From Dom to Bitch Boy

By Gay Man

Published on Jul 19, 2014


Disclaimer: This is a story of erotic fiction but based on a true story and meant for adult readers eighteen years old or older. All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

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From Dom to Bitch Boy: Part 2 By Thomas Sinclair

Note: This story is based on real life experiences as an exhibitionist involved with the sub/dom lifestyle. In this chapter every humiliating event that happens is true.

I make the cowardly choice sadly and march naked through the woods. The rocks and twigs hurt my feet. I feel like such a pervert right now and more naked than I have all night. What if I don't find him? In fact I'm not totally sure where I'm going.

I find a path and walk along it. It leads to fence and on the other side is a dimly lit residential street.

I keep walking until I find a break in the fence. I go through and peek my head out.

The road's empty. No sign of people but no sign of Rob.

I know where I'm at this point. I have to go about three blocks east and 2 north to get to the corner he told me about.

I grab my dick instinctively and tug on it. Then I start rubbing. Before I know it I'm hard and stroking. I really want to cum. But I force myself to stop. If I cum now I'm gonna be even more freaked out. The only thing that is keeping me going is the rush. My goal has to be to find Rob.

I step out from the trees and go on the sidewalk. The street is lined with parked cars. Houses are dark. I start walking covering my hard dick.

I get a few blocks. I cross the street then I hear a car coming. I run and duck behind a car. My heart is pounding out of my chest. But the car keeps going.

I get up. And Standing right there is a guy watching me. He's wearing shorts, a tee and sneakers. Has headphones on. He's a runner I guess on a night jog. He's mid 20's. About 5'6. Tight body. I can tell even under his sweaty clothes.

I look at him surprised.

Me "Hi. Sorry."

He jogged in place as he stares at me. Jogger "That's cool. You're hot. What are you doing? You an exhibitionist?"

Me "Thanks. Um, Yeah. I got a little carried away though. Friend dropped me off naked. Can I get something to wear. Anything would be cool. I'll bring it back tomorrow."

Jogger "I don't have much on me. I guess I can give you my shirt."

Me "That would be awesome. Thanks."

He peels off his sweaty shirt. He's so hot. Toned. Smooth.

Jogger "Let me blow you first."

Me "um."

I didn't know what to say. But he's so cute. I'm horny. I'm not thinking straight at this point. I kind of feel safe with the woods on one side and a car blocking me on the other.

Me "OK. Go into the woods?"

Jogger "No here."

He gets on his knees. The street is empty. He just puts my dick in his mouth and starts sucking. I get hard really fast.

I can't believe this night. I'm naked, no clothes with me at all and getting blown on the sidewalk by this hot stranger. I didn't want to cum so I didn't lose that rush but I didn't care at this point. I was getting close.

He pulls down his shorts and starts stroking his dick. It was so hot. I look down as my dick's in his mouth. The sound of his slurping and sucking is awesome. I look up and see the stars in the sky. What few I could actually see through the city lights.

Then suddenly I hear the sound of a helicopter far away.

My mind starts to think a bit. What if that's for us? In our city we often get hovering police helicopters looking for people.

Me "You hear that helicopter? You think it's for us?"

Jogger stops sucking for a second "No. It's fine"

He goes back to sucking. But the copter gets closer and closer. The jogger stops to listen. He's realizing maybe I was right.

Jogger "Shit."

Before we knew it, the copter was almost on top of us. It's a few blocks away and really loud. He puts his dick back in his shorts, puts on his headphones fast and starts running down the street with his tee in his hand. Jogger "Good luck."

Fuck!!!! What the hell?

Me "Your shirt." But he's gone.

Now I'm hard but quickly softening, naked and a police helicopter is moving right towards me.

I don't know what to do. I look around the area and in the driveway across the street there's an SUV parked. I run across and dive underneath. Dick facing the ground and ass up. I'm looking out to the street. I see the police spotlight hitting the road. The wind is blowing from the copter. The sound is overwhelming. It's loud and terrifying.

The helicopter lights are looking for me. The copter is right on top of me. It does a loop, flashing everywhere, the woods, all the houses nearby. I guess they don't know where I am.

Oh my god. How would I explain this?

I imagine all the neighbors are being woken up by this thing. Someone must have seen me as soon as I walked out from the trees and called the cops.

The copter hovers and searches. It does a circular loop as it keeps it's spotlight in the same area. I was so scared.

I just lay there scared they are gonna spot me. They're gonna order me out from under the car. I'll have to stand there naked with the light on me as everyone looks. But so far it's still looking.

What felt like an hour was probably like 10 minutes. It still hasn't found me. But now I can tell the copter's search pattern is expanding. It's moving a little further away. I start to calm down.

After a few more minutes it flies off. Thank god.

But I just stay put. There was no way I was coming from under that SUV. I had a feeling that wasn't the end of it. If I were the cops I'd send a patrol car. I look from my position under the car down the street and what do you know but I see a spotlight.

I knew it. It's the cops.

They slowly move down the block shining their light into the bushes and pass right by me. I actually see the guys face with the spotlight but thank god he didn't look under the SUV or he would have seen me easily.

They drive passed me then park 2 houses down. Dammit. Whoever saw me must live right there. Or maybe they saw me. But they just sit there.

I didn't wanna be seen so I slide from under the car and squat on the driveway on the drivers side. The cops are on the passenger side 2 houses down.

I contemplate crawling into the backyard of this house. Then I notice a motion sensor on the driveway. If I move any more, that thing is gonna go off and alert the cops. I pray a cat doesn't walk by and set it off.

I keep looking underneath the SUV to see what they were up to but they don't move. Maybe they see me and don't wanna deal with it. I imagine them debating "you get the naked guy no you get the naked guy."

Finally after about 5 more minutes the car drives off.


It's quiet again. Whoever called the cops might still be looking out their window. But I didn't care.

I take off down the road.

I can't believe I escaped that.

I have to find Rob. But now I'm worried Rob won't be where he said he would. It feels like an hour later but this probably lasted only 20 minutes or so.

I run my naked ass down the street and then slowly approach the corner. I see Rob's truck waiting for me. I get to the door and get in.

Rob "I didn't say you could get in."

I'm exhausted at this point but obediently get out. "I'm sorry."

I get out and stand next to the passenger window. He rolls it down.

Rob "I saw the copter. I figured it was for you."

Me "Yeah it was."

Rob "How'd you get away?"

Me "I hid under an SUV."

He laughs. "Classic. I want you to walk in front of the headlights and play with yourself. Don't cum though."

Me "What if someone sees?"

Rob "Don't question me."

I think about it a second. Me "Yes sir."

I'm so humiliated. But for some reason it still feels good. What's wrong with me? I'm a dom. I have sub boys sucking my cock all the time. I fuck little twinks like I own them.

But I walk, like a bitch, in front of the car and start to play with my dick. I make sure not to stroke too fast because at this point I really want to cum but Rob would be pissed. The question is why do I care?

After about a minute he honks the horn. I let go of my dick, it bounces around as I jump back "Get in" he yells.

I rush to the side and get in.

Rob "Enough fun. We got a party to go to."

I sit there quiet. Having no idea where we're headed. He drives about 15 minutes or so. We end up in a different part of town. It's sort of in the hills. Definitely a gay part of town.

He parks.

Rob "Get out."

I obey. I step out onto the street.

Rob "Hands on your head."

Not again. I do what he says. He seems to be getting more and more into ordering me around. Maybe because he's getting off on it. Maybe he just wants to see how much I will take.

Rob "Follow me."

I walk a few paces behind him. Hands on head. I look like a naked prisoner.

We walk down the block. I notice some guy walking his dog.

Rob "Keep your hands on your head boy."

I lower my head as the man approaches us. He's probably in his 30's. Handsome. Wearing shorts and a tee and flip flops. He obviously just came out to walk his dog before bed.

The dog is a mid sized dog. Looks friendly.

The man totally sees me. He doesn't seem to be that shocked or upset. He has a smirk on his face.

Man "What's going on?"

Rob "Just having fun with a buddy. Lost a bet sort of."

Man "wow. You guys are really daring. I used to streak a little in college."

As they talk, the dog walks to me and starts sniffing my crotch. The owner gives him a few pull backs on the leash but that doesn't stop the dog. I guess to him I look pretty natural. The dog's nose touches my dick. Oh my god. I start to get hard again.

The dog moves around to my butt and sticks his cold wet nose right there.

Man "Alan stop that." He pulls the dog back. "You're buddy kind of a pervert isn't he?" As I stand there naked hard from his dog sniffing me.

Rob "Yeah tell me about it. You wouldn't believe what he's done tonight."

Man "Like what?"

Rob "We gotta go. Feel free to give him a feel though."

The man reaches out and plays with my dick. He gets some precum on his thumb and rubs it on my head. But after a few strokes he stops.

Man "That's so hot. Hold on.

He takes out his cell and snaps a selfie with me and my lowered head.

Man "Well have a good night."

The man walks off. The dog looks back at me. I feel like he's thinking "why aren't you on a leash too?"

We walk up to Rob's friend's building. Wow. It's nice. It's also very well lit.

Rob presses the call box and his friend answers.

Rob "Tom it's me. I have him."

Tom "Put him in front of the camera."

Rob grab me and places me a few feet away. I look up and see a surveillance camera staring at me.

Tom "Holy shit man. Bring him the fuck up. I don't wanna get in trouble.

The door buzzes. We go in. Rob takes me up the stairs two flights to the third floor.

The whole time I still have my hands on my head. I'm hard. Dick flopping up and down.

We get off on the floor and walk down the hall. Rob knocks. The door opens. His friend Tom answers. Tom is Tall, scruffy beard, trim and muscular. Probably 27.

Tom smiles big. He grabs my dick and strokes it. Must be a natural reaction to grab a hard dick that's right in front of you. "That's fucking hot man. Get in here." He yanks on my cock and pills me in.

I walk in with Rob behind me. This is completely surreal. I'm naked walking into a strangers apartment. I hear voices too coming from down the hall. Sounds like a lot.

What am I walking into?

Tom yells out... "Hey guys the entertainment is here."

I walk in and there are about 6 guys hanging out. All dressed. All in their 20's and low 30's I would guess. All cute. All hot. Looks like they've spend the night out and are wiped and chilling.

I stare at each face wanting to make sure I don't know anyone. Thank God I don't.

A few of them take out their cell phones and snap pics of me. Great.

Rob gets comfortable grabbing a beer. The rest are drinking. I just stand there like a took with my hands on my head. My dick starts to shrink here. I'm just so nervous.

Tom "So what are we gonna do with this faggot?"

Rob "Whatever we want."

They all laugh.

One friend walks up to me and kisses me right on the lips. He shoves his tongue in my mouth. He grabs my ass and fingers my asshole. My dick gets hard very fast. He grabs it and strokes a few times. He puts both hands on my shoulder then shoves me to the ground on my knees.

Friend "Let's see how good he is."

He unbuttons his jeans, pulls down his briefs then takes out his huge cock. It's gotta be 7 inches soft. And thick.

Friend "Open up." I open my mouth and he shoves it in. I start sucking away in the middle of this room as the others watch.

The others are feeling themselves under their pants. A few are stroking their cocks. One is shooting video.

I suck that huge dick. I choke a bit. I'm not a natural cocksucker. I'm usually the one getting sucked off.

He force feeds me deep down my throat. I gag. He's rough. "Come on bitch suck that dick."

I open up wider. I suck for about 2 minutes and then he cums a huge stream of cum in my mouth. I swallow it all. He moans really loud. "Yeah. Fucking swallow bitch." Feels like it never ends. I keep sucking until he's empty.

Friend "Holy shit that was good."

He squeezes his dick, a small amount of cum drips out. He wipes it on my face.

Friend "Who's next?"

Tom "Wait guys. I don't want you making a mess in here like last time"

Tom walks out for a moment. I'm still kneeling not knowing what's gonna happen.

Another friend walks up to me and grabs my face.

Other friend "You know I think I know this guy. I've seen you on grindr. We chatted a few times. You're name is dom something."

He goes on his phone and signs into grindr. He looks over his messages.

Other friend "Holy shit guys. Here he is. domforbitch"

I look up embarrassed. "Yeah."

Other friend "That's hysterical. You're a dom? fucking classic. His profile says I'm a dominant guy. Prefer subs younger. Looking for fun, open to relationship. Be submissive and have face pic if you want some of this. Ask for pics."

One guy says "A fucking pussy dom."

The guys are all laughing and taking pics of me.

Rob "Hey. What's your password?"

I can't believe this. They're asking me my password. What am I doing here? I don't even have to be here. I can walk out any time. But something in my just gives in."

I sigh in a defeated breath... "bitchboy000"

Rob "Who doesn't have grindr on their phone?"

One of the friends offers his phone. They use his it to download the program then sign in under my name."

Finally Tom comes back out carrying a leash and collar. I sink a little more.

He attaches the collar to me and then the leash as Rob and the others are looking at my grindr account. This is so embarrassing.

They're all laughing their asses off. Rob reads out some of my conversations.

Rob "Hi, Hi, What are you looking for?, Need a sub boy to fuck, are you a sub bitch?, Yeah, Call me sir, yes sir. Come over now. Here's my address. That was good thank you sir. Can we do again? Are you there? Hello? Hello? Can we do it again? Sir?"

Friends "So you fucked the boy then ignored him. Nice."

The guys laugh. Friend "What a jerk." He slaps me in the head.

Rob "Some of his subs are online. Let's invite a few over."

Rob starts typing a message pretending he's me.

Tom "Come on boy."

He yanks on the leash. I get up on my feet.

Tom "No. On you hands and knees."

I walk like a dog and follow him to the balcony doors. He brings me outside and attaches the leash to the railing. I wanna know what they're doing on my account but I have no choice right now. Are they really gonna invite some of my subs over?

Tom "Whatever anyone wants to do to you are you gonna do. Do you understand?"

Me. Meekly. "Yes sir."

He leaves. I see them all on the phone, on my grindr account and they're all drinking and laughing and having an awesome time. I'm naked, sitting on the cold balcony floor like an idiot.

Rob leaves them in the living room and comes outside. He sits in the chair next to me drinking his beer looking out towards the city. Rob "Nice night out."

He undoes his pants and drops them to his knees. He grabs my head and shoves my face into his balls. Rob "Lick em."

I do what he wants. I lick his balls. Suck them. He smells really good. Musty but clean. I lick everything he has down there. Then he shoves his dick in my mouth. He gently puts his hand on my head and guides me.

Rob "Nice and gentle. That's a good boy."

I can hear the guys laughing in the living room as I please Rob.

What's gonna happen next?

To be continued...

Feel free to send comments to or see my naked in public photos of me and my friends at

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