From Dusk Til Dawn

By Dawn Savage

Published on Mar 15, 2007


The inside of the house was much more impressive than the outside. Most of the furniture was golden (didn't know if it was real gold though) and even the stairway shimmered. Almost everything in that house seemed to have cost a little fortune. So, as we climbed the stairs to reach the first floor I couldn't ignore all the pictures hanging on the wall. They showed lots of beautiful women: blondes, brunettes, dark-haired ones, all kinds of races. I supposed that were girlfriends of that old geek. I also noted that Cindy could be seen in most of those photos. When I asked her why she told me that she has been with him longer than any of the other girls. Why the hell is it so easy for such men to get so many beautiful women when I have to try really hard to find only one? Life can be so unfair at times. We then arrived at Cindy's room. It was a real girl's room. The walls were painted in pink and also the curtains were pink. She had a few books, too. Cindy told me to sit on the bed while she got something to drink for us. When she returned she wore that cute, little maid costume and carried a tray with two glasses on one hand. I took my drink from the tray and she took hers, then sat next to me. Cindy sipped on her drink before she leaned forward and kissed me on my lips. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the kiss. Then I reached for her hair, but I knocked Cindy's glass from her hand accidentally.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry," she said as she took the cloth she brought along with the tray and started drying my jeans.

Of course, she spilled her drink over my crotch, but I knew she did it on purpose. Why else would she hold her drink in a way I could do nothing but knock it from her hand? Anyway, Cindy kept rubbing my pants with the cloth and soon I felt something stir in my pants. Although I tried to hide my arousal she noticed it. She stood in front of me with that special smile on her lips.

"Better get you out of those wet pants," she said and I stood up so she could drag down my jeans.

Then I sat back down on the bed again. Cindy knelt down in front of me and soon my boxers were off, too, and my semi-hard dick sprang free. I immediately spread my legs and Cindy put her head between them. She began licking the whole length up and down before she closed her lips around the shaft and started sucking, and a moan escaped my lips. It felt so wonderful. One of my hands ran around her head and I pushed her further into my groin, making her take more of me down her throat. Cindy took it without a problem so I leaned back and rested on my elbows while she worked my hard prick with her tongue. As I got closer to cumming Cindy sucked harder and faster.

"Oh yeah, that's good, Dawn," I moaned.

Cindy immediately stopped to suck me.

"What did you say?"

Oh damn, she got me. "I said 'Oh yeah, please go on'," I stammered, beads of sweat emerging on my forehead.

"Don't try to lie. You clearly said the name of another girl."

She looked at me angrily, then threw my clothes over to me, making clear that she wanted me to leave. I put on my clothes and apologized to her again, but she ignored me so I just left. What a perfect day! I had just ruined my plans for the day and I didn't know what to do. But before I could think about that I had to get home.

About an hour later I pulled up our driveway and got out of the car. It was just getting noon but it was already pretty warm so I got into the house to change my clothes. When I got dressed I wondered what I should do with my free time. Somehow my thoughts wandered to Dawn. Even though some time had passed since I had seen or talked with her, she was still on my mind. I had never thought that I could miss anyone so much.

Sure she is a special person in my life but I don't even miss my dad that much. I'd give anything to see her again. The more I thought about Dawn the sadder I became so I tried to put those thoughts out of my head.

Finally I had the idea to go to 'our' place near the small lake. Taking the way through the park, I relished the sun on my skin but I also welcomed the light wind.

The park was full of people: Young and old couples holding hands, parents with their kids, teenagers swimming or playing, people with dogs and so on. I felt like I was the only single there.

My steps sped up and soon I reached the clearing. No one else was there. I sat down by the shore of the lake and watched the sun's reflection glistening on the surface. Again I had to think about Dawn. How much fun we had there when we were children.

Playing in the sun all day or swimming to cool down. I got my first kiss in that very place, too.

Yeah, it was a special place. A place of memories... It must have been some time that I sat there because I didn't notice that I had gotten company. It were the noises that ended my daydreaming. I looked around and saw the couple I had recently met in the park, Andy and Amanda, having sex in the shadow of a large tree. Andy was on top of her, thrusting his hips. Amanda had her arms wrapped around her boyfriend's neck and moaned as he filled her smooth pussy. My penis started to get harder and my hand instinctively moved down to rub it through my shorts. I wished I had brought binoculars with me.

After some time they switched positions and Andy was giving it to her from behind. I popped the button of my shorts and lowered the zipper, then reached inside. My prick was so hard at that moment and was already oozing precum. Having one eye on the fucking couple, I wanked my hard meat, seeking relief. I was still horny from the blowjob Cindy gave me earlier. Now I was grateful that I messed it up. I closed my eyes and just listened to the moaning and groaning of Andy and Amanda. All the while my hand moved up and down on my cock. Suddenly all was silent and I opened my eyes, only to see that they were finished. I quickly zipped up and turned around as if I wasn't paying attention or even noticed their presence.

"Hey dude," I heard Andy say and then he sat beside me.

I put my hands on my lap to hide my erection. But that only attracted Andy's attention.

"I saw that you were watching us. You seemed to like it," he said and swapt my hands aside, thus revealing the bulge in my pants.

"Oh yes, you really enjoyed watching us, didn't you?," he said with a wink.

I only smiled and wanted to get up but Andy pinned me down. He asked me where I thought I was going and put his hand between my legs. He gripped my tool and rubbed it which made me groan. Andy had this sparkling in his eyes as he opened my pants and pulled them down. My boxers came off next. I knew what was about to come and I was still hot as hell, though I wasn't sure if I actually wanted that. Lust took the better off me and Andy engulfed my hard dick. He sucked it long and hard while wanking it with one hand. I laid back, enjoying being sucked by Andy until I felt that tingling in my balls. I stopped him then turned around and got into position on my hands and knees.

Nothing else had to be done before Andy plunged his stiff pole into my asshole. He was shorter than Mark but filled my hole nicely. As nice as his cock felt inside me, the thrusts he was giving were somewhat violent and almost made me lose my balance. I was being rocked back and forth as Andy worked the last bit of his shaft into me. We fucked like that for about ten minutes when Andy gave one final thrust and hot sperm gushed into my bowels.

Nonetheless, Andy kept pumping in and out of me and I knew I wasn't going anywhere so soon. My penis was harder than ever and swung beneath me so I took hold of it and stroked it. It wasn't long until my dick spurted cum. As I came my anus squeezed on Andy's tool which set off his second orgasm. But this time he pulled out and ribbons of cum landed on my ass. When we recovered from our preceding sex session we jumped into the lake to get clean. After that we went back to their place under the tree. We spent the whole afternoon together. During that time I had a few more sexual encounters with the couple. It was 6pm when I started off on my journey home.

As I passed the house of our new neighbors I thought I could say hi so I knocked on the door. I waited and waited. After trying it several times more I went to the side of the house to look through the window there. Thinking they were out I was surprised to see them in the middle of a sexual act. Lynn was bent over the couch and her man was fucking her from behind. From my position I could clealry see his dick going in and out of her lovehole. She was neatly shaved down there. Her body overall was remarkable.

Brian was well built, too. His hands ran all over Lynn's slender body.

Watching them having sex made me horny. Taking into account that I already had sex five times that day that was a pretty good show. Luckily for me they had relative tall trees in front of the window which served as a sort of shield. So, as I watched the show I played with myself. My cock was raging hard in an instance and I couldn't take my eyes off the couple.

It looked so great when he pushed his full length into her slowly just to pull it almost out then stroke it in again. Her mouth was open and although the window was closed I swear I could hear her moaning. My pants started to feel uncomfortable as my dick was pressing against the front of it so I loosened the button and slid them down to my ankles. I undid a few buttons on my boxers and sneaked my cock through the small hole and continued stroking. I wondered how long they had been fucking 'cause the show didn't want to end.

All of a sudden I felt something wet against my butt and I turned around to see what it was.

Skip was standing behind me, running his tongue over my cheeks. It tickled a bit and I giggled. Then I tried to shoo him but he kept coming back so I pushed him away with my hand. My motions must have caused the trees to move also and of course somebody had to notice that. Finally Skip backed off and I turned to look through the window again but there was only Lynn sitting on the couch, looking at me. Oh no, I stuffed my tool back into my boxers, grabbed my shorts and pulled them over my ass. When I left my hideout I crashed into Brian who looked at me angrily.

"What the hell are you doing in front of my window, you little rat?" he asked and struck me across the face.

I fell to the ground, feeling something warm run over my lips and drip from my chin. I wiped my mouth and looked at my blood-covered hand. I thought he broke my nose.

Brian picked me up and dragged me along with him.

"I'm gonna show you what I do with little voyeurs like you," he said, laughing a bit.

We came into the living room and he threw me on the floor. Lynn got up from the couch and rushed over to me.

"My God, Brian, he's bleeding. What have you done to him?" she asked worried.

"Shut up and sit back on the couch, bitch!"

She hesitated but he looked at her with that piercing look so she got back on the sofa.

Brian walked over to me, grabbed my hair and pulled my head up.

"So, now it's time for your special treatment, sissy boy. Let's see how much pain you can take."

Still holding my head up he pulled me to the couch and positioned me on top of it so only my upper body was lying on it. As I lay there, face down, I felt the blood run from my nose and everything in front of me became blurry. Brian came over and said something but I was struggling to keep my consciousness to concentrate on his words. I remembered that I got hit by him again. Then all went black and I hoped that, when I would wake up, it were just a dream. But as I opened my eyes I was still in my neighbors' living room. I wasn't lying face down anymore but on Lynn's lap and she cleaned my face with a wet cloth.

"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked and smiled.

Of course, everything was okay. I was just beaten up by your boyfriend and he almost broke my nose, but I'm fine. Turning my head, I searched the room for Brian but he was nowhere to be seen so I sat up. My nose still hurt a bit but at least it stopped bleeding.

"I have to go," I said and stood up.

Just at that moment Brian entered the room.

"Ah, you're up. It's time to let the fun begin!"

The smile on his face told me he had something bad in mind so I ran over to the front door but he cut my way off. He clenched his fist again, but I didn't want to get hit once again so I stepped backwards and sat next to Lynn. Until that point I hadn't noticed that she was still naked.

"You better be still now or you're gonna pay for it," Brian said, menacing.

Then he picked me up, turned me around and I was bending over the couch again. Next he cuffed my hands behind my back so I couldn't move them. After that Brian left the room and I looked at Lynn desperately, but she turned away.

"Goddammit, please help me," I shouted. Lynn didn't react.

When Brian came back I tried to look over my shoulder, but I couldn't turn my head that far. The next thing I know is that Brian yanked down my pants. Naturally I tried to stop him, but under the given circumstances my struggling was in vain. Needless to say he pulled my boxers down, too, which made my humiliation seem perfect. But I wasn't aware of what happened next. Some unknown creature started licking my bare flesh.

It had a rough tongue and when it made contact with my testicles I froze in fear I could send out a wrong signal to the animal. Finally, I could turn my head far enough to see that the creature was a dog. I remembered the first time something like that happened. It was Skip who licked me and although I was disgusted by the fact that a dog was licking my manhood, I found it quite arousing. But that dog wasn't Skip. It was a doberman. And he was male as I could tell from the 7 1/2 inch boner that was hanging from his sheath.

He continued to torture my balls and dick and I closed my eyes and tried to ignore it as good as I could. The rapid movements of his tongue on my sensitive parts caused my dick to harden and, despite my disgust, I started moaning. It began to feel really nice and soon my prick stood to attention. Much to my tormentor's pleasure. When the dog's tongue found my anus, he stuck it in deep into that hole as if he knew that I liked that. He kept tongue fucking my ass for some time and the longer he licked it the more aroused I became. My dick had even started to ooze precum, although I hadn't touched it for once.

Then Brian told the dog to back off and I thought my punishment were over. I was to find out that that was wrong because Brian applied lube around my asshole, making it real slippery. After that he uncuffed my hands, only to cuff them together again, but this time above my head. Then he told the dog to mount me and within a few seconds I had to carry a lot more weight on my back. He clamped his front legs around my torso, ripping my flesh with his claws which made me scream out in pain. I felt him poking his dog cock around the crack of my ass, trying to find the entrance. I wiggled my ass in hope to make him lose interest, but that wasn't such a good idea because I had alined my hole with his dick. When it found my hole, that damn dog shoved his rod right into me, the whole length at once, and I thought I would pass out. I cried out as he started to thrust his tool in and out of me violently. Although there was lube spread around my asshole I thought he would rip my skin. Explain that to a doctor. Could be tricky. However, with each hard thrust he forced himself deeper and deeper into me. Tears were running down my face and I called out for Brian to stop him, but to no avail. His dog kept pumping me long and hard.

Then he tried to tie with me. For those of you who don't know what that means, a male dog has a so-called knot at the base of his dick which he inserts into the bitch. It will extend so the bitch cannot move away during mating. Then he plants his seed into her.

And now I was supposed to be his bitch. The worst thing was that I couldn't do anything to change it so I closed my eyes and waited for him to finish. I folded my hands together as if I was praying and when I felt him pushing the knot into me I clenched my teeth. The pain, as the knot went inside me, was undescribable, I thought he would tear my ass apart. I tried to get it out of me by moving away from him but that made it only worse.

Beside the fact that it hurt even more, the dog dug his claws into my sides and growled which finally made me remain still in order to not get hurt more. Then I felt him spending his load deep inside me. His cock was twitching as more and more dog cum spurted into me. But I remained tied to him. My ass hurt like hell and so did my shoulders. Also my back seemed as if it could break, having to carry the extra weight.

Fortunately the dog climbed off my back soon and moved his leg over me so we were tied ass-to-ass. That was a start. Now I only had to get him out of me, but I had to wait for another ten minutes until that happened. With a loud pop his knot left my ass and I let out a sigh of relief. Too early as I had to find out a few minutes later. Brian came up behind me and shoved his already hard cock deep inside my sore asshole. I cried out in pain and pleasure alike. Somehow it felt good to have him fuck me. I began to moan and pushed back against his thrusts. His hands gripped my hips firmly as he powered into me. A couple of minutes later he threw the keys to the handcuffs over to Lynn, who sat there all the time, and told her to open them. God knows how grateful I was to hear those words and when my hands were free again I immediately reached for my throbbing tool to beat it. I was seeking relief and no sooner had I touched the shaft I could feel my manjuice run up the shaft and shoot from the tiny hole at the tip. Brian slapped my ass hard as he rode me. Suddenly he groaned as he dumped a huge load of cum into my boypussy. We were both breathing heavily as we recovered from our orgasms. Brian then withdrew from my ass and walked away. I lay there on the couch and jumped a bit as Lynn took a wet towel and cleaned me with it. My ass was so sore and she seemed to know that because she was very gentle when she ran the towel against it. When she was finished I got up and put my clothes back on. Lynn walked up to me, gave me a hug and kissed my lips softly. I enfolded her into my arms and we kissed for some time, exploring each others mouths with our tongues. She was a damn good kisser. Then she broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes.

"You should leave before Brian comes back," she said and I nodded.

I bad her farewell and left the house.

My ass hurt with each step I made and I was aware that I had to examine it when I was back home. However, I did not want to consult a doctor. I stood in front of the door and searched my pockets for the keys. It started to rain as I turned the key in the lock and entered my home. Grateful to be home again, I climbed up the stairs, slowly undressing. Then I got into bath to take a shower. But before I stepped into the cubicle I bent over and looked at my ass in the mirror. It was a little red and I could see a bit blood, too. Nothing serious though. As I showered the rain came crushing down outside and every now and again a flash of lightening lit up the sky momentarily. I lay my arm across the wall and rested my forehead against it, looking down and letting the water run over my body to wash away the remains of my anal assault. When I came out of the shower I merely wrapped a towel around my waist as I couldn't be bothered to get dressed right away. My feet wettened the floor as I walked downstairs where I sat down on the couch in the living room. The rainstorm got worse and shook the trees outside. It would be pure suicide to walk around in that weather I thought to myself and just at that moment someone knocked on our door. Wondering who it could be I got up and made my way to the door to open it. Outside stood Dawn, dripping wet and shivering. My heart jumped with happiness and I didn't even care that I was only having a towel on.

"My god, Dawn. Come in, you'll get a cold," I said and pulled her inside.

She didn't say a word as I brought her upstairs to give her dry clothes from my sister (they had the same size). I turned around so she could get dressed but I could see her dressing in the mirror. Her body was perfect, absolutely flawless and her skin looked so smooth. I wanted to touch her. She noticed I was looking at her and blushed a bit so I left the room, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. A few minutes later she wrapped her arms around me from behind and I felt her head lean against me.

"I've missed you, Damien," were the first words I heard from her and I smiled as I turned around. "I missed you, too."

A moment later she lay in my arms, holding me so close. It was a wonderful feeling and I ran my fingers through her moist hair. I didn't know why but it seemed to me that she needed love. Maybe it was the way she held me that let this thought occur.

For about ten minutes we just stood there, just embracing each other. Then she broke the embrace and raised her lips to mine. I welcomed that kiss very much. How long have I been aching for her love? Or was it just her body that I needed? Did she need me? Did she love me? Again I had dozens of questions coursing through my head. But Dawn made me forget them as her tongue entered my mouth and played with mine. My arms went around her waist again and I pulled her near. I felt her fingers play with my hair as we kissed deeply.

Then they ran over my shoulders and down my back to my ass. As she grabbed my ass I felt that pain and flinched.

"What's wrong, Damien?" she asked and looked at me with hurt eyes.

I didn't want to see her like this but I couldn't reveal the truth to her.

She might take me for a freak and a voyeur. Well, the latter was the truth, but she shouldn't know the whole truth. Dawn turned her back on me and headed towards the stairs. Panic rose within me because I didn't want her to leave.

"Don't go, Dawn. Please..."

She stopped and turned her head, one hand on the banister. Raising a smile, I walked towards her and extended my hand. I knew that if she left now it could have been the last time I would see her. It was now or never. My hand grabbed hers firmly and just at that moment thunder could be heard outside. My heart was beating fast. My eyes found hers and she turned around, smiling. It was that smile which I needed to see to know that she actually didn't want to go. I loosened my grip and held her hand as we walked to the room where she would be spending the night.

"I'll have to change the bedclothes, but it should be okay for the night."

It was a nice, small room with a featherbed, a wardrobe, a desk and a sliding door which led to a balcony. At night, when the sky was clear, you could watch the stars and just relax. It was my room before and I used to be out at night a lot, reading or just watching the stars. As I grew older, my mother decided to give me a 'big boy's room' which was the room in front of Dawn's previous bedroom. Dawn strolled through the room, checking out every corner, then she sat on the bed, bouncing up and down on it a bit.

"Yeah, it's very nice. The bed is very comfy," she said and came over to give me a hug and a kiss.

Then we went downstairs and I prepared something to eat for us. We didn't talk a lot really but that was okay. Just her plain presence made me happy. After dinner I took her to the living room and we watched tv. She was lying in my arms as we did so and I couldn't help but look at her the whole time. My fingers began to run through her long, blonde hair and I looked deep into her bright blue eyes. Her lips were so soft as I kissed them and her wet tongue played with mine as they danced around our mouths.

Dawn was on top of me as we exchanged kisses and my hands were all over her body.

Her skin was amazingly soft and she had no body hair at all. My hands moved into her bottoms and stroked her firm buns. Suddenly she jumped up and said she was tired and wanted to sleep. I sat on the couch, perplexed, and wondered if I had done anything wrong. I couldn't find an answer and I decided to go to bed as well. The thunderstorm hadn't ceased. In fact, it got even worse. The rain was heavier and thunder rumbled every two minutes. As always I slept in my boxers because I felt most comfortable to sleep in that manner. I must have been very tired because I fell asleep pretty quick.

It was a hot summer day. The sun was shining bright and the waves came crashing towards the beach before moving back to unite with the ocean again. I was lying on the sand and let the sun tan my skin. I was wearing shades, though I could watch the few clouds on the sky. It was quite fun trying to figure out what they looked like because when they moved they seemed to change their shapes and I could start anew. A while later I closed my eyes and just relaxed in the sun. Then, a few minutes later, I heard laughter coming from the direction of the sea. I sat up and took off my shades to see what it was.

Out there in the ocean were two beautiful girls playing around in the cold water. One of them had long, blonde hair and the other was dark-haired. As far as I could see from my standpoint they were both naked, at least on the top half of their bodies. I watched them for a while before I lay down again. The laughter, however, did not decrease in volume. As a matter of fact it seemed to be closer than before but I didn't care. Just as I felt a pair of hands on my skin, I sat up again. To my surprise the two girls were Dawn and Lynn and they were completely naked. But it got better. They started to make out right in front of me and wow, that was amazing. Their tongues danced around wildly and their hands were all over each other. Now guys, who hasn't dreamt of such a thing yet, eh? Two hot naked(!) girls making out with each other. Needless to say I was getting turned on by that. Dawn was the first to notice the bulge in my pants and lay beside me.

Our lips locked together as her hand moved down to my crotch to rub my tool.

Shortly after Lynn's hand joined in and I was moaning as they worked my dick into hardness.

The tent in my shorts grew bigger by the minute. Honestly, those hands were magical.

When I thought it couldn't get better, they slid down my shorts and while Dawn shared kisses with me, Lynn took my tool in her mouth and started to swirl her tongue all around.

She played with my balls also and Dawn had one hand wrapped around my tool as Lynn sucked me. The feeling was immense and I couldn't wait to bury my rod in Dawn's cunt.

After a while they swapped positions and Dawn closed her lips around the shaft. Lynn ran her tongue across my nipples and rolled them between her fingers. Soon they stood hard and erect so she just continued to pull on them. All the while Dawn's tongue danced around my hard manmeat. The way she blew me was brilliant. She knew exactly what to do with her tongue to get me aroused. My hand moved down to play with her long, blonde locks. I lay back on the sand and closed my eyes, letting those two beautiful girls work on me. It felt too realistic to be a dream.

And when I opened my eyes I knew why. I wasn't on the beach anymore but in my bed. Between my spread legs was Dawn and she had my dick stuffed down her throat.

For doing it probably for the first time she made a very professional impression. Her tongue was lapping at the head now and again and she moved one hand along the shaft as her head bopped up and down on it. She hadn't noticed me and just kept going. I wondered what made her do this but it sure was a nice way to be woken. As much as I tried not to moan, I couldn't help but do so as Dawn sucked on the sensitive head. Her eyes met mine and you could see the horror in her eyes, the embarrassment she felt as I caught her. She spat out my cock and turned to leave but I pulled her back and wrapped my arms around her from behind. We were sitting at the edge of the bed and my dick was poking against her back. I positioned us so Dawn could watch us in the mirror, which was standing next to the door. I swept her hair from her neck and kissed it gently. Dawn moaned as I did so, obviously getting turned on by that. My hands made their way down to her legs and I placed my hands on her knees. I noted that she was still very shy because she refused as I tried to spread her legs. Making sure she watched my every move in the mirror, I stroked her thighs up and down before I made another attempt to part her legs. This time she gave in and a quiet moan escaped her lips as my fingers touched her bare pussy. My fingers teased her clitoris and she gyrated her hips a bit which I took as an indication that she liked it. Only seconds later my presumptions were affirmed. Her sweet juices coated my fingertips, but I wanted more. With one hand I pulled her pussy lips apart and with the other I teased her some more. I knew she wanted me to put my fingers into her but I wanted her to beg for it. Then I felt her hand on top of mine and she raised it to her lips to taste herself from my fingers. The sight was amazing and it got even better when she started licking my fingers. Somehow I wished it were my dick she was sucking on. Yet I knew that the time when I would push myself into her would come soon. My eyes were fixed on our reflections in the mirror and I watched as Dawn put my hand between her legs again.

"Do it!" she whispered.

Her body was trembling as I placed my hand on her pussy. It felt hot and I didn't want to wait any longer and just finger her hard. But then, I didn't want to force myself onto her and hurt her. Deep inside I knew that she was afraid and that fear was connected with her unexperience.

"Are you sure?"

Dawn didn't react at first, then nodded. She had put both her hands on my knees. I took one in my own hand and told her to hold her vagina open with the other when she was ready. It seemed as if she had never touched herself down there because she seemed a bit anxious as her hand moved down between her legs. To make it easier for her I turned her head and kissed her on the lips. At the same time my finger slid into her and she grabbed my hand tightly as it penetrated her deep. My finger went in easily and I was able to bury it knuckle deep, though she was very tight. Our lips were still pressed together and I stopped my motions until she gave the signal to carry on. I moved my finger in and out of her vagina very slowly and gently to let her get used to the feeling and soon she started to like what I did as I could tell from her moans. So I increased the speed a bit and fingered her deeper. I wondered if she had slept with another guy lately. Judging by the tightness of her pussy, I assumed she hadn't. But that only suited me fine. Knowing I was the only one to do such things to her was quite a turn on. Maybe that's why she came here, because she longed for me. Well, I wanted to believe that that was the reason. I felt her vagina become wetter as I explored it thouroughly with my finger. Every now and again her pussy muscles clamped down on my finger and it felt so nice. I could have gone on forever but I needed to put my penis inside Dawn's tight lovehole. My finger went out of her and into my mouth. Her taste was fabulous. I made sure Dawn was watching as I licked her liquids from my finger. Obviously she was embarrassed by this and her cheeks had developed a light red color. Again her body was shaking so I put my arms around her and held her close to me. We then lay back on the bed and she turned around so she was facing me. A smile appeared on her lips and she relaxed a bit, though I sensed she was still a little nervous. That became clear when she ran her hand down to my crotch.

She stopped ever so often until I took hold of her hand and placed it on my dick, smiling.

My smile must have reassured her because she finally loosened up a bit and started stroking my rigid tool. I let out a moan as Dawn touched the head lightly, then brought her hand down the whole length, waited for a few seconds before going all the way up again. This went on for some time. In the course of this Dawn planted kisses on my neck and nibbled my ear a bit. That tickled a little but was quite pleasant overall. Before long my throbbing prick stood hard and I wanted to push it inside of Dawn's sweet pussy but she wouldn't stop stroking and I thought I would blast my wad all over the place.

Fortunately, she let go off my dick a few seconds later. Dawn kissed my lips once more then moved to my ear and whispered 'I'm ready'. My heart was crying out with joy as I heard those words from her. I let my hand glide between Dawn's legs to feel her wetness and I was pleased to find out that she was still pretty wet for me. She lay there beside me, not knowing what to do so I told her to sit on top of me. That way she could control the depth of penetration so that it didn't hurt her. That was the last thing I wanted to do, hurt my honey. Dawn rolled on top of me and had her legs on either side of my body. My dick was still pointing straight up and pulsating. She stroked it a bit, then put it to her pussy and moaned as my fat cockhead parted her lips and pushed into her. My hands were on her hips and I smiled up to her as she lowered herself slowly onto my throbbing cock. Her pussy was incredibly tight and felt so hot around me. I wasn't sure if she could cope with the whole length but she just kept going until only a few inches waited to be buried inside her lovetunnel. However, the more she moved down on me, the more painful it seemed to be for her so I stopped her and said that she should only take as much into her as she could manage at the moment. She nodded in agreement before she started moving up and down on my tool. It was covered with her love juice and made insertion much easier.

To balance herself, Dawn put her hands on my chest and threw her head back as she loved having my penis inside her again. I looked down and watched as she took my dick as deep as possible. Telling her how good it looked, I encouraged her to ride me faster and harder. My hands were no longer on her hips but running over her back and down to her ass which I stroked gently, then they wandered up again and I played with her blonde curls, wrapping them around my fingers playfully. She smiled at me before she bent forward to kiss me on the mouth. Our tongues were touching and dancing tango.

After being in this position for a while, I rolled Dawn onto her back. She looked up at me a little scared as she didn't know what would come next. Maybe she thought I would take over the control and push my prick into her hard and fuck her like a madman. But I did not plan to ram my tool back inside her. I wanted Dawn to enjoy it so I slid it into her gently, going very slowly as to not hurt her. Her pussy looked so fragile as the shaft buried itself deeper. Once it was in I started to move my hips back and forth in order to push and pull my penis in and out of her vagina. Dawn's pussy stretched to let the shaft enter and exit. I let my hands roam over her belly, sides and then down to her legs. Her skin felt so soft. I upped the tempo a bit as I felt the urge to cum.

Meanwhile Dawn had put her legs around my waist and pressed her body against me. Her pussy muscles were contracting around my pulsating member. Thereby I could tell that she was progressing further on the path to climax. Over the next minutes I increased the power of my thrusting gradually and, judging from her moans, Dawn liked it. My eyes met hers and I flashed a smile in her direction. Then I felt Dawn dug her nails into my back and she moaned loud as her orgasm hit. Her pussy became so tight so that I couldn't hold back any longer and spent my load deep inside her lovehole. I can't remember the last time I shot such a huge load, but I knew my balls were drained afterwards. Panting I lowered my head and gave Dawn a little kiss. Then I pulled out of her and lay beside her on the bed.

Dawn moved closer and I put my arms around her, smiling contented.

"I love you!" Dawn said and nestled against me.

I passed my hand over Dawn's forehead to move her hair from her face. After that I planted a kiss on her forehead and whispered back, "I love you too!!"

She pulled the covers over our bodies and sleep quickly took over.

To be continued...

I hope you enjoyed reading another part of my story. If you got anything to say, drop a mail. My e-mail address is Thank you! :)

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