From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Dec 19, 2015



After Master left for the restaurant to meet Master Matt, I went to his office and did some writing for almost two hours. Then I took the portable house phone from his desk and my cell phone in case Master called me. I then went into my corner in the living room to read. The dogs were lying next to me and quickly fell asleep.

I'm not really sure what time I fell asleep, but I fell asleep in my corner. I must have been more tired than I thought because I was sleeping so soundly, I never heard Master drive in the garage or walk in the house. His voice woke me up. It was 2:45 in the morning.

"Slave, were you waiting up for me and fell asleep?"

"Yes, Master."

"Let's go to bed." We were both sleeping again within a few minutes. He never told me anything about his evening out.

Master woke up a few minutes before 9:00. I woke up at 6:30 like I do on the weekends, showered, shaved my chest, crotch, and pits and got the coffee maker ready for when Master woke up. I then sat down in my bed area and started reading. He woke up a few minutes after 9:00 and said since he overslept we would not be able to make it to church at 9:30; we would pray later that afternoon.

He told me to fix him two slices of wheat toast, three slices of turkey bacon, two scrambled eggs, some yogurt, and a mug of coffee. I brought him the morning paper and served him breakfast in bed. Since he didn't tell me to cook some for myself, I knew my breakfast would be cereal moistened with his piss. After breakfast, I cleaned the dishes and met Master back in his bedroom, where he was now sitting on the loveseat.

"Slave, put on a pair of underwear and get some towels so your slave ass won't touch my furniture. I want to cuddle with you for a few minutes." In about two minutes, I was now sitting next to Master with my head in his chest. His hands were gently caressing my face, and my right hand was rubbing his chest.

"Do you like cuddling with your Master like this?"

"Yes, Master; thank you for cuddling with me."

"This is your reward for being so submissive to me since your freedom from the kennel.

"Thank you, Master."

"Last night Matt was talking about how he feels a little guilty about taking away his slave's privileges. That just amazes me. Why should a Master feel guilty about this?"

"I understand, Master; it's your right what you allow me and don't allow me to do."

He then lifted my head to look at him. "You're right. As long as we've been together, I've always enjoyed dominating you. In your free days, you used to clean the house, and I'd sleep late. You'd cook and clean the dishes, and I'd go in my office. You'd do the yard work on Saturday afternoon, and I'd go play tennis, which meant I was sometimes fucking someone. You never questioned why my clothes were sometimes never sweaty. You've always loved me, and you never questioned me in those days did you?

"No, Master; I always wanted to do all of that for you because I couldn't believe someone as smart and handsome as you are fell in love with me."

"Slave, you're handsome and intelligent too; don't forget that. I sometimes wish we would have begun this lifestyle sooner, but I'm glad we have it now. I never felt guilty about cheating on you in your free days, and I enjoy my open relationship status now. I like cuddling with you now, but unlike Matt, in a few minutes, I'll take great pleasure seeing you on the floor again, where you belong. I like seeing you sleeping on the floor. I like seeing you naked, shaved, and collared. Since you've been out the kennel, I haven't given you back your bed sheet or pillows yet to sleep on. I enjoy watching you sleep on the floor right now with no covers or pillows. I don't know when I'll give them back to you or if I ever will, because I get pleasure from having that control over you."

He again stroked my face so tenderly. "I like being gentle with you like this, and I also enjoy dominating you. Talking to Matt last night made me rethink about having your arms tattooed with soMBC or maybe tattoo the whole statement: slave of Master Brian Clark. You're coming with me to Chicago in two weeks, and this time the job will get done. Get ready, slave."

"Yes, Master."

"I love being your husband, but I enjoy being your Master more." He kissed me gently on the lips. Then he reached down and grabbed my balls and pulled on them and squeezed them so hard. I quickly put my hands behind my head, as I am required to do. It was probably the roughest he's ever gotten with his hands on my balls. I let out a really loud scream. He released my balls and told me, "As your Master, I like watching as you squirm right now."

He squeezed my balls again and started twisting them in his hands and then pulling up and down on them. I was moaning in pain. The more I'd moan, the tighter he would grip them.

"Oh, poor slave, does this hurt you"?

He squeezed again; this time so hard, I thought my balls would fall into his hands. "Like I was saying, I love dominating you." With his next squeeze, it was so hard that I lost the grip of my hands behind my head, and my left hand reached out and lightly hit Master's stomach just above his navel.

"How dare you hit your Master's stomach?"

Before I could apologize, he started slapping my face for about a minute. He then pushed me off the loveseat, and I rolled on the floor. He then stood up and kicked me on my sides. "Get up, and walk as fast as you can to your corner in the playroom."

Standing with my butt against the wall, I stood at attention with my head lowered in his presence. Once again, he started slapping my face and calling me an ungrateful slave for not appreciating the privileges he has allowed me in taking care of his needs. He then started slapping my balls. I was in so much pain; it was getting more and more difficult to keep my hands positioned behind my head. He then went down to my pecs, and I knew what was coming.

With full force, he opened his mouth and bit down on my right pectoral. He kept pulling on it with his teeth. Then he bit down once more; his teeth going deeper this time, and he started twisting it from left to right. He then did the same thing to my left pectoral, and he pulled even harder this time. After what seemed like hours, he stood straight up. I took a deep breath and waited for the next form of punishment.

"Your Master hasn't boxed since he was in high school, and I've been wanting to get back into it. He then formed two fists and began punching me in the stomach. A few minutes later, he said, "The winner for this boxing match between Master and slave is the undefeated champ, the Master, Brian Carter."

He then turned me around, pushed my head in the corner so my nose was touching the wall, and spanked me using his paddle, cane, and riding crop. When he finished, my buns were now hurting as well.

"It's a few minutes to 11:00. I'm going to shower, get myself dressed and leave. I have a date this afternoon. It's Corner Time for you until I return this evening."

I assumed my Corner Time position of legs spread and hands behind my back, and my nose touching the wall. Before leaving the playroom, Master took his riding crop and again spanked my butt and the backs of my knees. I heard the kitchen door leading to the garage close a little while later. The longest Master ever kept me in Corner Time was twelve hours when I was in my slave training. I remember that day so well. My left knee started itching, and I bent down to scratch it. Master walked into the room and saw me do this, and I was required to wear leg restraints the entire time I was in the house for the next two months.

I wasn't sure how long I had been in Corner Time when I heard Master walk into the house. A few minutes later I heard him go into his bedroom, and a few minutes after that I heard him walk down the hallway, but he did not come into the playroom. I was so nervous because I was scared he would give me kennel time again. Finally he walked into the playroom.

It's now 7:58, and you've spent most of the day in the corner. Master had a good time with Tim. I met him last night when Matt and I were having drinks. He owns two stores; one of them is in the mall here. He was fantastic in bed and did a fantastic job sucking my dick to get it nice and hard before it went up his ass. We started to shower together, and I fucked him in the shower. He's going to spend the night here with me on Wednesday night, and I'm so excited. I've already had dinner, but yours is on the kitchen counter. Go and eat."

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw a bowl of tuna fish seasoned with Master's cum and piss. Master walked in right after me and was in a pair of red briefs and wearing his flip-flops. He lifted my chin up so we could have eye contact.

"Eat every bite; Master was generous to his slave and fixed him two cans. Be sure to lick the bowl clean; I know how much you dislike tuna. When you're finished, clean the dishes and come into the living room. Submit; I'll need a footrest for the night. I'll be on the phone talking to Tim, my new bottom and seeing if Eric finally got rid of that useless body hair."

"Yes, Master."

"And slave; I hope you enjoy your dinner. I bought twenty-two cans of tuna. Your punishment will be having two cans for dinner for the next eleven days."

I let out a moan, and unfortunately, Master heard it.

"Slave, it will be okay. After eleven days, you may even start to like tuna fish. Twelve days from now, we'll be in Chicago. Master will buy you a special dinner in a nice restaurant that night to celebrate your new body art."

I grabbed the fork and took my first bite. To me, canned tuna fish smells like a sewer. I struggled to put the first bite in my mouth. Eleven days of this will be tough.

"Now eat every bite; it's good for you." Walking out of the kitchen, he was laughing as he said, "The rewards of being a Master."

Next: Chapter 16

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