From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Dec 19, 2015



"Oh, that's good news. Yes, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon at 12:00 P.M. sharp. If I'm not here, I will leave a set of instructions with my slave that I will expect you to have completed by the time I meet you in the playroom."

As I was massaging Master's feet, he ended his conversation, handed me the house phone, and told me to put it back on his desk. He was now sitting back on the sofa and had a smile on his face that was almost angelic. I sat back in front of him to continue his foot massage when he told me to stop and look him in the eye because he had something to discuss with me.

"Slave, that was Eric on the phone as I'm sure you figured out. In so many ways, he reminds me of you in your free days. Like you used to do, he'll allow me to do anything I want to do with him in bed. At times I know I must be hurting him when I'm pumping his ass. When I ask him if I'm being too rough, he tells me no, just like you used to do. And like you then and now, he is a good bottom. And, just so you know, you are still my best bottom, ever!"

"Thank you, Master; that means a lot to me."

"Anyway slave, three nights ago after I finished fucking him, he started asking me questions about how I liked being a Master and how you liked being my slave. During our conversation he said, 'Rick is so lucky because he gets to serve you.' Questioning him further, he's been dreaming about serving me as a submissive. Just like you, he's been wanting to do this for quite a while now and hoped his dream could become a reality."

"So will he be your submissive or your second slave, Master?"

"No, you are my slave; he has agreed to be my submissive, my first submissive. I'm so excited about this. I'm losing a hell of a good bottom, but I can't believe I'm getting my first submissive. I'll now have my slave, my bottoms, and soon, my first submissive. I'm so excited right now. Are you happy for your Master?"

"Yes I am, Master?" He then bent down, placed his hand under my chin and told me to look him in the eye.

"You really are happy for your Master, aren't you? You don't have that sad looking face you used to have when I'd talk about my bottoms. Have you finally accepted that as your Master, I am now in an open relationship and can date and fuck whoever I want to?"

"Yes Master, I'm glad for you. I really am."

"Slave, I am proud of you for this. What changed for you to accept this?"

"Master, it was right before we left to go the ranch for Thanksgiving last year when you told me you still loved me as your husband. You said I was just as handsome as the day we met and you still loved me. I realized that with your other bottoms after you fuck them they leave, but I stay here."

"So that was the turning point for my slave to not feel so sad as his Master has fun with his bottoms and dates other men?"

"Yes, it was. I love you Master and always will. I am very proud to be your slave, and that is why I am glad for you right now. This is your right and privilege to do, and I must accept this. And, I now do. This makes you happy, and I am happy too."

"Slave, go put on a pair of underwear so your naked slave ass is not sitting on my sofa. Master is proud of you for this, and you will be able to cuddle with him for a few minutes."

Master was so happy all Friday night. He kept telling me how he couldn't wait to walk into the playroom and see Eric kneeling in submission to him. He was feeling so dominant, he put my collar on me and kept pulling the leash so hard, I fell to the ground several times. He then had me get on all fours; he sat on my back, and I rode him to the playroom. He had not used me as his horse since my slave training days. In the playroom, I had to move my body back and forth as Master rode his horse. He used his riding crop on my butt when he thought his horse should be galloping faster. When he was about to cum, he got off of me, lifted my head and rammed his dick in my mouth to fill me with his superior, dominant seed.

As Master often does on Saturday morning, he met a few friends downtown for breakfast. I stayed home to wait for Eric. Master gave me permission to sit in the corner of the living room and either work or read. At 11:55, I heard Eric's car as he drove in the driveway. He rang the doorbell, and I let him in.

"Hi Rick."

"Hi Eric; my Master is not home. I'll walk you to the bedroom where you are to undress. I'm to wait for you and then walk you to the playroom."

Walking to the bedroom, Eric said, "I'm so excited; in a little while Brian will be my dominant. I want to be such a good submissive for Brian."

"Chances are, you will not call your dominant by his first name. Be sure you don't make the mistake, or you'll be punished."

I then walked him into the playroom. Master wanted him kneeling in the center of the room. I was to close the door and tell Eric that when he heard the door open, he was to lower his head and kiss my Master's feet or shoes, or whatever was on his feet. I then left and went back to my corner of the living room. About fifteen minutes later, I saw Master drive up in the driveway. I went to the kitchen door to greet him. When I heard the garage door open, I opened the kitchen door, stood at attention, and lowered my head. He then walked in and told me to follow him to his bedroom.

In his bedroom, I undressed him down to his underwear. He then said his first words to me since he got home. "Slave, I'm like a kid at Christmas. In my playroom is my very first submissive. I can't wait to go in there and have him submit to me and have my fun with him."

Master then started rubbing his beautiful hairy chest. It's been all I could think about since yesterday. In a few minutes, I'll once again be training a man to be totally submissive to me and take care of my needs. A slave, a sub, and numerous bottoms; life is good"

His personality was suddenly changing, and I knew his dominant side would be appearing soon. His dick was now getting harder and harder as he kept speaking. Stroking my face he looked me in the eye and then said, "You have no need to worry about anything; you are and will always be my slave. This is your lifetime position. What else could someone as inferior as you are to me be anything but my slave? You have a youthful and handsome face, and you're nothing but an inferior submissive. Drinking my piss and cum is almost too good for you. But that will be your wine for the rest of your life. "

He pushed me in the corner. He was definitely now in his dominant role for Eric. But, I was still nervous not wanting to do or say anything where I might get punished back in the kennel. He then told me, "Submit," and he walked out of the room.

"You should always address me as Sir in both verbal and written communication," were the last words I heard Master say before I heard the door shut. Although Master's house is well insulated, at times I could hear Eric screaming. Master must have had him in the wall clamps and tickling him because for a few minutes I heard laughter. At times, I also heard screams of pain and could hear the paddle hitting Eric's buns.

I remembered my own slave training days as Eric was beginning his new life in the submissive world. Master had put me through one month of constant and intense training and four more months of training me in things like CBT and tit torture. I kept thinking about how happy Master must be in training Eric to kneel at attention, drink his piss, and accept whatever torture or humiliation is given to him. Eric, like me, is so lucky because after Master's training he will realize and accept his new station in life is to be submissive to another man, my Master.

A little while later, Master came into his bedroom and told me to go to the living room and submit in front of the sofa. I'm not sure how long I was submitting, but Master then walked in the living room. Eric was collared, leashed, and crawling with Master leading him by the leash. I saw Master pull the leash really hard, and Eric fell to the ground. When he got up, Master slapped him for being so clumsy.

"Slave, remember our first training session. Master had fun then, and Master had fun just now. The only thing is this dirt bag still has body hair. But that will change soon. Won't it, my lowlife submissive?"

"Yes, Brian; I mean, Sir; I'll shave soon."

Eric quickly realized his mistake, but it was too late. I saw the redness suddenly appear in Master's face. Even though he is in training as a new sub, one thing he should have learned from the very beginning was that he was never to address his dominant and my Master by his first name. He would pay, or probably his butt would pay, for his slip of the tongue.

"I can't believe that my sub is that bold he thinks he can call me by anything but Sir. You gave up your rights to me when you kneeled in my playroom and kissed my feet in submission two hours ago. I am now your dominant and your superior. You are no longer one of my bottoms. You are now my submissive; you are an inferior to me. Didn't you hear me telling you that from this point on I am to always be addressed as Sir in both written and oral communication? You stupid ass- submissive; you are to never again use my first name when addressing me."

"Yes Sir, I know better; please may I get a break since I am new to this?"

"Addressing me properly should not be a difficult task for even a dumb fuck submissive like you to do in your first hours in your new lifestyle. Get on all fours; crawl to the playroom, and get ready for your ass to be so red and blistery, you'll hurt the whole time you're sitting down in your car driving home."

"Please Sir, please not another bare ass spanking; it won't happen again."

"Stop your begging; a sub does as he is told and is punished when he violates those duties. You better learn your duties, and learn them quickly."

"Please Sir; I know I was stupid in calling you by your first name. I promise it will never happen again; please just give me another chance."

"Yes, you did make a stupid mistake in showing such a lack or respect to your dominant. As you are being punished, you might want to think of ways to better serve your dominant. Crawl to the playroom."

"Sir, is there anyway we can talk about this? My buns are still so sore."

"Each second you delay, I'll add five more whacks with my paddle, cane, flogger, belt, and hands; that's twenty-five additional whacks for each second you waste my time with your pitiful begging. Keep delaying, boy, it's not my ass that's about to change colors. For the next few days, when you look at your red, blistered submissive butt, use this image as a reminder of what your new life and duties are. You ready to crawl and receive your first punishment?"

"Yes Sir."

Eric was on all fours beginning his first crawl to the playroom for the first of many punishments he will receive during his sub training. He was so nervous and shaking. I remember those thoughts and feelings during my first days of slave training. I know Master will be very strict and demanding during this training period. Eric is overwhelmed with everything right now and doesn't realize Master will train him to accept his new status as his destiny, and soon he will take pride in giving up his personal freedoms to his Sir, my Master. Not wanting to add to Master's anger, I got in my submit position. Master did not acknowledge this because he was walking directly behind Eric to the playroom.

Remaining in my submit position, I could hear Master yelling at Eric for being so disrespectful. Eric was pleading for mercy, but Master would not be giving him any. I could soon hear the paddle hitting Eric's buns. I could tell when Master switched from the paddle to his riding crop because the paddling was louder.

I kept hearing Eric say, "Please Sir; please have mercy."

Master was showing him no mercy despite the pleas. A few minutes later, Eric was once again crawling back into the living room; his dominant was walking directly behind him. I had this feeling that Eric didn't realize how intense his submissive training would be. Master had attached clamps on his pecs. Eric was still wearing a collar, and Master had inserted a butt plug in his ass.

"I know you're married, but as my sub, I will require you to shave your chest, crotch, and pits. You will have to figure out how to explain this to your wife. I will make no exceptions to this rule. And I will expect you to soon welcome my piss down your throat in a smoother manner than you just did. Do you understand sub?"

"Yes Sir; I understand."

"Look at my slave. This position is called submit. Get into a submit position now."

"I'm tired slave and sub. I'm going into my bedroom and lie down for a few minutes. My slave knows this. Sub, you are to remain in this position until I return and give you permission to get out of it." I could see Master's feet as he walked towards the bedroom.

"Rick, I'm hurting so much. I never realized Sir would be so strict as a dominant."

"Hush, Eric; Master does not allow us to talk when we are in a submit pose. If he hears us, we will both be punished."

"But I'm hurting so much."

"If this is the life for you, you will learn to accept it. Now hush, before Master hears us."

Eric was moaning the entire time. I was hoping Master did not hear him. I kept thinking if spanking and clamps were hurting him, how would he handle CBT when Master introduces it to him. Master likes CBT, and so it is a matter of time before Eric will learn to accept it.

Master came back in the living room a little while later. He told me to get out of submit and kneel. I noticed he was wearing his blue and red bikini swimsuit and flip-flops. He will probably sunbathe soon. He then positioned himself directly in front of Eric, lowered his swimsuit, and told him to kneel.

"Open your mouth, and try not to waste any of my piss this time; otherwise, we will be going back into the playroom."

"Yes Sir."

Master then started peeing in Eric's mouth. His second time at drinking piss, my Master's delicious piss, was easier for him. At one point I heard him gag. Master then said, "That was much better. You still need some work, but you did better."

"Thank you, Sir."

"Much better, sub; what's my name?"


"Good; don't forget it; otherwise, the next time you show me disrespect like you did earlier, you won't be able to walk without waddling for a week."

"Yes, Sir."

Master then started pulling on the clamps. When Eric yelled, Master slapped him. Every time he'd yell, he'd get another slap. After a few minutes, Eric stopped yelling and was beginning to get used to nipple torture. He was fidgety with kneeling so long, and Master told him to get used to kneeling for longer periods of time.

"Yes Sir, I'll practice, Sir."

Master then told me to fix a pitcher or ice water and bring it him on the patio. He wanted to get some sun. When I got to the patio, I set the water pitcher on the table next to Master's chaise lounge chair. Eric was on his right side kneeling, and I kneeled on his left side.

With my head lowered, I could see Eric was fidgety because he was not used to kneeling on cement. Master then slapped him in the back of the head and said, "Stop fidgeting so much; you're beginning to piss me off. Get used to kneeling wherever I tell you to do so."

"Sir, yes, Sir."

Master had his sunglasses and cap on and looked so sexy. As he started to sweat he told me to take the towel and wipe the sweat off of his body. Eric was told to pour him a glass of ice water. When he got up to give it to Master, once again, he was slapped in the back of the head because Master did not give him permission to get up.

"You stand when I give you permission to do so."

"Yes, Sir; please forgive me, Sir."

Master then said, "Silence." We both lowered our heads while he sunned. A few minutes later, he rolled on his stomach, and his beautiful, firm, athletic buns were right in my view. I could see Eric was also looking at Master's beautiful buns. My dick was hard imagining Master's butt on my face. I quickly looked over, and Eric also had a hard-on.

A few minutes later, Master said it was time to go inside. He told me to put his flip-flops on his beautiful feet. We were both then told to crawl to the playroom. Master had me stand in the corner with my hands behind my head. He then took the clamps off Eric's pecs and took the butt plug out of his ass.

"Thank you, Sir."

Once again, Master slapped Eric saying, "Sub, when are you going to learn you speak only when I give you permission to do so."

He handcuffed Eric to the hooks on the wall. Eric was so nervous; I could see him shaking. Master then said, "Sub, look what I will do to my slave because I will then do the same thing to you."

Master then came and squeezed my balls with all his strength as he usually does. I stood perfectly still. He then released his grip and squeezed them again. This time he squeezed even harder. I clenched my teeth and let out a sigh. He looked at Eric and said, "Get ready."

Eric had a look of fear as Master walked over to him. He said, "Soon, you'll be able to take whatever I give you during CBT time. He grabbed Eric's balls just like he grabbed mine, and Eric let out the loudest scream. Master then said, "Did that hurt my sub?"

"Please Sir, please no more."

Master walked to the bed and grabbed a sock to put in Eric's mouth. He again grabbed Eric's balls and Eric let out a scream, although muffled, through the sock. Master then slapped his balls ten times. With each slap to his balls, Eric tried to turn to avoid Master's hands. He lost.

Master then said, "Rest a few minutes, and round two will begin." He then walked to me and said, "My slave is well trained in CBT." With that he slapped my balls ten times. I stayed standing and did not move at all' although, each slap was more painful than the previous one.

"Good job, Slave."

Master then went to the bathroom and came back with K-Y jelly. He turned me around and pushed me into the corner of the wall so tight I couldn't move. He then lubed my ass, and a few seconds later, he rammed his dick inside me. His first thrust inside me was so hard; my head hit the wall. He was pumping my ass good and hard. He reached around me and was squeezing my pecs and pulling on them.

"This has me so fucking horny seeing my slave getting his ass fucked good and hard and my sub chained to the wall." He went even deeper inside me, and his dick got even harder. My ass was getting a good fucking, and it looked like it wasn't anywhere near over.

"Look sub, learn to take CBT better, and Sir will then do this to your ass."

A few minutes later, I felt Master's cum inside my ass. After he had cum, he kept his dick inside me for a few minutes as his breathing went back to a normal pattern. My pecs were sore from being squeezed so hard and for so long. Master then told me to meet him in the bathroom so I could clean his dick. I cleaned his chest and dick and dressed him in a pair of blue shorts, stripped polo shirt, and his strapped sandals. He told me to go and wash up, and we would both shower later.

Master was talking to Eric as he put the key in the handcuffs to release him. When I got back to the living room, Master was sitting on the sofa, and Eric was once again kneeling in front of his dominant. I kneeled to the right of Eric and lowered my head.

"For your first day of training as a sub your did an average job. I will not tolerate all this whining and constant begging for mercy. You will be trained to become totally submissive and obedient to me. This is what I expect from both a slave and a sub. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir; I'll try to do better."

"Don't try; do it instead. You are now a sub, my sub, and I will not accept anything but your total submission and obedience. Learn to accept your new status and embrace it.

"Yes Sir; thank you Sir for being my Dominant."

"Slave, take off my sandals."

I unstrapped Master's sandals and put them on the floor a few feet from his left side and once again kneeled.

"Where is Sir's pussy cat?"

Eric then started meowing and rubbing his face against Master's leg like a cat would do. This was something Master never did in my slave training. It must be something he'll do in training his subs. Eric continued. "Meow, meow."

Master then began patting Eric's head and telling him what a good pussycat he was. "I love hearing my pussycat purring when I pet him." Eric then began a purring sound.

"I bet pussycat is tired of milk and would like some flavored water to drink." Master then stood up and had his pussycat kneeling. He opened Eric's mouth and pissed in it. This time Eric drank all of Master's piss without any difficulty.


Eric quickly submitted to his dominant. Master put his left foot under Eric's chin and used his right foot to hold his head down. Master then told me to submit as well.

"You did much better this time drinking my piss. Your kneeling sucks, and you need to work on kneeling for longer periods of time. Again, I'm telling you to figure out some story to tell your wife why your chest, crotch, and pits are suddenly being shaved. I expect you to be shaved the next time we meet. Understand this?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Now go and wash up since you have a long drive home to your wife and kids. Slave, get out of submit and kneel."

Master then sat down on the sofa. A minute or so later, I felt his foot under my chin as he lifted up my head to make eye contact. "You were so much easier to train to become my slave then he will be in becoming my sub. You knew your place from the moment you asked me that beautiful question about becoming my slave and then kissing my feet in submission."

"Thank you, Master."

Master then opened my mouth and put both of his big toes in them. "Here's your reward for being so obedient; suck my big toes."

They tasted so good. From being in dress shoes and then sandals all day, plus the sweat from his sunbathing, they tasted a little salty and vinegary at the same time. "Use that slave tongue of yours and lick between them. Eat my toe jam and any other gunk that might be wedged in there."

Master didn't have to tell me twice. My mouth was welcoming the fucking of toes and licking the foot sweat between them. He then told me to suck each of his toes individually, and they all tasted so good. My tongue cleaned all of his toe jam and it tasted so good. Master then told me to lie down. He then put his left foot on my face and told me to lick his soles clean. While I was doing this, I heard him talk on his cell phone.

"Matt, my slave is here worshiping my feet now, so I won't take much of your time. I was wondering if you wanted to have a drink later and maybe eat dinner somewhere just we two Masters. Sounds good, I'll meet you there at 7:00."

Master kept rotating his feet on my face for a few minutes and then told me to get up and kneel once again. Eric had finished showered and had been kneeling in the corner for a few minutes now. Master told me to get up and kneel. He then told Eric to crawl to him.

"You understand the homework you have to complete for our next training session?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Prepare yourself; the next session will be more intense. Plan on being totally obedient and submissive to me as you take care of my needs as a sub. Serving me as a sub and not as a slave is now our new relationship. Enjoy your new inferior status to me. I will take great pleasure in dominating you. Now, go home."

"Yes, Sir; thank you, Sir."

"Slave, come with me to my bedroom. Master is going out tonight. Submit while I shower, and then you can dress me."

Master left for the restaurant at 6:40. From his house to the restaurant downtown is about a fifteen-minute drive. I was given permission to watch television, read in my corner of the living room, or do some writing at the desk he allows me to use when I'm working. I walked with Master to the kitchen door, which leads to the garage. He kissed me on the forehead and told me that I didn't have to wait up for him.

Next: Chapter 15

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