From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Nov 25, 2015



Life in Master's home finally got back to its normal routine. He and the defense team won the big case, which controlled our lives for longer than we expected. Personally, I like to think it was my Master's superior intelligence that won the case for his firm. But, I know I'm being biased. The truth is that my Master just happens to be the smartest, kindest, and sexiest man alive.

It was so nice to see him relaxed again and not as stressed out as he had been for the past few months. Helping to reduce his stress level was the fact that Master Marty had accepted a position as a personal banker with a large banking chain. Collin had in fact been doing many of the paralegal tasks, which Master Marty did not know how to do.

Master told me he was glad to get rid of Master Marty. He had begun the paperwork to fire him when he submitted his letter of resignation. Master also hoped that Collin would stay with the firm, because he is an excellent and highly respected attorney. Although I am required to address a fellow superior Master as Master and his first name; Master Marty is a jerk. My Master changed his will, and I will once again be a free man when he dies and not become the property of Master Marty.

He contacted Matt Wilson, his attorney friend from Boston who he met at the conference in San Francisco. He liked Master Matt and offered him a job with the firm. The corporate office gave the okay to hire one more attorney whether or not Collin stayed or resigned.

Master Matt, a lifelong New Englander said he would think about it. The trouble would be if his slave, Jacques, could find a job. Jacques is a master chef in a top New England restaurant. Master invited them to stay at his house while touring the Billings office and also touring the community.

Master Matt and Jacques flew to Minneapolis and rented a car to tour the upper Midwest and then travel to the West to explore Montana. They were supposed to arrive at Master's home later in the evening. That would have given me time to leave my morning teaching job at the university, return home, and start cooking the meal Master planned.

When I returned home, I saw a car with Indiana license plates in the driveway. I was very cautious while I pressed the garage door opener in case we were being robbed. I then noticed Master's car was there. I walked in the kitchen, and there was Master talking to who I assumed was Master Matt and Jacques. They had arrived six hours earlier than originally planned, and Master met them at his house. The car was a rental.

"You're Rick Michaels; I really enjoy your Ted Elliott Doctor Detective books. I didn't realize you and Brian were friends."

"Matt, let me introduce you and also clarify something. You're right to the world, this is Rick Michaels, a popular and contemporary author. However to me, this is Rick Carter, my husband and my slave."

"Brian, when you said your slave was Rick Michaels, I figured it was just a common name. Your slave is one of America's most popular writers. Wow! I can't believe I enjoy reading books written by a slave. I would have never guessed this in a million years."

"Slave, where are your manners. Say hello to Master Matt. Kneeling beside him is his slave, Jacques. Tell them hello, and then get into your uniform.

"Hello Master Brian and Jacques; it's nice meeting you."

Both Master Matt and Jacques told me hello. Master Matt said he hoped Jacques and I would become good slave friends.

"Run along, Slave; meet me in the living room and submit."

I quickly walked back in the living room and saw Master sitting in his favorite chair. My arched body was raised and my head was touching the floor. Master attached my collar to my neck. I noticed that Jacques was now in a pair of white briefs. He was sitting on the sofa next to his Master straight up in an attention type pose and was wearing a gold chain and not a collar.

"So Matt, you allow your slave on the furniture?"

"Like your slave, mine lived on the floor for the first ten years of his slavery. For the last five years, I've gotten relaxed and allow him to sit next to me on the sofa and sleep in bed with me. It's irregular, I know, but we've eased into our roles. He has no desire to be a free man again, and as long as he knows his place, it will stay like this. He knows it can change in a heartbeat, if he messes up. And, I still enjoy seeing him naked like yours and in bondage too."

"Well maybe one day, I'll allow that, but for now, I like my slave this way: naked and on the floor. I'll invite him up on the sofa to cuddle with me for a few minutes, or invite him in bed to better fuck him, but otherwise, I like looking down on the floor and seeing him there."

Master then released me and told me to start cooking dinner. Master Matt interrupted and offered Jacques' services to cook the meal. Master approved this and told me I was to help Jacques in the cooking. Jacques prepared the pork roast. I peeled the potatoes and shucked the corn to prepare fresh mashed potatoes and corn for the vegetables. Jacques said he would make the salad. Master wanted a seven- layer salad like his mom always made to serve with roast. This was Master's favorite meal when he was growing up, and he liked me to prepare it often. He wanted to share this special meal with his new friend and potential colleague.

The meal was finally prepared; the dining room was set with three plates at the table. I then went and dressed in my black briefs and black bow tie like I do every night before dinner. I went in the living room and told Master and Master Matt that dinner was ready. They walked in the dining room, and I pulled out Master's chair. The Masters and then Jacques sat down to dinner. I was standing a few feet behind Master's chair like I do every other evening.

After eating and talking around the table for a few minutes, both Masters went back into the living room. Jacques started cleaning the kitchen while I took a few minutes to eat. I then helped him clean the rest of the dining room and kitchen.

Rejoining the Masters, Jacques sat on the sofa next to Master Matt. I kneeled before my Master, and he told me he wanted his footrest. My back was away from Master, and he now had both of his feet resting on my shoulders. I knew my Master was angry that Jacques had so many liberties, and I was pretty sure Master would let me know of his disapproval.

The Masters visited, and about 9:00, Master Matt said, "Brian, I've had so much fun with you today in your beautiful home, but if you don't mind, I think my slave and I will go to bed. We've had a long day."

The two Masters hugged good night, and then Master Matt and Jacques went to the guest bedroom on the opposite side of the house. Master then told me to let the dogs out and then to meet him in his bedroom.

Back in Master's bedroom, I began my valet duties. He stood up as he usually does, and I undressed him. I unbuttoned his shirt and lowered it down his arms to remove it. He then lifted his feet up and I removed his shoes and socks, and finally I took off his slacks. I then hung up his slacks and put his shirt in the hamper to be washed and ironed later.

"Hand me my socks, he said in a very stern voice"

Judging from his voice, I realized I would probably be spending time in the playroom and probably be on the bondage table. I then started to kneel, but Master told me to stand. With my head lowered in his presence, he held his socks up to my nose. "Inhale this slave."

I smelled Master's socks, which I had put on his feet fifteen hours earlier. They smelled so good. My dick started to get hard, but I tired to fight it so Master would not get mad at me. But, his socks smelled so good to someone who loves feet, especially his feet. I was hoping he would his socks in my mouth so I could drink his sock sweat, but he soon removed them from my face and threw them on the ground.

"Kiss my toes."

I was so happy to hear these words. When Master ended my punishment in the dog kennel, he told me that if I were totally obedient and submissive, I would soon be rewarded with the honor of worshiping his feet. As I kissed each of his beautiful and sensual toes, I wanted to savor this reward and wished it would never end. I was hoping he would let me savor his toe jam and suck on each one of his scrumptious toes.

"Kiss my toenails."

Master then pushed my head so it was resting on his left foot. He put his right foot on the top of my head and held it down. As I was enjoying the smell of his foot, he pushed my head further down his foot while I stayed in my submit pose. Pushing down even harder on the back of my head with his foot, Master then told me to listen carefully to what he was about to tell me.

"There's a Master and a slave sleeping in the same bed in the guest room on the other side of my house. Jacques, a common slave like you, ate at my table and sat his slave ass on my couch. That same slave is also wearing an expensive gold chain instead of a collar. Don't you even think of getting any ideas of this becoming our lifestyle? The floor, where you are now, is where your naked body sits, eats, and sleeps; the floor is your furniture. My slave also wears a slave collar when he is in my house, and there are no exceptions to this rule, unless I allow them. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master,"

"Get up and recite your mission statement. This is to remind you of who you are and not to get any ideas to have the same status as the other so called slave in this house."

I was now kneeling at full attention with my hands behind my back.

"As the property of Master Brian Clark, I hereby devote every year, every day, every hour, and every second of my life to seeing that all of his personal and sexual needs are met to the best of my ability and thus demonstrate my gratitude to him in choosing to take ownership of me."

Standing behind me, Master said, "Remember those key words: the property, his needs, ownership of me, and don't forget them. "Now crawl to the playroom and submit."

Walking behind me he said, "A new game from Brian Carter Productions will debut in ninety seconds." He then kicked me in the butt and told me to crawl faster.

He sat in the chair in the corner of the bedroom and told me to submit. He then bent down and showed me the straw basket he uses during game time.

"Slave, in my network of games, we have the very popular Reward or Punishment and Timed Torture. And making its debut today, is a new game called Number Your Torture. A slip of paper with its name on it is in the basket. Do you want to know how it works?"

"Yes Master, please tell me."

"In Number Your Torture, the Master tells his slave what he will do him while being restrained. Then the slave tells his Master what order he'd like to receive each torture. I think it's a nice game and has a chance of being around for a long, long time. What do you think, Slave; do you like this new game as much as your Master does?"

"Yes Master, I like it as much as you do."

"What I like about it is that we each have a turn. You number the tortures, and I have fun administering them. In kindergarten, for both of us taking turns, we would each get a gold star for playing nice. Isn't that nice slave, we each get a turn in the game?"

"Yes Master; it's very nice."

"Only thing, with no gold stars, red may have to take its place. The red can come from a blistered slave ass and red from whacking a slave's balls. Maybe in place of a gold star, we could substitute golden showers. We'll iron out those kinks; let's have some fun."

Master held up the basket and told me to pick a slip of paper from the basket to see what game we'll be playing and read it to him. I unfolded the paper and it said, Master's Choice.

"Slave, I'm so excited and nervous because this means I get to decide which game we will play.

"I can't believe I won. Aren't you going to congratulate your Master?"

"Congratulations on being able to choose the game we're about to play, Master."

"Thank you, Slave," and he grabbed my cheeks.

" I choose Number Your Torture. Slave, I will chain you to the wall where I will blister your ass to remind you that you are a slave and not a semi-slave like Jacques. I will also make the tops of your feet so red, you'll be in pain when you put on shoes tomorrow morning, and I will tie your balls with string so tight, you'll be begging me for mercy even before CBT begins. I will attach clamps on your pecs and pull so hard; Dad will hear you at the ranch. Tell Master where to begin. The order is up to you and totally insignificant to me what order you choose. I like them all."

"CBT, caning my feet, torturing my pecs, and spanking."

Master first bound me to the hooks on the walls. He then tied up my balls. He was right, my balls were tied up so tightly, I thought they would fall out of me. He then told me to look at the clock on the nightstand. It is 9:12; Number Your Torture will begin at 9:15 sharp and will last one hour. He said he would follow the order I numbered them. I will do each activity for ten minutes to begin with. This will give each area of your body a chance to rest a few minutes. Round two will take only five minutes for each section. He then attached a mouth gag to muffle my screams of pain.

At 9:14, Master said, "Get ready, Slave; you'll be busy for the next hour."

For one hour my balls were hit with his hands, paddle, and tickler. The tops of my feet were hit with his flogger, riding crop, belt buckle, and belt. My pecs were pulled on so hard, I thought Master was going to pull them off my chest. My buns were hit with his belt, belt buckle, paddle, his hands, and his flip- flops. There were welts on my buns when the timer finally went off. My whole body was aching.

Master then removed the mouth gag and untied me, and I fell to the ground because my balls and feet hurt so much. Every inch of my body was throbbing in pain. I raised my hand to ask for permission to speak and the pain from my pecs intensified that I just wanted to fall to the floor and admit defeat. Master gave me permission.

Almost in tears, I begged, "Master, please no more; please Master. May I please go to bed to sleep away the pain?"

Master then said, "Is there anything else you want to say? Are you satisfied with your slave status the way it is, or must I continue to remind you we will not have a status like Master Matt and slave Jacques? We can start another new episode of Number Your Torture."

"I like my status just the way it is Master. I like being obedient and submissive to you. Please mercy, Master." The pain in every area of my body was now throbbing even more since he stopped his torture."

"Good, remember the more obedient and the more submissive you are makes your Master even happier."

He told me to walk to his bedroom. I could barely walk because my balls and feet hurt so much, but Master told me to hurry up. My slave bathroom is on the other end of the house, and it seemed like it was 1,000 miles away. Unless Master told me to, I planned on brushing my teeth in the morning. I undid the comforter on Master's bed and then started to make up my bed.

Master walked into the bedroom and saw me struggling to walk. He said, "Slave, I knew you wouldn't be able to kneel tonight. Unfortunately, you missed out on a great load of my piss. You'll just have to wait until morning to get some more. I know you're hurting. Get some sleep, good night."

"Good night, Master."

Next: Chapter 12

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