From Foot Fun to Master

By Brian Bainbridge

Published on Nov 25, 2015



We got to the camp about 8:30 that night. Once inside, Master said, "I need my urinal." I quickly got on my knees and welcomed his superior piss in my mouth. He then sat on the sofa and was relaxing while I unloaded the supplies and luggage from the van. I took the dogs out to do their nightly business. While I was outside with our schnauzers, Justice and Boo Radley, Master undressed himself, which is usually part of my duties as his valet. He was wearing a red polo shirt, navy blue shorts, and flip-flops. He is always so handsome and so sexy in anything he wears. He was reading, had his legs crossed, and I noticed he was flexing his feet.

"Slave, get in your uniform. Then unload the groceries; unpack the suitcases, and report back to me. You have ten minutes to do these chores and to submit."

It took me only eight minutes to do these chores. My naked body was now arched and my head was in front of Master's feet. He continued reading for a few minutes. He then uncrossed his legs and told me to take off his flip-flops. For a few minutes, he flexed his feet and wiggled his toes in front of my face, only an inch or two away. Oh, how I wish I could have been munching on his toe jam, licking his foot sweat, and making a meal of his toes. He then said, "Get the lotion and massage my feet."

While massaging his feet, Master was so tired; he fell asleep for a few minutes. I put the lotion on the side of his feet and then kneeled and lowered my head since I was in his presence. A few minutes later, he woke up, and said, "Slave, let the dogs out one more time, and let's go to bed."

A few minutes later, we were in the bedroom. I pulled back the comforter and sheets to Master's bed and waited for him to enter the room. He kissed me on the forehead. I then kneeled, opened my mouth, and savored every drop of his last piss of the day. I then laid out my sheet, blanket, and pillow at the foot of Master's bed, and he was sleeping within a few minutes.

The next morning after breakfast, Master was ready to get some sun and was anxious to wear his new swimsuit, a navy and orange Speedo. Master was anxious to relax in the new chaise recliner he bought for the deck. He gave me permission to lie next to him on the ground and get some sun as well. I looked for his sunscreen, but it wasn't anywhere around. I know I bought it, but couldn't find it.

Master was getting impatient and asked to once again look at the store receipt. I had bought sunscreen, but couldn't find it. I looked in the van twice, searched the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom but could not find it. Master was furious and ordered me to the bedroom. He told me to go to the corner and put my two hands behind my head. He then got his paddle and riding crop and spanked me for almost thirty minutes.

"We are going to go to that overpriced, tourist trap of a store in the village, and buy a new bottle of sunscreen, which will come out of your allowance."

We drove in town, and I gave the cashier my $20.00 bill for my two weeks allowance. The sunscreen was $16.15 and would leave me $3.85 to last two weeks. I handed Master the receipt, as I must do whenever I spend any money. Driving back to the camp, he said nothing to me. I knew my spanking was just the first step to my punishment.

When we got back to the cabin, I undressed Master and put his flip-flops on his feet. He then had me rub sunscreen on his body. He then said, "Slave, I'm going outside. You will be going in the corner of my bedroom and write your mission statement 300 times.

About an hour later, I could hear Master talking to a woman. I wished I would have written a shorter slave mission statement five years earlier because my hand was getting tired, and I had only written it fifty-five times. Soon Master and this woman were shouting, and then I heard nothing. Master was so mad, I heard him hit the outside wall with his fist.

He soon walked inside and yelled, "Slave, come in here."

I went in the living room and saw Master sitting on a barstool. I kneeled and submitted. He told me to lift up and kneel at attention.

"Slave, our neighbors, or at least the old biddy I was speaking to are trouble. She is an old rich, homophobic bitch. She was telling me how you and I are morally wrong in our relationship. She has a gay son and she and her husband have nothing to do with him. She is trouble, and I do not want you to say anything to her at all if you should meet her. Do you understand? Raising his voice in anger to her and not necessarily me he said, 'Make sure you do not talk to her'."

"Yes Master.' I raised my hand to request permission to speak.

Permission granted."

" Master, I'm sorry you had to encounter an old biddy while you're trying to relax, and I know I deserve my punishment, but may I please say I'm sorry and ask for your forgiveness for upsetting you."

"Slave, at least you're recognizing your irresponsibility. When you are finished writing your lines, bring them to me, and you may join me outside, if I'm still sunning."

Quickly writing to finish, two hours and ten minutes later, I delivered my punish work to Master. He skimmed through it and gave me permission to lie next to him on the floor of the deck. We were having a nice time. Master allowed me to talk freely; we were talking and laughing and enjoying the beautiful day. All of a sudden out of nowhere, the old biddy returned.

Yes, she will be trouble to us when we're at the lake together. She came back and again was being judgmental and argumentative to my Master. How could she do this to my kind and loving Master?

I lost my temper told her she was a rude woman who showed no respect to people so why should people respect her. I then added that we were at our camp minding our own business and how could that upset her. Finally, I told her she was harassing us, and if she didn't like us to leave us alone; we're minding our business; she should mine hers aw well. She stormed off huffing and mumbling something.

Master then angrily said, "Get your slave ass in the cabin now."

He grabbed me by my neck and dragged me inside. Once inside, he pushed me against my slave corner in his bedroom and gave me the hardest slap in my face he ever gave me as long as I've been a slave. He continued slapping me. Then he ordered me to look him in the eye, and he told me through clenched teeth, "I told you not to talk to that old bitch, didn't I?"

"Yes, Master, I'm sorry, but I," and he told me, "Shut the fuck up, and I felt a slap across my face."

"I deliberately told you not to talk to her because I had a reason for this. People like her go to their Wednesday or Thursday afternoon bridge clubs and teas and talk about how homosexuals are now buying cabins around the lake; they're taking over our rights, and other bullshit like that. Her ignorant ass probably says things like, 'Those people,' and other such ignorant bullshit. For stupid ass bitches like her, I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of saying that both of us had told her off. I didn't want to give her extra bullshit to talk about. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master, but it hurt me to see her talk to you that way."

"I understand, that Slave. Out there, your first instinct was to act as my husband and not as my slave. I appreciate this, but you also disobeyed me, and for that you will be punished."

He brought me in the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and wet the bar of soap. He then washed my mouth out with soap. He was furious at me. He took the soap out of my mouth, rinsed it off, and put it back in my mouth. Forcing it deeper down my throat, he said, "Maybe this will remind you next time to keep your mouth shut when your Master tells you to."

I was then told to rinse my mouth out and to crawl to the extra bedroom. Although Master did not tell me to submit, I didn't want to take any chances to make him angrier, so I assumed my submit position.

He ordered me on the bondage table. I crawled to it and laid down on it. He put a mouth gag on me. Just like his table at his home, he then reached under and pulled up straps and fastened them from my chest down to my ankles. He then slapped my balls with all his strength. I let out a scream through the mouth gag.

He then put clamps on my pecs and pulled and twisted them for several minutes. Each pull and twist of the clamps was harder than the previous one. He then attached the ball spreader to my balls and started hitting them with the paddle. The more he paddled and pulled my body, it seemed like the angrier he was getting.

He then pulled out the clothespin bag and covered just about every free inch of my body. For several minutes he pulled on each and every clothespin. In between, he would pinch me and hold it there until I would scream a muffled scream.

Then he removed the ball stretcher and hit my balls for several minutes with his hands. I was almost in tears because he was hitting my balls so hard.. He then said, "Slave, I'm going to stroke your dick until I get you on the verge of cumming. But you better not cum, or you will not cum for at least three months. Master got some lube and started pumping my dick. He pull it up so high and so hard at times, I was screaming for mercy, but knew I would no get no mercy today. It was so hard to hold back. I was on the verge of shooting my load; even though, I knew it would be three months before I could do it again, when he stopped. Through all of this, that was the only mercy Master granted me. I didn't cum; I don't know how I held back, but I didn't cum today.

Master then told me had called Josh, a married bottom of his who lives about thirty minutes from the cabin. Master says Josh is gay but does not want to divorce his wife since he has small children. On three different occasions when Josh had business in the city, he stayed with Master at his house and not in the hotel room his company paid for. Josh would be arriving in a few minutes. Master was still in his swimsuit and flip-flops. He said, "It's no use changing clothes, I won't be in this much longer. I'll just go take a quick shower. Slave, your Master will have an afternoon of delight."

Master soon untied me and told me to write my slave mission statement 600 times. It was now 1:10 in the afternoon, and except for about a half hour, I had been writing punish work or getting punished all day. He then put my leg restraints on and then slid them through some chain links and locked them in place on the leg of the bed frame. Then he put my mouth gag back in place telling me he didn't want to hear me this afternoon.

"Master will be busy fucking this afternoon. Eric's mouth is going to be filled with my dick for the next three or four hours when it's not up his ass. It's a good thing you bought Master a new box of condoms. How many will I use?"

With an achy body from intense CBT, extreme pulling of nipple clamps and clothes pins, and a still sore butt from a spanking a few hours before, I sat in the corner and was getting ready to write my punish work once Master left.

"This shitty day looks like it is might be getting a little better. Oh slave, you'll hear him moaning the harder and deeper I go up his ass." He then rubbed his crotch in my face. In a few minutes Eric's face will be there. Come on Eric; you've got me so fucking horny."

About five minutes later, we heard a car drive up. As Master left the room, he turned around and said, " Master's going have fun now," and he walked out the door.

Master and Eric stayed in his bedroom for over three hours. I could hear Eric moaning the entire time. It sounded as though Master was showing Eric's ass no mercy today. Soon I heard the shower in Master's bedroom. He walked into the guest bedroom, told me, "Your Master's dick needs a rest." He then walked in the bathroom and showered. He left the bedroom without saying anything else to me.

Master and Eric then went out to eat, and I stayed chained to the bed to finish my punish work. I finally finished my punish work and had fallen asleep for a few minutes when I heard a car engine outside. I heard Master's voice saying, "I'll see you soon." In a few seconds I heard the cabin door open.

I was now on my knees submitting to my Master. He was walking around the cabin for a few minutes, and then I heard the bedroom door open.

"Slave, you must be hungry. I brought you some dinner. I know how much you dislike tuna fish, but that's what's for your dinner."

He then showed me a bowl filled with tuna fish. I could see he had cum in it. He then said, "Oh, I forgot my secret ingredient," and then he peed in the bowl. He then gave me a fork and said, "Enjoy," and left the room.

He unchained me about a half hour later. I cleaned the dirty dishes and took the dogs out to run around for a few minutes. I then went inside and saw Master was on the sofa reading. Immediately, I kneeled in my Master's presence.

He then said, "Massage my feet." I removed the Nike slides from his feet and for the next half hour my hands were given the honor to be massaging those beautiful, alluring, sensuous feet. We then went to bed, and we both fell asleep within minutes of settling down for the night.

For the next few days, I was able to get my work done for two articles that were due in a few weeks. Then Master and I were able to get some fishing and boat riding in. It was so good to see my Master relaxed and sleeping better. Even after the sunscreen incident and the nosy neighbor had been resolved, Master was still extremely upset with me. We left for his home Sunday afternoon.

When we got home, Master went into his office to watch television and do a little paperwork, he had put off doing at the camp because he was enjoying himself and wanted to get away from work for a few days. I unloaded the van and unpacked the suitcases. I undressed and walked into the office. Master was sitting on the sofa, so I kneeled and submitted to him.

A few minutes later, he said, "Slave, now that we are home, your punishment will continue. Unable to locate and having to repurchase a perfectly good bottle of sunscreen, and deliberately violating an order I gave you to ignore a neighbor will not be tolerated. You are a slave, a lowly, inferior slave. You are to do as you are told. You take orders; I give them. Understand?"

"Yes Master, please forgive me."

"For the next ten days, when you are not working, you will be in corner time. In the evenings after you clean the kitchen, you will be in corner time again until bedtime when you will sleep in the basement in the dog kennel. Infractions occurred during this time, may lead to increased punishment time."

"Oh no, please Master, please have mercy, not the kennel."

He then started slapping both sides of my face. "For interrupting your Master, and for speaking without permission, you now have twelve days. The punishment begins now. Get in the corner; I want your hands behind your back."

At night, he would walk with me to the basement and lock me in the kennel. In the morning, he would unlock the kennel, and I would begin my morning routine. During those twelve days, I made it to work just in time to teach my 8:00 A.M. classes.

After I cleaned the kitchen, I would go into the playroom and stand in the corner. Master did not speak to me very often. Usually he would come into the playroom, turn me around, touch my shoulders and push me down on my knees. He would either unzip his slacks or lower his warms ups and have me swallow his piss. Then after he made sure I was in my required pose, he would leave.

Several times during corner time, he came in the playroom, turned me around and squeezed my pecs until I wanted to fall to the ground. Or, he would have CBT time and then leave. Other times he pulled me away from the wall and guided me to the bed. He would bend me over the bed and then fuck me. After he would cum in my ass, he would pull me up and walk me back to the corner. I would hear him in the bathroom cleaning his dick and crotch, and then he would leave until it was bedtime.

When he was ready for bed, he would call me from the doorway, "Slave." I would then follow him to the basement. He would allow me to use the bathroom down there before locking me in the kennel. The kennel is a large one, so I can move around in it some, but I missed being on the floor at the foot of Master's bed.

Friday finally arrived, and I was no longer punished unless Master decided to extend my punishment. The whole time I was at work, I kept thinking about how nice it would be when I got back to Master's home. I would be able to balance my time to do my writing and my regular daily household chores. To celebrate my freedom from the dog kennel and to show Master I was serious about being more obedient and submissive to him, I was going to cook him a special meal. I was about to leave the university when I received a call on his second cell phone, which he allows me to use for professional purposes.

"Slave, go buy two of the milkshakes that you like so much and bring them to my office. Seal them, but do not put a straw or spoon in them until you get here. You may use the credit card, and I expect you here within thirty minutes."

Before I could say anything, he ended the conversation. That was the most my Master had spoken to me at one time since my punishment. I was so desperately hoping that when I got to his office, Master would tell me he had not extended my punishment.

I drove to the caf?, bought the milkshakes, and was at his office in twenty-six minutes. I was so nervous because I wanted to please him so badly. When I walked in his office, I could see that Master, Francine, his secretary, and Shelley, his paralegal, were all sitting at a conference table. They were putting final touches on some paperwork for the big trial, which was starting in Austin on Monday.

Master saw me and said, "Rick, come on in."

I walked in his office and told Francine and Shelley hello. We chatted for a minute or two about nothing in particular. During a lull in the conversation, Master then spoke.

"Francine and Shelley, this is the milkshake that Rick thinks is the best he's ever had. He bought one for each of you to try."

Shocked at Master's words, I handed the ladies the milkshakes and said, "I hope you enjoy them." They both thanked me and said how nice it was for me to think of them. Master was taking them out to lunch to show his appreciation for their hard work on his big case. They both said they would put them in the employee lounge refrigerator and drink them after lunch. They then left for the restaurant, and he said he would meet them there in a few minutes.

After the ladies left, Master told me in a stern voice, "Don't leave." He then went to his desk and sat in his office chair. He told me to walk to the side of his desk near him so he could talk to me. I kept my head lowered, which is required when I am in his presence unless told otherwise. Soon Master turned his chair and was now in front of me. I was so nervous I was shaking and hoping that I would not make Master angry with me again and extend my punishment in the dog kennel.

"Slave, answer me honestly. Were you thinking that I bought those two milkshakes for you and me?"

"Yes, Master; I did."

"Good, you're being honest with your Master. You may think this was a mean thing to do since that milkshake is the only sweet dessert you really enjoy. You've always preferred potato chips and salty things to sweets. However, it was a lesson to remind you any reward you receive is a privilege that I choose to give to you."

"I understand, Master; thank you."

"Slave, since returning home from the camping trip I have not had much conversation with you as part of your punishment. Let's first discuss your allowance; since, you had to repurchase sunscreen for me. Earlier this week, you spent $1.98 on breath mints. As of today, you should have $1.87 left of your allowance. Is that right?"

"Yes, Master."

"Give me the receipt for the breath mints and $1.87 now. Since it's Friday, you will not need any money, and you will get your $20.00 allowance on Sunday night."

I reached in my right side pocket and pulled out the eighty-seven cents first. I then reached in my left side pocket where I keep my wallet and pulled out a one-dollar bill and the receipt. I handed them to Master. He counted the coins and then looked at the receipt. Master told me to put the receipt and the money on his desk.

"Slave, had we not had to rebuy sunscreen, you could have bought four of your milkshakes with your $20.00 allowance. Your irresponsibility left you with very little money to treat yourself to anything, not even your favorite treat, which costs $4.10. And, I'll give you credit. You survived for two weeks on $3.85 out of a $20.00 allowance. I was wondering if you would ask me to lend you a quarter to buy one of your milkshakes. Of course, I would have refused. You must have figured that out. "

"Yes, Master."

He then added, " I know this punishment was severe, and it upset Master that he had to do this to his slave, who he thought was always responsible and obedient. Being negligent in your duties and going against an order given to you at my camp showed a complete disrespect to your Master. I did not and will not accept such incompetence from my slave. Your actions left me no choice."

"I understand, Master."

"I trained you, my husband, to be my responsible and obedient slave." He was now standing directly in front of me. Looking at me directly in the eyes, with clenched teeth, and emphasizing each word he said, "I want that obedient and reliable slave back."

"Please forgive me, Master. Please forgive me for being so careless in my duties to you."

He paused for a moment, and then said, "Unless of course, you like being in corner time all-night and sleeping in the dog kennel, then continue screwing up. Does my slave want this to be his new status?"

"Master, please let me have my old status back. Please let me prove myself to you again. I want to be your responsible and obedient slave."

"I was hoping you would make the right choice. That's what I expect you to do; be responsible and obedient, with the emphasis on obedient."

"Thank you, Master; thank you so much. I'll be even more submissive and obedient."

"You're welcome. It will be nice tonight as we watch old movies to have you on the floor so I can rest my feet and legs on your shoulders and across your chest. Tonight, you'll probably find the plush carpet in Master's bedroom more comfortable when you're once again sleeping at the foot of my bed. And in the morning, you'll be next to Master to kiss my feet good morning and to drink my morning piss."

"I can't wait to have your feet and legs wrapped around me. I also can't wait to pull back the comforter and sheets to your bed for you so you can rest comfortably before I make my own slave bed, and I miss drinking your morning piss. I've learned my lesson; please letter me prove this to you, Master."

"That's what I wanted to hear from my slave. You realized your errors and will work even harder to take care of my needs. And I really do believe you will work harder to please me after sleeping in the kennel for twelve nights."

Master then got up from his chair and walked in front of me. My head was still lowered in his presence. I was so nervous because I didn't want to do or say anything to upset him. He then walked around me and stood directly behind me for a minute or so. I could feel his breathing down my neck. He recognized my nervousness.

"Why is my slave nervous?"

"I want to do everything to please you and not have to sleep in the basement in the dog kennel again. I know we're in your office, but I wish I could be kneeling instead to show you my obedience and submission."

"Slave, I am very pleased with the choices you are making right now." Master then walked to his office door and locked it. He walked back, stood in front of me, and said, "Kneel."

I was now kneeling with my head lowered. He patted my head, and said, "Keep up this good work slave, and you will soon be rewarded you with two of your favorite things: worshiping my feet and sucking my toes." He walked to his desk and made two phone calls.

He called Francine on his cell phone and told her that we will be leaving the office in a few minutes. I was trying to figure out who else would be joining them for lunch. He then called someone else on his office phone, and I figured it was someone from the golf tournament.

"Bob, this is Brian Carter. I'm fine. How are you? No, I'm bringing my own caddy." He stopped talking for a few seconds, and then said, "Rick Michaels," and a few seconds later he said, "No, a medium size shirt should fit him." He spoke to Bob for another minute or two. He got out of his office chair, walked up to me, and was now standing directly in front of me.


I got up and kept my head lowered. His right hand then pulled my chin up so we would have eye contact. He smiled at me, and I smiled at him too. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Welcome back Slave. Master wants you to do well. Tomorrow, you can further prove this to me and take great price when you caddie for me at the charity golf tournament. If I could get out of this damn tournament I would since I'm flying out on Sunday afternoon. But I can't do it since our office is one of the sponsors."

"I will do a good job tomorrow, Master; I will make you proud of me."

He then kissed me on the forehead. "It looks like my responsible and obedient slave is back. He then walked behind me and stood there. Once again I lowered my head in his presence. "That's good, slave; very submissive. I'm proud of you. Continue doing this, and this will make your Master very happy."

"I want to make you happy, Master."

He then walked towards the door, and I remained standing with my head lowered. I knew he was leaving for lunch. As he was walking through the door, he turned around and said, "What are you doing still standing there?"

"I don't know what you want me to do, Master?"

"Come on; let's get going. You helped me the most by giving me your emotional support and love during this case preparation. I hope you're hungry; Francine and Shelley are waiting for us."

I walked up to meet Master. He hugged me, looked me in the eyes, and said, "Be sure to save room for a milkshake after lunch; Master's buying."

Next: Chapter 11

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