From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Dec 13, 2015



Master's brother, Douglas, Jr., would be visiting for a week and staying at the ranch with his dad. Doug was a popular therapist and social worker in San Diego, and had lived there for most of his adult life. The last time Master and I went to San Diego was three years ago when Kathy, his wife, died of cancer. Doug's daughter, and only child, works for a bank in Baltimore and lives about twenty miles from Master's son and my stepson. Master was excited to be able to spend time and visit with his brother.

Doug likes to grill, and had barbequed hamburgers for supper. Master's sister, Tina, Kyle, her husband, and their two daughters also came for supper and to visit. It was a nice evening for visiting and catching up, and everybody had a good time that night.

After Tina and her family left, my father-in-law went to bed. Doug said he would go to his room and read for the night. Master and I went to his bedroom. Master sat down in the same oversized chair he was sitting in when I kneeled before him and became his slave. He told me to stay dressed since his dad and Doug were probably still up while I massaged his feet. I removed Master's shoes and socks and started massaging his beautiful and sexy feet. He held them up to my face so I could smell them before I started massaging them. They smelled so good.

Master was telling me how much he enjoyed seeing Doug again. I was massaging the soles of Master's feet when there was a knock on the door, and Doug came in.

Master said, "Come on in Doug, I'm just enjoying a foot massage."

"I'm sorry to take away from your privacy. I just wanted to tell the two of you again how much I'm enjoying seeing you again."

I continued massaging Master's feet as Master and I both said we enjoyed seeing him as well. Doug kept looking at me massaging my Master's feet.

"Wow, Brian, Rick's really does love your feet. I now remember you telling me that soon after the two of you met."

"Yep, until we met, I never had anyone want to worship my feet.'

" So, is Rick your foot slave?"

Master looked down at me, smiled, and then said, "Doug, think of your question and leave out the word foot."

I looked at Doug's face. He thought about it for a second, and his eyes opened up as wide as they could. And then, in an almost look of shock, he looked at my Master and said. "Oh, my God, you're in a Master-Slave relationship?"

"Take a wild guess, which one of us is the Master?"

"That explains a few things I've often wondered about, like why Rick is now walking a step or two behind you, why he sometimes looks at you before he talks, and why he prefers to sit by you on the floor. It makes sense. Was it always this way?"

"Slave, submit."

"I can't believe this."

"It's only six years now that we're in our Master and slave roles. We've discussed this in the past, and we should have known it was coming. In so many ways, we've realized during our first fourteen years, he was always submissive to me, and I was dominant to him. Now, it's an official arrangement."

"Wow! I'm shocked and a little speechless at the same time. I've read and heard about this, but never knew anyone personally in this lifestyle. To think, my kid brother, the overachiever, the former model, and now successful attorney, is a Master as well."

"Don't brag on me too much, big brother, I only have one slave," and he tapped Doug on the shoulder."

"What's Rick doing in that position now?"

"This is his submit position. In this position he cannot get any lower than having his head on the ground at my feet. This allows him to show his total submission to me."

"So, does he have slave requirements? This is mind blowing, Brian! Is he still your husband, or just your slave?"

"Of course, he's my husband. I love him and will always love him. The dynamics of the relationship have changed, but the love is still there. As a slave he is responsible for cleaning the house, doing all yard work, cooking and serving me meals, doing the laundry and ironing, running all house errands, and anything else I assign him to do. These are his for lack of better words, his servant duties. Of course he has other things he must also follow."

"Oh, man! Brian; this amazes me. He does everything regarding the house. What else can or can't he do?"

"He sits and sleeps on the floor. He is not allowed on the furniture unless I give him permission. He cannot write a check or use a credit card without first getting permission. He gets a $20.00 allowance every two weeks and may spend it on anything he wishes as long as he gives me the receipts. He is allowed to use a cell phone for business purposes only, and I clear his incoming and outgoing cell phone calls about once a week. Emails other than for work must be approved prior to reading or sending them. He may not leave the house without permission, and he must shave certain parts of his body. Basically, I control everything he does."

"Is it tough for you to be a slave, Rick?"

I stayed in my submit position and did not move.

"Rick, it's okay; I'm not judging you buddy; you can talk to me about this. I'm trying to learn about your lifestyle. Come on; talk to me, please. Don't be embarrassed."

I shook my head to my left and right.

"Shaking his head is his form of communication telling you he can't talk right now. When he is in his submit position as he is in now or when he is punished in corner time, he must first get permission from me in order to speak." He must raise his hand and be acknowledged before he may speak, or if I speak to him, he may respond to my question or statement."

"So, he can't ever speak unless he has permission?"

"No, that's just during his submit time or punishment time. He usually has free speech just like you and me the rest of the time. He's my slave now, but he's still the intelligent man I fell in love with and still a great conversationalist."

"So, you don't call him Rick anymore?"

"Only in public situations."

" Can he call you Brian?"

" Never again! He must always address me as Master. In social situations, he is to try and not say my name if at all possible. He does a great job at this by saying things like, "My husband, or the love of my life. If he were to ever call me Brian, he knows he would be severely punished."

"I'm trying to process this information I'm really learning so much so quickly. I find it completely fascinating."

"Slave, you may speak to your brother-in-law. I think he is curious about our lifestyle, especially yours. Answer him honestly; you will not be punished for your responses."

"Yes Master."

" Rick, are you happy being my kid brother's slave? I'm curious, what's it like to have given up all your freedom?"

"Yes, I'm very happy and take pride in being your brother's slave. My Master is strict and demanding, but he is not mean. He is a kind and loving Master. He trained me to be obedient and submissive to him, and I enjoy being his slave so much, that giving up my personal freedoms wasn't a difficult thing to do at all."

"So, you don't mind being my brother's slave?"

"Being his slave seems so right and brings me both a sense of peace and pride. I am doing what I was meant to do: to serve and be owned by a dominant man. I do not miss being a free man at all. Serving my Master makes my life so much more meaningful, and I am grateful to him for allowing me this privilege."

"So you work really hard to please your Master?"

"May I say more, Master?"

"Yes, slave, you're doing well to help my brother better understand us. You may have free speech right now."

" I work hard and do my best to make sure all of his needs are met. I am always thinking of what else I can do to please Master and make him proud of me. Sometimes, and thank goodness not very often, I fail in my duties, which leaves my Master no choice but to punish me. The punishment I receive is always justified because it helps me to recognize my error and helps me to become the obedient slave he expects me to be. If I am totally submissive and obedient to my Master, he will be very happy with me and will sometimes give me certain rewards like cuddling or letting me massage his feet."

"So what's stopping Rick from just getting up right now and sitting in a chair or sitting on the edge of the bed and talking with us?"

"In reality, nothing can really stop him from doing anything he wants to do. However, as a slave, he probably wouldn't even think of doing that. He may have some fear of how intense I would discipline him for doing something that is a violation of his slave contract. But, go ahead and ask him."

"Rick, did you or would you ever think of getting up and sitting in a chair or sitting on he edge of the bed so we could all have a conversation?"

"No, Doug, the thought never even occurred to me. Master is correct; I fear the possible punishment I would receive. If I moved from here now, it would be disrespectful to him, and he would have no choice but to punish me. I know I must remain in this position until I am told otherwise, and I do this willingly and without questioning it because my Master knows what is best for me."

"So, Rick, please understand I'm not judging you and Brian, I mean your Master. I'm just trying to understand how you could give up all your freedoms like you did and be so happy. I still love you two with all my heart."

" I like to think I simply exchanged privileges: privileges as a free man for the privilege to serve the man I love. Again, it may seem a bit odd, but for me it is the natural and right thing to do: to spend my life as my husband's slave. Being in my submit position like this always brings me joy because I like to think the longer I stay in this position, the more it will please him. Your brother is an Alpha male and it's only natural that he enjoys his role as a Master. I have always been submissive to him, and that is why being his slave seems so right and brings me great pleasure."

"Thank you, Rick. I'm sure your Master is always proud of you. I understand it a little better now."

" I hope he is, Doug, and thank you for saying that. Just ask if there's anything else you want to know about."

"Slave, you did very well in explaining your status to my brother. Look at my feet; you will soon be rewarded with these toes in your mouth. I know you've been hoping for that ever since you left your punishment in the kennel. Look at them really good; Master will reward you with his feet soon because he is very proud of you."

"Thank you, Master."

"You're very welcome, Slave. Silence mode resumes while Master and his brother talk to each other."

"I now get this; he can't talk unless you give him permission. And, if he talks without your permission, he'll be punished. In bondage, I'm assuming?"

"Really, I don't tie him up that much; although, I do enjoy the times I handcuff him or have him strapped on my bondage table. For punishment, I usually spank him, give him corner time, or I may take away a privilege for a little while; sometimes it may be all three. For example, he loves worshiping my feet, especially after a long workday. In a few days, on a day when I've been wearing my socks for twelve or fourteen hours, he'll earn his reward. He'll think he's in Heaven as he's licking my foot sweat, eating my toe jam, sucking my toes, and massaging my feet. He loves this, so it's one of his rewards. If he messes up now, I'll deny him the reward. He knows he's so close to earning something he really enjoys, he'll make sure not to do anything to screw it up."

"So, Rick enjoys being a slave, what do you enjoy about being a Master?"

"I like the idea of being his Master more than I like the idea of being his husband. I like the fact that I control his every movement. I reap the rewards of not having to do those mediocre tasks. I enjoy watching him sit or sleep on the floor while I'm sitting on comfortable furniture or sleeping in a cozy bed. I like the fact that he still gets nervous when I have him stand up with his head lowered and I stand behind him. Now that I'm in an open relationship and can sleep with other men if I want to is another nice reward. I love being a Master. In fact, being Master and slave in some ways strengthened an already successful and a very happy marriage."

"I see; you still love him, but you have no trouble dominating him."

"I had always dominated him in one-way or another in small and subtle ways. On the night he kneeled in front of me as my slave, I realized how long I had wanted this. Having him serve me seems natural. I don't think I could ever go back to that previous lifestyle. Now remember, he is still my husband and I will always love him. But now, I'm so glad he's my slave, and I do enjoy dominating him. I now own him; he's my property, so I'll take care of him."

"Does he ever ask or mention giving up or wanting back certain privileges he's lost?"

"No, that has never been a problem for him."

"I love you guys and always will. This has been an educational visit little brother. I think I need a glass of wine."

"Hold on, I'll join you, and you and I can visit some more."

"Good night Rick; see you in the morning."

"Slave, tell Doug good night."

"Good night Doug; see you in the morning."

Master and Doug then walked out the door. I remained in my submit position while Master and Doug visited. Master and Doug always loved each other but with Doug living in California and Master living in Texas and now back home in Montana, they don't see each other that often. I wasn't sure how much time had gone by when I could hear Master walking down the hall. He put on his flip-flops when he left, and I heard them hitting the back of his feet when he walked down the hall. The door to his bedroom soon opened up. He went to the bathroom and I could hear him peeing in the toilet. I wondered why he wasn't having me swallow his piss. A few minutes later was standing behind me, and I could feel his paddle being rubbed against my butt.

"You've been in your submit position for almost two hours now. You never told me how much you enjoy doing this to please me. Were you embarrassed to tell your Master this?"

"No Master, it was just one way I wanted to show you how much I love you and love being your slave. Please forgive me; I accept whatever punishment you have for me."

"Get out of submit and kneel." I quickly kneeled and lowered my head. Master was standing in front of me.

"Master may now keep you in submit mode for longer periods of time now that I know you consider it an honor to do this for me."

"I do Master because I want to please you so badly. I'm ready for my punishment."

"First off relax. Master is not going to punish you, and you will still earn your reward of worshiping my feet in a few days. It pleases Master to now know that you look at your submission pose as a means to show your respect to me. So, Master does not want his slave to be embarrassed. This is what I expect of you. Take pride in pleasing me and taking care of my needs."

"Yes Master, I understand."

" It shows your Master that he owns a slave who has been well trained, knows his role is to serve a strong, dominant man, and is proud to show his obedience and submission. Ask me whenever you would like to remain submitting for a longer period of time, and Master will honor your request if time allows."

"Thank you, Master."

"Now stand."

"He then stood in front of me and grabbed my balls pulling them up and down and to the side, with his grip getting more and more secure around them. I moaned from the pain but managed to still stand up straight. He released them and then squeezed my pecs. Again, his grip was getting harder and harder. He put his hand on my chest and guided me as I walked backwards into the corner of the wall and gave me five whacks with his paddle.

"Talking about our roles to Doug tonight got me so fucking horny knowing I can do whatever I want to do you whenever I want to. Now it's time for me to my have fun with my slave's body."

He then walked away from me and went to his travel bag with his sex toys. Within a few seconds of leaving, clamps were now tightly secured on my pecs. He started pulling up and down, side to side and at different angles. Then he said, "Slave, I'm not going to tie you up tonight. You will keep your hands behind your head at all times. If for any reason, you release them, we will go to the bunkhouse tonight for extreme torture, and you will lose the privilege of worshiping these feet. Keep your hands clasped behind your head at all times. Do it now."

"Yes Master."

"Next week I will be in court all week, and in this warm weather I will walk the block from my office to the courthouse. At the end of the day my socks should be nice and damp, and the sweat on the soles of my feet will be tart and vinegary. My toe jam will taste delicious to a fucking slave, and you'll eventually have a five course meal times two when my toes give your sorry ass slave mouth a good fucking."

As he was telling me about his toes, my dick was at full attention, and there was no way to hide it. Master noticed this.

"Your little slave dick is hard." Master slapped the head of my dick and then slapped my balls. "It's too bad you're so hard because you're sure in the hell won't cum tonight. Although Master will shoot his load in a little while."

"Thinking about my toes is getting my slave horny; that's good. Look at Master's feet now. Picture my feet on your face; picture your tongue between my toes as you lick my toe jam; picture sucking on each toe individually."

He was wiggling his toes and flexing his feet. Again my dick was getting even harder.

"You're so close to getting your reward, and I want you to get it. It would be a shame if you didn't these toes in your mouth and my size 12 feet on your face, when you're so close. And Master would have to deny it to you. So to keep your reward, and to please Master, I expect you to keep your clasped hands behind your head the entire time I am having my fun. If you move your hands, you will lose your reward and will be punished once again. So think of my toes while I torture you. Look at them for a few seconds because Master's fun begins soon."

"Yes Master."

For one hour, Master had fun with CBT, tit torture, and spanking my butt. My butt was so sore and had a few welts on it. Master rubbed my buns, which made them hurt even more. He then said, "This will stay nice and red for several days. What a beautiful sight to see a slave's ass nice and red."

Master then grabbed my hands and put them on my side. He walked behind me and pushed me towards his chair. I started to stumble, but I was able to find my balance and not fall. Master was behind me. He sat down and told me to kneel.

"Slave, look up. I want eye to eye contact with you right now."

I lifted my head and was now looking Master directly in the eyes. His beautiful blue eyes are so sensual.

"Slave, you have earned a reward for worshiping my feet already. Congratulations! Now Master will give you a further test. Are you listening, Slave?"

"Yes Master; I'm listening."

"Master is again telling you how pleased he is to hear of how you enjoy being in your submit pose to honor me. That is why Master is giving you a choice of two options to do tomorrow. Whatever you decide, you will still receive your reward of worshiping my feet next week. Are you ready to hear your choices?"

"Yes Master."

"Tomorrow Doug and I are taking Dad to the city to buy a new suit. His suit is now almost fifteen years old. During the summer when we began our new lifestyle, if you remember correctly, we bought him a new sports coat. He wants and needs a new suit. More than likely, at eight-three, he will also be buried in this suit. Your choice is to come with us to the city and enjoy a nice lunch at a restaurant after or stay here at the ranch for the four to six hours we'll be away in your submit pose to honor your Master and make him very happy."

"Master, please you decide for me. That's a tough decision."

"Yes, I know I'm making you use your slave brain. You must decide if you wish to spend time with your family or submit and show your loyalty and obedience to the man, your Master, who you will be serving the rest of your life. Master will accept either decision his slave makes. You will not be punished for this, and you will not lose the reward you worked so hard to earn."

"Master, this is tough; is it okay if I let you know in the morning?"

Master agreed to this. I then pulled back the bedspread on Master's bed for him. He then pulled out his dick, and I swallowed his last load of piss for the day. He got into bed, and I then got my bed area ready.

Master went to sleep immediately. I tossed and turned for a while after. I went to my slave corner thinking I might get sleepy and fall asleep myself. I love my Master so much and want to please him, but at the same time, my father-in-law is in his eighties and seems to be getting more feeble. How much more time do we have with him? He's always been so nice to me. Yet, I kneeled at the feet of his son and agreed to become his slave, so my allegiance is to his son, his youngest child, my Master.

Morning came quickly enough. As usual, I got up, cleaned my sleeping area, did my morning shave, and showered. Being we were at the ranch, I got dressed. This always seems so odd since my naked body now seems so natural. I then went to the kitchen and got Master and I a cup of coffee and brought it to his bedroom.

I woke him up and then kneeled at the side of the bed as usual. Master soon got up. As he got out of the bed, I kissed the tops of his feet. Master then lowered his underwear, and I welcomed his morning piss in my mouth. He then lifted his underwear up and went to sit down in his chair. I brought him his coffee.

He threw a pillow at me and said, Fluff this pillow up and put it behind my back."

As I was putting it in place, Master then grabbed my balls and squeezed them so hard I fell to the ground. He told me to stand up again, and he did the same thing. Releasing them, he then told me to kneel.

"Has my slave made his decision what his agenda for the day will be? Tell Master, and tell me how you came about your decision."

"Master, this was a tough decision to make because I want to spend time with your dad because I don't know how many more years we may have with him. At the same time, I know my place is to spend the rest of my life with you and to serve you."

"I understand both points you presented, and I have also thought the same thing."

"So Master, the decision I made is to spend the day here because serving you is my top priority. If you think I am wrong, please tell me what to do."

"No Slave, you made the right choice. Yes, I enjoy doing things with you as your husband, but you took into consideration that you are first and foremost a slave. This is the decision your Master was hoping you would make. It will please me when I'm out and about for the morning and early afternoon having fun that you will be in your submit mode, kneeling to please me."

We then went into the kitchen to eat breakfast. Master explained to his dad and brother that I had a deadline for an article and would stay home. A few minutes later, we were back in Master's bedroom. I dressed him as usual. As I was buttoning his shirt, he looked down at me and lifted my head up. He kissed me on my forehead and cheeks.

Master then told me, "It pleases Master that you made the choice he hoped you would make. Now that I know how much you like to show your obedience by staying in submit longer, I will have pleasure in knowing we will both be having fun for the next four to six hours."

He led me to my slave corner in his bedroom and told me to stand there for a minute. He wanted to see me submit right as he left to drive to the city. He then walked away from me, and I could see he was now standing in the doorway.


I was now in position. He watched for a few minutes, and then without saying a word, he shut the door.

Next: Chapter 13

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