezed them. He was squeezing so hard, I closed my eyes and once again accepted the pain he was inflicting on me as pleasure since it brought him joy to be doing this to me. He then reattached the clamps on my pecs. I then saw him put the key in the handcuffs and my wrists were now released from the wall hooks.

"Move your wrists and get the blood flowing. You've been tied up for almost an hour."

Master took the butt plug out of my ass and told me to go and clean it and bring it back to him. I went into my slave bathroom at the other end of the house and cleaned it. Handing Master the clean butt plug, he inspected it and then put it back on the bed with his other sex toys. I was kneeling in the middle of the room, and he was now standing directly in front of me.

"Get up," and once again he pushed me against the wall.

He reached down and grabbed his other athletic sock. It was still damp but beginning to dry and had a nice tart, vinegary smell to it. He held it up to my nose for me to smell for a few minutes telling me once again to inhale its smell and take deep breaths to appreciate their smell. He then rolled it up and placed it in my mouth. My hands were once again cuffed and attached to the hooks on the wall. A blindfold was then placed over my eyes. As usual, I was at Master's mercy and wondered what he had planned for me?

I then heard him once again leave the playroom. He returned some time later; although, I obviously didn't know how long he was gone. I felt him behind me. He reached around me and grabbed my balls and started twisting them. His hands slapping them followed this.

His belt was soon spanking my butt. The leather part was fine, but when he switched and was now spanking me with his belt buckle, the stinging was more hurtful. The belt was put away and replaced with his riding crop. Each smack was harder than the previous one, and I knew that my butt would be nice and red for a few days.

Master then walked away but returned a few seconds later. He had a new toy. He stood on the side of me, and in his low, seductive voice, he said, "Guess which toy I'm using next?"

With his sock still in my mouth and my face covered with a blindfold, I had no idea. I was totally helpless. Master held it up to my ear, and the next thing I heard was a motorized object. My heart started racing because I then knew it was the electric tickler.

"Slave, if I remember correctly from last time, you really liked Setting 5, the most intense speed. We'll start there and go down to Setting 1. I wanted to cry because I am so ticklish and Master enjoys using his electric tickler on me quite often.

He started tickling my pecs, and I was laughing through my socked mouth and blindfolded eyes. The more intense Master got, the more I squirmed hoping I could avoid his tickle torture. He moved from both of my pits, down to my stomach and finally landing on my crotch and dick. When he got to my balls and dick, he just held it there for what seemed like hours.

Master was enjoying my squirming because the more I'd laugh and squirm, the more he would laugh. "It's so nice to see my slave enjoying this. I can hear your laughter, and it makes me glad you're so happy. I think I'll buy an extra one so I can use two electric ticklers on your body at the same time. You really seem to enjoy this."

After what seemed like an eternity, Master stopped tickling me. He removed the blindfold, and I saw his dick, hard and standing straight up. He rotated my body to make my ass available to him for his pleasure. "Guess what's next in my, or should I say, our fun."

Master then rammed his dick so quickly and so hard in my ass, I jumped up a few inches. He then started pounding my butt. At first he was pumping me a little slow, but with each thrust, he was going deeper and deeper inside me. His thrusts were now becoming faster and faster.

As usual, the longer he pounded my ass, the harder his dick got inside me. He was going so deep and so fast, at one point, my head hit the wall. With that, Master didn't miss a beat; he told me to control my body from hitting the wall again. He continued pumping my ass.

While still pumping my ass, I then felt his hand grab my balls, and he started to squeeze them. Pleasure and pain became sexual ecstasy, and I was so happy my inferior body was able to help Master achieve his sexual needs. The warmth of his cum felt so good as it was now flowing inside me.

Master pulled out of me and leaned against me for a minute or two while his breathing resumed to a normal pace. He then took his sock out of my mouth and asked me if I enjoyed his sock sweat.

"Yes Master, thank you for letting me drink your sock sweat."

He then removed the clamps from my pecs. He liked the fact that the clamps had left the pectoral region of my chest a little red. Finally, he released my wrists from the hooks on the wall. Master got the key off the nightstand. He unlocked them, and I flexed my wrists to get blood flowing again.

"Go and shower, Slave; I'll do the same. Meet me in the living room after; we'll watch television for a little while."

"Yes, Master."

"And Slave, try to get some rest this afternoon; the bondage table is lonely and would like some company tonight."

Next: Chapter 19

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