From Darkness Comes Light

By moc.loa@bnallaekiM

Published on Dec 11, 2015



From Darkness Comes Light (M/F, F/F, D/s, BD, Spanking, Humiliation, Toys, Consensual) by Raena_Kelly 2013 ============================================================================ Synopsis: Widow is left to the ownership of a sadistic couple. ============================================================================ From Darkness Comes Light Chapter 1 - Beloved ============================================================================ One year of planning, one day of more chaos she ever thought possible, and far, far too much money spent. She shouldn't worry - he didn't. "It was worth every penny to make your day special." Words she had heard repeatedly over the past year. "Now will you tell me? Please?" She leaned close, easing her hand between his thighs, moving up in search of his cock. She smiled, her eyes staring deep into his, hazing over as she felt the shape of his shaft and ran her fingers down in adoring caress of his balls. Her eyes closed slowly, softly. "Mmm... oh you feel so good." So delightful just to touch him. He took her hand in his and placed it on her lap. "Nope. As we agreed, the wedding was for you and up to you. The honeymoon is for me, and up to me. We'll be there soon." Their journey took a turn and she found herself lost in the exquisiteness of unfamiliar back roads rolling with lush, green grass intermittently adorned with majestic trees and wild flowers bursting vibrantly with every color of the rainbow. Her curiosity piqued as he slowed and eased off the road, parking in the midst of what seemed endless miles of road before her. He smiled and patted her knee. "No questions." She was okay with that. At this point she realized there was no point in asking. He was a man who held to his path once determined. She was laid back and tended to just follow along with his plans. On the few occasions she hesitated he was always unyielding and when the matter played out she was always able to see the wisdom, or find pleasure, in his choices. She checked her make up and caught a glimpse of him fishing through his suitcase. Whatever he needed from his suitcase was likely part of his secret plan. She smiled shyly as he settled behind the steering wheel, clutching a shiny black box with a gold bow. He put his arm around the back of her seat and looked at her, gazing with intense seriousness and affection that she had never seen before. "Do you trust me?" he suddenly asked. She beamed and smiled ear to ear. "Of course I do. I married you didn't I?" Huh, she thought. What a strange, wicked little grin he has. "Yes you did. I want you to, I need you to, show me that trust the entire time we are on our honeymoon by doing whatever I ask you to do?. As a slave would a Master, to that depth?. Will you do that for me? Will you give yourself to me in complete surrender and trust, as a gift to me for our honeymoon?" What a tantalizing side of him; what a strange mix of peace and anxiety within her; what a good feeling between her legs. She felt his request was strongly motivated, something he deeply wanted and, perhaps, even needed. Her 'to the moon' reply to him when he asked how much she loved him was not an exaggeration. He was unlike any man she had ever known. She was not well experienced in matters of sex, but she also was not naïve. She did not believe in keeping secrets but she never could bring herself to confess to having watched a few porn movies. She found his request arousing and he chuckled a bit as she struggled to speak through the quivering and breathlessness that overcame her. She sat frozen, gazing for with deliberate seriousness and affection that she had never felt before. Words that had never crossed her lips in any conversation with him suddenly flowed eloquently, tenderly, gracing the softest of smiles. "Yes Sir, with pleasure." He smiled and, beaming as one who had just acquired a great prize, drew her close and held her tight. Her heart fluttered as that of a little girl and she giggled delightfully as he nuzzled her with sweet, gentle Eskimo kisses. His hand moved from the back of her neck and embraced her throat, squeezing slightly. His aggressive demeanor sparked desire and her legs slowly opened to the growing embers of warm sensuality. Just as she closed her eyes and allowed her head to drift backward, yielding to his touch and allowing herself to enjoy the feelings running through her body, she caught a glimpse of his free hand opening the box. Cool, smooth metal replaced his hand and she ran her hand along his in curiosity. As he locked the stainless steel collar on to her neck, the feel of the steel evoked a ripple of orgasms. She stared deep into his eyes, feeling weak and conquered. As she settled from her orgasm, she started to speak but he forced her mouth open and filled it with a soft, spongy ball gag to silence her. She grabbed and pulled at his hands but she was no match for his strength or resolve and he soon prevailed in locking the gag in place. As effortlessly as he gagged her, he took hold of one wrist, locking a steel cuff in place and, taking hold of her second wrist, did the same. A chain connecting the two cuffs ran behind her back allowing her arms to rest comfortable comfortably at her side but preventing her from moving further forward. A wave of anxiety swept over her, disabling all ability to think rationally. She was helpless to resist his will and the fear that gripped her was evident in her rapid breathing. Who the hell was this man? "Do you want me to release you?" She had no idea [of] what she wanted. She was fearful, but not afraid; in a state of turmoil, but engulfed in serenity and really liking that damn good feeling building between her legs. He looked deeper into her eyes. "Do you want me to keep going and fulfill my honeymoon fantasy? Are you comfortable with this?" His questions bought comfort and made her feel safe. She recognized him again, leaned back, closed her eyes and took slow, deep, relaxing breaths. She did not mean to ignore him. She just found herself weak and speechless. He reached around her, reclined her seat and stroked her hair. She felt cared for and moaned softly in response to the feelings now freed through her submission. He put the car in drive and eased back on to the road. "I'll take those moans as a yes." Although not ordered to do so, she closed her eyes for the rest of their drive. The mystery of their destination fueled her excitement and she felt vibrations from the engine she had never noticed before. Reaching their destination heightened her senses more, escalating her imagination and evoking decadent fantasies of what wicked sensual delights he might subject her to. She quivered with anticipation, moaning and clutching the cloth seat as he opened the door and attached a stainless steel leash. "Come on," he commanded light-heartedly, slightly tugging the leash. The slight tugging of the leash induced rippled waves of pleasure that captured her breath. She gasped, taking in a sudden deep breath as she tried to stand. Everything seemed a haze yet remarkable vivid. The sensations were overwhelming; her trembling legs refused to hold her and she melted to the ground. He knelt next to her, running his fingers through her hair and stroking her face. She could not recall a time of more gentle touches. Her desire for him was so strong that she could no longer resist the compelling urge to roll on to her back and spread her legs. She lay gazing into the eyes of a man who had transcended from being wonderful to being earth shattering, amazingly wonderful. Every inch of her being was consumed with a want that weakened her. She could not move. She lay there, moaning through quickened breath, her breasts falling and rising to him. Moments spent gazing into the eyes of the other seemed to suspend time in a place where they were lost in their own surreal world where nothing but their love and passion existed. "We are at a BDSM hotel," his soft but deep tone wet her more. "They cater to Masters. Slaves are expected to behave appropriately. You will keep your eyes down at all times and may only raise them to look at me. You will not speak when we are in public unless I have spoken to you and a response is necessary or I give you permission to speak. You will do everything I tell you to do, everything I ask you to do, promptly and respectfully. You will faithfully follow behind me at all times. When we walk through the front door of this hotel, my name changes to Master and your name changes to slave. You will address me using Master or Sir. You will address other Masters as Sir or Ma'am. Understood?" She nodded. "Agreed?" Another nod. "Good girl." He tousled her hair tenderly, pulled her to her feet, brushed her off, and led her into the front door of the hotel. She did not dare raise her eyes, but clear in her view was a girl behind the desk who was a slave as well. Her neck bore a collar with delicate chains that looped under her exposed breasts and joined clamps that squeezed and elongated her nipples. "Welcome Sir. Will your slave be staying in your room with you or would you like to have her kenneled?" Master stroked his slave. She wanted to look up at him and smile. She wanted to tell him how wet she was and how much she wanted him to fuck her right then and there; but she dared not. "Are there any nice restaurants near?" "Yes, Sir. Emond's is just down the road and is popular with our guests." "Sounds good. I will be dining there and would like her kenneled while I am away and then brought to my room at seven. I should return shortly there after." She choked back a whimper as her stomach rumbled. "Very well Sir. And, once in your room should she be kenneled, chained, or allowed to roam?" "Chained." "And would Sir like to take her to the house kennel or shall an attendant taker take her?" "The attendant may take her. I am sure the kennels are satisfactory and I am hungry." He removed her restraints and gag. "I have no doubt she'll behave just fine." "Very good Sir. You may leave your bags if you wish. One of our house slaves will put them in your room." Her Master handed her leash to the approaching attendant. "Excellent." She fought the tears. She had agreed to this. But he just walked away like she was nothing and left her to follow a stranger. In obedient silence she entered a five by five foot cage and allowed the attendant to lock her in. Tears trickled down her face as she huddled on the pillow. She was hungry. She felt abandoned. She felt humiliated. Overreaching all was that damn good feeling building still, and becoming stronger, between her wet legs. The jingling of keys came closer, the steel door opened and a hand reached under her chin, attaching a familiar chain. She stood at the tugging of her leash and followed the attendant, eyes down, through a hall of rooms, passing a slave or two who were - as she - collared, leashed, and lead by another. She took a deep breath of the fresh, cool air, feeling hopeful that her Master's return, and the appeasing of her demanding, aching stomach, was imminent. A tug on her leash directed her to the floor. The attendant attached the free end of the leash to the bedpost and left the room without a word. Within minutes she heard the turning of the door knob and her Master's feet appeared before her. He stood for a moment. Save for the slight trembling, she did not move. "Strip." He spoke as if he speaking to a slave, devoid of emotion, the tone and demeanor of which generated excitement that made her heart skip a beat and her cunt throb. Many nights she stood naked before him free from chains, never having felt as sensual as she felt at this moment. Pronounced, rapid breathing eliminated any pretense of her not enjoying this moment, this request, as she removed each article of clothing. If he had but touched her, she would have been in heaven. But he spoke not a word. He did not bid her to look at him nor did he reach for her. Anger began to overcome excitement and she feared she would begin to cry and spoil his fantasy if he continued his indifference. Hours; it had been hours since she had seen his face. She lost her battle as a tear trickled down her cheek. He was not moved from his game. He placed a plate on the floor before her and dumped the scraps from his meal on the plate then sat on the bed a few strides from her as he unlaced his shoes. She could bear it no more. She raised her head in sobbing, disbelieving response. "Doggie bag? You bring me a doggie bag?" She didn't see his hand cross his chest. She didn't see his steps across the floor. She only saw him come off the bed and lunge toward her. She didn't even feel the blow but she was certain that her stinging cheek bore the mark of a slap. Drinking her tears, soft fibers of plush carpeting brought comfort to her burning cheek. Absent of any hint of mercy or compromising, he seized a mass of her long, silky hair and forced her to her knees. Her eyes searched his, desperately seeking some glimpse of the kind, loving man who had brought her here. "Did I give you permission to speak slave?" His emphatic tone stirred her again and silenced her grumbling stomach. Quickly lowering her eyes, drawing deep breaths to quiet her tears and succumb to his authority, she managed a weak, quivering response. "No Master." He showed no measure of sympathy. "Do you want me to take the food I so thoughtfully brought for you and throw it away leaving you to go hungry?" "No Master." Words came a little easier as the tears dried from her cheeks. The strong hand that held her gaze to his eyes directed her gaze to his feet. Remorse overwhelmed her and shame rendered the release of new tears. "Then show your Master some gratitude." Her mind, always brimming with thought and idea was now empty. All she could feel was emptiness, darkness, and that damn good feeling fully realized and manifested by warm, silky juices unceasingly oozing from her pussy and wetting the plush carpet beneath her knees. She kissed and licked his feet as if they were the most savory delight she had ever tasted. "Thank your Master for thinking of his slave and offering her scrapes from his table." "Thank you Master for thinking of your slave and offering her scrapes from Master's table." The stirring and want again quieted her tears. Large hands warmly embraced her milky throat, brought her to her feet and forced her on the bed, face down, bent at the hip. "You'll have to wait a little longer to eat. Master's aroused now and that requires that you take care of his needs." She lay quietly, the ability to speak lost to heavy, irregular breaths in anticipation mingled with uncertainty and want of what she feared and hoped he would, what he had toyed with but never fully done. Her labored breathing escalated as he generously applied the lubricant. "This is not a fantasy." His voice was firm and commanding, but soft and soothing. "This is who I am. This is the life I want. I need you to shake your head if you want me to stop. Shake your head and I will stop. Nod your head if you like the woman, the slave, you have discovered within yourself and want for this life as well. Nod your head, and I will continue and this will be our life. Shake your head and I WILL stop. The choice is yours." She felt neither doubt nor hesitation despite the pain she was certain she would soon feel. She knew what she wanted. And she knew that which she wanted was what she needed. [and] She felt grateful for who he was and what he demanded. She nodded, taking deep breaths as he eased his cock into her pink, warm ass. Pain that immediately came faded just as readily as burning desire began to build again. Soft moans escaped her lips[,]. [one] One hand clutched the sheets as the other slipped between her legs. A hunger she had never felt drove her to rock back and forth to match his thrusting as she caressed her swollen little clit. Her only need was to feel his cock throb and fill her ass with his cum. The only thing she wanted was to beg him to do so, but the only words she found herself capable of uttering was a repeat 'please..... please..... please.' With one last thrust he was deep into her, bent over and holding her tight as his moans filled her ears and hot cum filled her ass. Burying her head into the soft folds of the sheets she muffled the screaming moans that belted out from deep within her as her cum mingled with his. There was perfect peace and joy within her. If there was such a thing as a perfect world, she was sure she had found it within his arms.

From Darkness Comes Light Chapter 2 - Abyss ============================================================================ She closed her eyes in sweet retreat from the reality before her. The tears did not flow as heavily as they had a few months before today. It did not seem so long ago that she was a little girl in a room filled with story books of kings, queens, and princesses and living happily ever after. Contrast was all around her, reflecting the result of truth separated from lies and a heart aching from the void that remained from dreams that were painfully stripped from her. The fairy tale that began with a honeymoon fantasy at a quaint hotel hidden away, yet in plain sight to those whose proclivities directed their feet to its path, was now nothing more than shards of shattered stained glass. A new path lay before her, one that would take her from the home she had shared with him, one that was moments away. A new journey; a new abyss. She quickly surveyed the room to make sure she had not missed anything. A few boxes, just a few boxes, packed and ready to go, was all that remained of ten years of a marriage, ten years of a story shared with a man like no other she had ever known and would likely know. A life with a man some women only dream of. A year of that life had been spent facing the inevitable reality that comes with the diagnosis of a terminal illness. A year that passed far too quickly. Left to her, she would still have him, suffering and all. But, such was selfish on her part and she quickly pushed the thought out of her mind. For his sake, time flying was a blessing. But for her, living in the reality of his passing had reduced her fairytale life to a few boxes of memories leaving her empty and lonely. Remnants of her shattered life seem to peer out at her, longing for one last visit within familiar surroundings. As she pulled a photo album from one of the boxes, she felt a great heaviness in her heart that was laced with the strength of love. She hated having her picture taken. She did not think herself photogenic and she had more than her share of having to stand for picture, after picture and endure pose after pose taken from different angles as a child. Now, flipping through page after page of pictures featuring the multiplicity of poses painstakingly assembled by her shutterbug mother and then flipping through the significantly memory-deficient albums she had haphazardly created in memory of the greatest love of her life, she wished she could have been more like her mother. Funny, she thought, how we long for the things we once detested. Funny how memories can fade... wonderful times, extraordinary events one thinks shall never be forgotten. She wondered if she would forget him so easily. Each day her memories of him lessened. Her fingers flowed over each and every picture of him wishing and longing for one more embrace; one more kiss. She smiled; one more spanking. "Birth is a terminal condition; we are all dying. It is best to accept that and celebrate each day we are given." His words were always those of a realist. Warmth and comfort enveloped her; she could hear his voice. She flipped to the back of the photo album and opened the letter that had been so gingerly cared for. Their relationship had been a unique one, quite different from most. Theirs was a journey of a chattel marriage holding to values of days long past. They were fish out of water. Yet, of all the couples she knew, she did not know of any who knew the depth of love and devotion she and her late master had known. Now, ten years blissfully spent with her husband and master seemed as much an eternity as it seemed to be a blink of the eye. She treasured each moment of pleasure and even each moment of the punishments she had experienced from time to time. He was hard on occasion, both in play and in punishment, but never as hard as she longed for him to be at times. She never found the words to tell him... to ask for more... to go deeper and delve into the darkest corners of her deviant mind. Most days she thought herself insane. What intelligent, reasonably sound-of-mind woman would long to stand in a dreary dungeon with her arms chained and stretched above her while the man she loved lashed her with a whip until she was screaming from pain and ecstasy, begging for mercy and begging to cum? If that was not a portrait of insanity, what was? Her eyes fell to the paper, his words, his last thoughts to her, and his last request. Tears streamed down, burning her cheeks as she read. "My dearest love and most treasured pet, it saddens me, that as your castles fall and your dreams fade, I will not be there to hold you tight and keep you safe. It saddens me to leave you alone. Thus, I have spoken at length with a couple regarding your care, as I know my days are coming to a close. They are agreed to take you in as their slave and will provide for your needs. This is my comfort in these last days, knowing that after I am gone, you will not be alone. It is my wish that you surrender your new-found freedom, agree to their complete ownership, and yield yourself obedient to their every wish and command. If you agree, your life will be different from what it has been and what it is now. Rest assured that I make this request of you being well aware of the differences. They will allow you six months of grieving and then will expect your decision. It is my hope, and would please me greatly if you obey my request and accept their ownership." The thought seemed ludicrous at first impulse, but she could not discard the loving and caring motive behind his last wishes. Still, it was not a decision she had made lightly. Her years with him had taught her the value of thinking things through and not acting on emotional inclinations. And, the man of her late master's choosing had required a slow transition with bi-monthly meetings spread over six months time to allow her, him, and his wife to become comfortable with one another and to allow her time to heal and mourn the loss of her late master. Their first meeting left her reassured that she was making the right decision and all other meetings left her elated and hopeful for a happy future, perhaps even, a second chapter, rather than the end, in her perfect, storybook fairytale. The thought of journeying through life on her own without the guidance, protection, and discipline of a master, regardless of her ability to do so, was as close to unbearable as she could possible imagine. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. They were a charming couple, seemingly well suited for one another, warm and very congenial. Master, as she would now call him, seemed much like her late master, intelligent, grounded in reality, and a strong leader consumed with self-confidence and no hint of instability or arrogance. His wife, Sharon, was the most graceful, elegant woman she had ever met. A woman who was as kind as she was beautiful - a seemingly gentle lady possessing great strength. She found herself greatly aroused around her and had succumb to many delectable fantasies of being made to submit to her, forced to adore her, to caress every inch of her, suck her nipples, and lick her cunt, lapping up her ambrosial juices. Such taboo thoughts, while so strongly arousing to the point of bringing her to climax, could never be acted upon and she struggled constantly to control and subdue them. Her new Master graciously loaded her belongings into his van while she and his wife chatted like best friends who had known each other for a lifetime. Having placed the last box into the van, Master approached and, to her delighted surprise, placed a collar on her neck. She took a long, deep breath; the smell of leather was intoxicating. The feminine charm of the pink rhinestones was almost nullified by the cold chain held by rugged hands. An attached metal tag inscribed with the words "Mesu Inu" hung from the center D-ring. Master held the tag in his hands. "Your new name. It means female dog. Bitch for our purposes." Mesu glanced quickly at Master's wife. The feeling of having butterflies in her stomach swarmed over her as Mesu noticed that Sharon's eyes twinkled with a laughter that almost seemed cruel. Sharon softly tucked Mesu's hair behind her ear, easing her anxiety. "Ready?" Sharon asked softly in the sweetest voice. Mesu wanted to kiss Sharon and feel her warm, soft tongue mingling with her own, but she pushed the thought out of her mind, smiled and simply nodded. Master walked in front of Mesu and, with chain in hand, led her as if she were a dog. Stopping at the back of the van, Master raised the hatch and she saw a pallet behind the second seat that had been prepared for her. It was a daunting sight, but not so daunting as to override the clamoring of her wet pussy and urge to crawl before the commanding presence at the end of her collar and chain. "Hop in." Master ordered as he gave the leash a sharp tug. As Mesu settled in, Sharon pulled a ball gag from her purse. The very sight of the gag sparked arousal within her. Mesu could no longer deny the compelling need to lay on her back and spread her legs in submission to this woman she now understood would be her Mistress, not her sister slave. Even if Mesu was inclined to resist the feelings she felt for Sharon and her desire to submit to her, the couple had made it very clear in previous meetings that she was not permitted to hide her feelings. Secrets, and far worse, hidden desires, held the promise of harsh consequences if discovered. Whimpers of shame and humiliation filled her every breath as Mesu felt her clit swell and her cunt warmed by flowing juice between her legs. Mesu's Mistress handed the gag to her husband, shaking her head. "It's wearing panties." Mistress's tone expressed great disappointment, throwing her hands into the air and glancing in disgust at her husband. It? The word hit a nerve within Mesu and again provoked thoughts of reservation regarding her decision. The thought evaporated as the offensive garment was efficiently removed with the aid of a small pocket knife pulled from Mistress's purse and Mesu's cunt suddenly surged with a gush of sticky liquid. "Unbelievable!" Again, Mistress threw up her hands and looked at her husband with a disgusted expression. "It's not shaved." Mesu felt sick to her stomach. Her breathing quickened to short panic breaths as she bit down on the ball in her mouth. She began to tremble and her erratic breathing expressed her fear of certain punishment and complete humiliation for the arousal consuming her body. "Sharon," her husband spoke softly, "It has not been trained to the level of surrender we require. But, It will. Be patient." Mistress gazed upon her husband. Her eyes softened and a gentle smile brightened her face. For a moment, Mesu was no longer afraid of her. "Yes Master." Master? MASTER! She was a slave to a slave? The humiliation sent climatic bolts penetrating deeply into her pussy and brought her body to uncontrollable quaking from head to toe, helpless to the overpowering orgasm. Mistress's glare bore down upon her. "What a fucking slut. More disbelief in Mistress's tone. Mesu felt Master's powerful hands gentle stroking her hair. Feeling a bit redeemed from her shame, she opened her eyes, gazing upon Master's smiling face. "Training starts now." His voice was soft and tender. "The gag is to make sure it is understood that, from this point on, what you want, what you desire, no longer matter. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to speak. Is that clear?" Mesu nodded. "Good girl." His praise warmed her heart and brought a feeling of proud elation to her soul. Mesu did not find too many other words within the English language to be so delightful and alluring. The hatch slammed shut, the engine turned over, and Mesu was off to her new home. This long-awaited moment, with its anticipation of joy and bliss, was now a very present mix of contentment, apprehension, and sorrow. She could not help but to sob quietly, thinking of her late master and the increasing distance generated with the passing of each mile. A distance that no doubt was inevitable and a truth that was best accepted and moved beyond. He would expect as much and so she would do. She had never been of the mind or heart to disappoint him.

From Darkness Comes Light Chapter 3 - Mountains ============================================================================ She had been looking forward to the moment when she would again live within the comforts and pleasures of belonging and being owned. The absence of a master, of the deep intimacy that only a master and his slave can begin to understand, left a void within her that ached to be filled. This day should have been a wonderful day, second only to her honeymoon years ago. To some degree, such was not the case. The picture being laid out before her was not at all what she had imagined. Each time she met with Mistress and Master, they shared a little more of each other's experiences, thoughts, dreams, fears, desires, and limits - both hard and soft - and expectations. Like pieces of a puzzle, she put each fragment together and created an idyllic vision of what life would be like serving this lovely couple. It was a vision vibrant with love, affection, mutual respect, and romance. These were the pieces she saw as they stole moments away from reality to get to know each other. Her puzzle, this beautiful tapestry of a new life she had envisioned, now crumbled before her, fading away as dust being swept away by the wind. And yet, to a greater degree, she found that her disappointment fell weakly away, crushed beneath the inexplicable delight of increasing and unrelenting yearning for the mystery that every stop and turn of her mobile prison evoked within her imagination. Her arousal was as raw and delectable as Steak Tartar, the taste of which began to fade as the van came to a final stop. The opening and closing of car doors followed by the distant sound of footsteps becoming less distant and the slow ascent of the hatch door solidified the ending of one life and the beginning of another. In appearance and demeanor, Master was a formidable man, yet she felt a sense of warmth and comfort in his presence. But Mistress, despite her soft lines, supple skin, gentle appearance and delicate feminine demeanor, elicited a presentiment of subtle and unexpected devilment. Clearly, much wisdom would be found in being attentive to Mistress. Mesu's eyes shifted sharply as Mistress stepped from behind her husband and pulled a blindfold from her purse - a beautifully styled bag that clearly contained everything BDSM and nothing cosmetic. Mesu's breast rose and fell rapidly as the silky object eradicated the late afternoon sunlight and was snugly secured in place by a locking clasp. Yielding to the gentle tugging of her collar, blindly following Master, she completely disregarded the apprehensive feelings that were now evolving in light of her fate within the hands of a couple who were profoundly different from the loving master she had adored and served for ten years. There was no fear for life and limb, as there was no reason for such. She could fathom no logical reason why her late master would have placed her in their hands if such concerns were valid. Nor did she feel any anger toward him for doing so. She knew him to be a man who always acted in her best interest, thoroughly considering and analyzing every decision before him. Equally so, she felt no anger toward her new Mistress and Master. After all, they had every right to the pursuit of happiness, including the right to live the lifestyle of their choosing, just as she and her late Master had done. And in the end, it was her choice. It always had been. She did not regret choosing to assume the life of consensual slavery with her late master. She trusted him then and she would trust him now. She inhaled deeply, inundating her senses with the warm, inviting aroma that streamed from the opened door before her. Once again, without reservation, she stepped forward in acknowledgment of the gentle tugging on her collar. She had not taken two steps into her new home when she was stopped immediately and forbidden to proceed. The serenity that embraced her on her honeymoon bubbled in her heart and mind once again as Mistress's fingers lightly touched Mesu, and floated down to open the front of Mesu's button-laden dress. Mesu leaned back, resting in the arms of Master, breathing deep and relaxed, enjoying the feeling of her nipples drawing tight and becoming erect as Mistress slowly unbuttoned Mesu's dress, brushing Mesu's bare breast with the palm of her hands as she pushed the garment open and over Mesu's shoulders, allowing it to fall softly to the floor. Velvet fingertips caressed Mesu's stomach and slipped between the wet folds of her labia and into her pussy, silky and soft from the warm juices that now covered Mistress's fingers. She felt a twinge of guilt and shame at the enjoyment of Mistress's light and supple touch. Her overwhelming arousal reflected delight in something her Christian up bringing had instilled in her as being against the will of God and laws of nature. It was just a touch, a slight, brief touch. Surely, she convinced herself, there was no harm in just a touch. Once again she felt the tugging and blindly followed her Master, forward at first, then turning to the right, then left, and stopping. She heard a soft clanking sound and was brought to the floor on her hands and knees by the downward tugging of her leash and a single 'down' command. Mesu felt herself melting in subservient bliss as Master's warm, strong, and gentle hand, stroked her hair. His touch brought such comfort and soothing. A tenderly spoken, simple and seemingly insignificant 'good girl', produced a most delectable orgasm that was as sudden and quick as a match being struck, bursting into flames and then fading away. Such pleasure, however, was all too short-lived as tenderness was overcome by a commanding voice issuing an imperative for her to crawl backward. She did as commanded, continuing her backward crawl until the bottom of her feet were impeded by a forbidding steel, cold bar. The sound of metal clicking and locking in place illuminated the darkness and confirmed to her that she was enveloped in a cage. "Do not remove the blindfold or the gag. Only myself or Mistress may decide if and when they may be removed and only myself or Mistress may remove one, the other, or both. Does it understand?" She nodded and lay quietly, burrowing down into the fuzzy blanket that lined her cage, delighting in the sumptuous aroma of Mistress's fragrance the was embedded deep in the blanket's fibers. Master's words were very clear and the tone of His voice was sufficient to ensure ascendancy and crush any temptation to succumb to the least bit of curiosity regarding her new home and remove her blindfold. Not that her curiosity was unbearably strong. She was more lost in sensual indulgence than consumed by curiosity. Being caged, rendered helpless, and at the mercy of the wanton, sadistic carnal delights of another, was a persistent and effusive longing of hers. As their footsteps faded, she slowly slid her hand between her legs. She needed no help in becoming aroused. Her clit was swollen and so sensitive to her touch that she bypassed it and eased her index finger past her slit and deep into her pussy. Mesu softened her moaning in fear of being reprimanded for her self-indulgence. The sticky liquid covering her fingers delighted her in a way she had never experienced before. She pulled her wet fingers from her folds and rubbed her stomach, breast, thighs and any other part of her body within reach in an attempt to rid herself of the scent of sex and then drifted contently into a peaceful fantasy where sleep overtook her weary body. She was awakened by the clattering of cookware, the delicate aroma of seasonings, and her grumbling stomach; all of which told her it was evening. She listened as Master and Mistress prepared dinner together, laughing and playing, expressing their love and devotion to one another with romantic bantering. Their bliss cut Mesu to the quick and she curled into ball of painful sobbing. They had what she had lost. Swells of tears escaped her eyes, and ran down her cheeks cutting a burning path and disappearing, each falling from her chin only to be replaced by another. She quickly quashed the agonizing sorrow that was building within her heart and soul. The only constant in life is change, she reminded herself. Let go of the past, embrace the present, and delight in the future to come. Surely at some point all of their distressing games, the blindfold, the gag, the caging, would culminate in moments of delight. Her late master would not have asked her to become a part of this couple's life if such was not to be. Her rumbling stomach was now growling, insistent upon being heard, determined not to be ignored. The pains of hunger and thirst intensified and became more predominant as her grogginess left her and her ears became attuned to their playful carrying on like newlyweds, giggling and exchanging chatter filled with sweet nothings as they enjoyed their meal and the company of the other. She curled back into her ball, hugging her knees, pressing them tight into her chest, trying to ease her pain. Unsuccessful, she decided she would try to bring herself to fall back to sleep so she could escape her hunger and their lively, exuberant conversing. Slowly, the painful cramping and annoying rumbling eased and slumber embraced her, bringing great comfort to mind and body. Escape from reality, however, was not to come. The cage door squeaked open and she was jolted back to reality. She felt the tug of her leash and obediently crawled out of her cage, huddling close to the floor, not knowing what to expect. She was soon soaking in pleasurable sensations, melting under Master's hand stroking her hair, easing her pains of hunger and thirst. Warmth and tenderness fell to the wayside quickly as an unsympathetic voice, accompanied by a foreboding tone, thrust its way into the silence that surrounded her. "The blindfold is to teach it blind obedience, the following of commands without hesitation or argument. Is it hungry?" Mesu nodded eagerly. "Perhaps it also needs to go potty first?" She did indeed, and nodding again she immediately felt the familiar tug of her leash. Crawling through the twist and turns of the house, she paused as commanded by the backward tug of the leash, waiting quietly as she listened to squeaking of another door and then resumed crawling at the forward tugging. The feeling of soft grass under her hands and knees was as unsettling as it was exciting. After crawling several yards, Master stopped. "Do its business Bitch." She was utterly horrified. Surely he could not be serious. She could not have spoken even if the gag had not been in her mouth. Her immediate thoughts were of refusal. Enough was enough and she had had enough. She simply would not accept such degradation and he could go straight to hell as far as she was concerned. Mesu remained ridged and unyielding. "I have things to do Bitch and will not wait much longer. If it does not go, I will gladly take it back inside. But, once inside, it will not be taken for a second walk that will afford it the opportunity to go again. And, if it goes in the house, it will be caned. Its choice." She dropped her head, whimpering. She knew she couldn't hold it any longer and she had no doubt that she would pee herself on the way back. Even if she could make it through the night, she could not hold it forever. It would be wise, she thought, to choose her battles carefully and this battle was not the mountain she wanted to die on. Mesu spread her legs and sobbed in humiliation as her piss flowed into the ground. "Good girl," he cooed condescendingly. She could feel his delight and the shameful aching of her heart was all but unbearable. "Wipe." His tone was sharp and inpatient. She could smell the baby wipe in front of her nose. As she cleaned herself, Master removed the gag. The release was divine and she felt herself almost ready to forgive him for the shame he had just caused her to endure. "Now put the baby wipe in its mouth." She grimaced, whimpered, and stuffed the piss-laced wipe into her mouth and blindly followed the tugging. She was stopped again and Master ordered her to put the wipe into a plastic baggy. She zipped the baggy closed and Master took it from her hand and threw it away. She sat back on her knees and raised her hands, palms up as commanded, and rubbed her hands together as he squirted them with alcohol gel. Having attended to her "business", he guided her back inside. The salty aroma of southern-fried chicken warmed her as she crawled back to her room. She was certain she would be put back in her cage, but instead, she found herself faced with an unacceptable command. "Its Mistress is approximately a foot in front of it sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs spread. It is going to be a good girl for Master and is going to crawl up between Mistress's legs and lick Mistress's pussy and make Mistress cum." Mesu felt an anger unparalleled to any anger she had ever felt in her life and sharply pulled back only to be halted and held in place by the taut leash that was securely attached to her collar. She shook her head in resolute defiance. Not only could he go to hell, but she was inches from helping him get there. Arousal or no arousal, no matter how much she wanted to and despite much fantasizing of being forced to eat a woman's pussy, her Christian upbringing taught her that some lines were not acceptable to cross. He could not and would not force her into unimaginable acts and cause her to violate values she cherished and held dear. Mesu pulled back harder, jerking violently at the end of her leash, but his grasp was stronger. She lowered herself and buried her face into the plush carpeting beneath her hands and knees. She might not be able to break free of him, but she was not going to yield either. As far as she was concerned, she was ready to stand her ground all night long and into the next night if necessary. "It will not eat until it obeys." She bit her tongue and wished she could scream out the thoughts that ran through her mind but were captive and silenced by his prior imperative that speaking was not a necessary or desired function of her mouth. It, she thought, doesn't give a damn and It is not licking pussy. It does not care whose pussy. It will starve. She clenched her jaw tight. "So that's its choice?" Mesu nodded definitively. "So be it," he remarked with absolute acceptance of her refusal as he placed the gag back into her mouth and locked it in place. "Crawl back Bitch." She crawled back into her cage and heard the door being locked. She closed her eyes, held her grumbling stomach, thought of her Mistress's soft, pink, warm pussy, and longed to feel Mistress's clit swell and harden on her tongue. Such was her conflict. Nonetheless, Mesu was resolved and would not compromise her beliefs. On this mountain, she would die or be broken, but she would not surrender. Master and Mistress left her room and settled into their own bed. The sounds of their lovemaking, like two teenagers in the back seat of Chevy on a hot summer night, faded as Mesu cried herself to sleep.

From Darkness Comes Light Chapter 4 - Sunset ============================================================================ She was awakened by the aroma of pancakes saturating her senses and was thankful for a new day. New days typically brought new hope and she hoped Master and Mistress would reconsider their relentless attempts to weaken her resolve and compel her to an act she had identified as a limit during their many discussions. She could not understand what she felt was insensitivity on their part of her beliefs. Still and again, their callous games excited her as much as they offended her. In being a slave and being used for the pleasure of another, she found the essence of her being, the element that breathed life into her heart and soul. It was the only element in her life that made her feel whole and at peace with herself. Her submission to her late master and his position of being the "head" in their marriage, was real enough to satisfy her, but, in regard to being his sex slave, she always felt it to be just a game they played. But this life, this new journey, these "games" methodically orchestrated and played out in reality to the delight of her Master and Mistress, fulfilled her desire of being nothing more than chattel for the pleasure of another. She wondered if what she had always desired, this depth of slavery, would not in reality be equal to what she had romanticized it to be. The emotional, mental, and even physical satisfaction she felt was astounding. But conflict between her values and Master and Mistress's desires was proving to be agonizing. Mesu's hope that her Mistress and Master might have a change of heart was immediately extinguished when Master entered her room, bid her good morning, promptly attached leash to collar, and walked her out to the back yard to allow her to "do its business" once again. As she crawled to the designated location for "doing its business" and sat patiently as Master removed her gag while thoughts of being kept in a locked cage and having to pee and shit outside might be Master's requirement for everyday living and not at all intended for games raced through her mind. Perhaps they were both. Regardless of the motivation, the pain of her humiliation was eased by the joy of having a moment outside. The music of a host of song birds, the gentle breezes caressing her naked body, and the plush feeling of rich, green grass evoked such sentiment that Mesu felt herself near tears of jubilation. As wondrous as her present was, she knew that such bliss was likely to be but a tiny sampling of freedoms she had once enjoyed but were non-existent in this new life. Accordingly, she prepared herself mentally for being returned to her cage. While such was a foreboding thought, she hoped at the very least she might be offered a bit of food once she was returned to her steel abode. The pains of hunger that persisted from last night's refusal to lick her Mistress's pussy were now of such intensity that she felt herself near throwing up. Her eagerness to return to her cage would not, at this moment anyway, come to fruition. Assumption of routine and the imagined taste of pancakes melting in her mouth were promptly altered by a tug of the leash in a different direction followed by commands to "stop" and "stay". She sensed Master kneeling behind her as he ordered her to sit upright on her knees. Leaning back against Master, she rested her grass imprinted hands on her lap, submerged in the warmth and comfort of his rugged chest. Her purring accelerated to moaning as the smooth and hard texture of stainless steel suddenly snapped to and coiled around her wrist. Having steel cuffs locked on her wrist always resulted in a small wet spot on her panties. Master stood and pulled her to her feet with him. Her arms were raised above her and she sensed Master moving away. Thinking he had left her, she began stepping left, right, forward and back in a dance of curious exploration using her feet as eyes seeking to gain a picture of her surroundings. The grass tickled her bare feet. Smiling faintly, she let her head fall back and quietly moaned, basking in the warm touch of the sun, enjoying being upright, even if being chained was the price for such a luxury. She grabbed hold of the chain, pulled herself up until she was standing on the tips of her toes. She raised one leg and then the other, squeezing her cunt so the inside of her pussy rubbed together, squeezing her clit sweetly between her pussy lips. She focused all thought and attention on her warm cunt, her cares drifting away as she alternated raising each leg faster, squeezing her pussy harder, and moaning a little louder. Her breathing becoming labored as her body drew tight. She let her head fall back and moaned blissfully. She was right there, right on the edge, her body slowly curling, ready to orgasm when a sudden and paralyzing icy chill rippled through her as if she had been thrown into a cold creek. Mesu thrashed about gasping for air like a fish fighting a fisherman's hook as Master blasted her with a jet of cold water. The water ceased and a yelp mingled with an angry growl bellowed from her gut as searing pain shot through her scalp. She felt certain Master was going to rip the mass of hair he had seized right out of her head. She started to speak but her words were soon choked out by his massive hand clutching and squeezing her throat. She could not breathe and she dare not move. A warm stream of piss ran down her thighs. Mesu could feel and hear his anger and for the first time since coming to his home she felt a great appreciation for his proclivity for control. "It better not cum. If it does, it will become well acquainted with its Master's bull whip." His tone was stern and void of emotion. She could do nothing but tremble. The burning and pressure building from the much needed and almost release was fierce and trying to hold it back was like trying to stop a freight train. She clinched her fist and, biting her tongue, diligently focused on regulating her breathing in an attempt to control her desires. The agony of denial was a divine pleasure that left her feeling weak and helpless. She relished erotic agony. It was her heaven, a heaven paved with wickedly delectable thorns. She soaked in the sensations feeling as if she could live in this moment forever. But..... "It needs a bath," Master scowled. A bath; a cold water bath. She whimpered, fell under her chains with her head falling back, wanting to beg him to take her inside for a nice warm shower. Providing much needed relief to her aching jaw, he had not replaced her gag. Still, she knew to hold her tongue and did not speak. She did not want to make him regret his kindness. His soft but heavy breathing on her bare, wet neck did nothing to ease her carnal cravings. As his soapy fingers rhythmically squeezed and rolled her nipples, he almost brought her to crippling defeat. She was determined not to give him the satisfaction and bit her tongue harder. The pleasurable warm, wet, aching sensations evoked by his touch was unbearable and cracked her resolve to resist having an orgasm. Weary and wanting, she leaned back, softening in his arms, sinking deeper into his control and ready to surrender to the pleasure. Oh how she wanted to be engulfed in wave after wave of orgasm. Her resolve to deny him the satisfaction of bringing her to orgasm was revived and she jerked forward, pulling away from him. "You have to stop!" Mesu demanded in a commanding, yet pleading tone, shaking immediately as the reality of his bull whip and her mistake were likely to meet. She was taken aback and wasn't quite sure what to think of this cold and indifferent man who was now chuckling at her imperative. Not quite the reaction she expected, but, then she felt his warmth against her back and his breath on her neck. His arm wrapped around her, lingering, taunting, eliciting reactions of trembling, bated breath, and enticing moans. "No sweetheart, I don't have to stop," he whispered, drawing out each word. He slipped a finger past her slit and into her pussy, teasing.... tormenting. "Oh, so wet and silky, swollen and burning. No, I don't have to stop and it does not want me to stop, now does it?" His tantalizing verbiage, pinching of her nipples, and calculated stimulation of her cunt, catapulted her to the edge of a dangerously teetering orgasm and a feral craving to feel the sting of his whip. All she had to do was let go and she would become the victor of her rebellion and find gratification in the kiss of his whip. As much as she wanted to feel the sting of his whip and the passion of his fury, she remained steadfast in her want and need to please him. She pulled down on her chain as hard as she could, gritting her teeth until her jaw ached emitting a discordant moan, and pleaded. "Please, please stop; it's too much. I can't hold it any longer. Please!" Every muscle was taut and Mesu struggled to break free of him. He immediately withdrew his finger from deep inside her, wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her close, hugged her and kissed her cheek. "It said please. What a good girl." His tone was soft, affectionate, and tender. "Master likes please." He held her close until she had settled, unchained her, commanded her back on all fours, and led her back to her room. She awaited his command to crawl back into her cage, certain that pancakes awaited her. Instead of being returned to her cage and being offered the comfort food, she found herself facing yesterday's unacceptable command. "Once again, Bitch, Mistress is sitting in front of it with her legs spread waiting for it to please Mistress by licking Mistress's pussy." She clinched her jaw tight and shook her head adamantly. That she was a slave in her heart and by her nature was undeniable. But, Master's expectations that she would abandon her values and beliefs because of who and what she was, was shear insanity. She feared him, felt reverence for him, and wanted to please him. But if he continued on this path of provocation, she was quite capable and willing to rise to the occasion and meet his challenge. She gasped, responding to the juices that wet and warmed her cunt as he reached between her legs and tenderly rubbed her swollen clit. She felt his fingers of his free hand enter her mouth. The sweet, tangy nectar from a fresh strawberry wet her tongue. Purring moans escaped her lips as she savored the juicy, candy like treat. Master cupped her breast and teased her nipple as he fed her another slice of the strawberry. His touch triggered a brief orgasm that warmed her clit and she moaned softly, squirming and rocking her hips. He withdrew his touch, forbidding her to linger in the moments pleasure, and tugged her leash, beckoning her to move forward and commanded again. "Touch its nose to Mistress's pussy Bitch." She thought to plead for his mercy, to beg him not to require this of her, but decided against it. She was hungry and could not imagine that he would forfeit the pleasure he sought. Surely, she reasoned, a touch was not worth a battle and might even be rewarded with more food. Two daunting steps brought her between Mistress's legs. Each step wet her more. Touching the crease of Mistress's thigh with her nose, Mesu bit her lip to withhold from him the pleasure of her tears. Her breathing became irregular as she gently stroked the smooth mound and soft flesh of Mistress's labia with her nose. The feel of Mistress's soft, puffy flesh warmed Mesu's pussy with hot, silky juices. Master gently pulled Mesu back and slipped another slice of strawberry upon her tongue. "Good girl. Master and Mistress are pleased. Very pleased." His soft tone wet her even more. Comforting soft tones turned to steely demands. "Now Bitch, I'm going to spread Mistress's pussy. It will be a good bitch for Master and touch its nose to Mistress's clit and breathe her scent... deep and slow." Mesu dropped her head to the floor, whimpering with humiliation. She dug her nails into the fibers of the carpet, expressing her defiance and tainting her compliance to his demand. Raising her head begrudgingly, she touched the tip of her nose to Mistress's spread pussy, breathing deep and slow, as commanded. Mistress's tantalizing aroma awakened every erotic fiber within Mesu and her cunt seized again and again, climaxing repeatedly. Without resistance or thought, Mesu eagerly opened her legs wider as Master's hand lovingly fondled her rounded, soft ass. He slipped his finger into her slit, penetrating deep into her pussy. "Mmm.... my, my. I don't think I have felt a wetter whore." She sensed Master move across the room and listened nervously to the creaking of a drawer opening and closing. A sudden, crushing pain in her hands announced his return. Mesu cried out and shook profusely as the burning stings of a cane thrashed across her ass again and again. As quickly as he unleashed his anger he ceased and was kneeling at her side, hair in hand, taut and rendering inescapable pain. Mesu coward at his feet, sobbing and shaking with fear. He whispered, "It will savor Mistress's scent again and this time, it will show how much Mistress's fragrance excites it". He released his grip, easing the pain with soft caressing and tender "good girl" whispers as she lay limp and sobbing at his feet. "Nose to clit Bitch." Once again Mesu rested her nose on Mistress's swollen pussy lips and breathed slowly and deeply, starting at the top of Mistress's clit and lowering to the bottom of her slit. Captivate by Mistress's enchanting scent, Mesu eased close, moaning soft and low, almost purring as she kissed Mistress's puffed, soft lips. Mesu leaned back delighting in the her own juices seeping from her cunt, wetting her lips. "Oh good girl; that's a very good girl." Master's praise was enthusiastic and generous as he kissed her neck and slipped another slice of strawberry upon her tongue. Almost as sweet as the strawberry to her tongue, so were Mistress's moans to her ears. "Now it will lick its Mistress." All sense of pleasure immediately evaporate and her resolve renewed. Foolish man, she thought, to think he could subdue her with a few strawberries. A little kiss seemed innocent. Parting Mistress's lips with her tongue, tasting her juices, was too much. Mesu felt herself rising. "No, It will NOT!" Mesu screamed gritting her teeth and trying to stand. Her leash tightened, preventing her from standing. Her hands trod upon the carpeting frantically searching for the source of her anchor. Following the chain with her hands and discovering it to be lodged tightly under Master's foot, she pulled back with all her might, attempting to snatch the chain out from under him. Screaming in frustration of his relentless hold she pounded his feet with her fist and opened her mouth to bite him. A light surge of electricity surprised her and she jolted back, retreating from her protest. She laid still, quiet, taken aback at the discovery that the collar she wore was electric. A second wind refreshed her senses and anger began to fester. With great courage and fearless abandon, she spun onto her back kicking his legs. A second bolt of electricity compelled her to scurry away from him again, this time prompting her to place her feet squarely on the ground and spread her legs in submission before him as wide as she could. She lay before him, quietly, at his feet, breathing deep and hard in defeat. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry Master. Please stop... please no more! Please, I'll behave, I promise I'll do what you ask Master." He did not speak. Even behind the darkness of the blindfold, she could feel his hardened gaze upon her. Fear and pain subsided and tears ceased their flow. Mind reading was not required to determine that her best interest would be served by not positioning him with a need to demand her compliance. She turned squarely on all fours, lowered her head and wearily crawled between her Mistress's legs. Guided by Mistress's scent, she moved deeper between Mistress's legs. Her nose lithely touched Mistress's cunt, caressing her, traveling down her labia making small circles with the tip of her nose, tracing across the sweet spot between Mistress's pussy and ass, and circling up the other side of Mistress's labia. Mesu felt euphoric, as if floating on a cloud, lost in the serene sky. Mistress was soft and fragrant and Mesu found herself yearning to taste her. Reaching the top of Mistress's pussy, Mesu slowly moved down the slit of Mistress's labia, kissing her delicate skin and licking tenderly so as not to break through the lips that seemed to drip with honey. Mesu longed for the moment to linger but Mistress's low, sensual moaning enticed Mesu's craving for more. Mesu found herself confronted by another woman, a familiar woman, emerging from deep within Mesu's soul. Mesu's longing to feel Mistress's pussy with her tongue could no longer be denied. The tip of her tongue slipped inside Mistress's slit tasting hidden delicacies. Eating Mistress's pussy was a delight beyond anything Mesu could have imagined. Mesu found herself in a different world. A world where want was embraced and seized without shame or fear. Her hands ran up Mistress's milky thighs, cupping her labia and opening her fully. Licked the opening of Mistress's cunt, Mesu tasted more of Mistress's sweet juice, licking and sucking Mistress's pussy with great affection and hunger. Mesu longed to cum; to release the burning pressure in her hot, swollen pussy, but she knew better and feared more. This moment was not about her, it was about her Mistress. The longing to adore her, to express her adoration, coupled with Mistress's quivering moans burned more intensely. What seemed an eternity to achieve seemed too quick in its arrival. Mistress grabbed Mesu's head, pushed her pussy hard into Mesu's mouth as Mesu swallowed ever drop of Mistress's cum, licking her pussy clean. Patting the bed, Mistress bid Mesu to lay next to her. Mistress would prove to be hard, of that Mesu was certain. Such a fact made Mistress's tender caressing as they cuddled skin to skin all the more special. Light fingers gracefully circled the large areola of Mesu's nipples as Mistress gazed lovingly into the eyes of her Master. "Please, Master, I want to suck its tits." Master aid on the king sized next to Mesu. Cuddling with Mistress was divine. Being cuddled between the two was heavenly. For a moment, Mesu did not exist. She was put a mere showed of the two as she watched Master lovingly caress Mistress's face. "If you wish baby. Anything for my love." He whispered, pulling Mistress to him and kissing her, his tongue dancing with hers, eliciting musical moans from both Mistress and Mesu. Master's hand lingered on Mistress's head, his fingers entwined in her soft, flowing hair, caressing her as her tongue made circles around Mesu's nipples. Mesu's fingers curled, clutching bits of the bed cover as Mistress sucked a swollen nipple into her mouth. Mesu gasped and moaned, arching to lift her back from the bed offering herself, craving the warmth and soft caress of her Mistress's tongue. The slow caressing and gentle sucking evolved to painfully hard sucking and biting making full disclosure of Mistress's sadistic side. Mesu quivered and squirmed from the burning lust building in her cunt, emitting moaning whimpers of pain fused with pleasure. Thick, rough fingers plunged in and out, wetting her pussy more while soft lips delighted Mesu's neck as Master kissed her lightly. Pulling his wife from Mesu's tits, Master buried his tongue into Mistress mouth, tasting her for a moment, then freeing her. Mistress glowed, softly pleading and whispered. "Please Master. Please make love to me, please". A euphoric grin spread across Master's face. "Cage Bitch." His command was simply and filled with urgency. Mesu slid from between them, crawling into her iron, listening to Mistress's carnal moaning as Master caressed and made love to her, giving Mistress all the pleasure she desired. Silent tears left a trail upon Mesu's cheeks as she softly fingered each bar of her cage, feeling great comfort and peace within its confines. Solitude thoughts were abruptly disrupted by the moaning and groaning of mutual orgasms. There was a moment's silence where nothing but pacified breathing could be heard that was immediately followed with light little pecks of kisses and "thank yous", " that was wonderful", and 'I love yous". With a giggling Mistress trailing behind him, Master locked Mesu's cage, leaving her alone, in silence with Mistress by his side as gleeful as a school girl following after the boy of her dreams.

From Darkness Comes Light Chapter 5 - Sunrise ============================================================================ She had not been returned to her cage long before the sound of footsteps and the sweet fragrance of hot pancakes tantalized her senses and focused her attention to the bedroom entry. Liberation was welcomed with caution as the cage door eased open and her Master commanded "come'. She felt completely his and the feeling of being owned by him made her feel beautiful. Her surrender to Master's demands had changed her and revealed a hidden facet of her soul that brought an even greater peace within her. She crawled out of her cage with dignity and grace, as a swan gliding across a pristine lake surrounded by lilies. She sensed only him, and wished that Mistress had been there as well. She crawled to him, humbling herself at his feet, reverently awaiting his desires. longing to fulfill and please him. With masculine tenderness, he took hold of her hair, brought her to her feet, and removed her collar and blindfold. Mesu blinked for a few moments, and then gazed dreamily into his emerald green eyes. Burying her face into his chest, she hugged him as he drew her close and kissed the top of her head. Slipping his hand into hers, he brought her to the bed and beckoned her to sit next to him, handing her a plate of blueberry pancakes and a fork. He was making no sense. Where was the stern Master she had come to appreciate and adore? For a moment her metal abode and all of the humiliating demands and tasks he had required of her faded from her thoughts and life seemed almost normal. She found the new normal state of being to be empty and unpleasant. "From Mistress." She felt queasy. Now Mistress was making no sense. Her heart raced. Only moments ago chaos and insanity had melded into perfect and delightful harmonious stability. And now her new found perfectly delightful harmonious stability was dissolving into chaos and insanity of normality. Mesu stared at the plate feeling like a squirrel running to and fro when confronted with a moving vehicle and not knowing which way to go; which way was safe. "Not hungry?" Mesu turned her head to him, shaking her head but did not look up. She just wanted to cry. "Then ask your questions." Her eyes widened, gazed into his, studying Him intently, utterly confused and unable to speak. She felt nothing. No fear. No anger. No sorrow. Empty... just empty... excruciatingly empty. Everything she had felt over the past days and the past few moments, all of the insight into her soul, her being, all the resolution to years of conflict was now vanishing in a vapor. She envisioned herself on the side of the road with suitcase in hand and a journey before her that held no clues. The suppressed but familiar woman she had discovered herself to be seemed an illusion that existed only as a game in the life of two strangers that she had come to adore. She wanted to speak; she wanted to ask but; she feared if she opened her mouth she would do nothing but cry. She sat motionless. He reached into the nightstand and pulled out a folder and handed it to her. The tips of her fingers gingerly caressed the shiny, black cover as if becoming reacquainted with an old and dear friend with whom she had shared much. She drifted in forgotten thoughts, secret shame, and dark desires of another life and another time deeply, deeply buried. Mesu leafed through the pages of secret stories, thoughts, and pondering, that, at the time, seemed so shameful, sordid, and deviant. She tried so hard to bury this woman who threatened her beliefs and values that she had held dear since her childhood. But as a cactus in a barren desert, this dark, sensual, and beautiful woman was unrelenting, demanding life if even only on sheets of paper hidden in the darkest corner protected from the disdain of others. "I don't recall packing this Master. In fact, I thought I had thrown it away. Where did you find this?" His bold smile, daring eyes, and warm hand stroking her hair dissipated the fog of uncertainty and once again she felt understood, accepted and treasured. "Your husband gave it to me. He found it a few months before he passed. Discovering it prompted him to reach out to me and my wife. His desires were equally "dark", as some might call them. But, he brought you into his dark world with very little notice. He knew you would be a woman who would submit to the man she loved. So, her pursued you. And was amazed when you returned his affection. Still, he feared if he pushed you too deep and revealed his "sordid" heart that you would be frightened away and he would lose you. He felt it best to settle for what he had to ensure he would not lose it. When he found your writings, he realized his failure to see your need had robbed you of pleasures. He wanted your future to be different. But, as you had never expressed your desires, he was certain you had conflicts. He knew my wife and I would push you to battle those conflicts." Suddenly, she felt giddy... like a little girl. She cried. And laughed. "He would not have thought me strange?" She had never seen Master smile so brightly. "No," he chuckled, "not at all. And you shouldn't either. You have the right to be you... to pursue your happiness as long as you do no harm to others and engage in your desires with others who enjoy them and are consenting adults." She slipped the papers back into the folder. "So. Now is the time for you to make a choice. The agreement with your husband was that my wife and I would push you to experience your stories. After that, present you with the choice to stay and accept my wife and I as your Master and Mistress or, decide you want to follow a different path for your future. If you choose a different path, we will help you succeed. If you chose to stay, you may stay. You are an amazing, interesting, and smart woman and it would be our delight and honor to have you. There is only one caveat to staying. You have to want to stay because you want to stay, because you want a life as our domestic and sexual slave, for our use, our play, and for our friends, if we so choose. You may not stay if you desire to do so out of a desire to please and be obedient to your late husband. If you choose to stay, my wife and I need you to be honest in your reasons for choosing to do so. Understood?" She understood, and agreed. He unlocked the bathroom in her room, laid out fresh, clean, plush towels and ran a bubble bath with lavender bath salts and oils. He took her plate, told her he would lock her in here room but that he and Mistress would be in and out to check on her and, after dinner she would need to have an answer for them. "Oh yeah," he paused as he started to close the bedroom door, "going forward, when you have to go, use the indoor facilities. There's even real toilet paper and running water." They both chuckled. She sank into the deep garden tub and immersed herself in the warm bubbly water. It almost felt as good as sex. She closed her eyes and thought of nothing for a moment and then thought of him, her, who they were, who she was, what her life would be like with them, and what her life could be without them. She had had six months of living on her own, doing as she pleased, going as she pleased, and living day after day as a free woman without any type of play or punishment that brought pain and humiliation and in that time she had missed every minute of her husband's control and the kinky sex. Everyday she wanted it back. But her life with him had been a walk in the garden compared to what Master and Mistress enjoyed. The past few days had been the most intense she had ever lived. And if she was honest with herself, she would admit to having loved every minute of it. What she treasured most were her acts of rebellion and his forced subjugation. He had seen beyond her outward behavior that was rooted in fear and shame to her heart and her deepest desires. It was not that she had not wanted to please her Master and Mistress, it was that she could not break free of the control imposed by one to surrender to the control of another, even though it was much desired. She had allowed the control of one to deny her the pleasures found in another. And not just any pleasures, but pleasure she had yearned for many, many years. She thought about his insistence that the choice she would make must be the choice she wanted. It was her life. It should be her choice. What right did others have to impose upon her their will, their preferences, their beliefs? And what of God? The values she held were based upon the teachings of her faith. She could not and would not deny the existence of God and His right to supreme authority in her life, but, did those who presented Him to her present Him accurately? She still knew Him. She still felt His presence but she no longer felt condemnation, guilt, or shame. Were the condemnations she felt before His, or were they those of others who could only provide their thoughts and interpretations of Him? If she had been born is a different day and time, her lifestyle choice and their ownership of her would have been the norm and accepted. If it was not wrong then by the priests' interpretations of His word, why was it now? Had His word changed magically? She had his answer, which was her answer. She pulled herself from the bubbles and, without drying, flopped down on the bed. The comforter was thick and soft with brilliant pastel colored flowers. She loved flowers... she loved Victorian. She walked the boundaries of her room...feeling and touch every inch that she could. It felt so good to be upright. She laid back down on the bed. The walls were blank. The windows had no dressing. There were no pictures. Her room, like her life, was waiting for creativity, waiting for the first step that would spark the fires and bring the journey to life unfolding. She heard the key being inserted into the lock and watched the knob turn. It was hard not to run to the door and pull it open and declare her answer. This however, was not the moment. They shared a wonderful dinner together and after she had finished the dishes, Mesu was allowed to join them in the den. Treasured moments seemed to have been a thing of the past, but as the watched a movie together, Mistress cuddled to Master, Mesu cuddled to Mistress, Mesu knew this was but one of many treasured moments to come. Mistress poised her phone to take a picture and Mesu huddled close to ensure she was in the picture. All too soon the movie ended and Master declared it to be bedtime and he and Mistress escorted her to her room. As Master pulled down the bed covers for

her to slip between, Mistress sat on the edge of the bed. When he finished tucking her in, Master sat at the foot of the bed. They looked anxious... almost tormented with anticipation as to what her decision would be. She could not hold back her jubilation any longer. "I want to stay," She soundly announced. "I like it here. I like both of you. I like the things you make me do and the things you do to me. I love serving you and pleasing you and it makes me feel good to be the one who has pleased you and made you happy. More than anything, I love the woman I have discovered myself to be. I find that she is wonderful, loving, intelligent, and beautiful and I feel complete and at peace with her. Master beamed and Mistress, smiling as brightly as Master, stood. "Well," Mistress announce, "I have a party to plan." "Party?" Mesu inquired. Mistress leaned over and kissed Mesu's forehead. "Yes sweetie. A welcoming party for our pet."

From Darkness Comes Light Chapter 6 - Amata ============================================================================ She gazed at the ruffle skirt, red satin waist cincher, garter straps, and fishnet stockings beautifully placed on the bed. She really wanted to put them on, but, she really didn't want to move either. The smell of lavender, delicate bubbles reflecting the warm glow of the candles, and the cocoon of warm water embracing her was such a peaceful indulgence. Getting out of a bubble bath was never easy. However, she was expected to be present at her own party and soaking in the fragrant oils for an hour was long enough to leave her skin soft and tantalizing. Mistress did not take well to slaves who were not prepared to serve with utmost perfection. She submerged herself one more time into the warm, silky water and stepped out of the tub. She was hopeful that the evenings events would not require her to do much walking. Certainly somewhere in the world there existed mountains that were shorter than the heels on the shoes that Mistress provided with her new outfit. One careful step followed by two than three and several more filled her with confidence in her ability to stay flawlessly upright. She stretched across the bed, allowing her hand to glide down her naked, wet body; fingers lightly stroking her pussy; delighting in the soft skin and the warming drizzle of juice permeating her pussy. As she slipped her finger in and out of her pussy, she reached for the garment with her free hand, allowing her fingers to float across the satin garment. The smooth, silky fabric made her feel so feminine. She loved being a sexual creature and the seductive outfit made her feel like a goddess. As slowly as agonizingly possible, she allowed her fingers to wander toward her nipples. Her breathing quickened and her back arched as a wave of deep and penetrating erotic pleasure swept down from her breasts and through her pussy. She quickly squashed the orgasm. She loved to tease herself; to bring herself to the edge; to make herself want to the point of aching. She smiled as her fingers neared her nipples knowing that with just a touch she could bring herself to a penetrating, intense orgasm. Such pleasure however, was not to be. Her thoughts were shattered by a familiar sound that had become an auditory imperative to take her place on the floor, on her knees with bowed head and lowered eyes - as was appropriate for a slave upon the approach of her owner. Mistress's fragrance was unmistakable and her presence never failed to make Mesu's clit twitch and burn with fervent desire. Mesu closed her eyes, rolled her head back, and moaned slow and soft as Mistress gave her a quick petting. "You look beautiful. Master and I are so proud to have our friends finally met the pet we so adore. Follow me." Mistress smiled warmly. "I have a surprise for you." Mesu rose from the floor and reverently followed, head and eyes lowered. Many times her eyes caught site of a lock door as she had crawled down the hall on her many "business" trips. Her breathing quickened when Mistress paused in front of the mystery door and fumbled to find the keys. Simple things that take no time at all often take forever. Especially when one is wet from anticipation. At long last the door creaked open and Mesu stepped from plush carpet to a hard floor covered with rough, thin carpeting. For all her longing to see the secrets behind the locked door, Mesu could not move beyond the first step. Frozen, she stared in amazement, intrigued at the sight before her. Within her view was a was a large X of solid oak, highly glossed with multiple steel eyes screwed securely in place. Mistress seemed amused by Mesu's curiosity and smiled a teasing smile. "Do you like that?" Pulling Mesu into her arms, Mistress tilted Mesu's head up and lightly brushed her lips across Mesu's quivering lips. "Yes Ma'am." The soft reply was barely uttered. Oh what she wouldn't give for a kiss, just one little kiss. "It's a St. Andrew's cross. One of my favorite places for my slave to be." 'My slave'. Words that once offended now aroused and thrilled her. She was guided to the cross, turned from it, and each arm was raised and chained. A warm trail followed Mistress's hand as it traveled down to Mesu pussy, pausing for a moment's caressing and soft moaning from Mistress. Accenting the X was a semi-circle of five lounges, covered with black crush velvet material and a padded sawhorse was placed between the two. The saw horse would have made sense if it had been of normal height. This one had been modified at the legs to position any one restrained to it on all fours. Mistress guided her to the center of the room positioned Mesu in front of the cross. A warm trail followed Mistress's hand as it traveled down to Mesu's pussy, pausing for a moment to caress Mesu's clit evoking blissful moans from Mistress. "Mmm....... our guests are going to enjoy your cunt." Mesu was immediately damp with a sudden gush of juice leaking from her pussy. She had expected there would be others and had awaited this day with great anticipation. Her mind ran wild with flits of fantasy and she moaned at the feeling of warm juices trickling from her slit and wetting her labia. Mistress raised Mesu's right arm and then her left, chaining each to the cross in its raised position and then spread and chained Mesu's ankles at the base of the cross leaving her legs spread and pussy open to anyone who desired her. To further ensure that Mesu would remain spread and open to her guests, Mistress tighten a strap around each thigh securing Mesu to the Saint Andrew's cross. Muffled sounds directed Mesu's attention to the door. The lively merriment of two men, three women, and her Master brightened the dismal room and escalated Mesu's arousal. The relief of not having her mouth stretched open came to an end as Mistress filled Mesu's mouth with the spongy ball and locked the gag into place. As each guest made themselves comfortable, Mesu's thoughts were drawn from her restraints to the gift bags that each guest placed at the foot of their lounge chairs and then to the guest mingling happily as they cast glances upon Mesu's naked body. Glances that rested adoringly on her breasts, flowing down to her pussy and hesitating in a daze, drinking her in. Having been extended an invitation to introduce themselves to "our new pet", the guests quieted and Mesu found herself surrounded and covered in groping hands rubbing her tits, pinching and twisting her nipples as probing fingers explored the inner folds of her shamelessly soaked cunt. Drifting away, surrendering completely, she closed her eyes, savoring each touch upon her and every twist and stroke of penetrating fingers. Unabashed lust engulfed her trembling body. Her unrestrained moans filled the room and her body began to tighten and twist as her orgasm drew close. The steel of the cuffs and chains held her as her orgasm sent tremors though her hip and legs. Mesu desperately wanted her pussy filled and fucked hard and her imagination took flight of all the delightfully wicked deeds that might be in store for her. The de cadent feeling of another orgasm building was quickly quenched with the clapping of Mistress's hands. "Please, ladies, gentlemen, if you will take a seat." Mesu regained her focus as the guests settled in their seats. "I'm am so thrilled you have each come to welcome mine and Master's new pet to our home. I know she is excited to see her gifts so let's get started." Mistress's face brighten with a smile as she peeked inside the first gift bag. "Oh," Mistress cooed, "nipple suckers. How delightful!" Mesu squirmed with anticipation as Mistress opened the package and moved toward Mesu. The light tugging of the suction teased Mesu's already hard, sensitive nipples. As much as her restraints would allow her, Mesu lowered herself, slowly filling her cunt with the imaginary cock between her legs. Her breathing quickened as she gazed at the female guests, each clothed in garments that allowed their breast to be bared and pussy to be accessible. They sat with their naked significant other who were ready and waiting to be pleasured by the women, if desired. The slightly labored breathing of the guest was equal to Mesu's and she smiled softly at the thought of the arousal her display was evoking within them. Surely, Master and Mistress must be pleased. Mistress peeked into to next gift bag. "Oh, this is just as lovely." Indeed it was. Mesu head fell back with a deep moan as Mistress moved toward Mesu taunting her with the thick leather popper. The smell of leather was as wetting to Mesu's cunt as was the anticipation of the impending sensual sting. Mistress lowered the new toy to Mesu's pussy and released the held back tip. The sudden stinging was delightfully wicked and Mesu pulled against all of her restraints in succulent moaning. "Oh my! I do believe our little pet likes this present." Mistress glowed with delight. With a sly grin Mistress lashed Mesu pussy with five back to back pops. Mesu's high pitched moan mingled with helpless whimpering and through the haze of her arousal she could see her audience kissing and caressing. She thrust her hips down hard; pulling at her restraints trying to sway and dance; thrusting her hips; aching to swallow a hard cock into her throbbing cunt. "Oh she does indeed like that. I believe this may become her favorite toy." Mistress smiled to her guest and reached for the last present. Mistress paused for a moment, as if having her breath taken away from her at the site of the gift before her. Glancing to the back of the room, she called for Master. "Master, I am going to need your help with this one please." Master beamed when he reached Mistress and gazed upon the gift. "Nice." he remarked in a lulled voice. "Shall we use it now?" "Oh absolutely. We'll need a few more accessories though." Mesu watched as Master stepped away from her and stopped in front of the Mahogany armoire. If Mesu had not been gagged, she would have grinned ear to ear at the array of whips, straps, belts, and floggers hanging from hooks on the inside of the opened doors. She could not make out what Master was digging for in the drawers. She didn't care. And it became evident soon enough upon Master's returned as he slipped on a blindfold and plugged Mesu's ears. The only thing she could hear was the sound of her own breathing. She felt warmth, a gentle hand cupping the underside of her right breast as the suction cup was pulled off of her breast. A coarse, wet material rubbed across her nipple. Her breathing became erratic and she started to shake. Feeling apprehensive, she slowly pulled against her chains despite knowing they would not yield. She didn't want them to. She would not have refused even if she not been restrained. In truth, she had been expecting what she was certain was forthcoming. And although she had envisioned a gentle approach, this subtle brutality greatly aroused her and she moaned, expressing her pleasure and need for more. She felt her Master's rough fingers grasping her nipple in a rapid squeeze and release pattern to harden it. She had expected it, she wanted in, but the unknowing of the intensity of pain it would bring caused her to whimper and shake a bit fearfully. The clamping of the piercing forceps on her nipple produced a high moan and soft, pleading whimpers that she could not hold back but hoped he ignored. As she felt the moment coming closer, she felt frightened and helpless. It would have been much preferred for him to have exercised some method of numbing her first. But the swelling and oozing of juices she felt in her pussy made her happy that he had not. She longed to thrust herself hard into the imaginary cock and allow orgasm after orgasm to run rampant through her until she was exhausted and unable to orgasm. The chance of experiencing such a state of exhaustion was unlikely and had never occurred. Regardless of how many orgasms she had, she could always be stimulated to another. Thoughts of being lost in orgasm la-la land suddenly dissipated as sharp, piercing pain surged through her nipple from a sterile needle propelled by Master's strong and steady hand. Mesu threw her head back and moaned intensely through her gag. Deep breaths calmed her and her sultry moans filled the ears of her guests as pain gave way to pleasurable sensations, deep and intense. The process was repeated on her left nipple yielding the same response. Master removed the ear plugs and blind. He lifted her chin and his warm brown eyes and comforting smile came into focus. There were no words that could describe the eroticism she was feeling at that moment and she had no desire to be any place else living in any moment but this very moment. "Are we okay?" Master gazed deep into her eyes searching for any hint that would tell him it was time to stop. She responded with a hearty nod and long, amorous moan. Mistress slipped a finger into Mesu's pussy. "Oh she is so swelled and hot Master. Little pet's pussy needs a cock." Master coupled his hand with Mistress's and their fingers slipped deep into Mesu's pussy. "Yes she does." Master lovingly acknowledged. "But I think she needs to be just a little more wet." Master moved away from her and as she watched him leave the room Mistress beckoned two of the female guests. In harmony and without instruction, the girls flanked Mesu's side, one on the left, one on the right. Slightly pinching to take hold of Mesu's smooth pussy lips, they pulled back her labia revealing her pink, tender clit. Mistress moved in front of Mesu and kissed her lightly on the neck, softly caressing her clit. Gazing tenderly and loving into Mesu's eyes, Mistress smiled and whispered. "Master and I do recall you telling us that you don't like having your pussy licked. But, Master and I do enjoy watching other's eating our whore's pussy. And our good friend Becky so enjoys eating pussy. So, you're going to be a good girl for us and be a good little whore for Becky and show her how much you love her tongue licking and tasting your cunt." Mistress stepped back and Mesu began pulling hard on her chains, whimpering in despair. They had asked about likes and dislikes and Mesu had expressed her dislike of receiving oral, male or female. The few times she had experienced having her pussy eaten, the experience was painful and not pleasant at all. Her late master had tried to persuade her, telling her that she clearly just had a bad experience from someone who was unskilled and did not know to be less aggressive in his passions. She had not known him to ever lie but the wall she built to protect herself from ever again experiencing such unpleasant sensations was thick and unyielding. Of all she thought might be done to her, or requested of her, never did she think this would occur. Master or Mistress might be one thing, she might have been agreeable to that if they desired to push that limit, but to have a complete stranger between her legs licking and sucking her pussy was far outside of her comfort zone. As with all the other new experiences outside of her comfort zone, there was as much a feeling of excitement as there was dread. Still, she was certain the pleasure she felt in anticipation would not come to fruition in reality. Unable to utter words that would beg for mercy, Mesu's face contorted with pleas for mercy, shaking her head vehemently, and sobbing as she watched her audience burn with lust, delighting in her sufferings; a site that almost brought her to orgasm. Mesu looked to her Master hoping for intervention. Through the dim lit haze, Mesu moaned deeply at the sight of Master's hard cock and sobbed harder at the realization that Master was not only unmoved by her tears, but delighted in them. Mistress stepped behind Mesu. "Start girls." Mistress commanded. Each girl touched the side of Mesu's clit with a bullet vibrator. Mesu's head fell back, tilted and rested on Mistress's shoulder while Mistress caressed the top of Mesu's mound and Becky knelt between Mesu's legs and kissed her open pussy. Mesu tossed her head back and forth on her Mistress's shoulder, sobbing and whimpering. As humiliating as it was to be spread and on display in front of strangers, with a woman's face, a woman she did not know, buried deep into her cunt, Mesu's arousal was raging and she felt herself oozing with juice from Becky's tongue lapping her pussy. Chains and cuffs, steel and metal were sensual to her. To be embraced and held by such elements was divine in most moments. But this moment, the moment in which she discovered her lat master's works to be true, chains and cuffs were cruel thieves robbing her of her desires to thrust her hips, pushing her pussy into Becky's mouth so her tongue would go deeper in to her. A thief robbing her of her desire to hold Becky's head to her pussy, caressing and playing with Becky's hair as she licked and sucked Mesu's cunt. Mesu settled, moaning blissfully, by lifting her feet off the ground as much as possible and letting herself fall against the cuffs, offering her pussy to Becky as much as the thieves would allow. Her audience of guests noted her surrender to Becky's tongue with great delight. "Shit that's hot." "Bitch sure as hell likes that... look at her cunt dripping." "Come on Becky, put that tongue in deeper, fuck that whore with your tongue girl." Mistress spoke tenderly, holding her as Mesu moans intensified with the humiliation. "Oh good girl. Now see? That feels so good doesn't it baby? You like her soft, sweet tongue don't you bitch? Becky really knows how to eat pussy and make a girl feel so good don't you think so sweetie?" Mesu nodded, moan deeper and louder, shaking harder, lost in erotic surrender, unable to deny the arousal raging from her body's response to Becky's tongue and the unrelenting taunting and moans of her audience. Mesu longed for the humiliation that fed her hunger to end, hoping that it would not. Mistress caressed Mesu's breast with soft fluttering fingers and warm, wet mouth, lingering for a moment, nibbling Mesu's nipple before bringing her mouth to Mesu's neck. Mesu tilted her head away from Mistress, offering her neck for Mistress's affections. Soft fingers on her cheek melted Mesu as Mistress drew Mesu's mouth to hers, teasing Mesu as she brushed Mesu's lips with hers and whispered. "Cum whore. Show Master how much you love it... cum hard so he can see what a good bitch you are." Mesu threw her head forward and pushed her cunt into Becky's face and tongue, screaming and shaking from the cascading orgasms that fired through her, one immediately after the other. She fell limp, hanging in exhaustion. If there heaven existed on earth, Mesu she was certain she had found it. Becky stepped back as the male guests stepped forward and immediately freed Mesu from her restraints. Lost in clouds of serenity, Mesu thought of her bed, snuggling deep into the soft pillow top of the mattress, beneath the warm goose down comforter, cuddling her feather pillow and drifting off to the most welcomed sleep she had ever desired. But ah, Mistress was not quite done with the pleasures she had in store for Mesu. Her thoughts were met with sharp contrast as she was directed to her hands and knees and was cuffed to the saw horse. It was of little comfort that Master stroked her hair while Mistress rubbed her back. She was satisfied. She was exhausted. She wanted to go to bed. Even her cage would be a welcomed site for her weary body. "Ah my sweet Mesu, are you ready for that cock now? You have definitely earned it." Master stated in a calm, even tone. Mesu felt a fresh wave of arousal sweep through her. She stirred, squirmed, and began swaying her hips, nodding, relieved, looking so forward to be filled and experiencing pleasures she had not felt in a long time. Sensuous moans of anticipated lost pleasures eroded into soft whimpers as Becky stepped into view and strapped on an 8 inch dildo that was 4 inches around. Mesu groaned at its length and width. Taking 6 inches was pleasurably painful for her. She could not imagine how being fucked with a dildo of this size was going to be anywhere near pleasurable. She began to try to break free in fear of the impending pain about to be thrust deep into her. Becky moved behind her, circling the head of the cock teasingly against Mesu's slit. The soft entry, the gentle and gradual filling of her pussy with the strap on phallus felt tight, stretching a bit, but highly, highly pleasurable and Mesu rocked back and forth to match Becky's rhythm, moaning her delight to this woman she hoped would be a frequent visitor in her new life. Slick with juice from Mesu's pussy, Becky gripped Mesu's hips and thrust the dildo into Mesu's cunt again and again, slowly penetrating to a depth that stretched her beyond pleasurable pain. Mesu's whimpering mingled with the erotic moaning of her audience as their evening's entertainment was coming to an end and their own orgasms neared. Slow growing, deep, intense arousal began to overshadow the thrusting pains surging through Mesu as Becky drove the dildo deeper and fucked her harder. The taunting of her audience and their moaning in orgasm sent Mesu spiraling and her body shook as one orgasm began where one orgasm ended. The delightful moans of her audience were drowned by Mesu's screaming moans. Shame and embarrassment consumed her as her juices squirted from her convulsing body, saturating the floor beneath her leaving Mesu spent and beyond exhaustion. Master unlocked her cuffs and took her into his arms, cradling her, stroking her hair, and planting soft kisses all about her face as he told her how pleased he was, how happy she had made him, and what a good girl she was. His praise and affection was intoxicating and she had never felt so fulfilled. Master pulled her to her feet and whispered "see to the guests" to his wife as he guided Mesu back to her room, holding her as they walked. Moving directly into her bathroom, Master started a cool shower and stepped in with her. Taking the shower head from its holder, he brought it close, letting the cool water flow over her body, quieting her residual trembling and whimper as he moved the shower head between her legs allowing the pulsating water to ease the throbbing of her pussy. He paused, rocking and holding her for a moment then walked her to her bed, tucking her into the clean, crisp sheets. Euphoria faded as she slowly opened her eyes, gazing into the comforting brown eyes and warm smile of Master's face. A smile brightens her face and she whispers softly. "Thank you Master That was so incredible." Gazing deep and lovingly into her eyes, he tenderly stroked her face. "You are welcome. It was indeed incredible. You are amazing and I am incredibly proud and honored to be your Master." He reached for a little black box, withdrew a stainless steel collar, and held it before her. She closed her eyes, her heart fluttered at the warmth of his touch and the feel of the cool, smooth steel embraced her as Master secured the collar in place. He reached into the box again and held a tag inscribed "Amata Pet" and clipped it on the d-ring in the center of her collar. Mesu raised her hand and caressed the dangling treasure, giving rise to feelings of warmth and joy inside of her.

"It means Beloved Pet." He kissed her on the forehead. "Sleep now." As the door softly closed behind him, Mesu closed her eyes as a tear ran down her cheek and memories of her late husband filled her mind. She could not begin to fathom how he was able to see the depths within her that she could not see. And as she hugged her pillow as if hugging him, she felt his warm and tender embrace surrounding her. She realized that she had not lost him, for he had discovered a path to ensure that she would continue to be loved and cared for just as she was when he was with her. This was just a new path, a new chapter in her journey through life with him. She was his, and he was hers, and would be for as long as she lived. ============================================================================

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