From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Dec 24, 2015



It had been a busy past few months. The publishing company kept sending me on speaking tours to promote my new book. Master's law firm sent him down several times to help out on a case in their Chicago office. He had two, weeklong conferences in New York and Los Angeles. Lance, his son from his brief heterosexual marriage, came with his fianc?e to our house for a week in July. Doug remarried in San Diego. Master and I drove his dad and the two dogs there since my father-in-law doesn't like to fly anymore.

Shortly before the San Diego trip, Master traded in my slave van, which he hated from the moment we drove it off the lot. He bought me a Honda CRV, which is what I drove for many years prior to our move to Montana, and we drove it to California. The drive back and forth, and the wedding activities took ten days in late July and early August. It was a small wedding, since both Doug and Candice had been married before. Master served as best man and looked so handsome in his tuxedo. I was able to go with Master to his New York conference, but I was on another book tour during his California conference.

Eric, now openly gay, is separated from his wife, but they will continue living together until their children are older. He was able to spend a few days with Master as housekeeper and cook during my absence. When I spoke to Master one night, he was saying that with Eric staying at the house like this, he was able to give him better training as his first submissive. Eric told Master of a friend of his who used to be a submissive out East and is looking for a new dominant since he recently moved back home to Montana. Master will be meeting with him next week and may have his second sub.

Here it is October, and thank goodness, we're having warmer than usual temperatures. Master and I have been living this frantic life since the middle of May. I was excited because today after my household chores and raking leaves, the only thing I had left to do this weekend would be the grocery shopping unless Master needed me to do other errands. And then on Sunday, the only thing I would have to do is to iron Master's dress shirts for the week ahead. I was also excited to be spending this extra time with him doing whatever he planned for us.

His call came through about an hour before I left the university. "Slave, you and I have been running around like crazy since May. I'm leaving the office at noon today. Since you have Monday off, I'll take it off too. I want us to go to my camp this afternoon and leave Monday morning. This will probably be our last trip there until spring since the cold weather will be coming soon. I want to lie out in the sun as long as I can this weekend. You'll be able to lie on the ground on the side of my chair as a reward for being extra submissive lately. Fishing is also on the list of things to do and enjoy."

"Master, thank you; that sounds like fun."

"Do the usual packing and shopping as needed. Of course, you may write a check at the grocery store for these things. Don't forget my sunscreen this time. Do whatever is needed in the maintenance for your slave SUV, and have all the receipts ready to give me when you return home. It shouldn't take you long to do the packing."

"Yes Master; I'll do everything as quickly as I can."

"I hope we can leave by mid afternoon. Let's have some fun. Hopefully the old biddy from the next camp won't be there. If she is, will my Slave be quiet this time?"

"Yes, Master; I learned my lesson."

We arrived at the camp at 4:10, having stopped on the road for a quick lunch. Master unlocked the cabin. I began unpacking the SUV. Making my second trip inside, I saw that Master had undressed himself, was in his swimsuit and flip-flops, lying in the lounge chair on the deck. Being a former swimsuit model, he still looks so sexy in his underwear and swimsuit. I was wishing my face were between his legs. I stared at him for a minute or so without him noticing me. When Master is at his camp, he is usually so relaxed that he fucks me even harder and longer than usual. I was thinking of rubbing sunscreen on his beautiful body in the afternoon when the sun would be out, and my dick was suddenly standing at attention.

Before Master would question me for taking too long, I then went back to the unpacking of the food and clothes we brought with us. While putting food in the cabinets and freezer, I kept thinking of my Master's toned and athletic body, and his movie star good looks. I've always enjoyed being able to worship his body, and at that moment I then took an even deeper pride in being his slave. It took about fifteen minutes to unpack everything and feed the dogs. I then went outside with Master.

"This is so nice, Slave. Get in your swimsuit and you can join me. Grab a beach towel and lay it on the ground on my right side."

When Master sunbathes in his private patio at his house or at his camp, he likes to wear a bikini swimsuit to get the maximum sun exposure. He has me wearing a mid cut suit. I quickly changed, laid the towel out, and started to lie down next to Master when he grabbed my arms and pulled my face next to his. He kissed me on the forehead and started talking to me.

"Slave, get ready; I plan to fuck you good and hard later. Plan on spending time on the bondage table. It's been over six months since your sorry slave ass has been on it. Don't ask for mercy in your muffled voice when I gag you, because I will give you no mercy. I'm so fucking horny to have my fun torturing you, and believe me I plan on having fun."

Master then got up and walked down towards the water to look at a boat that had passed by. He was in his bare feet, which is unusual for Master to do; usually he'll put on his sandals to do this. He then walked back and went inside but told me to stay where I was. A few minutes later, he came back outside and sat in his lounge chair again.

About a half hour later, he said we would go inside his camp. After shutting the sliding glass door, I saw Master was sitting on a bar stool at the tiny bar he set up there. I walked to him and lowered my head. He got up and closed the curtains to the sliding glass doors leading to the deck. He then sat on the bar stools and fastened my collar in place and attached the leash. The first word he told me since coming inside was, "Kneel."

He rubbed the bottoms of his flip-flops across my face, and then tossed them off his feet, where they landed in the middle of the room. Raising his right foot to my mouth he said, "The soles of my feet have grass stains on them; lick them clean with your slave tongue."

Starting at his heels, my tongue licked all the way up to the bottoms of his toes. I then moved it over a little to the left of his foot and licked from bottom to top. With each lapping, I moved a little bit more to the left to eventually clean his entire soles. As my tongue would go higher up his soles, he would wiggle his toes in my face. After a few minutes, he removed his foot from my willing mouth to inspect my work.

He slapped me behind my head with his foot and said, "Take pride here; these are the feet of your Master." He then pulled on the leash to get me closer to the ground and said. "Keep licking, and clean my feet better than this sorry ass job you just did. Use your slave tongue for something useful. His left foot was now covering my mouth and nose.

My tongue kept lapping and lapping the sole on his left foot. Wanting to please Master. I went over each section two or three times before moving on to a new section. A few minutes later, he inspected my work and said, "Much better, Slave. Now use that slave tongue of yours and clean between my toes. Swallow my toe jam and any other gunk that may be between them." He didn't have to tell me twice. My tongue was gladly licking between those beautiful and delicious toes. He then rammed both of his big toes in my mouth and said, "Here's a slave's reward; sucking the toes of a dominant man."

After about five minutes of enjoying Master's beautiful toes in my mouth, he then yanked the chain and pulled my face away from his feet. He then repositioned the chain in his hands and told me to crawl to his bedroom. About a minute later, we arrived on the left hand side of his bed. He had laid out four towels across the bed, which is his requirement when he allows me on his bed so he can fuck me easier. He again yanked on the leash and told me to stand. He grabbed my cheeks very firmly and looked me in the eye. "The fun begins now."

He pushed me on the bed. Grabbing my wrists, the handcuffs were immediately snapped in place and secured tightly to the bedposts. He then took off his swimsuit and turned it inside out. "Sniff where your Master's dick was. Lick the sweat in there; lick it really good with your slave tongue. He then took it away and told me, "Sniff where your Master's ass was. Lick the area really good. Think of your Master's body inside it."

My tongue was licking away and smelling my Master's body scents. While I was inhaling and licking his swimsuit, his crotch was rubbing against the side of my face. I wished my tongue could have reached his crotch to lick any body sweat in his crotch hair.

He then got in his bed and straddled over me. His thighs were towering over me. I looked up and saw his superior balls hanging over my mouth. I wished my tongue could have been sucking on those balls. He then lifted himself up for a second and then descended on my mouth.

"Here, lick my ass." He then moved his beautiful and muscular buns up and down my face while going deeper down my throat. After a minute or two of this, he then raised his buns up again, and this time on the descent, his dick was now in my mouth. My mouth was open as Master began pumping my mouth. "Get it good and hard now, so it feels really good going up your ass."

Master quickly pulled his dick out of my mouth, and about two seconds later; he rammed it with all his strength in my ass. My hands and handcuffs went up a few inches up the headboard post with his first thrust inside me. Master was giving me a good and hard fucking, just like he told me he would do.

The longer he pumped my ass, the deeper he went inside of me, and the rougher he got. He then started pulling and squeezing my pecs. Because of his great strength, when he pulls on my pecs, it is more painful than when he puts on the nipple clamps. Between the pains from having my pecs squeezed and my butt fucked good and hard, Master was showing me no mercy, just as he had told me earlier.

Still pumping my ass with his superior dick, Master then started pinching my stomach and chest. Oh, this hurt so much, but I didn't scream because I was scared I would get punished after he was finished fucking me. Right when I thought he was near cumming, he grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his stomach. With my ass now elevated, Master was able to go even deeper, and my ass felt every inch of him. He was now pinching and pulling my crotch with all his strength.

He then grabbed my dick and started stroking it. "Don't you even think about cumming"? Master was pumping me so hard and going so deep and was now stroking my dick faster and faster. I kept letting out moan after moan of ecstasy.

Luckily for me, Master stopped jacking me off; I was so close to cumming. Master finally let out a scream as his cum felt so warm flowing inside me. He then pulled out of me and lay on top of me. He looked me directly in the eye and said, "That will do for now."

"Thank you, Master; that was fantastic."

He smiled and patted my face. He then went into the bathroom and showered. A few minutes later, he came into the room and released me. Looking at him standing before me with a towel wrapped around his waist, my heart was racing because I was with the man I love, the man whose last name is now mine, the man I am so proud to serve. I quickly got out of the bed and assumed my submit position before Master could say anything.

He then said, "This is nice to see; I know how much you like being in submit to please me. For now, go and shower. Meet me in the living room when you're finished."

When I went into the living room, Master was sitting on the sofa in a pair of lounge pants, shirtless, and in his bare feet. He was talking on his cell phone. I kneeled in front of him and lowered my head.

"No, you can call me Brian for now. If we come to an agreement, you will then address me as Sir. Being a trained sub, you should be aware of this. Of course you know the shaved areas I require; I'm sure my sub, Eric, has told you this. He stopped talking for a few seconds. Master then let out a laugh and said, "I also hope you'll be calling me Sir very soon. It sounds like you'll be very easy to train."

I was listening to Master talking on the phone and hearing how happy he was about the possibility of getting a new sub, and my heart was suddenly filled with more love for him to be happy. I then found myself moving from kneeling to wanting to submit to him. I took it upon myself to do this in the hopes that this would please him, and I so badly wanted to please him.

"Well, if you like to do housework for your dominant, I may assign you certain duties to help my slave out. Between his teaching, writing, and book tours, along with his slave duties, he is pretty busy. I may divide some of these chores, should you become my sub." Master spoke for a few more minutes, and they agreed to meet for lunch on Tuesday. He ended the phone conversation and sat on the sofa for a few minutes before he said anything. He then told me to get up from submit, kneel, and hold my head up.

When I looked up at him, I could see his the bulge in his pants. The thought of getting another sub had gotten him horny. "I liked the idea of you submitting to me, but is there a reason for it, or did you simply want to show your obedience to me?"

"Do I have to tell you, Master?"

"Well, you can deny a demand from your Master and spend a few weeks in the kennel and in Corner Time every evening, or you can tell me. The choice is yours."

"Master, when I was unpacking the SUV earlier, I saw you lying in the lounge chair in your beautiful swimsuit. You looked so handsome and so sexy, and I found myself falling even more in love with you, if that's humanly possible. You have always made me so happy, and I want to so badly to make you happy as well. Submitting to you brings me such joy because I know you like to see me in the position. I love you Master, and I want to please you. He stood up and was towering over me in my kneeling position. We both stayed in our positions for a few minutes. He then told me to stand up.

"Slave, I am flattered that you fell even more in love with me because I do this to you all the time. You and I are and have always been so connected with each other; that is why our marriage has lasted as long as it has, and God willing, will last us the rest of our lives. Our dynamics shifted six years ago, but our love for each other hasn't. You are still and will always be Richard Elliott Carter, my husband. However, I also love you for agreeing to be my slave, and as I've told you many times before, this is a lifetime position. So, yes, I understand where you are coming from because I still find myself quite often falling more and more in love with you."

He then held me closely, and my head was now buried in his chest. His cologne smelled so good, and I was hoping we could stay in that position until we left on Monday morning. He was running his fingers through my hair, and I could feel his love for me in his hands.

"This feels good, doesn't it, Slave?"

"Yes it does, Master. I wish we could stay like this forever."

He moved his hand from my hair to my ass. He was massaging my buns and then suddenly squeezed them. "I've loved this ass for two decades now. You've always been able to feel my dick inside you and adapt to wherever my dick went inside for a deeper and better fucking. You really are my best bottom. My other bottoms could learn from you."

"Thank you, Master; that means so much to me coming from you, especially today, and especially at this moment."

"Yes, Master does love you. I plan on us having a relaxing three- day weekend together. Frying fresh fish we can hopefully catch, lying out in the sun, and just plain relaxing is a treat after the hectic pace you and I have been living through. But as nice as this cuddle time is, keep in mind, I plan to fuck you again later tonight, and I can't wait to have you bound and gagged on the bondage table."

He kissed me on my cheeks and ended cuddle time about a minute later. He placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me away from him. I was told to submit, and I did. Raising my hand, he gave me permission to speak. I asked Master if I could kiss his feet as a sign of my obedience and submission to him. He granted me permission to do so. I took great pride in doing this for the best husband and the greatest Master a slave could have.

About an hour later, both Master and I were hungry, so I cooked some turkey burgers and made a green salad. He sat on the barstool to eat, and I was dressed in my black underwear and bow tie standing behind him. When he finished eating, I ate standing up in the kitchen area of the cabin. While washing the dishes, Master told me to bring him a glass of wine when I finished cleaning up. I washed the dishes and wiped the counter of the bar clean. I then went into the living room and kneeled in front of Master. For forgetting to bring him his glass of wine, I received a very severe spanking and spent the rest of the evening in Corner Time.

The next morning, I fixed us breakfast, and Master and I enjoyed drinking coffee on the deck. It was a beautiful Saturday morning in Big Sky country, and we were two men in love, enjoying each other's company. Suddenly I looked to the left of the cabin, and I said, "Hell."

Master asked me what was wrong since he had not given me free talk time because he wanted to savor the peace and quiet of the lake. I pointed, and he said, "Oh, shit." The homophobe biddy and her husband were just arriving at their cabin. Master reminded me that I was not to talk to her or I would spend a month in the kennel and Corner Time at night. She left us alone, but from the angle where Master had me sitting on the deck, I could see her. She kept looking our way, but at least she stayed away. I planned on listening to Master, but if she insults my kind, generous, and loving, Master, I know I'll be sleeping for a month in the dog kennel.

She then started walking towards us. Master again warned me to keep quiet, reminding in his stern and disciplinarian voice. She spoke primarily to Master but kept giving me mean, hateful looks. When she informed us that they were having guests later in the afternoon and to please leave them alone, Master got up from the deck and spoke in his confident and stern voice.

"Mam, my husband and I are here at our camp minding our own business. You are the one who keeps harassing us; we have no intention of bothering you today or any day in the future, but again, let me say, you keep harassing us. Should this continue, allow me to finally introduce myself to you. I'm Brian Carter from the law firm of Winston, Dunlop, Elliott, and Carter. We do handle harassment cases." She huffed off.

"You did well; Slave. I know you were pissed off because when you're angry the redness in your face comes through every time. Master is proud of you for not overreacting like you did last time. He will reward you for this."

"Thank you, Master; I kept thinking she was not worth spending a month in the kennel for. It was hard to bit my tongue, though, because I hate the way she speaks to you."

"You did well, and, I will reward you by allowing you to cum twice this weekend."

"Thank you, Master; thank you."

"Master is very proud of you. Now get on your knees and crawl to the bondage table. Let the old bitch see you crawl; give her more to be shocked about.. When I'm through with you if you can still cum, then I hope you have a gallon of your cum to shoot."

I laid on the table and waited for Master to enter the room. A few minutes later, he walked in the room still in his swimsuit and flip-flops. He didn't speak. He reached under the table and removed the straps, which are normally attached to Velcro strips when not in use. My arms were the first to be bound securely in place. Five more straps covered my body from my chest down to my calves. A mouth gag was then locked and secure in place. Moving to the table with his toys, he grabbed my balls and squeezed them.

He then placed two suction cups from a snakebite kit on my pecs; he hadn't used those in a while. The ball stretcher was then attached. He looped the stretcher to a string to hold my balls up in the air, making it easier for him to paddle. Clothespins were then put on the rest of my body. Master then grabbed his flogger.

Gripping it securely, he then started hitting the tops and bottoms of my feet. Being able to lift my head up, I could see the tops of my feet were now a deep red. "That'll do for Round I."

He then started yanking on the clothespins throughout my body. He'd pull up and down for a while and then switch and pull in a left-right position. A few times, he removed a clothespin, pinched the area with his fingers, and then would replace the clothespin to continue pulling with all his strength.

He used his hands to hit the top and shaft of my dick. Using a ruler and Mr. Ping Pong Paddle, he started hitting my balls. He started off so softly, but the hits quickly built up to becoming harder and harder and more painful. Master, had said earlier, I could ask for mercy through my mouth gag, but he would give me no mercy, and he was a man of his words. The hits kept getting harder and harder. I was moving my bound body as best I could to try to avoid the hits, but Master got mad at this, and the hits got even harder.

My balls were hurting, and I was almost in tears. Again my muffled voice begged for mercy. Master didn't even recognize my muffled talk. He stopped CBT and continued pulling on the clothespins, He was now removing some of the clothespins and pinching me even harder. As he replaced the clothespins, he would push them down on my body bringing even more pain.

Removing the suction cups from my pecs hurt so much. He squeezed in to remove them, but as he was pulling them off, he used them to squeeze my sore pecs. I let out a loud scream; although, it was in my muffled voice. My pecs were hurting as Master was now pulling and squeezing on them. He stopped pulling my pecs and was once again hitting the tops of my feet.

He then removed the mouth gag and started unbuckling the straps beginning with the one near my ankles and moving up my body. Soon I was unbound, and Master said the first words to me since we were on the deck. He told me, "In the corner."

With my aching feet, I slid off the bondage table and took the five incredibly painful steps to the corner. Master was behind me and was now holding the paddle with holes in it. I took my hands, grasped them tightly, and held them behind my head.

With my peripheral vision, I could see Master bring the paddle from his waist and lift it above his head. I saw it quickly come down on the right cheek of my ass. Its force was so fierce; I jumped up an inch or two. Master then continued paddling me. As Master usually does when he spanks me, the paddling started off softly and got harder with each whack.

He soon took off his flip-flop and held it up to my nose for me to smell the insides. His foot sweats smelled so good, but I knew his feet and toes would not be worshiped anytime soon. The paddling then resumed with Master's flip-flops. He put his right flip-flop back on his foot and continued the spanking with his hands for a few minutes. He then finished my spanking with the paddle. My entire body was aching.

Master then turned me around to face him and told me to kneel. Bending down to him, the pain from my balls and feet now intensified so much, I could have easily have fallen to the ground and cried. Master was stroking his dick. It was so hard and standing fully erect. He walked up to me. I opened my mouth, and he started pumping his dick down my throat. With one thrust of his dick, he went so hard and so deep down my throat, I started gagging. Master then slapped my face for not taking his dick as it was given to me.

A few minutes later, his warm, salty, delicious, superior seed was going down my throat. It always tastes so good. Master then held the head of his dick so I could lick it clean of the last few drops of his superior seed. He then leaned forward and his dick and buns were now resting on my head. He stayed there until his heavy breathing resumed to normal.

He then pulled away from me and said, "You have my permission to cum if you wish." In excruciating pain from my chest to my feet, I then looked up at Master and asked if I could do it later.

"I hope nothing is wrong with you, Slave; I thought you'd be so horny right now, you'd shoot your load in a few seconds. I'm going back on the deck to sunbathe a little while longer. Regain your composure, put on your swimsuit, and meet me on there in five minutes or less; I'm emphasizing less time here. You'll need to rub rub sunscreen on me so I don't burn. And slave, plan on going fishing again a little later."

Next: Chapter 18

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