From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Dec 13, 2015



I heard the car with Master, his dad, and Doug drive up to the house. I wasn't sure how long they were gone, but during that time, I had to get up twice because my knees were hurting. My goal was to remain in my submit position the entire time my Master was gone; I just couldn't do it. Although I wanted to do this to show him how submissive I could be to him, I had let him down and was willing to accept whatever punishment he saw fit to give me.

Master soon walked into his bedroom. He was now standing behind me. "What a beautiful sight this is, looking at my slave who chose to spend these last several hours showing his obedience to me. It's nice to see my slave knows his place."

I raised my hand, and Master gave me permission to speak. "Master, my knees are hurting; may I please stand for a little while?"

"Of course you may stand up, Slave. You may leave your submit status now."

As I started to stand, my knees were hurting, my legs were wobbly, and both my feet had just fallen asleep. I was about to fall but Master caught me. I stood up and had my face in the corner as I usually do during corner time. I figured I better get used to it because Master would probably put me there when I told him about my flaw.

"Face your Master; you're not being punished."

I turned around and was already prepared for whatever punishment Master would choose to give me.

"Slave, while in the city, I bought two new suits. I looked at clothes in your size, but I didn't see anything I would approve for you to wear. We will pick up my altered suits tomorrow on our way home.

I didn't say anything regarding his comment and stood at attention with my head lowered since I was in Master's presence.

"Why do you look so sad? Lift your head so your Master can have eye contact with you."

I lifted my head as Master told me to do, but had a hard time looking him in the eye because I had failed him. "Master, I accept whatever punishment you will give to me. Please forgive me."

"What have you done that will make me punish you?"

"While you were gone, my knees were hurting, and I had to get up twice to stand and then resume my submit position. I let you down Master' I'm sorry."

"Slave, you will not be punished today. Master is pleased you were able to submit for so long. You were on your knees in your submit position for over five hours. Without being trained to do this for so long, I am proud of you for attempting this."

"You're proud of me?"

"Master is pleased you chose to submit to him the way you did today. I was going to let you sit and work in your slave corner, but you wanted to submit to me. With practice, you'll be able to submit to me for this long without getting up."

"Oh, Master, thank you; I grateful that I won't be punished."

"Of course not, at least for today. Master, however, likes this new development of leaving you in submit for several hours. For the next few weeks, we'll work on you being able to remain kneeling for these longer periods.

The tone in his voice then got a little more aggressive. "Then after your training if you fail, Master will have no choice but to punish you, and you'll be severely punished."

Master then walked back to the door and locked it. His gentleness quickly changed. He pushed me against the corner and squeezed my pecs. He then told me, " It looks like I may not be able to have my fun with you in the bunkhouse this visit. If I can't have my fun this trip, be prepared to pay for this on the bondage table when we get home. And believe me, you will pay."

He then slapped my balls. I quickly put my hands behind my head, as he requires me to do so during these sessions. He squeezed my pecs even harder this time. "Master loves his brother, and I'm enjoying his visit, but you are so long overdue on the bondage table." He then made a fist and punched my balls. He put his hand over my mouth because it hurt so much I was about to let out a really loud scream. He made another fist and punched my balls even harder. He then grabbed them and was pulling them up and down with all his strength. I fell to the ground in a fetal position in severe pain.

Master then squatted next to me and angrily said, "Get your fucking slave ass up now. I'm not finished with you, and he slapped my face." He then walked to his closet and pulled out the bag he uses to pack his sex toys when we travel to the ranch or to the camp. I didn't realize he had packed it.

I stood up quickly and once again grasped my hands and put them behind my head. I was hurting, and Master showed no signs of ending CBT anytime soon. I saw him grab a mouth gag, nipple clamps, and Mr. Ping Pong Paddle. I would not be getting any mercy today. Master was now standing in front of me. He again slapped my face because my hands weren't clasped quickly enough.

"If you move that sorry ass slave body of yours again like you just did, I'll tie you up and torture you so severely you'll have trouble sitting down and walking all next week. Process that in that slave brain of yours." He then attached the clamps to my pecs and fastened the mouth gag securely in place. As he usually does, he was now pulling on the clamps so hard the nipples on my pecs were getting redder and redder.

He then reached for Mr. Ping Pong Paddle. "Slave, say hello to your good friend."

Through my mouth gag, in a muffled voice, I said, "Hello, Mr. Ping Pong Paddle."

Master then looked at the paddle and said, "Mr. Ping Pong Paddle, I must apologize for my slave's rude manners. He sometimes speaks in a language no one understands. I understand if you feel insulted."

Master was enjoying this, and I knew I was about to pay dearly for not being able to go to the bunkhouse. He likes the way he set up the bunkhouse as his second playroom, and Master was getting angrier and angrier. I took deep breaths to prepare for my upcoming torture.

"Slave, Mr. Ping Pong Paddle is very hurt that you've chosen not to speak to him today. And, I know I trained my slave to have better manners. He's about to have a conversation with your balls. Maybe you two can work things out."

With that Master grabbed my balls with his left hand, and with his right hand be paddled them with Mr. Ping Pong Paddle. He started off the first few whacks softly, but the more he whacked them, the harder the hits became. I wanted so badly to fall back on the floor, but I knew if I did, I would pay severely for this.

He stopped for a moment and said, "Catch your breath." I took three deep breaths, and then he resumed CBT. He grabbed my balls and squeezed them. Through my mouth gag, I let out screams of pain. I asked my Master for mercy, but all that came out was the usual muffled sounds of my voice. He again started paddling my balls and dick.

He then took off the clamps and squeezed my pecs. His hand squeezes are even more painful then the clamps because of his overall strength from growing up doing chores on a ranch. He squeezed and pulled for several minutes; although, those few minutes seemed like hours. Then he told me to turn around, and I did.

My butt was now being paddled with Mr. Ping Pong Paddle. He'd whack one cheek and then the other. Sometimes he would hold the paddle up as far as he could and then whack my butt wherever it fell. In between, he would spank me with his hands. A few minutes later, he took one of his slides off his feet, and I got spanked with it as well. He rotated between his hands, paddle, and slides until my buns were hurting.

For a few more minutes, he rotated turning me around and around and giving my pecs, balls, and buns different rounds of torture. After what seemed like days, Master stopped and told me to kneel. He removed my mouth gag and opened my mouth to pump his superior seed down my throat. "That'll do for now; hopefully, we can make a trip to the bunkhouse."

He walked towards the bed, put his shorts and shirt back on, and put his slides on his feet. I fell to the floor wanting to cry from the pain. He then stood in front of me and told me to kiss his big toes. While he started walking away from me, I then attempted to stand up but fell down instead. As Master was walking out of the room, he told me, "Take a few minutes to get your composure, get dressed, and bring your sorry slave ass into the living room so you can visit with your family." He then walked out the room and shut the door.

We visited for a little while, and then Master and I both showered. His dad wanted to take us out for supper at a nearby steak house. Master gave me permission to join them.

Arriving back at the ranch, we then all talked for a little while. I sat on the sofa next to Master for a few minutes. He then gave me a look, our sign, and I was soon on the floor with his legs to the right of me. Doug nodded to me, and I nodded back to him. At 9:30, my father-in-law said he was tired and going to bed. Doug said he wanted to go to his bedroom and read for a while. Master and I then went into his bedroom.

Master told me to get naked immediately because I had worn clothes too long for the day. I folded my clothes and then assumed my valet duties and undressed him. He then went into the bathroom to brush his teeth. I unfolded the covers to his bed and stood at attention with my head lowered waiting for him to return.

He was now standing in front of me and handed me a glass. "Drink this."

I took the glass out of Master's hand and held it to my lips. When he spit out the toothpaste, he had done it in this glass. I was now drinking his toothpaste and water he rinsed his mouth with. "Lick the sides of the glass with your slave tongue." He then took the glass and went back into his bathroom. He was looking in the mirror and rubbing his hands over his beautiful hairy chest and crotch.

Walking back into the bedroom, he then turned me around and walked me back into the corner of the bedroom. He inspected my buns and said, "Good, these will be nice and red for a few days." He then gently rubbed my dick and asked, "Are your balls still sore?"

"Yes, Master."

"I want you on the bondage table so badly right now: mouth gagged, blindfolded, ball stretcher on your little slave balls, strapped up so tightly, and clothes pins on every inch of your slave body." He pushed me deeper in the corner and said, "Your hands."

I immediately grasped them and put them behind my head, making sure they were securely in place. He then used his right hand and started pushing down on my dick with all his strength. A few seconds later, he once again grabbed and squeezed my already still sore balls. Without my gag, and with Doug next door, I clenched my teeth and let out a soft moan. He was squeezing and pulling just as hard, maybe even harder if that's possible, than he did earlier in the afternoon. He released his grip and asked me, "Feel good, boy, Master continuing CBT on your already sore balls?"

I nodded. He slapped my face and said, "Master asked you a question. Does this continued session of CBT feel good??

"Yes, Master."

He then started slapping my balls with his hands. Although my hands were still securely behind my head, with one really hard slap, I bent my knees and lowered my buns for just a second. This angered Master. I saw him make two fists and knew what was coming. I closed my eyes since even thought I could not escape the upcoming pain, I hoped he would let me keep my eyes closed to at least avoid seeing what was about to hit me.

He then rotated his hands as he punched my balls and dick. He did this ten times, and I felt the pain with each punch. Master then said, "For lowering your body, take these additional punches." He then started punching me in my stomach and counted each punch: one to fifteen.

Moving up to my pecs, he then started squeezing them as well. He went to his briefcase and pulled out two binder clips and attached them to my pecs. Holding them down with his hands, he then started pulling on them, and I again was moaning with my lips sealed and teeth clenched. He then removed the clips, gave my pecs another hand squeezing and then stopped for a few seconds. Then I saw him lower his body, and in another few seconds, his teeth were now biting my pecs. He gripped his teeth as tight as he could and was biting and pulling on them, Master was showing me no mercy.

He then got up and once again pushed down on my dick and balls for a little while. Taking a break, he then squeezed my pecs again and started pulling on them as well. As he was positioning his fingers around my right nipple, he then said, "Look at the day's stubble on my little slave's chest. In a little while it will be all gone." He then grabbed my left hand and rubbed it across his chest. "Feel what a man's nice hairy chest feels like."

He then put the binder clips on my balls and dick. Squeezing them on my balls made me jump upwards a few times. Master noticed this. "Slave, this must be hurting you. I'll take the clips off and reposition them so I can pull on them harder." Finally he stopped. My heart was racing, and I was dripping in sweat.

"Let's evaluate your job performance today. At one point today, you completely fell on the floor. A few minutes ago, you bent your legs; although, you quickly got up. I must give you a needs improvement in this category. For this, four hours in corner time should serve as an adequate punishment. "

He smiled and was taking delight now. Once again he squeezed my balls. "Learning to submit for longer periods of time to show your obedience to me is definitely giving you a superior ranking in this category."

"Swallowing my piss and cum and not missing a drop as a trained slave should do also gives you a superior ranking."

He then put his left hand under my chin and lifted my head to have eye contact. Smiling with his lips, he said, "As your owner, it is recommended that everything remains in place. Congratulations on your job performance as you continue your lifetime in slavery to me. Your bonus is the pleasure of serving me for the rest of your life."

"Here's one of your fringe benefits." Master's dick was hard and sticking straight up. He put his hands on my shoulders, so I was now kneeling. He rammed his dick in my mouth. He was pumping my mouth for a minute or two when he then thrust his dick deeper down my throat, so I could swallow his warm and tasty cum.

"My cum taste good to you slave?"

"Yes, Master; it always does."

"It's like a fine wine to a slave."

He then looked me in the eyes and said, "Master will give you corner now. When the alarm goes off at 2:30 A.M., you may go to bed. This second round of CBT has me even hornier to see you on the bondage table."

He then pushed me in the corner.

"Rest up really good tonight, slave. We'll be taking a quick, early morning trip to visit to the bunkhouse tomorrow morning. It will suffice until we get home, but at least I can have some fun this trip. And believe me' I will have my fun."

"Yes, Master."

It's always nice when you can start off the week doing something fun."

Next: Chapter 14

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