From Duck to Swan

By Craig Brown

Published on May 11, 2016


From Duck to Swan By Pepperpuppy

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AUTHOR'S WARNING:...The following story doesn't have one iota of sex in it at all...Now for the two readers still left to read this, ENJOY!

It's never easy living in a house where you're the only boy and have seven sisters living with you. The pressures are far too many to list but some of them include; having to do most of the heavy and dirty house chores, being made responsible for ensuring your sisters don't do stupid things, even though most of the time you're nowhere near them when they do and even if you were, you'd not be wanting to get involved incase friends found out about it and would give you `plenty of crap' about it later on.

Well I have the additional crosses to carry of being a guy with a slender body instead of stocky like my mum, I also had soft facial features which would have been appreciated among her friends if they met me, but worst of all I have a girlie like voice if I sing or shout out to someone.

For all those additional burdens I still manage to play contact sports safely (if not brilliantly) as well as being in the school choir, debating team and drama club. In fact if something needed participating in and was short-handed I often found myself putting up my hand to help out. Most of my friend's parents liked me too which often saw me being able to help a mate out when they were having difficulties with their `olds'.

For all my physical deformities at 16 years of age...namely being 5'5"tall, 52 kilos, fair haired, different coloured eyes (one blue and one green), no real chest to talk of, a pert bum that often had me embarrassed to own it and worst of all a slight voice impediment where I'd occasionally lisp a word that had the letter 'S' in it pronouncing it TH' such as "thit" instead of shit'.

Even with all this baggage I still actually knew and was friends with quite a few girls at my school and occasionally asked one of them out to the pictures or an amusement park, or even horse riding since one girl said she'd like me to take her riding one time.

Everyone knew I could also take a joke without getting nasty about it and generally I could usually get along with almost everyone so was universally accepted as being a good guy to have hanging around. I did get teased a bit about my sort of girlish looks but at the same time the girls liked me for just the same reason and I'd often be seen talking to several of them socially and therefore ensured my continuing membership among the macho `jock' set at school, even if I wasn't one myself.

My high school and parent's house were in the outer suburbs of the city and because of lousy public transport there, it was smart to have a few friends you could call in on living close to you and because of our remoteness so to speak everyone usually played a musical instrument or had a hobby to help pass the idle hours away. For my own sanity I played guitar but only had an acoustical one which again was seen as kind of lame and girlish, but all my friends and family admitted I could play it exceedingly well and music was one of my elected subjects at school too.

I was also a defacto member of several friend's folk and country music groups usually using my guitar playing skills to make their own simple chord strumming sound so much better while I also harmonised well but never wished to or wanted to sing solo in any of them. My friend's groups used to vie with other groups for the few local parties or free community amateur concerts spots to play at and believe me when I tell you that some of those `gigs' were L.A.M.E. in their talent selection.

Overall you could say I was just a normal 16 year old high school dork that played sports, was an A minus student, who played the guitar and had seven sisters to put up with. BUT at least I didn't have any facial zits or acne to mar my looks, which had its pluses and minuses for either argument as it turned out.

My problem and how this story came to be written started out from an entirely unexpected direction and completely out of the blue when one evening at the dinner table on Thursday, one of my sisters `Zoey' told the family dinner about how one of her group's musicians had been severely hurt in a car smash earlier that day and had left them short of a musician and singer for a show they had in two days at some fifty year olds birthday being held at a local hall in the next suburb.

Apparently Zoey and the other group members had already been ringing around to find some who could fill in on short notice, but according to Zoey most of them were pretty lame or worse still couldn't carry a tune in a bucket with two handles for safety. Mum suggested (infront of me) asking me since I could sing and Zoey knew I played the guitar well, but my sister brushed off the suggestion by saying there's was an all-girl group and so that of course ruled me right out before you could even start having an argument. I would have been the first to agree with her contention if I'd been asked for an opinion but I wasn't so who cares.

By the following evening dinner time Zoey was in such a worked up state over the inability of her and her band mates to find a replacement that she finally resorted to knocking on my bedroom door around ten o'clock and after asking if she could come I and did so before timidly asking me if I could help her out tomorrow evening.

I got on well with all of my sisters most of the time and so I said I'd help her out which she then went and told mum and dad about before ringing round her band members with the good news. But as soon as she told me thirty minutes later what she wanted me to do, I opted out straight away and nothing she could say or offer me was going to change my mind in the slightest.

We or should I say `she' argued with me for about ten more minutes and seeing an immovable object Zoey proceeded to go and talk with an unbiased moderator in my parents and several minutes later came in through my still open bedroom door followed by both my parents of whom dad was broadly smiling.

Without any fanfare mum immediately told me that I had to do it and explained why. After hearing her out (a golden rule in our house and woe befall any person ignoring it) I then gave my side of the story which Zoey seemed to have left out pertinent facts about and mum was now left piggy in the middle' of a he said she said' situation that would see one of us losing out and suffering because of it.

Dad finally bit the bullet and interrupted mum telling me I'd given my word to my sister and that was it pure and simple, therefore totalling ignoring my version of events in favour of Zoey's half-truths tale and I'd be looking at one month's grounding for not complying with Zoey's nefarious trickery.

I said to him I'd take the grounding and therefore leaving Zoey no better off than before, but dad must have seen through me thinking because he firmly decreed that I was going to do it, end of story, case closed, no appeal to a higher court, you're doing it, finis.

I did the only thing I could do and said Zoey was a lying little bitch and fuck everyone if they thought I was going to dress up as a girl just so her group could play tomorrow night. Mum's stinging slap on my left cheek only made my argument loss all the more painful as she said I was grounded for a month except for tomorrow night where I'd be playing either dressed as a girl or naked and it was up to me which, before walking out with Dad and Zoey following behind and Zoey closing the door after her.

I had the final say when I yelled out "fuck the lot of you" to a closed bedroom door and felt better for it but was now left to worry about how Zoey might make me look by late tomorrow afternoon.

The next morning when I came downstairs for breakfast still in a sullen mood, no one said anything to me at the breakfast table which was unusual in that our meal tables were always a constant stream of chatter normally.

Dad did his best to change the mood of the table but quickly found his questions being stone cold ignored by me each time until his patience ran out and he said I wasn't too old to be strapped and I was seconds away from it if I didn't wise up and start behaving civilly. He then told me to apologise to my mother for last night's bad language outburst and when he saw I was half tempted not too reminded me about not only the strapping but would I like to try for three months instead of one month grounding, which saw me reluctantly but sullenly apologise to mum who looked back at me like I was some sort of dead fish stinking up the place.

My younger twin sisters Jodie and Nicole who were only eight and generally harmless asked out loud what I was going to wear tonight and started making suggestions which even my direst look towards them couldn't shut them up. This started the table talk back up again with various sisters offering suggestions which mum finally nipped in the bud by reminding everyone that I was out of the goodness of my heart helping out Zoey and if any of them wanted to test her patience anymore about what type of clothes I'd look good in she had a strong right arm and a hair brush nearby to ensure nothing silly was going to be said from now on which dad reinforced it saying something similar straight after she did.

Mum then excused everyone from the table except for Zoey and me, adding that she'd put the breakfast plates in the washer and no one was to come into the kitchen until she said so. Dad sat still in his chair until she told him that he was included in that as well, so he got up with as much decorum as possible and scurried into the lounge room next door where he could hear everything about to be said, as was his right as head of the house... and also without being seen eves dropping.

Mum then began to patiently explain to me how I was to be cleaned and dressed for the evening letting me subtly know that she was going to do her best to make sure that Zoey and her friends were happy, as well as looking after my own now shattered ego. When she was finished she said we'd start at noon with a long hot bath for me to soak and relax in.

I went up to my room and read through the song list that Zoey had left for me on my bed and saw I already knew most of the songs off by heart having played them with Zoey often enough to help her practice. She'd gone and hand written small notes as to where I was supposed to harmonize in each song which had me deciding to tell her that I'd be singing damned softly because of my "just" deeper Alto Soprano voice and started singing the songs whisper quiet to get re-familiarized with some of them.

During the morning one of her group members came over and left several wigs for me to try on for tonight and Zoey knocked on my door to make me have to invite Chrissie in, who thanked me profusely for helping everyone out before leaving as quickly as she had arrived. I actually had a sort of half crush on her and normally would have tried to find some way to have her stay and talk, but not today.

The sound in my bedroom of the bath running told me my Calvary was nigh and shortly afterwards mum's voice asked me if I was ready through the closed bedroom door and told me to put on my swimmers so she could help me wash and shave my legs and armpits.

Two minutes or so later I opened my bedroom door and walked out towards the bathroom in my blue speedos and saw mum already waiting for me at the open bathroom door. As she followed me into the bathroom she simply told me to get in the bath and lie down up far as possible without drowning!

Once my body had acclimatised to the boiling hot lavender scented water she told me I could soak there for forty minutes to open my pores up and then she'd come in and help me shave. As she left she told me that none of the girls would disturb me so I needn't bother getting out of the bath to lock the door, before saying I should relax and enjoy the hot bath and left me alone to my steamy solitude.

I found after a while my body heat may have been causing the bath water to cool and I topped it up with more hot water while thinking why I never took long baths anymore because this one felt fantastic. A knock on the door and mum's voice saw her entering into a bathroom whose walls were now dripping in condensation and the bathroom mirror was entirely fogged over.

Mum then told me that she'd decided not to let me use a razor on my legs and provided my skin didn't react badly to defoliant cream she thought it would be safer if I used that instead. She then carefully tried out some on a small portion on my leg and left the cream on for five minutes before wiping it off with a damp face cloth which left the cloth covered in my leg hairs and a small patch of smooth bare skin just above my knee.

We then waited another ten minutes to see if my skin reacted badly before giving me the OK to apply the defoliating cream to my legs from my ankles to the bottom of my speedos as well as my arm pits and the few wisps of hair on my chest, before opening the window to allow the steam to escape and leaving the room so I could then sit on the closed toilet and wait.

After I put the cream on I had to simply wait until it started to heat up my skin or ten minutes had passed but before then mum was already back in the bathroom and watching me use the damp face cloth to wipe away the hair to reveal a pair of male nude legs. It was a simple but tedious job although mum told me if I'd use a razor it might have been quicker but with my quick hand and lack of patience I'd have probably torn my legs to shreds and this way was definitely far safer.

Once I'd finished my legs and armpits, mum gave my legs a careful perusal and only needed to use a razor to touch up one small area just behind my left knee before telling me to get in the shower and rinse my legs off and shampoo my hair and then when I was done, get out and shave my face as close as possible then apply some skin balm to stop my legs drying out and becoming itchy later on and then I'd be finished stage one!

The moment the shower water hit my hairless legs the exquisite feeling of it must have made me remark something or other because my mum said "now you know why women like having smooth legs" and laughed. She also said that it might be wise to wash myself down below and take my speedos off to do it and when I had finished she told me I was to put on a huge bathrobe she was now holding which I occasionally saw her wear around the house after having a bath or shower. Mum hung around for the entire process and joked with me about various embarrassing things that had occurred to her when she was young and in almost no time so it seemed I was finally putting on her bath robe.

Mum also doused me in scented talcum powder `everywhere' before I put on her robe and surprisingly I'd had no embarrassment at her seeing me naked at any time while I was luxuriating afterwards in the feel of her long soft and comfortable bathrobe before she led me into my parent's bedroom and closed the door for stage 2!

If there was something that I wasn't looking forward to, it had to be now because on walking into my parent's bedroom which I hadn't done in years I saw female clothes hanging up on several convenient spots around the room and knew they were for me to wear for the evening. Mum asked me to come and sit in front of the mirror where there was now dad's reclining office chair positioned waiting for me, so I did and then after draping a cloth over her bathrobe mum proceeded to start changing me into her eighth daughter.

I won't put you through all the detail of the next couple of hours except to say it was a unique experience hopefully never to be gone through ever again. However having written that, I have to say that mum was not only thorough she was also thoughtful about making me up. She started out by having me try all of the wigs left for me and after deciding on the best type for my face asked me for my opinion (which was useless) before she finally decided on how she would make me look.

At various times I heard all my sister's whispered voices behind the closed door discussing what mum was doing and often the whispering grew loud enough for me to recognise which sister was saying what. Mum usually just chuckled quietly to herself but occasionally she'd call out to remind anyone standing on the other side of the door that they weren't supposed to be standing there which then saw a deafening silence descend on the other side.

Zoey was probably the main offender and her voice was the one I usually heard quietly whispering to others to go away where as she was probably not going to move until she could see mum's creation before the rest of her sisters. Several times she knocked on the door asking if she could help and each time her mother called out `no'. She even tried the dodge of saying she'd bought up some lunch for us to eat so she could bring it inside the room but mum was wise to that and instead told me to walk into the ensuite for a minute and listen, went over to the door and opened it before thanking Zoey and closing it again with I found out a plate of sandwiches and drinks for both of us on the bed when she told me I could come back out and sit in the chair again.

We stopped for ten minutes and mum made me laugh at how she described my sister Zoey's desperate attempts to look into the room to see if she could find out how I looked now and even she giggled when she described the look of frustrated contempt on Zoey's face when she finally realise I must have been hiding in the ensuite.

Before mum had even offered me a sandwich to eat (and I was starving) she had to tell me to only take small mouse bites so as not to ruin my face and she had to keep continuously remind me about it until the food was all eaten. She also put a straw in my can of drink so that at least we both didn't have to worry about that.

At various times mum reclined the chair back fully to allow her to make me not sit up straight which she used to cover my eyes with pieces of fruit, explaining only that I should hold onto them if I thought they were going to slide off my eyes and onto my face or the floor. She explained why she needed to do it and I discovered that when she took off the pieces, my eyes and their surrounds `did' look much different than before.

I usually got to see my slow transformation except when my eyes were covered and didn't seem to notice much' difference after the initial covering of liquid foundation which certainly did make me look different'. But when mum finally said for me to hold my head still and close my eyes gently and not open them again until she said to, I felt her work around my eyes and lips with the chair again fully reclined that when she said I could open my eyes again and I sat up looked at myself that I didn't look anything like my old self but was looking at a girl's face looking directly at me.

Mum saw the look of shock on my face and laughed saying "You never thought you'd look so stunning did you Craig", and she quickly shouted at me to stop when she saw my hand moving towards my face out of reflex curiosity and knocked it away. She then explained that I wasn't to touch my face even lightly incase I smudged the makeup and then proceeded to slowly talk me through getting dressed.

First we did the underwear and that was another surprise I wasn't expecting. After carefully helping me off with the bathrobe she handed me a pair of shiny looking pair of lemon coloured panties which I proceeded to put on. As I pulled them up my legs I remarked on how different they felt and mum again reminded me of my now baby skin smooth legs. She then put my bra on for me before standing behind me and placing two slightly cool feeling jelly looking mounds skin coloured inside my bra on each side. I now also felt the obvious but slight weight of them on my shoulders although they weren't heavy.

Mum then took some photos of me I my underwear while promising me that none of my sisters would ever see any of them unless I ever wanted them to, but she would show them to my dad later on when I was at the hall so she could explain just what I`d had to go through. I knew my mother's word so simply shrugged and waited for what was next. That turned out to be a suspender belt which once it was on mum placed the two straps on each side inside my panties and out though my leg openings before stifling my question saying it would all make sense shortly.

She then opened up a cellophane bag and took out a pair of stockings before saying that no daughter of hers was ever going to miss out on enjoying the feel of expensive stockings on freshly shaved legs at least once in her life before slowly showing me how to put them on without snagging them. I had to sit down for part of the time to do this and the exquisite feel on my legs as she slowly rolled them up my legs had me thinking how lucky my sisters were at times.

I managed to get the front garters clipped to the stockings but mum had to do the back ones and when I stood up mum inquired if I needed to go to the toilet then she added that this way I only needed to pull my knickers down instead of having to undo my stockings as well. She also then told me that if I had to go to the toilet from now on I'd have to sit to do so because if any woman saw me standing behind a cubical door urinating I'd end up in jail as a pervert and she giggled at my now blushing red face as I realised what she meant.

Next was putting on the emerald green satin blouse which was Stephanie's who was my oldest sister and who was also the tallest at 5' 8". She'd volunteered her blouse because it was the most likely to fit me, which although slightly too big did seem to fit around the shoulders and underarms. The long black skirt came next and belonged to Anne although there were several others still left hanging up around the room.

This one though had a split in the front of it that would allow me to sit on a high chair and should still be able to allow me to show my legs off when it parted without showing off my underwear while I was playing the guitar. Several more photos then saw mum putting my wig on me and carefully pinning it to me through bobby pins so that it wouldn't end up moving. More photos.

In between each step mum was gently explaining to me things I needed to do if I was a girl instead of a boy including the cardinal rule of not going to the toilets by myself if I was with a group of girls and to say I needed to freshen up and never that I needed to go for a squirt!

Mum was actually enjoying all of this but was using her humour to help me try and relax and for the most part it was working although after she suggested I walk around for a moment to get use to everything, there was no way on earth I'd ever get over the feeling of my shirt brushing up against my stockings or the feel of make up on my face and I told her so.

Mum then let me in on a little secret not known to men, that while almost every teenage girl loved putting on makeup at first, they soon began to hate it especially in hot weather and hated the need to be constantly fixing it up when they were out somewhere, which made me ask he how I'd be able to fix myself up tonight and mum told me that was my sister Zoey's job to ensure that I looked good all night and chuckled.

Mum quietly said for me to shush for a moment and after I had, she asked me if I could hear anything outside and I had to tell her I couldn't and she told me that Zoey was probably getting changed now but she'd bet that at least two or more of my sisters were still listening outside the door and waving me over and out of sight crept up the door and opened it suddenly.

I then heard her say" well, well, what have we here, volunteers to vacuum the upstairs all lined up and waiting", before telling everyone to scram and they could see their new sister shortly and for Janice to go get her father to come up and see her.

The sounds of feet hurrying away had mum laughing loudly as she closed the door behind her and saying "four" meaning that four of my sisters had been hiding in the hallway trying to listen or catch a sneak peek. Mum then told me to sit on the bed and she helped me put on my shoes which were a black three inch open toed chunky heel style to help me walk easier and were actually a pair of mum's shoes for wearing to work.

She made me stand up and walk around in them to get use to the feeling of walking in heels and after a few minutes and some useful advice I found I could easily walk around in them without even wobbling. A knock on the door and dad's voice asking if we were decent had mum telling him to wait a moment and whispering for me to nip into the ensuite and she'd called me out in a moment so my father could see me, before calling out for dad asking if he was alone and on hearing he was told him he could come in and shut the door quickly.

Once he was inside I heard him say to mum "well, where is she hiding" and mum called out "Carla(?)" which must have meant me and I slowly walked back into the bedroom and stopped infront of my father. The look of absolute astonishment on his face will go with me to my grave as I saw him (as did mum) silently mouth "fuck me" and shake his head. Mum started laughing and saying "looks like you've got another headache now John" to have him suddenly laugh and say I looked the spitting image of Michelle, the next oldest of my sisters after Stephanie.

He said how did I sound and my mother's shock at realising she couldn't really say had her asking me if I wanted to say anything to my father. I turned to back to him and asked "Can I go out tonight pleath daddy?" in a girlie voice (damn that lisp) and smiled at him to have him and mum crack up in loud hysterical laughter that bought dad to weeping tears out of his eyes before he'd recovered his equilibrium.

A sudden knocking at the bedroom door and Zoey's excited voice calling out in an almost pleading tone if she could come in and see, had mum calling out while hurrying over and turning the door lock that `Carla' wasn't ready yet but that she was to get all her sisters and wait downstairs in the lounge room and that she and her father would introduce their new sister to them in about five minutes time.

A shuffling of feet along with curious cries of `Carla' between some of my sisters was all I heard fading away as they headed off downstairs. Dad looked at mum and curiously asked "Carla".

Mum merely said "John. My work my name." which had him simply chuckling and conceding to her the right to name me.

Mum then asked me to sit back down and put my lip gloss on showing me how to purse my lips on a tissue which then showed a clear mouth outline in pale frosted pink. A quick spot check and then after walking through a fine mist of perfume mum sprayed in the middle of the room, she asked if I was ready for my big unveiling and I nervously grinned back and said that I hope I won't be grounded after all of this and dad told me that I'd gotten a free `get out of grounding' card for the rest of the year while mum reminded me to talk gently and not try to raise my voice in any way and that way I'd pass perfectly as a girl which had dad saying to me that he agreed with my mother one hundred percent.

Dad unlocked the door and carefully opened out before seeing that no one was in the hallway before signalling for me and mum to follow him out into the hallway. The hard ceramic floor tiles felt entirely different to walk on after the bedroom carpet and I mentioned it to mum who told me that I should try walking on footpaths in a heels for a mile and see how it felt which made no sense at all other than I guess to imply floor tiles weren't that difficult.

When we came to the staircase dad walked down infront of us and I heard him call out "everyone back in the lounge room now so you mum can bring your sister Carla in and introduce her to you properly". Then mum guided me to the top step and helped me take the first downward step and somehow with mum's constant advice and nearby arm I managed to safely get downstairs without breaking my neck.

Once I was there mum quietly assured me that walking up was much easier but I should take my time and hand onto to any hand railings available for tonight. Dad then took my hand and placed it on his arm before leading me off towards the lounge room. Mums heels were loud enough to make sure I wouldn't have been able to simply sneak in. Mum took my other hand just before we turned into the lounge room and squeezing it gently called out "Girl's come meet your long lost sister Carla" as dad then led me into the room.

Mum and dad quickly moved out of the way but none of my sisters moved a muscle and were instead simply standing in shocked silence at my appearance. Mum was grinning like a Cheshire cat at all of her daughter's reactions and proudly said "Can your mother bake a cake or can't she?" which suddenly had me surrounded by seven excited squealing girls all trying to talk to me once.

Even Zoey admitted to her mother that she sure could bake as she smiled knowing that unless I or someone else said something stupid there was no way in heaven that anyone would know that Carla was actually Craig when I asked her "Well sith, do I path or not".

"Oh my god" my mother called out in fake astonishment, "My daughter's every man's and teenage boys wet dreams come true" and everyone broke up in laughter agreeing completely.

Is it worth another chapter or not? You've read it so you decide and email me if you think it's worth another chapter or not. – P.P.

Next: Chapter 2

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