From Duck to Swan

By Craig Brown

Published on May 18, 2016


From Duck to Swan Pt 3 by Pepperpuppy

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... Continued on from Parts 1 and 2 published on 12&16th of May 2016 ...


********************************************************************* From Duck to Swan Pt 3.

FROM THE END OF THE LAST CHAPTER ... Mum asked me not to mention it to Zoey, but apparently Zoey had already asked mum when we got home, to speak to me about filling in for Robyn as "Carla" until she was well enough to perform again. Mum then told me, the group had a couple of engagements over the next month that Zoey wanted me to play in with "The Band". Mum told me she was supposed to persuade me to be "Carla" again for it.


I woke up late on Sunday morning to the luxurious feel of mum's satin nightie gloriously sliding over my body. I stretched out like a cat and finally got out from under the sheets and stood up, before reluctantly taking the nightie off and tucking it under my pillow to take to the laundry later on in private. The fantastic feeling of the satin on my smooth legs still felt as good as yesterday, although it also meant I'd have to be wearing jeans until my leg hair grew back.

I unlocked my bedroom door and head for the bathroom to shower now wearing a pair of shorts for modesty over the short distance to the bathroom. I stripped of and stepped into the shower. I spent a leisurely ten minutes under the stream, to come out and start drying off. I'd remembered mum's advice from yesterday and found her moisturising cream in the vanity cupboard under the sink and applied it onto my legs to help against the itchiness that mum told me would probably flare up in the next few days.

I went back to my bedroom draped in two towels, fondly remembering the feel of mum's fluffy bath robe and closed the door behind me to get dressed. I would have begged with my life to be able to secretly wear a pair of satin panties or even cotton ones, and had short lived evil ideas of sneaking into one of my sister's rooms and borrowing a pair to wear. But finally I started to realise that I was now Craig again, instead of "Carla" and quickly got dressed in my usual men's briefs, tee shirt and jeans, which felt funny against my smooth legs, and headed back downstairs to get breakfast.

Downstairs was its typical quiet of a weekend at eleven o'clock in the morning, and I saw dad reading the paper in the lounge room as I walked into the kitchen to get a late breakfast. I quickly decided to dash back upstairs and grab mum's nightie and put in the dirty clothes basket while most of the family were elsewhere, so I did and having placed it among other clothes in the basket and out of normal eyesight stood up and headed for the kitchen again to find mum there making coffee for her and dad.

"Morning Car...raig, oops almost forgot" mum said with a smile, and told me to sit down and she'd knock up a quick omelette for me, after she got dad his coffee, which was great as far as I was concerned. She put a full cup down on the table over from me and after going in and giving dad his coffee came out and started making my omelette. Ten minutes later she slid an omelette covered plate under my nose smelling deliciously and sat down to drink her coffee. I cut a large piece of and speared it with my fork and fed it into my mouth, showing mum my pleasure by closing my eyes for a moment, before eating it.

Mum just looked at me and smiled, knowing she'd once again been the perfect mother to one of her children. "Mum," I said quietly just incase dad might possibly hear, "I've put your nightie in the wash basket under some other things, thanks." Mum just smiled again and asked if that was why I almost slept through Sunday, and I told her that it could have been if I hadn't already woken up. "You girls are so lucky to be able to sleep in things like those" I told mum but still talking quietly.

"Well, we have to have some compensation for putting up with all the males in the world" she retorted. "And it's only the spoilt rich women, who live in climate controlled mansions, that sleep in slinky nighties every night" she informed me with a chuckle. "You know you could have slept in it for a few more nights if you'd wanted Craig".

I comically hit my hand against my head telling her "if only I'd known, mum!" then laughing. "If I did mum, I'd end up getting caught out somehow, and then I'd get ragged to death by my sisters and never be allowed to forget it".

"Well just don't let me hear you say afterwards that you didn't get given the chance" mum told me and then said "Dad doesn't know about the nightie last night, or even Zoey asking me about you being "Carla" again" so don't say anything to him about it just in case and smiled at me conspiringly.

"Speak the devil's name, I suppose she's gone out somewhere with Simon for some snogging, and we won't see her until teatime?" I asked mum. To have her tell me that she had gone out with her boyfriend, but only to go visit Robyn in hospital, along with the rest of the group to tell her about last night more than likely.

Just then Dad came out and roasted me with a Rip Van Winkle comment before saying how did I feel to be normal again and I jokingly told him, he was nicer to me last night as his daughter then he was now, and that retort had all three of us laughing, before he said he was grateful last night was over and finished, which had me and mum looking at each other for a moment, before realising there was nothing in dad's words.

"Are our daughters going to turn up for lunch dear, or are we going to have a meal in peace" my father asked mum and was told that she expected a normal lunch time table, as I heard one of my sisters car pulling into the driveway and several doors closing. I went into the lounge room to read the paper and even there, I was soon being greeted more warmly than usual by most of my sisters, who were asking where "Carla" was, until dad's voice from out in the kitchen roared out "enough girls, it's a new day, time to move on". My younger twin sisters, Jodie and Nicole, only poked their tongues out at the direction of the kitchen for what they thought about dad's warning.

Zoey never turned up for lunch, although I suppose no one except me and mum would have realised it. "Carla" was supposed to have gone, but Jodie and Nicole kept asking me about singing last night that dad finally declared that for this lunchtime only his daughters could ask me about anything they'd forgotten to ask me about last night, they could ask during lunch, but after that the topic of "Carla" was never to be spoken of again, on pain of their mum giving out hair brush spankings to any recalcitrant daughters, and looking hard at the twins said, no matter how old they are.

A minor tsunami swept through lunch, as I answered countless questions ranging from, "how do did feel my first time in a ladies toilet?" (Nicole), to "did I see anyone trying to look up my dress?" (Jodie), to "what are you going to do if you get asked by Zoey to play with their band again?" (Anne).

It was mum who caused the biggest stir asking me "did you know you're on the bands face book page playing last night?" This immediately saw Stephie and Maryanne racing for the lunch table and coming back with laptops showing slightly different scenes of me playing with "The Band" and mum suggesting one of them show me singing "If You Could Read My Mind".

I was completely shocked looking at myself playing on the group's Facebook site, until mum explained that Simon had been filming the show after our first few numbers, Zoey had told her this morning when she showed her the downloads. Apparently he only filmed it because he thought the group sounded much better than it usually did.

Lunch could have gotten out of total control, except dad again restored order and finally ended the lunch and therefore any more "Carla" questions, although later I saw him, mum and Maryanne looking on Maryanne's laptop at the downloads and sounding surprisingly impressed.

I spent the rest of the afternoon doing homework revision in my room, only coming down just as it turned dark outside. About 5.30, Zoey breezed into the house calling out for mum and dad to join her upstairs in my room, tugging me by the arm to follow her upstairs. After dad came into my room, she ordered (not asked) him to close the door and lock it, because she had something amazing to tell us.

After dad had locked the door and found somewhere to lean up against, Zoey took a couple of deep breaths, before dropping another atomic bomb on the family. She then went on to tell the rest of us about how last night a person at the party, had given Simon one of his business cards and asked that the group's manager ring him, tomorrow or Monday about a possible business opportunity.

Simon told Zoey about it at Robyn's hospital, and after they and the rest of the girls had quickly talked to Robyn about how she was feeling, and also handing her her share of the group's payment, before reaching into her purse and then tossing something to me, saying "catch" and then telling me that that was my share for last night, further telling me that everyone had agreed to Robyn getting an equal share, for last night as well as me.

Dad crossly asked her so what and said mum had to start getting the tea ready, intimating that her and he were leaving. Zoey then whined "But daaadddyyy there's more, just wait a moment and LISTEN" "You see, the guy who I phoned said he works for a recording studio, and when I spoke to him today, he said that he wanted the group to come in for a demo" and as she said the last few words her voice quickly rose in both volume and squealing pitch. "Mum, Dad, he told me, that if we sounded any good, he'd get some of our music available on their website for downloading, and we'd get a share of the money downloads," and again Zoey's ability to end her statements loudly shrilling the final few words left me amazed.

"Isn't that fantastic" Zoey asked us? And even mum was smiling happily for her but once again it was dad who was the one thinking with a clear head.

"And I suppose young lady that your music group needs "Carla" as well?" he asked, in his "daddy's not pleased about this" tone of voice. And Zoey nodded her head and said of course they did. "Well CRAIG'S right here in the room at this very moment, so why don't you ask HIM and see what HE thinks about the matter".

"Dad I WAS going to after I told the three of you about the news" Zoey said trying to regain the initiative. "Oh mum, all the girls are coming round about7.30 to talk about it with Car...raig" and saw her dad's face. "Can you whip some biscuits for us to eat please mum, because we're going to have to talk about our next couple of "gigs" and the girls all agree they want "Carla" playing with us as well for them.

Dad had finally had enough and said so, telling Zoey "You either find someone else to make your damned biscuits young lady or else you help your mother cook tea first. She's not your personal slave so don't think she is one." He opened the door to leave, so as to prove who ruled in this house.

As soon as he opened the door, Zoey, mum and I all saw his other daughters outside trying to look innocent but having been caught eavesdropping, (a definitely forbidden rule in the house) but that quickly turned to screams of excitement, as they hurriedly all tried to squeeze past dad, while he still trying to get out of my bedroom.

Mum decided to leave the newly created riot and go back downstairs to get tea ready, although laughing at seeing all her daughters trying to be heard over each other's excited squeals and shouts, while they were all crammed in my small room not listening to anyone else and shouting to have their own questions answered.

Finally, someone had to put a stop to it all, and I screamed out for everyone to be quiet, (which as I have told all of you in an earlier chapter), sounding not unlike a girl screaming instead of a man. The sudden silence allowed me to speak my mind.

"Look Zoey, you've really pissed dad right off, and I for one don't fancy eating at the dinner table, with him being as ticked off as he is. You've got to get down stairs quick and help mum with the cooking and be meek and timid and don't sass dad either".

Stephanie thought I made good sense and agreed, telling the rest of my sisters to go down stairs and help with dinner, before saying "let's go girls" and leading the way downstairs. I was now left to my own thoughts as I heard, what seemed like a stampede of elephants descending the stairs in a rush.

Zoey's news had excited me just as much as she'd been, but also made me think about having to appear as "Carla" again and the chances I may be found out. I also thought about the idea of being able to wear girl's clothing again and having mum get me ready, which I would have denied to any other than mum, but I certainly would have said I'd like to wear girl's clothing, but only to anyone standing next to me, in deep well somewhere in the middle of a jungle at midnight!

When I went downstairs, I was surprised to see mum sitting in the lounge room watching the TV with dad, and was even more surprised when mum told me she had the night off and my sisters were cooking tea. Apparently not in silence though, as several shouted female voices testified to.

On being told that dinner was ready, the three of us walked out to the dining room, where mum and dad were waited on hand and foot, while the rest of us were left to manage on our own. The meal wasn't bad either and dad was slowly uncoiling as no one mentioned "Carla" or music or anything related to either.

Mum was also the first one up after tea, and said she had some biscuits to make while looking directly at dad, and when the girls all turned up, Zoey quickly headed them all out to our back room, and closed the door so as not to let their conversations disturb dad. Zoey and I looked after the biscuit and drinks distribution, also leaving enough cutesy of mum cooking three trays of biscuits for the rest of the family to share.

Once all together in the back room, Zoey took charge (Robyn's absence usually left her there anyway) and after a noisy ninety minutes or so a plan was in place and written down most of which Zoey or Roxanne would chase up.

************ The following week saw Zoey's ear and her mobile phone look as if they were glued to each other. By the end of the following Saturday night's meeting to discuss the various outcomes, every one of us knew what had to be done and when and by who. Mum had been included in the meeting because she had told the girls that she'd been responsible for creating "Carla" so it was her task to make sure I looked the same for any future gigs.

Zoey had arranged for a two hour session with the recording studio so that they could quickly determine if there were any possibilities that we could generate music good enough to attract sales. She'd already gotten Simon to burn several copies of our final set, from last week's birthday party engagement and they'd been sent off to the studio to listen to.

Zoey then told us in the following order that...

  1. Robyn was being discharged late next week, and would be coming along to watch the group perform including "Carla" at another person's 35th birthday party, next Saturday evening. 2. The recording studio had sent out several songs they had, that were unrecorded and they were trying them out on a number of possible groups to hear their interpretations of the songs. 3. Robyn wanted to help my mum dress me up as "Carla", which was the cause for some serious discussion between Zoey and mum. Neither really won their argument, but both agreed that Robyn could help out, although mum would always have final say over my appearance.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, "The Band" rehearsed a possible 3 set gig for Saturday, which also saw some inventive ideas from our silent rhythm guitarist Chrissie, that everyone thought were brilliant (me included) that were incorporated into the music.

By the following Saturday afternoon, mum was again excited about helping me become "Carla", while dad remained silent. "The Band" members had decided to dress up like harem genies (ala Barbara Eden) for the gig and although Zoey had enough clothes to dress up, no one else in the family could help. That's where Robyn showed how important I was to "The Band" by providing a pretty realistic harem outfit for me to wear.

It did entail me wearing a plainly visible mid pink coloured torsolette, but I also had a pink coloured gauze, front buttoned top over it, which allowed also for a B sized set of breast forms, to be placed inside of the top of the garment, that Robyn had also brought along, making me look like I had real breasts.

With the slightly thicker gauze pants on and a longer blonde wig than last time on, even mum thought I looked adorably cute, although you could also see the faintly darker colour of my dark pink panties underneath. The gold waist chain and pink hair pieces/veils only topped it all off.

Zoey's genie made her look like a sort of sailor's harlot, with her "two girls" being VERY prominently displayed, and her top and bottoms were far more see through than anything everyone other than Roxy had on, who was just as cheeky/naughty as Zoey. The girls had all gathered at our house for a final check off, and quick photo session.

My sisters and mum thought that we all looked good (if somewhat sexy in some cases, like Zoey and Roxanne) and while I also tried to AND achieved the same look, it was also more "discrete", if you could say that about some "girl" wearing a scanty genie outfit.

Dad merely said O.M.G. when he saw the six of us doing some group photos out in the driveway infront of the house, and went back inside it still shaking his head in disbelief at the girl's outrageousness. Several of our neighbours came over to look and took some photos as well, with most chuckling merrily over the sight of six pink genie outfits standing together posing.

We certainly caused a stir when we got out of various cars, and started picking up equipment out of Simon's van in the carpark, to walk into the hall with. The birthday party crowd were more of a younger age group that also remembered "I Dream of Genie", and thought our costumes were a hit.

During the cake presentation they wanted the entire six of us to be there flanking the cake trolley, and were disappointed to be told that we couldn't be in two places at the same time. Our group did however pose for photos with a lot of the guests there, and had a special session with the birthday girl, who wanted to try on one of the outfits herself and had to be sadly refused.

************ When we started our first set of the evening, the practices we'd had made us sound better than a fortnight ago. Robyn was down at the console sitting with Simon and Nick and her brother who'd had to drive her because of her broken hand. At the end of our first set, she came over and told us all how her brother was lusting over Roxy's tits which were almost coming out of her top when she played some drums sections.

We also all got a lot of attention and drinks offers from a considerable number of the male party guests and quickly realised that the harem outfits were a gimmick and became the new unofficial outfit for future gigs, both to Robyn's delight (as the instigator) and the invalided group leader.

As with the previous party our second gig was also our "quiet" set and again because of a little practice, sounded extra good. We also had a lot more people up on the "dancefloor" than two weeks ago, making us play harder to sound better.

I also discovered I now had a new "minder" in Chrissie. When they'd set up differently because of the stage size and appearance, Chrissie was now behind me and Jane was on the other side of the stage behind Maureen. During the first set break, she was the first to get me a drink along with her own, entirely ignoring the rest of the group's needs. She also sat close to me and was kind of touchy feely.

I'd had a crush on her for ages, and hoped perhaps that she was finally reciprocating. I prayed she was because I liked the way she made sure she was very close to me when she started talking to me and her touching my arm to emphasise some point or the other had me wishing she might consider touching me elsewhere (if I was lucky). Her touching in turn made me touch her back and move close to her to speak.

On stage she was forever now moving up close to me when we were performing and at first it was because I thought she was simply grooving to the sound of the group, but the more it went on and the more I saw her facial expression, I was now starting to think, she might face me as much as I fancied her.

Certainly during the second break, the other girls and our roadies were getting fed up of it, with comments like "get a room" "or cheese take it somewhere else" getting bandied about more often.

When we finished that night to a rousing ovation, I was both excited at how well we had sounded as well as fantasizing about having wild sex with Chrissie. Zoey almost hit the roof when she caught the two of us snogging behind a van parked several cars away from Simon's van. Chrissie had quickly found out how sensitive my neck was and was kissing it almost constantly making me both squirm in ticklishness and because of quickly growing arousal.

A quick fell by my hand between her legs found her harem pants very moist and damp and as I slowly pressed several fingers into the gusset of her crotch she moved her mouth back over onto my neck and gave me an incredible love bite that I felt her sucking hard enough on my skin to show that I now had a very prominent and visible bruise on my neck and she looked at me and smiled, saying she'd marked me as her property now.

Her bite had cause me to cry out somewhat louder more in pleasure than pain and so attracted Zoey's attention, who on seeing what the noise was about furiously told Chrissie to back off on her baby brother and seeing the bruise on my neck (which I still hadn't been able to look at) told Chrissie that her mum would see my neck when we got home and Zoey would be held responsible.

She told me "go wait by the car, and grow up for Christ's sake Craig, Chrissie's way too old for you and a lemon as well. For whatever reason at the moment she fancied you for a snog and grope, and mum's going to kill me when we get home, and dad's going to probably flog you in the morning, once he sees your hickey at breakfast".

I heard hers and Chrissie's voices standing at her car alone screaming at one another, before quickly dropping their voices. I then didn't hear much but did catch certain words and phrases like "virgin, innocent, slut, what do you care, bullshit, he was groping ME too bitch, fuck off" and so on.

A short time later Zoey yelled at me to get in the car, while she opened the back doors and put our guitars in, before getting in behind the wheel and warning me to not say a word, on seeing I was about to say something. She then turned the engine on and almost immediately was driving off quick enough to chirp the tyres.

On the drive home, Zoey spoke to me, telling me all about Chrissie and that she was a lesbian and was only playing with me, and to stay away for her as much as possible. When we finally got home Zoey had me wait, while she thought out a plan to sneak me up to me room, without my parents seeing my neck. Somehow or another she managed it, although mum came up afterwards to help me get my face cleaned off, and saw what I had seen when I looked in my wardrobe door mirror.

Zoey had already told her about my bruise, but not who had done it. In one of the few times mum made a mistake, she forewarned me of what Zoey might have said to her, when mum said she'd like to grab the male pig that did this to me, and cut his nuts off.

Mum quickly held a plastic bag full of ice up to the bruise, telling me to hold onto the bag and try to keep it on me for the rest of the night and hopefully the bruising mightn't be too bad by Monday for school. I decided to go with the flow and not say anything more and happily let mum hand me her long white nightie, for me to sleep in again that night.

The next morning had mum knocking on my door and asking to come in so I unlocked the door and opened it for her. I'd eventually fallen asleep last night after mum used one of her scarves to tie the bag of ice to my neck.

This morning when I woke up, I immediately took the now water filled bag off and inspected the bruise. It was clearly visible although not as bad as last night, which mum quickly confirmed before using some liquid makeup on it to hide the bruise.

Luckily it was winter so I could wear roll neck jumpers and scarves to hide it, although that didn't work out entirely either, since on Tuesday Denice saw my bruise when she was passing me to go to the bathroom as I was leaving it.

Mum had already spoken to dad about it and by some lucky stroke of fortune didn't say anything about it, Denice being my sister and discovering a new piece of conversation soon had told all my other sisters and I got ragged mercilessly until it had faded away enough by the end of the week.

Another funny thing that happened was seeing Robyn's "harem" outfit hanging up in my wardrobe, on Monday morning when I got ready for school. Mum had obviously washed it and already knew that I'd be wearing it for my next three performances, since Zoey had already told everyone that The Band had a new costume gimmick now. Whenever I opened the wardrobe I'd see the outfit, and I'd always that if any of my school friends saw it, they'd probably die laughing.

Chrissie didn't fade away either. I read my emails on Wednesday evening and saw one from Chrissie, who I had no idea had my email address. In it she apologised for what she had done (although she'd already told me at a group practice rehearsal the previous night) and her email said if I was able to and had Thursday afternoon free, she'd be home from school after lunch and she really wanted to make it up to me at her place, and that she'd give me some "I'm sorry I caused you problems sex".

I stared at her email dumbfounded. Chrissie my major teenage crush and had been the cause of numerous masturbations after dark in my bed. Emailing that she'd like to have sex with me, and I should reply back if I could come. "COULD I EVER GO SEE HER AT HER PLACE"... Is this a trick question or something?"

The following day at school seem to last forever. I'd already decided that for the first and it turned it to be only time in my life, I'd wag school after lunch to go to Chrissie's place. I knocked on her door very nervously and the girl of my dreams opened the front door, wearing a long fluffy robe before telling me to come in.

Once inside she led me along the hall to her bedroom and inside the holy of holiest sanctuaries and asked me to sit on her bed beside her because she wanted to say something first. Chrissie then told me that she was a lesbian (probably thinking – correctly- that Zoey would have told me after last Saturday evening) and that she had no interest in men sexually.

But she then told me that I had looked so hot as "Carla" the first time she saw me a month ago, that she felt that she wanted to have sex with her, even though she knew it was Craig, I looked THAT good. She then told me that when she saw me in Robyn's Harem outfit, she actually came in her knickers on the spot, telling me that for the rest of the night standing behind me, she really had to struggle to stop herself from leaping on me and having sex on the stage infront of everyone.

"You don't look anything like her now though, but I still feel that I need to have sex with you if only to thank you for dressing up as "Carla" to help the group out and if we're going to have sex I'd really like for you to put this on and wear it, which she then took a VERY sexy baby doll outfit from under her pillow and handed it to me. She saw my confusion mixed with lust on my face, before standing up and parting her robe to show herself entirely naked "puullleeeaase, just for me" "Carla".

THAT made my mind quickly up and I started to get undressed infront of her, but she told me go outside and get undressed in the hall and then come back in. I did and again discovered the wonders of wearing women's night wear. As I came back into Chrissie's bedroom she was now lying on the bed naked and saying sweetly, "come her my pet and let Auntie Chrissie show you how sorry she is".

From that moment on she was incharge. Chrissie turned out to be tender loving, erotic, easily aroused, patient, but also eager to please. From the start she wanted oral sex and she slowly taught me how to please her with my mouth. In return she gave me a quick hand job saying that once I had been milked I'd last longer for later on.

She made sure that she was satisfied in every way using me, from kneeling face down in her vagina, to kneeling over me while I was on my back and leaning back towards my mouth, to even actually sitting on my face and moving around and almost suffocating me doing it.

She was insatiable as well as noisy and continuously wet. For almost three hours she had her way with me before finally saying while resting on top of me, that she now wanted me to fuck her good and cum in her and not to worry because she was on the pill. By the time she finally made me a man, we were both breathing rapidly and heavily, before she slid off from on top of me to lie beside me smiling and panting but also saying I'd been wonderful. She then asked me to suckle on her breasts and after five minutes of that, said it was time for me to leave.

If I got up gingerly it wasn't just because of so much continuous sex with Chrissie, but also because she got round the love bite showing problem by instead doing it to me on the insides of my upper legs which were now very discoloured and tender. Each time she had bitten me it quickly turned from agony to ecstasy and I loved it.

When I went outside to get dressed, because I'd left my clothes out in the hallway I was happy to know that I'd not only lost my virginity but had also satisfied Chrissie, knowing that not all of those screams could have been completely faked.

When she walked me to the front door, she told me I'd better sneak into my house and shower straight away, because my entire body smelt of her vagina before handing me a pair of pink cotton panties and asking me to wear them for the rest of our "gigs" so that I'd know she was behind me and I was driving her nuts in my harem outfit but that she wouldn't be able to have me anymore regardless.

When I got home I managed to again sneak into the bathroom and have a quick shower although making sure I shampooed my hair three times to make sure I no longer had her scent on me. Her harm panties were carefully put at the back of my undies drawer for Saturday as well.

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