From Duck to Swan

By Craig Brown

Published on May 15, 2016


From Duck to Swan Pt 2. By Pepperpuppy

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... Continued on from Part 1 published on 12th of May 2016 ...


********************************************************************* From Duck to Swan Pt 2.

I was a huge hit as "Carla" with my family and they would have all loved to have come along to see how I did in my first (and hopefully only) public performance as a teenaged girl.

Zoey, who was the actual cause of my new appearance, wasn't having a bar of it thankfully and finally had to get dad to tell mum and my other six sisters "N.O." So it was Zoey alone who drove me in mum's car to the hall for our show that evening.

On the drive to the hall Zoey keep glancing over at me and repeatedly saying, "I still can't fucking believe you could look this good, honestly it's fucking mind blowing" and she happily laughed, before again going over the rules I'd need to follow tonight, to ensure that nobody would "hopefully" find out about me (aside from the girls in the band who already knew about it) actually being her brother Craig, instead of her female cousin "Carla" singing and playing in the "all girl" group.

I was almost ready to reach over and strangle her, because for the last two hours all seven of my sisters and mum, had made me walk, talk, sit, stand, drink, eat and act like I was a teenage girl till I was heartily sick of the entire escapade.

When Zoey locked her car's brakes up trying to dead stop from out of warp factor one in the hall car park, her plan to have me make a quiet unannounced entrance a few minutes before her into the hall to see if any of the music group recognised me, couldn't have exactly been part of the plan.

Still the noisy screeching brakes only turned the heads of the few people standing around talking outside the hall, and after ensuring I had everything from inside the car that I'd need, Zoey told me to go inside and walk around the floor near the front of the stage and behave as if I was one of the birthday party guests, where hopefully the girls in the band would notice me, but not recognise me as CRAIG.

Then she planned to come into the hall carrying both of our guitars and introduce "Carla" to the girls, definitely wanting to ensure they'd be as surprised about how I looked as she had been when she'd seen "Carla" for the very first time.

Luckily for me I spotted Zoey's boyfriend Simon, who was the "head roadie" for the group, and along with one of the other girl's boyfriends, Nick, usually transported around and set up the group's instruments, and the sound and lighting equipment for all their "gigs" and then packed up for them afterwards. So I discretely followed him in through a side door that must have led up and onto the stage itself.

Just inside the side entrance he walked through, was a small cramped lobby which included two doors with signs marked "LADIES" "GENTLEMEN" and I headed for the door marked LADIES and went inside. Once in there, I saw several women of indeterminate ages, touching up their makeup infront of a large wall mounted mirror and chatting to one another, as well as the four other girls in Zoey's music group, who were also checking on their own appearances.

Fortunately the two toilet cubicles in the room were both vacant so I went into one and locked the door and started to sit down on the seat. I'd been warned so many times, not to stand up in the ladies by every female member of my family, that my action was a subconscious reflex to my "girl indoctrination" training.

I needn't have worried about it though, because both toilet doors were the type that went down almost to the floor, so it was impossible to see shoes facing the wrong direction, IF you were looking for them. I didn't actually need to use the toilet, but it gave me time to stop and take some quiet deep breathes and compose myself.

I waited about two minutes and made sure I used the toilet roll holder noisily, just in case anyone was listening outside ("another rule I'd had drilled into me at home"). Then I flushed the toilet and made sure I kept the seat down, before getting back up and unlocking the cubical door, then calmly walked outside over to the wash basins and washed my hands, then gently dried them on the paper towels in the wall dispenser.

I saw Zoey now in the Ladies toilet room as well, talking to her fellow band members and she glanced at me with a trace of a smirk, before casually telling me she liked what I was wearing, then continued on chatting with the other band members as normally as possible, while forcing me to say thank you to her and complimenting her outfit in return.

I then proceeded to check my face in the mirror and since it was still perfect after mum had touched it up just before Zoey and I left, merely primped my hair with a hand, then took out the lip stick in my shoulder purse and proceeded to lightly brush it over my lips, before pursing them and putting the lipstick back into my shoulder bag. I then smiled to the woman still standing next to me at the mirror and was ready to walk back outside...which I did.

Once outside in the tiny lobby, I could have almost run away looking for somewhere to hide, because I was so scared wondering if I'd stuffed up in the Ladies room. Just then the woman who I'd smiled at in there, came out of it and asked me if I I'd brought my dancing shoes for the night. We both giggled at her "wit" before I told her that I was with "The Band".

I'd always wanted to say those two words, after hearing John Belushi say them in the Blues Bothers movie but never had, since saying it to guys who'd have probably seen the movie countless times themselves, would have sounded lame. The woman obviously hadn't and tittered in reply and after some idle meaningless chatter, said she hoped we weren't too loud when we played and headed out into the main hall area.

No sooner had she left, then Zoey and her band mates came out of the toilet chattering to one another and I heard one of them asking where her cousin was and giggling which had the other three girls doing the same.

This time Zoey looked at me with eyebrows raised skyward and grinned, saying I was probably wandering around somewhere nearby, before walking straight past me along with the other girls heading for the stage steps, which were marked by a sign on the tiny lobby wall showing "stage" and an arrow pointing upwards, obviously not yet wanting to introduce "Carla" to any of the girls in the band.

I headed out into the main hall area and immediately recognised all the trappings of an amateurish birthday party put together by family and friends, by the masses of streamers and balloons hanging from the roof ceiling from one side of the hall to the other.

A large number of white plastic small tables and chairs had been placed around the hall, still leaving a reasonable area vacant infront of the stage to allow for any dancing. There was a temporary bar set up located at the back of the hall, comprised of two large trestle tables covered with throwaway plastic table cloths and trimmed with streamers and ribbons for colourful, though tacky decoration.

As I walked around the hall idly looking, I could see up on the stage the two guys along with Zoey and the girls setting up the various speakers, microphone stands, seating, music stands and the group's instruments, while also testing the sound over the hall's p.a. speakers, as well as their own amplifiers and speaker systems at the back behind the group. As I wandered closer to the stage Zoey saw me and subtly signalled that I should come up onto it.

So I nonchalantly (I was now quite comfortable walking in mum's heeled shoes) walked towards the toilet lobby steps and made my way up the wooden steps, now confident in climbing them (after an exhausting ten minutes of practicing up and down our staircase at home).

The steps upstairs led out onto a small area behind the main curtains, which was also the side entry to the actual stage itself. I hesitantly walked out on to it, where the full hall was now clearly shown from up on stage.

One of the girl's (Roxanne) who was fiddling with her drum kit set up, informed me that I wasn't allowed up on the stage and I saw the other girls looking over at me as well. "Yeth I am, I'm Zoeths couthin". I was furious that my lisp which usually I was able to manage quite well had caused my words to make me sound like those of a little girl speaking.

Zoey quickly walked over saying it was about time I showed myself and led me over to the other girls, who had all stopped what they were doing and had come together in a huddle, staring at me in total astonishment.

Zoey then introduced me to them as her cousin "Carla" who she said was playing guitar with them tonight, as a smokescreen to ensure their two "roadies" didn't get suspicious because they'd seen Craig often enough, although mum's make up definitely hidden any traces of Craig's appearance, entirely.

The girls were still looking at me in stunned shock and each of them was mouthing O M G's more than once as they tried to take in my new persona.

Allison, one of my other sisters who was two years older than Zoey, had suggested (and all the family women agreed with her) that if I wasn't sure about meeting anybody, I should just simply smile nervously and wave by putting my hand out just infront of me and wriggling my fingers and quietly saying "hi", which is exactly what I did.

I was then quickly swamped by the girls (including Zoey) who greeted me with smiles, cheek air kisses, laughter, and in one instance a not too subtle squeeze of one of my breast forms, as they all quietly told me I stage whispers, that they couldn't believe what they were seeing, before telling Zoey she was a genius.

We (or should I say they) all shot the bull with me for about two minutes before Simon interrupted us, calling out that we had to be ready in twenty minutes and that he and Nick weren't going to let us have a social get together on stage and leave them to do all the work.

The girls then all scattered to fix up their own instruments while Zoey showed me where I'd be sitting, which I thought we'd agreed would be towards the back of the stage, but because of the small size of it had me now seated at the front along with her and Maureen, while Roxanne was at the back with her drums, as was Jane on keyboards although slightly over to my side of the stage and behind me, who would play the occasional bass guitar parts, along with Maureen who was actually the bass player who also doubled up on acoustic guitar accompaniment as well on certain songs.

Another surprise for me, was finding out that I might have to also play the electric guitar, at least for a couple of the arrangements, Zoey informed me. She said that with Robyn being in hospital so suddenly, none of them had had a chance to practice on Robyn's guitar, but that I'd probably be able to handle it OK... Yeah, thanks Zoey, you're a REAL friend I silently thought.

Most of the setting up had already been done and aside from sound checks needed for Zoey and myself, they still finished setting up everything in time. After everyone said they were ready, Simon and Nick left the stage, to operate the sound console to one side of the hall halfway down it, as well as operating the small stage lighting above and behind us, with a remote control which Simon told Zoey was working fine, although he told her the effects weren't anything exceptional.

We all settled into our places on stage, then Zoey signalled to Roxane to count us in with a drum beat introduction that launched us into our first set of the night. All I had to tell me what order the songs were to be played in, was three pieces of cardboard clipped behind one another, with the names of the songs block printed in large letters, which was clamped to the top of the music stand just to the right of me, as well as the sheet music paper for each song, also held in place on the stand.

The first few songs were your usual basic folk songs, which required me to only have to play the guitar and work out my rhythm so that I could quickly meld in with the band's playing skill level.

I made sure I played softly and although it's hard to tell how you sound without an ear piece in your ear, I didn't see Zoey looking at me with death threats in her eyes, so I figured I was playing alright. By the end of the third song, I was now playing with my usual abandon and was actually starting to enjoy myself.

As a group, the girls usually sounded passably acceptable as I'd often had to fill in and practice for a missing member, so I knew the style they wanted to sound like, which while lame, usually saw them not being booed or stoned off the stage while also getting paid for their performances.

After each song ended we'd get scattered and spasmodic applause and our first "set" was timed to finish, just as the food was being served out, which would allow us a slightly longer break for the girls to talk and regroup for the next set. The second set would be of a similar time length to the first, but with quieter songs so as not to disturb the people eating their food.

The band had started out sounding "sort of mechanical", but as I found my musical pace and rhythm as well as voice, my more complex acoustic guitar playing seemed to also find the other girls trying to improve and improvise slightly more as well.

A lot of their arrangements required short solos between verses and choruses, which further allowed me to improvise and I often had Zoey working over towards me, when she wasn't singing or harmonising to quietly tell me when each of the arrangements required a guitar solo and when the other girls were soloing, so as I wouldn't clash with them but then slightly play quieter.

I also found I was now singing harmony loud enough not to be drowned out by the sound level of the other instruments, especially Roxanne's drums and Zoey's or the other girls voices and I was actually trying to provide different alternative or counter harmonies to the usual ones in covers that they were trying to perform, complimenting their arrangements.

By the time we'd finished out first set I'd had whispers and nods of encourage from all the girls and was really enjoying myself more than at any of the other gigs I'd played at with friend's bands, where usually the person in charge was also by "ipso facto" the "main" focal point and didn't want to be upstaged. Zoey's group wasn't like that as far as I could tell and actually appreciated my guitar skill, probably encouraging it since it also seemed to make the group sound better as a whole.

During the break behind the back curtain, the girls were offering each other playing suggestions for the next set, with the occasional bit of advice from Simon and Nick thrown in. Simon went out to my music stand and took my playing list off of it and came back behind the curtains, to help change it around with the help of Zoey and Maureen who both liked the fact that they had more of a say, with Robyn not being there.

The other girls went to their own places and got their playlists and bought them back behind the curtain and changed them before going back out and clipping them back onto their own places to look at them during our next set.

The noise out in the hall was now starting to intrude, as people's voices got louder as did their laughter when we finally headed back out on stage to play our second set. This set was meant to be slower and quieter so as not to disturb anyone from eating, sort of like background music.

Our first two songs didn't even get any sort of reaction, which may or may not have been planned for, but I suppose it must have proved something, although I have no bloody idea what it might have been, other than to show that people were too busy eating to be listening.

It did allow me however to play a couple of bum notes and probably get away with it, although Jane on the keyboards behind groaned just loud enough for me to hear, so my fellow band members hadn't. The set also allowed me to play several long instrumentals pieces while everyone was eating, which also allowed the others to do solo playing too. As the people started finishing eating, the crowd noise started to quieten down a bit, which seemed to raise the band's sound standard back up again.

By then a few of the braver souls and faster eaters, had gotten up and moved over to the cleared area infront of the stage and were dancing to our music while a few more had moved their table further over to nearer the stage as well and actually appeared to be listening to us.

It coincided with some of our more upbeat dance tempo songs and saw the few older brave souls that were dancing, stay out on the floor along with enticing a few of the younger ones to come onto the dance floor for a while.

After the finish of the song being played, Zoey whispered to everyone to the next song to play and telling me I was to solo it. I didn't get a chance to argue because Zoey quickly started playing the next song so forcing me to counter play over her guitar and sing.

It was a mouldy oldie Gordon Lightfoot song that had a slow beat to it and I found that the people out on the dance floor area started coming together and waltzing or else draping their arms over each other's shoulders and shuffling from side to side.

It was also a personal favourite of mine so I tried to do my best by giving my own particular slant on the tune both with my voice and my guitar playing. When I finished singing the people on the dance floor and some of the people sitting gave me an encouraging soft round of applause, so Zoey started playing the next song calling out to me to sing lead and she'd harmonize.

This was another favourite artist of mine, James Taylor, and it appeared from Jane's keyboard accompaniment that it was possibly one of hers as well and her efforts were really appreciated by me, since Zoey, wasn't doing any more than singing basic harmony, leaving me to my own devices. A few more couples came out onto the dance floor and we probably had about nine or ten couples now dancing to our music.

The end of our set saw us getting a warm round of applause from the couples on the floor as well as some from the tables including some loud whistling as we turned off our instruments or placed them on stands next to us and went back behind the back curtain to relax and have a soft drink.

I'd actually had to sing lead on four songs while Jane led one that usually Robyn sang, so it might be fair to say that we were both happily excited. I now had to experience my first "toilet break" with the girls and also discover my first "Ladies Toilet queue" experience as well. We got to mingle with the party goers and exchanged idle chit chat about clothes, the food being served, the warmth in the hall and so forth.

It was such a totally unique experience for me. I got to discover how much more solidarity there was between women, who were all waiting patiently in line, especially when it was discovered that the Ladies toilet tampon dispenser was broken, requiring embarrassed inquires among the women in there and how unselfish everyone was to their fellow women in distress.

It took about thirty minutes to get to "syphon the python" sitting down to do it when I did get the chance. But it was murder trying to hold on for so long, without having the luxury of using the men's toilet, which although it had a steady stream of people coming and going into it and out of it, didn't have any noticeable queues like the one outside (and inside) the ladies toilets had.

I made sure to make sure I stood in the middle of "The Band" members in the queue, so that I had the additional security of knowing that none of them would want me to be found out as being an imposter. I also got to hear the gossip about various girls and guys at school that could have been priceless to pass on, but Zoey had already warned me back at home about it, and only emphasised it more by her looks at me during some of the secrets revealed in the queue.

In Maureen's case, it was to discover that she was on her period, TMI, and that she'd had to give her boyfriend head instead of sex last night (eeww!) because she was having a heavy flow, DEFENITELY TMI. To her credit she actually blushed when she realised what she'd just said infront of me, telling me afterwards behind the curtain up on the stage, that she didn't see me as anything other than another teenage girl that evening, and didn't think about it when she was telling all the girls in the band, about her boyfriend's needs.

As we filtered back up to our table behind the stage, I also encountered my first instance of several band male "groupies" all wanting to talk to the girls. I'd experienced this enough as a male musician, but it was a totally new experience, to have "guys" ask me if I was free to go after we'd finished playing.

And it took a lot of quick talking from my fellow "girlfriends" to explain to them that I played for the "other team" so to speak, leaving the two guys lamenting on the fact they'd been asking the only "lesbian" in the band out for drinks.

After the two guys had slunk off to massage their own egos (in regret)? Zoey, Jane, Maureen, Roxy and Denice doubled over in hysterics and almost choking with laughter were unable to do anything other than to snort or start saying they might wet themselves, before laughing uproariously all over again.

Simon and Nick wanted to know what was so funny and I was worried that one of the girls would blurt out something, but they didn't. Eventually they all regained their sanity, well mostly anyhow, so when I started to tell Zoey she'd better not saying anything at home about this, it was enough to send the five of them off in another bout of hysterics while Simon and Nick just sat there bemused looking at all of us.

Eventually though, common sense returned and everyone started settle back down to plan for a final set of the night, which would start off with the cake presentation and the obligatory playing of happy birthday for the party goers to sing to the birthday boy of the evening.

Everyone except me also thought that hopefully we'd have more people up and dancing for the final set, while I simply didn't know and said nothing.

The main thing about the final set was the planning for me to play more several songs using Robyn's electric guitar, making the band seem less folk sounding. But choosing songs like "Substitute" by a female group called "Clout" didn't exactly thrill me, although ashamedly I knew both the music and the words. Zoey would sing the lead vocal though (thank god).

It was also decided to play two more instrumental songs with Robyn's guitar and hopefully adding a bit more kick to them. I'd be responsible for determining the pace of the music and the girls would just try and keep up and play in time!

A friend of Simon's turned up at the table and said he'd rigged the recording equipment(?) up for the final set and told Nick he'd go back downstairs at the console. Just as we were waiting for one of the birthday person's family to come back behind the stage and say everything was ready, Zoey stood up and looking behind me and said "Dad...what are you doing here?"

Dad came up behind me and said "can't I come and see one of my daughters and my favourite niece playing in the same band together? Don't worry though, we won't embarrass you Zoey."

"It's just that your mum and your sisters wanted to see how you two sounded and so did I. We'll just stand near the side door to listen for a few minutes, then I'm taking all of them to McDonalds for coffee and sundaes. We'll only stay and listen for five minutes and then be off, promise".

Zoey firmly told him, "Five minutes only dad and then I don't want to see any of you until I've dropped Carla off at her place and driven home. And no mobile phones filming us either," he was told which he smiled at and raised his hands above his head as if surrendering, before saying "bye Carla, hopefully we'll talk more some other time" and walked away.

Simon and Nick then got up to leave and get everything ready downstairs and after they'd gone, Roxy told Zoey she was pretty hard on our dad. Zoey told her about earlier on at home and that, if he was being as honest now as he seemed to be back then, he wouldn't have bought the family here to see how Craig went, would he?

Jane piped in and humorously asked "Craig? You're younger brother Zoey? Don't you mean Carla" and everyone bar Zoey and I laughed..."Zoey, none of us believed you when rang us all up and said you'd talk your brother into dressing up as a girl and play for us tonight" Jane told us. "And he's playing "Carla" to perfection and I'm sorry to have to tell you this Craig" turning to face me, "but you really do look great dressed as a girl. So great in fact" and here Jane started giggling "you've even had to beat of with a stick two guys asking you out and wanting to get into your panties" and she bent over double in laughter with everyone else bar me joining in.

"Well Jane, as least I'm WEARING underwear" I retorted back, to have her make a cat Meowing sound and moving her hand like a cat claw swiping at something, before coming round to my side of the table and hugging me, saying I was fantastic for doing this tonight and then giving me a kiss on my left cheek, as her way of saying she was sorry and only joking.

Moments after this, a guy came over and told us they were ready to present the cake and could we take our places and start to play. Zoey and the girls already knew what to do and after we went back out front and took our places, a quick drum roll by Roxy and Zoey asking where the birthday boy was, had some people standing up and shouting out where he was. The lights went out in the hall except for on stage and a birthday cake with lit candles was wheeled in then a short presentation was made and the band played Happy Birthday, yada yada, you get the idea.

Once that was over and done with we started our third and final set of the evening. I saw my parents and sisters looking on from just inside the side doorway and could see the excited grins and whispering among them, including even dad and mum. During our third song I also saw them leave and knew that Zoey saw it as well, as we turned to look at each other and smiled in relief.

With every new song, Nick was altering the overhead coloured lights to try to make us look bathed in differing colours. The dance floor was now hosting almost twenty couples dancing and the people sitting were singing to most of the songs we sung which were 70's and 80's songs mixed in with some 21st century stuff which seemed to be appreciated by everybody in the older age brackets.

In the middle of the set, Zoey was handed a list of song requests which she read but didn't bother saying anything to the rest of about as we continued playing the song list on my final card. As we finished the set The Band got a good round of applause, before Zoey announced to the party goers that they'd received a special request from the wife of the birthday boy to play a song that meant so much to them, and then she told the crowd that "Carla" would sing the song dedicating it to Mr and Mrs ***** and then thanking everyone for being a lovely audience.

She came over and showed all of us the song title and went back to her position and to play us in. The song was a real weepy and when I finished singing it, received a standing ovation. Zoey then said that we couldn't leave a party with a tender love song and started the intro of a favourite James Taylor song, which we both knew extremely well as did the girls.

It was a slow thumping rendition of "Up On A Roof" which a lot of people were either dancing to or singing at their tables. And as we slowed down the final last half verse the audience started applauding loudly and when we played the last note, all the girls stood up and bowed before turning off our instruments and heading off the stage, finished for the evening.

After the applause died away the crowd realised there was no encore, they started to begin moving around and mix while Simon had tuned the hall's speaker into a tape deck in the hall which started playing background music for those staying behind.

Behind the back curtain all the girls were hugging and cheek kissing one another, excited over how well the performance had gone down. Every one of the girls squeezed one of my breast forms and said "honk" and laughed, although they also all said I'd been fantastic helping them out and had actually lifted their usual standard, to make them see how good they might be with another musician as talented as me playing with them, which I genuinely appreciated.

Nick and Simon came back stage and suggested packing up and went back out onto the stage to start moving things out to Simon's van. After another twenty minute toilet break line up queue, the girls and I all came back up onto the stage and helped pack away the gear. Roxy's drum ensemble was the bulkiest thing to move and all of us ended up carrying a piece of it to the van where Simon was carefully stowing everything.

At about 11pm it was decided that everything was stowed and after a final look around to make sure nothing was left, everyone headed for their transport and drove off. Zoey and I were especially pumped up and Zoey had Simon's CD of our last set playing almost full blast in the car for the trip home.

She asked if I wanted to stop off for a drink somewhere and I told her I'd give it a pass and told her that once she dropped me off home, she could go and meet up with the others and I wouldn't be ticked off about it. I only wanted to get out of these female clothes, have a shower, something to eat and then maybe watch some TV before I'd crash into bed.

When we turned into our street Zoey turned back the volume and after she'd parked the car and we'd gotten our guitars off of the back seat, we both headed into the house. happy that everything had gone so well. All the family were up and waiting for us and I got a special welcome home from my other sisters as well as mum.

I was all for getting cleaned up and changed, but Stephanie pleaded with me to stay dressed as "Carla" as a thank you present for mum, who had apparently been praising me long and loud after they left the hall to go to McDonalds. Mum herself placed a plate of KFC nuggets infront of me and thanked me for helping Zoey out and told me I was officially ungrounded.

Two hours later mum was helping me get all the makeup off in the bathroom and I was now dressed in her bathrobe, entirely naked underneath except for the pair of satin panties I still had on. Once my makeup was finally off we both went into my bedroom and talked for a while, with mum asking me all sorts of questions and me answering honestly...

When she asked me to tell her truthfully how I felt wearing girl's clothes this evening, I was honest enough to tell her, the clothing was quite nice to wear, especially the stockings and underwear, adding that my legs still tingled. Mum smiled and told me she knew I was hooked as soon as she helped me on with the stockings over my shaved legs.

When she asked me if I had any regrets or problems about being "Carla" tonight, I smiled and told her "only that the boys who'd wanted to ask me out were way to ugly for my tastes", which had mum quietly chuckling and then asking me would I have said yes if they'd been good looking. I laughed telling her glibly "Gee mum, I don't know. Should I have asked dad? If was OK to go with them."

Mum asked me not to mention it to Zoey, but apparently Zoey had already asked mum when we got home, to speak to me about filling in for Robyn as "Carla" until she was well enough to perform again. Mum then told me, the group had a couple of engagements over the next month that Zoey wanted me to play in with The Band. Mum told me she was supposed to persuade me to be "Carla" again for it.

Mum smiled and told me to think about it tonight in bed and give her my answer tomorrow sometime. She also told me how proud she was of me for being such a good friend for my sister and her girlfriends tonight, and that as my mother she had a special surprise for me and that neither of us was ever to tell anyone else about.

She then reached under my pillow and lifted up a floor length satin nightie, that she told me she had never worn and that I was to put it on now, and then lock my bedroom door after she left, so that no one would barge in on me tomorrow morning and enjoy a special night's rest.

As I unashamedly took off her fluffy shower coat, mum also told me to shuck the panties, and after I did she asked me to give them to her so she could put them in the wash, then helped me put on the long white satin negligee.

My body actually trembled as the slinky fabric touched my skin putting it on, especially on my legs and the satin nightie felt absolutely wicked on me. Then mum smiled at me and said pleasant dreams "Carla" before kissing me good night and after again reminding me to lock the door after her, left me to go to sleep.

Note to readers ... I feel there's one more chapter I need to write about this storyline, so I've left it open for me to write it if I wanted to.

Next: Chapter 3

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