From Closet to Collar

By Johan Liebert

Published on Mar 18, 2011



Disclaimer: This story is fiction, and depicts sex between consenting adult males. If such material offends you or you are a minor in your area, do not read further. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without my explicit consent. Pl

PROLOGUE: AWAKENING -----------------------------------------


A fist rapped on the door, trying to be heard over a blaring fire alarm.


The fist slammed harder, obviously not getting the message through.


"Matt, are you alive in there? If I have to get the other RA, you're gonna be sorry!"

About a minute later, he was through waiting. He turned a key in the lock and walked into the small room, running over to the bed.

"C'mon Matt, get up! How can you sleep through all this shit?" He started shaking him, but he just lay there sleep.

"Goddammit Matt, you're comin' with me!" The RA bent his tall frame down, put one arm under Matt's head, and the other under his knees, and ran out of the room. He got more than a little hard carrying him down the stairs and outside, but he didn't care. He was a stud and he knew it; he wasn't some pussy closet case who'd get scared at the thought of the other guys knowing that he plays for the other team.

As he met up with the group of half-dressed students standing impatiently outside, he bent down a bit, held Matt out four or five feet from the ground,and dropped him on the grass below.

Matt jolted awake, yelling as he hit the ground. "What the fuck, Chris? Where am I?"

"Calm down little boy, it's something we call a 'fire alarm.' You almost missed the party." He stood with his arms crossed, smirking as he towered over the younger guy.

"You suck." Matt shot back, rubbing his head where it hit the ground.

The rest of the guys had gathered around the two, laughing at Matt. With a big grin, Chris sat on Matt's stomach, clearly tenting his boxers.

"Ooof! Get the fuck off me!" Matt complained, squirming his little self around underneath the beefy RA.

"Haha, you're seriously boned right now!?" one of the other guys said, pointing to Chris and laughing.

Without breaking a sweat, Chris stared at him and asked "Wouldn't you like to know?"

The guy's face reddened, and he shut up pretty quick. That was the thing about Chris - in charge of a floor of freshman boys, he was in his element. Most people mistook his suggestive trash talk as super macho bullshit, which it was in a way, but not in the way most people guessed. In reality he was surrounded by eye candy in the dorm, and he loved every minute of it. He made sure the others always knew who was boss, even if it meant smacking a few of them around now and then to set things straight. He'd never hurt any of them, he did just enough horsing around to assert his authority. It helped a lot of them get along really well with their RA, though a couple of them, like Matt, were more quiet and weren't as close to him.

A couple minutes later, Chris stood up, and held his hand down to Matt, helping him out.

"Thanks a lot, asshole." Matt grumbled as he rose to his feet. As he did, he fell forward, by accident, into Chris's arms. Matt got a bit red as he felt Matt's bare chest against his, but backed away quickly, apologizing.

"What the hell?" Matt thought to himself as he walked back up the stairs to his room with the others. "I'm definitely NOT gay, but I felt really weird in a good way with Chris sitting on me." Too groggy to think about it, he fell back to sleep the second his head hit the pillow.

I know it's a slow start, but I promise things will get steamy before you know it. I plan on this being a lengthy series, so stay tuned for weekly updates!

Feedback is invited and encouraged! Drop me an e-mail at liebert15@gmail.comwith your thoughts and suggestions.

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