From Dom to Bitch Boy

By Gay Man

Published on Jun 26, 2014


Disclaimer: This is a story of erotic fiction but based on a true story and meant for adult readers eighteen years old or older. All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

From Dom to Bitch Boy By Thomas Sinclair

My name is Dom and I live in an expensive city and to make ends meet I devised a clever way to save money. I have a one bedroom apartment and was living alone then one day decided I could make extra money by sleeping in the living-room and renting out the bedroom. Fully furnished.

So I start doing that and the rent I got for the room paid for most of the apartment itself. It worked out great.

I stayed in the living-room and eventually created a small corner with privacy screens.

I liked all my roommates. Some were gay some were straight they were all men though.

I'm gay and prefer living with gays but straight guys can be fun too. When I'm not home I'm at the gym or running. I'm in great shape, 32, moderately hairy, good sized penis. I'm a top and like younger guys especially submissive ones. I'm totally a dominant type of guy. So I'm called Dom the Dom by my friends.

My roommie Bill moved out and I needed to find another one. When this happens I tend to worry a little. What if I can't find someone? What if I pick the wrong guy? Etc.

I place an ad on craigslist and get a lot of replies. I usually find a cool guy quickly and I do again.

His name is Josh. It didn't hurt that he was cute. Dark hair, straight boy though. 26, totally lean, beard, tattoos and rode a motorcycle. A little rougher than I usually go with but seemed very nice.

He was staying for 2-3 months. I let roomies know if we get along and they need to stay longer they can.

Things were fine. We stayed out of each others way and he spent most of his time at work. He was a carpenter.

I had a few problems with him coming home drunk a few times and making too much noise. Since I sleep in the living-room that's a slight problem.

I also would go into his room now and then to grab something from the closet which had some of my stuff in it and check to see if windows were shut if it rained. Like that. And he freaked out on me a few times.

I started getting concerned but since he was only staying a short time and didn't want a scene, I let it go. My friends were surprised I let him get away with acting like that since they know me to stand up for myself and fight back. There was just something about him that made me nervous.

So I avoided going in the room even though I had innocent intentions. I guess he didn't know me so well so I understand.

Then one night I was in my corner and was looking at porn and masturbating. I had on headphones. My screen was open but I though he was already home asleep and he never comes out into the living-room.

Suddenly I see a small light coming from behind the screen. It's his cell phone light.

I look up and it turns out Josh wasn't home like I thought... he just got home. He was out and came home a little drunk.

Josh comes to the open screen seeing my computer light is on and sees me naked stroking myself. At first I covered up scared like most people would.

Me "oh my god man I'm sorry."

Josh "What the fuck are you doing? What the hell?"

He was really angry. I was surprised but he kind of gets a little like that when drunk.

Me "Sorry I thought you were asleep."

Josh "No man you close your fucking door for that. Get out here we have to talk."

Me "Hold on."

I reach for my shorts.

Josh "No. Like that. You like to be naked then stay like that."

I keep reaching for the shorts.

Josh yelling "Fuck man what did I say?. Let go of the fucking shorts and get out here right now."

I'm naked and still hard. I was softening up but him ordering me to come out actually got me a little harder.

I surprised myself by just meekly agreeing... "OK". I mean I'm never like that. I'm in control of everything in my life including the dudes I fuck, the roommates I have, even when I head out to hang with buddies I'm in charge. I make the plans.

But here I am naked and getting up and walking out. It's kind of dark. Just the light from the hallway of the building lights the room. The front door is still open and I'm immediately concerned someone will see in but it's like 1am. Then I find out he came home with a buddy of his.

I was stunned. "What?"

Josh "This is my friend Rob. Rob this is my stupid gay naked roommate who likes to jerk off in front of people."

I didn't know how to react. I actually remembered Rob from another time. He was gay. I thought he was cute. He's like 6 feet tall. Maybe 200 pounds. Late 20's. Has a nice build. Little extra fat on him but it jiggles in all the right spots.

I'm so embarrassed and kind of scared.

Rob just said "hi."

Josh then looks around and finds the light switch.

Josh "it's too dark in here."

The lights go on and I feel even more naked.

I just stand there like an idiot as Josh goes to the kitchen and takes out some beer. He tells his friend to sit down and they both end up sitting on the couch. I honestly didn't know what to do. I just stand there like an idiot.

I finally say "What's going on?"

Josh is like "I've been thinking... I pay most of the rest here. You don't do shit. This is really more my place than yours. You clearly don't have any respect for privacy so from now on since I'm paying the rent you are gonna be my slave boy... you're gonna clean, make me dinner, clean my room... and I don't want to see one stitch of clothing on you, Got it?

Me "That's ridiculous. This is getting out of hand... "

Josh "Shut up."

I stopped talking. I was covering my dick at that point.

He tells me "put your hand on your head."

His friend laughed.

He yells it louder.

"Fucking do it now."

I did it. I can't believe it but I did it. The rush IU got from taking someone's orders was amazing. I've never done it before. Now I know what those little faggots I fucked felt when I ordered them around. Then my dick got hard. Oh my god. I was so fucking embarrassed."

Josh "I knew it. Fucking fag."

Rob looked like he wanted to go. I was relieved. "Hey man I'm gonna get going. Tom wanted to hang out and I think I'm gonna go over there."

Josh "Yeah that's cool. Got a lot to do anyway. Tell you what, I don't wanna see this idiot right now so can you take him with you? Tom will love it."

I figured Rob would say no but he agreed pretty quickly.

Rob "Sure."

Josh "OK man but he's mine now so you have to treat him the way I want got it? You can do whatever you want with him. But 1 rule... he stays naked. And if he disobeys you at all give me a call. "

Rob "Yeah I got it. No problem."

Josh walked off to him room and shut the door leaving me naked in front of this near stranger who apparently was now my master or something. I didn't even know what to think.

Me "OK, we're not doing this right?"

Rob looks to me "No we are. We gotta. Josh is nice but a tough ass. Let's go."

He grabs my hard dick and drags me towards the door.

I finally speak up. "I can't go outside like this."

Rob "Sorry man but you're gonna have to. I parked on the street but it's just down the block. No one's out right now."

I'm in full view for anyone who might walk by. I can't be naked in my building. But Rob didn't seem to care but he also was really mellow about it like matter of fact.

Then he got a little loud. A little serious. Rob "Come on man. Now."

I start walking towards the open door and I can't believe it. It's like a weird dream. I feel like I'm floating the closer I get to the light in the hallway.

I realize my hands are still on my head so I lower them.

Rob "No, on your head man. Better to keep you in control"

I put them back on my head and walk out into the hallway. I look down the hall both ways to make sure we're alone. We are. He shuts the door and walks towards the elevator. We're on the 4th floor. I just follow like a fucking pussy. What the hell was wrong with me. I was really enjoying being ordered around. Being nude in my building was crazy and terrifying but I was rock hard still.

Rob "This is so hot. I never did this before."

He calls the elevator. It opens and no one is inside. He grabs my hard dick and walks me into the elevator and hits the button for the ground floor.

Me "What if someone is there? What do I say?"

Rob "say hi I guess."

We go from floor to floor. Each time I'm hoping we don't stop because it would mean someone is there. It doesn't. Then the door opens into the lobby.

Then HOLY SHIT... my neighbor Justin was standing right there clearly coming home from a night of drinking. He's not drunk but looks buzzed. I always had the hots for him. Oh my god I am so embarrassed. I drop my hands to my dick and cover up.

Justin looks up and sees me naked. The look on his face was just shock. Justin "Um... hey."

I say "hi" back...

Rob "Hands on head what did I say?"

I put my hands on my head again and my dick pops straight up pointing at Justin. This was surreal. I drop my head out of shame. Looking down and see precum dripping from my dick.

Rob to Justin "You know this guy?"

Justin "Yeah. What the hell's going on?"

Rob "He's a pussy right?"

Justin "Um... I don't know. Looks like it though." He laughs. To me "Can you get out of the way?"

I walk off the elevator and he goes on. Rob "Hey man if you wanna walk around naked I don't give a shit but you can't leave your fucking cum all over the elevator floor."

Rob sensing a good scene tells me "Pick it up man. With your tongue."

I speak up. "This is ridiculous. I can't."

Justin "If you don't I'm reporting you to management and you're getting thrown out of the building." He then takes out his cell and takes a picture of me naked in the lobby.

I can't believe it. I get down on my knees and lower my hands then lean in and lick the cum, my cum off the dirty elevator floor."

Rob "That's a good boy."

As I'm cleaning Rob talks with Justin.

Rob "You gay?" Justin "Ha, no. This is just fucking funny." He snaps more pics of me.

Rob then slides his hand down my crack and plays with my ass hole... oh my god it felt so good. I forgot where I was and what was happening.

I finished licking the cum off the floor then I stand up.

Justin "Now cover you dick till you get outside. I don't wanna see any of that tomorrow morning when I come out. Got it?"

I didn't answer but Ron snacks me against the head.

Rob he asked you a question."

Me "Um, ok. Yes sir." Wow I'm standing naked calling my neighbor sir in the lobby stark naked.

He pushes the button smiling and the doors shut.

Rob "OK let's go. You really seemed to enjoy that."

At this point I was so involved with what just happened I forgot we were headed outside.

He walks to the door opens it up "Once you get out there hands on head again."

I step through the door. I raise my hands. The night air was all over my body. I was tingling,. My head was spinning. I followed Rob down the steps and walkway to the sidewalk.

No one was on the street and I followed Rob down the street. I'm walking naked. The feel of the ground on my feet was surreal. It seemed like it lasted forever but it was just half the block.

We get to his truck, he clicks off the alarm and has me get in the passenger side.

Rob "Get in."

We drive for a few minutes then I notice he's pulling in to the 7-11.

Me "What are you doing?"

Rob "Don't worry naked boy, you're not getting out, mostly because I don't want you getting arrested, not yet anyway. I'm just gonna get some beer for the party."

Rob pulls in and gets out of the truck leaving me behind naked. The one thing going through my head is "party?"... am I headed for a a party naked?

Then I notice a group of kids hanging out in front of the 7-11. Four of them. All young, probably mid teens. All thin and cute. All boys.

One notices me sitting in the truck and I'm obviously without a shirt on. He walks up to the car and looks inside. He can see clearly I'm naked. I look down again.

Suddenly he yells... "hey guys this guy is fucking naked."

His friends all join him and are looking at me through the window. I'm just waiting for Rob to come out of the store.

Kid "Hey man what the fuck are you naked for? You a pervert or something?"

Me "I'm sorry. It's not my idea. I'll be gone in a second."

The kid reaches for the handle and tries to open the door. I panic and lock it fast.

Kid "Come on man. Come out here. If you like to be naked so much come outside." Him and his buddies are laughing.

Suddenly Rob comes storming out of the store. Rob "What the fuck you kids doing?"

Kid "Hey we just were talking to the pervert in your car. Just messing around."

Rob "What's your name?"

Kid "Tommy."

Rob "Tell you what Tommy. I'll buy you and your friends beer if you have a little fun with him. You can't touch him but humiliate him any way you can."

Kid "Deal."

Rob clicks the button on his car and unlocks the door. To me: "Get out now and do what they say. I'll be right back."

The kid opens the door. I can't believe this. What am I doing? I don't need to listen to any of these people but I keep doing it.

I step out. My foot hits the blacktop. Oh my God what am I doing? I actually go to this store sometimes.

I get out of the car totally naked and the kid shuts the door.

Kid "Come this way man." The kids and me all go to the side of the building where it's darker and off the main road.

All four end up surrounding me and looking at me like I'm some sort of freak show.

Kid to the other kids "What do we do with him?"

Other kid "I don't know. I've never been in charge of a naked guy before." They all laugh.

Me "can you guys just give me some clothes. I'll go home. I swear."

Kid "Then we don't get beer."

Other kid "I have an idea. Get on your knees bitch."

I realize they don't care. I do as he says. Kneeling on the pavement hurt but I did it.

He unzips his pants and takes his dick out.

Kid "What are you doing?"

Other kid to me "Open your mouth."

I obeyed. At this point I was so horny and the idea of sucking this kids dick in a parking lot was heaven even though I could be arrested any minute. My hormones took over.

His dick was pretty big. Thick. He had a plume of black pubes. He was soft then grabbed it and aimed it at me. He stuck it in my mouth flaccid. Holy shit I couldn't believe it. I start to suck.

Kid "Dude what the fuck are you doing? You gay?"

Then instead of him getting hard I feel my mouth filling up with liquid. The kid was peeing in my mouth. I pull back and the stream hits my face. All the kids laugh.

Other kid "Hey man open up. And swallow."

I kept my eyes shut but opened my mouth as he pissed right in it. I could hear the other kids laughing their asses off.

I didn't swallow. I just let it fill my mouth and pour all over me.

He stops. I open my eyes. The other kids have taken their dicks out too.

Open up man. This time you are really gonna swallow.

The three others starts spraying me with their piss. I open up and start swallowing some. I've never done this before.

One kid had his cell out and snapped pics of me drinking their piss.

Then I hear Rob's voice.

Rob "Hey"

The piss stops flowing. I open my eyes thinking Rob is gonna rescue me from this.

Rob "That's awesome kid. That's so fucking hot." Rob totally got off seeing me get pissed on but also seeing those kids dicks sticking out of their pants.

He hands them the beer.

Rob "But how the hell am I gonna get him in my car? I'm not letting him get in covered in piss"

Kid "That's your problem. Thanks."

The kids walk off laughing.

Rob to me "Stay here."

He walks back into the store. I'm waiting now naked, covered in piss, alone. Luckily no one has come by.

A minute later Rob comes out with a jug of water. He hands it to me.

Rob "Clean yourself off and lets go. They're waiting for us."

I pour the water over me completely and wash myself clean. Rob grabs a towel from his car and hands it to me when I'm done.

Rob "It's my cum towel for car hookups but it's fine for you."

I dry myself off.

Rob "Seeing those kids cocks out really turned me on. I need a blow job. Come with me."

He grabs me by the arm and takes me into the woods next to the parking lot.

There he drops his pants. He has a large hard dick. Gotta be 8 to 9 inches. "Suck and swallow my friend."

I get on my knees again and lean in and take his dick in my mouth. I normally love to suck dick and this was no exception. The thought of where I was going tonight, the humiliation and pictures didn't matter. Right now I just had to suck this mans dick and swallow his cum.

As I lay into him I stroke my hard dick but he doesn't like that. Rob "Stop. You're not getting off. Just me. Gotta keep you wanting more bitch."

I let go of my dick and keep pumping his cock.

It only took a few minutes then he came. It was a ton too. My mouth filled up and I swallowed. I was exhausted. So was he.

He squeezes his dick then flicks the cum leftover on me.

Rob "that was good. Come on."

He zips up and walks out of the woods and back to his car. I followed like the fucking bitch I now was.

We walk out and there's a cop car in the parking lot. Shit.

Rob turns to me "Go through the woods and meet me on Victory and Bender, I'll be there in a few minutes."

Rob walks off. I hide in the woods and watch him get in his car and drive off.

I felt abandoned. What do I do now? I could just go to the cops and tell them what happened but if they found out I had a teenagers dick in my mouth I'm fucked. I could follow Rob's orders and walk through the woods and walk onto a public street naked to get picked up. Or I can just somehow work my way back home and risk getting punished by my roomie for not obeying.

To be continued...

Feel free to send comments to or see my naked in public photos of me and my friends at

Next: Chapter 2

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