From Dusk Til Dawn

By Dawn Savage

Published on Oct 9, 2006


I was craving for her. It has been three days since I have seen her and the lust was eating away at my heart.

Dawn was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. She just turned 18, had long, blonde, curly hair and eyes as blue as crystals. Her body was perfectly shaped and she looked like one of those models in the magazines: firm, round butt, nice, big breasts, tanned skin and she was tall (about 5'8''). I know all that because I watched her from my window (we are neighbors and her room is right in front of mine). She would often lie on the bed after a shower with just a bathrobe on, reading or doing her homework. Every time I watched her I would play with myself until I came.

One day I came back from school and went into my room and what I saw when I looked through my window was unbelievable. There was my sexy neighbour lying on her bed, completely naked and her hand between her spread legs. What a sight! I quickly grabbed a chair and sat down, wanting to fully enjoy the show. (Yes, I admit, I'm a voyeur but I'm not ashamed of it. Anybody has got his or her peculiarities, right?) She was rubbing her pussy slowly and gently. Every now and again a moan would escape her lips. My cock was raging hard by now and was pushing against the front of my jeans. My eyes were glued to the scene in front of me. Dawn pushed a finger into her moist hole, moaning as she did so. She began fingering it hard and deep. In the meantime my own hand had wandered between my legs and I stroked my hard-on through my pants. Sweat was glistening on Dawn's forehead as she fingered her pussy harder and deeper now. I could tell by the rapid movements of her chest and her breathing that she was close to climax. Soon my pants were around my ankles and I stroked my hard cock, feeling my climax approaching as well. I heard Dawn moaning loud as she came, her eyes closed and her heart beating fast. A minute later she relaxed and I closed my eyes. Another minute passed before I shot my load and I opened my eyes. "Hoh......oh shit!" I fell backwards off the chair. Damn, she caught me! I couldn't even enjoy my orgasm. I got up and there she was, leaning over the windowsill and smiling at me. She had wrapped a towel around herself. "Hey Damien, how are you?" she asked as if nothing happened. Could it be that she hasn't seen me? "Errr...hi Dawn. I'm fine, thanks," I replied. She gave me that cheeky smile, then she said "Did you like what you saw?" Okay, she HAS seen me. Without thinking I answered. "Yes, indeed!" Damien, you idiot. Now she will think you're a complete pervert and will probably never talk to you again. "Great! I enjoyed being watched." I couldn't believe my ears. "You knew that I was watching you?" "Yes. I wanted you to watch me, that's why I left the curtains open." Never thought my neighbour could be such a dirty girl. "You have got a nice body, Damien." That was when I noticed that I was still naked and my cock was pointing straight up. I immediately blushed and turned around, hearing Dawn laugh behind me. I pulled my pants up and put on a t-shirt before I turned around again only to see that Dawn was gone. My heart sank. Did I scare her off?

I heard the front door close downstairs which meant that either my mom or my sister was back. My parents seperated when I was six. I hardly get to see my dad because he's living in Florida and we're living in California. Mom has not tried to find a new dad for us since then. I think they still love each other. However, I went downstairs to see who was there and it was my little sister, Maria. She was gorgeous, I really loved her. When she saw me standing in the door frame she came over and gave me a hug. "Hey bro. Where's mom?" she asked. "She's gone out with some friends of hers, shopping or something." She nodded and lowered her head as if she had to think. Then she looked up and smiled. "Don't tell mom but I got a date today." "Uh-huh" was all I replied as I wasn't interested in her boyfriend stories. "With Bryan...", she added as if she wanted me to say something. "Cool." "Don't you wanna know who he is?" she asked. "Listen, Maria. I don't care whom you meet and when and what you do with him, okay?" "...Okay," she said as she turned around and walked out of the room. I knew she wanted me to go after her and say that I was sorry but all I could think of was Dawn. My cock began to grow harder and bigger just by thinking of her and I began to dream.

Dawn and I were on the beach. The hot sun was burning down on our naked bodies and the waves were crushing against the rocks in the ocean. A light wind blew through our hairs as we ran hand in hand in the white sand. After running for a few minutes we lay down under a palm, holding each other close. I kissed her gently on the lips and explored her body with my hands, cupping her wonderful breasts and running my hand down her stomach between her legs where I found her pink clit which I rubbed gently. Her pussy was shaven and smooth like the rest of her body. "Ohh, Damien," she moaned into my ear. While I kissed her neck I pushed a finger into her wet cunt and slowly fingered her. Her arms were around my neck as I buried another finger deep in her. I lay on top of her, kissing her tits and sucking on her medium-sized nipples. One of her hands ran down my body and stroked my cock which began to harden almost immediately. The minutes passed and then I was ready to enter her. She turned around and got on her hands and knees. I moved to kneel behind her, stroking my dick. Then the tip of my cock rested against the entrance of her pussy.


I was brutally ripped out of that wonderful dream by Maria. Damn her! "What??" I asked angrily. "Were you dreaming?" Oh yes, and you will have to pay for ending it. "I said that I'm going to see Bryan. I will be back at 8pm." "Okay, sis. Have fun." A kiss on the cheek and she was gone. I sighed. I was so close to fuck her and then my sister had to mess it up. I know it was only a dream but I never got so close to Dawn before, not even in reality. Even though we were neighbors and going to the same school we hardly went out together. People wouldn't believe it but I'm pretty shy. The moments we spent talking at our windows were also rare recently. She was often out with her friends and when she wasn't, we only had brief conversations about what's new and how it is going in school etc. I've never asked her questions because I might say something wrong and I didn't want her to be angry with me. I took a coke from the fridge and went back to my room. I sat down on my bed and looked out the window. Dawn's room was empty - still or again. I went over to my desk and sat down where I spent the next two hours on doing my homework. When I decided to take a break I heard Dawn calling me. "Damien, come here." I approached my window and saw Dawn smiling at me. My heart jumped with happiness. "Dawn, I thought I scared you off or something." She laughed and shook her head. "No, my dad came home and I had to prepare his meal." "Isn't your mom at home?" I asked. "My mom does not live with us anymore. She moved away a week ago." Silence. Neither of us spoke for a while, then Dawn broke the silence. "My friends and I are going into town later. Do you wanna come along?" "Who? Me? But...I don't know your friends. What if they don't like me or..." I stammered. "I'm sure they will like you. Please, come with us. Do it for me!" How could I say no when she almost begs me to come with her? "All right." "Great, meet us at five at my house. Bye."

With that she closed her window and pulled the curtains together. I decided to choose an outfit for later. I didn't want to look like a complete idiot to Dawn and her friends. Red shirt, black jeans and my black biker boots...perfect. I looked at the clock over my bed and it said it was just 3pm so I had enough time to take a shower and get something to eat before the meeting. As I undressed I watched myself in the mirror. My body was muscular, not too much though, and had very little hair on it. I was about 6 feet tall. I liked my body. When I was naked I stepped into the shower. As the water ran over my body I thought about the meeting. What would they think about me? Would I fit into their group? How should I start a conversation with them? What if I say nothing at all? There were so many questions running through my head. Ah, it'll be okay. Dawn is there and she can help me. After the shower I wrapped a towel around my waist and dried my feet and legs, then I went downstairs to get something to eat. Yummy...cold pizza. Better than nothing. I ate up in record time but I still had a lot of time. I watched some tv until I looked at my watch and saw that I had 30 minutes left. Time to put on my clothes and everything so I took the clothes from my bedroom and went to the bathroom again. I put o n the clothes and styled my hair, a bit aftershave here and I was ready. I left a post-it on the kitchen table, telling my mom that I went out and that Maria is at a friend's house, learning for a test. That was probably not right but I promised Maria that I wouldn't tell our mom. As I shut the front door behind me I could see a group of five people, two girls and three guys, standing in front of Dawn's house. I slowly approached them and one of the girls turned around. "Hello. You must be Damien, I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you!" I smiled and replied, "Hi, nice to meet you, too." "Oh, and that are Cassandra, Jake, Tony and Mark." We said hello to each other and then Dawn came out. She wore a black mini skirt, a white blouse and white high heels. I wondered how she wanted to walk in those shoes for hours but she certainly looked great in that outfit. "Okay, let's go then," Dawn said, smiling. I walked behind the group when Cassandra joined me. "Hey, are we too fast for ya?" she said with a smile on her face that made me feel better. "No, no. It's just that I'm...a little shy." I felt like an idiot. "C'mon. There's nothing to be afraid of. You wanted to come along, didn't ya? So, don't isolate yourself." She dragged me along with her until we were walking ahead of the others. The hours went by and I relaxed more and we laughed and talked. The girls wanted to go into every single boutique so the guys and I talked about our interests and stuff while the girls tried on clothes. All my fears and worries were washed away quickly and I felt comfortable with those people. The sun was setting down when we walked down the street. The first to leave the group was Mark, then Cassy and then Jake. Tony and Lucy walked with us for a little time before they turned left and Dawn and I continued to walk straight ahead. "Are you cold?" I inquired but Dawn shook her head. We walked on in silence as we watched the sky changing colors from pink/purple to orange. "It has been a wonderful day, Dawn. Thanks for inviting me to join you and your friends." She nodded. "You are welcome. I had a great time, too." Silence. "And you were worried that they wouldn't like you and everything." We laughed. We turned right and I could see our houses. All lights in Dawn's house were off but there were a few lights on in my house. 9pm. Dawn stopped in front of her house and we looked at each other for some time. Suddenly she leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek. Lucky for me that there were no lights so she didn't see me blushing. "Good night, Damien," she whispered. "Same to you, Dawn. And thanks again." She unlocked the door and went into the house, giving me a smile. At that moment I was the happiest guy in the universe. Not only had I a wonderful day but Dawn kissed me on the cheek.

When I closed the door behind me I could see Maria sitting in the living room. "I'm back!" I shouted. Maria didn't answer. I repeated myself but Maria remained silent. "Maria? Are you okay?" I walked into the living room and although the room was dark I could see tears running down her face. When I sat down next to her she turned her head and in the next moment she lay in my arms, mumbling something I couldn't understand. I held her in my arms until she seemed to calm down, then I lifted her head. "What's going on? Why are you crying?" I wanted to know. The tears began flowing again and she began to speak with shaky voice "Bryan...he...he...he broke up with me." "Hey, that's okay. He just wasn't the right guy," I tried to calm her. "I didn't want to sleep with him, that's why..." The lights went on and my sister jumped up in panic. My mom stood in the door frame but she wasn't angry. She came over and embraced Maria who was standing there stiff like a steel pole. I guessed it was better if I let them alone so I said goodnight and went upstairs.

As I stepped into my room I could see that the lights in Dawn's room were on. I moved to my window. "Dawn!" I called. No reply. I called again a bit louder, enough for her to hear, and I saw a shadow move behind the curtains which were then parted. "You're still up?" "I could ask you the same," I said, smiling. It was the first time that I started a conversation with her and I wanted it to last longer than just a few minutes. My heart was racing. "Is your father sleeping?" "Yes, he is, but he doesn't care when I go to bed as long as I get up in time tomorrow." "Right...have your friends said anything about me?" Why do I always have to ask so stupid questions? "They said that you are a really nice guy and that it would be cool if we could meet again together." "Good." There was silence between us once again which usually signified the end of our conversations. But not this time. "Maybe we could go out together some time. I mean,...just you and me," I said. "That would be a date, Damien." "Err...yea, I'm sorry. Maybe your boyfriend wouldn't let you go on a date alone with another man." She shook her head, saying "Damien, Damien. We have known each other for so long now and you should know by now that I'm single." "Really?" I asked surprised but she knew that I was just acting my surprise. "Stop making fun of me, you stupid fool!" "Sorry, Dawn. I still can't believe that you're single. You're so beautiful. You could have any guy you want." Did I just say that? Was I really having a real conversation with my dream girl? I was in heaven. "Most of the guys in school are dumbasses. They just think about getting laid and all that. That's not the kind of man I need. I need a man who is romantic and accepts me like I am. I want to be loved and if the time is right I am ready to return the feelings. I know that is naive but I'm a hopeless romantic." I could just smile at her and did I see her blushing? We kept talking for hours and I found out that we got a lot in common. My love grew stronger with each minute we talked. "So...what kind of girls do you prefer?" Wo, that question struck me like a punch in the face. I couldn't tell her that she was the one I wanted so I said nothing. She tried to keep eye contact with me but I didn't dare to look at her again. At last she sensed my unease and ended the conversation. "It's pretty late and we should better go to bed. And I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." "Don't worry, Dawn. Have a good night and sleep well." "Good night, Damien." She blew me a kiss before she closed her window and pulled the curtains together. I sat there a while longer, watching the stars and dreaming about Dawn. I also remembered our 'adventure' from earlier that day and I wondered if she thought about it, too. It was 1 o' clock when I finally went to bed and fell asleep quickly.

"Damien, open your eyes!" I was woken by my one and only love, Dawn. We were lying in a big bed and a cool breeze came in from the open windows. She kissed me gently and I wrapped my arms around her slim body. Her skin felt so good on my naked body. She made her way down my body, kissing every inch of it, sending joyful shivers down my spine. My eyes were closed as she kissed me. I could feel her hot breath above my cock before she took it in her mouth and licked and sucked it. Wow, what an amazing feeling! Her tongue danced around the shaft and my cock reacted by getting harder and harder. I was lying on my elbows and thrust my dick into her which made her gag a bit. It was the best feeling I've ever felt. I wanted it to never stop. "Oh, go on, Dawn. Mmmmm..." And she did. I could have cum right there and then but I decided to shoot my load into one of her tight holes. We switched positions and now she was lying on her back and I was on top. I wanted to tease her first so I began nibbling her ear, kissing her neck and moving further down until I arrived at her boobs. While I sucked on one of her nipples I squeezed the other and I could tell by her 'mmms' and 'ahhhs' that she loved it. I sucked and rolled her nipples in turn until they were hard and erect. Her fingers were running through my hair as I continued to kiss her body. When my tongue made contact with her clit she jumped a little and I teased her more by licking it, then pausing, then licking again and so on. Her legs were on my shoulders and her pussy was ready to be eaten. I have never tasted pussy before. My sexual experiences were close to zero at that time anyway. My first time was with some drunk girl on a party when I was 13 and it lasted 10 minutes. Pretty good if you consider that we made it in a small chamber where it was dark and I fucked an umbrella for about two minutes until she asked if I couldn't find the hole because she couldn't feel anything. Two or three girls from high school blew me but only one did a good job because one threw up and the other was far too brutal and I was afraid she could bite my dick off. So, there I was now, kneeling between the legs of a wonderful girl and ready to bury my tongue deep in her lovehole. I was rubbing her clit with my thumb as I looked at her. Dawn was licking her lips and playing with her boobs as she told me to lick her cunt. I didn't have to be told twice so I pulled the lips apart and pushed my tongue into her. Oh yea, it was well hot and wet in there and she tasted so good. I wanted to go as deep as possible. I held her thighs and pushed my tongue deeper and deeper, tasting her juices on it. Then she clenched her legs together and trapped me between her legs. Not that I would have wanted to escape. Her pussy got wetter and wetter and I knew she was close to cumming so I added two fingers and finger-fucked her while my tongue was busy lapping at her clit. "OH MY GOD!!" she screamed as her orgasm hit her, her pussy tightened around my fingers which were bathed with her cum. I left my fingers in her cunt for a while until her orgasm subsided then I pulled them out and licked her pussy juices from my fingers. 'I could get used to that' I thought, lifting myself up and lying next to her. "Thank you," she whispered. I looked down at my body and saw that my dick was still rock hard. "I could need a little help with that one," I said, pointing at my cock. She lowered her head in order to suck my cock again but I stopped her and told her that I wanted her to ride me. I ended up lying on my back again and Dawn had her legs on either side of me. She held her pussy lips apart with one hand and guided my cock into her with the other. I gasped as my cock head slid into her. And then...

Beep-beep, beep-beep... NO! Not again. Another wonderful dream abruptly ended. I turned my alarm clock off and sat up in my bed. I raised the covers and saw my hard dick. My eyes wandered through the room and stopped at the window. 'It would be cool if I could play with Dawn again' I thought. I pulled the curtains aside and saw Dawn brushing her long hair. She had a white t-shirt and shorts on. I smiled. Today was the day. I would ask her to go on a date with me. I didn't notice that she turned around and was looking at my crotch. "Good morning, Damien. Had a nice dream?" she said, giggling. "How you mean?" I followed her look and blushed. "Oh, errr..." (Fuck yea, I indeed had a nice dream.) "I'm just messing with you. How was your night?" "Very nice. And yours?" "Same and I wanted to thank you for the conversation. Seems that you opened up at last." "Yea, at last..." I repeated quietly. "Well, I'll see you in school," she said before she left the room and her eyes passed over my crotch again. I felt a little proud. Maybe she wants me, too. Nah, it would be too good to be true.

I grabbed my jeans and t-shirt and headed downstairs for brekkie. My mom was already up and made pancakes for us. I love her for that, she always knows what her children need. "Morning, ma," I greeted her and kissed her on the cheek. "Hey, Damien. I hope you are hungry," she said as she turned around and placed two plates with pancakes on the table. That must've been at least 50 pancakes. And they could be all mine if I wanted to. Maria was always sleeping longer and she was often late for school. Like dad. While I ate my pancakes I thought about the day, what was about to happen and so on. When I left the house I saw Dawn get into the car of her dad. Hmm, I have never seen her father before and that wasn't about to change today. They could have taken me to school or at least asked. Nevermind, I could drive with mom's Mercedes.

On my way to school I could think of nothing but Dawn. She was on my mind the whole time. That was crazy. If you ever loved a girl that much you will know what I mean. After a 30-minute drive I arrived at the school, just in time to see Dawn get out of the car next to me. She came over to me and said hi as I closed the door behind me. We walked for a while until I remembered what I had planned. "Hey, Dawn. Errm, do you remember when I asked you if you want to go out with me?" I asked. "Yes, sure. Can we talk about that in the break? I've got something to tell you." I agreed and couldn't wait until the bell rang. Unfortunately I had to go through some lessons before the time came. Seriously, that has been the worst hours of my life. The minutes passed slowly and I was dying of boredom. Finally the bell rang and the students stormed out into the hall. My eyes searched the room for Dawn and spot her at the table with her friends from the previous day. I walked over to them and Dawn told me to sit down. "Okay, guys. My dad is going out this weekend and that means I'm home alone. What about a big party?" "Wow! That sounds cool, babe," Jake shouted and the others agreed. "Great. I want you to pass on these invitations to everyone you'll see," Dawn said as she handed us stacks of envelopes. No, I didn't want to do that. I needed to talk with Dawn. "Dawn, what about my question?" "Which question? Oh, yea. Well, of course we can go out together some time but first you need to hand out the invitations." So did I. It took me the whole break and a lot of courage but when I handed out all envelopes I felt relieved. When the school was over and I walked to my car I saw Dawn standing on the parking lot, probably waiting for her dad. She repeatedly looked at her watch and I decided to seize this chance. I put in the reverse and stopped next to her. "Hey, Dawn. Shall I take you home?" "Would you? That would be nice, seems my dad is late today." She got into the car, fastened the seatbelt and we were on our way. We talked about the party and she gave me an invitation so I 'wouldn't forget the party'. I pulled up on our driveway and accompanied her to her house. "I'll see you tomorrow then. At eight." "At eight. Or maybe later this day."

She nodded and I walked to my house, opened the door and went in. Mmm, what was that smell? More pancakes? Yup. "Hey mom. I'm back. Why so many pancakes?" "We're having guests," she answered and pointed at the living room. I saw a young blonde woman and a much older man with gray hair. She was in her twenties and he was at least three times that old. They greeted me and I sat down in front of them. The woman was very beautiful. She was wearing a really short skirt and a tight blouse and her breasts seemed to burst out of it in the next moment. As she crossed her legs I could see that she was wearing no underwear and my dick sprang to life. The old man was rubbing his hand on her thigh as if he wanted to tease me. The yound lady noticed the bulge in my pants and smiled at me seductively. Oh yes, I was so hard I wanted her to suck me. Then the man got up and walked into the kitchen. The blonde got up and sat next to me. "Hi. I'm Cindy," she said with her sexy voice. "Da-Damien..." I managed to say. Her hand was on my knee and slowly working its way up to my crotch. I was looking at her, sweat running down my face. She grabbed my hand and said she wanted to see my room. We walked upstairs and into my room. I was shaking and could hardly keep the balance. It took some time until I put they key into the lock and shut the door. In the meantime she had taken off her blouse and gave me a nice view of her big tits. I approached her and took those breasts in my hand, squeezing them gently. She pressed her lips on mine and we kissed long and deeply. Then she pushed me on the bed and unbuttoned my pants, lowered the zip and slid them down my legs along with my boxers. Her eyes lit up as she saw my 9'' fuckpole. She began licking my dick and god, that felt great. Precum was oozing from my dick and I knew that I wouldn't last long. My hands were on her head as she licked my cock. Teasing me more and more with her tongue. She must've have been a porn star or something because the things she did with her tongue were simply incredible. Eventually she took my cock into her mouth and began to suck. I moaned loud as her tongue licked the underside of my hard tool. Her mouth was hot and wet and she took the whole length down her throat without problems. Yep, porn star or well trained. She sucked me for what felt like hours and I could feel my climax getting closer. Would she swallow or spit? A few minutes later I found an answer to that question. I shot my load down her throat and she swallowed every little drop. She sucked some more until I went limp in her mouth. There was lipstick on my dick and her saliva of course. She stoop up and put on her blouse, then came over to me and kissed me. "That was amazing, Damien," she whispered and helped me put on my clothesagain. My knees were wobbly and I couldn't talk. When we came back the old man was waiting downstairs in the living room with my mom. "Damien, where have you been? Mr. Jackson wanted to leave 20 minutes ago," my mom said angrily. I tried to say something but my voice was gone. "It's not his fault, Mrs. Summers. I wanted him to show me around the house. I'm sorry, it took longer than we thought." "Thanks, Cindy," I whispered and she winked. "The limo is waiting, honey," the old man said. Cindy handed me a card before she and this guy left. I looked at the piece of paper and there was a number on it and written in black letters 'Call me.' You bet that I would call her. My body was relaxed again and I told mom that I was in my room. I did my homework and when I was finished Dawn was reading at the window. For the first time I didn't want to talk with her so I went straight to bed. I left the window open so she could see me. It was warm outside so I stripped naked and lay on top of the covers. Yes, she should see me like that and get turned on. Through the corner of my eyes I could see that she was really looking at me. Sleep quickly took over and I was in my dream world again.

The next morning I woke up late. No erotic dream this time. Dawn was already up and tidied up her room. I watched her. Bending over to pick up some things from the floor or the bed, stretching to put things on top of her wardrobe. Maybe I would get a chance to be alone with her tonight. I was looking forward to the party. My mom helped me to get through the day by plaing some games with me and letting me help her with the housework.I wondered if I should call Cindy and ask her to come to the party but I quickly decided it was a bad idea. She would be around me all the time and I wanted to have some time with Dawn. Although, a threesome could have been fun. I took a shower and put on my outfit. Then I went over to my neighbor's house. She opened the door and said hello. I was the first one but it was only 7:45pm. The house was very nice, big and comfortable. There were lots of pictures on the walls. Probably Dawn and her dad but then I found a picture of a very beautiful brunette lying in a bed with a little baby in her arms. She smiled at the camera. "Who's that?" I asked Dawn. "That's my mother and the little baby is me. She was 24 on this one and it's the only one dad kept of her." "She is a very beautiful woman." Dawn smiled at me and nodded in agreement. Then the house began to fill and soon the party was on. Amazing how much people could fit into one house. Dawn dragged me onto the 'dancefloor' and wrapped her arms around me. By eleven most of the people were so drunk that they couldn't walk an inch any more. My time has come. I told Dawn that I wanted to go upstairs and talk with her - alone.

We went into her bedroom which was the only empty room. "Great party, isn't it?" she asked. "Yea, bit loud but really cool." I paused. "I have waited so long for this moment to come," I continued and Dawn looked at me with a puzzled look. "I mean, you always have so many people around you and now I'm finally alone with you." She didn't know what to say. I took her hand and pulled her close to me. For a while we looked each other in the eyes, then my lips found hers and I kissed her gently, holding her tight. She broke the kiss and pushed me back. "What are you doing?" "I'm sorry, Dawn." I lowered my head. She turned to leave but I blocked her way. "Damien, stop that. I'm gonna scream." She was scared and stepped back as I moved closer. "You don't have to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you," I said with a smile on my face. My arms were around her body again and I was looking deep in her eyes. Our lips met again and this time Dawn joined in and we kissed long. I pushed her against the wall and ran my hands down her sides while I kissed her neck. Finally I was living out my dream. I opened the buttons on her blouse and took it off, revealing her lacy bra. Then I continued to kiss her shoulders and neckline. She encouraged me by telling me how good it felt so I went further down and planted kisses on her stomach and around her belly button. She giggled as I tongued her belly button. All the while she was running her hands through my hair. I grabbed the waistband of her skirt and slowly pulled it down her sexy legs. Her eyes followed every step I made. All of a sudden she stopped me. Did I do anything wrong? "Wait here!" Dawn said and left the room. A few minutes she returned with Mark. Okay, what was going on? "I am willing to sleep with you under one condition." "And that is?" "You have to blow Mark!" My jaw dropped. The thought has never come to my mind. Sucking a man's cock was a queer thing and I was heterosexual so there was no way I would blow him. "I can't do that," I said. "Well then..." Dawn said, putting on her skirt and blouse. No, no, no. I wanted Dawn. I needed her. Eventually I knelt down and she smiled. Mark stood in front of me and slid down his jeans. The bulge in his boxers was immense. He told me to take off his underwear and I grabbed the waistband of his undies and pulled them down. His 10-inch cock slapped me in the face. It was already hard and oozing precum. Mark grabbed his cock and pushed it against my lips. I parted them reluctantly and the shaft entered my mouth. I copied the motions I had seen Cindy making when she was sucking my dick and Mark seemed to enjoy it. My tongue frantically licked every inch of this monster. Dawn was sitting on her bed, legs spread and she had taken off her underwear as she watched me taking the whole length down my throat. My breathing got faster and I gagged. I thought I would pass out but Mark pulled his cock out in time, giving me time to catch my breath. "First time, eh?" Mark grinned. I nodded and when I had regained my breath, Mark lifted my head and pushed his cock into my mouth again. He told me to relax, then he held my head in a firm grip and drove his big tool down my throat, pulled it out until only the head was in my mouth and then stroked in again. In and out out, in and out. He fucked my mouth so to speak. Dawn really enjoyed the show because she had several fingers in her pussy, fucking deep. Mark was really going at it and was fucking my face hard. By then my throat had relaxed so I wouldn't throw up. He kept fucking me for a long time. I put my hand between his legs and fondled his balls, hoping to make him cum faster. It worked because a minute later he was filling my mouth with his jizz. I tried to swallow as fast as I could but some cum leaked out the corners of my lips. Dawn knelt in front of me, giving me a hot kiss and licking off the remaining cum. My mouth was a little sore but I did what Dawn wanted and that meant I could fuck her. Was I wrong. She told me to get on the bed and lie on my back. Then she blindfolded me and tied my hands together above my head. I was to lie still. Somebody locked the door and I thought Dawn and I were alone now. That was until I felt Mark's hands on my legs. Fuck it! I wasn't going to let him suck me. No chance in hell. But I couldn't do anything. I was tied up and totally helpless. As my legs were free I tried to kick him away. "Dawn, please. Don't let him do this to me. I'm begging you!" I cried. My body was shaking. Then I felt Dawn's fingers on my stomach and I calmed down a bit. She leaned over and kissed my belly. Then her hands and mouth disappeared. Mark pushed my legs apart and rubbed my cock with his hand. I wiggled my ass, trying to get away from him but he was stronger than me. I shouted when my dick began to grow in his hand. "Yea, you like that, don't you?" Mark said, almost laughing. I just wanted him to stop. He licked his finger and circled it around the head which made my cock grow to its full length. I was in his control and he could do anything he wanted. Then Mark dragged me towards the end of the bed and my legs were positioned on top of the bars. My legs were spread apart wide and tied to the bars on the far left and far right side of the bed. Now I was in total control of Dawn and her friend but to my surprise I felt a cold nose against my right leg. What the fuck? There was another person with them in the room. Somebody with a cold nose. A cold nose? Whatever it was, it was sniffing my body and seemed to have particular interest in my dick. I didn't want to scare the creature so I remained still. It was when a wet tongue touched the head that I jumped a little. The feeling wasn't unpleasant at all and caused me to moan. The tongue passed over the head several times more and made my dick grow again. Then my dick disappeared into a hot mouth and was sucked very hard. I felt fur rubbing against my legs which let the first doubts occur. That was definitely not a human being sucking me off. I froze. I stopped to move because I was afraid that the animal could bite off my dick. My blindfolds were removed and I was shocked to see Skip. Skip was a black, male lab from the neighborhood and I used to play with him when I was a little boy. "No, Skip!!" I shouted and he backed away. Dawn untied me and I tried to clean my cock from the dog-saliva as good as possible. That was disgusting. A dog was sucking my dick. But the worst was that Dawn was watching and even Mark (What was he here for anyways, I blew him. Couldn't he just leave?). Skip was led out of the room and when Dawn came back she locked the door again. Then she got onto the bed and lay on her back, offering herself to me. Finally, about time. I got between her legs and wanked my cock in order to make it hard. When I was ready I placed it against her pussy and the head parted her lips. I pushed deeper and Dawn stiffened, closing her eyes in pain. I immediately stopped and saw blood on my dick. "You were a virgin?" She gave a slight nod. That really turned me on. I of all was the first to take her virginity. Her arms closed around my neck and I resumed my thrusting. Her pussy was incredibly tight and hot. Slowly I worked inch by inch into her, then we started to fuck in a steady rhythm. Mark was watching us which turned me on even more for some reason. His dick was hard again and he was wanking it hard. As the minutes passed I got faster, making sure Dawn enjoyed every second of it. She was pressing her body against mine, meeting my thrusts and moaning into my ear. I fucked her harder now and didn't even notice when Mark pushed a finger into my ass and fingered me. The only thought in my mind was that I wanted to shoot my cum into Dawn's sweet pussy. I felt something cold against my ass which, so I found out later, was lube, but I couldn't care less. I thrust into her so hard and screamed when I shot my load into her. About that time she dug her nails into my back and came as well. This was the best orgasm I ever had. Dawn and I were breathing deeply as we held each other close. My dick was still buried deep in her and when I was about to withdraw Mark grabbed my hips and pushed his dick against my asshole. I wiggled my ass, hoping to give him the hint but he pushed his tool right into me, the whole length at once. If I had enough power at that moment I would have pushed him away, but my body was weak. As he worked his dick into me inch by inch I was surprised to find myself moaning with pleasure. I couldn't believe how good his cock felt in my ass and I loved it already. Then I noticed that each time he pushed forward my dick was forced deeper into Dawn. At that point I wasn't sure if she could take it but soon she was bucking her hips and we were going for another round. Mark slapped my ass and fucked me with long strokes. I was going off the planet. Fucking my dream girl and getting fucked by this young stud at the same moment. One word: perfect. My dick was hard again in no time and I knew that it wouldn't be long until I spend another load of white semen in Dawn's lovehole. Mark thrust deeper into me and I was pushing back at him, wanting to feel the whole length. His hands held me firmly by my hips and he was going faster, probably a sign that he would cum soon. Beneath me Dawn was groaning and I knew she was close, too. I began breathing harder, so was Mark. Dawn was the first to climax, setting off my own orgasm and then, like a chain reaction, Mark was filling my ass. While Dawn and I were making out, Mark continued to fuck me for a while then pulled his softening cock out. Finally I withdrew as well and lay next to Dawn. We were all exhausted and just lay there for a long time, my arms around Dawn's body and Mark behind me, kissing my neck. I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes Dawn was up and fully dressed. Mark was still lying behind me though, caressing my body. As we were still naked I felt his prick against my body but I wasn't in the mood for another fuck so I got up and put on my clothes again.

All of a sudden, there was a loud bang downstairs and we could hear somebody screaming. "Oh no!! My dad!" Dawn said as she tossed Mark's clothes over to him and told him to get dressed. "What is he doing here? I thought..." "Shut up! You have to leave right away. Both of you!" she ordered. We did as we were told and left the house through her window which was the only way to escape without getting caught by her dad. As soon as our feet touched the ground Mark and I ran like the devil was after us. Poor Dawn, I really didn't want to be in her skin at that moment. "Fuck! That was close," Mark said, gasping for air. " you know her dad?" "No, but she said he's very strict. I can imagine that he will scream at her and maybe even punish her." I wondered how this punishment would be like but I quickly shook off these thoughts. Mark's hand found mine and in the next moment he was pressing his lips on mine. We were kissing long and passionately but then I broke the kiss, telling him I had to go to bed. I turned without saying goodbye and went into the house. When I arrived in my room the lights in Dawn's room were on and I heard her father yelling at her. "Did you think you could get away like that?" "I'm sorry, daddy." "Shut the hell up! We will talk tomorrow. Got it?" He slapped her hard in the face. "Answer me!" "Yes, I understood." Without saying anything else he left the room. She turned off the lights and went to bed. I felt so sorry for her. She was such a nice girl and her father was such an asshole. I somehow felt guilty and found it hard to sleep that night, but after hours I lost the battle and drifted apart into dreamland.

The next day I woke up to the screaming of Dawn's dad. I got dressed and went over to their house. I looked through one of the windows and there they were. Dawn was on her knees, cleaning the floor from the bottles and chips, and her father standing in the door frame, sipping on a bottle of beer. He seemed to enjoy watching his daughter like that. I noted that he was well built for a man at his age. Tall, short, blond hair, very muscular. When the floor was clean again, her father grabbed her hair and pulled her close to him. "Have you learned your lesson, you little slut?" "Yes, daddy," Dawn answered under tears. "Good girl. Then there is only one thing left to do," he said and forced her to bend over the couch. Then he hitched up her skirt and tore her panties down, revealing her nice pussy. Dawn tried to cover her parts with her hands but her dad pushed them away. Next she lost her shirt and was totally naked. She was crying as her dad ran his hands all over her vulnerable body, stroking her breasts and then, moving his hands between her legs, rubbing her pussy. "No, daddy, what are you doing?" Her eyes widened as her dad stripped off his clothes and a large hard-on was pointing away from his body. About 10 inches I guessed, and fat. "Turn around!" he said with a strong voice. Dawn obeyed without hesitation and her father got behind her. I knew that I should have interrupted but something kept me where I was. I watched as her dad placed his cock head against her entry and Dawn tried to get away but he grabbed her shoulders and thrust his dick into her with a hard lunge. She screamed in pain as his dick stretched her little hole wide. He seemed to ignore that as he fucked his daughter hard and fast, burying every inch in her. My own cock began to harden and I needed to touch it but I didn't want to get caught. I was impressed to see Dawn taking the whole length without passing out but it was obvious that her mind was fighting against this. Her dad was calling her names as he drove his dick deep into her cunt, slapping her ass also. Tears were running down Dawn's face but her body eventually betrayed her and she came on her father's dick. This pleased her dad and he pulled out his slimy cock and tasted her juices. Again a slap on her ass before he rested the tip against her other hole. The pussy juices being a perfect lubrication made his dick slide into her with ease. Her soul was still fighting against this torture but her body was weak. She let him use her body for his own purpose. Soon her dad was fucking harder and faster and, with a final thrust, pumped his cum into her tight ass. There was a little blood on the shaft as he pulled out. Then he pushed his cock against her lips and let her clean it from all the cum and blood. When she was done he got dressed and left the room, leaving her crying on the couch. I heard the front door close and awoke from my state of self-consciousness. Luckily he passed by without noticing me and I quickly went over to my house, sat down on the stairs in front of the house. When he came back I greeted him and he nodded, smiling. He went back into the house and I heard him saying something but I was too far to understand everything.

A few days later Dawn and her father moved away and we couldn't even say goodbye to each other. I still sat at the window and pretended to talk with her but it wasn't the same without her and I really started missing her.

I remembered all the things we did and the day I have become bi. I will never ever forget her!


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Next: Chapter 2

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